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The goal of the experiment is to give the students of BSOT 1-1, the understanding about the ff. To demonstrate the differences in the propertied of elements, compounds, and mixtures. To demonstrate some methods of separating components of mixtures.

The students of BSOT 1-1 did the experiment step by step and observed the critical findings. The students of BSOT 1-1 have now a better grasp in understanding different substances, and classifying them as Elements, Compound, Heterogeneous Mixture, and Homogeneous Mixture.


Matter is classified unto three main classes: elements, compounds, and mixtures. A mixture is consists of two or more different substances that are physically combined in a variable proportion. Its components retain their identities hence a mixture does not have unique properties but rather possesses the properties of its components. A mixture may be described as heterogeneous if its components are distinguishable and homogeneous if its components are undistinguishable and separation of its components can be done by physical means which include filtration, distillation, decantation, evaporation, picking and use of magnet. A compound consists of two or more elements chemically combined in a definite proportion. It constituents lose their identities hence a compound has properties entirely different from the elements of which it is made. Element represents the simplest class of matter and as such cannot be decomposed further except by extraordinary means. There are 2 major classes of elements-the metals and the non-metals. A minor group-the metalloids or border line elements have both metallic and non-metallic properties. All the three classes of matter take on any of the three physical states of matter namely-solid, liquid and gas.

III. Materials
The reagents that the students of BSOT 1-1 used are the following: Iron fillings, Distilled Water, Sodium Chloride (NaCl), Sulfur. The equipments: 100ml Beaker, Bunsen Burner, watch Glass, Stirring rod, Magnet, Mortar & Pestle, Top Loading Balance, 50ml graduated Cylinder, Evaporating Dish, Wire Gauze, Test Tube.

IV. Methodology
Experiment 1: (Iron filling and Sulfur experiment) Phase 1: Weigh 0.5 gram each of both iron fillings and sulfur on two watch glasses. Use observation to record physical state, color, and appearance of each. Then, apply magnet on each watch glass containing the iron fillings and sulfur. Phase 2: Mix the Iron fillings and Sulfur in a mortar and use pestle to crush and mix the two substances evenly. Record your observation; its appearance, color, and physical state. Apply magnetism and record yur observation. Phase 3: Transfer the mixture in a test tube and gradually heat to redness. Set aside until it cools and place on a watch glass. Observe and record your findings. Apply magnetism and record findings.

Experiment 2: (Sodium Chloride and Water Experiment) Phase 1: Weigh 2.0 gram of sodium chloride into a 100 ml beaker. Observe and record your observations. Phase 2: Measure 20ml distilled water using a graduate cylinder. Observe and record your observations. Pour the water into the beaker containing Sodium Chloride. Dissolve. Phase 3: Pour the resulting solution in an evaporating dish and evaporate to dryness. Observe and record your findings.


Data and Results

Reagent Classification (Elements/Compound/ Heterogeneous Mixture/ Homogeneous Mixture/Solution) Element Element Heterogeneous Mixture Observation (Physical state/Color/Appearance/Magne tic Attraction)

A. Iron Filling and Sulfur Experiment Iron Filling Sulfur Powder Iron Filling + Sulfur Powder

Heated Iron Filling + Sulfur Powder B. Sodium Chloride and Water Experiment

Homogeneous Mixture

Black powder with strong magnetic attraction. Yellow powder with no magnetic attraction. Combination of Black and Yellow Powder with Iron Filling being separated from the Sulfur through magnetism. Gray colored with no magnetic attraction.

Distilled Water Sodium Chloride Sodium Chloride + Distilled Water Evaporated Mixture of Sodium Chloride and Water

Compound Compound Homogeneous Mixture Homogeneous

Transparent liquid with no magnetic attraction. White Powder with no magnetic attraction. Transparent liquid with no magnetic attraction White powder appearing as liquid evaporated. No magnetic attraction.

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