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University of the Philippines Diliman College of Engineering Department of Computer Science

Course Information Course Number Course Title Credit Instructor Class Schedule Course Website : : : : : : : ES 26 Introduction to Computer Science 1st Semester, Academic Year 2011-2012 3 units (2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab) Ligaya Leah Figueroa (WFUV) WF 10am-12:30pm lab MH 327 (WFWX) WF 1pm-3:30pm lab MH 327 http://es26wfuvay1112.pbworks.com http://es26wfwxay1112.pbworks.com Mon whole day (8-5) @ UPAECH Rm 201 llfigueroa@dcs.upd.edu.ph

Consultation Hours : Email :


Course Description: Introduction to the major areas of computer science, computer programming, software systems and methodology, computer theory, computer organization and architecture. Course Objectives: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Design algorithms for a variety of problems and implement these as well-structured programs in the Java programming language; 2. Understand the basic concepts of computer programming; 3. Explain the theoretical and practical limitations of computers; and 4. Describe the structure and organization of computers;
Course Outline

5 Representing Classes and Objects 5.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 5.2 Classes and Objects 5.3 Methods 6 Programming Fundamentals 6.1 Comments, Statements, Identifiers 6.2 Primitive Data Types 6.3 Variables 6.4 Operators 6.5 Operator Precedence 6.6 Coding Techniques and Conventions* 7 Control Structures 7.1 Decision Control Structures 7.2 Repetition Control Structures 7.3 Branching Statements 8 Java Arrays 8.1 Declaring Arrays 8.2 Accessing Array Elements 8.3 Multidimensional Arrays
Course Requirements 2 Exams 1 MP Recitation Reports, Assignments, Exercises Total 30% (15% each) 20% 25 % 25% 100%

1 Introduction to Computer Programming 1.1 History of Computers* 1.2 Basic Components of a Computer 1.3 Overview of Computer Programming Languages 1.4 Categories of Computer Applications* 1.5 Application in Various Industries* 1.6 Future of Computing* 1.7 Operating Systems* 1.8 Program Logic Formulation* 1.9 Program Development Life Cycle 1.10 Number Systems and Conventions 2 Introduction to Java 2.1 Java Background 2.2 Java Features 2.3 Phases of a Java Program 3 Getting to know your Programming Environment 3.1 My First Java Program 3.2 Using a Text Editor and Console 3.3 Dealing with Errors 4 Getting Input from the Keyboard

References Deitel, H & Deitel, P. Java for Programmers. JEDI Slides Java Programming Video Tutorials (www.thenewboston.com) Language Manuals and References. Class Lectures. Class Policies


There are only two exams for the semester. Both should be taken to complete the course. A student who misses an exam with no valid reason shall be given a grade of 0. Otherwise, he will have to take a make up exam within a week from the original schedule, if not, hed be a given a 0 for that exam. Grades of late projects (Machine problems) decrease by 10% per day late. A grade of INC shall be given only if the grade without the incomplete requirement is passing, otherwise the student will be given a grade of 5.0. Attendance will be checked. THERE IS A 5% bonus for the student with no absences. This however, will only be added to his grade if he has a passing mark already (As with all bonus scores). Complaints regarding exam results, project, and other requirements shall be entertained only until a week after its release. No complaints regarding exam results with any form of erasable ink used as medium of writing shall be entertained. Use only black or blue pen during exams. A student may officially drop the course on or before September 12, 2011 (Mon). A student is considered to have officially dropped the course only upon submission of the instructors copy of the dropping slip. Otherwise, he will be given his corresponding grade. A student will be graded according to the following scale:

10. Students should make backup copies of all their work in this course. Loss of work due to hardware failure will not be considered as an acceptable excuse for late submission or nonsubmission of requirements. 11. A student is considered to have officially dropped the course upon his/her submission of a copy of the dropping slip to the instructor. 12. Lab Rules o o Back-up your files to a/your USB Flash Disk as often as you can. Log-off from your account before leaving your workstation. If you happen to be in the last section for the day, kindly turn them off. Do not leave anything considered as trash within your area of responsibility.

2. 3.





GENERAL SCORE >= 93% 88-92 % 85-87 % 82-84 % 78-82 % 74-78 % 70-73 % 65-69 % 60-64 % less than 60 %

FINAL GRADE 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.00

Any instance of copying the work and/or thoughts of others and passing it off as one's own is considered as plagiarism. In using course materials, a student should be careful not to claim words, ideas, and algorithms as one's own . Cheating in any form is punishable with a grade of 5.0. Students are allowed to informally collaborate with other students who have taken the course previously or are currently taking the course. This applies to assignments, exercises, and machine problems. Submitting code verbatim or nearly verbatim even with proper citation is prohibited unless otherwise specified by the instructor.


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