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Meringue Cookies Ingredients: 4 egg white dash salt dash cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla2 tablespoons good chocolate

1/2 cup nuts -- to 3/4 cup, chopped 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut meat -- finely shredded How to Prepare: you need to be home (and patient)for at least an hour to make these preheat oven to 275 butter cookie sheet well Beat egg whites until stiff with dash of salt and dash of cream of tartar Add vanilla ( or another extract) In food processor grate chocolate Chop nuts. Mix chocolate, nuts and coconut, then fold into eggwhites. Make Tablespoonsful into cookie size drops on buttered cookie sheet--they will not change shape or spread or anything--Bake at 275 for 30 minutes. DO NOT OPEN OVEN FOR ANY REASON NO MATTER WHAT OR THESE WILL BE RUINED!!!!!!! Turn oven off leaving cookies inside for 2 (two) more hours WITHOUT OPENING OVEN AT ALL!!!!!! NOTES : Carbs for chocolate not included in above total adjust accordingly 15 carbs included for nuts

Who knew Aunt Lenas 100 year old cookie recipe, called schkoomies is still the better choice when talking low fat??

6 egg whites 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar 2/3 cup sugar, (I use the vanilla sugar) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, use more if not using vanilla sugar 4 ounces good quality dark chocolate, finely chopped more chocolate for dipping nuts for garnish, optional

Preheat oven 250F.Line cookie sheet with parchment paper. Combine egg whites and cream of tartar and mix until foamy. Add sugar and vanilla extract and continue beating until meringue holds soft peaks. (soft peaks are when the tips of these peaks gently bend). Spoon 2 tablespoons of meringue onto cookie sheet, or you can use a pastry bag to pipe onto sheet also. Bake 40 minutes or until gently golden. Remove and let cool. When cool you can dip the bottoms or tops in melted chocolate and sprinkle with your favorite nuts!! Yum!

Lemon Meringue Cookies Ingredients Meringues 2 egg whites, room temperature 1/4 tsp salt 1/8 tsp cream of tartar 1 tsp vanilla 3/4 cup sugar 1 tsp lemon zest Lemon Curd 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice (youll need 2 lemons) 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 2 egg yolks pinch of salt 6 tbsp (3/4 stick) butter, but into pieces. Directions 1. For meringues, whip egg whites in a large bowl until frothy. Add salt, cream of tartar and vanilla and whip until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar while continuing to beat, until stiff peaks form. 2. Spoon or pipe mixture into little circles on parchment paper lined baking sheets. I was going for bite-sized treats here, so make them pretty small. 3. Bake at 300 for 25 minutes, and rotate your baking sheets front-to-back, top-to-bottom halfway through the baking time. 4. Let meringues cool for a couple minutes, then flip half of them over and press down gently so they are level, but dont smoosh them down too much.

5. For lemon curd, first get out a mesh strainer, and place it over a medium-sized bowl. Set aside. Whisk together lemon juice, sugar, eggs, egg yolks and salt in a medium sized pot. Place over medium-low heat. Add butter and stir until butter melts and the mixture starts to thicken. Remove from heat and pour through strainer to remove any little bits of cooked egg that might have happened. Place a piece of plastic wrap directly over the lemon curd, and put in the fridge to chill. 6. For assembly, spoon a little bit of curd on top of the flattened meringues. Top with a cute meringue. 7. These are best served right away, but Jill just stored hers in the fridge all morning and they were fine.

Briose cu iaurt


1 pahar iaurt 1 pahar unt topit sau ulei 2 pahare zahar 2 pahare faina 1/2 plic praf de copt 2 oua coaja lamaie rasa 1 lingurita

Mod de preparare
se amesteca foarte bine ingredientele de mai sus ,mai putin faina pana se topeste zaharul dupa care se adauga si aceasta ,se amesteca pana se incorporeaza in totalitate.Se toarna in forme unse si tapetate cu faina sau cu hartiute de briose si se coace cam 20-30 min!

Prajitura (tortulet) de citrice cu iaurt


PT BLAT: 2 oua 3 linguri cu ulei 4 linguri cu zahar 4 linguri cu faina putina coaja de lamaie si portocala 1 praf de sare

PT CREMA DE IAURT: 1 borcan de 500 gr iaurt cu gust de lamaie 200 ml frisca lichida 6 linguri de zahar pudra sucul de la 1 portocala coaja de lamaie si portocala 4-5 linguri de lapte 3 foi de gelatina

Mod de preparare
Pregatim prima data blatul: batem albusurile cu zaharul si sarea ca pt bezea apoi adaugam galbenusurile amestecate cu uleiul,cojile rase si faina la sfarsit. Punem compozitia intr-o tava rotunda unsa si tapetata cu faina,apoi dam la cuptorul incins la 180 timp de 5-8 minute(pana e gata). Lasam blatul la racit si intre timp pregatim crema: Amestecam iaurtul cu sucul de portocala,zaharul si coaja rasa. Punem gelatina la inmoi in apa,apoi o topim in laptele fierbinte,dupa care o punem peste iaurt. Separat batem frisca,dupa care o amestecam cu iaurtul. Luam o tava rotunda(depinde cat de inalta vreti prajitura) si o tapetam cu folie de plastic. Acoperim fundul tavii cu blatul racit,insiropam putin cu suc de portocala si lamaie,apoi punem crema de iaurt si dam la rece cateva ore pana se intareste. Cand este gata scoatem din forma si decoram dupa plac. Eu am caramelat putin cateva feliute de portocala si le-am pus deasupra,dar puteti pune si un jeleu de portocale....ma rog cum va place mai mult.

Biscuiti fragezi
Publicat de Vicky | 07:46 | Biscuiti/Cornulete/Fursecuri | 6 comentarii Reteta este aceeasi ca la papucei la tava, doar ca se lasa coca mai moale decat la papucei Ingrendiente: 1 pachet de margarina

250g zahar 2 galbenusuri o lingura untura 1 pliculet zahar vanilat faina cat cuprinde Mod de preparare: Se amesteca margarina cu zaharul. Am pus is cele 2 galbenusuri si lingura cu cuntura si se amesteca pana se omogenizeaza toate ingrendientele.

Biscuiti fragezi
Publicat de Vicky | 07:46 | Biscuiti/Cornulete/Fursecuri | 6 comentarii Reteta este aceeasi ca la papucei la tava, doar ca se lasa coca mai moale decat la papucei Ingrendiente: 1 pachet de margarina 250g zahar 2 galbenusuri o lingura untura 1 pliculet zahar vanilat faina cat cuprinde Mod de preparare: Se amesteca margarina cu zaharul. Am pus is cele 2 galbenusuri si lingura cu cuntura si se amesteca pana se omogenizeaza toate ingrendientele. Am terminat de facut forme cu pistolul de biscuiti (nu reusesc sa fac cu formele de biscuiti, daca stie cineva sa ma ajute si pe mine).

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