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Talking about trends through time The trend of the clothes on the time, its the type clothes

of men or woman used to wear in the time and the fashion in this time. Decade 1960-1970 En 1960, los adolescentes se pudieron expresar libremente. Aqu surgi el concepto de la ropa diferente, original, divertida y extravagante. poca en que el cabello se usaba corto y con cortes geomtricos como los Beatles, Tanto los hombres como las mujeres comenzaron a usar pantalones de campana y se impusieron las blusas de algodn. Dcada 1970-1980 El la poca de los 70s la moda se dirigi hacia mantener un cuerpo sexi y deportivo naturalmente, los productos para adelgazar eran un xito comercial. Tambin fue la poca en la cual las flores fueron el principal smbolo no solo en la ropa tambin en el pelo y la ideologa con lo cual aparecieron los conocidos Hippie, sumamente natural, para otros los artificial y brillante de las estrellas de rock, para otros la actitud revolucionaria de los guerrilleros y marginados sociales. Dcada 1980-1990 Lo que deseaban las mujeres de la poca era destacarse en sus trabajos, de esta manera primaba el estilo Yuppie. En esta poca esta la tendencia de tener un cuerpo perfecto, utilizar maquillaje y productos cosmticos y tambin las cirugas plsticas. Las piezas ms emblemticas de la dcada fueron las remeras holgadas y coloridas, frecuentemente estampadas y con grandes hombreras; tambin los pantalones ajustados; los chalecos, las faldas rectas y minifaldas. Los pantalones vaqueros o jeans, tambin fueron protagonistas debido a que los tratamientos de pre-lavado los hacan lucir decolorados y chic. El estilo Punk influa en los varones con el uso de aros y el gnero musical, el uso de las chompas de cuero y tambin de los pantalones de cuero. Dcada 1990-2000 La moda de 1990 se trata de ponerse lo que te haga sentir cmodo, sin darle mucha importancia a la opinin de los dems o a las tendencias. Las remeras de grupos musicales se volvieron populares as como el cabello suelto. La gran innovacin fue la aparicin de los piercings, tatuajes y pinturas de pelo.

Dcada 2000-2010 En el 2000 la moda es mas casual y tambin recada pero tambin se aprecia la mezcla entre la moda de las dcadas anteriores. En el 2000 la moda se ha ido asociando y cambiando segn las distintas tribus urbanas,que constituyen un modo de vivir, una determinada actitud para con la vida y que generalmente hacen referencia a la juventud. La pertenencia a uno de estos grupos se hace evidente en la ideologa, la msica, el modo de vida y tambin en la apariencia, siendo el consumo de determinadas marcas de ropa, el uso de ciertas prendas o colores, distintivos propios de las distintas tribus

English traduction Talking about trends through time The trend of the clothes on the time, it's the type men or woman's clothes used to wear in the time and the fashion in this Time. Decade 1960-1970 In 1960, teenagers were able to express themselves freely. There arose the concept of different clothes, original, funny and bizarre. Time when the hair is short and using geometric cuts like the Beatles, Both men and women began to wear flared trousers and cotton blouses imposed. Decade 1970-1980 The era of 70's fashion is directed toward maintaining a sexy, sporty body, weight loss products were commercially successful. It was also the time when flowers were the main symbol not only in clothing and hair also in the ideology with which the famous Hippie appeared extremely natural, for others the rock stars music, others the revolutionary attitude of the rebels and social outcasts. Decade 1980-1990 What they wanted the women of the time was noted in their work, so Yuppie style took precedence. At this time is the tendency to have a perfect body, use makeup and cosmetics and plastic surgery. The most emblematic pieces of the decade were the baggy shirts and colorful, often patterned and with large shoulder pads, too tight pants, vests, skirts and straight skirts. Jeans or jeans, were also actors because the treatments were pre-washed and bleached look chic. Punk style males influenced the use of rings and genre, the use of leather jackets and leather pants. Decade 1990-2000 The 1990 fashion is clothing what you feel comfortable, without giving much importance to the opinions of others or trends. The T-shirts became popular bands and loose hair. The major innovation was the emergence of piercings, tattoos and hair painting. Decade 2000-2010 In 2000, the fashion is more casual but also appreciates the blend mode of the previous decades. In 2000 the fashion has become associated and changing according to different urban tribes, which are a way of life, a certain attitude to life and generally refer to the youth. Membership of these groups is evident in the ideology, music, lifestyle and also in appearance, with the consumption of certain brands of clothing, the use of certain items or colors, distinctive characteristic of the various tribes

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