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2.1 Literature and Moral Literature concerns life and human being and existence of literature could also give us a lot of information. Literature is expression of life through language. Authors, through literature express his thought, experience, way of life, and views about the right values. This result of his works is read. People can take the suggestion from the author story. Burhan (1988:325) states literature contains moral application in actors manner and attitude. Therefore, the reader expected to catch the massage or values that the author teaches through the actors action, and attitude in the story. Literature reflects moral value. Brant (1959: 131) writes that, Personal interaction with situation or behavior being made to suffer or being given joy by it, being emotionally moved by it can result in novel ethical responses and corresponding ethical judgment that are new departure for us. When such novel feeling of obligation; and judgment occur, our structure of values finds to be structure of scientific beliefs may be modified in order to accommodate a novel observation. So, novel contains structure values and beliefs in society through the author experience .To Burhan (1988:325) moral values that exist in literature usually universal values. It means that the rightness of all values is accepted by people all over the world. In other word every culture recognizes the values. Honesty, for example, a moral value that accepted by people everywhere. No culture in the world let people to act lying. Two traditional and conflicting views of social and moral effect of art stem from Aristotle and Plato. Aristotle follows a philosophy of realism, Plato of idealism. To Plato, an artist in making a work of art make an imitation of what is already an imperfect imitation of the order of divine ideas. Plato recognized the fact that artist exercised a social and moral influence, but he considered that influence is bad. Plato ignores the values implied by idea of catharsis or

emotional expression because he believe that man should seek for spiritual perfection and should not be concerned with the expression or exploitation of his emotion, Grace (1965: 22) Besides, Aristotle in contrast to Plato has a keener understanding of the psychological value of art. To Aristotle literature means purgation or cleansing. The term is taken from medicine. Applied by analogy to art it means a cleaning or purgation of the emotion through their fruitful release in the aesthetic experience. This idea is, is a sense, analogous to freuds theses of sublimation, the assumption that certain basic and instinctual derives are released and transformed through art in a way that makes them socially constructed, Grace (1965: 22). In addition, Grace also explains that immorality sometimes rise in the work of art. It rises from a misunderstanding about the art of conflict, but we should be careful not to condemn a work of art as immoral because of its subject matter. The present of evil does not in itself constitute immorality. An artist that mimesis of sin and evil in a work of art implies that an artist approves of them or that he intends the reader to approve of them. Immorality in a work of art becomes evident only when an artist glorifies evil and suggests it as a suitable pattern for human conduct, (1965:25-26). The philosopher Jacques Maritain, in speaking of the novelists art, puts the problem in this way: the essential question is not to know if novelist can or cannot paint a particular aspect of evil. The essential question is to know at what height he places himself to make this painting, and if his heart and his art is pure enough, and strong enough, to make it without connivance, Grace, (1965:26). The statement above showed that artist through his work of art want to teach and give some values to the reader. Immorality that an artist approves in a wok of art does not mean teaching people to do, but reflect it in order to do best in his life. Finally, it may be said that the moral responsibility of art primarily lies in proper education of our emotions and that the method of art is a special method. A work of art may present evil no less realistically that immoral work, in no less detail, but the moral work of art, in contrast to the immoral work, implies an adverse criticism of such evil. Such criticism need not be explicit; it is sufficient that it is implicit. The morality of work of art does not depend on the raw material it handles but upon the way this material is subjected to heightened imitation upon

the purpose this imitation serves. Since literature reflects experience, it deals with both good and bad of life. The moral evaluation of literature seems, on the whole convincing where they are implicit rather that explicit. It means that moral to read is an essential part in the literary works Grace (1965:190).

Ethics and Moral 2.2 Values in general. It is not easy to explain what a value is. Simply, value can be explained as something that interests people, something that people like, shortly something that is good. German-American philosopher Hans Jones, in Etika by Bertens, (1993: 137) states that value is the address of ayes. Hans Jones statement above showed that value has positive connotation; something that people want to realized. In historical perspective philosophy value is the new philosophical theme. Value just plays the important rule in academic philosophy analysis in the end of 19 century. But value has played the important rule in philosophical discussion when Plato placed the idea good higher on the hierarchical ideas, Bertens, (1993: 140) There is a way that can be used to explain a values is compared it with a fact. A fact means something that happen besides value means pattern of life, something that important and remind people. Fact is found in contextual descriptive; all of its substance can be explained one by one, and the explanation in principle acceptable by everyone. Value has rule in assessment or appreciation, and sometimes people do it differently. The different between value and fact can be illustrated in the following example; in 2005 volcanic eruption happened in certain place. This is the fact that can be described objectively. People can measure the high of te volcanic mudflow; people can also deternime the scale of that eruption. At the same time it can be seen a values. To a photographer it wa a chance to take a good picture to immortalize that event. To farmers volcanic eruption can fertile the farming soil. The example above might showed clerly the different between fct and value. Value always related to someones evaluation, beside fact related to objective characteristic. Fact always happens before values.

Finally, according to Bertens, (1993: 141) value at least has three characteristics: 1) Value related to subject. It means that value exist if there are subject or people who give assessment. 2) Value works in practical context where subject want to do something. 3) Value is about characteristics that subject added to characteristics owned by object.

2.3 Moral Values Basically, moral values cannot be separated from another value such as economic value, religious value, family values, etc. Each values will has moral qualities if it actualized in moral attitudes. Honesty, for example, is a moral value. But honesty itself is empty or meaningless if it is not actualized in another value such as economic value. Loyalty is another moral value, but it must be realized in higher human values such as love between husband and wife. Although moral value has correlation with other values, but it exists as new value, even as the highest value. Aristotle in Etika Individual by Burhanudin, (2000: 31) defines moral value as the goodness which pursued or proposed by everyone. He also explains that the goodness that people proposed has two motives: a. Value as tools or purpose b. Value itself. For example, people not only enjoyed entertainment just for the entertainment itself, but also have new spirit in doing activities after. To understand Aristotles idea, we must compare it with Sufis doctrines which extended by Epicurism. According to Epicurism human being should pursue hedonism; physical temporary enjoyment in order to get happiness. Life is meaningful if people can full fill his physical need. This really different with Aristotles idea that happiness cannot be measured from physical enjoyment but from psychological enjoyment. To Epicurism the important part of human life is physic. Beside to Aristotle, the important of human life is the person itself because physic or sense is not the higher part of human life. Personality is the main part of human itself. 4

Moreover, in order to know more deeply about Aristotles idea we will be base on the empirical that people recognized daily life. Can people fill all of his desires with each value? Can people fill the happiness just with wealth or properties? I might not be. People cannot full fill every desire with wealth or properties. Psychological need cannot be filled with wealth or properties because it comes from the deep of human nature itself as human being. We can now understand Aristotles idea that physical pleasure is not the real happiness. Physical pleasure will be valuable if it subordinated with highest values of life, namely the happiness of soul as the whole of human itself. Finally, in now days philosophy, Aristotles view can be concluded as follows: a. Human values must have real meaning or authentic. b. Personality that makes human action be authentic. c. Human always find perfection in every action. d. Human must be differentiating between properties values and objective or purpose values. e. Purpose or objective value is the perfection of human personality, and properties value just fills human physiological desire.

2.3.1 Characteristics of Moral Values To Bertens, (1993: 143-147) moral value has the characteristics below: 1. Moral Value Related to Human Responsibility Moral values related to human responsibility. This also occurs to other values. However the specific matter that signifies moral value is that moral values related to human responsibility. Moral values cause that someone does right or wrong because he has responsibility, another value are not. For example, Marry is sad because she is not as pretty as any. The situation in the example above shows that Marry has no responsibility to himself. Value in the example above is not moral value. A moral value just can be actualized in activities or actions that show people responsibility. Because of that human is the source of moral values. Just human that makes his attitude bad or good based on norm, and it depends on human freedom. For examples, justice will be a real value if it comes from human freedom decision. 2. Moral Values Related to Conscience or Inner Self

All values demand to recognized or actualized. It always contains an invitation or appeal. For example, aesthetic value as if demands to actualize in painting, music in composition. After that painting demands to show and music demands to hear. Moral value also demands to actualize in real life, for example honesty demands to actualize by saying the truth to another. But the difference is that demand in moral values is more absolute, serious, and urge than other values. Actualizing moral values is the result of conscience or inner self appeals. One specific characteristic of moral value is that moral value cause a voice form peoples conscience or inner self that accuse people when disparage or oppose to it and praise people when actualize it. 3. Moral Values are Oblige Essentially, moral values oblige people absolutely. Other values are not absolute as moral values. Aesthetic values for example; knowledge and cultured people will appreciate and enjoyed asthetical value in a high quality painting. But people who do not care to that painting cannot be blamed. Moral values do not as another values as stated in the example above. Moral values are the must that should be done everybody without acception. Moral values are absolute to human. Moral values must be recognized and actualized in real life. It is not accepted that just only children must do honest and parent do not. 4. Moral Values are Formal Moral values are the highest value between the other norms. Nevertheless, moral value cannot stand alone or cannot be seperated from another value. Moral values always connected to another values. For example, a businessman acts morally (actualize moral value) in doing economics values, an artist acts morally when doing aesthetics values through arts such as painting, and music. People actualize moral values by including other values in moral attitude. Moral values do not have substance by itself. This showed that moral values are formal.

2. 4. Human Values as the Basic Important Norm Bertens, (1993: 170) argues that human values is the basic important norm. This argumentation supported by James, (2004: 234) that human being recognize him self different from other creation. The two-argumentation above showed that human being has high position than other creation in the world, because he has glorious prestige.

Because of that, according to Kant, people must honor each other as human being because he human being is one of the creations who have purpose to himself, Bertens (1993:170). People use physical tools to reach his purpose. People also use animals to reach his aim. But human can not used as tools to reach certain purpose because he has his own purpose to himself. Human is the creation that has freedom in making his own decisions. The obligation to honor human values by kant is regulated as the command human being should be treated as the purpose to himself, not as the completely purpose, Bertens (1993: 171)

2.5. Moral Values in the Lame Prince a. Responsibility Responsibility means having character of free moral agent; capable of determining ones own acts; capable in deterred by consideration of sanction on consequence, Burhanudin, (1997:28). This definition based on the following meaning: a. There are capable in determining attitude or action. b. There are capable to bear risk of an action. If we analyze more deeply, the word having character means that people must have moral responsibility in every action. Character here means values of an action. In philosophy of life responsibility value is the criteria of ones personality. Moreover, Burhanudin explain that responsibility, at least, supported by three substances. 1. Awareness. Awareness means understand, know, and estimate or manage the time in order to reach the matters or purpose of an action that people done. Someone asked to be responsible if he recognize about what he has done. Awareness always has relation to conscience or inner self. Bertens, (1993: 5) states conscience or inner self related to the fact that human has awareness. To understand this, we must differentiate between identification and awareness. We identify something by hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling the object. Animals also can identify something by hearing or smelling something as people done, but cannot aware what he/she done. Just only human being that has awareness. With awareness human can

reflect himself. Human not only can see tree from far but also can aware that himself who see the tree. Related to moral attitude, human not only act based on moral (good/bad) but also recognize about moral action.

2. Love, affection Love, affection causes obedience sense and sacrificial willingness. Love to motherland cause a soldier sacrifice himself to protect it from enemies. Love to family cause a husband work hard to support their financial needs. Awareness of responsibility that cause soldier protects his motherland, and husband working hard supporting his family. What happen if there is no awareness sense? The answer is there will be no love, affection, and scarification. For example, one day when a head office walk around to control his subordinates; he find them work seriously, but when he back to his office, they were talking another topic out of their job. This case descries people who have no responsibility and loyalty to his work.

3. Courage, Bravery Courage is one of the important values in really life. It showed people who have responsibility sense. Courage is motivated by sincerity, un doubtfulness, un frightened to every problem as the result of an action. Responsibility allows someone who has courage to think before doing. For example, bravery of a soldier is a courage based on awareness and patriotism. The two factors actualized in an attitude sincerity and responsibility to protect motherland.

b. Loyality Loyalty placed the highest order in keeping and between human being. This reason can be found in relation between two people in long period of time such as relation between husband

and wife, Subyanto (2004: 43). Subyanto takes the life of Adam and Hawa in the Bible as the illustration of loyalty and togetherness as husband and wife. Relation between husband and wife need commitment to be each other until the end of time. Each partner might know the secret and the weakness of his or her partner, but it must be kept as wealth not as gun to be hurt. In marriage husband and wife keep agreement to be loyal, live as one in happiness and sadness till the end of time. And the important thing is that partners do not leave each other in such condition. That is loyalty. Loyalty also means husband and wife are happy when partner get success or failed in working or anything. If people live in loyalty it means that people is in progress to be perfect. Life itself is loyalty, namely loyal to choose values or principles that people argue as the truth for life, Subyanto (2004: 43) Learning to be loyal is not easy now day. Partner is not a perfect human to full fill all needs. Disappointment and tension might be happen in relation between husband and wife. Some couples might not full fill each other. This situation has a change to break couples relation and bring them into divorce if they have no loyalty each other. Couples who based their relation on loyalty will not do divorce even though problems come to break their life. Most of the marriage divorce failure caused by the failure to develop loyalty as the foundation of marriage when they are in troubles. Choosing to be loyal means that choosing the eternal life as human, Budiyanto (43-44) Furthermore, in Catholics Canonic Doctrines; loyalty in marriage is a must to Catholic believer. This can be found in Canon 1055 and 1056 as follows: a Canon 1055:  Essentially, marriage is an agreement. In Greek tradition agreement means

agreement to build a relation which tied each other such as relation between parents and children. The consequence is that relation will not be end although the agreement is out. Based on freedom chose of husband and wife, an agreement includes the whole self relations which consist of spiritual, emotion, and physic relationship.  Essentially, marriage is a togetherness of life (consortium tutus vitae). This happen in marriage agreement. Husband and wife promise to be one and to be loyal each other until the end of time.

 Essentially, Catholic marriage is a sacrament if the marriage happens between two baptized people. This means that Catholic marriage is sacral and it is sinful to break it.

b. Canon 1056:  Monogamy. In Catholic marriage it means that people just have a wife and a husband. Therefore Catholic does not recognize polygamy. Monogamy has closed relation to loyalty of husband and wife.  Permanent. In Christian marriage take place on time. When a marriage happen between husband and wife, at the same tie their marriage is permanent and no divorce although there are some intrinsic and extrinsic factors caused, Benyamin (18-19)

c. Happiness In daily life happiness always connected with pleasure. Pleasure here means physical need fulfillment which measured by wealth, properties or money. So people categorized in happy because having more money or wealth. Wealth is the measurement of ones happiness. But sometimes rich people cannot explain what the happiness is when people asked them. According to hedonism pioneered by Jeremy Berthan, happiness is just measured by properties or money. People who has no more money or wealth is not categorized as happiness. Hedonic is the purpose of their life. They are wasteful, chasing happiness although do the wrong, Bertens, (1997: 81) For example, Anton is a rich people in the village. He is well known businessman who has a lot of money, villas, and cars. He also has two wives. But all of his wealth does not make him fill happy all the time because his two-wives have another boy. They love him because he is rich. Anton did not reach even know what is the real happiness in life until the end of his time. Example above show us that the really happiness is not measured by properties, wealth or money that people has. Aristotle opposed the hedonisms doctrine that people should have more properties in order to get happiness. To Aristotle, happiness that hedonism wishes is the unreal happiness. Wealth, properties or money cannot be a measurement of ones happiness. The real and the highest happiness of human is the happiness of human soul, Burhanudin, (1997:95) 10

Moreover, according to bible, (Math, 5:13-12) eternal happiness described as follow blessed the poor in spirit, for theirs the kingdom of heaven, blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted, blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit in the earth, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled, blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy, blessed are the poor in hearth, for they shall see God, blessed are the peace maker, for they shall be called son of God, blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs the kingdom of heaven, blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kind of evil against you falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. In Math 5:1-12 showed that eternal happiness is not measured from how many properties or wealthy that people has, but how much love, merciful, passion, peace, and kindness that people has. Because for theirs the kingdom of heaven.

d. Honesty Honesty means telling the truth not lie to another. Honest attitude means to behave right based on moral and law. The opposite of honesty is lying; not telling the truth. Simply, honesty defined as extroverted attitude; there is no secret to another. Honesty also means placed everything in each place and based on rightness, Abdullah (2006: 15) Mustofa in Riah (2004: 15) states that, principally honesty is based on a great moral realization, the realization of the equal humans right and duties and fear of sin. The statement above showed that people is motivated to do honest because of religion prohibitions. This means that honesty is the Gods will that should people do in everyday life. To do lying means violating human nature. In everyday life, honesty is needed in order to have good relation with others. Without honesty a relationship or friendship will be broken, because people will not believe each other. For example, Anton and Rini are husband and wife. Rini loves Anton so much; she does everything to shows that she really loves her husband. But Anton does not love her so much as his wife does to him. Anton has another woman out, and Rini knows about that. Sometimes he


leaves home for some days without any reason, he does not tell the truth when Rini asks her. They do not get happiness in their family because of Antons attitude. e. Love Love usually supported by certain emotion which is bring happiness, peaceful, desire and affection. But love itself not just limited to emotion. If love just an emotion, love will not steady but will change every time. Emotion always change follow the season or situation out of oneself. Exactly, love is a decision and involvement of human being which is called to do something. Love is a call of life. And all of Christians are called to do love. They are called to love their self, to love God, to love others, and all of creatures that that has given to human being. This can be found in the bible as bellows: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another (John, 13: 34-35) This is my commandment that you love another as I love you (John, 15:12) Norm of call to love is Jesus himself that says This is my commandment. Answer yes to Gods call is not easy matters because changing life that based on love is difficult. It is hard to a child to love his parents that leave her for long time without any responsibilities. It is hard to love a person that has made us failed, sick, and hurt. But to people that believe in Jesus must have courage to love them. Jesus teaches his followers in the bible as follows But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do well to those who do well for you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend those from who you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back. But love your enemies, do well and lend, hopping for nothing to return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the


most high, for he is kind to the unthankful and evil. Therefore be merciful, jus as your Father is merciful. (Luck 6:32-36) To be loyal in troubles and problems which come from the desire to love is one of the ways to find the light of life. Happiness and the deepest life that people find in the way of love cannot be found in other way. Life will be meaningful if people walk in the way of God. People who live out of love will live with no purpose and will find emptiness in life. Because people find God as the source of human life only by open his heart for love. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all off mysteries and knowledge, and though I have all faith, do that I could remove mountain, but have no love I am nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:2) 1. Love Suffers Long and is Kind Love suffers long and is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). St. Paul who writes the letter tries to teach Christian that patient is the result of love. Therefore people who believe in Jesus must be patient in his life because utterance of God is the result of love. And we have known and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and who abides in love abides in God and God with him." (John 4:16) Patient is a courage to be loyal in troubles that comes. Patient is not ability to act emotionally when having problems. To Christian it is not separated from resignation or believes in God. (Subiyanto, 38-40) Each marriage has its own challenges. Sometimes there are borings or problems that come to break relation between husband and wife. Husband and wife are frustrated faced on their couples attitude or characteristics that are out of hope. Nevertheless, there is a value must be picked up from the moment that every human has weakness as individually. Husband and wife are not perfect


human, they might be having their own weakness. Faced on these problems and realities ones patient is needed. Problems come not to judge and course people but to teach the basic human values for peoples spiritual development. Patient is not permissive attitude that make people do not care anything. Permissive is the symbol of impatient. The real patient means still in hope and open ayes while developing awareness that everything has a changes. (Subiyanto 38-40)

2. Love is Forgiveness, thinks no evil Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, does not provoked, thinks no evil (1 Corinthians 13:5). St Paul through this article wants to explain to Christian that one who lives in love must ready to forgive other people because God as the source of love live in ones heart. To forgive and forgiven is the strength which is bring freedom and happiness. Jesus in the bible looks exactly that to forgive and forgiven is the strength which is bringing freedom and happiness too. Therefore, in Mathew 18:21-35 Jesus challenges Peter in order to forgive people seventy times. Then Peter come to him and said; Lord how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven time? But Jesus said I do not say you up to seven times, but up to seventy time. (Matthew 18:21-22) This means endless forgiveness to another. Jesus not only wants his followers forgive others more time but also endless forgiveness. Every Christian are called to have freedom in loving another by hearth sincerity, (Aloys, 42-42)


Related to marriage, relation between husband and wife not only bring happiness but also bring troubles; broken heart, betrayed, refused, and insulted. Those are the risk in building love and relationship between husband and wife while ego always refuses pain and looks for safety. Love which is based on ego will have no bravery to the risk. There is no relationship that can only fill ego need because every relationship needs loyalty and sacrifice. The evidence concrete of self sacrifice is to defeat ego desire that having strength taking risk to be hurt. This courageous will rise if it based on sincere forgiveness. It would not enough to love without forgiveness. There are still any problems in husband and wifes relationship although they live in forgiveness, but they have spiritual strength to solve it. To forgive means to begin a new. This kind of relationship showed optimism, not only the arrogances behavior but also awareness of weakness, and having forgiveness as the last power to solve the problems. Forgiveness is the act without ending. It means, they do not care how big the false that couples made. Subiyanto (56-62).


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