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Disability Equality Scheme for Llangewydd Junior School Contents: 1 2 3 4 5 1 Starting the scheme Introduction Involving disabled people

Impact assessment Action plan

Starting the Scheme

The initial Disability Equality Scheme (DES) will be a starting point for an ongoing process, which will permeate all the activities and learning settings in our school. Many of our current policies, practices and procedures match up to the aspirations of the Act. We will begin the process of making sure that all our actions do. For this reason, and although we have involved disabled persons in the formulation of this first scheme, it is our plan to involve them increasingly in all aspects of the life of the school and, especially, in making decisions about the way we help disabled persons to identify and overcome barriers they encounter. In the first instance, we have made extensive use of Bridgend County Borough Councils Access and Inclusion Service together with feedback from the DES groups set up by the Council This scheme, then, is not a complete work but rather a first step on the road to guaranteeing equality for disabled persons. It is also a sign of our commitment to that aim. A commitment that runs throughout the organisation from the Governing Body, who fully endorse and support the scheme, through to every department and function of the school community. It is vital that this commitment is shared by all the children and young people who learn here. Their contribution to the achievement of equality in society in the future will be invaluable.


2.1 Ethos, vision and value Llangewydd Junior School is committed to the goal of achieving equality of opportunity for disabled persons. As a consequence, we will strive to: promote equality of opportunity between disabled persons and other persons eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Act eliminate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disabilities promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons encourage participation by disabled persons in public life; and take steps to take account of disabled persons disabilities, even where that involves treating disabled persons more favourably than other persons. Llangewydd Junior School recognises the definition of disability given below: A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. We subscribe to the following description of the social model of disability At present disabled people do not have the same opportunities or choices as non-disabled people. Nor do they enjoy equal respect or full inclusion in society on an equal basis. The poverty, disadvantage and social exclusion experienced by many disabled people is not the inevitable result of their impairments or medical conditions, but rather stems from attitudinal and environmental barriers. 2.2 Current position The aims expressed above extend and develop the existing policies, plans and strategies in our school. For example; our mission statement, accessibility plan, inclusion policy, additional educational needs policy, anti-bullying policy, behaviour policy, personal and social education policy and the scheme of work, recruitment policy, pay policy, professional development policy, management of performance policy, self-evaluation policy and the strategic and annual development plans. We have developed 2 plans, one which dovetails into BCBC s plan and one that can stand alone for our school. As part of our annual self-evaluation, planning and review cycle, children, their parents and carers, staff and governors are engaged in assessing our performance, practice and procedures to ensure that they match our aspirations. External validation in the form of Bridgend County Borough Council monitoring procedures, ESIS adviser visits and reports and Estyn inspections and surveys moderate and validate these views. Our accessibility plan has identified the following priorities Identification and designation of at least one disabled parking bay, Steps throughout school Supporting Columns Second handrail to be fitted (front of school) Ramped approach from disabled parking bays to the front of building, Reflective strips to stairs, Reducing glare to whiteboards Directional signage

Font size Positioning and continuity Colour edged kerbs Drop kerbs Disabled toilets Open treads on some stairs Training for staff Resource development 3 Involving disabled people In addition to the normal consultation through the School Council together with meetings of parents and carers, staff and Governors, we established a focus group of children and young people to help us identify and remove barriers to equality. Our group was compiled of children; a parent of a disabled child, representatives of the hospital, governors and staff formed the focus of our focus group. We also work very closely with People First to ensure views and opinions are gathered first hand. We will ensure that every consultative and decision-making group in school receives the views of disabled persons and that all policies, practices and procedures are scrutinised by them. In this way we will make sure that we are actively seeking to include them in our community and that we are searching out and implementing effective methods to help disabled persons to meet their challenges. Alongside these measures, we will ask children and young people, their parents and carers together with all staff in the school to complete questionnaires and satisfaction surveys for all aspects of the work of the school and their experiences within it. We will identify the responses and views of those who have a disability whenever possible and seek particular reaction from them. The specific actions we will take are found in our Action Plan. 4 Impact Assessment/Gathering and Using Information In line with existing practice, we will undertake self-evaluation of our performance on an annual basis. This self-evaluation considers every aspect of school life on a rolling programme and includes, naturally, feedback on learning experiences and on achievement and attainment. We will make sure that the results of this self-evaluation include the actions set out in our DES Action Plan and that the views of disabled persons are disaggregated or sought separately. Alongside these issues, we will scrutinise the records of those with disabilities to check that they have real access to the non-formal aspects of learning, that they are included into the school community in all senses and that they are not disadvantaged behaviourally. The findings of this process will inform the production of the school development plan and the review of the Disability Equality Scheme on an annual basis. A summary of the impact assessment will be presented to Governors and included in the Annual report to Parents.

Llangewydd Junior Disability Equality Statement and Carers Equality Statement The Disability Equality Statement sets out our overall objectives, principles and commitments to disabled people and carers.

Disability Equality Statement Llangewydd Junior School is committed to disability equality and creating a place where everyone feels they can live life to the full. The school is committed to challenging all forms of disability discrimination by adopting the social model of disability. At Llangewydd we recognise that disability covers a wide range of physical, sensory and mental impairments and affects people across all ages and from across the whole community and that each person will have differing needs. We also recognise that people are disabled by societys negative attitudes and treatment of disabled people. This can limit their opportunities and choices and prevent disabled people from taking part fully in the life of their community. Such discrimination stems from prejudiced attitudes and beliefs about the abilities, skills or characteristics of disabled people. Further, we are aware that exclusion and unfamiliarity can make disabled people more vulnerable to discrimination. We understand as a school that we have an important role to play in challenging and changing the social, attitudinal and environmental barriers that disadvantage disabled people. We are committed to removing barriers to disabled people. We are committed to involving disabled people on issues that affect them and our aim is to provide accessible services, information and buildings for everyone. We will promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and will work with partner organisations to tackle harassment and violence towards disabled people. We will make sure that we provide supportive and responsive working arrangements that enable disabled employees to achieve their full potential.

People with Family and Carer Responsibilities Equality Statement Llangewydd Junior School is committed to recognising and celebrating the contribution parents, guardians and carers make to the local community and enabling all people to participate in the democratic, social and economic life of the county. We are committed to raising awareness and understanding of the experiences and needs of people with caring responsibilities. We will also make sure that our services and employment practices are supportive and responsive to people with caring responsibilities so that they are able to maximise their potential and live a full life.

Llangewydd Junior General Equality Aims: Community leadership a) To value diversity and promote good community relations within our school and community b) To work with our partner organisations to have a more inclusive school and community c) To promote positive attitudes towards people who are at risk of social exclusion d) To develop communication methods that are inclusive of the whole community e) To develop an inclusive consultation process that improves the Bridgend councils understanding of the needs of service users and staff; f) To work with equality organisations and the voluntary sector to support the empowerment of local equality groups g) To encourage and support people from diverse backgrounds to participate in the public life of their community h) To build a safe community by tackling harassment and violence and working with partner organisations to provide an effective response to incidents and support to victims i) To act as a community champion on equality and social inclusion by supporting Councillors in their ward roles, decision-making and scrutiny Service provision a) To create a culture of change within our school so that equalities is at the core of all its activities b) To mainstream equality into the strategic planning process c) To prevent discrimination, victimisation or harassment of service users d) To set clear targets to make services accessible and responsive to the diverse needs of the people who live, work and visit our school and the county borough e) To monitor the take up of services and take action to tackle inequality and social exclusion f) To encourage people from diverse backgrounds to be involved in reviewing, planning and developing services g) To encourage community partners and contractors to adopt good practice in equality Fair employer a) To ensure equality, equity and consistency in employment conditions and practices, including equal pay b) To monitor the workforce across the employment cycle to ensure that the workforce reflects the diversity of the county borough c) To provide a safe and accessible working environment that is free from discrimination and harassment d) To offer flexible working and training opportunities to staff to achieve a work-life balance and enable the council to gain a flexible approach to work e) To train, develop and support staff to understand and challenge barriers to equality f) To mainstream equality into management development.

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