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"There's not one great secret ... there's a great many little ones.

A MagicCoach.com Resource Paper
Copyright 2012 Timothy Hyde

John Carney wrote "There's not one great secret ... there's a great many little ones" in his fabulous book Carneycopia, while talking about the many people who approached Dai Vernon hoping for the "One Great Secret." And it's just as true in creating success in your magic career as it is in creating success in your magic performance. Prompted by my mentioning the concept in my chat with Peter Wardell this morning for his Magic State of Mind interview series, I thought I'd share a few little secrets of success with you. Some of these were touched on during the interview, others I had notes about but we ran out of time.

Ten Little Secrets

# Stop "Being Busy" We touched on this during the interview and I think it's very important. We can all be busy doing stuff, filling up our days and feeling pleased with ourselves at the close of business, but are you working on the right things? Are the activities you are doing progressing you towards the goals you have set yourself?

# Learn to Outsource Here's another secret related to the first... as much as you think you can, you can't do everything. And even if you could, is it a good use of your time?

# Do a SWOT on yourself Most people do a SWOT on their business and it certainly is a very useful diagnostic and planning tool. If you don't know the technique a quick browse on the internet will show you how to do it. Mostly used for strategic planning. SWOT = Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats. I suggest you run a SWOT on yourself. Really pinpoint what you are good at and what you are not. I was reminded of this recently in an article about the famous Australian chef Neil Perry. He was already a successful man, running a couple of top rated restaurants but after running the SWOT on

himself, he saw by exploiting HIS strengths he could be doing so much more. He then rapidly expanded into many other different but related markets and niches.

# Give Stuff Up Don't be afraid to stop performing something even if its works really well. There's usually something better to discover that will help your act and career grow. For years I closed my stand-up show with some fire eating. Apart from the obvious health and safety issues it was very hard to give up, as it was such a strong closer, but I did and my act grew. A decade later, we would always close our shows with our version of the Zig Zag, but then found something better. I now close with a poem ...

# Hang out with Positive People Don't spend time or energy on people who suck the life and energy out of you. If your time on Internet Forums, at Magic Clubs or Social Activities is not filling you with excitement and energy why continue? Find people who inspire, invigorate and challenge you and hang out with them.

# Charge More Most magicians don't charge what they are worth or charge what they could. What excuse do you make? Is it a valid excuse? Could that be an assumption and could it be challenged?

# Think Bigger One of the best moves I made about 15 years ago was to stop thinking of myself as a Sydney Magician. As soon as I did, I started getting work all around the country. I still get more work in Queensland than I do in my home state of New South Wales. Eliminate the "they'll never pay for the travel or the accommodation costs" thinking! They will. Alternatively, charge the same fee anywhere around the country. Many Professional Speakers do this. Charge a bit more for your show and pay your own costs when you travel, use frequent flyer points etc. It will work out better in the long run. You make more when you work near home and

this will balance up the times when you travel, but you will also get exposed to new markets and contacts. Five years ago I was having dinner with Graham Burke, CEO of Village RoadShow, the executive producer of such movies as Happy Feet 1 & 2 and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. His is a real rags to riches story and probably worthy of a movie itself. During dinner, another person, on finding out what I did, asked where I worked. I replied "at corporate events all around Australia" and felt rather pleased about "thinking big." Some time later, at an appropriate moment, Graham leant across and whispered "always tell them you work all around the world." I now do.

# Capture Everything We all have great ideas. They come at night, in the shower, while driving to a job, while exercising. It's the clever people who have learnt to capture these ideas. Ipads, smart phones and apps like EverNote have made this a lot easier but are you ALWAYS ready to grab that smart idea when it comes along?

# Become interesting People like to do business with interesting people. Become interesting! And I don't just mean the fact that you do some amazing magic. What else do you do?

# Be yourself "Be yourself , everyone else is taken" Oscar Wilde

Who is Timothy Hyde?

If you don't know Timothy Hyde you can check out his websites here http://www.TimothyHyde.com http://www.MentalistAustralia.com


Bio from the http://www.MagicCoach site Timothy Hyde knows what works! He has entirely made his living by getting in front of people and weaving his brand of mystery performance since he became a full time performer in 1977. Always on the cutting edge he has explored many different forms of the art, always developing fresh approaches and "commercial" angles.

In the late 70's he formed a contemporary Circus troupe in New Zealand, learning and developing skills of street performance, escapology, fire-eating, magic & juggling. (A skill set that seems so modern today). A move to Sydney Australia in 1979 with no money, lead to three years busking on the streets. His act became so popular that he started to get paid to perform at big city events and quickly became the "must have" performer at birthday parties, festivals and schools across the city.

When the world wide comedy boom hit in the 80's he quickly transitioned into a regular feature act at Australian Comedy venues, working and touring extensively with the local comedy stars of the day such as Rodney Rude, Austen Tayshus, Vince Sorrenti, George Smilovici. This lead to bigger support roles where appeared and toured with visiting international entertainers like, Demis Roussos, KC and the Sunshine Band, James Taylor and rock and roll legend Johnny Ray.

Parallel with this, together with his new partner, now wife, The Amazing Lynda, he developed a powerful 30 minute Illusion show with broad appeal. This was sold into Australia's largest Theme Park where they were the first resident magicians for a period of 18 months.

After that season they redesigned the act and focused specifically on the Corporate Market. This marketing move quickly paid off. The next few years were a succession of Gala Nights, Conventions, trade shows and seasons on the worlds number one rated cruise ships, Crystal & Silver Seas.

During this period Timothy started exploring his deep interest in mentalism. It was a way to move forward once again, to push the fees up and to explore new areas. He had always had an interest in the art, developing a two person act in his school years to "fry" his class mates but had never found the right angle to suit his style. He was invited to join the famed Psychic Entertainers Association in 1990 where he found more people with his fascination. He quickly became known as "Australia's Magician of the Mind" and developed and shared his ideas and approaches to the art of mentalism with his new colleagues. He was a regular columnist in Vibrations magazine and has made many trips to the USA to the Meeting of the Minds where he has both lectured and performed.

In the last few years he has once again "raised the bar" of his performing challenges. The world of Professional Speaking was an obvious destination. The skill set he has developed over the last 30 years, the routines, the stories, the adventures and his love of being in front of audience has been the perfect fit. Through his company Achieving the Impossible, he provides Keynote presentations and interactive workshops Australia wide. He's a regular guest presenter for the National Speakers Association and has presented at the American NSA national convention. Currently his major business focus is acting as a Magical Master of Ceremony at a range of corporate conferences around Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and South East Asia, where he also provides his Creativity Keynote and Mind Magic after dinner show. As well as this, when possible he still takes on a select number of cruise ship engagements especially if they are going to exotic locations.

"Working the street for three years was the perfect education in
what works and what doesn't. Your hat's out there on the pavement. If people don't like what they see, you don't get to eat, you can't pay the rent. If they like what they see, the world is your oyster! Those years shaped every other routine I've put together. I'm now proud to share all these ideas and routines with the next generation of performers."

The Secret Notebooks of Mr. Hyde - Vol 1
Mirthful Mentalism and Mental Magic Includes The Pig Test, Ziplock Psychometry and the acclaimed handling of the Mother of all Booktests.

The Secret Notebooks of Mr. Hyde - Vol 2

Magazine Memory. An in-depth look at the classic routine.

The Hunter Knot Revisited

Interactive Rope Routine that involves a large group of people, perfect for Roving Performance and as a Trade Show Traffic Stopper.

MagicCoach 100
A huge collection of Articles, Ideas and Tactics for Promotion and Publicity.

Magically Speaking
Catapult yourself into the lucrative field of professional speaking with this Fast Track guide.

Sleight Of Mind Kick Start your Creativity

A 7 Day Course that will change the way you think! Use the tools to write scripts, invent tricks, design shows and grow your business.



Comments on Secret Notebook Volume 1

" I'm extremely jealous, really top notch material. The book is excellent as is the thinking behind it. The Pig Test cracks me up. If I had any memory left I'd be sure to include it in my repertoire. " Larry Becker "A great little collection of tips, routines and ideas from one of Australia's top workers!" Ted Karmilovich "This is certainly a wonderful compilation of entertaining usable material for anyone. I enjoyed it." Banachek "I read your book when it first came here and have read it again lately. I think it is a wonderful book filled with a lot of practical and well thought out ideas! The fact that you actually perform these is evident from the descriptions and the clear thinking. It reminds me of some of Ormond McGill's or Tommy and Liz Tucker's books where they give out very practical material from a working professional's standpoint. The fact that you have some "gag" items in there is something I love. Many performers don't really understand what it takes to make up a successful show. Your book shows them what is involved!" Richard Osterlind "I would like to add my compliments. Great stuff!" Jon Stetson

Comments on Secret Notebook Volume 2

"What a wonderful book. Timothy has provided a comprehensive look at the Magazine Memory effect. I have read no other text on this that gives this much color, detail and insight into the methodology and the performance of this classic mentalism effect that only comes from careful examination and extensive performance. In fact, Timothy describes his own memory nuances that will improve your memory work at least 10% (if not better). Mr. Hyde gives several options, so you can decide which best works for you. In fact, he offers some suggestions on expanding some methods you may already know, great ways to practice and a number of wonderful ways to utilize this in your own performance..

Not only do I highly recommend this for those who perform this routine, but more importantly, if you have the slightest inclination that you might want to, then read this and you will. Timothy rightly positions this skill with the powerful psychological tools of the mentalist like muscle reading and suggestion. Timothy is giving away REAL POWERS. Use wisely. Sean Waters - USA

"Mr. Hyde does not hide any of the work needed here. He tells you up front that you are going to have to put in the time to master this, but once you do you'll have a gem in your act. Along with the nuts & bolts on what you'll need to do this, Mr Hyde gives you a number of ways to present it and some really nice touches. This is a powerful piece that can close just about any act and Mr. Hyde gives you all the right tools. A very useful book to anyone that is considering adding a touch of memory in their arsenal." Greg Arce - California

"Timothy - I read it through and I think it's wonderful. This is, of course, a fabulous effect, but as you rightly point out some performers are often just a little but too timid to try it out. I think it's very well written and easy to understand with some nice twists and turns on the basic concept. I must say, I have always been waiting for this effect to become the next "in" thing. Your excellent manuscript may just kick that off! Highly recommended." Drew McAdam - Scotland

"Timothy Hyde's The Magazine Memory Effect contains a wealth of essential information for anyone wanting to perform any type of memory effect. He starts with an overview of two basic memory systems, and then teaches the magazine memory. I loved the tool he uses to aid memorization. It also make it easy to practice the effect anywhere you happen to be. Timothy then goes on to teach, in detail, his version of magazine memory. This is exactly the information I would have loved to have had when I was performing this effect. I learned how to do it from Tony Andruzzi's tape, and never turned it into the show stopping effect that Timothy has. I used a single copy of Time magazine. In his routine, Timothy uses five current magazines. One is chosen and the pages are distributed throughout the audience. Timothy tells people what is on the page they are looking at in the usual way, but also involves glimpses and his numbering system to create confusion in the audience's minds about whether he is using memory or reading their minds. Timothy has excellent ways to create what he calls "The Big Finish." My favourite is his use of other effects within the main routine. Timothy also includes an After Show Challenge, which is the perfect way to keep people interested long after the show is over. It's also the perfect way to get people to visit your Back of the Room sales table. Timothy has obviously performed this effect hundreds, if not thousands, of times, and in The Secret Notebooks of Mr Hyde - Volume 2 he shares every subtlety and detail he has learned. Before reading this book I thought I knew everything I needed to know about this effect. In fact, I knew very little. Timothy has turned this effect into a masterpiece. Highly recommended.

Richard Webster - New Zealand

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