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Human Ancestors Hominid

Time Period and Location

About 4.0 to 1.0 million years ago Primarily in East Africa (never left Africa)

Fossil Discoveries
1974 Donald Johanson finds Lucy in Ethiopia

Brain one-third the size of a modern humans Approximate size: M = 4 6, 90# F = 3 6, 65# Jutting jaw, prominent brow, flared cheekbones Long arms and humanlike legs

Capabilities and Skills

Bipedal walked on two feet Scavengers ate what they found Possibly lived in small social groups Ate easilychewed foods like insects, eggs, fruit Possible use of tools like digging sticks; did not make tools

Australopithecus afaransis
southern ape

Homo habilis

Human Ancestors Hominid

Time Period and Location

Fossil Discoveries


Capabilities and Skills

First to make stone and bone tools (used to chop and cut meat, bones, wood and grass) Stone tools allowed them to get to and eat bone marrow Possibly hunters or scavengers for meat Lived in social groups No evidence of spoken language

About 2.5 to 1.5 million years ago

Homo habilis
handy human

Africa (never left Africa)

1930s and 1950s Louis and Mary Leakey find stone tools and bone fragments at Olduvai Gorge in east Africa

Approximate size: M = 4 4, 85# F = 3 10, 70# Face like australopithecines but larger brain and smaller back teeth Apelike arms

Homo erectus

Human Ancestors Hominid

Time Period and Location

About 1.8 million to 200,000 years ago Asia, Africa, and perhaps Europe 1st to leave Africa

Fossil Discoveries
1890s Java man discovered by Eugene Dubois 1920s Peking man (China)

Fully upright stance Large brain Smooth, round forehead; single brow ridge; protruding jaw; large back teeth; no chin Tall, thin, barrelchested with narrow pelvis Approximate size: M = 5 10, 135# F = 5 3, 115#

Capabilities and Skills

Made flint hand-axes 1st to control fire Possible spoken language Possibly lived in huts made of tree branches Ate variety of foods, including meat from large animals and oysters

Homo erectus
upright human

Homo sapiens neanderthalis

Human Ancestors Hominid

Time Period and Location

About 230,000 to 30,000 years ago Mostly Europe, also western Asia and the Near East

Fossil Discoveries
1856 First discovered in Neander Valley in Germany

Brain larger than that of modern humans Thick, heavy bones and powerful muscles Big muscle dudes!

Capabilities and Skills

Cared for sick, old, and wounded Possible burial rituals Possessed simple language Hunted large animals in groups Flaked flint into knives, points, blades, and scrapers Possibly built teepee-like shelters and stored food

Homo sapiens neanderthalis

Bulge at back of skull, bony brows, jutting face, heavy jaw, receding chin Stocky and short-limbed bodies Approximate size: M = 5 5, 185# F = 5 1, 175#

Human Ancestors Hominid

Time Period and Location

About 150,000 years ago to present Over time, all around the world

Fossil Discoveries
Earliest fossil bones are called Cro-Magnon

Large brain High, rounded skull; small teeth; steep forehead; receded brow ridge; prominent chin Relatively slender bones Approximate size: M = 5 9, 140# F = 5 3, 115#

Capabilities and Skills

Created art carvings, cave paintings Advanced spoken language, over time Made more than 100 advanced tools for engraving, sculpting, sewing, and hunting Lived in social groups Lived in semi permanent huts of stone, wood, animal hides

Homo sapiens sapiens

wise human

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