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OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

OTEC Neg...............................................................................................................................................................1 Notes........................................................................................................................................................................2 TUSFG................................................................................................................................................................3 T-Alternative..........................................................................................................................................................4 Japan CP 1NC Shell..............................................................................................................................................5 Japan CP 1NC Shell..............................................................................................................................................6 Japan CP 1NC Shell..............................................................................................................................................7 Japan CP 1NC Shell..............................................................................................................................................8 1NC Shell Deep Ecology K (1/4)........................................................................................................................9 1NC Shell Deep Ecology K (2/4)......................................................................................................................11 1NC Shell - Alternative Addition (3/4)...............................................................................................................13 1NC Shell Alternative Addition (4/4)..............................................................................................................14 Biodiversity...........................................................................................................................................................15 Biodiversity...........................................................................................................................................................16 Oil..........................................................................................................................................................................17 Solvency................................................................................................................................................................18 Solvency................................................................................................................................................................19 Solvency ext..........................................................................................................................................................20 Japan CP...............................................................................................................................................................21 States CP...............................................................................................................................................................22 International CP...................................................................................................................................................23 Spending Links.....................................................................................................................................................24 Politics Links .......................................................................................................................................................25

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

The best strategy is probably to run the Japan CP with politics or spending and the Deep-Eco K. The states can solve though, so if you want to run states you can do that as well. There are pretty good case turns on biodiversity, and most of the oil advantage stuff can come out of the oil generic. The T-alternative violation card is also in the Solvency frontline, so if you read that (it might not the best idea), dont read the card twice (cross-apply).

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

A. InterpretationUnited States is the area over which the USFG has exclusive authority Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defence 2005.
Includes the land area, internal waters, territorial sea, and airspace of the United States, including the following: a. US territories, possessions, and commonwealths; and b. Other areas over which the US Government has complete jurisdiction and control or has exclusive authority or defense responsibility.

B. Violationthe plan increases incentives for alternative energy in waters over which the USFG does not have exclusive authority C. Standards 1. Predictable limitsthey allow affs to increase alternative energy outside of the USFGs jurisdiction, which allows for unpredictable cases such as increasing alternative energy to embassies and offshore military bases. 2. Brightlineits either within the USFGs jurisdiction or its not D. Topicality is a voter for fairness, education, and jurisdiction.

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

A. Interpretationalternative energy must be better than the current option OED, 89, www.oed.com
Purporting to represent a preferable or equally acceptable alternative to that in general use or sanctioned by the establishment, as alternative (i.e. non-nuclear) energy, medicine, radio, etc.; alternative society: see SOCIETY 3e. Cf. FRINGE n. 2b, UNDERGROUND a. 4d.

B. ViolationOTEC is far more expensive than current options, its not a preferable option Becca Friedman, staff writer, 2/26/06, An Alternative Source Heats Up: Examining the future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Harvard Political Review Online
Despite the sound science, a fully functioning OTEC prototype has yet to be developed. The high costs of building even a model pose the main barrier. Although piecemeal experiments have proven the effectiveness of the individual components, a large-scale plant has never been built. Luis Vega of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research estimated in an OTEC summary presentation that a commercial-size five-megawatt OTEC plant could cost from 80 to 100 million dollars over five years. According to Terry Penney, the Technology Manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the combination of cost and risk is OTECs main liability. Weve talked to inventors and other constituents over the years, and its still a matter of huge capital investment and a huge risk, and there are many [alternate forms of energy] that are less risky that could produce power with the same certainty, Penney told the HPR.

C. Standards Limitsthis interpretation is key to limiting the topic to what the USFG should do. If we are not debating the best course of action, the aff has destroyed policy debate. Predictabilitythe neg cant predict the aff increasing a form of energy that is not better than the current alternative D. T is a voter for fairness, education, and jurisdiction.

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

Japan CP 1NC Shell

Counter plan text: Japan should increase research, development, and use of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. A. Japan is using OTEC nowproviding clean water in developing countries. The counter plan solves. Kyodo News International, 5/14/07, Japans OTEC technology helps India desalinate seawater, Japan Energy Scan, Lexis
India has succeeded in test operating a pilot seawater desalination facility with a daily output capacity of 1,000 tons that employs an ocean-thermal energy conversion power plant built with assistancefrom Japan's state-run Saga University, Japanese scientists said Tuesday. They said the new technology is expected to help resolve water shortages in developing countries because it does not consume large amounts of energy and can operate irrespective of the quality of the seawater. OTEC uses the temperature difference between deep and shallow waters to desalinate warm surface water, which evaporates and then is cooled for desalination. India's National Institute of Ocean Technology has built the floating desalination facility off Chennai in southeastern India. With the help of Saga University's Institute of Ocean Energy, theIndian institute installed a water-intake pipe with a diameter of 1 meter to siphon lowtemperature deep-sea water from a depth of about500 meters. The plant uses the deep-sea water to cool warm surface water through an OTEC heat exchanger to desalinate the seawater. The Indian institute successfully operated the plant continuouslyApril 13-16, producing a total of 4,000 tons of desalinated water, the scientists said. While the plant currently relies on diesel power generation to siphon deep-sea water, Saga University has received a request for technological help to switch to OTEC power to desalinate seawater at the plant. The Indian institute is also willing to build a new desalination plant within a year with an output capacity 10 times greater than the existing pilot plant. Masanori Monde, head of Saga University's Institute of Ocean Energy, said, ''We would like to provide technological cooperation so OTEC power can generate the necessary electricity for the desalinationplant.''

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

Japan CP 1NC Shell

B. Japanese environmental leadership is key to its soft power. Taizo Vakushiji, Professor of political science and international relations at Keio University, 1994, Japan's International Agenda: Technology and the Setting for Japan's Agenda, p. 78-79
If an argument based on soft resources is extended to the level of international politics, there emerges a new concept of "soft power." Joseph S. Nye. Jr.. writes. The changing nature of international politics has also made intangible forms of power more important.... Power is becoming less transferable, less coercive, and less tangible.... Cooptive power is the ability of a country to structure a situation so that other countries develop preferences or define their interests in ways consistent with its own. This power tends to arise from such resources as cultural and ideological attraction as well as rules and institutions of international regimes. The United States has more cooptive power than other countries. 7 Whether the U.S. is a soft-power giant is worth debating, but the importance of soft power itself is not questionable. How can Japan gain soft power ? Currently. Japan has neither an internationally acknowledged ideology nor a worldwidepenetrating culture. But as Richard Rosecrance puts it. Japan is a trading state. Moreover, she is a technological state, top, where two conspicuous technologies, namely manufacturing technology and environmental and/or energy-saving technology, enjoy world preeminence. Among these three kinds of Japanese preeminence, trading power and manufacturing power are classified as types of hard power, so that they would not help Japan elevate its soft-power capability in the post-Cold War era. Therefore, let us focus on the third area. that is, environmental and/or energy saving technologies. Today, environmental issues such as deforestation, greenhouse effects, ozone holes, desertification, and the loss of biological diversity are becoming more and more globalized. As Jessica Tuchman Mathews puts it. The assumptions and institutions that have governed international relations in the postwar era are a poor fit with new realities. Environmental strains that transcend national borders are already beginning to break down the sacred boundaries of national sovereignty, previously rendered porous by the information and communication revolutions and the instantaneous global movement of financial capital. The once sharp dividing line between foreign and domestic policy is blurred, forcing governments to grapple in international forums with issues that were contentious enough in the domestic arena.' Japan is a leading country in both environmental legislation and technology. Admittedly. Japan is not a political superstate. But even as a political dwarf,

Japan might be able to gain political leverage if it mote actively engages in the international politics of the global environment, departing from hitherto passive attitudes of following a conservative course taken by the United States, the United Kingdom, and other industrialized countries. It is quite noteworthy that Germany recently showed, at the
1990 Houston Summit, a more assertive stance with respect to the global environment. If Japan plays a major role in singlehandedlv giving her superior environmental and/or energy-saving technologies to countries who are seriously suffering from both security and economic threats caused bv deforestation, desertification, acid rain, etc.. Japan would be able to fulfill two prerequisites to becoming a "soft hegemon." that is. a hegemon capable of exercising co-optive power.

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

Japan CP 1NC Shell

C. Japanese soft power is key to solve for East Asian stability Richard Samuels, Director of the Center for International Studies at M.I.T., Autumn, 2006, Japans Goldilocks Strategy, The Washington Quarterly 29.4
A third choice, the one preferred by the middle-power internationalists, would be to achieve prestige by increasing prosperity. Japans exposure to some of the more difficult vicissitudes of world politics would be reduced but only if some of the more ambitious assaults on the Yoshida Doctrine were reversed. Japan would once again eschew the military shield in favor of the mercantile sword. It would bulk up the countrys considerable soft power in a concerted effort to knit East Asia together without generating new threats or becoming excessively vulnerable. The Asianists in this group would aggressively embrace exclusive regional economic institutions to reduce Japans reliance on the U.S They would not abrogate the military alliance but would resist U.S. exhortations for Japan to expand its roles and missions. open, regional economic institutions as a means to reduce the likelihood of abandonment by the United States and would seek to maintain the United States protective embrace as cheaply and for as long as possible. The final, least likely choice would be to achieve autonomy through prosperity. This is the choice of pacifists, many of whom today are active in civil society through nongovernmental organizations that are not affiliated with traditional political parties. Like the mercantile realists, they would reduce Japans military posture, possibly even eliminate it. Unlike the mercantile realists, they would reject the alliance as dangerously entangling. They would eschew hard power for soft power, campaign to establish Northeast Asia as a nuclear-free zone, expand the defensive-defense concept to the region as a whole, negotiate a regional missile-control regime, and rely on the Asian Regional Forum of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for security. 19 Their manifest problem is that the Japanese public is unmoved by their prescriptions. In March 2003, when millions took to the streets in Rome, London, and New York City to protest the U.S. invasion of Iraq, only several thousand rallied in Tokyos Hibiya Park. 20 Pacifist ideas about prosperity and autonomy seem relics of an earlier, more idealistic time when Japan could not imagine, much less openly plan for, military contingencies.

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

Japan CP 1NC Shell

D. East Asian proliferation will lead to a nuclear chain reaction. Joseph Cirincione, quals, March 22, 2000, The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain, Foreign Policy, Lexis
Kennedy's arms control vision, negotiated by President Lyndon Johnson and implemented by President Richard Nixon, has proved to be a global success story. Since the signing of the NPT in 1968, the treaty regime has greatly restricted the spread of weapons of mass destruction. But Kennedy's legacy is now under siege, and the nonproliferationclock may be set back to the 1960s. If the United States disassembles diplomatic restraints, shatters carefully crafted threat reduction arrangements, and moves from builder to destroyer of the nonproliferation regime, then there will be little to prevent new nations from concluding that their national security requires nuclear arms. Taking elements we don't like out of the regime structure starts a dangerous round of Jenga, the tabletop game where blocks are sequentially removed from a wooden tower until the whole structure collapses. The blocks would fall quickest and hardest in Asia, where proliferation pressures are already building more quickly than anywhere else in the world. If a nuclear breakout takes place in Asia, then the international arms control agreements that have been painstakingly negotiated over the past 40 years will crumble. Moreover, the United States could find itself embroiled in its fourth war on the Asian continent in six decades--a costly rebuke to those who seek the safety of Fortress America by hiding behind national missile defenses. Consider what is already happening: North Korea continues to play guessing games with its nuclear and missile programs; South Korea wants its own missiles to match Pyongyang's; India and Pakistan shoot across borders while running a slow-motion nuclear arms race; China modernizes its nuclear arsenal amid tensions with Taiwan and the United States; Japan's vice defense minister is forced to resign after extolling the benefits of nuclear weapons; and Russia--whose Far East nuclear deployments alone make it the largest Asian nuclear power--struggles to maintain territorial coherence. Five of these states have nuclear weapons; the others are capable of constructing them. Like neutrons firing from a split atom, one nation's actions can trigger reactions throughout the region, which in turn, stimulate additional actions. These nations form an interlocking Asian nuclear reaction chain that vibrates dangerously with each new development. If the frequency and intensity of this reaction cycle increase, critical decisions taken by any one of these governments could cascade into the second great wave of nuclear-weapon proliferation, bringing regional and global economic and political instability and, perhaps, the first combat use of a nuclear weapon since 1945.

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1NC Shell Deep Ecology K (1/4)

A. Link and Impact - the plan only helps the environment to help humanity, thereby constructing nature as an eternal human tool and participating in ecocide. The 1AC deploys a logic of human advancement that replicates the genocidal logic of domination When we view nature as subservient, other humans become similarly subservient, and thus non-humanmarking them for extermination. This turns the case because it re-entrenches the dichotomy of human and non-human which is the root cause of the 1AC harms.
Eric Katz, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Science, Technology, and Society Program at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Winter 1997, Natures Healing Power, the Holocaust, and the environmental crisis, Judaism. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0411/is_n1_v46/ai_19353459/pg_4?tag=artBody;col1
As I have argued elsewhere, the primary goal of the Enlightenment project of the scientific understanding of the natural world is to control, manipulate, and modify natural processes for the increased satisfaction of human interests.(12) Humans want to live in a world that is comfortable - or at least, a world that is not hostile to human happiness and survival. This purpose is easy to understand when we view technological and industrial projects that use nature as a resource for economic development - but the irony is that the same purpose, human control, motivates much of environmentalist policy and practice. Consider briefly those popular examples of an enlightened environmental policy: pollution control and abatement, the clean-up of hazardous waste sites, habitat and species preservation, saving the rainforest, and the reduction of greenhouse gases. All of these policies are based on the beneficial consequences that will result for human beings and human society. Although natural entities, such as endangered species and individual animals and plants, will also be helped by environmentalist practices, we, the human community, are the chief beneficiary of our policies. Indeed, we generally only preserve those natural habitats and species that provide us with some direct good - whether it be economic, aesthetic, or spiritual. What ties together environmental policies such as these is their thoroughgoing anthropocentrism - human interests, satisfaction, goods, and happiness are the central goals of public policy and human action. This anthropocentrism is, of course, not surprising. Humanity is in the business of creating and maximizing human good. Anthropocentrism as a world view quite easily leads to the practices of domination, even when such domination is not articulated. In the formation of environmental policy, nature is seen as a nonhuman "other" to be controlled, manipulated, modified, or destroyed in the pursuit of human good. As a nonhuman other, nature can be understood as merely a resource for the development of human interests; as a nonhuman other, nature has no valid interests or good of its own. Even the practice of ecological restoration, in which degraded ecosystems are restored to a semblance of their original states, is permeated with this anthropocentric ideology. Natural ecosystems that have been harmed by human activity are restored to a state that is more pleasing to the current human population. A marsh that had been landfilled is reflooded to restore wetland acreage; strip-mined hills are replanted to create flowering meadows; acres of farmland are subjected to a controlled burn and a replanting with wildflowers and shrubs to recreate the oak savanna of pre-European America. We humans thus achieve two simultaneous goals: we relieve our guilt for the earlier destruction of natural systems, and we demonstrate our power - the power of science and technology - over the natural world.(13) But the domination of nonhuman nature is not the only result of an anthropocentric worldview - the ideology of anthropocentric domination also extends to the oppression of other human beings, conceived as a philosophical "other," as nonhuman or as subhuman. As C. S. Lewis wrote fifty years ago in The Abolition of Man, "what we call man's power over nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with nature as its instrument." The reason that this exercise of power is justifiable is that the subordinate people are not considered human beings: "they are not men at all; they are artefacts."(14) Anthropocentrism does not convert into a thoroughgoing humanism, wherein all humans are treated as equally worthwhile. Historically, the idea of human slavery has been justified from the time of the ancient Greeks onward by designating the slave class as less than human. In this century, the evaluation of other people as subhuman finds its clearest expression in the Nazi propaganda concerning the Jews, but we also find its echoes in the ethnic civil war in the former Yugoslavia. From the starting point of anthropocentrism, domination and oppression are easily justified. The oppressed class - be it a specific race or religious group, or even animals or natural entities - is simply denied admittance to the elite center of value-laden beings.(15) From within anthropocentrism, only humans have value and only human interests and goods need to be pursued. But who or what counts as a human is a question that cannot be answered from within anthropocentrism - and the answer to this question will determine the extent of the practice of domination. Thus the ideas of anthropocentrism and domination tie together a study of the Holocaust, the current environmental crisis, and the Jewish conception of the proper relationship to Nature. Schwartz reminds us

OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

that the danger in Judaism's desacralization of Nature is that it may lead to the destruction of Nature.(16) Genocide and ecocide are similar in that we conceive of our victims as less than human, as outside the primary circle of value.>


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1NC Shell Deep Ecology K (2/4)

B. Alternative engage in an environmental philosophy that seeks personal identification with the non-human world in order to counteract the Affirmatives anthropocentrism.
Christian Diehm Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2007, Ethics and the Environment, Autumn 2007 To identify personally with nature, therefore, is to develop a sense of connectedness to entities in the local natural community with which we have had personal contact. Examples of such identification abound in the philosophy and literature connected with the deep ecology movement. In Simple in Means, Rich in Ends, Devall writes that "the more we know a place intimately, the more we can increase our identification with it. The more we know a mountain or a watershed, for example, and feel it as our self, the more we can feel its suffering" (1988, 52). In a clear reference to his personal experiences in the forests of the northwestern United States, Devall draws the practical implication of such "intimate" identification, saying that conservation of nature is "... self defense. When I identify with primeval forests of redwood trees I want to defend them from logging because they are a part of my sense-of-place" (1988, 70). Echoing these sentiments, activist John Seed recounts a time when he was working to protect rainforests, and was suddenly "gripped with an intense, profound realization of the bonds that connect us to the Earth..." This sense of belonging was so strong that, for Seed, it issued in the realization that he "was literally part of the rainforest defending herself" (1988, 6). As the above examples illustrate, and as Fox mentions in his discussion of personal identification, identification can take place not only in relation to "concrete" entities, such as an individual tree or animal, but also in relation to "more abstract kinds of entities," such as a place or an entire ecosystem, entities whose component members change over time (1995, 249-50). Like Fox, Naess also believes that we can identify with [End Page 6] nature both "individually" and "collectively" (1989, 181), and says that identification can extend to entities as diverse as "individuals, species, ecosystems and landscapes..." (1985, 262). These twin possibilities hold, in fact, not only for personal identification, but for all forms of identification: regardless of what sort of identification is at issue, we can identify with, and consequently feel concern for, both individual entities and the collectivities that they comprise.7 Returning to the initial distinction we were drawing, the difference between personal and transpersonal identification is that the latter extends our sense of community to entities with which we have not had personal contact.8 Fox describes two "varieties" of transpersonal identification, the most important of which he calls "cosmological identification." This variety of transpersonal identification involves an affirmation of our belonging to natural processes that are inclusive of all things, thus providing a sense of community with all existents and not only those in our immediate locale. In Fox's words, cosmological identification gives us a renewed understanding of "our place in the larger scheme of things," a view of ourselves and all other existents as leaves on a "tree of life" that has "developed from a single seed of energy and that has been growing for some fifteen billion years, becoming infinitely larger and infinitely more differentiated in the process." Hence we are lead "to identify ourselves more and more with the entire tree rather than just our leaf..." (1995, 256). Here, as before, the upshot of this process is that as our sense of self increases, so too does our sphere of concern. Fox cites a passage from John Livingston, who writes that "...when I say that the fate of the sea turtle or the tiger or the gibbon is mine, I mean it. All that is in my universe is not merely mine; it is me. And I shall defend myself. I shall defend myself not only against overt aggression but also against gratuitous insult..." (Livingston 1981, 1134). When we have identified with nature-as-a-whole, a threat to any element of the ecospheric community is a threat to our ecological Self. Accounts of such broad-based identification, like accounts of personal identification, are easy to come by in the texts of deep ecology supporters. Bill Devall and George Sessions describe identification as leading to a sense of self that includes "not only me, an individual human, but all humans, whales, grizzly bears, whole rain forest ecosystems, [End Page 7] mountains and rivers, the tiniest microbes in the soil, and so on" (Devall & Sessions, 67). Naess, too, speaks of identifying with "all life forms and with the greater units: the ecosystems and Gaia, the fabulous old planet of ours" (1995b, 235). Often, the development of such an expansive sense of self is depicted as a process proceeding from identification with our immediate surroundings, to identification with nature-at-large. Frederick Bender, for example, explains how we might realize our ecological self through a "mindfulness practice" in which we recognize our "interdependence with other living beings locally, with regional and global ecosystems, and ultimately with Earth's ecosphere as a whole..." (2003, 424). Similarly, Naess says that "from identifying with 'one's nearest,' higher level unities are created through circles of friends, local communities, tribes, compatriots, races, humanity, life, and, ultimately...unity with the supreme whole" (1985, 263).9


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1NC Shell - Alternative Addition (3/4)

Environmental philosophy is the most effective way to create a new conception of the world and spur activism.

(insert third card in Deep-eco shell)


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1NC Shell Alternative Addition (4/4)



OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1. OTEC has no environmental benefit. Kyodo News International, 4/25/01, Palau, Saga Univ. team up on ocean power research, Japan Energy Scan
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), developed by the university's science and engineering department, involves generating electricity by taking advantage of temperature differences in the ocean between the surface and 800 to 1,000 meters deep. OTEC is especially suited to tropical or subtropical regions, where water temperatures can differ by more than 20 degrees, and is also touted as having a minimal impact on the environment. The university plans to build a plant in Palau in the near future in cooperation with the country, the officials said.

2. No ImpactYour Christian Science Monitor card doesnt say what you want it to Your card says that over fishing has only occasionally produced unpleasant results and just talks about slight shifts in ecosystemsit wont lead to the drastic biodiversity collapse that you claim. Even if it did, it would only collapse one small ecosystem, there is no internal link saying this will spillover to total collapse of marine biodiversity. It also says only 4 percent of oceans are free of human impact, which means your impact would have already happened. 3. TurnOTEC destroys ocean water S.A. Abbasi and Naseema Abbasi, Professors at Pondicherry University, 1/24/2000, The likely adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy sources, Centre for Pollution Control and Energy Technology, Pondicherry University, http://www.sciencedirect.com
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power plants have the potential to cause major adverse impacts on the ocean water quality. Such plants would require entraining and discharging enormous quantities of seawater. The plants will displace about 4 m3 of water per second per MW electricity output, both from the surface layer and from the deep ocean, and discharge them at some intermediate depth between 100 and 200 m. This massive flow may disturb the thermal structure of the ocean near the plant, change salinity gradients, and change the amounts of dissolved gases, nutrients, carbonates, and turbidity. These changes could have adverse impacts of magnitudes large enough to be highly significant. However, abundance of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems can spell serious trouble as it can lead to eutrophication and all the adverse consequence associated with eutrophication.


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

4. TurnOTEC cultivates deadly dinoflagellates. S.A. Abbasi and Naseema Abbasi, Professors at Pondicherry University, 1/24/2000, The likely adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy sources, Centre for Pollution Control and Energy Technology, Pondicherry University, http://www.sciencedirect.com
Further, if the algal blooms caused by artificial upwelling include certain dinoflagellates, there may be other problems. For example shellfish consume dinoflagellates and if these shellfish are consumed by humans, it can lead to serious illness. OTEC advocates hope that, by designing the OTEC plant to discharge its water below the photic zone (the region in the surface waters where photosynthesizing organisms live), the surface waters will not be enriched. Furthermore, the fish living below the photic zone do not feed on these nutrients. However, these are unknowns and, given the magnitude of disturbances that would be caused by OTEC, may not be as easily controllable as the proponents of OTEC may like to believe. If nutrient-rich water is discharged anywhere near the surface water intake valves, it could cause biofouling inside the pipes.

5. Double-bind, either dinoflagellates turn case, or they dont solve their biodiversity advantage.

6. TurnOTEC destroys marine biodiversity S.A. Abbasi and Naseema Abbasi, Professors at Pondicherry University, 1/24/2000, The likely adverse environmental impacts of renewable energy sources, Centre for Pollution Control and Energy Technology, Pondicherry University, http://www.sciencedirect.com
Marine biota may be impinged on the screens covering the warm and cold water intakes of an OTEC plant. Small fishes and crustaceans may be entrained through the system, where they will experience rapid changes of temperature, salinity, pressure, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. A major change occurring in the cold water pipe is the depressurization of up to 107 pascals in water coming from a depth of 1000 m to the surface. Sea surface temperatures in the vicinity of an OTEC plant could be lowered by the discharge of effluent from the cold water pipe. This will have impacts on organisms and microclimate. The pumping of large volumes of cold water from depths of the ocean to the surface will release dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen to the atmosphere. This would influence water pH and DO status, causing stress to marine life. Biocides, such as chlorine, used to prevent biofouling of the pipes and heat exchanger surfaces may be irritating or toxic to organisms. If ammonia is the working fluid and it leaks out, there could be serious consequences to the ocean ecosystem nearby. In summary, there is lot more to OTEC than mere utilisation of the thermal gradiant across ocean depth. The large-scale utilisation of this phenomenon can profoundly disturb the fragile marine ecosystems. Further, the disturbance being non-point in nature, can be very difficult to control or mitigate. All this puts serious question marks before the viability of OTEC.


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1. OTEC may reduce dependence on oil, but cannot solve for it entirelyyour Huang 03 evidence has no warrants saying that it can replace oil entirely. 2. They cant solve fast enough to solve peak oil crisis. 3. US heg destroys international relations Charles, Krauthammer, Winner of pulitzer prize, honors degree in political science and economics from McGill, former Commonwealth Scholar in politics at Balliol, Oxford, and MD Harvard, Winter 03, The Unipolar Moment Revisited, The National Interest
A THIRD critique comes from what might be called pragmatic realists, who see the new unilateralism I have outlined as hubristic, and whose objections are practical. They are prepared to engage in a pragmatic multilateralism. They value great power concert. They seek Security Council support not because it confers any moral authority, but because it spreads risk. In their view, a single hegemon risks far more violent resentment than would a power that consistently acts as primus inter pares, sharing rule-making functions with others.12 I have my doubts. The United States made an extraordinary effort in the Gulf War to get UN support, share decisionmaking, assemble a coalition and, as we have seen, deny itself the fruits of victory in order to honor coalition goals. Did that diminish the anti-American feeling in the region? Did it garner support for subsequent Iraq policy dictated by the original acquiescence to the coalition?

<Insert cards from the oil generic>


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

1. OTEC plants are extremely cost inefficient, and are not a worthwhile alternative to other forms of energy Becca Friedman, staff writer, 2/26/06, An Alternative Source Heats Up: Examining the future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Harvard Political Review Online
Despite the sound science, a fully functioning OTEC prototype has yet to be developed. The high costs of building even a model pose the main barrier. Although piecemeal experiments have proven the effectiveness of the individual components, a large-scale plant has never been built. Luis Vega of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research estimated in an OTEC summary presentation that a commercial-size five-megawatt OTEC plant could cost from 80 to 100 million dollars over five years. According to Terry Penney, the Technology Manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the combination of cost and risk is OTECs main liability. Weve talked to inventors and other constituents over the years, and its still a matter of huge capital investment and a huge risk, and there are many [alternate forms of energy] that are less risky that could produce power with the same certainty, Penney told the HPR.

2. OTEC is highly vulnerable to natural disasters and other natural destruction. Becca Friedman, staff writer, 2/26/06, An Alternative Source Heats Up: Examining the future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Harvard Political Review Online
Moreover, OTEC is highly vulnerable to the elements in the marine environment. Big storms or a hurricane like Katrina could completely disrupt energy production by mangling the OTEC plants. Were a country completely dependent on oceanic energy, severe weather could be debilitating. In addition, there is a risk that the salt water surrounding an OTEC plant would cause the machinery to rust or corrode or fill up with seaweed or mud, according to a National Renewable Energy Laboratory spokesman.

3. OTEC is inefficient and could alter global weather patterns Criswell, D.R., Inst. For Space Syst. Operations, Houston Univ., TX, USA; 6/1/04, Lunar Solar Power, Potentials, IEEE
Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is proposed to extract the energy from the differences in temperature of the warm surface waters of the tropical oceans and the cold deep waters. OTEC is an inefficient and costly system that must mine huge quantities of the deep cold waters by pumping them to the surface. The deep cold waters take centuries to accumulate. Pumping cold waters to, or near, the surface can potentially modify global weather as does La Nina. For extended discussions of the aforementioned power options, see Criswell (2001, 2002a), Hoffert et al. (2002), and Pimentel et al. (2002).


OTEC Case Neg DDI 2008 <CM> Your Name

4. OTECs problems trump its advantages. I. Zamora et al, Electrical Engineering Department, E.T.S.I.I., University of Basque Country, 2006 Sea Energy Conversion: Problems and Possibilities.
D. Advantages and disadvantages The most important advantages and disadvantages of this sea energy conversion technology are stated below. 1) Advantages Damaging environmental effects are minimized if the cold water is discharged to the ocean at enough depth. Desalinize seawater, produced cold water for mariculture and hydrogen by electrolysis, are other OTEC advantages. Highly available energy resources. 2) Disadvantages The small land based OTEC plants need kilometres of piping to move a high volume of cold water from deep ocean. Its cost could be up to the 75 % of the total power plant costs. Therefore, researches show that power plants with a rated power lower than 50 MW can not compete with other energy sources. As an example, a 50 MW power plant would require a 3 km long pipe with a 8 m diameter to pump 150 m3/s of cold water [14]. The suitable locations to harness this kind of energy are reduced to equatorial and tropical zones. Higher cost than other energy sources (hydroelectric, wave energy and diesel) in islands. Low thermal efficiency due to the low temperature difference between the cold and hot reservoir (around 22 C). Although floating OTEC plants could apparently be a solution, maintenance and repair costs would also be high. Floating plants and piping of land based plants must withstand high stresses during storms.


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Solvency ext.
OTEC is extremely inefficient Rick Dworsky, 6/5/06, A warm bath of energyocean thermal energy conversion, http://www.energybulletin.net/node/16811
Given all the fantastic promise OTEC presents, the amount of useful energy that can be obtained from each cubic meter of sea water is relatively small. The quantity of water that would have to be processed to produce a significant amount of useful energy would be enormous. Deep cold water intake tubes 11 meters (36 feet) in diameter with pumps of the same scale are proposed for 100 megawatt units. "The discharge flow from 60,000 MW (0.6 percent of present world consumption) of OTEC plants would be equivalent to the combined discharge from all rivers flowing into the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (361,000 m3 s-1)." [3] OTEC is a technology of oceanic magnitude. To ameliorate the enormous problems of Global Warming, Peak Oil, Fresh Water, and Food supplies, we are going to need proportionally large solutions. Our task would be easier if we could reverse Human Population pressures.


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Japan CP
Japan has developed OTEC and wants to put more research into improving it. Kyodo News International, 4/25/01, Palau, Saga Univ. team up on ocean power research, Japan Energy Scan
The South Pacific island nation of Palau and Saga University signed an agreement Friday to promote technological cooperation and research exchanges for a promising power-generation method utilizing ocean temperature differentials. Palau President Tommy Remengesau and Saga University President Nobumichi Sako participated in a ceremony to sign the agreement at the university in Saga city, university officials said. Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), developed by the university's science and engineering department, involves generating electricity by taking advantage of temperature differences in the ocean between the surface and 800 to 1,000 meters deep.

Japanese OTEC development is uniquely key. Hiroki Kobayashi, SP Project Team, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, 10/17/02 Water from the Ocean with OTEC http://www.ioes.saga-u.ac.jp/FDE2002/02_Hitachi%20Zosen(f).pdf
Positive movement is recognized in Japan, too. Japan is well known as world-leading country in ocean development and shipbuilding industry. In order to realize the OTEC, technologies developed and accumulated in shipbuilding industry are very helpful. Hitachi Zosen Corporation (Hitz), one of historic shipbuilder in Japan and keen on environmental solution fields, has started to develop conceptual design for several OTEC applications with the latest technologies in alliance with Saga University and Xenesys Inc. For the sake of commercialization of OTEC, research and development programs should be followed up by strategic demonstration and dissemination activities. Fig.5 shows an illustration of 310MW class prototype OTEC barge for demonstration and dissemination. The plant should be built somewhere in an island country in the Pacific Ocean like Palau. This kind of plant is very beneficial for the island nations, since it is to provide not only clean energy and freshwater but also local industries by multiple usage of DOW resource. Fig.6 shows an illustration of larger 50100MW class commercial scale offshore OTEC plant built as a basic energy source. With this kind of offshore plant, the designing of standardized OTEC power station will be worked out for verifying the economic competitiveness in this capacity range. Needless to say, assessment of environmental conditions by introducing an OTEC power plant is also a part of the majors concerns in executing each of the above steps. According to the preliminary prediction, in regard to this enterprise, it would be expected that total 1,000MW of Multi-OTEC station would be built in Japan annually in near future. At that time, it means that a new industry having 1.5 trillion JP annual production amount and will employ 10,000 new people.


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States CP
States can provide tax incentives for Ocean Thermal Energy. Some already are. Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Affairs The Energy Report May 2008 http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/energy/pdf/20-OceanPower.pdf
To date, ocean energy projects have received little assistance in the form of incentives or subsidies from the state or federal governments. EPRI considers the lack of government support to be the foremost obstacle to the development of this energy resource. According to EPRI, the U.S. governmenthas supported the development and demonstration of all electricity technologies except ocean wave energy.22 Th ere is one recent, minor exception to that statement: the U.S. Navy is funding a wave power plant built by Ocean Power Technologies at a base in Hawaii. Th is installation eventually will have a capacity greater than 1 MW; its fi rst wave power device was installed in 2004.23 Nevertheless, this emerging technology has received little promotion in the U.S. Th e current federal renewable energy tax credits do not cover ocean energy, although Florida has included it in a state tax incentive for commercial electricity production.24 Th e U.S. Congress, however, appears to be giving ocean energy some new attention. In June 2007, the House Committee on Science and Technology approved the Marine Renewable Energy Research and Development Act that would provide $50 million a year for the next four years to promote ocean energy research and projects.25 While many states are supporting research in renewable energy, only Maine, which is considered to have a high potential for tidal energy, includes any support for research into ocean (tidal) power in its eligible renewable technologies.26 Hawaii includes both wave energy and ocean thermal conversion in its generous 100 percent tax credit for investment in high tech business.27 Th e state of Texas off ers no subsidies or incentives for ocean power. Th ere are no state or federal taxes or fees specifi c to ocean power, although ocean power companies would have to receive permits from FERC for power plants tied into multi-state electrical grids.


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International CP
Other countries are ahead of the US on ocean energy progress Susan Combs, Texas Comptroller of Public Affairs The Energy Report May 2008 http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/energy/pdf/20-OceanPower.pdf
Other nations, however, have led the way on ocean energy, particularly wave power, primarily because they are situated near valuable ocean energy assets (e.g., good tide diff erentials or wave intensity). Various ocean power technologies are planned, in place or being tested in the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Australia and Japan, and new sites and designs are being pursued in these nations and others. In Portugal, a wave power project already has begun delivering electricity to homes, due in large part to government assistance.29


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Spending Links
Their 1AC Combs 08 provides the link50 million for research. OTEC will cost 80 to 100 million dollars. Becca Friedman, staff writer, 2/26/06, An Alternative Source Heats Up: Examining the future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Harvard Political Review Online
Despite the sound science, a fully functioning OTEC prototype has yet to be developed. The high costs of building even a model pose the main barrier. Although piecemeal experiments have proven the effectiveness of the individual components, a large-scale plant has never been built. Luis Vega of the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research estimated in an OTEC summary presentation that a commercial-size five-megawatt OTEC plant could cost from 80 to 100 million dollars over five years. According to Terry Penney, the Technology Manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the combination of cost and risk is OTECs main liability. Weve talked to inventors and other constituents over the years, and its still a matter of huge capital investment and a huge risk, and there are many [alternate forms of energy] that are less risky that could produce power with the same certainty, Penney told the HPR.


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Politics Links
Publics perception of the plan is bad Becca Friedman, staff writer, 2/26/06, An Alternative Source Heats Up: Examining the future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Harvard Political Review Online
Even environmentalists have impeded OTECs development. According to Penney, people do not want to see OTEC plants when they look at the ocean. When they see a disruption of the pristine marine landscape, they think pollution.

Although OTEC could provide an infinite power source for the entire United States, there is a lack of institutional support, halting the project at the research and development phase. Becca Freedman, Political Analyst for Harvard Political Review, An Alternative Source Heats Up, Examining the Future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Harvard Political Review June 12, 2008 http://hprsite.squarespace.com/an-alternative-source-heats-up/ //wndiT.
Although it may seem like an environmentalists fantasy, experts in oceanic energy contend that the technology to provide a truly infinite source of power to the United States already exists in the form of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). Despite enthusiastic projections and promising prototypes, however, a lack of governmental support and the need for risky capital investment have stalled OTEC in its research and development phase. Regardless, oceanic energy experts have high hopes. Dr. Joseph Huang, Senior Scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and former leader of a Department of Energy team on oceanic energy, told the HPR, If we can use one percent of the energy [generated by OTEC] for electricity and other things, the potential is so big. It is more than 100 to 1000 times more than the current consumption of worldwide energy. The potential is huge. There is not any other renewable energy that can compare with OTEC.

Plan is unpopularenvironmentalists, the feds prove. Becca Freedman, Political Analyst for Harvard Political Review, An Alternative Source Heats Up, Examining the Future of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Harvard Political Review June 12, 2008 http://hprsite.squarespace.com/an-alternative-source-heats-up/ //wndiT.
Even environmentalists have impeded OTECs development. According to Penney, people do not want to see OTEC plants when they look at the ocean. When they see a disruption of the pristine marine landscape, they think pollution. Given the risks, costs, and uncertain popularity of OTEC, it seems unlikely that federal support for OTEC is forthcoming. Jim Anderson, cofounder of Sea Solar Power Inc., a company specializing in OTEC technology, told the HPR, Years ago in the 80s, there was a small [governmental] program for OTEC and it was abandonedThat philosophy has carried forth to this day. There are a few people in the Department of Energy who have blocked government funding for this. Its not the Democrats, not the Republicans. Its a bureaucratic issue.


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