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After the Grief 101!

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Go Back to a Simpler Time

1. Pop bubble wrap

I cannot think of a simpler pleasure in life. You did it when you were a kid for fun and you can do it as an adult to relieve all kinds of tension and stress.

2. Pop balloons
I realize some people cant stand the sound of fingertips against a balloon or the sound of balloons popping, but it works. Theres something about squeezing an object until it bursts that is strangely therapeutic.

3. Color a picture
Dig out an old coloring book and some crayons and go to it. (You dont even have to stay inside the lines.)

4. Draw with sidewalk chalk

Same idea as the coloring book, but this way you get to enjoy the great outdoors. If youre lucky you might even get to strike up a conversation with a passerby.

5. Climb a tree
You may have grown, but the trees have grown too. Once you get up there, dont forget to take a look around. The view is magnificent.

6. Dance in the rain

This might not work so well in the desert, but it is very therapeutic. If you really feel like getting into it, you can go out without a raincoat. Dont stay out too long though, you dont want to get sick. Hurry back in and grab a nice, steamy mug of hot cocoa.

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7. Make a snow angel

While this activity is only possible a few months out of the year (in most locations) it is very relaxing.

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8. Do a puzzle
Try to find a puzzle with a fun picture. The more fun the picture, the more likely you will be to finish the puzzle.

9. Rent a boat for the day

Sure it will cost you a little bit of money, but bring a few friends along, split the cost, and make a day out of it.

10. Go fishing
While you have the boat for the day, grab your rod and reel and cast away!

11. Go to the beach

If you still have some time left when you get back to shore, take some time on the beach. Enjoy the sunset.

12. Get a stress ball

Theyre cheap. Theyre fun to squeeze. They relieve tension.

13. Browse the bookstore

Find a good book and curl up in a chair (all free of charge). Many bookstores also sport coffee shops nowadays so you can pick up your favorite drink while youre there.

14. Take a long bubble bath

Emphasis on LONG.

15. Visit Nature

There is a beautiful world out there waiting to be explored. If youre lucky you might have a state park nearby. That would be a great place to start.
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16. Drive out to the country to gaze at the stars

The night sky is an amazing sight to behold. Unfortunately, the city lights often drown out this beauty. Take some time to rediscover this wonder.

17. Big cry

Its okay. You just had your heart broken. Let it out.

18. Good sleep

When youre done with your Big Cry, you will be ready for a Good Sleep. Get just enough sleep to reenergize your body. Laying around in bed all day moping will do you no good.

19. Read that classic novel youve never had time for
Shakespeare. Dickens. Anyone. Take your pick.

20. Go for a massage

From a professional or a friend with strong hands, they both feel good.

21. Talk things through with a therapist

A bit pricey and time-consuming, but it worse comes to worst, its an option.

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Have Fun

22. Learn random facts

Go to wikipedia.org. Select your language. Then on the left-hand side click on the Random Article link on the left side (should be the fifth link down). Read, Learn, Repeat.

23. Go Frolfing
Yep, you read it right, Frolfing. You may know it better as Disc Golfing or Frisbee Golfing. Grab a disc and a friend and head off to your local course. Its free and anyone can play.

24. Sing a song

In the shower or while youre driving or while youre sitting on the couch. It doesnt matter when or where, just let it out. Not to mention that singing for 10 minutes a day is good for your health.

25. Beat that video game

You know the game Im talking about. The game thats been in your system for the past three months, but you just havent had the time to play. Nows the time.

26. Take Scuba diving lessons

It takes a bit of training, but its well worth the effort. Theres a whole new world under the water and its yours to explore.

27. Explore a new part of town

Take a friend and start walking. You have no agenda and no final destination. If you find yourself in a familiar location, take a turn.

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28. Try a new restaurant

Take a break from your TV dinners and treat yourself to a night out. Find a nice locally owned restaurant to try out or at least try a new dish at a familiar restaurant.

29. Start a collection

It only takes 4 of one type of item to start a collection. This task should be feasible in one day.

30. Play with your pet

Take your dog to the park. Let your hamster out of his cage. If you dont have a pet, get one.

31. Watch a whole TV series on DVD

The 90s were full of great TV shows or maybe youre a fan of the 60s and 70s, it doesnt matter. Nowadays you can find just about any show you want on DVD with more coming out every week. Invite some friends over, make some popcorn, and let the marathon begin.

32. Start a new hobby

Have you ever thought, I wonder how they do that? or I wish I could do that?. Well now is your chance to explore. Do some research, read a few books and maybe even join a local club. Theres nothing stopping your but yourself.

33. Join a fantasy sports league

The world on fantasy sports is rapidly growing. You should have no problem finding a league that fits your style for the sport you love.

34. Change up your routine

This doesnt have to be anything drastic. This can be as simple as brushing your teeth before you take a shower instead of after. Sometimes making little changes in your routine can cause you to look at the big picture differently and this can have a significant impact on your life.

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35. Program your VCR

Just kidding. I wanted to make sure you were still paying attention. If you actually still have a VCR, throw it out the window. Then go shopping and at a minimum pick up a DVD player. If youre in a really good mood you can even pick up a Blu-ray player. They are actually quite affordable these days.

36. Delete your MySpace account

Not worth it. Get rid of it now. If you really need to satisfy your social media desire, sink your teeth into Facebook.

37. Find some blogs and websites you enjoy and follow them
Keep up to date on your favorite sports, celebs, and hobbies. You will probably be amazed at all the different blogs out there today.

38. Join an online forum of one of your interests

Same idea except in forums you really get to share your opinions as well.

39. Backup your pictures

Im sure youve heard of somebody in your life who has suffered through a house fire. Many things in life that are replaceable, but pictures, sadly, are not. With todays technology you are able to easy make electronic duplicates of all your pictures for free. Take advantage of this opportunity before its too late.

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40. Organize your iTunes library, create some new playlists

Youve spent years ripping CDs and purchasing new music, but when was the last time you took inventory of the music you own? Make sure all your music is properly labelled and take some time to make a few new playlists. Perhaps something to relax to or something to work out with.

41. Start writing a blog

Couldnt find a blog you really liked? Start your own. Reading other blogs inspired you to share your experiences with the world. Blog away!

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42. Clean out the couch

Pull the cushions off the couch. Collect the spare change. Find that lost remote control. Get out the vacuum to take care of the rest.

43. Throw out all the pens that dont work

I know youre tired dried up pens. So grab a piece of paper, find all the pens in the house and start testing. This time though, instead of just putting the pens that dont work back in the canister, THROW THEM AWAY!

44. Dust off the ceiling fans

So you might not look up at your ceiling very often, but believe me, if you have a ceiling fan, whether you use it or not, it is full of dust. Get a step stool and a rag and go to work. Sometimes its easiest just to knock all the dust onto the floor and then vacuum it up.

45. Wash your car

Yes, wash your car NOT get your car washed. Save yourself a little cash, get out and enjoy the weather. A sponge and a bucket full of water is all you need.

46. Defrost your freezer

Its an annoying, but simple task. Unplug your freezer and open the door. Be sure to put a pan or bucket in place to catch the water. Then check on it every 30 minutes or so to make sure its not overflowing.

47. Clean out the basement

PURGE. Throw out anything you havent used in the past year. If it has any value to it you can sell it on eBay or have a garage sale.

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48. Clean out the attic

See: 47. Clean out the basement

49. Clean out the garage

See: 47. Clean out the basement

50. Clean out your bathroom cupboard

Check for expired medications. Replace as needed.

51. Organize your closet

Pull out everything, sell the clothes that arent you anymore and enjoy the extra space.

52. Stash away all pictures of your ex

Dont destroy them entirely. You might regret it later.

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53. Start or join a book club

Book clubs offer a great reason to read and a great place to make new friends. Youll already have something in common, give it a shot.

54. Say yes

When someone asks you to something you wouldnt normally go to, GO! This is a great method to get out of your comfort zone and explore new activities.

55. Take a mini-break

Get your kids in the car or call up a friend and tell them to pack. Youre going away for the weekend. Find a local resort and make a reservation. You deserve the time off.

56. Start a new sport

Find a local club. Youll have your pick of sports and you can make some friends along the way.

57. Go on an adventure
Choose an activity that is out of your comfort zone, like whitewater rafting. The adrenaline rush is awesome and you can learn something new.

58. Make new friends

You can never have too many friends.

59. Laser tag

Nothing blows off steam like shooting strangers with a laser. This is a growing fad so theres probably a location near you.

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60. Play/Learn a board game

Board games arent just for kids. You might not know it now, but there is a whole world of board games out there for adults. Just open your mind.

61. Hold a freedom dinner party

Invite your friends to try your amazing cooking. Even if you cant cook its good to be surrounded by friends for a night.

62. Volunteer at your kids school activities

You get to spend time with your kids and help the community. Nothing wrong with that.

63. Volunteer at a group that interests you

There are groups for every activity and every interest these days. You just have to look. If you do find your area lacking a group, start one!

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64. Buy that new pair of shoes

You know, that pair youve been drooling over for the past 3 months. Today is the day to make them yours.

65. Buy something new

Not into shoes? Buy something, anything. Although we dont want you making any rash decisions and getting in over your head. So lets keep it to one item that costs no more than $500. That should be sufficient.

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66. Go for a bike ride

Dust off that old bike you found in the garage. Make sure theres air in the tires and ride like the wind!

67. Take a walk

Anything moves your body constantly and gets your blood flowing can be exercise. Start off easy and take a walk around the neighborhood.

68. Take a hike

If you get a little more adventurous you can find a local park or forest and see more of nature. Get away from suburbia and enjoy the great outdoors.

69. Do jumping jacks

Simple, quick, and they will get your heart beating. Whew! Keeping going!

70. Try a new exercise program

Getting into it yet? Try a program. Choose a pre-made program or make one of your own. Either way it will be good for your body and a great energy boost.

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71. Paint a picture

It doesnt have to be pretty. You could even resort to finger painting if you want. Have fun with it.

72. Learn how to knit

Ive never actually done this myself, but Ive heard its not that hard if you have the time to do it.

73. Make a quilt

This is an awesome project. You can get super creative with quilts. The best part of the project is that its practical. It can keep you warm or you can give it away as a gift.

74. Start taking your camera around with you

There are always people and places waiting to be photographed. If you make a habit of bringing your camera along you can really get some great shots.

75. Get some of your favorite photos printed out and framed
Maybe you just took some great shots or you have some old photos laying around that you want to spice up. Have some fun with this. You can get creative in the framing process.

76. Make a picture book for your kids

Draw, paint, or use real photos. Kids are easily amused and they will be sure to love the personal touch as they grow older.

77. Redecorate your bedroom

Yes, it may just be the room you sleep in, but its YOUR room. Own it. Your room should depict who you are.

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78. Write a book

Youve always had a great idea for the next bestselling novel in your head. Now is the time to get it down on paper.

79. Start a herb or vegetable garden

Perhaps you have a green thumb. Gardening can be fun. It can also provide free food (and you dont even have to drive to the store to get it)!

80. Find some new recipes and master them

You know you want to be the next Iron Chef. Now is the time to start practicing. Experiment with new foods and new dishes. You never know what you might find.

81. Fix your favorite meal

Sometimes you just want a good home-cooked meal that you can count on. Enjoy!

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82. Fix that leaky faucet

Have you ever actually counted how many faucets you have in your house? I bet one of them is leaking. Usually with a little time and effort this is a problem you can remedy on your own.

83. Build something

Something. Anything. You could make a table or a chair. You could make a picture frame or a dart board. Get creative.

84. Destroy what you built

If this was your first time building something it probably didnt go exactly how you wanted. Learn from the experience and then let out your frustration while you dismantle the failed effort.

85. Paint the house

Inside or outside. Both could probably use a new coat of paint. While youre at it, consider changing up the colors. Liven up the main rooms in your home with a brighter color.

86. Fix that wobbly chair

Tighten the screw. Get some wood glue. Hammer in another nail. Once you find the problem, the solution should be easy.

87. Program the thermostat

You dont have a programmable thermostat? Get one. It will save on energy costs significantly.

88. Replace the porch light

Try using a compact fluorescent bulb. Theyre bright and they last forever. And always remember to turn on your porch light when youre expecting company (even if it is just the pizza delivery guy).
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Planning for the Future

89. Get your passport

You never know when you might need want to get out of the country. Its best to be prepared.

90. Balance your checkbook

When was the last time you did this? Do you really know how much money you have?

91. Discover the next worldwide fad

I cant tell you much here. Its your idea. Its time for you to take ACTION!

92. Pros/Cons List

This is probably not the list you were thinking of. This is a pro/con list of things you like and dislike about yourself. Exploit the your pros and figure out how to change your cons.

93. Make a time with a person who has your dream relationship
When you get to speak with them be sure to ask how they got there.

94. Make a time with a person who has your dream job
When you get to speak with them be sure to ask how they got there.

95. Write a list of all the things you are thankful for
This is not just something to think about in November. You can do it any time of the year.

96. List of all the things you want to be thankful for next year
Make a note of what needs to change to make these things happen.

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97. Write down your goals for the next year

Its okay to make outrageous goals. This will simply force you to work harder and more efficiently.

98. Work out a plan of action to make your goals happen

This is where the real magic takes place. Over the next year you will want to revisit this plan. Take note of what is working and what is not working and revise the plan accordingly.

99. Create a budget

Your budget should NEVER exceed your income. Seems like common sense, but many people do not follow this rule.

100. Look into taking a class that will advance your career
Not only is it good for you to learn new skills or expand on the skills you already have, but your employer will be impressed with your initiative. You may be able to get your employer to pay for the class or you could try to negotiate a raise.

101. Plan an overseas holiday

Even if it is for next year, start researching now. Sometimes you can get a discount for booking your trip early.

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