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This Blog Linked From Here The Web This Blog Linked From Here The Web Saturday, January 30, 2010Sleep Apnea Often Goes Undiagnosed Sleep apnea (Cheyne-Stokes breathing) is a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep.Breathing pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes. They often occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Typically, normal breathing then starts again, sometimes with a loud sn ort or choking sound.Sleep apnea usually is a chronic (ongoing) condition that d isrupts your sleep 3 or more nights each week. You often move out of deep sleep and into light sleep when your breathing pauses or becomes shallow.This results in poor sleep quality that makes you tired during the day. Sleep apnea is one of the leading causes of excessive daytime sleepiness. The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. This most often means that the airway has collapsed or is blocked during sleep. The blockage may cause shallow breathing or breathing pauses.When you try to breathe, any air th at squeezes past the blockage can cause loud snoring. Obstructive sleep apnea ha ppens more often in people who are overweight, but it can affect anyone. Central sleep apnea often occurs with obstructive sleep apnea, but it can occur alone. Snoring doesnt typically happen with central sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can: * Increase the risk for high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity, and diabetes * Increase the risk for or worsen heart failure * Make irregular heartbeats more likely * Increase the chance of having work-related or driving accidents In obstructive sleep apnea, your airways can be blocked or narrowed during sleep because: * Your throat muscles and tongue relax more than normal. * Your tongue and tonsils (tissue masses in the back of your mouth) are large co mpared to the opening into your windpipe. * Youre overweight. The extra soft fat tissue can thicken the wall of the windpip e. This causes the inside opening to narrow and makes it harder to keep open. * The shape of your head and neck may cause a smaller airway size in the mouth a nd throat area. * The aging process limits the ability of brain signals to keep your throat musc les stiff during sleep. This makes it more likely that the airway will narrow or collapse.

Major Signs and Symptoms One of the most common signs of obstructive sleep apnea is loud and chronic (ong oing) snoring. Pauses may occur in the snoring. Choking or gasping may follow th e pauses.The snoring usually is loudest when you sleep on your back; it may be l ess noisy when you turn on your side. Snoring may not happen every night. Over t ime, the snoring may happen more often and get louder. Youre asleep when the snoring or gasping occurs. You will likely not know that yo ure having problems breathing or be able to judge how severe the problem is. Your family members or bed partner will often notice these problems before you do. Others signs and symptoms of sleep apnea may include: * * * * * Morning headaches Memory or learning problems and not being able to concentrate Feeling irritable, depressed, or having mood swings or personality changes Urination at night A dry throat when you wake up

Diagnosis: Your doctor will check your mouth, nose, and throat for extra or large tissues. The tonsils often are enlarged in children with sleep apnea. Adults with the condition may have an enlarged uvula or soft palate. The uvula i s the tissue that hangs from the middle of the back of your mouth.A sleep study is the most accurate test for diagnosing sleep apnea. It captures what happens w ith your breathing while you sleep. Polysomnogram A polysomnogram (PSG), is the most common study for diagnosing sleep apnea. This test records: * * * * * Brain activity Eye movement and other muscle activity Breathing and heart rate How much air moves in and out of your lungs while youre sleeping The amount of oxygen in your blood

Treatment Of Sleep Apnea ? Lifestyle Changes * Avoid alcohol and medicines that make you sleepy. They make it harder for your throat to stay open while you sleep. * Lose weight if youre overweight or obese. Even a little weight loss can improve your symptoms. * Sleep on your side instead of your back to help keep your throat open. You can sleep with special pillows or shirts that prevent you from sleeping on your bac k. * Keep your nasal passages open at night with nose sprays or allergy medicines, if needed. Talk to your doctor about whether these treatments might help you. * Stop smoking. Mouthpiece A mouthpiece, sometimes called an oral appliance, may help some people who have mild sleep apnea. Your doctor also may recommend a mouthpiece if you snore loudl y but dont have sleep apnea. A dentist can make a custom-fit plastic mouthpiece f or treating sleep apnea.

Breathing Devices Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most common treatment for mode rate to severe sleep apnea in adults. A CPAP machine uses a mask that fits over your mouth and nose, or just over your nose. The machine gently blows air into y our throat. Surgery Some people who have sleep apnea may benefit from surgery. The type of surgery a nd how well it works depend on the cause of the sleep apnea.Surgery is done to w iden breathing passages. It usually involves removing, shrinking, or stiffening excess tissue in the mouth and throat or resetting the lower jaw. Sleep apnea often goes undiagnosed. Doctors usually cant detect the condition dur ing routine office visits. Also, there are no blood tests for the condition. Mos t people who have sleep apnea dont know they have it because it only occurs durin g sleep.Lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, surgery, and/or breathing devices can su ccessfully treat sleep apnea in many people. Treatment can improve your overall health and happiness as well as your quality of sleep.Consult your doctor today for more information or call us at 177-645-0704. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 12:32 AM 5 comments Labels: Breathing Devices for Sleep Apnea, Sleep Apnea Often Goes Undiagnosed, S noring Mouthpiece, Treatment of sleep apnea Tuesday, January 26, 2010Permanent Solution For Tooth Loss - Dental Implants One of the most exciting advancements in cosmetic dentistry in the past decade h as been the introduction of dental implants. Dental implants are an excellent ae sthetic option for the replacement of missing or lost teeth. This mode of treatm ent is indeed more expensive than a conventional denture, but if sufficient bone is present into which the implant can be placed, then dental implants are often the most ideal way to fill a space left by the loss of a tooth/teeth. There are two stages to dental implants. At first the dental implant post is pla ced into the jaw by a specialist implant dentist (Periodontist or Oral Surgeon). When the jaw has healed over and the sutures have been removed, then it is poss ible to attach the man made dental crowns to the implant. These replacement teet h are attached to the dental implant, and are positioned just above the gum like real teeth which gives a beautiful aesthetic natural appearance. Not all patien ts are suitable for implants. A consultation with a DermaDental dentist along wi th specialist x-rays will determine a patient s suitability for dental implants. A dental implant affords the new man made tooth the much needed strength to rema in in-situ within the mouth, for a very long time. Dental implants allow patient s to live a completely normal life with absolutely no need to worry about dentur es falling out of the mouth during eating or talking. Dental implants can also b e successfully placed in order to support fixed bridges or dentures, ensuring a very stable result with minimal risk of movement during normal daily function. Dental implants are as close to real teeth as are available. Because the root of the implant is secured to the jawbone like a real tooth, it acts and feels like a real tooth. If you have a missing tooth or are looking to replace an earlier dental substitute, make an appointment to see a dentist.For more information cal l Goma Dental at 177-645-0704. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 6:09 AM 1 comments Labels: dental implants in himachal, dental implants in shimla, Fear Free Dental Implants, Permanent Solution For Tooth Loss - Dental Implants Republic Day Wishes Salutations To The World s Largest Democracy.. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 12:19 AM 0 comments Labels: Republic Day Wishes

Sunday, January 24, 2010Gum Disease in Diabetics Diabetic patients are more likely to develop periodontal disease, which, in turn , can lead to blood sugar and diabetic complications.People with diabetes are mo re likely to have periodontal disease than people without diabetes, probably bec ause diabetics are more susceptible to contracting infections. In fact, periodon tal disease is often considered the sixth complication of diabetes. Those people who dont control their diabetes are especially at risk. Severe eriods ics at dontal periodontal disease can increase blood sugar, contributing to increased p of time when the body functions with a high blood sugar. This puts diabet increased risk for diabetic complications. Thus, diabetics who have perio disease should be treated to eliminate the periodontal infection.

Studies indicate that osteoporosis may lead to tooth loss because the density of the bone that supports the teeth may be decreased, which means the teeth no lon ger have a solid foundation. However, hormone replacement therapy may offer some protection.There are also researches that people with gum disease are almost tw ice as likely to suffer from coronary artery disease.Another possibility is that the inflammation caused by periodontal disease increases plaque build up, which may contribute to swelling of the arteries.Periodontal disease can also exacerb ate existing heart conditions. Patients at risk for infective endocarditis may r equire antibiotics prior to dental procedures. Pregnant women who have periodont al disease may be seven times more likely to have a baby that is born too early and too small.It appears that periodontal disease triggers increased levels of b iological fluids that induce labor.Bacteria in your mouth can be aspirated into the lungs to cause respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, especially in people with gum disease. Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis and eventually lead to tooth l oss and other health problems.Periodontal (gum) diseases, including gingivitis a nd periodontitis, are serious infections that, left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. The word periodontal literally means around the tooth. Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the t eeth. Periodontal disease can affect one tooth or many teeth. It begins when the bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your te eth) causes the gums to become inflamed. Gingivitis is the mildest form of periodontal disease. It causes the gums to bec ome red, swollen, and bleed easily. Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodon titis. With time, plaque can spread and grow below the gum line. Gums separate f rom the teeth, forming pockets (spaces between the teeth and gums) that become i nfected. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and b one are destroyed. Often, this destructive process has very mild symptoms. Event ually, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed. There are many forms of periodontitis. The most common ones include the followin g. * Aggressive periodontitis occurs in patients who are otherwise clinically healt hy. Common features include rapid attachment loss and bone destruction and famil ial aggregation. * Chronic periodontitis results in inflammation within the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive attachment and bone loss. This is the most frequently oc curring form of periodontitis and is characterized by pocket formation and/or re cession of the gingiva. It is prevalent in adults, but can occur at any age. Pro gression of attachment loss usually occurs slowly, but periods of rapid progress ion can occur. * Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic diseases often begins at a young age. Systemic conditions such as heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabete s are associated with this form of periodontitis.

* Necrotizing periodontal disease is an infection characterized by necrosis of g ingival tissues, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. These lesions are most commonly observed in individuals with systemic conditions such as HIV infection, malnutrition and immunosuppression. Regular treatment is a must, as well as the change in regime to our oral hygiene , and it is only through these precautions that we can expect to fight the progr ess of any gum disease. Root planning is a method of neutralising deeply impregn ated bacteria at the root of the tooth. To treat this your dentist will set out a plan to treat each tooth separately, and it can cause discomfort for a few day s after the treatment has been completed. Remember that the treatment doesnt stop when you leave the dental surgery; it is you who needs to make sure that you ha ve a regular routine of brushing, flossing and mouth-washing to keep the disease at a slow rate. Drinking water throughout the day will also help to neutralise acid build up.Periodontists are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of gum di sease and can help you keep your teeth for life! Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 10:39 PM 5 comments Labels: Dental Care Shimla, Dental services shimla, Gum Disease in Diabetics, Pe riodontist Shimla, Scaling and Root Planing(SRP) Saturday, January 23, 2010Tips To Prevent Gum Disease Periodontitis is a problem about which not many are aware of the causes. It can pose great danger for your oral health. It makes way for many serious gum and te eth problem. It might begin with an inflammation in the gums or toothache. You m ight not notice its severity, until something big happens. Many people who are i n the worse case of this disease even lose their teeth. Our dentists are treatin g this problem by using their technology. Their studies show that the major caus e of this problem is bacteria. The deposition of plaque or mucus in the mouth ca n worsen the situation. The gums turn red in the initial phase and then inflame and start bleeding. Ging ivitis is the prior stage to this problem. This is caused due to the tissues loc ated in and around the mouth. The bones and tissues weaken up. The sub par hygie ne is the most important factor that should be taken care of. Maintain the denta l health properly by visiting the dentists regularly. Your stress can also have an effect on your teeth. It can lead to bruxism which can damage your teeth. You r knowledge and refraining from sugary products can help you safeguard your teet h. Daily oral hygiene measures to prevent periodontal disease include: * Brushing properly on a regular basis (at least twice daily), with the patient attempting to direct the toothbrush bristles underneath the gum-line, to help di srupt the bacterial-mycotic growth and formation of subgingival plaque. * Flossing daily and using interdental brushes (if there is a sufficiently large space between teeth), as well as cleaning behind the last tooth, the third mola r, in each quarter. * Using an antiseptic mouthwash. Chlorhexidine gluconate based mouthwash in comb ination with careful oral hygiene may cure gingivitis, although they cannot reve rse any attachment loss due to periodontitis. * Using a soft tooth brush to prevent damage to tooth enamel and sensitive gum s. * Using periodontal trays to maintain dentist-prescribed medications at the sour ce of the disease. The use of trays allows the medication to stay in place long enough to penetrate the biofilms where the microorganism are found. * Regular dental check-ups and professional teeth cleaning as required. Dental c heck-ups serve to monitor the person s oral hygiene methods and levels of attach ment around teeth, identify any early signs of periodontitis, and monitor respon se to treatment.

The cornerstone of successful periodontal treatment starts with establishing exc ellent oral hygiene. This includes twice daily brushing with daily flossing. Als o the use of an interdental brush (called a Proxi-brush) is helpful if space bet ween the teeth allows.Your dentist is there to help you with preventive measures as well as treatment, take a little time on your next visit to have a chat abou t gum disease prevention. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 11:44 PM 7 comments Labels: Periodontist Shimla, Periodontitis, Tips To Prevent Gum Disease New Solution For Missing Tooth - Dental Implants Despite advances in dental care and a greater awareness of dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease, millions of people lose teeth each year due to d ecay or head trauma. In the past, patients wishing to replace a missing tooth ha d a choice between a partial denture or a dental bridge. These were, at best, on ly satisfactory substitutes for real teeth and always involved a significant adj ustment of lifestyle for the patient. Certain foods became off limits because of the dangers of breaking parts of the prosthetic and patients were frequently wo rried about the embarrassment of dentures falling out at inopportune moments. Al l of that changed with the introduction of the dental implant. A dental implant is a relatively new solution to missing teeth that involves dri lling a small screw into the jawbone itself to act as an anchor for an artificia l tooth. Because the implant is attached to the jawbone, it creates a similar fe eling of stability to a real tooth, which is secured by a root. The implant is usually made from titanium or other lightweight but strong metal. Once placed into the jaw at the initial appointment it is left for several week s or months to fuse with the bone and tissue in a process called osseointegratio n. When the implant has fully fused, the dentist will replace the temporary crow n with a permanent one and it will look and feel exactly like a real tooth. Soli d, comfortable and able to endure any food that you care to eat, a dental implan t really is the closet thing to a real tooth and can put an end to any anxieties experienced with other dental substitutes. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 12:44 AM 15 comments Labels: dental implants in shimla, Dental implants india, New Solution For Missi ng Tooth - Dental Implants Thursday, January 21, 2010Advanced Braces To Create Dream Smile Braces, also known as dental braces or orthodontic braces, are devices made from a combination of metal, plastic and ceramic used to align teeth for cosmetic an d dental health purposes. They are commonly used to correct malocclusions, which include all bite misalignments, as well as crooked or overcrowded teeth. Having existed in one form or another for over a hundred years, braces aim to us e the force applied by wires and plastic retainers to gradually manipulate teeth into a more attractive position. They have become increasingly common over the last twenty years with more and more patients benefiting form the increasingly i mproved and more affordable treatment. Most patients of a certain age will be very familiar with fixed metal train-track braces which were very popular in the 1990s and first years of the new millenniu m but brace technology is now able to offer less intrusive and more aestheticall y pleasing alternatives. Patients now have the choice of clear plastic invisible braces called Invisalign, or incredibly fast-acting braces such as the Inman al igner or Six Month Smile treatment, which aim to straighten teeth up to 75 per c ent faster. Almost all braces involve a certain amount of discomfort when initially fitted t hat normally passes after the first few days, but some treatments do involve unc omfortable tightening on a regular basis. Other new braces like the Damon system aim to limit the discomfort to the patient by using revolutionary self-ligating wires that require no tightening.

Dentists can now offer each individual patient the most suitable treatment depen ding on their individual requirements and preferences. Brace technology has come a long way since the first braces were used in the 1880s and can now offer stra ighter teeth with the minimum fuss, discomfort and cost to the patient.For more information on Invisible Braces call Goma Dental At 177-645-0704. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 10:12 PM 2 comments Labels: Advanced Braces To Create Dream Smile, Braces in Shimla, Lingual braces, Orthdontist shimla, Treatment of malocclusion Wednesday, January 20, 2010Goma Dental Promotes Dental Hygiene It takes a lot of effort if you wish to have a good set of teeth. It calls for d iscipline on your part as you need to observe oral hygiene habits consistently. A good set of clean teeth with healthy gums enhances your personality by boostin g your confidence. Therefore, getting a brilliant smile can only come after foll owing good oral hygiene techniques. People have today become much more conscious of appearance and wellness than eve r before. They are living longer, thanks to advances in medical and dental scien ce and in their quest for youthfulness, they invest time, effort and money in de ntal care in particular, healthy foods, and are doing regular exercises. Getting a brilliant smile can only come from making sure that you brush your tee th regularly and properly to prevent the build up of tartar and tooth decay and bleeding gums. Obviously one of the steps towards this is making sure that you v isit your dentist regularly for check ups, but there are also ways you should lo ok after your teeth in-between visits to ensure good oral health. Eating a good healthy diet without too many snacks or sugary refined foods also helps. Use dental products which contain Fluoride. Your dentist may also advise you to rinse with a mouthwash containing fluoride and show you the appropriate w ay of brushing of your teeth and the use of floss. It is important to brush your teeth at least twice each day and after every meal is the ideal. You should als o floss at least twice each day to make sure food is not trapped between teeth. Plaque develops on your teeth every day and taking these measures you can preven t plaque and decay.Smoking bad for your health and can lead to oral cancer, peri odontitis, and tooth decay. It will also stain your teeth. For help on how to st op this unhealthy habit, please contact your dental surgeon.By making these few small sacrifices and tying it together with the all important six-monthly check ups with a dentist you can help to prevent any future dental concerns. An extra few minutes each day to maintain dental hygiene is a small price to pay for a li fe free of the pain and worry caused by dental disease. It pays to have a good set of clean and healthy set of teeth. Observe the above tips and you will earn the distinction of having a brilliant smile as bonus. All it takes is discipline on your part. That smile can do wonders to your personal ity, confidence and poise. You should give yourself a chance that you richly des erve to have your dental flaws rectified . See your dentist regularly. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 3:59 AM 1 comments Labels: Dental Care Shimla, Dental Hygiene, Preventive dentistry shimla Thursday, January 14, 2010Quit Tobacco To Prevent Oral Cancer India has one of the highest incidence of Oral cancer in the world. The high inc idence of oral cancer and oral pre-cancerous lesions in India has long been link ed with the habit of betel quid chewing incorporating tobacco.Oral cancer ranks number one among men and number three among women in India. Oral cancer constitu tes 12% of all cancers in men and 8% of all cancers among women. Tobacco use has many negative effects on a persons oral health. People who smoke or use smokeless tobacco are particularly at risk of developing oral cancer or p eriodontal (gum) disease. Tooth decay, badbreathtooth loss, bad breath (halitosi

s) and stains on the teeth are additional oral health conditions associated with tobacco use.Oral cancer is perhaps the most significant threat to a smoker.Toot h decay is damage to teeth caused when food and bacteria interact to form plaque and tartar.Each year, physicians diagnose new cases of cancer of the oral cavit y and pharynx (upper throat at the back of the removal of the lower jawmouth). T he five-year survival rate for oral cancers is 50 percent, and treatment methods can significantly alter facial appearance. In Peninsula Malaysia, Indian is the predominant ethnic group for oral cancer .A ccording to the National Cancer Registry (NCR) of Malaysia, mouth cancer is rank ed as the 7th and 3rd most common cancers for the Indian males and females respe ctively. Oral cancer among the Indian males and females accounts for 4.5% and 6. 5% respectively of all cancers (NCR report, 2003-2005). Hospital based data from different hospitals in Malaysia from 2003-2005 has shown that oral cancer was r eported to be the highest among ethnic Indians, followed by Malays and Chinese. nosmoking signAbout 90 percent of people with mouth cancer and some types of thr oat cancer have used tobacco, according to the American Cancer Society. All form s of tobacco are dangerous, including cigars, pipes, cigarettes, hookahs and oth er, more exotic forms. Smokers are six times more likely than nonsmokers to deve lop oral cancer. Using smokeless tobacco increases the risk of developing cancer s of the cheek, gums, or inner surface of the lips by nearly 50 times.hookah_stu dent Smoking can cause cancer to develop anywhere in the mouth or pharynx. Pipe smoki ng also has an added risk of causing cancer in the area of the lips that comes i nto contact with the pipe. Smokeless or chewing tobacco is associated with cance rs of the tongue, cheek, gums, and inner surface of the lips. This cancer can be gin within a few years of regular use of smokeless tobacco and tends to spread q uickly. Unless it is detected early, major surgery is often needed to remove par ts of the mouth, jaw and tongue. Smoking is among the leading risk factors for developing gum disease, a bacteria l infection that erodes tissue that supports the teeth.People who smoke and have gum disease are likely to suffer from failed dental restorations and dental sur geries. Associated problems include : *Tooth decay. *Delayed healing. * Other problems. Use of tobacco products causes oral cancer because tobacco contains carcinogenic toxins, including nitrosamines. These chemicals damage cells in the lining of t he mouth, pharynx (upper throat at the back of the mouth) and larynx (voice box) . Damage to these cells may cause them to malfunction and to rapidly multiply as cancer cells. Many of the chemicals found in tobacco also damage DNA. When func tional, DNA tells the cells how to grow and repair the damage. Signs and symptoms People who develop periodontal (gum) disease as a result of using tobacco produc ts may experience symptoms such as swollen, red or sensitive gums. They also may experience gum pain or gums that bleed when brushing or flossing teeth. Other symptoms associated with gum disease include: * Bad breath (halitosis) *An abscess or pus on the gums *Receding gums

*Periodontal pockets *Shifting teeth. Lip cancers may be detected earlier than other oral cancers because of their hig hly visible location. Many oral cancers are not detected until the symptoms beco me more advanced. When detected early, many oral cancers can be successfully tre ated. Some conditions that may indicate early signs of oral cancer include: * Leukoplakia causes lesions that look like thick, white patches of tissue in th e mouth or throat. *Erythroplakia. It is a condition that causes raised red lesions in the mouth or throat. * Dysplasia is a precancerous condition in the mouth or throat that may be prece ded by leukoplakia The most common signs and symptoms of oral cancer include: *Sore in the mouth or on the lips that does not heal or bleeds easily. *Pain in the mouth that does not go away. *Lump or thickening in the cheek or on the lip. *Red or white patch on the gums, tongue or lining of the mouth. *Persistent bad breath. Symptoms of more advanced oral cancer include: *Difficulties chewing and swallowing. *Problems moving the tongue or jaw. *Loosening of the teeth or pain around teeth and jaw. *Numbness around tongue or other areas of the mouth. *Weight loss. Diagnostic Methods Patients who have concerns about their oral health should visit a dentist /physi cian. In either case, an examination of the patients head, neck and mouth will li kely be performed and a thorough medical history obtained, including any family history of periodontal (gum) disease, cancer or other illnesses. The dentist/phy sician also will likely ask about tobacco use that may be related to the patients symptoms. New dental products like Vizilite and Oral Advance can help us in acc urate diagnosis of oral cancerous lesions in Dental Operatory itself. Various tests (e.g. CAT scan, PET scan) may be used to diagnose oral cancers and to examine for possible spread of the cancer to the head and neck area. If a pa tient is diagnosed with cancer, the physician will need to learn the stage of th e cancer. Staging is based on the dimensions of the cancer, whether ther is lymp h node involvement and whether there is spread to distant organs. Cancer staging provides information as to the extent of the disease and helps with planning tr eatment. Treatment Options Treatment will depend on the cause of the oral health problem. Typically, period ontal (gum) disease results in widespread infection of the gums that requires tr eatment by a dentist or periodontist. Examples of such treatments include use of antibiotics, scaling, root planing or gum surgery. Gum surgery may involve refl ecting the gums away from the bone, cleaning diseased gum pockets and stitching them back into place, or grafting soft tissue from another area of the mouth to replace diseased gum tissue. Treatment of gum disease in people who use tobacco can be difficult to perform s

uccessfully. It is crucial that patients avoid using tobacco while undergoing tr eatment. Failure to do so will impact the effectiveness of treatment. Gum diseas e often improves greatly after quitting smoking. Treatment for oral cancer varies depending on a number of factors, including the general health of the patient and the location and stage of cancer. The patients age, family and peer support and the ability to tolerate certain medications or procedures also affect the treatment plan. Treatment options for individuals with oral cancer include surgery, radiation th erapy and chemotherapy. These methods may be used alone or in combination. Preventive Methods The best way to prevent tobacco-related oral health problems is to avoid using t obacco in the first place. People who use tobacco products often can significant ly lower their risk of oral health problems by quitting tobacco use. Patients who have concerns about their oral health should visit a dentist. In th is case, an examination of the patients mouth, head and neck will likely be perfo rmed and a thorough medical history obtained, including any family history of ca ncer, gum disease or other illnesses. Patients may be asked about their tobacco use, and may have to undergo additional testing if cancer or gum disease is susp ected.Treatment depends on the cause of the oral health problem. Treatment optio ns for patients with gum disease include use of antibiotics, scaling, root plani ng, and gum surgery to clean diseased gum pockets. Treatment options for patient s with oral cancer include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The best way to prevent tobacco-related oral health problems is to avoid using t obacco in the first place. People who use tobacco products often can significant ly lower their risk of oral health problems by quitting tobacco use. Regular den tal examinations also are crucial in detecting oral health conditions in their e arly stages, when they are most treatable. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 11:46 PM 11 comments Labels: Quit Tobacco To Prevent Oral Cancer Wednesday, January 13, 2010Root Canal Treatment In Shimla Also referred to as endodontics, a root canal treatment( rct ) is usually done w hen the nerves of your tooth are believed to be infected or injured. Before bein g recommended this treatment, your dentist will first make a proper assessment o f your teeths condition. At this point, it is important that you understand the need to undergo a root ca nal treatment before the pulp becomes too infected, resulting to abscess. If sti ll untreated, the infection could spread to the rest of the tooth and it might b e necessary to extract it. Basically, the root canal treatment is designed to: Remove infection Clean the infected tooth Fill the infected tooth in order to protect it from another infection During your first visit to the dentist, the pulp that is infected will be remove d. In addition, all abscesses will be drained and the root canal will be thoroug hly-cleaned as well as shaped as part of the preparation for a temporary filling . On your second visit, the tooth will be checked for any signs of infection. If t here are none found, your dentist can now fill the tooth permanently. Although a root canal treatment can be painful, keep in mind that it is better t

o save the infected tooth than leave it until it rots out or even have it extrac ted. Most dentists would recommend this procedure in order for you to enjoy more natural teeth. Caring for your tooth after a root canal treatment will require nothing special. Your dentist will probably suggest a good oral hygiene program, healthy lifesty le and proper diet in order to ensure perfect oral health.If you are suffering p ain in one or more of your teeth, have a tooth abscess or think you may need a r oot canal treatment, dont let fear put you off. You need to make an appointment t o see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent the spread of infection and save your tooth. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 11:55 PM 0 comments Labels: Root Canal Treatment In Shimla, Rotory endontics in shimla Tuesday, January 12, 2010Fluorosis is A Dental Problem Too much flouride during the early stages of tooth development can cause fluoros is (discolourisation). Children between the ages of 1 and 4 are most susceptible to this problem. Fluorosis is not a disease, but it is a cosmetic nuisance, whi ch can be prevented in the young . But if it is allowed to go unattended, flouro sis can result in darkened teeth in adults. Fortunately, the damage caused to th e physical appearance of the teeth can be corrected by a dentist. Crowns and vee ners are usually to cover-up darkened teeth. As it is always the case, prevention is the best option. By taking your child to the dentist regularly, early signs of fluorosis can be detected and early remed ial action can be taken. The article is intended to create awareness of fluorosi s with some practical steps that you as parents can take to help your kids, espe cially those between the ages of 1 to 4 when their milk teeth are being replaced p ermanent teeth. Fluorosis is a dental problem which happens when a child ingests too much fluori de during the early stages of tooth development. It usually affects children bet ween the ages of one and four years old. It is at this stage when permanent teet h begin to form underneath the milk teeth. Children over the age of eight are at a lmost no risk of developing fluorosis. Symptoms of Fluorosis If your child has an excess of fluoride in their diet while their permanent teet h are developing, this can bring about the noticeable signs of fluorosis. The ma in characteristic of fluorosis is the stains which form on the teeth when yellow and brown spots begin to appear on the enamel of the tooth. The colour changes can range from minor tinges to extensive changes in the enamels surface. Stains a nd discoloured spots can also appear as streaks and in the more severe cases, bl ack and gray spots or pits can develop. Once your childs teeth are fully develop, fluorisis no longer poses any risk, thi s is usually around the age of eight at the latest. Although fluorosis is not a disease in itself, it can be a very noticeable cosmetic condition. In minor case s of fluorosis the discolourations can be so tiny that only your dentist will no tice them. The marks that fluorosis leaves on your teeth will be permanent, and as time passes they have a tendency to darken. Its easy for your dentist to spot the signs of fluorosis during one of your regul ar checkups. You may be asked some questions about your childs diet such as if th eyre using fluoride supplements, a fluoride toothpaste or drinking an excess of f luoridated water. Its common to be asked about several other medical conditions w hich could potentially have a similar effect, so that they can be ruled out. Treating Fluorosis

Fortunately, in most cases, fluorosis is so minor that it doesnt warrant any trea tment. Similarly, the discolouration associated with fluorosis can often occur o nly on the back of your teeth, where they cant be spotted. In more severe cases, the front teeth may have to be treated through teeth whitening or another cosmet ic treatment. In the most extensive cases of fluorosis, the teeth which have bec ome discoloured can be covered with dental restorations like veneers or crowns. What to Consider with Fluorosis *Look for signs of dental fluorosis. *Visit your dentist for a diagnosis. *Get teeth-whitening treatments. *Consider tooth restorations for severe cases of fluorosis. *Heed prevention measures. Be aware of your childs fluoride intake, especially while he is under the age of 6.You should make sure to only use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste if your chil d is under the age of six. Its also important to make them spit after brushing ra ther than swallowing. As such, you should avoid toothpastes which might encourag e swallowing like flavoured toothpastes and to make sure products which contain fluoride arent anywhere your children can get at them. Theres a number of soft and fruit drinks which contain fluoride and many brands of bottled water also conta ins added fluoride. Its important to make sure your child doesnt consume a lot of these beverages in order to avoid fluorosis. Cosmetic Dentistry * * * * * * * * * Teeth Whitening Veneers Lumineers Gum Contouring Crowns Cosmetic Bonding Dental Implants Smile Makeovers Cosmetic Dentistry

Many dentists now believe that a healthy and balanced diet, one which eliminates high sugar content food, will provide enough fluoride for the average child to defend against cavities without the need for adding fluoride to drinking water. Flouride has for too long been used as a safety net against poor diets but it wo uld seem even this strategy is not working. Ireland suffers from a tooth decay r ate higher than five other European countries that dont fluoridate the water, whi ch would seem to prove that fluoride is doing little to stem the rate of decay a nd in large quantities may even be responsible for it. Dentists can advise patie nts and parents on the necessary levels of fluoride and will recommend which too thpastes are suitable to use in your area. Flourosis is preventable and can be detected early if you make it a point to tak e your kids to see your dentist regularly. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 8:45 PM 6 comments Labels: Fluorosis is A Dental Problem, Fluorosis symtoms and cure Monday, January 11, 2010Ivoclar Vivadent - Implant Care Program Ivoclar Vivadents Implant Care Program encompasses coordinated products and provi des a comprehensive protection of implant restorations. Ivoclar Vivadent presents Implant Care, a product program for the professional c are of patients during the various implant treatment phases and throughout the r est of their lives. This program allows dentists to meet the requirements posed

by complex restoration structures and the patients individual intraoral situation . Implant Care includes a set of coordinated products, such as the disclosing li quid Plaque Test, the Proxyt prophy paste with an RDA value of 7, the chlorhexidinecontaining protective varnish Cervitec Plus, the oral health care gel Cervitec Plus containing chlorhexidine and fluoride and the lip and cheek retractor OptraGate. A ll these products for professional tooth cleaning and bacteria control protect a nd preserve the sensitive peri-implant tissue. High-quality superstructures, fix ed or removable dentures and natural teeth are thus optimally treated, both in t erms of function and esthetics.For more info visit http://www.ivoclarvivadent.co m Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 10:41 PM 0 comments Labels: Ivoclar Vivadent - Implant Care Program Sunday, January 10, 2010Cure For Tooth Sensitivity Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort in one or more teeth, triggered by hot, co ld, sweet or sour foods and drinks, or even by breathing cold air. The pain can be sharp, sudden, and shoot deep into the nerve endings of your teeth. For milli ons of people, sensitive teeth can make life miserable. The pain and discomfort make even favorite hot or cold foods impossible to enjoy. All is not lost. In ma ny cases, sensitive teeth can be successfully treated bringing long sought after relief. Tooth sensitivity occurs when the underlying layer of your teeth the dentin beco mes exposed as a result of receding gum tissue (the protective blanket that cove rs the tooth roots). The roots, which are not covered by hard enamel, contain th ousands of tiny tubules leading to the tooths never center (the pulp). These dent inal tubules (or channels) allow the stimuli for example, the hot, cold, or swee t food to reach the nerve in your tooth, which results in the pain you feel. There are many factors that can lead to tooth sensitivity, including. *Brushing too hard. Over time, brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothb rush can wear down enamel and cause the dentin to be exposed. It can also cause recession of the gums (the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth). * Recession of the gums. As gums move away from a tooth due to conditions such a s periodontal disease, the root surface becomes exposed. * Gum disease (gingivitis). Inflamed and sore gum tissue may cause sensitivity d ue to the loss of supporting ligaments, which exposes the root surface that lead s directly to the nerve of the tooth. * Cracked teeth. Chipped or broken teeth may fill with bacteria from plaque and enter the pulp causing inflammation. * Teeth grinding. grinding or clenching your teeth may wear down the enamel and expose underlying dentin. * Tooth whitening products or toothpaste with baking soda and peroxide. These pr oducts are major contributors to teeth sensitivity. * Your age. Tooth sensitivity is highest between the ages of 25 and 30. * Plaque build-up. The presence of plaque on the root surfaces can cause sensiti vity. *Mouthwash use. Long-term use of some mouthwashes. Some over-the-counter mouthwa shes contain acids that can worsen tooth sensitivity if you have exposed dentin (the middle layer of the tooth). The acids further damage the dentin layer of th e tooth. If you have dentin sensitivity, ask your dentist about the use of a neu tral fluoride solution. *Acidic foods. Regular consumption of foods with a high acid content, such as ci trus fruits, tomatoes, pickles and tea, can cause enamel erosion. *Recent routine dental procedures. Sensitivity can occur following teeth cleanin g, root planing, crown placement, and tooth restoration. Sensitivity caused by d ental procedures is temporary, usually disappearing in 4 to 6 weeks. What Can I Do to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity?

* Maintain good oral hygiene. Continue to follow proper brushing and flossing te chniques to thoroughly clean all parts of your teeth and mouth. * Use a soft bristled toothbrush. This will result in less toothbrush abrasion t o the tooth surface and less irritation to your gums. Brush gently and carefully around the gum line so you do not remove more gum tissue. * Use desensitizing toothpaste. There are several brands of toothpaste available for sensitive teeth. With regular use you should notice a decrease in sensitivi ty. You may need to try several different brands to find the product that works best for you. Another tip. spread a thin layer of the toothpaste on the exposed tooth roots with your finger or a Q-tip before you go to bed. Do not use a tarta r control toothpaste; rather, use a fluoridated toothpaste. * Watch what you eat. Frequent consumption of highly acid foods can gradually di ssolve tooth enamel and lead to dentin exposure. They may also aggravate the sen sitivity and start the pain reaction. * Use fluoridated dental products. Daily use of a fluoridated mouth rinse can de crease sensitivity. Ask your dentist about available products for home use. * Avoid teeth grinding. If you grind or clench your teeth, use a mouth guard at night. * See your dentist at regular intervals. Get professional tooth cleaning, oral h ygiene instructions, and fluoride treatments every 6 months (or sooner depending on your condition). If you still have discomfort, talk to your dentist. There may be some dental pro cedures that may help reduce sensitivity, including the use of: * White fillings (bonding) to cover exposed root surfaces * Fluoride varnishes applied to the exposed root surface * Dentin sealers applied to the exposed root surface If you cannot get relief by brushing gently and using sensitivity tooth, your de ntist has several options for relief. Your dentist can use oxalate compounds that, when applied on the root of the affected tooth, will reduce if not eliminate th e sensitivity. Many dentists prescribe high flouride content mouthwashes which h elp to reduce tooth sensitivity. They may also apply bonding agents to close the p ores of the tooth root. Always consult your dentist regularly so that you can be proactive in the care and maintenance of your teeth. Protect your smile and fee l good about yourself. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 10:13 PM 5 comments Labels: Causes of tooth sensitivity, Cure For Tooth Sensitivity Why to Consider Traveling for Medical Care ? The new phenomenon of medical tourismor international health travelhas received a good deal of wide-eyed attention of late. While one newspaper or blog giddily to uts the fun n sun side of treatment abroad, another issues dire Code Blue warni ngs about filthy hospitals, shady treatment practices, and procedures gone bad. As with most things in life, the truth lies somewhere in between. In short, I ve found the term "medical tourism" is something of a misnomer, ofte n leading patients to emphasize the recreational more than the procedural in the ir quest for medical care abroad. Unlike much of the hype that surrounds contemp orary health travel, Patients Beyond Borders focuses more on your health than on your travel preferences. Thus, throughout this book, you won t see many referen ces to the terms "medical tourism" or "health tourism." In the same way business travelers don t normally consider themselves tourists, you ll begin to think mo re in terms of medical travel and health travel. My research, including countless interviews, has convinced me: With diligence, p erseverance, and good information, patients considering traveling abroad for tre atment do indeed have legitimate, safe choices, not to mention an opportunity to

save thousands of dollars over the same treatment in the United States. Hundred s of patients who have returned from successful treatment overseas provide overw helmingly positive feedback. They persuaded me to write this impartial, scrutini zing guide to becoming an informed international patient. I designed this book t o help readers reach their own conclusions about whether and when to seek treatm ent abroad. So, why go abroad for medical care? Here are seven reasons. 1. Cost savings. Most people like to get the most for their dollar. The single b iggest reason Americans travel to other countries for medical treatment is the o pportunity to save money. Depending upon the country and type of treatment, unin sured and underinsured patients, as well as those seeking elective care, can rea lize 15 to 85 percent savings over the cost of treatment in the United States. O r, as one successful health traveler put it, "I took out my credit card instead of a second mortgage on my home." As baby boomers become senior boomers, costs o f healthcare and prescriptions are devouring nearly 30 percent of retirement and preretirement incomes. With the word getting out about top-quality treatments a t deep discounts overseas, informed patients are finding creative alternatives a broad. The costs listed in this table are for surgery (except as noted), includi ng the hospital stay in a private, single-bed room. Airfare and lodging costs ar e governed by individual preferences. To compute a ballpark estimate of total co sts, add $5,000 to the amounts shown in the table for you and a companion, figur ing coach airfare and hotel rooms averaging $150 per night. For example, a hip r eplacement in Bangkok, Thailand, would cost about $18,000, for an estimated savi ngs of at least $15,000 compared with the U.S. price. The estimates above are fo r treatments alone. Airfare, hospital stay (if any), and lodging vary considerab ly. Savings on dentistry become more dramatic when "big mouth-work" is required, involving several teeth or full restorations. Savings of $15,000 or more are co mmon. 2. Better-quality care. Veteran health travelers know that facilities, instrumen tation, and customer service in treatment centers abroad often equal or exceed t hose found in the United States. Governments of countries such as India and Thai land have poured billions of dollars into improving their healthcare systems, wh ich are now aggressively catering to the international health traveler. VIP wait ing lounges, deluxe hospital suites, and staffed recuperation resorts are common amenities, along with free transportation to and from airports, low-cost meal p lans for companions, and discounted hotels affiliated with the hospital. Moreove r, physicians and staff in treatment centers abroad are often far more accessibl e than their U.S. counterparts. "My surgeon gave me his cellphone number, and I spoke directly with him at least a dozen times during my stay," said David P., w ho traveled to Bangkok for a heart valve replacement. 3. Excluded treatments. Even the most robust health insurance plans exclude a va riety of conditions and treatments. You, the policyholder, must pay these expens es out of pocket. Although health insurance policies vary according to the under writer and individual, your plan probably excludes a variety of treatments, such as cosmetic surgeries, dental care, vision treatments, reproductive/infertility procedures, certain nonemergency cardiovascular and orthopedic surgeries, weigh t loss programs, substance abuse rehabilitation, and prostheticsto name only a fe w. In addition, many policies place restrictions on prescriptions (some quite ex pensive), postoperative care, congenital disorders, and pre-existing conditions. Rich or cash-challenged, young or not-so-young, heavily or only lightly insured , folks who get sick or desire a treatment (even one recommended by their physic ian) often find their insurance won t cover it. Confronting increasingly expensi ve choices at home, nearly 40 percent of American health travelers hit the road for elective treatments. In countries such as Costa Rica, Singapore, Dubai, and Thailand, this trend has spawned entire industries, offering excellent treatment and ancillary facilities at costs far lower than U.S. prices.

4. Specialty treatments. Some procedures and prescriptions are simply not allowe d in this country. Either Congress or the Food and Drug Administration has speci fically disallowed a certain treatment, or perhaps it s still in the testing and clinical trials stage or was only recently approved. Such treatments are often offered abroad. One example is an orthopedic procedure known as hip resurfacing, a less expensive alternative to the traditional hip replacement still practiced in the United States. While this procedure has been performed for more than a d ecade throughout Europe and Asia, it was only recently approved in the United St ates, and its availability here remains spotty. Hundreds of forward-thinking Ame ricans, many having suffered years of chronic pain, have found relief in India, where hip resurfacing techniques, materials, and instrumentation have been perfe cted, and the procedure is routine. 5. Shorter waiting periods. For decades, thousands of Canadian and British subsc ribers to universal, "free" healthcare plans have endured waits as long as two y ears for established procedures. "Some of us die before we get to the operating table," commented one exasperated patient, who journeyed to India for an open-he art procedure. Here in the United States, long waits are a growing problem, part icularly among war veterans covered under the Veterans Administration Act, for w hom long queues are becoming far too common. Some patients figure it s better to pay out of pocket to get out of pain or to halt a deteriorating condition than to suffer the anxiety and frustration of waiting for a far-future appointment an d other medical uncertainties. 6. More "inpatient friendly." As U.S. health insurance companies apply increasin g pressure on hospitals to process patients as quickly as possible, outpatient p rocedures are becoming the norm. Similarly, U.S. hospitals are under huge pressu re to move inpatients out of those costly beds as soon as possible. Medical trav elers will welcome the flexibility at the best hospitals abroad, where they are often aggressively encouraged to spend extra time in the hospital post-procedure . Patient-to-staff ratios are usually lower abroad, as are hospital-borne infect ion rates. 7. The lure of the new and different. Although traveling abroad for medical care can be challenging, many patients welcome the chance to blaze a trail, and they find the creature comforts often offered abroad a welcome relief from the steri le, impersonal hospital environments so often encountered in U.S. treatment cent ers. For others, simply being in a new and interesting culture lends distraction to an otherwise worrisome, tedious process. And getting away from the myriad ob ligations of home and professional life can yield healthful effects at a stressf ul time. What s more, traveland particularly international travelcan be a life-cha nging experience. You might be humbled by the limousine ride from Indira Gandhi International Airport to a hotel in central New Delhi or struck by the simple, e legant graciousness of professionals and ordinary people in Thailand, or wowed b y the sheer beauty of the mountain range outside a dental office window in Mexic o. As one veteran medical traveler put it, "I brought back far more from this tr ip than a new set of teeth."By Josef Woodman US News - Posted October 1, 2008 Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 6:12 AM 3 comments Labels: Dental Tourism India, Healthcare packages in india, Medical tourism indi a, Why to Consider Traveling for Medical Care ? Friday, January 8, 2010Green Dentistry Over the last few years, Dental Clinics have instituted various action plans to make dental offices more eco-friendly. With so much public awareness about the G reen Movement recently.During the last decades, public awareness and professiona l accountability on environmental issues has been increasing steadily as human a ctivities have already resulted in irreversible global changes.

* We have replaced incandescent lights with florescent lighting, which is five t imes more efficient. * We have fully integrated comprehensive practice management software, which sto res all of our patient records. This means no more wasting paper in order to pro duce paper charts and records. * All of our computers, faxes, copy machines, and printers are Energy Star rated , meaning they run cooler and save on energy. * We recycle all paper, cardboard, plastic, and glass, and we use recycled/reman ufactured ink for our printers. * We have digital radiography, which means no more film processing with harsh ch emicals. It also uses less radiation than a traditional X-ray system. * We have a CAD/CAM milling machine which reduces material use, as well as fuel consumption by both lab and patient. * We use less water with our motion sensor sprays used to disinfect our hands. * We use biodegradable, non-toxic cleaners. * We consolidate our supply orders to save packaging and fuel consumption. * We use an autoclave cassette system rather than paper and plastic bags for mos t instrument sterilization. * We use an oil free air compressor and oil free vacuum system. * Our office is mercury-free Most importantly, we do not place mercury-based amalgam fillings in our patients mouths. We have an amalgam/mercury separator in our vacuum system which filters out the discharge of the harmful element mercury from the filling material that we remove from patients teeth. Our main goal is to inform the dental community on contemporory literature on de ntal waste production and disposal,but most of all to sensitize all those involv ed in dental education for actions that will lead to an environmentally responsi ble dental practice.If you have any questions about green dentistry or mercury-f ree dentistry, dont hesitate to call us. Were happy to share information about our technology and procedures. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 11:40 PM 3 comments Labels: Green Dentistry, Mercury free dentistry CEREC : Advanced Restorations CEREC is one of the most advanced dental products available anywhere in the worl d. It offers same day dental restorations including the fitting of crowns, venee rs and inlays. Saving huge amounts of time and laboratory work, the CEREC system allows dentists to design, manufacture and fit ceramic restorations in a single trip producing a final result that is a stunningly accurate dental restoration indistinguishable from a natural tooth. CEREC was first created by Professor W. Mrmann and Dr. M Brandestini in Switzerla nd in 1980. The first treatment was carried out in 1985 and the technology has b een advancing and improving ever since. Today it is used by a growing number of dentists all over the world and represents the future of dental technology. It works by utilising digital x-rays and 3D imaging to build up an accurate thre e-dimensional portrait of the patients mouth. The dentist can then use this to de sign an accurate ceramic restoration before instructing a computer-guided mill t o sculpt the desired product from a single piece of porcelain. This milling can take as little as six minutes which, when compared to the days or even weeks of laboratory work it used to take is really a remarkable leap forward. Because the porcelain is sculpted from a single piece it means it is much stronger than lay ered replacements. Once fabricated, the dental replacements are cemented into place with dental bon ding producing a perfect dental restoration that can even be matched to the exis ting teeth colour. Indian dentists are now using CEREC technology to offer outst

anding and revolutionary dental treatment to all patients. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 9:42 AM 0 comments Labels: CEREC : Advanced Restorations Thursday, January 7, 2010DURAthins - No-Drill Veneers Are you dreaming about a new smile? Do you want teeth that or more youthful, but hate the thought of removing healthy it? If so, DURAthin veneers may be the answer youve been are an even more incredible, precise and beautiful version estoration.

are brighter, larger enamel in order to do waiting for. Durathins of the LUMINEER style r

They are very thin porcelain veneers designed to adhere directly to the front of the teeth without removing any enamel! This means that for some people, we can design the smile of their dreams without even drilling on their natural teeth. A nd theres more good news if you ever wanted to have the DURAthins removed, your na tural smile would still be in tact! For more information on DURAthins, visit the ir website. Perfecting your smile with veneers can involve needles, drilling, and shaving do wn the tooths enamel before making the cosmetic enhancement. Now, with DURAthin v eneers, a leading brand of no-prep veneers, you can have the smile of your dream s, skip the tooth enamel reduction stage, and retain your natural tooth structur e. Because they are so thin, about the width of two pieces of paper, your custom DU RAthin veneers can be bonded directly to your tooths surface. We will design a sh ape that wont appear unnatural or bulky and choose a shade that complements your facial features and blends with surrounding teeth. DURAthins transform teeth to produce a beautiful, lasting smile in about two visits. DURAthin veneers dramatically change the appearance of those with: * * * * * * * * a narrow smile small teeth worn teeth stained teeth chipped teeth slight misalignments misshapen teeth and/or gaps between teeth.

A smile makeover with DURAthins will last for years, but a dentist can remove yo ur veneers at any time because the underlying tooth structure remains original. People with traditional veneers dont have that option. Reserve an appointment time with us; bring your questions and expectations for a dramatically improved appearance, and well get started on your spectacular smile with DURAthins.Porcelain veneer technology has come a long way. They are now on e of the preferred, by dentists and patients alike, of the cosmetic dental proce dures. They can have an enormous impact on the appearance of teeth in such a sho rt space of time. Ask a your dentist about DURAthins. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 2:41 AM 0 comments Labels: Cosmetic dentist india, DURAthins - No-Drill Veneers Wednesday, January 6, 2010OraVerse - Local Anesthesia Reversal Agent OraVerse is the first and only local anesthesia reversal agent that rapidly and safely brings patients back to normal sensation and function .It reverses the ef fects of local anesthesia two times faster. * Rapidly, and safely, restores normal function so patients can speak, smile, an d drink normally twice as fast - some returned to normal in as soon as 15 minute s

* Reverses the effects of the most widely used local anesthetics combined with v asoconstrictor * In a separate pediatric clinical trial with 152 patients aged 4 to 11 years, t he time to recovery of normal lip sensation was accelerated by 53 minutes (47%) in the maxilla and 120 minutes (67%) in the mandible compared with control As the first and only local anesthesia reversal agent, OraVerse allows you to br ing patients back to normal sensation and function twice as fast. In fact, in cl inical studies, patients were able to: * * * * Smile, sooner Speak, sooner Drink normally, sooner Minimize drooling, sooner

OraVerse is easy to use * Simply inject into the same site where the local anesthetic was given using a standard dental syringe and the same administration technique. * Dose in a 1:1 ratio to local anesthetic OraVerse (phentolamine mesylate) is a clear, colorless, sterile, nonpyrogenic, i sotonic, preservative-free solution. Each 1.8 mL cartridge contains 0.4 mg phent olamine mesylate.OraVerse, produces an alpha-adrenergic block of relatively shor t duration resulting in vasodilatation when applied to vascular smooth muscle. Important Safety Information: Following parenteral use of phentolamine at doses between 5 and 15 times higher than the recommended dose of OraVerse (phentolamine mesylate), myocardial infarc tion and cerebrovascular spasm and occlusion have been reported, usually in asso ciation with marked hypotensive episodes producing shock-like states. Although s uch effects are uncommon with OraVerse, clinicians should be alert to the signs and symptoms of tachycardia, bradycardia, and cardiac arrhythmias, particularly in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease, as these symptoms may occu r with the use of phentolamine or other alpha-adrenergic blocking agents. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 12:00 AM 3 comments Labels: OraVerse - Local Anesthesia Reversal Agent Tuesday, January 5, 2010Cosmetic Dentistry In Shimla We all dream of having an award-winning smile. Our smile says so much about us. It is one of the most important ways we have of communicating with others. Resea rch has shown that people with healthy looking smiles are perceived to be more a ttractive and successful. Previously, dazzling smiles were the sole preserve of the rich and famous but increasingly that is becoming less and less the case. Amongst the dozens of procedures available to dentists to create beautiful smile s are crowns and veneers, dental bonding, tooth contouring and gum contouring. T hese processes along with many others can all be used to help create the perfect smile. Technological advances such as the introduction of lasers and cad/cam technology in dentistry has meant a greater degree of accuracy and a substantial reduction in risk and pain associated with dental procedures in the past. Skilled dentists will produce a smile plan, which is based around the individuals preferences and existing smile structure. Any existing flaws will be corrected and crowns and veneers added where necessary, and the process almost always incl udes a whitening procedure.There are an almost endless number of ways cosmetic d entistry can improve the appearance of teeth.

A dentist will be able to offer you a consultation to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted to give the self-confidence to succeed. Call 177-645-070 4 for an appointment with Dr Goma. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 12:28 AM 2 comments Labels: Cosmetic dentist Shimla, Cosmetic dentistry India Monday, January 4, 2010Single Tooth Anesthesia System (STA) The Wand is essentially a computer-controlled dental injection. The flow rate of the local anaesthetic is controlled by a computer. This means that the injectio n is guaranteed to be slow and steady and therefore comfortable.The manufacturer s of the Wand - now call their products CompuDent and STA (Single Tooth Anesthes ia) System.The STA system only lets a certain amount of anesthesia go through wh ile you are having your dental process, promising that there won t be any pain f elt from the stick of the needle or the dentist working on your mouth. Only the location that dental work has to be done on is numbed. It simply doesn t look like a syringe! The needle used with STA doesn t even com pare to a syringe! The needle is much smaller than the dental needles you are pr obably familiar with. It looks more like a wand or pen and has a tiny needle at the end; in this way, you do not experience the usual numbness and embarrassing drooling sensation that often accompanies a visit to the dentist. What are the advantages? * Looks non-threatening and almost cute. Researchers have found that the Wand in duces less anxiety than any other injection method . * The precise control of flow rate and pressure reliably produces a comfortable injection even in potentially more "difficult" areas like the palate, where the tissue is less elastic. * Many dentists enjoy the light weight and easy handling. The penlike grasp allo ws the operator to rotate the handpiece, which can make it easier to glide the n eedle into the tissue. * Two "fancy" injection techniques (the AMSA and P-ASA, for the nerds among you) are much more comfortable and effective when the Wand is used. What are the disadvantages? * Cost! It s more expensive than using traditional syringes, both for the machin e and the disposables. And if you wanted to rely on the Wand alone, you d have t o have a backup Wand in case one breaks down sometime, which means more cost. Be cause the cartridge holder, tube and handpiece are disposables, there s a larger volume of hazardous waste (and higher costs for getting rid of the extra waste) . * Some dentists complain they lose time because it takes longer than their "stan dard" injection. * Takes up extra space. This can be a problem in some rooms, depending on space and layout. * A lot of dentists are happy with their painless injection techniques and don t see the need for it. Numerous patients have gone through terrible experiences with dental needles. Si nce the STA system is controlled by a computer and released automatically, you w on t feel like a bee has stung you. This anesthesia is given to you depending on how much pain you can stand - without using the hated dental syringe.With the M agic Wand fear of needles is now a thing of the past. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 1:09 AM 3 comments Labels: Single tooth anesthesia procedure, The magic wand Sunday, January 3, 2010Regain Your Smile With Dental Crown A dental crown is a ceramic cap that is cemented over an existing tooth to repai

r damage or to restore its cosmetic appearance. It is most commonly used to cap teeth that have been filled or to protect teeth broken as the result of a head t rauma. There are many ways a tooth can be damaged. Sporting injuries account for up to 50 per cent of dental injuries. Dentists advise wearing a mouth guard when playi ng any sport with a high level of physical contact or that can involve any kind of collision. However it is still common for teeth to be chipped, cracked or bro ken when playing sport. Teeth are also commonly damaged in motor vehicle acciden ts or from simply accidentally chewing on hard food. Damage to teeth will initia lly be repaired with composite dental bonding. This tooth coloured resin is used to fill cracks and repair chips but it can itself be susceptible to damage. Den tists therefore often use a dental crown to sit over the damaged tooth to protec t it from further injury. Dental crowns are also used to protect teeth that have had cavity fillings. This is especially true of teeth with large cavities as dental bonding, used as a fi lling material, is weaker in large areas. Crowns are also used to protect teeth that have been subject to a root canal procedure. This is when an infected tooth has been hollowed to remove the infection. A dental crown is the last step in a complex process designed to preserve the functionality of the patients original tooth and prevent extraction. Dental crowns are commonly manufactured from porcelain, a type of ceramic with a similar consistency and appearance to tooth enamel. Modern crowns are increasin gly fabricated using the latest computer-aided technology. Using 3D imaging and digital x-rays dentists can construct images of the patients teeth on a computer. They can then use this information to manufacture a dental crown by milling it from a single piece of porcelain in as little as six minutes. This new technolog y has reduced treatment time for patients and improved the accuracy of treatment . Dental crowns are very versatile and useful dental tools that can prevent the ne ed for further treatment.With proper oral care dental crowns are known to endure the wear and tear for several years and come very cheap when compared to implan ts. Patients with damaged teeth should make an appointment with their dentist to discuss the benefits of dental crowns. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 5:50 AM 1 comments Labels: Dental crowns himachal, Dental crowns in shimla Friday, January 1, 2010Porcelain Veneers Can Transform Your Smile Porcelain veneers are one of the most realistic and elegant of all the cosmetic dentistry treatments.Veneers are incredibly thin tooth-shaped caps that are ceme nted over existing teeth to disguise dental repair work and defects such as disc olouration. Veneers can be used individually or as part of a complete renovation of the dental arch. The discolouration of teeth can be due to a number of factors. It could be the r esult of a hereditary condition or medication for another disease. Some patients teeth are discoloured by lifestyle factors such as smoking or drinking coffee or red wine. However, by far the most common cause for discolouration is age. Stai ned enamel cannot be cleaned so the options are bleaching or veneers. Many peopl e find teeth whitening procedures ineffective but a set of porcelain veneers wil l almost certainly produce a stunning effect. A row of dental veneers will also be suitable to restore the appearance of worn or unevenly spaced teeth. Teeth that become damaged either as the result of dental trauma or tooth decay c an also be repaired using porcelain veneers. Chipped, cracked or broken teeth ca n be very painful and also destroy the structural integrity of the tooth. Once r epaired it may be necessary to cap the tooth with a veneer for structural suppor t and to protect the tooth form further damage.

Modern veneers are incredibly thin with some of the latest being the same width as a contact lens. Because they are so thin it is now unnecessary for dentists t o remove tooth enamel prior to application. This also means that veneers are now removable without causing further damage to the existing teeth. The manufacture of porcelain veneers has been dramatically affected by the intro duction of new technology. In the past, porcelain veneers needed to be measured using a system of dental moulds and x-rays. These were time-consuming processes, as was the laboratory conditions needed for their manufacture. Today, by using the latest in 3D imaging and digital x-rays, a dentist can use a computer to des ign and manufacture a porcelain veneer in as little as six minutes. This has sig nificantly reduced treatment times and discomfort for patients. It is now possible for dentist to design, manufacture and fit a whole dental arc of porcelain veneers in an afternoon. You could have a completely new and youth ful set of teeth in just one day. The confidence that comes from a new set of sh iny veneers cannot be underestimated and can make a big difference to your life. Veneers are incredibly lifelike and almost impossible to tell apart from real t eeth and can have a healthy effect on your own self-confidence.Ask your dentist about the latest in porcelain veneer technology. Posted by Goma Dental Clinic India at 11:24 PM 0 comments Labels: Cosmetic dentist Shimla, Cosmetic dentistry India, Porcelain Veneers, Po rcelain Veneers in shimla Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Himachal Dental Clinic Search This Blog powered by About Me Goma Dental Clinic India Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India General Dentist View my complete profile Partners Dental Clinic India Dental Implants India Dentist India Blog Archive 2011 (1) January (1) Fear Free Dental Implants In Shimla 2010 (77) December (4) Advances In Cosmetic Dentistry At Simla Dentist Dental Phobia Explained By Shimla Dentist The Beauty Of Mordern Dentures Get Regular Dental Checkups October (1) New Solar-powered toothbrush September (14) Treatment for Periodontal Infection with Nanofibre... Shimla Dentist Offers Help with Mouth Dryness Vitamin D Helps Teeth Gum Bacteria Can Cause Heart attack Enlighten Evolution whitening B1 Guaranteed Today, September 12th Is World Oral Health Day How To Avoid Dental Pain

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