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delivering clean energy to the world

with small modular reactor technology

Within the shi ing landscape of global energy markets, Genera on mPower nuclear plants will deliver a solu on designed for todays regulatory, policy and nancial reali es.

zero-emission opera ons


Responding to the Challenge

At a me when energy demands are evolving and environmental concerns are growing, there is a global impera ve to provide aordable energy sources that are ecient and clean. Genera on mPower LLC is responding to the challenge by developing and deploying an exci ng new electric genera on plant u lizing small modular reactor technology. The reactor design is a scalable, modular, Advanced Light Water Reactor (ALWR) system in which the nuclear core and steam generators are contained within a single vessel. Genera on mPower believes this op mized ALWR Genera on III++ nuclear technology can be cer ed, manufactured and operated within todays exis ng regulatory, industrial supply chain and u lity opera onal infrastructure. The Genera on mPower electric genera on plant has the capacity to match customer demand in nominal 180 MWe increments for a four-year opera ng cycle without refueling, using standard pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel.

Genera on III++ Technology

Integral nuclear system design Passive safety systems Four-year opera ng cycle between refueling Less than five-percent enriched fuel Secure underground containment

Proven Performance
The modular and scalable Genera on III++ design allows Genera on mPower to match the genera on needs of our customers with the proven performance of exis ng Light Water Reactor (LWR) technology. With fewer components and systems, overall reliability is enhanced and aordability improved. The scalable design oers exibility so that mul ple reactor modules can be aggregated to support local customer requirements and infrastructure constraints.

Cutaway of B&W mPower reactor f &

Industry Experience
Building on the strengths of two industry leaders, Genera on mPower LLC is a company formed between Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Energy, Inc. (B&W NE) and Bechtel Power Corpora on (Bechtel). B&W NEs exper se in nuclear engineering and manufacturing combined with B&W mPower reactor technology and Bechtels plant engineering, procurement and construc on capability create a progressive energy solu on that meets the needs of todays changing power genera on industry.

Twin Pack site layout

Patents Pending

Addi onal Genera on mPower Nuclear Plant Features and Solu ons
Flexible and scalable to local needs

Construc on cost and schedule:

Integrated reactor modules Multi-unit (1 to 10+) plant North American shop-manufactured Rail-shippable nuclear steam supply system (NSSS)

Genera on mPower oers a skilled workforce through an integrated supply chain in its exis ng facili es that will design and fabricate the NSSS components, reducing direct costs and streamlining construc on.

Streamlining licensing and construc on

Accepted ALWR concepts Passive safety system No on-site NSSS construction Three-year construction cycle

Tightening capital markets: The Genera on mPower solu on is expected to lower the overall capital cost of construc on and op mize plant size to customers local power genera on requirements. Also, the ability to bring increments of power online, while addi onal modules are under construc on, should provide early returns on investment for the customer. Changing geopoli cal climate:
Genera on mPower works within environmental regula ons to supply innova ve electricity genera ng capabili es. Each module will provide zero-emission opera ons, contribu ng to the reduc on of an es mated 57 million metric tons of CO2 during the life me of each reactor.

Integrated and simplied NSSS

Internal steam generator No need for safety-grade backup power No external pressurizer Conventional core and standard fuel No large pipe break Loss of Coolant Accidents (LOCA)

Protec ng the environment: The reactors air-cooled condenser op ons, underground containment and small site footprint all help minimize environmental impact.

Simplied opera ons and maintenance

Four-year core design Sequential partial-plant outages Standardized balance of plant

www.genera onmpower.com

Genera on mPower LLC

11525 N. Community House Road, Suite 500 Charlo e, NC 28277 USA Phone: 704.625.4900
The informa on contained herein is provided for general informa on purposes only and is not intended nor to be construed as a warranty, an oer, or any representa on of contractual or other legal responsibility. B&W mPower is a trademark of Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Energy, Inc. 2012 The Babcock & Wilcox Company. All rights reserved. Front Cover: B&W mPower reactor. Reactor design is not complete. Statements in this brochure are based on the nal, cer ed reactor design. E201-1002 25KPP2A

Genera on mPower LLC is designing the worlds rst commercially viable Genera on III++ small modular nuclear power plant based on B&W mPower small modular reactor technology. The company was formed by two established energy industry leaders, Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Energy, Inc. (B&W NE) with more than 50 years of experience in nuclear engineering and manufacturing and Bechtel backed by 60 years of global experience in the nuclear power industry. For more informa on, send an e-mail to info@genera onmpower.com, or access our website at www.genera onmpower.com.

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