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Empino, Romir Gian O.

50.Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for

hands-on knowledge wins over respect for abstract authority.

A lot of companies today use the horizontal kind of organization chart

than the hierarchical because it is not costly and is more efficient for the
company. The horizontal or hyperlink is economical for the company because
it does not have lots of positions for the employees and there will be lesser
salaries for them. An example of the horizontal or hyperlinked is the position
of a manager, in a hierarchical way there is a line manager, staff manager,
general manager and so on but in a hyperlinked chart there will be only one
manager and he/she would be doing all the functions of a manager. If we look
at in the company’s point of view it will good for them because there will less
employees employed but if we look at it in the employees’ point of view it will
be much difficult for them because there will be lots of work on their
shoulders. Hyperlinked charts encourage employees to be efficient and to
work hard because they have to be the best in this kind of chart in order to
survive. Hands- on knowledge wins over the abstract authority because in a
hyperlinked chart there is no authority, the one who lands a positions is
usually the one who knows a lot, knowledgeable and skillful. Knowledge is
more important than authority, the one who knows more then he/she will able
to function and land the job. It is important for an individual to keep
himself/herself educated and updated because nowadays companies need
employees who are very reliable, intelligent and competitive.

51.Command-and-control management styles both derive from and

reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of

Command and control management usually build the administration of

the company. Administration or the organization of a company identifies itself
from the command- and- control management styles. Usually the command
and control management style identifies or represent the administration of
company. If a company was not able to set the difference between the
command and control of the management the company would be in chaos. It
is important for a company to draw the difference between the two because
the employees will be confused. If there is no different between the
limitations and functions of the command and control, then there will be a
paranoia and confusion of power. Employees and the company will not
function well if there is confusion between the command and control. It is
very important for a company to avoid confusion. The culture of the company
sets the ambience for working; if the culture is in paranoia then the overall
culture does not set the good ambience for working. It will be better if the
company would combine the 2 powers to avoid confusion and to avoid power
tripping. Power tripping is not really good for a company, it will just add to the
paranoia of the whole workforce. Directors should be very careful in creating a
command and control because it is again essential for the growth of the
company. Confusion in the workplace will create chaos between its employees
so it is important to see to it that everything is running smoothly to be able to
reach there goal.
Empino, Romir Gian O.

52.Paranoia kills conversation. That's its point. But lack of open

conversation kills companies.

Talking things out in a company is very important so everyone knows

what to do and where to stand. Conversations are very essential to a
company because in a conversation they will be able to know the needs and
concerns of the persons in a workplace. Indeed paranoia kills conversations
and lack of conversations kills companies. When there is confusion within the
company, the tendency of employees and directors is to stop conserving and
just act as if there is nothing wrong; in this situation it is better if there is an
on-going conversation where in they could talk things out. Conversation is for
the betterment of a company, through conversation companies will be able to
know more of their market. Without good conversations companies will die.
Goals of a company will be achieved through good conversations. Through
conversation companies will come up with strategies, goals, work plans and
rules for a company to run but without conversations a company will die
because no one is talking and reaching out. Through conversations companies
will be able to respond to the needs of the market, without conversations they
will not be able to understand their market. Confusion is caused by power
tripping and it kills conversation and without conversation companies will die.
The success of the company depends on the willingness of the company to
connect with everyone in the workplace for if they fail to connect and reach
out, the company will experience little by little death through the market.

53.There are two conversations going on. One inside the company. One
with the market.

This phrase also applies to us all individuals, there are 2 conversations

going on, one is our conversation with our one self and one with the outside
world or people that surrounds us. This phrase applies both to ourselves and
to companies although there is a slight difference but the concept and goal of
both are the same. In order to communicate effectively with other people, we
have to converse with ourselves also, we have to know who we are and how
do we converse properly. Also with conversing with the outside world, we can
know more about ourselves this also applies to companies. Companies have 2
conversations one is within the company and the other one is outside the
company. Companies converse within the company by talking and connecting
to its employees and other people inside the company, it is not limited to the
people but companies can communicate through articles, rules and
regulations. Conversation in inside the company is as important as he
conversation with the market because conversation inside the company
reflects or mirrors the way companies would communicate with other people.
Through conversing with the people inside the company, the company leaders
and directors would learn more about the market through the ideas and
suggestions of the people inside the company. People inside the company is
just the same with market, they could also give you some advice and
suggestions bout the future or prospective market, people inside the company
can also be the company’s market.
Empino, Romir Gian O.

54.In most cases, neither conversation is going very well. Almost

invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of
command and control.

Conversation within and outside the company is very essential for the
growth of the company. Many of the companies today fail to make good
conversation. Failure to connect or to communicate within and outside the
company will be an omen to the company, first failure to connect and reach
out means failure to know the market and failure to understand the market
means failure of the goal of the market. Conversations fail because of the
command and control confusion. Companies usually create confusion between
the command and control because they fail to set the limitations and
regulations of both management styles. Command and control in a company
is very important because it creates harmony and sets the company in order
but if the company does not set clearly the borderlines of the command and
control. It is good for companies today to incorporate the two functions to
avoid confusion and to avoid power tripping. The obsolete notions of
command and control are the power tripping and confusion between these
functions. Usually employees mix both power and this creates confusion
between the management styles. Command and control styles usually abuse
their power and extend to the limit which results to the paranoia and
confusion in the workplace. Confusion and paranoia will lead to losing of the
chance to be able to have a good conversation which very essential for a
company. Conversations in a company is very important because sets the
mood for a good future of a company. To be able to converse well entails
proper management of a company.

55.As policy, these notions are poisonous. As tools, they are broken.
Command and control are met with hostility by intranetworked
knowledge workers and generate distrust in internetworked markets.

Whenever we hear the command and control word, we think of fear

and limitations. The reasons why we think of it as poisons because we
associate those words with fear. Usually words that are associated with fear
are not good on setting the atmosphere in the workplace. Command and
control are met with hostility, this statement is true because employees
usually are not in good terms with these management styles. Employees are
confused by the powers and functions of each style. Usually the command
and control center of a company abuse their power, cannot identify their limit
which create hostility to the employees. Whenever the command and control
center would announce new things via intranet and employees would ignore it
and usually would not agree with it. Employees distrust the management
because of the command and control styles, the distrust formed in a company
is not good for the company. Distrust will ruin the goals of the company
specially the conversations inside and outside the company. Indeed the
company should avoid creating the command and control styles because they
will create confusion and distrust inside the company. If the company would
like to create a command and control, I think they should study it very well in
order to avoid distrust in the company. Command and control styles should
not be separated but it will be good to mix the two powers because
employees would have a hard time in obeying the two systems. Thorough
Empino, Romir Gian O.

study of these styles would prevent distrust and will help the company to

56.These two conversations want to talk to each other. They are

speaking the same language. They recognize each other's voices.

It is said that it always ‘takes two to tango’ in everything in order to

make a good music, graceful dance and a successful company. It is also the
same with conversation, in order to communicate effectively both sides each
should respond to the needs of the other. Conversations inside and outside
the company is very essential for its growth. Both conversations within the
company and outside is the same, what the inside is talking or relating to the
company is usually the same with the market. Both of the employees within
the company and outside the company wants and needs are the same. Both
of them talk to each other in a very casual way so companies should hire
really good employees so that hey could get information about their market.
Employees and market interact with each other and usually they listen and
respond to each others’ needs. It is very important for a company to listen
and communicate within the workplace because what the workplace would
speak of is the same with what the market wants. Conversations within the
company is very crucial to the success of the company because if the
employees would not like the conversation between them and the company it
will lead to the downfall of the company because they would misunderstand
the employees and the future market. Employees’ conversation with the
company is the same with the market. So the company needs to talk gently
and carefully with the employees because conversations with them is very

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