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Question 1: Tell me about yourself.

I am an accounting professional with one year corporate banking and accounting experience and one-year financial audit exposure who would like to move over into a stable and a highly regarded organization. I have a great analytical skill, which had led me to take up Accounting as my major in college; this would fully utilize the knowledge I have earned in my secondary. I have attended several trainings and continuing professional education relevant to audit, accounting and taxation, which had gained me enough knowledge and enhanced my capabilities in performing my job. Question 2: Why should we hire you? I can be a factor in contributing for the overall corporate value based on my experience, knowledge and skills. Question 3: What are your greatest strength (or strengths)? I am an optimistic person who has a positive working attitude. I possess an outstanding analytical skill. I am a result-oriented which is I focus on achievement of targets by setting out work priorities and organizing workloads into available time. A team-player, hardworking, patient and responsible. Question 4: What is your greatest weakness (or weaknesses)? I prioritize continual growth and improvement. __________________________________________ Question 5: Why do you want to leave your present employer? As I succeeded in my audit career, I became increasingly interested in additional responsibility, new opportunity and reasonable salary that will come. I need to be challenged to develop my potential further. Question 6: Why do you want to work for this company? The reputation and market focus of the Company offers many opportunities for someone with my training and experience. The Company is a well established, customer focused and is one of the industry leaders when it comes to ___________ and I really want to feel part of a team, a longterm enterprise, where I can make a contribution. Its the ideal environment Ive been seeking. Question 8: Why do you want this position? "The position offers more responsibility, challenges and interesting opportunities, as well as a higher salary," Question 9: Do you work better alone or as part of a team? In my present job, I have experienced and learned working alone or as part of a team depending upon the complexity and nature of the client on my audit engagement. Based on my experience, I have spent a significant time working alone in the client coz my superior believes that I am dependable that requires minimum supervision. Since I am alone with the client, I have learned how to get along with or deal with different behaviors and how to adjust with various personalities so I wont feel being alone. We usually get some time chatting, getting to know more about life, family and background. But I see to it that my integrity or objectivity as a professional has not been impaired. It is not an issue for me as long as I perform my job well and contribute for the timely completion of the audit. I have worked successfully with many people both inside and outside of the organization, including different bosses and co-workers, as well as interacting regularly with various types of organizations and customers. Question 11: Where do you see yourself in five years? Probably I endeavor to assume a significant position in the company wherein I could participate in the high-level decisionmaking and strategic planning. I see myself working in two or three or a much higher levels ahead of my job and that promotion will be earned through my hard work. The important thing is that I will continue contributing my abilities in a challenging and rewarding environment. Question 12: Why have you changed jobs so frequently? There are various reasons why I changed jobs frequently but the main practical reason is that my current goal is seeking for a career growth and advancement followed by a long-term employment and job stability. Question 18: What previously held job do you consider to be your favorite and why?

Question 19: Do you consider yourself to be organized? Do you manage your time well? I manage my time very well. I routinely complete tasks ahead of schedule and set reasonable expectations and goals and know how to achieve those within a reasonable amount of time. Question 21: Why have you stayed with the same employer for so long? I have been working successfully with many people both inside and outside the organization. Question 23: Would your present employer be surprised to know you're job hunting? Actually I am happy with my present job but I need to stretch out and seek for a more stable and challenging job, more compensation packages and opportunities for career advancement. Question 24: How well do you handle change? I manage changes very well seems that it is always expected to have changes in our life and our work because of continuous innovations and technologies but individuals should effectively adjust and be well equipped by providing continuous learning and education. Question 25: What salary are you expecting? I would seriously consider any competitive, fair or reasonable offer you care to make which would best reflect the value of services I am providing and the degree of responsibilities I would be assuming. Question 26: How do you resolve disputes with co-workers? How do you handle conflicts in the workplace? Mostly disputes arises from different suggestions or ideas from co-workers which may be best addressed through proper communication and sharing of thoughts appropriately and sharing ideas that will not offend the co-workers. Question 27: Who was your favorite boss and why? Who was your least favorite boss and why? Question 28: What could you have done to improve your relationship with your least favorite boss? Question 37: What is your commitment to this job? I would avow my deepest commitment and fullest cooperation in the company and my job and I know it will continually grow and develop as I get to know more about it. Question 38: Aren't you overqualified for this job? I have more experience required in this job. I feel I am much suited in this since as an auditor I was exposed to diversified industries and familiarized myself to various accounting cycles and systems that gave me an edge if I was to be hired. Question : What does the word success mean to you? Success, for me, would be knowing that I am making a difference working with a team of people to make a more profitable enterprise. I learned early in my career, it's the passion that drives you toward your goals but it's the hard work that produces your success. I constantly strive to improve my performance by questioning today, how I could have accomplished more yesterday. This way, I'll always feel my next achievement will be greater than my last. I am confident I can make an immediate contribution in the many ways by the abilities I possessed. Question 39: Are you opposed to doing a lot of routine work? I know this position requires a lot of routine work, but I don't expect to start at the top. I'm willing to start at the bottom and prove myself. Eventually, I will be assigned tasks that require more analytical matters." Question: Do you get along with your current boss? I don't think I'd call him a boss; he's been more of a mentor to me. Yes and I think mutual respect is the most important aspect in every working environment since you are Question: What words best describe you? Compassionate, Creative, Team player, Organized, Optimistic Question #6 Discuss a time when your integrity was challenged. How did you handle it? What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?

What did you most enjoy about your last job? Of the many things that I enjoyed, I would say that the strategic aspects of my job most energized me. Utilizing my analytical skills in performing substantive testing and procedures fulfilled me with my last job. I liked setting concrete performance goals for myself and finding ways to meet them. I also considered out of town works, which gave me an opportunity to travel in different places. Question #5 What do you consider your most significant accomplishment? Passing the CPA Board How do you deal with criticism? Criticism is vital to my continued growth, and I welcome constructive criticism that helps a team operate better together or produce better results. It is important to me to understand where my critic is coming from so that I know how to apply the feedback. Being objective is also a factor on surpassing criticism. How do you deal with authority? Respect is very important to me. As an employee, I try to respect my boss not only by following her guidance, but also by seeking her guidance. When a mutual trusting relationship is formed, I have often found that my bosses have appreciated concerns or options that I raised to them since they are showing their respect regardless of authority. What do you think of your previous manager? My previous manager had excellent technical skills and was very agreeable as a colleague. I would have liked more support from her at times, but sometimes she encourages me or teaches me to become more independent which meant that I had to become resourceful in problem solving and negotiating with colleagues and clients. How would your colleagues or supervisor describe you? My supervisor and colleagues have described me as a dependable and determinate worker. My supervisor has appreciated that I prioritize tasks and manage my responsibilities so that he/she can rely on me. What can you offer us that other people cannot? Since I am organized and selfmotivated, I will add value to the company without requiring much tending and supervision. What about this job attracts you? What is unattractive? As I evaluate my skills and goals, this job maximizes on both. I imagine that there will be opportunity for increased responsibilities and challenges. I share the values of the company. I am not eager to do much data processing, but the position is very attractive. How long do you see yourself with us? I see myself contributing to the profitability and vitality of the company while still being grown through challenges. How would you describe an ideal working environment? An ideal working environment for me is having a harmonious relationship with other colleagues. It is also important to me that my company has clear objectives and strives for success. Similarly, I like having colleagues whom I admire for their skills and perspectives. How long would you stay with the company? I would really like to settle down with this company. As long as I am growing professionally, there is no reason for me to make a move. Have you done the best work you are capable of doing? Yes, Im proud of my professional achievements to date, but I believe the best is yet to come. I am always motivated to give my best efforts, and in any job there are always opportunities to contribute. How long would it take you to make a contribution to our company? It will take me a few weeks to settle down and learn things. Ill be earning my keep very quickly, but making a real contribution.. Can you work under pressure? Yes, I usually find it stimulating. However, I believe in planning and time management in order to reduce panic deadlines within my area of responsibility. Describe a difficult problem youve had to deal with. Well, I always follow a steps in solving with a difficult problem. One, I identify and examine the problem. Two, I recognize the problem and know the effects and symptoms of it. Three, I make a list of possible solutions to the problem. Four, I weigh both the consequences and cost of each

solution, and determine the best solution. And five, I go to my boss, outline the problem, make my recommendation, and ask for an advice and approval.

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