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The Story of the Dragon Campaign This story took place during the time of the old gods,

when each element of nature had its patron, and there existed a most certain afterlife. This was during the time of the Imperium of Winglies, led by their Holy Emperor Gloriano, who maintained control over all other earthly races from up above in floating cities and citadels. Though they were powerful, they were relatively few, so they fashioned artificial beings known as virage. With these massive beasts, sheer white and often grafted to powerful weapons of war, they decimated all opposition to their power, even leading to the extinction of most races. Soa, the old god who started the universe sacrificed himself to plant the divine tree, the tree that bore 107 fruits, each one deploying an intelligent race at a standard pace. The Winglies led to the extinction of most of those species and enslaved the rest. Such was the extent of the power. However, even they could not create a worldwide empire and instead limited themselves to Endiness, the core of our world. This story begins, as often these stories do, with a group of slaves, disgruntled workers sent to their deaths to Fort Magrad. In this story, we have seven actors. Ragnar, a beast of a half-orc, was a barbarian capable of bulldozing walls with just his rage. Phaethon, an Ifrit fire mage, was the one to keep spirits up with his tricks and stories in those tiring times. Flur was a sylph whose wings were ruined by the Winglies, but neglected them to take care of any wounds the others sustained. Vikteora was a half-elf druid, and the snow certainly represented quite a change from the forests she once inhabited. Morwin was an elf ranger, close friend to Vikteora, and her eagle eyes were ill used in the mines in which she was forced to work in. Vlad was a human, a bit of a shadowy character. He was quite the fighter and rebellious by nature. Condor was a human as well, and his thievery often put the rest ill at ease, unless he brought some extra food and water to the group. Fort Magrad was far in the north, almost as far north as the human colony of Vellweb. It was set in the northern territory of Gloriano, an ironic name to punish the governor of the region. Lloyd, a fallen wingly, was placed in charge after what many assumed was a coup, and rather than being executed, the Emperor honor-bound him to the land. He set a terrible individual in charge of the prison fortress, Zior, and set about on a nefarious plan. Soon a major discovery was found at the mines, something that Lloyd coveted, a cog in his machine so to speak. For but a moment, the security lapsed as Zior tried to get this item to Lloyd, and a plan was struck between our seven protagonists. Deep in the mines, Ragnar and company managed to set a distraction, at the expense of Vlad and Flur who had to be dragged away to other areas for their parts to be played. Vlad was taken to a security pen, where he broke out and freed the slaves, while Flur was dragged to the raping beds for her part. While the miners fought their oppressors and the prisoners stormed the keep, Flur broke out, causing chaos internally drawing Zior s attention away from the rest of the camp. So, soon our seven overpowered their oppressors and faced off against the camp master, only for him to abandon them to the almighty power of a scout virage, who then proceeded to wreck the fortress around them. Eventually, they managed to put the creature down, albeit sustaining massive injuries on their own. Had they been mere mortals, they would have succumbed. Instead, they ventured across the desolate wastes of the north, across the massive glaciers of Gloriano, to Lloyd s seat

of power at Vellweb. In the meantime, the slaves rallied around one of their number, a Lavitz Steinbert, who led them in their coming insurrection. He armed them, fortified Magrad, and trained for the coming war. Our adventurers dodged a massive dragon on their way to Vellweb, but found that the city had nearly fallen before they got there. All but the central governor s palace had fallen, but it was heavily guarded and the slaves could not breach the fiery defenses. As such, our heroes had to accomplish the impossible. They managed to find a way through the gates, but few could survive the massive amounts of defenders. As such, two of our brave adventurers, Flur and Phaethon, donned disguises and slipped in. Their diversion allowed the rest to kill the fire generating person and the slaves forced their way in, killing indiscriminately. Our heroes made for Lloyd s throne room, but arrived too late too prevent his departure. So they decided to wait and observe. Soon Lavitz arrived, and his new army needed allies. Our heroes were sent forth then, by ship, to make contact with Rouge, the first rebel colony and the only one supposedly left in existence. Their search took them to the broken islands, to where Rouge was at one point. Along the way, they fought a massive sea dragon and Morwin made a connection with it, securing herself a dragoon spirit. As the landing could not be made due to the weather, only Flur, Condor, and Ragnar went inland. They found ruins among the vast jungles of the main island, and there they met a wild hermit name Ricky who puzzled the group. Apparently, this was at one point Rouge but he was simply too crazy to help them adequately. During the night, he would depart to gather wild herbs to cure them of jungle borne illnesses while they tried to piece together what had occurred and where Rouge moved. It led them to a building, oddly up kept, that had KROATEN scrawled on its door. Slipping inside, they found the entire interior covered in a white ectoplasm. Delving deeper, they worked their way to the final basement of the structure, finding that it was the town prison. Here, in the basement, the floor had given way to a massive series of caverns below, and our explorers pushed onward. They found, deep within, a shrine to some ancient and evil god who attempted to purchase their souls. They resisted, so the god unleashed his wrath. In rushed Ricky, shouting in a tongue they did not recognize, and soon he began to transform. Here, our adventurers realized that Ricky was Kroaten, a man who sold his soul for power, but in the end dialed and his town died around him. Soon, they had to fight him, a demonic skeleton centipede that attempted to crush the shrine as it spawned evil beasts around them. The situation seemed dire, but they managed to strike a final blow to the shrine s altar, causing all its evil to be undone. Kroatan died, but they were no closer to finding Rouge, that is until they found Ricky s treasures. He had charts and diaries, leading to the day that most of the colony moved to another location, an adjacent island to some ruins at the base of a mountain, Their destination established, they departed Rouge I. Despite some setbacks, our group made a safe landing inside an inland bay. As a beachhead was being secured, Flur, Vikteora and Morwin made their way through the forests to make contact with the colony. Their tracking skills led them straight into some ancient defenses, a labyrinth patrolled by a massive gelatinous cube. Weaving and running, they managed to barely escape it, emerging to the

wider world once more. Orienting themselves correctly, they set off inland once more. Soon, they spotted odd lightning elements, singing and playing. As they made for a city in the distance the elementals swarmed them, and finally caused them to fall unconsciousness. When next they woke, they were in a prison and set to be executed. Apparently they were unwelcome guests, and our heroes had to fight the leader of the city in combat. Haschel, leader of rouge, was also a dragoon, but he was a Wingly replicant in disguise. Despite a hard fight, including an attempt to severe their connection to this dimension, Vikteora found her spirit as well as a country to command. Soon, the group saw on the horizon a massive Wingly Citadel, most likely called by the replicant, and they hand to mount adequate defenses. They made their way deep into the ruined ancient city and found a control center deep below in what seemed to be an engine room. As they activated, they found these ruins to be a flying city, an ancient imitation of the wingly forces, perhaps used by a now lost kingdom to combat the Winglies in ancient days. So, with this new weapon, the war was taken to the skies. Thousands of winglies fought thousands of former slaves, and their citadel scorched the ground, killing any who did not make it inside before the battle started. Soon, a secret weapon was released, the source of the fire was a red dragon, long captured and used against rebelling cities. In a last ditch effort, it was loosed to destroy the floating fortress of men. At the highest peak with the battle raging around them, the heroes slew the dragon and Vlad found a kin for his hidden rage. With its death, the winglies retreated to fight another day, and the heroes touched down in Cudra Bay to make their next plan of action. Nearby, there was a small stretch of land, and there seemd to be ruins of wingly make there, perhaps an ancient stronghold or something to give a clue to help in their defeat. Flur and Vlad, not ones to wait on indecision, decided to make for the beach first. Arriving nearly half a day earlier than the rest of the group, they made their way through heavy marshlands eventually arriving at the edge of a crashed wingly city, obviously abandoned a long time ago. However, it seemed that it had been reinvigorated, and sentinels once more seemed to have risen to march on the streets. In the center, the budding adventurers found an old professor, let s call him Demetrious, who mistakenly believed them to be a relief force of researchers so he told them of his plan to resurrect it. The city, known as Uroboros, was the most powerful and spectacular failure of wingly experimentation, developed and crashed sometime during the Subjugation Wars a hundred years back. The heroes, sensing an opportunity to perhaps massively mess up Wingly efforts from within, agreed to his request and were sent through a teleporter elsewhere. Thus our second group of explorers arrived in pursuit of the first ones, and made their way to the center as well. However, unlike the first group, they were perceived as a threat and they were soon detained and placed on an executioner s block. However, Phaethon s quick thinking managed to save them from a terrible fate and in order to prove that which he said, he agreed to help Demetrius in his plans. Thus, they too were sent with a mission to another place. However, they soon realized that they were not where the first group was sent. Their mission, as it turns out, was to obtain a device that Demetrius himself couldn t describe the function of due to its secrecy. Instead, they were given a rod that contained all the required information as well as a miniature teleporter tied to the location of

Uroboros. As they stepped away from where they landed, they went into a nearby town to find where exactly they were. In the meantime, Flur and Vlad stepped outinto a wintery forest. Demetrious asked them to obtain a spirit powerful enough to power the device that he was seeking to build, so the only one in existence was the Divine Dragon Spirit, obtainable at the Mountain of the Mortal Dragon but only through great effort. Thus, they proceeded south instead of north, to Neet to obtain allies from the Wingly occupants. When they arrived, they found a massive pit, with homes and shacks built into the circular sides connected by ropes, ladders, and various other contraptions. Apparently, the dragon attacks so often that the only protection from its fire can be found along the mine walls. Here they learned of the Black Legion, elite Wingly agents and right hands to the emperor, and obtained several books to adapt their behaviors and knowledge. They managed to get in contact with Lenus, a Legate of the Emperor, who decided to send a Legion representative to assist in defeating the dragon. With a few volunteers and the knowledge of a Wingly fort near to the mountain, they set north. The other group, led by Ragnar and the ever dancing and flamboyant Phaethon, found themselves at Donau, a beautiful but expensive resort town of the WInglies. Here there would be little help in crossing the terrible Death Frontier, the valley of corrupted gravity, and eventually getting to the secret location where winglies assemble their flying cities. Through hardships, including a fight with a massive virage in the middle of a neutral gravity field and dodging every increasing gravitation anomalies, they managed to get to a Wingly fortress, Fort Syuveil, where Phaethon managed to find his golden whip of power. From there, with expert guidance, they managed to traverse the expanse of floating rocks, colliding boulders, and gravitation crags and get to the Home of the Gigantos. Here, they ran into someone of interest. A wingly, dressed head to toe in platinum armor, with black skulls adorning the plates to signify his many kills, he appeared massive even in comparison to Ragnar. His Helm resembled that of a dragon s head, completely obscuring his face. Anytime he breathed, it came out as a roar and smoke seemed to billow from the dragon s nostrils. His name was +. At this time, Flur and Vlad reached the northern WIngly stronghold, where they gathered together a legion of soldiers and led a massive assault against the Dragon s lair. There, they also met a ferocious figure who was already waiting for their arrival. Clad in black onyx armor, with platinum skulls adorning his plates, he seemed a carbon copy of +. His name was and he was sent to assist the black legion members. As such, Flur attacked from inside the volcano while Vlad readied the ballistas outside. led a strike force directly to the mouth of the volcano, and in a combined effort took the beast down. When the smoke cleared, - got the spirit, and he was not willing to give it up. Laughing joyfully, he attacked and killed Flur and Vlad as well as the rest of the legion. When next they woke, they were in Mayfill, the Wingly city of the dead. Here, they were raised again, given their possessions, and were granted the ability to take new bodies due to their association with the winglies. Vlad became a Wingly thus and Flur became a Pixie. From there, they used the rod s recall system to return to Demetrius who promptly a,d angrily sent them to another location to find a suitable replacement. Ragnar s group proceeded through the Home, which has been cleansed by +. Men, women, children, they all fell to his twinsided blade. He led the group all the way to the construction area in the

center of the Death Frontier, where they dropped off the plans and awaited the creation of the device. Suddenly, a storm kicked up and a large fortress seemed to be walking towards the site. It was a gargantuan earth dragon, apparently at one point even had a city built on top of it. It began to attack and ravage the site. When it reached the camp, it began to tear through the research buildings and our heroes decided to intervene. Drinking some wingly brew, they climbed on top of the beasts, through the fortress and its many traps, and eventually found the head of the beast. Ragnar took a running charge and repeatedly drove his axe through the beast s skull until it was finally dead. Thus Ragnar became one of the coveted Dragoons. And thus they waited once more. Flur s group emerged back in Gloriano somewhere. Demetrious, in his fury, told them to steal a comparable spirit from the Great Magician Faust s treasury in Flanvel. Our explorers, deciding to keep following Demetrious orders, complied. When they arrived at their destination, after following an oddly warm and cheery river to its source, they immediately recognized Flanvel as the fortress that attack them back at Rouge. Through some ingenuity, they managed to get inside and eventually worked their way to the top. They were then surprised that Faust was expecting them, that he knew why they were there and who sent them. However, before he could finish his exposition, Demetrious appeared and killed Faust, stealing something from within Faust s own body. Apparently, the miner s at Fort Magrad found a jewel capable of making Faust temporarily mortal, and Demetrious exploited it to kill him. As he was leaving, he revealed himself to actually be Lloyd in disguise, and smirked at the adventurers before having the entire tower explode and topple. Believing his prey dead, he left. He appeared as Demetrious before our adventurers at the Death Frontier, and when they handed him the device, an odd contraption with three slots, he and killed them. Much like the previous group, they appeared at Mayfil and used their recall device to appear at Uroboros. Where the previous group still saw Uroboros in a process of rebuilding, Ragnar s group saw it as it really was, a musty and dirty set of ruins. No banners or sentinels existed, they were merely an illusion set out by Lloyd. They went back to their ship, only to find their crew gone completely. When they tried to get the ship started, a fog came in and intense visions of death plagued all of the group members. Soon, they crashed into another ship, a vessel much like theirs. There they saw the scenes of a massacre as the Archangel of the Winglies slaughtered humans and other species right and left. When they followed him down below, they saw him murder a child in its crib when suddenly a mirror behind him seemed to almost banish him from this world. When Condor pocketed the mirror, the vessel began to submerge. The heroes narrowly managed to escape. Flur s group cleared itself of the rubble and decided to head south, to friendlier lands. Along the way they proceeded through the Valley of the Crows and eventually emerged near Furni, where there seems to have been battle lines drawn between the Wingly and Slave forces. Here, they were captured by Lenus forces and sent to Hellena Prison via the Sea of Mezanus. Along the way, they had an extended stop at Lideria where they were boarded and vlad was taken to become a slave once more while Flur was to be sold for pixie dust and other nefarious good. Both broke out just as the area became subdued by WIngly forces and they were shipped further south, this time across land. As they reached the Prison, they were able to slip out, adopt personas and disguises, and eventually ride out with the Prison s forces to subdue a local rebellion of Humans at Seles. Here, Flur and Vlad fought

against the slaves, eventually killing the white dragoon who was leading the rebellion allowing Flur to earn her spirit. From Sles, they proceeded to Lohan, running awry of a Lich along the way, where they took part in some of the festivities of the summer festivals, even breaking into the Mayor s home and vomiting all over the place. By morning, they had shattered a sythe that contained the souls of thousands of deadly creatures that wreaked havoc among its denizens. So, they left and made for the Wingly encampment at Fletz, volunteered their services at Lenus now main camp as the WInly Forces were pushed out of the northern portion of the continent. They were assigned to latrine duties and other menial labor. Soon, Lloyd arrived and convinced the Emperor s son to defect and led a civil war against the Winglies, so Flur s group and any other loyalists were pushed back until Kazas in the south. Nearly all of Endiness had been lost. Meanwhile, the other group, due to some typographical and knowledge errors on their part thought they were 100 years in the future and spent a good amount of time drinking and generally lollygagging. Finally, they managed to touchdown at Lohan where they learned that, despite festivities, there has been great tragedy with the now occurring civil war. Making a tactical choice, Ragnar s group decided to help the loyalist winglies against Lloyd s Winglies and made for the Black Castle at Kazas. Due to some exceptionally bad guards, they arrived unharassed. From there, both groups completed a series of battlefield objectives, eventually succeeding in killing the Emperor s son and earning a black mark in Lloyd s book. Though he was defeated at Kazas and whatever forces he had were scattered. Thus, the Emperor took personal interest in our group of seven. He called them to him, through teleportation. Flur s group met with him first, and after their audience they made a deal with the Emperor and were sent far northward to destroy Lloyd s source of power, the magical City of Aglis. The second group, a bit perplexedly, met with him several hours later and was sent to the great wastes of Gloriano. Flur s group headed to Aglis, and found that it was underwater, and that it emitted a vile liquid around it that normally would be fatal. However, through some ingenuity and through the use of several disruptive tactics they were able to get to Aglis and planted magical devices at several key areas of the submerged city in the Eye of Gloriano. While making their escape, the city was crushed to a singularity killing thousands of innocents along with whatever garrison was onboard. When they emerged, they were once more transported to the Emperor who was pleased with their progress and asked them to recover a lost artifact, the Dragon Buster Blade from Orianus, another lost city, this time submerged at Midlake. The group was then sent via teleporter to the valley near Midlake, and agter some embarrassing run-ins with rape-happy leprechauns and a massive evil relic of a lost race known as Arachnimere, they emerged on the steep cliffs surrounding Midlake. Spotting a tower in the middle of the lake, our two adventurers made their way within and climbed several hours deep into the earth. They emerged in a massive and dark cavern. By conjuring light, they found that in the center of the chasm there existed a carbon copy of the ancient city that they had gotten to fly earlier, but this time it was surrounded by thousands upon thousands of dead dragons. When they entered, in every hall thousands of dragons and humans lay, and when our adventurers came to the massive oil lake deep within, they found a pit filled to the brim with dead dragons and humans. Somewhere in the lake, there

was an odd green glow. When they approached it, they found the dragon slaying relic of old, but just as they approached it, it was stolen from them by +, who had tracked them and shadowed them all the way here. Suddenly surrounded, they had to think of a way to escape. Thankfully, with some luck, they managed to use an underground waterway to escape. During Flur s escapades, Ragnar and his gang stopped over in Vellweb to resupply, finding a wonderous staff and an odd beacon in the process. When they were making their way out, the beacon made contact with a god of old, the Augur of Dunlain who told them of an ancient relic capable of assisting them. Apparently the gods were also threatened by Lloyd s actions and required our heroes help. Thus they proceeded to Flanvel themselves, under the Emperor s and the Augur of Dunlain s guidance to capture a particular item key to Lloyd s plan. In order to destroy Lloyd and his demonic followers + and -, they had to find the dragon block staff, an ancient device used to trap the essence of a dragon and nullify its abilities. The warm brook that once led to Flanvel was now frozen over, and the tower lay shattered in the middle of a frozen lake in the mountains. Our adventurer s pressed on, climbing down into the depths that once were grand and alight, but now were dark and charred. Deep down, there was a tiny glimmer of light. Our adventurers, making use of the fabulous rope and other devices arrived on the bottom. Condor, a sneaky codger, tried to steal the staff for himself but as he reached for it, the mirror in his pocket began screeching in a tongue he had never heard and emitted mystical flames. He dropped it and Phaethon picked it up, emitting a massive beacon to the air. As they debated the use of the device, members who were dragoons felt ill at ease around it, bordering on sickness. Soon, the ground shook and the entire tower threatened to collapse upon them. As they made their way up, - arrived, hearing the call of the mirror. Using mystical abilities and the weakened state of the dragoons against them, he stole the mirror and headed to the Throne of the Gods. Our heroes gave chase, and their wonderous staff carved a means to an end. They arrived inside the Throne of the Gods. While the others were busy, Flur and company found themselves in an area nigh unexplored, near the edge leading to the Eastern Expanse, and decided that this world was hardly worth saving. Deciding to continue eastward and seek a relic mentioned offhand by the Emperor, Nerull s Staff, they kept moving east. Eventually, our group arrived in an area of odd caves and perfect, white steps leading up to them. As they climbed, the air became lighter and the setting became somewhat foggy. As they made their way through the caves, they eventually arrived at a massive marble and gold gate, and in ancient tongues the word Elysium was scrawled across the top. A judge sat on top of the gate, and promptly told them to leave, stating to come back once they have died, even though that has not been occurring of late due to the Winglies. However, our heroes were quite adamant and called upon the power of the Emperor who gladly abliged, destroying the gate completely. Our heroes stepped into Elysium and saw a paradise. The entire area was basked in mild sunlight, like a late summer sun. The one road was flanked by amber waves of grain, rolling hills with birds singing softly. Along the sides of the road were thousands of souls stuck in this purgatory, unable to move on to either heaven or hell, so they had laid out sleeping areas and picnic areas to make do until their final decision comes. In the center of Elysium was a massive obelisk at the top of which was a large, black staff whose power was keeping this dimension in existence. Flur and Vlad approached it and were faced by a wall of souls who

wanted to prevent these outsiders from effectively deleting what is left of their existence, to which Vlad responded violently, using touch of corruption and channel negative energy to purge these souls. The judge and the few Elysium Heroes left were unable to stop them and FLur flew to the top of the obelisk and stole the scythe. Immediately, the dimension began to collapse. The sun waned and shattered against the ground, turning into molten lava scorching the souls on the ground. Because both wingly and pixie can fly, Flur and Vlad rapidly made their way back to the entrance. The sky and the ground cracked, turned, and went into upheaval. Millions of screams echoed across this plain, and in the distance an ever growing darkness began to approach. It was gaining on our heroes, who were unable to comprehend exactly what was happening. Just narrowly crossing the threshold of the gate, the darkness swallowed and ended the plain. When Flur and Vlad finally landed, at the base of the marble stairs, they turned to see an ordinary mountain, no stairs or fog or souls. The staff pulsed in Vlad s hand and seemed almost alive. Suddenly, they were teleported elsewhere. Ragnar s group was busy scaling the mountain at this time. They arrived to the interior of the mountain eventually, to the Great Hall of the Gods. Here, in a massive circle surrounding a single Throne were smaller thrones occupied by what seemed like massive individuals. In the center, in a massive throne labled as Soa, the Auger of Dunlain was awiting them. He was weak, frail and old. Dying by the looks of it. He explained what has been happening. Emperor Gloriano knew that Soa had at one point sacrificed himelf to create all the intelligent races. He knew, also, that WInglies were but the 107th fruit of a total 108 that would come from the tree. The divine tree s 108th fruit was that of the Moon Child, a new god that would end the universe and restart it once more, completely ending the Winglies domination. Gloriano did not want this. Thus, trading a large amount of his power, he created 3 Divine Moon Objects to seal the moon child away along with the gods that could forcefully initiate the process. Then, Gloriano spread the three objects around the world. One, the moon gem, was placed inside Faust, the immortal Great Magician. Another, the moon mirror, was given to the humans and was lost amid a curse formed by the transgressions of the Winglies. The last, the moon dagger, was kept by Gloriano as a reminder of what was averted and was sealed in an alternated dimension. Lloyd has since found two and is working towards the last. At the top of the the Throne of the Gods is the ancient alter where the spell was struck, and Lloyd has recreated the device to undo it. There he awaited the arrival of the final object. Our heroes, hearing the news of this dire moment, decided to charge up the mountain and stop the madman who would recreate the world in his own image. Along they faced a fell beast bent to Lloyd s will, the Dragon of the four Winds, and upon slaying the beast Phaethon became that which he was always destined to be, the Wind Dragoon. Flur and company were recalled to the emperor s dimension, where they believed they were receiving orders, and were perplexed to see that it was completely different than they had last seen it. The explanation was simple; Lloyd was merely distracting them, sending them to wreak terror in his name under the guise of the Emperor while he plotted to steal the dagger. As such, when Gloriano s attention was turned away at the destruction of Elysium, Lloyd burst into his dimension and took the dagger. Gloriano, who had not even met Flur before, angrily sent them to the top of the Throne of the Gods to stop Lloyd, who now possessed all of the objects necessary to undo the spell. When they arrived, they linked up with Ragnar, and standing united, fought a fierce battle against the forces of evil.

Unfortunatly, they were unable to stop Lloyd. With the spell shattered, the Moon that Never Sets came crashing down onto Endiness, somewhere in the Death Frontier. There, the divine tree once more sprouted, ready to give birth to the last fruit. From the moon, which rested in the branches of the tree, came waves upon waves of increasingly complex virage, rapidly evolving to defend the site of the beginning of the end of the universe. In a pact between Lavitz, now known as Emperor Diaz of the New Imperium and Emperor Gloriano of the WInglies, a massive battle took place. Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs and other species fought the virage in a massive field battle at the base of the tree while flying fortresses and cities of the winglies engaged them in the air. Millions fell that day. Our heroes, making use of an ancient messenger of the gods, Dio, and several boons from the god of their choice, assaulted the tree as well. Unfortunately, Dio was struck a fatal blow and crash landed at the tree s middle. What came next is but legend. Each of our heroes came under the spell of the tree, which drew upon the feelings, emotions, and memories of each individual to test their willingness to save the world. Perhaps Soa had not forgotten the other children that came from his divine tree. Perhaps he himself did not want to see the end of this universe and the coming of the next. Thus, as our heroes were tested he called upon his younger brothers and sisters, and they heeded his call. Our heroes made their way to the top, and through their dragoon powers managed to get to the center of the moon, to the altar of the moon child. Here, they confronted Lloyd, and in a battle that would claim the life of Vlad, were able to finally subdue him. However, just before the final blow could be struck, Emperor Gloriano himself appeared and killed Lloyd, impaling him against the fruit that was the moon child s birthing place. Laughing, he had accomplished that which he sought but himself couldn t have brought about. He became absorbed into the fruit and was rebirthed as Fangol, the new god of death, the bringer of the end, the last and first God. With his power, he shattered the Moon that Never Sets, hollowing it and growing In power. Suddenly, all of the other gods appeared and tried to weave a spell to stop him, to sacrifice themselves and take Fangol with them. However, the spell was time consuming. Thus, Vlad came back as a black avatar of Nerull and the heoroes knew that they had to hold Fangol at bay as the final preparations were made. Fighting a losing fight, ragnar s wolf paid the ultimate price and many of our heroes were hinging on death. As one fell, another would rise to take the former s place, and eventually, with the battle outside coming to a close, Wingly and Slave forces shattered, virage victorious and fangol nearly powerful enough to break out of his prison, the gods finished their spell. In a flash of light seen to the ends of the universe, the gods sacrificed themselves, decimating and obliterating the Moon that Never Sets and Fangol. The battle was won. When next our heroes awoke, they found themselves filled with new life, freed of curses and boons placed upon them by the gods. The gods were dead, all of their wonders undone, and the world a free place. Fate ceased to exist; every species was free to shape their futures. So what happened to the heroes? Well, Whereas the entire Wingly forces were destroyed, their leadership dead, and whatever ones that were left scattered, Emperor Diaz proclaimed the beginning of the New Imperium. He Established the Capital upon the ruins of Deningrad, the Earthly Captiol of Wingly power, once known as the Birth City, it was a fitting place for the birth of a new future. A future

secured by the efforts of seven heroes. Each was handsomely rewarded for their efforts, given land, money, and power. All except Vlad. Vlad just wanted to be left alone, so he took some meager provisions and went into the Eastern Expanse, never to be seen again. Rise of the New Imperium

Year Zero: Shortly after the end of the Dragon Campaign, newly crowned Emperor Diaz set about on reconstruction. The Wingly earthly capitol of Deningrad was adopted as the Center of the New Imperium, renamed High Deningrad as both a point of pride in the lofty goals of the regime and as an insult aimed at the fact that no more flying cities existed. Winglies, once the proud race over all others, were shunted to the side. Most fled Endiness for the Eastern Expanse of the continent, while still others settled around Ulara, the last Wingly city in the Death Frontier, which has effectively been cordoned off as a reservation for the remnants of the ancient empire. Former Wingly fortresses were dismantled since war seemed impossible, no enemy in existence within Endiness, and efforts were turned away from military goals for once and for all. Year 1: Upon the first anniversary of the defeat of Fangol, god of destruction and rebirth, reconstruction was going splendidly. It was at this time that the northern island nation of the Arnim came in contact with Endiness, and the world map began to grow. The sea-faring Arnim, winter elves that once inhabited forests but were forced north to work the mines by the Winglies, had liberated themselves nearly simultaneously with Endiness and soon consolidated themselves into a nation. Their seafaring abilities soon allowed the first world map to come into existence, and suddenly Endiness seemed but a drop in a much larger ocean. On the eve of the end of the first year of toil, Emperor Diaz and High Chancellor Sil Salvar of the Arnim lit the Light of the World in the newly rebuilt and christened High Deningrad, the capitol of the Imperium.

Year 2: Soon, there was a massive technological breakthrough. Professor Wartwick, a self-made scientist invented the steam engine, and with it came about an industrial revolution. Soon, ships were outfitted with them, and with coal mines being established in Gloriano, there was soon an abundance of amateur explorers. Soon, the highs of Wingly technology were being replaced by the ingenuity of lesser species, and travel became easier for all. New cultivation methods allowed the frozen lands of the Arnim to be somewhat terraformed to be habitable and trade boomed. However, despite these gains, Emperor Diaz began to exhibit some paranoid tendencies. Afraid of the disintegration of the new Imperium, he signed a secret order, known by the code name Silver Ghost and waited for the future. The future seemed bright, except for him. Year 3: Riding upon the spirit of exploration and success, a massive population boom took place. Soon, space seemed like a valuable property and new monetary systems came into being. A new landowning class developed and fueled a growing consumer market, and the Imperium was becoming a truly integrated bureaucracy with quite the middle class. However, soon complications arose. War veterans and once repressed slaves began to chafe at the new rule of another empire. Soon, colonization became an only option to alleviate the pressures from within. Space was necessary to keep the peace. As such, Emperor Diaz, in conjunction with Arnim Seafarers set about establishing colonization projects. To protect the colonists, Emperor Diaz created a new order of hunters and sentries known as the Legion of the Wolf. The first ships and caravans departed within the same year and thus the Five Points was established, just close enough to be routinely monitored but just far enough to placate some of the masses.

Year 4: Due to the success of the Five Points, Dabas of Lohan, a wealthy businessman and mayor decided to establish his own colonization project, the New Lohan project. Having already some preliminary infrastructure already in place, a key in his success due to access to rare materials, Dabas sent his ships before he even got permission for his colony. As such, Emperor Diaz imprisoned him, claiming authority under Silver Ghost. Regardless, the ships were already beyond his reach. Despite some initial rioting, the official story that circulated was tax evasion and the seizure of black market goods at Lohan as reasons for his detainment. The Five Points, fearing their new freedom threatened, began to lobby for Emperor Diaz to step down. Year 5: Sensing valuable opportunities abroad, the Arnim began recruiting people for overseas colonization projects, a risky venture since none of the lands have been explored internally. The first sites were established on what became known as the Dark Continent, due to its rich black soil and shadowed woods. The Emperor, caught between supporting his allies and popular revolt should he disagree with further colonization and the plan for unification of all races on the other, Diaz let his hand slip and stepped down, leaving the choice to his son. Albert, taking the name of Emperor Titus Demetrius, immediately chose to side with the people, and released Dabas as well. That year, he also instituted the extremely popular Titus Reforms, making all races equal under law and investing a significant amount of money in consumer and other technologies. Seizing upon the Titus Reforms, the Elves, seeking Elf selfdetermination established Riverrun and began to explore the Eastern expanse. Soon, Endiness as a term began to apply to the entire continent and not just the cradle of the empire.

Year 6: With the advent of the new year, the Arnim and anyone willing began settlement of the Dark Continent in true form. Three sites, chosen both for diversity and access to resources, were settled and soon became small centers of trade. Domitian, Nerva, and Pertinax were the three sites chosen, though a small group of religious zealots made their way past the Dark Continent to Pantoa, a heavily forested and more wild continent. They were never seen again. Later, Dabas, in collaboration with Wartwick, came up with another revolutionary idea, gunpowder. Rich saltpeter from the areas around New Lohan and sulfur from the Dark Continent gave rise to a new method of furthering mining, dynamite, new methods of construction, and new methods of warfare. Soon, the cradle of the empire began to fall behind in technology, viewed as an old world of bureaucrats and bad memories. Despite Emperor Titus reformations, the Light of the World, lit after the Dragon Campaign, was rapidly becoming dim.

Year 7: Sensing the government s weakness, a dwarven group known as the Immortal Barons managed to get the Emperor to approve settlement of parts of the northern expanse of Endiness. Soon, preying upon dwarven self determination, High Tower was established. At this point, the Barons, in order to show the success of High Tower engineering by revealing for another radical design; the Black Falcon, the first airship powered on an upgraded design of Wartwick s engine. Soon, construction began to take place and the rich woods and iron hills in the area proved to be a wise investment. The Arnim colonies soon bore fruit, and Endiness began to fall behind in terms of trade. By the end of the year, the Immortal Barons established the Brothers of Thunder, their own private military and seceded from the Imperium. The elves of Riverrun followed suit and established the Protectors of Devotion to counter their dwarven neighbors to the north. Civil war seemed imminent.

Year 8: On what became known as the Nigh of Fires, civil war erupted. The Wars of Reclemation between the Dwarves and Elves soon dragged the rest of the Imperium into the fold, and eventually, by the end of the war, chaos soon threatened to undo everything that had been earned to this point. It is only when Emperor Titus, in a bold move, led the charge with the Legion of the Wolf at the foot of Mount Revere and cast asunder the forces of both Riverrun and High tower, forcing a settlement. Bothe Riverrun and High Tower were ceded to the Imperium. The Immortal Barons and the Astral Patriarchs of Riverrun were put to death for treason, and under the code of Silver Ghost the remainders of their followers were banished from Endiness. The followers of the Barons were banished to Chormia in the north, while the followers of the Patriarchs were sent to Pantoa, to do there as they will since both continents inhospitable to life. Two sites were chosen where the followers were left, Karkalla in Chormia and Volusianus in Pantoa. Peace came back to the land, at quite the price.

Year 9: With the chaos of the war over, the situation proved quite grim. The Arnim Holds were now the premier nation in the world. The Imperium had to borrow heavily to win the war, and now the small nation was the center of an empire in all but name. Emperor Titus found himself soon plagued by proposals he could not call away and pressure from the public to take a hard stance against heavy debt. He had to rebuild the ruined lands in the east but more debt was not the answer. As such, he established the order of the Brazen Company, founded through volunteer work and it set about reconstruction in the conquered lands. As for the Armin, they soon chafed beneath the yoke of alliance with the Imperium. Sensing their power, they soon broke the agreement made at the Light of the World at High Deningrad and established themselves as the Arnim Continuance. What was once a unified dream for the future seemed shattered. Both sides isolated themselves and the flames of war seemed on the horizon.

Year 10: So the new year began with a whimper. A heavy hog came in and it seemed as though the weather were changing. Snows came earlier and stayed longer. An odd tremble could be felt at moments, like a massive breath was being exhaled from the world. On the Dark Continent, a massive volcano known as the Wrath of Gaia opened up and threatened to engulf the western part of the continent. Snows and ash regularly fell on the world, and there was a heavy chill to the air, even in summer. All that was heard from the Arnim was silence. Diplomats were stopped in mid trip in the waters before the Arnim Continuance, and the diplomats reported back that the guards seemed odd, changed almost. Disease and plague was suggested, and medical supplies were sent north only to be sent right back. Disturbing reports of odd creatures began to surface, and a dark visage put out the Light of the World. All attempts to relight it have failed, and the odd conditions were exploited by a sect of priests known as the Oracles of the Black Pantheon to gain converts to their cause, which is yet unknown. As such, Emperor Titus

turned to the heroes of old, the ones who were responsible for granting freedom to the world during the Dragon Campaign. His plan: send one group north and force or sneak entry into the Arnim Continuance and find out what exactly is going on. The other will be sent east, into the wilds of eastern Endiness to High Tower and Riverrun to find and counteract the influence of the Oracles of the Black Pantheon. All right everyone, here is the new campaign. Once more, you will start divided up into two groups, but unlike the last campaign, you will be able to cross over every so often. This is a decision for the benefit of both the story and the groups; having 8 people together is pure chaos and few people would get to participate. You are working together for the king. Your back stories are limited only by what is contained by this document, but I want everyone to craft at least a rudimentary back story to justify why they have a new character, who they are, where they come from, and what they did until this point. It doesn t have to be overly detailed but it greatly expands the story to have you come across notable characters that some people may have known at some point. Anyway, this week I will have time to meet with everyone for character development, and I encourage everybody who wants help in their character creation but also for things like ability score rolls, health scores, etc for those who know what they are doing. For the new guys, I recommend going to pathfinder srd to build your character, they have everything from the books on there. If you honestly want the books, I ll try to upload them by the end of the week but don t hold your breath for IWU internet. Anyway, below are the times for when you guys can come over for character creation: Wednesday: 4-8pm Thursday: 4-8pm Friday: 4-6pm Saturday: 10-12am

Anyway, the two groups will meet at the following times. Also, you can check here to see what group you are a part of: Group 1: Saturday 1:00pm-6:00pm 1. 2. 3. 4. Ben Meaker Andrew Schmitt Nora Buckingham Stephanie Carlson

Group 2: Saturday 8:00pm- Until You Want To Leave 1. Brent Schroeder

2. Graham Boden 3. Paul Lee 4. Ian Powers Anyway, good luck with your midterms, see you by Saturday.

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