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The stage of spiritual progression which we seek is not that state of enlightenment often spoken of in the scriptures, not

the elevated spiritual status that has been attributed to the adepts and prophets of past ages. The consciousness we are striving for can only be realized after we develop true understanding. To become fully cognizant, aware of our place in the divine plan of creation; to finally recognize the discipline necessary to reach our desired goal of Godrealization. The road to enlightenment is long and arduous, our highest aspirations fully realized only after a lifetime of sacrifice and discipline. Embarking upon the path of spirituality our journey becomes an endless trek through the timeless wisdom. Ceasing only when we attain the ultimate state of consciousness, union with the Source of All-Consciousness. To unite our soul within the bosom of the ALL; to be one with our Beloved Creator, is the ultimate end of our quest. In the beginning stages as we seek understanding, we must learn how to abolish our pride and ego. To rise above the base matter of our creation and harness the divine potential lying dormant within us all. The human ego is an agent of the mind, wielding its subtle poison throughout our subconscious. Forgetful of its true home, the mind has become mired down in the filth that encompasses our world. Created by our Beloved to serve as an aid to the soul, the mind has sought to become superior to the true source of our divinity. Therefore our mind will try to entrap us with intellectual arguments to lead us away from what we know to be true. Ignorant of the blessings that emanate from the One True God our mind struggles to maintain control. The intellectual games that our ego plays is only a cover for its own weakness. The mind is afraid to let the soul reign supreme. It is the soul which ultimately carries us back to our Beloved Lord. It is the soul which acts out of love and kindness; forfeiting its own well-being for the comfort of others. As children of the Eternal God we are truly a part of our Creator. As a spark of the living essence of God Almighty we are nothing less than the pure light of spirit. Its is imperative that we begin the process of dissolving our ego so that we may rise above the petty squabbles of humanity and attain spiritual consciousness. By achieving this level of consciousness all of our actions will be guided with clarity of thought, acting out of kindness and love, without regard for reward. If we were to truly understand the glory of our Home above this world, then we would act out of kindness, putting other peoples needs before our own. We would treat each other as the Lord would treat each one of us. When we have attained the qualities of peace and love, to live without malice and pride, then and only then will we truly serve each other as brother and sister in the Celestial Family of God. The true meaning of equality is to be found in the fact that each and everyone of us is animated by the very essence of our Lord. There is no distinction based upon where we were born, under what conditions or as to the status of our social position. We are all granted the same ability to access the higher regions, to freely experience the mysteries of spiritual enlightenment. Only when we reach that level of understanding can we claim to be guided by the True Spark of Divinity that resides within the Holy Temple of the human form.

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