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Musical Chairs A Variation

Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: approx. 10 minutes all ages perfect for 8-12 persons balloons, music player

Time for preparation: 4-5 minutes or longer

Game description
Musical chairs is popular at every childrens festival. This time it is played a little different: instead of the players rushing to get the empty chair, they must rush to the centre of the circle when the music stops and grab a balloon. Because there is one balloon less than the amount of players, the player who doesnt get a balloon is out. Anyone who bursts a balloon is also out of the game

An elimination game.

Do You Love Your Neighbour?

Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: 10 min. all ages from 10 persons or more nothing

Time for preparation: none

Game description
Everyone sits on chairs in a circle except for one player. This player must sit on someones lap and ask him Do you love your neighbour?. When the answer is Yes, the player moves to the next players lap and continues the question. If the answer is No, the following question is asked So who do you love?. A possible answer People who wear red t-shirts. Then all the people wearing red t-shirts must exchange seats. Whoever doesnt get a chair, goes in the middle.

no scoring. The aim is spend as little time as possible on someone's lap.

Darling, I Love You, But

Time: 10 min.

Recommended age: Size of group: Material:

all ages from 10 persons or more nothing

Time for preparation: none

Game description
Everyone sits on chairs in a circle except for one player. This player must sit on someones lap, look deep in their eyes and ask If you love me, smile!. The sitting player must answer without laughing Darling, I love you, but I cant laugh!. If the player laughs, they switch places.

no scoring, but the target is not to laugh - for some group members not so easy.

All Birds Fly High

Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: 10 min. all ages it doesn't matter nothing

Time for preparation: none

Game description
All players sit in a circle. One player begins as announcer. The announcer says: All birds fly high sparrows fly high! As each flying bird is announced, everyone in the group puts their hands up. When birds who cannot fly are announced, the hands remain down (except for the announcers). Whoever raises his hands in this case is then out, or must pay a fine.

No scoring required. The aim is to stay in the game as long as possible and to not have to pay a fine.

The Laugher
Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: 10 min. all ages it doesn't matter nothing

Time for preparation: none

Game description
Everyone sits in a circle. One player is chosen to be the laugher. The other players make sad and gloomy faces. The laugher must make the other players laugh. If he succeeds, that player is then out.

The laugher can wash away his own laugh after 1-2 minutes and then choose the next player t be the laugher by making a hand motion to him.

no scoring

Whos the Boss?

Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: approx. 10 minutes all ages from 10 persons or more nothing

Time for preparation: none

Game description
All players sit in a circle. One person is sent out of the room. The rest of the group chooses a leader. The group must repeat everything he does (Clap, blink, shake his head, laugh, slide around on the chair, etc.) without giving away who the leader is. The player who was outside is brought in and must figure out who the leader is.

After 3 incorrect guesses he must pay a fine. If he guesses correctly, the leader is then sent outside and a new round begins.

The killer
Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: approx. 15-20 min. from 8 from 10 persons or more cards

Time for preparation: none

Game description
Everyone is handed a playing card. No one is allowed to say which card they have. The queen of hearts is the detective and must stand in the middle of the circle. This is the only player whose identity is known. The king of hearts is the killer. The killer sticks his tongue out at the detective without being noticed. Everyone who has eye contact with the killer is killed if he sees him stick out his tongue. The detective must find the killer before he has killed everyone.

there is no real scoring planned. One possibility might be for the detective to lose a point for every killed player.

How to Play the Ball Game Ask all of the participants to stand in a circle. Make sure they are not too far apart or too close together. Give one person a small ball (tennis balls work well) and ask them to throw it to someone else in the circle. The person who catches it says their name and throws it to another person who does the same. As the ball moves around the circle, everyone in the group gets to learn one anothers name. Much more fun than name tags! If the group already knows each other, turn it into a teambuilding exercise by asking everyone to call out these things instead of their name: Their favorite color One thing they like about their job A one word description of themselves Make it more fun by timing the exercise and seeing how fast the participants can get the ball around the circle.

Tunnel relay
Time: Recommended age: Size of group: Material: approx. 5 min. all ages from 10 persons or more nothing

Time for preparation: none

Game description
The team stands tightly next to each other and they support themselves with their hands and feet making a tunnel. The last in the line crawls through the tunnel and stands at the front. Now the next player is allowed to start their run.

The winning team is the team whose front person is first to touch the finishing line. You must make sure that the teams do not cheat by keeping the distance between the players too wide and therefore getting to the finishing line faster.

Schlapfenhockey Zwei Mannschaften (ca.4 Spieler pro Mannschaft) versuchen einen

Tennisball ins Tor der anderen Mannschaft (Kastenoberteil) zu befrdern!

Gespielt wird der Ball mit dem eigenen Turnschuh, der in der Hand gehalten


Verboten ist:

- das Werfen des Turnschuhs

- Spielen des Balles mit dem Fu

- Schlagen des Balles ber Kniehhe



Spielfeldgre und Anzahl der Spieler

2 Kastenoberteile aufstellen ( Tore)



Zwei Mannschaften versuchen durch Treffen mit verschiedenen kleinen

Bllen einen Medizinball (Basketball), der in der Mitte des Spielfeldes auf

zwei Langbnken liegt, auf die jeweils gegenberliegende Seite zu treiben,

so dass er von den Langbnken herunterfllt.

Die Abwurfbegrenzung darf nicht berschritten werden! Wenn keine Blle

mehr zum Werfen vorhanden sind, drfen im Spielfeld herumliegende Blle

geholt werden!



verschiedene Blle verwenden

2 Langbnke

Medizinball (er sollte leicht rollen!)

Tennisblle, Gymnastikblle, etc. zum Werfen

Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst --------------------

Retter gesucht

Dieses Tanzspiel eignet sich fr Geburtstagsparties, oder auch frKerzenGeb02 eine Faschingsparty. Je mehr Mitspieler, desto besser.

Jedes Kind tanzt und hpft einzeln fr sich. Wenn die Musik aufhrt, muss sich jeder schnell einen Partner suchen, ihn bei der Hand fassen und sich zusammen hinsetzen. Sobald die Musik weiterspielt, tanzt man getrennt weiter. Bei nchsten Stopp darf man nicht wieder den gleichen Retter suchen. Je schneller der Wechsel ist, desto mehr Spass machts. ------Zeitbombe

Ein kleiner Kchenwecker wird so eingestellt, dass er nach einer oder zwei Minuten klingelt. Dann wird er in einen Beutel gesteckt. Alle Kinder sitzen im Kreis und geben die "Zeitbombe" schnell von Spieler zu Spieler weiter. Irgendwann beginnt Kchenwecker ohrenbetubend zu rasseln. Derjenige, der den Beutel mit der Bombe gerade in Hnden hlt, scheidet aus (Variante ohne Verlierer: zeigt ein Kunststck oder singt ein Lied ect. und macht dann weiter mit) Der Wecker wird erneut gestellt und weiter gehts. -----------------Klassiker: Kofferpacken

Die Kinder sitzen im Kreis, und einer fngt an: "Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit..."

...jetzt kann man alles sagen, was einem so in den Sinn kommt, z. B. eine Hose.

das Kind sagt also "Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme eine Hose mit."

Der nchste lsst sich wieder was einfallen, packt es in den Koffer dazu und sagt: "Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme eine Hose und (z.B.) eine Zahnbrste mit." Die Kinder mssen sich also merken, was bereits eingepackt wurde, dies wiederholen und selbst was hinzufgen. Wer was vergessen hat, scheidet aus. Das Spiel wird dann solange weitergespielt, bis nur noch einer brig ist.

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