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J201 notes Chapter 1 Tracing the evolution of mass communication-from oral and written forms to print and electronic

c incarnations Examining mass media and the process of communication. Including the steps a new medium travels on its journey to mall media status and the role that mass media play in our everyday lives Considering two main models of media literacy cultural and social scientific-which reflect different approaches to understanding how mass communication works and how media affect us Taking a closer look at cultural approaches to media literacy Taking closer look at social scientific approaches Exploring ways of critiquing the mass media and reflecting on the importance. Mass media are the industries that create and distribute songs novels etc. Came from the word medium meaning and intervening material or substance through which something else is conveyed or distributed. Mass communication the creation and use of symbols that convey information and meaning to large diverse audiences through manner of channels. Oral and written era The shift between oral and written communication created a wide gap between rulers and the ruled. In terms of the two groups education levels their economic welfare. The print era Books became the first mass marketed products in history. The electronic and digital eras Digital communication images, texts and sound converted (encoded) in to electronic signals (represented as combinations of ones and zeros) that are then reassembled decoded as a precise reproduction of, say, a tv picture, a magazine article, a son, or voice on the telephone. Media convergence- a term that has two different meaning 1. Technological merging of content in different mess media. Radios programs that also can be accessed on the internet 2. To describe a particular business model by which a company consolidates various media holdings. Cable connections, phone services, internet access-under one corporate umbrella The evolution of a new mass medium Mass media goes through three stages 1. The development stage- try to solve a paroblem such as making picture move transmitting messages 2. Entrepreneurial state- determine a practical and marketable use for the new device 3. Mass medium state- business figure out out how to market the new device

as a consumer product. In like today media has a huge toll on people lives. Everyone relies on media these days to find everything out. Number are still slowly rising. Some people are overwhelmed byt all the information you can get ahold of beause of media. Tv shows have impacts on peoples lives. In the United States mass media industries earn more then 200 billion in a year. Media literacy: ways of understanding Media literacy- variety of approaches to understand how the media work and what impact they have on our lives Linear model Attempts to explain how a mass medium actually communicates messages and how we understand them in a linear process Senders- authores producers organization Messages- programs texts images sounds ads Mass media channel- newspaper books magazines radio television internet Receivers- readers viewers consumers Gatekeepers- news editors executive producers of tv shows and movies filfter messages by deciding what should be shown the the public and what shouldnt Feedback- audience watches and responds on there option about the media Linear doesnt always capture certaing complexties of the mass communication process Cultural model The cultural model of media literacy views media as characteristics of culture. As cultural formals media enable us to make sense of daily like and to articulate our values. Recognizes that individual assign diverse meaning to messages depending on personal characteristics The social scientific model: The culture as skyscraper metaphor High culture- higher education and fine ast support by weathy patron and corporate donors. They associate with: Low or popular culture- with the questionable tastes of the masses who laped up the commercial junk circulated b the mass media such as reality tv shows and celebrity gossip web sites and action film. The culture as map metaphor Human beings are attracted to both consistency and change, and cultural media researches have pointed out that most media can satisfy both of those desires. Tracting changes in values Cultural researchers examine the ways in which our values have changes along with changes in mass media. Researches are interested in how the values have shifted over time. The moderm era-from the industrial revolution to the mid twentieth century. Working efficiently

Celebrating the individual Believing in a rational order Rejecting tradition and embracing progress o This period of political and social reform lasted roughly from 1890s to the 1920s The postmodern era- from roughly the mid twentieth century to today. Celebrating populism Reviving older cultural styles Embracing technology Embracing the supernatural A closer look at the social scientific model gathering data. Comparing analyses of cancer news coverage Cultural and social scientific media researchers often study the same topics but asking different question. Gathering and analyzing data Content analysis- the technique to gather data that social scientist analyze cancer news coverage Experiments- using randomly assigned subjects to test peoples self reported recall of or reactions to media content. Surveys- designed or use data from many survey to the federal government funds and makes available

Chapter 2 Books and the power of print The most successful books of this generation include jk rowling harry potter series. o Released in 2007 and sol 13.1 copies o Led to other to read fantasy books (lord of the rings) In this chapter: Assessing books early roots including the invention of papyrus and the printing press as well as the birth of the publishing industry in colonial America Exploring the unique characteristics of modern publishing, such as how publishing houses are structured Taking stock of the many types of books that now exist, from a variety of print books to the electronic and digital books available Examining the economics of the books industry, including how players in this industry make money and what they spend money on to fulfill their mission Considering the role of books in our democracy today as this mass medium confronts several challenges The early history of books: from papyrus to paperbacks Papyrus (scrolls made from plant reeds) eqyptains began gathering reeeds from plants found along the Nile river and rolling the plants into scrolls they could write on. Parchment paper (treated animal skin) and codex

(Sheets of parchment sewn together along the edge and then bound and covered. Began 5000 years ago from the ancient Egyptians Greeks Chinese and Romans Writing and printing innovations: books enter the entrepreneurial stage. Manuscript culture- new rules about written language and book design were codified-books were elaborately lettered, decorated, and bound by hang. 400 to 1500 c.e Christian priest and monks transcribed philosophical tracts and religious texts of the period. (bible) Illuminated manuscripts- is book that featured decorative colorful illustrations on each page and that were often made for churches or wealthy clients. (capitals letter distinction. China came up with an innovation that made mass media possible. Block printing-printers applied sheets of paper to large blocks of inked wood in which they hand carves a pages worth of characters and illustrations in relief News papers and decline of the model journalism. Elizabeth pink Cochrane 1887, younger reporter had to investigate conditions at the womans asylum on black wells island. Had to act like a lunatic around newyork to be declare mentally challenged.

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