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One-Step Generation of Multiqubit GreenbergerHorneZeilinger States in a Driven Circuit QED System

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Commun. Theor. Phys. 56 (2011) 10051008

Vol. 56, No. 6, December 15, 2011

One-Step Generation of Multiqubit GreenbergerHorneZeilinger States in a Driven Circuit QED System

HUANG Jin-Song (


NIE Wei (


and WEI Lian-Fu (


Quantum Optoelectronics Laboratory, School of Physics and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, School of Physics and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

(Received July 11, 2011; revised manuscript received September 2, 2011)

Abstract We propose an ecient scheme to generate multiqubit GreenbergerHorneZeilinger (GHZ) states by onestep quantum operation in a driven circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED) system. Our proposal is based on a unitary 2 evolution exp[iSx ], with Sx being the collective spin operator in x direction and a controllable parameter, induced by driving the resonator. The quantum operation avoids resonator-eld decay and may achieve the GHZ states with ideal success probability. The feasibility with the experimentally-demonstrated circuit QED system is also discussed.
PACS numbers: 03.67.Bg, 42.50.Pq, 03.67.Lx

Key words: GreenbergerHorneZeilinger states, circuit quantum electrodynamics

1 Introduction
Entanglement[1] is at the heart of the quantum theory and also the crucial resource of quantum information processing.[23] While initial research was focused on bipartite entanglement, with the current experimental effort, entanglement shared by multiple particles has played more and more important roles due to its unusual features and necessity in the large-scale realization of quantum computation and communication.[4] Therefore, generating multipartite maximally entangled states, i.e., the GreenbergerHorneZeilinger (GHZ) state,[5] in various physical systems attracts increasing attention. GHZ states have been investigated in the context of violation of multipartite Bell-type inequalities,[67] and also as a very important quantum resource in quantum information processing and communication.[89] Various schemes of generating GHZ states have been demonstrated in recent investigations of atoms,[1012] photons,[67] and trapped ions,[1314] and also solid-state qubits.[1517] However, the existing methods of generating GHZ states all require multiple steps. Recently, ecient one-step methods were reported to create GHZ states in the trapped-ion system,[18] the cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED)[19] and circuit QED system.[20] A common feature in these approaches is that the desirable unitary operation for generating the GHZ states is implemented by using the passively-induced qubit-qubit interactions, while the dispersively-coupled bosonic mode serves automatically as a data bus. Alternatively, in this paper we propose a scheme to realize the similar qubit-qubit interactions by actively driv Supported E-mail:

ing the jointly-coupled resonator mode. Under such an 2 external driving, the desired unitary operator exp[iSx ] is obtained, with Sx being the collective spin operator in x direction and a controllable parameter. By the unitary evolution, a set of multiqubit GHZ states can be prepared by only one step. As the proposed quantum operation avoids resonator-eld induced decay, state generations may approach the ideal success probability. Our discussions are based on the circuit QED system, but can be directly applied to dispersively-coupled cavity QEDs.

2 One-Step Preparation of Multiqubit GHZ States in a Circuit QED System

Circuit QED describes the physics of the strong couplings between microwave photons and superconducting circuits in a transmission line resonator (TLR).[2122] As a solid-state analog of the conventional quantum-optics cavity QED, circuit QED has been proven to be an exceptionally successful platform for quantum computation applications.[23] In this architecture N identical superconducting charge qubits are capacitively coupled to a high-Q TLR (see Fig. 1). For an ideal one-dimensional TLR with the geometric length L and the capacitance C, the microwave resonator can be described by the Hamiltonian ( = 1 throughout the paper) HTLR = r a a , (1) where r = 1/ LC is fundamental-mode resonance frequency, a(a ) denotes the annihilation (creation) operator of the resonator mode. These identical charge qubits are fabricated respectively at the antinodes of the electric

by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10874142 and 90921010 weilianfu@gmail.com 2011 Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/ctp http://ctp.itp.ac.cn


Communications in Theoretical Physics

Vol. 56

eld of the resonator mode, where strong capacitive couplings between the qubits and microwave photons in the resonator can be induced by electric dipole interactions, and all the qubits are coupled to TLR with the same coupling strength g. We consider an external driving of the resonator, which can be modeled by the Hamiltonian Hd = (a e id t + a e id t ) , (2) where is the amplitude and d is the frequency of the external drive. Such a composite system is described by a driven TavisCummings Hamiltonian[24]

with the resonator-drive detuning = d r and the Rabi frequency = g/. Indeed, in the strong coupling limit, where g with the resonator decay , a large fraction of the irradiating photons will be reected at the input port of TLR. In this case, the resonator will be populated with n (/)2 drive photons, which induce Rabi oscillation of qubits at a frequency = g n.[25] For the Hamiltonian HT in Eq. (6), we dene

HT = H0 + H1 ,

H0 =

xj ,

HTC = r a a +

j z + g(a j + a+j ) 2 j (3)

H1 =

{g[a j exp (it) + a+j exp (it)]} .


+ (a e id t + a e id t ) ,

where j is the j-th qubit transition frequency, and +j = |1j 0j | (j = |0j 1j |) is the ladder operator for the j-th qubit, with two charge states |0j and |1j , which correspond to zero and one extra Cooper pairs of the j-th qubit in the superconducting island.

Changing to the orthogonal bases |j = (|1j |0j )/ 2, the Hamiltonian H1 in the interaction picture with reference to H0 yields

HI =

g a exp(it)[|+j +j | |j j | 2

+ exp (i2t)|+j j | exp (i2t)|j +j |] + h.c., (8) where |j are the eigenstates of operator xj with eigenvalues 1. In the strong driving regime {, g}, we can eliminate the fast-oscillating terms in Eq. (8) and then have[2627]

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the circuit QED setup. Superconducting charge qubits are fabricated inside a one-dimensional TLR and are capacitively coupled to the resonator standing wave.

HI =

gj x [a exp (it) + a exp (it)] . 2 j


Following Ref. [25], after a displacement transformation D() = exp(a a) , (4) the displaced Hamiltonian of the coupled system reads HT = D ()HTC D() iD ()D()

Note that the operator set {xj xj , a xj , axj , 1} (j, j = 1, . . . , N and j = j ) form a closed Lie algebra, the time evolution operator related to the above Hamiltonian can be formally written as[28] UI (t) = exp [iA(t)]

exp [iB(t)axj iB (t)a xj ] exp [iC(t)xj xj ] , (10)

= r a a +

j z + g(a j + a+j ) 2 j (5)


with the parameters to be determined by N g2 1 (exp (it) 1) + t , 4 i g B(t) = [exp (it) 1] , i2 A(t) = C(t) = g2 1 (exp (it) 1) + t , 4 i (11)

+ g( j + +j ) .

By choosing d = j , = ir i exp(id t), and working in a rotating frame dened by R = exp it r a a + 1 2


d zj

the eective Hamiltonian of the resonator-qubit system takes the form


HT =

{xj +g[a j exp (it)+a+j exp(it)]} , (6)

and A(0) = B(0) = C(0) = 0. Obviously, B(t) is a periodic function and UI (t) becomes independent of variables of the resonator eld at certain instants of time. With the choice t = Tn = 2n/ for integer n, we have

No. 6

Communications in Theoretical Physics

+ exp(i/4)|N/2, N/2 ]


B(t) = B (t) = 0. Then the time evolution operator reduces to a simple form UI (t) =
2 exp (itSx ) ,


with Sx = N xj /2 and = g 2 /. j=1 Return to the Schringer picture, o US (t) = U0 (t)UI (t) = exp (ia at)
j 2 = exp (ia at) exp (i tSx itSx ) ,

1 = (N |0 j + i N |1 j ) . (18) j=1 j=1 2 In the above, the relations of the integers k, m, and n are given by 2 2 2 n = 2k + 2 , n = m. (19) g 4g 8g For the odd N , we can set M = M + 1/2, with an integer M . By choosing t = (4k + 1)/2 and t = (4m + 3/2) (k, m are integers), we obtain the GHZ state 1 |(Tn ) = exp(i7/8)[exp(i/4)|N/2, N/2 2 + exp(i/4)|N/2, N/2 ] 1 = (N |0 j + i N |0 j ) . (20) j=1 j=1 2 In this case, the relations of the integers k, m and n are 2 2 3 2 2 k+ 2 , n= m+ . (21) g2 4g g 8g Therefore, multiqubit GHZ states can be deterministicly generated by tuning the resonator driving time. n=

exp (itxj )UI (t) (13)

2 Sx

with = 2. Note that the eective coupling can be utilized to directly realize the multiqubit GHZ states, when the relevant parameters are appropriately chosen.[18] Assume that the multiqubit register is initially at the state |(0) = N |0 j j=1 , (14)

where |0 (|1 ) denotes the eigenstate of z , z |0 = 1 (z |1 = 1). Using the spin representation of atomic N states for the operator Sz = j=1 zj /2, the multiqubit states N |0 j and N |1 j can be expressed as colj=1 j=1 lective states |N/2, N/2 and |N/2, N/2 , respectively. Here, |J = N/2, M is the eigenstate of the operators Sz with the eigenvalue M , M = J, . . . , J. In terms of the eigenstates of Sx ,[18] we have N N , 2 2 N N , 2 2 =
M=N/2 N/2

3 Discussion and Conclusion

The proposed scheme for one-step quantum operation is experimentally realizable. It is seen clearly that the minimum preparation time of the GHZ state Tmin = 2/ (for integer n = 1) can be realized if Eq. (19) for even N or Eq. (21) for odd N is satised. The parameter , e.g., = 2 2000 MHz,[25] is easily controlled to assure that the preparation time is much shorter than the qubit relaxation time T1 = 7.3 s and the dephasing time T2 = 500 ns.[25] Moreover, the GHZ state prepared above by one-step operation can be conrmed experimentally by using the standard quantum state tomography,[2930] i.e., reconstructing its density matrix by a series of quantum measurements. Hence the generation and detection of the GHZ states are experimentally feasible. In conclusion, we have proposed a scheme to prepare GHZ states in a scalable solid-state system. As TLR can be acted as a data bus, the long-range interactions among the qubits can occur and are insensitive to the resonator mode. The quantum operations avoid the resonator decay, and thus may approach the ideal success probability to obtain the GHZ states in one step.

M=N/2 N/2

cM |N/2, M



cM (1)N/2M |N/2, M



As a consequence, the evolution of the system can be conveniently expressed as |(t) = US (t)|(0)


cM exp (i tM itM 2 )

N ,M 2

. (17)

For even N , M is an integer. With the choice t = (4k + 1)/2 and t = 2m (k, m are integers), at t = Tn the desired GHZ state is obtained as[18,26] (up to a global phase factor) 1 |(Tn ) = [exp(i/4)|N/2, N/2 2

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