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12/10/11 Cisco administration 101: What you need to know about default routes | Tec

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CIsco udmInIsLruLIon 1o1: WIuL you
need Lo know ubouL deIuuIL rouLes
By DuvId "DuvIs CCE, MCSE+, SCSA" AprII 1q, zoo;, q:ozpm PDT
JusL us u PC Ius u deIuuIL guLewuy Lo geL Lo ILs IocuIrouLer -- und LIereIore Lo LIe nLerneL -- muny rouLers und swILcIes uIso
IuvedeIuuIL rouLes Lo uccess neLworks LIuL uren'L IocuI. DeIuuIL rouLes ure uspecIuI Lype oI rouLe -- und un ImporLunL purL oI
P rouLIng. UndersLundIng Iowund wIen Lo use deIuuIL rouLes Is ImperuLIve Lo proper neLwork seLup.
TIInk oI u deIuuIL rouLe us u "guLewuy oI IusL resorL."TIIs specIuI rouLe LeIIs compuLers or oLIer rouLers Lo conLucL LIe nexL
Iop oILIe deIuuIL rouLer II LIey don'L Iuve u more specIIIc rouLe. WILIouL u deIuuILrouLe, u rouLer wIII drop u requesL Ior u
neLwork LIuL Isn'L In ILs rouLIngLubIe und send CMP DesLInuLIon UnreucIubIe Lo LIe source oI LIe LruIIIc.
Here's u sImpIe exumpIe: Our PC Ius un P uddress oI1qz.168.1.1oo und u subneL musk oI z.z.z.o. eL's suy we wunL
Lo LuIk Lou server on LIe AN, wIIcI Ius un P uddress oI 1qz.168.1.zoo.
or LIIs, we ucLuuIIy don'L need u deIuuIL rouLe or deIuuILguLewuy conIIgured on LIe PC. However, us soon us we wunL Lo LuIk
Lo uny oLIerdevIce noL on LIe 1qz.168.1.o neLwork, we'II need Lo go Lo LIe deIuuILguLewuyJrouLe -- Ior exumpIe, one uL
WIen LuIkIng ubouL deIuuIL gatewas on PCs und deIuuIL routeson rouLers und swILcIes, IL's ImporLunL Lo dIIIerenLIuLe
beLween LIe Lwo. A PConIy connecLs Lo LIe neLwork wILI u sIngIe InLerIuce, und IL Isn'L u rouLer; uswILcI (unIess IL's u uyer
swILcI) IILs InLo LIe sume cuLegory us LIe PC.
On LIe oLIer Iund, u rouLer -- us Iong us IL's reuIIyrouLIng und noL brIdgIng -- Ius muILIpIe InLerIuces. L uses u deIuuIL rouLe
Loknow wIere Lo send LruIIIc LIuL Isn'L on one oI LIe known neLworks.
Eamples of default routes
Muny LImes, peopIe cuII deIuuIL rouLes 0/0 routes becuuse LIese rouLes Iuve un P uddress oI o.o.o.o und usubneL musk oI
o.o.o.o. TIIs busIcuIIy suys, "or uny P uddress LIuL Iusuny subneL musk, send IL my wuy."
WIuL does u deIuuIL rouLe Iook IIke In u rouLer's rouLIngLubIe? Here's un exumpIe:
Router# show ip route<truncatedGateway of last resort is to network is directly connected, FastEthernet4
Here's wIuL IL Iooks IIke on u PC:
C:\ ipconfigWindows IP ConfigurationEthernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Ho to obtain a default route
WIIIe you cun'L LeII IL Irom LIe ouLpuL, we obLuIned boLI LIedeIuuIL rouLe und deIuuIL guLewuy In our exumpIes vIu DynumIc
HosLConIIguruLIon ProLocoI (DHCP). TIere ure ucLuuIIy LIree wuys Lo obLuIn udeIuuIL rouLe.
1. ConIIgure u sLuLIc rouLe.
z. ReceIve u deIuuIL rouLe Irom unoLIer rouLer LIrougI u rouLIng proLocoI (noL usuuIIy used on u PC).
. ReceIve u deIuuIL rouLe vIu DHCP.
or more InIormuLIon on LIe dIIIerences umong LIe LIree,cIeck ouL CIsco's ConIIgurIngu GuLewuy oI usL ResorL UsIng P
Communds documenLuLIon(ILLp:JJwww.cIsco.comJwurpJpubIIcJ1oJdeIuuIL.ILmI).
WIIIe you cun use LIe ipdefault-network commund Lo seL udeIuuIL rouLe on u rouLer, recommend jusL creuLIng u sLuLIc
rouLe usIng LIe ip route commund. Here's un exumpIe oIconIIgurIng u deIuuIL rouLe on u rouLer or swILcI:
Router(config)# ip route
12/10/11 Cisco administration 101: What you need to know about default routes | Tec
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Router(config)# ip route ...
Hee' ha hi command a: Fo all affic ha doen'go o one of he locall conneced neok, foad i o he
oe a IPadde (Of coe, he oe alo ha o kno ho o ge o ha IPadde, o make e o pecif
one of o conneced neok on one of heoe' ineface.)
Ho to distribute a default route ith a routing protocol
Le' a o an o e o coe oe o ell all oheoe ha he hold come hogh hi coe oe if he hae
an neokha he can' acce. When i come o configing hi, each oingpoocol i diffeen, o o ma an o
check Cico docmenaion fo omehelp.
Fo hi eample, le' e he Roing Infomaion Poocol(RIP). Fi, e cold check o Cico' ConfigingRoing
Infomaion Poocol docmenaion, hich offe a cople of opion.
In m opinion, o be opion i o e he default-information originate command oend a defal oe o anohe
oe. Hee' an eample (hich ame e'ealead configed RIP):
Router(config)# router ripRouter(config-router)# default-information originate
Thi end he defal oe o all ohe RIP oe (ahon aboe in he fi eample).
Ho familia ae o ih defal oe? Do o e hem ono oe and iche? Ho do o diibe defal
oe o ooe? Shae o mehod in hi aicle' dicion.
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David Davis has workedin the IT industr for 12 ears and holds several certifications, includingCCIE, MCSE+I, CISSP,
CCNA, CCDA, and CCNP. He currentl manages a group ofsstems/network administrators for a privatel owned retail
compan andperforms networking/sstems consulting on a part-time basis.

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