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About Fish Oil Usage.

Collected and Prepared By: S.Sekar. Thanks to Web Pages.

Diabetes is one of the fastest-growing diseases in the U.S. among both adults and children. What you eat can affect diabetes. Scientists have identified certain foods that may reduce the disease. QUESTION: ARE THERE FOODS THAT INCREASE THE RISK OF DIABETES? Diet and lifestyle may not be associated with Type 1 diabetes, but they do affect the more prevalent Type II diabetes. Weight gain, especially abdominal fat along with little or no exercise increases the risk for Type II diabetes. In addition, these foods may increase the risk: Fast Foods: two or more fastfood meals per week increases diabetes risk Trans Fats: trans fats increase inflammation, insulin resistance and elevate blood sugar levels Soft Drinks: each soft drink increases diabetes risk 60 percent Scientists have identified certain foods that help lower blood glucose levels and/or improve insulin sensitivity. These should be included in the diet regularly: fish oils, monounsaturated fats, whole grains, vinegar and spices. QUESTION: HOW DOES FISH OIL HELP TO CONTROL DIABETES? Omega-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity, which helps to lower blood sugar levels. In the long term, this reduces insulin resistance, lowering blood sugar levels. Fish oils also reduce inflammation, which is a major factor in diabetes. Diabetics should eat at least two fish meals per week and should take a fish oil supplement. (Diabetics who ate two fish meals per week saw a reduction in kidney disease.) The best fish are wild salmon, wild halibut, sardines, sablefish, trout, herring and tuna. QUESTION: SHOULD DIABETICS EAT A LOW FAT DIET?Diabetics need good quality fats in their diet to balance carbohydrate intake. The best fats for diabetics are monounsaturated fats, which lower blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance. Olive oil is most often recommended because it also has anti-inflammatory properties. Other beneficial oils include macadamia oil, avocado, tea oil, sesame oil, along with eating nuts and seeds. Diabetics need up to 30 percent of good quality oils in their diet from monounsaturated fats and fish oils. QUESTION: WHICH WHOLE GRAINS ARE GOOD FOR DIABETICS? Whole grains containing the soluble fiber beta glucan or phytochemicals that lower blood sugar levels should be included in the diet. The best whole grains include oats, barley, buckwheat and quinoa. Diabetics should aim for three servings of high soluble fiber whole grains each day. QUESTION: DO VINEGAR AND CINNAMON REALLY AFFECT DIABETES? Two tablespoons of vinegar eaten before meals lowers blood sugar levels and insulin. Cinnamon contains proanthocyanidin that acts like an insulin substitute and lowers blood sugar and triglyceride levels by increasing insulin activity. Diabetics need about teaspoon daily, which can be mixed in oatmeal or smoothies or tea. Researchers are finding other spices may also help to lower blood sugar levels including cloves, coriander, cumin, sage and bay leaf.

Diabetes And Fish Oil - Final Suggestions

I have seen some friends end up almost blind, with their legs amputated, leading a miserable life. You dont want to wait until it is too late to start taking action. Believe me folks, start by getting an unconventional doctor who KNOWS how to make diabetics to stay in remission, without conventional drugs. This may be possible, but if you go to a conventional medicine doctor you will be his patient for all your life and you will always be a sick patient. In order to stay healthy you will probably have to do medium-high intensity exercise every day of the week (this keeps you hormones and triglycerides under control), forget about sugar, bread, grains, cookies, sweets of all kinds, and have a high fat (good fats) and protein diet( keeps insulin low).

Besides all you read and hear from doctors, there is one thing that is of paramount importance for your health: Take your health into your own hands (not the doctors or anyone elses), be responsible for yourself.

Fish Oil - How To Choose The Best

The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are vital to your good health. However, many people have been led to believe that they'll get these same health benefits from oils like flaxseed, primrose, borage and perilla. If you're one of these people - I'm sorry to tell you, but you've been misled by aggressive, hype marketing. What the plant based omega 3 oil manufacturers conveniently forgot to mention is that their products do not contain EPA and DHA, which are the omega 3 fatty acids that have been shown to produce all of the incredible results. Fish is nature's richest source of these two incredible fatty acids. They also neglect to tell you that flaxseed oil is the exact same thing as linseed oil. "Linum" is Latin for "flax" and linseed oil is used to make furniture polishes, varnishes, printing inks, lacquers and linoleum flooring. I'll help you sort through all the hype and misinformation out there so you can choose a quality fish oil supplement that will give you health benefits for years to come! If this lens helps you out, please go to the top and give it some stars! * thanks* Know someone else looking for info on fish oil? You can email them this page!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Here's The Research on Fish Oil Here's Even More Research What To Look For In A Fish Oil Supplemen... Get The New FREE CD That Exposes The Fis... My Fish Oil Recommendation Links To More Fish Oil Information


Here's The Research on Fish Oil

First I'll show you why I say that flax and other plant based omega 3s are not giving your body what it needs. Research that was published in Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Vol. 21, No. 6, 495-505 - 2002) says that the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil "are more biologically potent than alpha-linolenic acid" or ALA found in flaxseed, primrose and borage oil.

In other words, your body uses EPA and DHA from fish oil much more efficiently than omega 3 ALA from flaxseed, primrose or borage. How can this be? Well, it's true that flaxseed contains the omega 3 fatty acid called ALA. It's scientific name is Alpha-Linolenic Acid. But when we look at flaxseed oil from a nutritional point-of-view, we find it only provides part of the story. You see, the ALA in flaxseed oil is only a precursor to EPA and DHA. That means that if everything in your body is working perfectly, the ALA from flax can be converted to EPA and DHA. Now here's the kicker. Research studies have shown that in reality, very little ALA conversion actually takes place. In fact, scientists found that only around .05% of the total ALA consumed from flaxseed will convert into EPA and DHA. That means that 99.95% of the ALA is not converted. With this information, it's easy to see why flax and other plant based oils don't measure up. Your body's need for EPA and DHA, the essential fatty acids found in fish oil, is so great that you couldn't possibly consume enough of the ALA in flaxseed oil to make up the difference.

Here's Even More Research

Just in case you needed more proof, here's a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 77: 226-233 - 2003). A group of women were given 15,000 mg of flaxseed oil (ALA) daily. At the end of 12 weeks not one of the participants had an increase of EPA or DHA within their blood plasma or the red blood cells. So why would anyone take flaxseed when the research is proving that it does absolutely nothing to increase the levels of EPA and DHA in the body? Even the Flax Oil Council of Canada states on their website, "Clearly, ALA conversion is more complex than was originally thought." Remember, EPA and DHA are the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil that have been proven to be responsible for the incredible effects of omega 3s. So why take something that's not going to do you any good? You may as well be flushing your money down the drain!

What To Look For In A Fish Oil Supplement

In order to be safe and to make sure you get all the health benefits of increasing the amount of omega 3s in your diet, you should only take fish oil supplements that meet the following criteria:

Your fish oil must list the specific species of fish used to make the oil. Salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies are the richest sources.

Your fish oil must contain omega 3 fatty acids - not just "fish oil". They are not the same thing.

It should list the total amount of EPA and DHA on the label. This should add up to the total amount of oils in the product. If they don't, you're being sold a bunch of filler oils (yuck!)

The oil should be pressed from only the flesh of the fish. Don't accept products that are pressed from heads, tails or internal organs. Why would you want oil from the parts of the fish that humans don't eat?

The fish used for the oil should be health screened and disease free. Make sure that the manufacturer knows exactly where their fish are coming from.

Your fish oil should be guaranteed to be 100% pure. That means absolutely no toxins, heavy metals or pesticides.

Stay away from fish oil that has been molecularly distilled. The distillation process alters the natural form of the oil. Yes, it may remove some of the toxins, but the oil is no longer in it's natural state. As a matter of fact, molecular distillation causes the oil to be oxidized and there's nothing worse for you than an oxidized oil. If your fish oil is molecularly distilled, you should be wondering how polluted the fish oil was to start with that they had to use such an aggressive purification process on it.

Get The New FREE CD That Exposes The Fish Oil Industry
Find out what's in your fish oil before you take another capsule!
Just click the link below, enter your name and mailing address and I'll send you a free 20 minute CD that reveals shocking information about the fish oil industry. Click this link ==>>Get Your Free CD You'll hear about the evolution of fish oil processing and learn how to tell if your fish oil manufacturer is operating with your best interest in mind. You need this information NOW!

My Fish Oil Recommendation

Salmon Oil Plus

I've been researching and learning about fish oils for the past 15 years. And, as I'm sure you can imagine, I've looked at hundreds of differentfish oil supplements. But, after all that, there's only one supplement that fits my strict requirements. It's the one I take personally and the only fish oil supplement I give to my family. In fact, I'm so confident in the purity of Salmon Oil Plus, that my children start taking it (on a spoon) when they're just 6 months old. Here's why I choose and recommend Salmon Oil Plus.

First off, they start with health screened fish that has been quality graded for human consumption. They test all of their sources (salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies) for over 160 different contaminants BEFORE they're used and the detectable limit must be ZERO or the raw material is ditched. They've also created an exclusive process called "molecular differentiation," which is nothing like the distillation process. This unique process allows them to distinguish and extract the nutritional components in fish oils while leaving the non-nutritional components, like taste, odor, cholesterol and saturated fats behind. And the best part of all, it allows them to isolate all 8 members of the omega 3 fatty acid family that are important for human health and nutrition. Concentrated omega 3s are all you get. No hidden oils, mystery oils, oxidized oils, impurities or toxins - just pure, healthy omega 3 fatty acids. My fish oil recommendation can be found at: www.Omega-3.us

Links To More Fish Oil Information

Fish Oil and Omega 3 Benefits
Many people know some of the benefits of Omega-3 fish oils. But most don't know the important inside story of what they are, where they come from and how to get safe results. Or, why it even matters.

What You Should Know About Fish Oil & Omega 3

Bottom line theyre very important! Seriously, we could stop right there and essentially have said all that needs to be said. You obviously have some idea of their healthy importance because youve taken the time to learn more about them. Heres the thing most of us already know the benefits of fish oil and omega 3s. Youll see them in every magazine and newspaper, hear them mentioned all over TV and radio and find them everywhere on the internet. But and this is significant the majority of consumers dont know the important inside story of what they are, where they come from and how to get safe results. Or, why it even matters.

What Does All This Mean To You?

Everyones going to say their fish oil product is the best. After all, why be in business if youre not? And sure, theyre going to give you all sorts of reasons why. But the cards are stacked against you. Most companies know you know very little about omega 3 fish oils or what makes a great product thatll produce results.

Dont let another company take advantage of you. Learn what you need to know to choose the right product for you and your family. Click to see The 3 Top Tips For Choosing Omega-3.

Get The Benefits Pure & Simple

Omega III Salmon Oil Plus is the only supplement that provides all 8 members of the Omega 3 family and is guaranteed to be naturally free of all toxins and heavy metals. Our sources are screened for more than 160 contaminants with an allowable detection limit of ZERO. This guarantee is backed up right on the label by Dr. Gordon Newell and Dr. Arthur Furst (considered the worlds leading toxicologist by the World Health Organization). Both of these scientists are former presidents of the prestigious American College of Toxicology. Salmon Oil Plus is lightly pressed from only the flesh of wild, health screened, disease-free salmon that live in the cold, clean waters of the Arctic Circle region of Norway. And, for greater heart, brain and joint health, we also provide our exclusive UHPO3 concentrate, derived from clean, healthy tuna, sardines and anchovies. Through our unique molecular differentiation technology, we optimize specific nutrient molecules, while eliminating others (like those that cause belching), delivering unsurpassed potency and purity. Each serving of Salmon Oil Plus the first fish oil supplement of its kind provides a balanced spectrum of all 8 omega 3 family members involved in human nutrition. Youre guaranteed 460 mg EPA, 480 mg DHA, 50 mg DPA and 80 mg of mixed omega 3s, including SDA, ETA(3), ETA, HPA and ALA. And, if you can find anything comparable to Omega III Salmon Oil Plus (which we seriously doubt) and you were to compare the cost of daily dosages you would find our price is even better. Its also much safer and has only 1/5 the calories at just 1/3 the cost of an equivalent serving of wild salmon. So if youre ready to experience healthy living with omega 3 fish oil, give it a try. Youll look and feel noticeably better within the first 30 days. And Omega III Salmon Oil Plus is guaranteed to give you the results you want or your money back no questions asked. You can order now by clicking on the button below or calling us toll free at (888) 508-1234.

Omega 3 Comparisons - You Decide Are you doing Omega 3 comparisons? When it comes to purity, potency and effectiveness, the following comparison chart shows why you always get better results and greater value from Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus. This chart teaches you what to look for and how to size up any brand. Then you can decide for yourself based on the facts. Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus Species Specific1 Pure Sources2 Molecular Differentiation3 Free of Hidden or Unlabeled nonomega 3 Fish Oils4 Standardized amount of all 8 Omega 3s5 Labeled Omega 3 Oils DHA DPA HPA EPA ETA ETA(3) SDA ALA Retail Price Servings/bottle Yes Yes Yes Icelandic Health Max. Strength No No No Living Fuel Omega 3 & E* No No No Yes* (but it also contains an oil not meant for humans) Dr. Sears Omega RX No No No

Yes (contains only omega 3 oils)

No (contains 400 mg hidden fish oils per serving)

No (contains 1600 mg of hidden fish oils per serving)





8 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes $35.20 30

2 Yes No No Yes No No No No $49.95 30

2 Yes No No Yes No No No No $39.97 10-40*

2 Yes No No Yes No No No No $26.95 15






1. Species Specific: Wouldnt you feel safer knowing what youre getting in your fish oil? If the species of fish is not listed on the label, then you dont know the source of the oils. They could be from bottom feeders, scavengers or other fish not suited for human consumption. If different species of fish are used from batch to batch, theres also NO way to ensure label potency. To guarantee youre always getting consistent purity and potency, you can see on the Salmon Oil Plus label that the same omega 3 rich species of fish are used in every single batch. Go back to the chart 2. Pure Sources: Since safety is important to consumers, many companies use a purification process, known as molecular distillation. Marketers say this removes most of the toxins and heavy metals from the oil and distillation is sold as a benefit. But why use toxic oils in the first place? Why not start with pure oils? BEFORE theyre even considered for use, every single source used in Salmon Oil Plus is tested for over 160 toxins, with an acceptable limit of ZERO. This extraordinary level of purity is unique only to Salmon Oil Plus. Go back to the chart 3. Molecular Differentiation: (not to be confused with molecular distillation): The UHPO3 (Ultra High Potency Omega 3) exclusive to Salmon Oil Plus, is a breakthrough technology. Molecular Differentiation was developed to concentrate groups of beneficial nutrient molecules, such as the 8 omega 3s important to human nutrition. It also greatly reduces or eliminates unnecessary negative molecules like fishy taste, odor, cholesterol and saturated fats. Because of this exclusive, leading edge differentiation technology, each serving of Salmon Oil Plus (with salmon, tuna, sardines and anchovies) delivers a stabilized, ultra high potency natural balance of omega 3s at less calories and less cost. Go back to the chart 4. Unlabeled or Hidden Oils: A common misleading marketing tactic is to claim 1000 mg or more of fish oils on the label to make you think youre getting that much omega 3 when youre not. If you add up the specific omega 3s listed, they NEVER total the amount of fish oil claimed. Its usually only a mere fraction. Then you pay for these mystery fish oils or fillers, but have NO idea if theyre safe or what theyll do to you long term. Here are some other examples not on the chart: Carlsons Norwegian Salmon Oil has 1250 mg of hidden oils per serving, NOW Omega 3 has 1600 mg and Dr. Perricones Omega 3 has 2400 mg of unknown oils in every serving. There are NO unlabeled, unsafe or hidden oils in Salmon Oil Plus. You know exactly what youre getting and you always receive the results and purity you want and pay for. All of the omega 3s in Salmon Oil Plus add up to 1070 mg, which are the total milligrams of fish oil listed on the label. Go back to the chart 5. Standardized Amount: There are 8 members of the omega 3 family important to human health and nutrition. Its like a chain that starts with ALA and ends with DHA. One missing link in the chain weakens your results. By providing you with all 8 members in balanced ultra high potency, Salmon Oil Plus allows the entire omega 3 family to do all that its capable of doing decrease inflammation, improve brain functioning and reduce your risk of heart disease. Go back to the chart Most companies have EPA and DHA on their label and some state they have other omega 3s with no indication of what they are. Salmon Oil Plus is the only supplement that provides all 8 naturally pure,

preformed omega 3s important to human nutrition. Whats more, the amounts are standardized and accurately listed on the label. The Bottom Line: When you add it all up, Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus gives you much better quality, much higher potency and much more purity for much less money. You pay only for what your body needs and wants and nothing more. We guarantee it. And, when all is said and done, the results you receive speak for themselves. Click here to try a bottle of Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus and you decide. *Living Fuels Omega 3 & E recommends 1 softgel capsule per 25 lbs. of body weight per day up to 12 softgel capsules. So, depending on your weight, a 120-count bottle would have between 10 and 40 servings, which makes the cost per serving between $.87 and $3.50. For example, it would cost $1.45 per serving for a person who weighed 125 pounds and $1.75 for someone weighing 150 pounds. Although Living Fuels has no hidden fish oils, it does contain borage oil. Borage, like flax and evening primrose, is not considered an edible oil for human consumption by the USDA.

Try putting the capsule in the freezer overnight. If the capsule freezes it's not good quality. A pure fish oil capsule will not freeze. High quality fish oil capsules have only a mild fishy smell. Poor capsules have an overpowering fish smell. Take fish oil before meals to avoid bad breath.

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