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Tef;ffi hrleilTtal , ' Three . : .$ S q r y F f f i :The the early hours.

That explains why asatlvlB



*i:+H l; ., r*'N*'she mental temperamentsof human be- *pqrio4 ffi -Tn a rajasik person,*l wakes up late. fhe tamasl tras h-masiti tobe uittilally pulledqgt of b9{' gunasin Sanskrit, are of iamasik hasm U-virtu Acquireafirmwilland N rnss.known as ....' oth up ehTlv,-tEe er the utmost Patience' -S- thiee t1pes.Eaffihas a distinct cbaracter @ison are known as: tamas ol-1!3e- sattvik qualities ciearly manifest at that time' AnandamaYiMa its ffillhey i, I of i; sereneand conLike beine calm and cQmposed, + tive. rajas or active and sattva or tralts-agliye. "'i5==* averseto plungtng lnto gross ,i i i "' Obstacleson the u-ridlrteliat e'mf Eau gE s in i n eit i a; a templativelEleing -te in indulging Or activity n i;:l m o6tr-f thar gy, in d61e ce, i nTifG-reri c-e. piryiicaf spiritualPathcanbe ij "ind is posedlo-activ itiJn a-cond it ion of .9l9th iensual pleasure.Hence,early morning is said overcomewhen we are for contglrlplation. And the i i patientwithourselves. i I 6iA;ieep and with no intellectual conviction to to be well suited to manifest, a sattvik time most cTiid[clve for,spiritual nor emotional feeling i i WewillProgressatour i i pu-G-ue, own Paceno matter tr-qatt-5ffi .,utitisingttreearlvhodiGEfr?iTdii i .. person steepedinJamas lives alfLll'in4$we egylll$alM" c. tirin g early,you can'1g1g1ease to what the drawbacks, i' i iife. with hardly any re.sponse the world. i: t+ma". j, the state of passionate,desirous . trol yourrajagjtn4lSuce.Vroqr solookahead. i: Raias is i:i *--Tust=s*sattfiinanifests early in the - wTen a person EknathEasu)drdn r.:i andEdcdltougbts ii Qristles ioffi uFd t"o riin g,Ta: as finds expre-ss with frenzied actionsleading to his in,.i of fug-thec--ourse thg dafl Hence people YoucanlivesointenselY ii i li tl i ri in this small life if You i i :;,, use 100%of Your ,, potential.Itwillbe rl ii betterthanlivingten Ii fi thousand Yearsand i i' ii pronounced tamasik in Time.IVIost as'ueiil15.!qq_ T$$H T$$H i r usingonlY5% of Your i ..i h;i.;;;;riuea tirvn L i' ., potential. Becomea i i -I V E . *',$FH&KEN& +,'liJ,H'it"!"ltt]ili"tttperqqrs' raias f l a m e o fj o Y , u s e l 0 0 % i i Sattva. andtamas-comii of yourpotential! i .' p o , E i ' ' i i ] a - i r i u . " " t . - p i o p o f t i o n s . . . T f f i H f f i T l ' : T ii Osho :,r i' I
.. ',., Look Ahead
G - - - - - : - - : - - - . li)! . i: ii


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Parthasarathy Swarni

lhe_1i"^s1t11l u5earlv. wak4s



.-.Mffi, Effiiui?,1ffffi::i??



TheonlYwaYtokeeP i, li il. fromgoingbackwardis :.I I I tokeep goingforward. I : i, Eternalvigilanceisthe i, There f l ; ., price of success. :.,, arethreesteps,andeach ;. i' : one is absolutelY t. ' Youmust first ' essential. i ,,, have the knowledge of i i your power;second, the iiti couragetodare;third, I i: the faith to tio. ,. ,,: CharlesFHaanel i i:
ii :!, .,. . ..

ailthreegunas. liossesses *"il|"]1f;i'n"ti,* "humanintris-lifetimeistoerailrtaf i. such that thepattva Iy rrGlioffiamas to l?i:is tgi4ltva agdreacb go''ui''""individualsurfacesinthelarlvJrarysatfua.Whereinlies'thesupremeSell.. -I"ch"Gm-tnag'f'ugwadGitahasclassified td hoursof the morning,betweenj!:uqarul-g actol HisrajasandlamagJ6jpq{nqltlurlnettritnE different facetsof human life action, renunciaintellect, steadfastness, prftominantlv rnanifeiti knowledge, ;i;tti,iffifi;* zunas. happiness-unde-rthe.three The tionancl ffi;;;;il;#i*;"nsamand6pqr.Tqmas showui-at"Ig-h1#;;ffi;;*i;;;il';l;.;attesyoutodefinethT_exactnatureof. your p.gl+on4!i!rYou can then ?9m41+et i"ii.-g,;Jro.iu.rvonu,rio*itt.highestsattgggcffi.ggsureswherethereare.aults'And viktothelowesttamasikperson. is The sattvik temperament highestin a jiS-eirud,t4llqthglfAqsallqikstutt'
sattvik'person, less in a rajasik person and -Gast ih a tamasik person. Regardless of the The swamiwilllectureontheGitaChapter 18d't RauindraNcttyaMandirPrabhadeui,fromJanuary


'"r%ff-i"ff ffif ffiSindividuarcountrortnt?a?'ietv"ii,,rrt"ia",rii mtofol""i

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quantum, thesaltv-a in a person manifests in 2to6,6'30-B'00pm

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