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Extending Lua in C

Lua is a small, portable, and fast scripting language designed for embedding in other software. Being designed for embedding, it has a simple but powerful API which makes it easy to communicate both ways: from C into Lua and from Lua into C. In this post, I'll describe the process of writing a small module adding support for OpenSSL's hashing functions to Lua.

snprintf(cur, 3, "%02x", hash_data[i]); cur = cur + 2; } cur[0] = '\0'; // Return the hex string of the hash return hash_str; }

Hashing data with OpenSSL

Generating hashes of data is an relatively simple problem to address in a library: is has a small, simple interface which can be implemented using any of a large number of hashing libraries. Rather than locate, evaluate and include one of the many open source or public domain hashing libraries, I've decided to wrap the hashing functions from OpenSSL. This provides a number of benefits: 1. It's reasonably well trusted (and I don't have to try to vet it). 2. It's installed pretty much everywhere (so I don't need to include it with my code). 3. It's API is simple, consistent, and flexible. 4. We'll see later that it makes my code powerful and lends it an elegant interface. Before I can write a Lua wrapper for the OpenSSL functions, I'll need to know how they work. The man pages help immeasurably, especially as they contain code demonstrating how to hash data using OpenSSL. Following the example in that man page, a first cut of my code will look like this: unsigned char *digest(char *algorithm, void *data, size_t len) {
// The hash context const EVP_MD *md; EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; // The hash unsigned char hash_data[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int hash_len = 0; unsigned char *hash_str = NULL; // Loop variables unsigned char *cur = NULL; unsigned int i = 0; // Get the hash algorithm the caller requested OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); md = EVP_get_digestbyname(algorithm); if (! md ) { // The requested algorithm is not available // This is an error } // Initialize the hashing context to use the algorithm named in md EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, md, NULL); // Feed the data to the hash function EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, data, len); // Finalize the hashing context putting the hash into hash_data and // it's length into hash_len EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, hash_data, &hash_len); EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&mdctx); // Translate the data into a string of hexadecimal characters cur = hash_str = (unsigned char*)malloc(1 + 2 * hash_len); for ( i = 0; i < hash_len; i++ ) {

Easy! Variable arguments are a pain in the arse in C, so I've omitted them from the code above but it'd be great if the Lua module will accept any number of input values and hash them all. Thanks to the great OpenSSL API, doing so is just a matter of calling EVP_DigestUpdate() in a loop over each of the input values. It couldn't be simpler!

Calling C code from Lua

Now that I can hash values with the OpenSSL functions, it's time to think about calling that code from Lua. Lua has a fairly simple API for implementing module in C: y functions take a single argument -- the state of the Lua interpreter y they can manipulate that state, including pushing or poping values off the argument stack y and then return an integer -- the number of items they push onto the stack as return values. As simple example may help illustrate. The following function inspects the stack to see how many parameters it was invoked with, and returns a message state such. Unlike the stacks used in many other systems, the Lua stack is indexed (you can access any item by its index, rather than only the top item) and these indexes start from 1 (instead of the traditional 0). As a consequence, the index of the top of the stack is the number of items on it.
static int example(lua_State *L) { unsigned int n = 0; // Get the index of the top of the stack n = lua_gettop(L); // Push a string onto the stack using a printf-like convenience // function. lua_pushfstring(L, "You passed %d arguments.", n); // Return the number of return values pushed onto the stack. return 1; }

Using just few more functions from the API, I can modify the OpenSSL code above to be called from Lua. All it requires is a change of signature, a call to lua_tolstring() to get the algorithm name, a call to lua_gettop() to get the number of inputs, a loop calling lua_tolstring() to get each of them in turn and feed them to the hashing code, and a call to lua_pushstring() to push the return value onto the stack. The revised code looks like this:
static int hash_hash (lua_State *L) { EVP_MD_CTX mdctx; const EVP_MD *md; unsigned char md_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; char *algorithm = NULL; char *digest = NULL; char *cur = NULL; unsigned int md_len = 0; unsigned int arguments = 0; unsigned int i = 0; size_t msg_len = 0; // Get the algorithm name from the closure algorithm = (char *)lua_tostring(L, 1); // Get the number of stack arguments

arguments = lua_gettop(L); // Get the digest OpenSSL_add_all_digests(); md = EVP_get_digestbyname(algorithm); if (! md ) { lua_pushfstring(L, "No such hash algorithm: %s", algorithm); return lua_error(L); } // Initialise the hash context EVP_MD_CTX_init(&mdctx); EVP_DigestInit_ex(&mdctx, md, NULL); // Add the arguments to the hash. for ( i = 2; i <= arguments; i++ ) { cur = (char *)lua_tolstring(L, i, &msg_len); EVP_DigestUpdate(&mdctx, cur, msg_len); } // Finalise the hash EVP_DigestFinal_ex(&mdctx, md_value, &md_len); EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup(&mdctx); // Convert the hash to a string msg_len = 1 + 2 * md_len; cur = digest = (char*)malloc(msg_len); for (i=0;i<md_len;i++) { snprintf(cur, 3, "%02x", md_value[i]); cur = cur + 2; } cur[0] = '\0'; // Push the result onto the stack lua_pushstring(L, digest); free(digest); // Return the number of return values return(1); }

Lua's catch all storage thingy, the semantics of tables can be modified using meta-tables full of functions which implement aspects of their table's semantics. Using meta-tables I can override the default behaviour of, say, looking up a value my module table and return a brand new object instead. An object that didn't even exist until you asked for it. Using this facility along with closures and anonymous functions I can hide my hash_hash() function above in a meta-table. It's as simple as modifying hash_hash() to take the algorithm name from its closure (rather than the first parameter) and adding a new wrapper function to create these closures on request. It is this wrapper function that will go in the meta-table to give us a shiny new API. Creating the closure The first task is to create a closure of hash_hash() along with the algorithm name. Bearing in mind that this function is going to be called as the index operation, it will need to take two parameters: the table and the key. Given that it'll only be called for my module table, I'll just ignore the table argument.
static int hash(lua_State *L) { char *algorithm = NULL; // Get the name of the algorithm (the key) algorithm = lua_tostring(L, 2); lua_pushstring(L, algorithm); // Push a closure of that value with hash_hash() lua_pushcclosure(L, hash_hash, 1); return 1; }

With the function itself written, registering it so that it can be called by Lua code is simple too. Each C module (whether compiled into Lua or loaded as a shared object library) has a luaopen_*() function that is responsible for initialising the library and registering the resources it provides. There are utility functions to automatically register entire modules based on arrays of function pointers, but I've only got one function and there's no point cramming it into a table, so I'll go it alone. Again, it's really easy:
LUALIB_API int luaopen_hash(lua_State *L) { lua_register(L, "hash", hash_hash); return 0; }

This code just reads the key from the stack as a string and pushes it back onto the stack (this may not be necessary, I'm not sure). Then it pushes a closure of this one value with hash_hash() onto the stack. Modifying hash_hash() to use this closure value is just as ease. I just need to modify the lua_tostring() call that gets the algorithm name to get the first value from the closure instead of the first argument on the stack:
algorithm = (char *)lua_tostring(L, lua_upvalueindex(1));

and modify the for loop to start at first argument instead of the second:
for ( i = 1; i <= arguments; i++ ) { // ...

An elegant API
This is all very well and good, but the API is pretty poor as it stands: a single function which takes a string (denoting the actual function to compute) and a bunch of inputs. It's pretty cool that we can support all these functions with a single piece of code, but it'd be even better if our single piece of code implementing many functions looked like the many functions to the callers. Rather than hash(&quot;md5&quot;, v1, v2, v3), we should be writing md5(v1,v2,v3). Happily, this too is a cinch! Tables and meta-tables You may or may not be familiar with tables -- Lua's single complex data-structure. Tables are a combination of arrays (sequential, integer indexed, etc.) with dictionaries/hashes (matching arbitrary keys with a value). Lua uses tables for pretty much everything including environments (wherein variables are stored) and modules (like our library). If that was all there was to tables, then they wouldn't be such a big thing. Thankfully it is not. In addition to their workaday nature as

Now I'm ready to build and install the meta-table for my module and my powerful new API will be complete. Hiding behind a meta-table Binding this all up as an API is a little involved. As everything needs to pass through the stack, it's easiest to create the various objects in order and avoid having to shuffle them around. In code order: Create the module table; Create the meta-table; Add a reference to hash_index() in the meta-table; Join the table and the meta-table; and Assign the table to the global variable "hash". This isn't much longer in code. The body of luaopen_hash() now looks like:
// Create the table lua_createtable(L,0,0); // Create the meta-table lua_createtable(L,0,1); // Add the __index lua_pushcfunction(L, hash_index);

lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); // Set the meta-table lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // Set the global hash lua_setfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "hash");

1: The Lua Sources. 2: A C compiler - cc/gcc/g++ for Unix, and Visual C++ for Windows. Other compilers should under Windows, basically any C compiler - I will cover compiling under Windows at the end of the toturial. This tutorial will work under any OS which has a C compiler, and which Lua has compiled succesfully on. Though the process for compiling with different compilers on different platforms may be different - In this tutorial I will cover compiling on Unix systems and Windows systems. For those who don't know, the Lua programming language was made to be a smimple and small scripting language which people could embed into larger applications, especially applications written in C. The advantage of embedding any scripting language (ie. Perl, Python, Ruby, etc) into a larger application was to give the user using your program a 'macro' language in which they could customize the program to suit them. Many developers even create their own 'macro' languages specifically for their applications. For a real world example of this in action - Take a look at the Microsoft Office software on the Windows platform. Microsoft Office applications like Excel and Word use a macro language called 'VBA' which enables the user to create... You guessed it, macros. Of course you could do what you wanted with it, like any other language. VBA ('Visual Basic for Applications') is basically a cut down version of Visual Basic. Another real world example would be the famous text editor (On Unix platforms) Emacs, which uses Lisp as it's macro language. So in this tutorial I will show you how to embed the Lua scripting language into your C applications. To start with lets create a very basic Lua script and save it as "script.lua":
-- Start -- Script: script.lua print("I am using Lua from within C") -- End

A few notes might help make the above a little clearer. The stack can be accessed with negative indices which count from the top rather than the bottom (i.e. -1 is the top, -2 is second from the top, etc.) and there are a number of magical indices that access such things as the globals table (like LUA_GLOBALSINDEX). With these changes made, my code now has an API that's actually pretty great: a single table that, by the magic of meta-tables, looksup the appropriate function as requested by the caller. It exposes a lot of functionality (six different functions on my machine) but is implemented which only a fraction of the code a traditional approach would need (about a sixth of it).

"Where do we go from here?"

The code I've described in this post is very simple but provides a powerful, elegant interface that belies that simplicity. The complete code for the module developed in this article is available as lhash.c. Note, though, that I make no warranty as to its correctness or its fitness or suitability for any purpose. Useful though it is, there are many ways it could be improved. Perhaps the most important is improved error handling. As it stands, my code delays error detection and handling 'til the latest possible moment: right as it's about to perform the hashing operation. It's entirely reasonable (given Lua's first class functions) that a user might get a reference to a hash function and not call it until much later in the program. It would be nice if, instead of happily returning a closure, code like
f = hash.nonsense

would fail immediately, rather than waiting until the program tries to call f. To make it so, I need only to make to the code is to copy and paste the algorithm lookup and test and -- for good measure -move the OpenSSL initialization call into the library open function. See the revised lhash2.c for these changes. To make this even more useful, I'd like to find out how to set the function name in the call stack without registering it (and thus allowing the users to call it directly). It's also not particularly self-documenting. Tables in Lua are iterable just like similar structures in other languages. It'd be nice if callers could iterate over the table and get a list of the valid keys, just as they can with most other modules. While generating a new closure every time the user wants one is cheap, it would be nice to add memoization so that hash_index() doesn't need to create a new closure if it's already created one for the requested algorithm. This would also ensure that references to the same hash algorithm are identical which is not currently the case (alas hash.md5 != hash.md5). Finally, allowing the user to hash values other than strings and numbers. Alas, this would be rather more complex what with having to serialize tables for hashing (a difficult task without a stable sort and in the possible presence of arbitrary opaque values from other C extensions). When that lot's done, it'll be time to move on to the rest of OpenSSL...

There, told you it was a very basic script! When we embed Lua into C, we will ask Lua to open and run that file. For more examples, see the end of the tutorial. Now for the C code. Create a new text file called and save it as "embed.c":
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /* Include the Lua API header files. */ #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> #include <lualib.h> int main(void) { /* Declare the Lua libraries we wish to use. */ /* Note: If you are opening and running a file containing Lua code */ /* using 'lua_dofile(l, "myfile.lua") - you must delcare all the libraries */ /* used in that file here also. */ static const luaL_reg lualibs[] = { { "base", luaopen_base }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* A function to open up all the Lua libraries you declared above. */ static void openlualibs(lua_State *l) { const luaL_reg *lib;

Embedding Lua in C: Using Lua from inside C.

for (lib = lualibs; lib->func != NULL; lib++) { lib->func(l); lua_settop(l, 0); } } /* Declare a Lua State, open the Lua State and load the libraries (see above). */ lua_State *l; l = lua_open(); openlualibs(l); /* You can do what you want here. Note: Remember to update the libraries used (see above) */ /* if you add to your program and use new Lua libraries. */ /* In the lines below, I load and run the Lua code contained in the file */ /* "script.lua". */ /* Plus print some text directly from C. */ printf("This line in directly from C\n\n"); lua_dofile(l, "script.lua"); printf("\nBack to C again\n\n"); /* Remember to destroy the Lua State */ lua_close(l); return 0; }

happens under the hood and how the language is actually made, this will give you an even better understanding. You don't even have to run the Lua code from a file. You can use the function "lua_dostring(l, 'code') instead of the "lua_dofile" function.

Note on distrobuting programs:

If you embed Lua (Or any other scripting language) into a larger application, you still need to ship with it the scripting languages library files (standard library and core library in Lua's case). In Lua's case, it is not really a downside if your application is big in the first place, because Lua is so small - the library files should not take up anymore than 1mb. This is why I recommend using Lua, I think it is a great embeddable, extensible, stand-alone scripting language. I hope you have enjoyed reading this tutorial, and have got lots of exciting ideas! Remember to thank the team behind Lua for creating a wonderful language.

To compile this, do the following (Unix):

cc -o embed embed.c \ -I/usr/local/include \ -L/usr/local/lib \ -llua -llualib

To compile under Windows (Visual C++ GUI) do the following: 1: Create a new project. 2: Add the embed.c file. 3: Add the 2 Lua libraries (*.lib) - Standard library and the Core library. 4: Add the locations of the Lua include files to the project options ("Directories tab"). 5: You may also have to add the locations of the library files - the same way as above. 6: Compile and Build - that's it. Now run the compiled file ("./embed" on Unix, "embed.exe" on Windows) and you should see the following output: This line in directly from C I am using Lua from within C Back to C again And there it is. Of course this is only an extremely basic example. One thing I actually do myself is embed a scripting language which is good at text processing (Python or Perl) and when I need to do text processing, use the embedded scripting language, instead of C - as it can take a lot more work in C. You can also send values to and from between C and Lua when embedded, which makes the possibilities endless. I have seen a good tutorial on this, and will link to it. #NOTE_TO_MYSELF: Add link. I might also write my own tutorial on this later on, as well as how to embed other scripting languages into C. Remember to read the Official Lua API manual for loads more informtaion. Or even read through the Lua source code to see what

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