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Rubella, also known as German measles , is an infectious disease caused

by the rubella virus. The virus passes from person-to-person via droplets in the air expelled when infected people cough or sneeze - the virus may also be present in the urine, feces and on the skin. The hallmark symptoms of rubella are an elevated body temperature and a pink rash.

Although rubella can infect people of all ages, it most commonly affects young children. If a pregnant woman becomes infected with Rubella there is a serious risk of birth defects in the unborn baby. If the pregnant mother is infected within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy the child may be born with congenital rubella syndrome, which consists of a range of serious incurable illnesses. About one-fifth of infected pregnant women will miscarry. The name "rubella" comes from the Latin word rubella meaning "little red". As the disease was first described by German doctors in the mid-eighteenth century, it is also known as German measles. Rubella is usually mild and frequently passes unnoticed. The disease can last from one to three days. Children usually recover faster than adults. A symptom is something the patient senses and describes, while a sign is something other people, such as the doctor notice. For example, drowsiness may be a symptom while dilated pupils may be a sign. Rubella's incubation period is from 14 to 21 days. Some people may be infected and never know it. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS

Patients typically have flu-like symptoms. The main symptom is a rash - pink or light red - on the face, which then spreads to the chest, stomach, back, arms and legs. When the rash reaches other parts of the body it usually fades from the face. Within about three days the rash goes away with no staining or peeling of the skin. After it has cleared up the skin may shed very small flakes where the rash was.

While the rash is present there may be itching. Patients may also have a slight fever and swollen glands (which may persist for a week), headache, conjunctivitis and joint pains. The older the patient is the more severe symptoms tend to be. A significant number of older girls and adult women may have arthritic type symptoms. Infected people are contagious about one week before the rash appears and about one week after it has cleared up. What causes rubella? MODES OF TRASMISSION Rubella is caused by an extremely infectious virus that is transmitted from person-toperson in droplets in the air. When an infected person sneezes or coughs, those nearby are at risk of becoming infected. Nursing Management: o o o o o o o o o Isolation Bed rest until fever subsides Darken room to avoid photophobia Mild liquid diet but nourishing Irrigate eyes with warm normal saline to relieve irritation. Care of the ears - do not apply heat or cold unless so ordered. Good ventilation Prevent spread of infection Prevent occurrence of complications

Prevention Administration of live attenuated vaccine (MMR) Pregnant women should avoid exposure to patients infected with Rubella

Administration of Immune Serum Globulin one week after exposure to Rubella.

MEASLES (rubeola )
-Incubation period =10-14 days.

-Causative agent :-Virus. (rubeola )

-Method of spread :a-Direct contact. b-Droplet and contaminated dust.

Clinical manifestation:1-Coryza, conjunctivitis, photophobia. 2-Koplik's spots in the mouth. 3-Hacking cough, high fever, rash, enlarged lymph node. -The rash begins behind the ears, on the forehead or cheeks then progress to the extremities and last about 5 days. Complications:1-Otitis media. 2-Pneumonia. 3-Bronchiolitis. 4-Obstructive laryngitis. 5-Encephalitis. Nursing care:1-Isolation until 5th day of rash. 2-Keep a child in bed until fever and cough subside. 3-Dim light, clean eyelid, irrigate eye with saline. 4-Encourage fluid during fever. 5-Increase humidity in child's room to relieve cough.

6-Releive itching of skin by tepid bath and soothing lotion. 7-Immune serum or gamma-globulin may be given to modify illness and reduce complication. 8-Antibacterial therapy given for treatment of complication e.g:respiratory infection or gastroenteritis.

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