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Ashley Nicole S. Tibay IV-Rizal Mrs.Galindo

#1 Across
1.Specialist in investigation using the methods in science. 4.Unit for measuring weight. 5.Tells how cold or hot an object or body. 7.Machine that helps a sciencetist see the internal part of the organism. 9.Unit of the measure for mass. 10.An opinion based on observation. 11.Soft outer covering of vertebrates. 12.Rigid organ that constitute part of the endoskeleton of vertebrates. 14.State of matter resistance to change of shape or volume. 15.Waste matter . 16.A wall of stones arranged to strengthen a slope. 17.Third Planet from the sun.

2.A statement of what is going to happen based on observed pattern. 3.Activity done to test a hypothesis 6.Instrument that makes distant things look nearer. 8.Amount of space occupied by matter . 13.Unit of measure for temperature.

#2 Across
1.Consist of all the bones of the human body. 2.The bones that protect the heart and lungs. 3.When solid spread evenly when mixed with water. 4.A break in the bone. 6.Spinal column. 9.The bones that protect the brain. 10.The place where the two bones meet. 12.Cloud that forms near the grounds. 13.The force that pulls objects toward the center of the earth. 15.Moving air.

1.A sudden twist of the joints that may cause ligaments to stretch to much. 2.Disease of the bone due to lack of vitamin D and sunlight. 3.Injury where bones get out of the joint. 8.Material at the end of the bones feels tough and elastic. 11.A substance in food that causes growth and sustain life. 14.A swollen underground stem.

#3 Across
1.The cord like structure that connects muscle to bone. 3.The system that consist of all the muscles in the body. 7.All the sepals taken together. 8.A real line about which an object seems to turn. 9.An intermediate stage in the life of a certain insect. 11.The worm like stage of an insects life. 12.A liquid that dissolves a solid. 13.Substance that easily burn. 14.An underground stem surrounded by leaves. 15.A layer of condensed vapor that protects the earth from too much heat.

2.The soreness of a muscle after prolonged activity. 3.A pain in muscle caused by contruction. 4.Muscle attached to bones. 5.Muscles that cannot be controlled. 6.Muscles that can be controlled. 10.An instrument to see very tiny objects.

#4 Across
1.The process by which animals and plants produced young ones of their kind. 6.Insect that can destroy a whole rice field. 7.A substance secreted by an animal which instimulate respone in behavior from another animal. 8.Silky covering of some insects while they are in the developing stage. 9.A disease cause by viral infection of the salivary glands. 10.The successive changes in the instructure of an animal. 12.One complete rotation of the earth.

2.The union of eggcell and spermcell. 3.The changes that an animal undergoes during its life time. 4.The process of changing food on the substance that can be used by the body cell. 5.Providing the right temperature for the eggs to hatch. 8.An insect that makes beautiful silk threads. 11.The part of the flower containing the cell that will become the future seed. 13.A form of energy that can be transfer from a hot to a cold body.

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