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Case Study : Telecom Store Inventory Topic : Advanced Iterations Telecom store is the first point to step in for

a mobile connection. This store is an inventory for all kinds of products. Store maintains different kinds of products in the inventory such as handsets, SIMs, accessories etc. Customers approach retailers to buy products. The retailer in turn places an order for the customer in the portal of the store inventory. While placing the order,the system should capture the customer information and also it should provide the list of handsets,SIMs and accessories available in the system. Retailer chooses the products and quantity for the customer and submits the order. On submission of the order ,the system should calculate the amount the retailer need to pay and it will be returned along with a unique order reference to the retailer. The customer details and order details must be saved to the system. On submitting the order, the status of inventory products chosen for the order must be changed from 'Available' to 'Allocated'. Retailer can do cancellation of order only if the order status is 'Allocated' and not 'Dispatched'. On order cancellation the products must be released to the inventory stock with status as available. Inventory Manager should be able to add new products and its quantity to the system. While adding a product the system should also allow the inventory manager to tag the product with a retailer (optional).Product information can also be updated if needed. Inventory manager can query the stock and understand which stock is nearing threshold limit or below threshold limit and accordingly inform stake holders that action is required wherever applicable. Inventory Manager should be able to check the stock level of all products. Color codes must be showcased with legend to depict threshold, near threshold, below threshold. The threshold values for different products must be determined by Inventory manager. Part I -Basic List operations 1. Write a program which consumes product name,product description,price and quantity and add it to the inventory.While adding a product initially the status should be set as "available". 2. Write a program to see all available products in the store. 3. Write a program to place order which consumes product name and quantity.The method should calculate the total amount that a retailer need to pay for his order placed and will set the status of product as allocated. 4. Write a program which consumes product name and quantity and update the quantity of product available. Part I -Advanced Iterations 5. Develop a program which consumes a threshold limit and return list of

product details who has reached the threshhold limit. 6. Develop a program to calculate the total number of products which are either in available/allocated/dispatched status. 7. Develop a program which consumes a list of products and display a report of all products sorted by its quantity available. 8. Develop a program which consumes a list of orders and display a report of all orders placed sorted by total amount for which order is placed.

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