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Questions and Answers...

Emails from Truth Seekers Visitors. Vol. 2 - Resurrection, Orion, True Worship, Race beginnings...

Received Nov. 30,2011

Referring to 3 days/3 nights.. Do you disagree with Barnes, Clarke, Gill (e-sword) when they say the people at the time understood any part of a day was considered a full day, thus a part of Friday and Sunday = a day and night plus all day Saturday = 3 days/ 3 nights! Thank you, John Hi John, Thanks for your email and question. Yes I do disagree with them, when it comes to interpreting the prophesy of Jonah. Jesus had to be in the tomb for three days and three nights, seventy two hours. The church traditionally used this excuse to prove their position regarding Good Friday, to Easter Sunday. However when taking the facts of Good Freila, and the feast of Ishtar, as pagan holidays that already existed prior to Jesus death and resurrection, and the fact that Jesus had to be the Passover Sacrifice, and rise on the day of Firstfruits, along with Jesus own proclamation that he would be in the heart of the earth the same time that Jonah was in the belly of the fish, which was three days and three nights, the only thing that makes sense is that he was in the tomb for that long, no less. Even taking their excuse, you can only come up with two days and two nights. For when the ladies came to the tomb, it was still dark, and the tomb was already empty. He was crucified on Wednesday and in the tomb at dusk to be the Passover sacrifice, three days and nights later he came out on Saturday evening at dusk, which was the start of Sunday and the feast of Firstfruits. I hope this has helped, let me know if I need to elaborate more, or if you have any other questions or comments. With Love in Christ, Patrick Patrick, And thank you for your thoughts. Just an FYI...from my pastor. John, To be honest this is one of those issues I dont get wrapped up in. Some people make a huge deal out of this, frankly I dont think it is worth the time. Several times throughout scripture in talks of Him raising on the third day, not after the third day. I believe Jesus died and rose again and I dont really care about the other exact details. We celebrate it at different times each year because we dont know the exact day it happened. Why? Because the exact date doesnt matter. It matters that we believe it happened. So why would it matter exactly when we commemorate His crucifixion/Good Friday? To me it doesnt. Does scripture matter? Of course it does...but there are some details in the Bible we cant fully understand and we have to let them go. We can let them go because these precise details are not the essentials of our faith. Brian Hi John, Your pastor is right, in that it shouldn't matter, for our walk is in faith. He did rise from the dead, and I have that fact satisfied in my mind. The reason I teach the truth about Easter and Christmas, is for the non Christian, or the scientific thinking Christian that wants facts, figures and evidence. Truth can be found and explained to all believers and non believers alike. I don't try to convince established believers of many things that I teach on, because I don't want to be a stumbling block for them. But, inquiring minds want to know, and that is where I come in. Email me any time with comments or questions. With Love in Christ, Patrick Robinson, Minister Truth Seekers Ministries www.prepare-ye-the-way.com Patrick, Are you saying Gene (Dr. Gene Scott) was your mentor/teacher? My teacher and worldwide pastor for Jesus teaching truths to the whole world. I used to follow him years ago until he seemed to lose it; smartyestrue fruitssure puzzled me! John Hi John, Yes, I started watching Scott in 1986 until his death, and consider him my mentor/teacher. I do agree with you that in the last several years of Scott's life, that he started doing some things that had me question his sanity, but with all I have learned through him I could even put up with his eccentricities. It is sad that when he died, that Melissa seemed to eliminate the vast teaching that he freely gave away, and now only some is given out, with the rest available at a cost. Patrick Addendum: As of the writing of this letter, Dolores Press (owned by Melissa Scott) no longer has any Dr. Gene Scott teachings. It seems that the powers to be in this world are doing everything that they can to silence a great teacher. That is where every listener of Dr. Scott comes in, we all have to keep teaching the truths we have learned from Scott, and by cutting the head off this Hydra, a new one with hundreds of heads will rise to keep teaching truth to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and the ability to find that straight and narrow way. We have to keep preparing the way for our Lord to return. Spread Faith and Truth wherever you are. Good Morning Patrick, Like you I was puzzled as to what brought on the change as I thought he was brilliant. As for Melissa I thought she was also gifted yet it seemed not relevant for day to day living. Both of them shared a ton of interesting facts which in itself I enjoyed, however, I lean more towards walking the walk and talking the talk; ie evangelism. I believe you are for Jesus! May He bless you as you serve Him, John End Message: Dear Brother Patrick, I have just completed reading your texts on The Great Pyramid and Gatt. I am a believer in the Saving Grace of The Blood of Christ. Having been raised in a Baptist Church I felt that there was, "more to the story" and became amazed at the narrow and incomplete teachings I received. It is evident that you are seeking to know the truth. I just wanted to introduce myself to you and start a friendship with someone who is not blinded by traditions or fooled by false doctrines. On your home page I saw, "in the clouds and stars" a startling image. Have you or others seen this? It is in the clouds specifically and appears to be a human face being peeled away to reveal a reptile. It is very clear to me. This image was disturbing to me and prompted me to send you this email. I do believe that there is a great deception going on with good intentioned people that are falling pray to satan and his minions as being "of the light". UFOs and channeling's are leading people to destruction. I will continue to read all the writings you have on the site and I look forward to your reply. I apologize in advance for somewhat rambling. The truth I seek is turning out to be what I thought as a child a much different than I ever imagined. Respectfully, Mark Hi Mark, Thank you so much for your email and kind words. I truly enjoy getting emails from visitors to my website. I too grew up as a "Southern Baptist", and knew deep down that there was much more truth to be known, than what is spoon fed to us in church. My home page has a picture of the "Orion" Nebula on it. This is the largest nebula we can see, and can be seen with the naked eye, once you know the Orion constellation, you'll never forget it. Orion, "the Great Hunter", is a type of Christ. Read my "God's message in the Stars" for further information regarding this subject. I will say, that among the hundreds of pics of nebulae, globular clusters, and galaxies in my own picture collection, that there are more than a few that remind me of images of beasts, horses, eagles, and faces. I don't believe that there is anything sinister about Orion itself, for I see faces, skulls, and other such images while looking at many patterns, such as in carpet, so our minds can reach out and form recognizable images looking at any obscure image or pattern. It is great to hear from you, and I'm sure we'll be talking more soon. Take care. With Love in Christ, Patrick Robinson, Minister Truth Seekers Ministries www.prepare-ye-the-way.com

End Message Received 10-31-2011 Mr. Robinson, My name is John, I am a 34 year old career firefighter and paramedic. I was raised in a Christian home and brought up in a Pentecostal atmosphere. For years I have been taught the traditional ways of the Christian church. Yet when I grew up and left my home, I also left my former ways (maybe I was too churched out). I never could hear Gods voice and never knew his will for my life. I did everything I could for many years to get close to God. I prayed consistently, read the Bible, went to church, joined ministries and went to other continents to preach His Word, but I still never felt his direction in my life. This was very upsetting for me and I slowly went my own way, occasionally returning to him like a visiting father in a divorced family. I cannot begin to tell you the hardships I have faced (as if paddling upstream ...and losing). This led me to try to figure out this, God thing. I have explored many ideas and theories, yet keeping in mind maybe my childhood rearing was correct. I have explored God in many ways, I even thought...Well, what if God is an Alien and I wrestled with that for a long time. In the end, I realized he is what he said he is...God. Whether we call him an alien or some other construct...my choice is what matters and I must choose to believe and follow him, alien, deity, myth, or reality. I just came to this realization today. I have given my body to my career. I have worked with muscle and tendon tears for many years now with only one that I chose to get repaired. More recently, I started having severe muscle and neurological problems that put me out of work for many months. I returned to work, but it has been very hard for me. In addition for two years I have also been working with low back pain, (bulging discs), Four weeks ago the pain for this recent flare up was so intense, I left work and have not returned. My long time chiropractor advised me, I may be done as a fireman. Devastating news The numerous pains and ailments finally reached a climax today, especially with my L-5, S-1 bulging in pain again. I prayed and laid it all out. I explained to God all of my fears and my doubt over the past decade or more. I then told him, I cannot proceed unless I know who a part of who HE is or how He works. I then reminded Him, I dont even know how to hear His voice. Id never heard it before ...blah blah blah. I went on for a while. I think He was a bit amused, in the middle of my ranting He spoke too me so clear and matter-of-factly, that it stopped all of my thoughts and my rantings immediately. It was only one thing that He said, Truth-Seekers! It was so abrupt that I stopped (literally in my tracks) and went straight to my laptop and looked it up. I saw a few web-sites with truth seekers in their name, etc. but when I saw your web-site another word was said, Stop! And a thought came to me, here I will find answers. I started reading your pages or blogs and Truth kept leaping out at me. Everything fits exactly to where He has been leading me. This is Gods timing! If I were to have read an article from you 10-15 years ago, I would have called you names and never read anything from you again. But God allowed me to go my own way, looking for my own answers, (Creating my own hardships as well). In doing this my mind has been opened to a true understanding for God. I believe that all of ailments and my latest back flare-up brought me to the point where God can use me. Now I can ask for His help and know that he offers it freely. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God. I am excited and scared for the future. I can now look to God for who He is and what He had done and can look to him with more trust than Ive ever had before. He answered my question, by using you. Truly Grateful, John Sorry for the lengthy email, I had to condense 10-15 years as best I could. Hi John, Thank you so much for your story and kind words. It matters not how long your email is, for if you can take the time to read some of my lengthy letters, then I could do no less. It is ironic about your L5-S1 problems, for that is where my problems started. I also left the organized church back in the early 80's. When I started teaching, I kept butting heads against the traditions that the organized church holds fast to. Here in Georgia, I've been shunned by most of the "Church", and knowing what I know, I just left them and started teaching individuals. I prayed that God would send me people, that have the ability to know and understand the truths I am putting out there, and He started doing just that. I want you to know that emails from people like yourself, keep me going. They help me to persevere. I've had a few very hard years lately, but God has brought me out of them, and he has me writing again, and I am still narcotic free. Albeit I am in pain daily, with bouts of it that get extreme, but God's Grace is still sufficient, and I will keep on keeping on as long as He will allow it. It is great to hear from you, and feel free to write me back anytime. With Love in Christ, Patrick Robinson, Minister Truth Seekers Ministries www.prepare-ye-the-way.com P.S. I just sent you a friend request on Facebook. I have a Truth Seekers page on FB, and put most of my studies there too. When I put a new one up, you will know. Addendum: Every one that reads this, please say a prayer for John, and for any loved ones that are battling pain. End Message Message Received 11-2-2011 Thank you for your letters... I am seeking truth in these last days Wendy Hi Wendy, Thank you for your email. It truly helps me to hear from those that read from my website. I am on facebook also, where I put my studies too. If you are on FB, look me up. Email me anytime with questions or comments. With Love in Christ, Patrick Robinson Truth Seekers Ministries www.prepare-ye-the-way.com http://www.facebook.com/#!/patrickalanrobinson Where are you worshipping? We have tried so many churches, even mormon, and cannot find a church.do we need to go to a church? Can we worship on the internet? I have never been more confused in my life. I just want truth in my heart and life...the truth of Jesus Christ. Wendy Hi Wendy, I would have answered you already this morning, but I was busy getting my grandson ready for school. I did send you a friend request on FB, I saw where you commented on a wall post. As far as your questions go. You are the Temple of Christ, and our worship should be internal first and foremost. Jesus said that where two or three are gathered together, that He is there in the midst. That is true church. The early church consisted of people gathering together in homes. I live in Georgia, and started teaching truth's that I began learning back in 1986, but kept butting heads against the local churches. I finally left the organized church altogether. My teacher, Dr. Gene Scott, was in California, and I supported his church until his death. When his wife took over, some things changed, and I can no longer recommend them, although anything you can find online regarding his teaching, I would recommend. He tends to rip the traditions that make void God's word apart, and I've made that my goal. God has not provided me a local church to teach out of, but HE does send people my way to teach and counsel. I've been doing this online since about '94, before that I would write letters, pass them out, and teach all whom God would direct me. It is not necessary to go to any "Church", in order to be saved. Nor is it even necessary to be baptized to be saved. The thief on the cross wasn't a church goer, nor was he baptized, yet Jesus saved him. Now, we should go on, in an outward expression of faith and be baptized though. True worship, should be in "Spirit and Truth". So wherever you are, even right now reading this, we are having church. Seek truth in everything, and the Holy Spirit will guide you. Seeking truth in everything, and worshipping within your own temple is much more important than attending any church. Not that attending church is bad or wrong, if you can find one that is truly seeking truth and not passing off their lies of tradition, as truth. I hope I have answered your questions. I do go over some of these things in my letters, "Rants and Ramblings", and "Sin and Redemption", also in a couple other ones. Please write me back anytime. With Love in Christ, Patrick Robinson Patrick, my soul bears witness to the truths you expressed, for I have felt the very things you write about, in my own heart.I would enjoy keeping in touch this way to discuss the things of God with you. Thank you for your encouraging reply.God Bless You! Wendy Hi again Wendy, Please don't hesitate to write me anytime, it truly blesses my heart hearing from other, "Truth Seekers". I may not have all the answers, but I do have many, and together, along with other seekers, we can find truth. I am writing a new letter now on "Mystery Babylon", and hope to have it done this coming week. Take care and God Bless You. With Love in Christ, Patrick End Message. Message Received 11-23-2011 Hi, Im Alecia, I live in Indonesia. English is not my first language, so I hope you understand what Im trying to say. :D I would like to say thank you for your articles. It is interesting and somehow I believe you and agree with you, even I dont understand the numeric and other complicated things. May be because I like the way you think. Its with faith, facts, and logic. I just started reading the bible from the beginning. I would like to ask some question. Do you have answer for this questions ? 1. It seems that Adam and his family is not the only one who were live in the earth that time. Where are the wife of his son come from? After Cain kill Abel, God sent Cain away. Cain was afraid to be killed by other man. Whose Cain afraid for if he was the only man on earth besides Adam and Eve. Did God create other man after Adam? I am Chinese descendant. Where are the Chinese come from?


Thank you, Alecia Hi Alecia, Thank you so much for your email and kind words. In my "In the Beginning" letter, I address most of your questions. First there was at least two creations, the first one listed in Genesis, has both male and female created who are both called "Adam". This encompasses the civilizations that are preAdamic, or existing before our current Adam ancestor. When Adam and Eve were formed in Gen. 2 this is a re-creation. Adam and Eve had many children after Cain and Able, some texts say that there were girls born the same time as the boys. All the races were encompassed within Adam and Eve's offspring. Cain, it is told, took his sister Luluwa with him as his wife. There had to be some interbreeding going on in the beginning. As for your heritage, like I said before all the races were born out of Adam and Eve. However if the flood of Noah is true then only eight souls were saved in the entire earth. I also believe this is true, and it is confirmed by other writings that Noahs wife, was a Mongolian, which became the Asian races we know today. Out of Ham, came the Ethiopic and northern African tribes, etc. I hope I have answered your questions to your satisfaction. Let me know if I need to clarify, or answer any other questions. I am here to spread truth and light to anyone able to see it. Talk to you soon. With Love in Christ, Patrick Robinson Hi Alecia, P.S. I was also thinking about my answer to your questions, and there is another couple of things. Cain and Abel were already grown men when Cain killed his brother. We are not told how old, but the early patriarchs lived some 7, 8, and 900 years. So they could have been old enough, to already have generations of descendants living. Cain also would have known about the pre-Adamic civilizations that had existed before Adam, and there is a chance that there were "leftovers" from these pre Adam peoples that existed elsewhere on the earth as Cain and Able were growing. Maybe these things can help make more sense out of Genesis. With Love in Christ, Patrick Hi, Thanks for your explanation. Now I am thinking about what is happening in middle east western countries and Russia going there. It looks like they are ready to get into a big war. Is it told in the bible? Where are we now in Revelation? Alecia Hi Alecia, You are very welcome, and I do see the same thing regarding the mid-east. God is pulling the strings and guiding all the relevant countries to the point that the prophesies of Revelation will all fall perfectly in line with current events. What I see as most convincing is the world trade agreements that are now in play and are becoming a fast reality regarding a world governing power that the antichrist will step right into as it's leader. I discuss these things in my GATT letter and my newest letter Mystery Babylon. Talk to you soon, With Love in Christ, Patrick Alecia, I apologize, I went off on my own tangent and never specifically answered your questions. As far as Russia, and the other middle eastern countries, that mid east area has been since the early days, and will be until Jesus comes and rules from the throne of Davis for a thousand years, a "boiling pot" of strife, war, and hatred between cultures. It is starting to boil though and I believe that is a sign of the soon return of our Lord. Russia, is part of the Kings of the North, Gog and Magog, and will be pulled into the turmoil by God. Ezekiel 38:2, 39:6 and Revelation 20:8 shows the culmination of their involvement at the end of the millennium. Right now in the timeline of history regarding Revelation, we are in the Laodecian Church age. This is the apostate church that the false prophet will enter. There is still a remnant of the Philadelphian Church of the true followers of Christ, which are the true believers that will be taken out at the rapture. The Laodecian Church, the lukewarm and fence sitters are about to be spewed out of God or Christ's mouth, for this is a revelation of Christ. The promise though to the Philadelphian church, in Revelation 3:10 is that they will be kept "FROM" the hour of temptation which will come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth". The threat to Laodecia to repent is in effect, and those that get it, will be saved just as the Philadelphia believers are. So I would say right now that we are between chapters 3 and 4, with 4 being a type of Rapture of the Church, which what John saw will be exactly what we will see, as we are taken. With Love in Christ, Patrick Thanks Patrick, I should read the bible more. I hope I wont be left behind when Jesus come. Its just a short time left, sad things not all of my family has receiving Jesus. Please pray for my mom, she hasnt receive Christ and she is sick now. Thank you very much. Somehow I end up in your pages when searching about old testament, then I read about the end times. It was waking me up. God Bless You, Best regards, Alecia End Message. End Volume 2 HOME

The Creed

To the Called Ones

In the Beginning

The Rapture

GATT - Giving Antichrist Total Tyranny The Great Pyramid Resources My Bio The Resurrection, Fact or Fiction Heaven and Hell Mystery, Babylon the Great

Dreams and Visions The Stars Speak

Communion Some Poems

Easter and Christmas Dr. Gene Scott

History of the English Bible Grace and Faith Revelation

The Masonic Dilemma The Mars Connection Links Atlantis, Fact or Fable Sin and Redemption What about...GOD? Scam warning for Christians The Truth about 2012

The Celts, Who are Downloads they Really? The Problem with Pain Angels and Demons The Mystery of Stonehenge, Revealed

Rants and Ramblings The Alabaster Box of a Saint... Email Questions and Email Questions and AnswersVol.1 AnswersVol.2

So,..How deep is your valley? Lesson on Psalm 84

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