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Porting Fireworks&Dreamweaver CS3 From Windows Install your Fireworks&Dreamweaver CS3 in Windows.

(For this step, I would advis e you to install it on a Windows virtual machine so that you can transfer files between the two OS easily later on.) --> Copy C:\Program Files\Adobe folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Pr ogram Files/ --> Copy C:\Documents and Settings\your-windows-user-name\Application Data\Adobe folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/All Users/Applic ation Data/ --> Copy C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wi ne/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files --> Copy C:\WINDOWS\system32\marcomed folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wine/driv e_c/windows/system32 --> Copy C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wine/drive_c/windows --> Copy C:\Documents and Settings\your-windows-user-name\Application Data\FLEXn et folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/All Users/Appl ication Data/ --> Copy C:\Documents and Settings\your-windows-user-name\Application Data\Macro media folder to Ubuntu /home/username/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/All Users/A pplication Data/ --> Copy C:/Program Files/Common Files/Macrovision Shared folder to Ubuntu /home /username/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Common Files/ Next, we need to import the Dreamweaver registry to WINE. In your Windows, go to Start->Run. Type in regedit and press Enter. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Adobe. Right click on the folder and select Exp ort. Save the file as adobe.reg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Adobe and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSe t\Services\FLEXnet Licensing Service. Right click on the folder and select Export. Save the file as flexnet.reg Copy these .reg files to your Ubuntu home/.wine folder.

Install recode --> sudo apt-get install recode Now you need to convert the registry file to ASCII format. --> recode ucs-2..ascii adobe.reg --> wine regedit adobe.reg and --> recode ucs-2..ascii flexnet.reg --> wine regedit flexnet.reg Important Note: Placing wine in win98 before installation and then renaming WinS xS and Manifests to lowercase. At this time, you have successfully ported all the necessary files from Windows to Ubuntu. To test your installation:

cd .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Adobe/Adobe\ Fireworks\ CS3/ wine Fireworks.exe Fireworks CS3 should now launch. Creating entry in Applications menu To create an entry in your Applications menu, right click on the Applications me nu and select Edit Menus. Scroll down to the Wine->Programs entry and select New Item. Enter the following Type: Application Name: Dreamweaver CS3 Command: wine /home/username/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Adobe/Adobe\ Fireworks \ CS3/Fireworks.exe Click Close. You should now see an entry in your Application menu. You can drag the entry to your desktop or to the panel to create a shortcut.

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