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WHO estimates the number of people living with HIV on the level of all the continents of the earth 30 million and thus threatens everyone, and therefore must provide each member of the family enough information on it. AIDS prevention is simple but deadly infection transmission because there is no treatment now to heal the disease and vaccine prevents infection. The number of cases reported in all parts of the world and even in 1997 was 30 million cases. She developed symptoms on less than a third of patients, most of them died. In fact, the reported cases are not little wealth, and many of the injured now infected expected to show symptoms of infection. The study of the World Health Organization injuring nearly 8500 people daily, of whom 1000 are children.

Infection by HIV
AIDS is the most severe acceleration of infection with HIV. HIV is a retrovirus that primarily infects vital organs of the human immune system such as CD4+ T cells (a subset of T cells), macrophages and dendritic cells. It directly and indirectly destroys CD4+ T cells.[8] CD4+ T cells are required for the proper functioning of the immune system. When HIV kills CD4+ T cells so that there are fewer than 200 CD4+ T cells per microliter (L) of blood, cellular immunity is lost. In some countries, such as the United States, this leads to a diagnosis of AIDS. In other jurisdictions, such as in Canada, AIDS is only diagnosed when a person infected with HIV is diagnosed with one or more of several AIDS-related opportunistic infections or cancers[9][10][11]. Acute HIV infection progresses over time to clinical latent HIV infection and then to early symptomatic HIV infection and later to AIDS, which is identified either on the basis of the amount of CD4+ T cells in the blood, and/or the presence of certain infections, as noted above. In the absence of antiretroviral therapy, the median time of progression from HIV infection to AIDS is nine to ten years, and the median survival time after developing AIDS is only 9.2 months. [12] However, the rate of clinical disease progression varies widely between individuals, from two weeks up to 20 years. Many factors affect the rate of progression. These include factors that influence the body's ability to defend against HIV such as the infected person's general immune function.[13][14] Older people have

weaker immune systems, and therefore have a greater risk of rapid disease progression than younger people. Poor access to health care and the existence of coexisting infections such as tuberculosis also may predispose people to faster disease progression.[12][15] [16] The infected person's genetic inheritance plays an important role and some people are resistant to certain strains of HIV. An example of this is people with the CCR5-32 mutation are resistant to infection with certain strains of HIV.[17] HIV is genetically variable and exists as different strains, which cause different rates of clinical disease progression.[18][19][20] The use of highly active antiretroviral therapy prolongs both the median time of progression to AIDS and the median survival time.

What should we do?


Must first know the methods of infection and to be

ready to answer children's questions about all Maitalk this issue and frankly, as appropriate age group.

If found sick in the family, community must know the

psychological and health conditions that may pass and, therefore, access to the best way to deal with it and help it through this ordeal.

Healthy behaviors consistent with the teachings of

religion and the rules of public health best teacher and guide for children.

Dialogue with the children.

What is AIDS?

HIV is ATTACKS immune system cells responsible

for defending the body against various types of infection and certain types of cancer. And thus lose its ability to resist bacterial diseases and cancers

This virus is called "HIV" Human Immune-deficiency The scientific name for AIDS is "Acquired Immune

Virus, or HIV Briefly

Deficiency Syndrome" or "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS Briefly

There is now treatment to cure this disease to injury

by lifelong

What are the symptoms?

The patient undergoing incubation period is the

interval between the occurrence of infection and the onset of symptoms of the disease confirmed, a period of unknown exactly as it appears ranging from 6 months to several years, and the average age at the time of children and adults in 5 years

After 3-4 weeks of the virus from entering the body

suffers 50-70% of those of malaise and decline and pain in the throat and morbidity contract Lyme and mother Dystrophy fatigue and headache and rash appears on the trunk Patchy

These symptoms last for two weeks or 3 weeks and Continue the process latency from months to several

then disappear and the patient enters the latency

years, during which reproduce the virus affects the largest possible quantity of immune system cells

In the next phase symptoms appear in the form of

widespread and sustained inflation in the last decade Lyme and 3 months at least in the absence of the reason for this illness

The situation evolved to include the following features:

o o o o o o o o o o

Underweight Apathetic and tired The appetite Diarrhea Rift Race night Headache Itching Menopause Inflation spleen

Stage AIDS:

The worst stages of infection and show signs of Macedonia, but the most evident with the presence of opportunistic diseases and malignant tumors result of the immune deficiency

Symptoms appear about 25% of patients after 5 years

of infection, and 50% of patients after 10 years, and some patients do not show symptoms begin

Some of the factors conducive to the rapid onset of Repeat exposure to infection Pregnancy Weakened immune diseases

symptoms such as:

o o o

How afternoon and when?

Failed research and surveys to answer this question definitively. And the world now does not look to the past as it looks to the future to curb this disease. The afternoon when, in 1981 In the first recorded cases in the young man suffered a rare lung disease and then followed by four others until the total number to 200 cases. Then rolled communications all over the world.

Can knowledge of AIDS patients Cold outer?

Can not know AIDS patients leftists outside. Laboratory analyses (AIDS tests), only some symptoms of severe infection stresses. As Uday this patient appears in full health.

How transmitted AIDS?

Fortunately, all transportation routes are to prevent infection. Are HIV transmission following ways:


Main method of transmission is sexual contact -

natural or abnormal - a person infected. The presence of other sexual diseases compounded prospects infection

Also transmitted infection through blood transfusions Organ transplant (College, liver, heart) of the infected The use of needles or sharp objects or piercing of the

or blood products contaminated with HIV



skin, such as contaminated razors or hair-cutting tools tattoos


Through mother to the fetus during pregnancy or to

her during birth or through breastfeeding (by breast) AIDS does not necessarily mean an aberrant behaviour, and fear of mixing with the ordinary patients both in the home, work, school and club subject to the rules of hygiene. Not only this but a duty to deal with the patient in mind as a natural and psychological and social circumstances that may pass by.

What is the AIDS test?

Is the analysis can be conducted by any person in any health facility. This analysis depends on the presence of antibodies to the virus in the blood and gives an effective result after exposure to infection b 6-12 week ago. In the case of a positive work of this analysis are examined confirmative called Western Plut Western Blot and the outcome inconclusive.

Is there a vaccine against the AIDS virus?

, So now the discovery of an effective vaccine against HIV. One of the main obstacles that hinder the achievement of this objective would change the composition of the virus on a continuing basis and this makes the development of a vaccine against it pursuant very difficult.

Dialogue with children


Young children from 5-8 years

In this age children love to ask about the birth, marriage and death, and perhaps they have heard about AIDS on television and want to question. Must reassure them that AIDS does not affect a result mixing usual in the street or school or club. This is a good opportunity to educate children on simple principles health Kalnzafh pollution if the wounds have not received due attention.

Adolescence of 9-12 years

In this age of adolescence and the changes begin interested in the boy injuries and appearance must know what is considered together or not normal and should parents address the developments in sexual conversations with their children and the need to avoid deviant behavior exposed to infection by sexual diseases and educate them on ways to HIV infection.

After 13-19 years of adulthood

At this stage the children exposed to factors confusion or contradiction and the parents emphasize that they need to stay away from deviant behaviour and bad with the

explanation family values and the principles of marriage and the tradition of family life and healthy lifestyles. The children must know how to deviant behaviour, as well as things banned religions and societies reject it affect the mental abilities and the safety of their disposal and therefore exposure to infection of many diseases, including AIDS.

What should be taught women?

Repeat pregnancy to the mother infected baby and

breast-feeding leads to a natural increase in the number of children infected with AIDS in the world

Parents to strike goes through the good behaviour Ascertain the sterilization of instruments used in the

hole in the ears and excision and injection tools dentist, needles and tools for Chinese tattoos. The preferred tools and single-use, and must not have sterilized Bglleha for at least 5 minutes or Bgamsha in alcohol for 15 minutes. The personal tools such as brushes or dental barber razors should not be involved at all

Health education about the disease within the limits

necessary for the appropriate age group and educational level

Spare the children the circumstances that may lead to

drug abuse by encouraging them to engage in various hobbies and away from bad companions




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