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MCA-101: Information Technology

Introduction: Basic concepts of Information Technology, Applications of Information

Technology, Concepts of Data and Information, Data Processing, History of computers,
Classification of Computers, Organization of computers, Input and Output devices,
Storage devices and File organization.

Software Concepts: Classification of software, System software, application software,

operating systems: evolution of operating system, types of operating system, functions of
operating system, DOS, Windows and Unix/Linux commands (file handling, directory
management and general purpose user interfacing commands).

Computer Programming Languages: Evolution of Programming Languages,

Classification of Programming Languages, Generations of Programming Languages,
General concepts of OOPS (Object oriented programming Systems) and SQL (Structured
Query Languages)

Data Communication and Computer Networks: Communication system elements.

Communication modes (analog and digital, synchronous and asynchronous, simplex, half
duplex and full duplex, circuit switching and packet switching), communication media
(speed and capacity, twisted pair, coaxial fiber optics, wireless), common network
components, hosts and servers, work-stations, network topologies and network protocols
(ISO/OSI Ref Model and TCP/IP).

Internet and Related Technologies: Evolution of Internet, Basic Internet Terms,

Connecting to Internet, Internet Applications, Languages of Internet, Introduction to
Multimedia, Building Blocks of Multimedia, Multimedia Applications, and Virtual


1. Rajaraman V. “Fundamental of Computers” (4nd edition.) Prentice Hall of India,

New Delhi 2004.

2. ITL Education Solutions Limited “Introduction to Computer Science” Pearson

Education, 2004.

3. S.Jaiswal, “Information Technology Today”, Galgotia Pub.,New Delhi,1999.

MCA-102: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science

Sets Relations and Functions:

Sets, Subsets, Power-Sets, Complement, Union and intersection. Demorgan’s law

Cardinality, relations: Cartesian Products, relations relational Matrices, properties of
relations, equivalence relation Functions: Injection, Surjection, Bijection, Composition of
Functions, Permutations. Cardinality, the characteristic functions Recursive definitions,
finite induction.

Lattices & Boolean Algebra:

Axiomatic definition of Boolean algebra as algebraic structures with two operations.

Proposition &prepositional functions, Logical connections Truth-values and Truth Table
the algebra of prepositional functions-the algebra of truth values-Applications (switching
circuits, Basic Computer Components).

Groups and Fields:

Groups: Group axioms-permutation groups; Subgroups, Co-sets, Normal Subgroups, Free

semi groups; Modular arithmetic grammars, language).

Fields: Definition; structure; minimal polynomials, irreducible polynomials: irreducible

polynomials; primitive Elements. Polynomial roots; Applications (Error Correcting
Codes Sequence generation).


Finite graphs; incidence and degree, isomorphism, subgraphs and union of graphs;
Conceitedness; Walks paths and circuits Eulerian graphs. Trees properties of trees;
pendant vertices in a tree, Center of tree Spanning trees and Cutvertices; Binary tree
Matrix representation of graph, Incidence, Adjacency matrices and their properties.
Applications of graphs in Computer Science.


1. “Discrete Mathematical Structure with applications to Computer Science “by

J.P.Trembley & R.P. Manohar.

2. “Discrete Mathematics “By K.A. Ross and C.R.B. Writht.

3. “Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science” by Bernard Kolman &

Robert C. Busby.
MCA-103 Programming and Problem Solving in C

An overview:

Problem identification, analysis, design, coding, testing & debugging, implementation,

modification & maintenance; algorithms & flowcharts; Characteristics of a good
program- accuracy, simplicity, robustness, portability, minimum resource & time
requirement, modularization; Rules/conventions of coding, documentation, naming
variables; Top down design; Bottom- up design.

Fundamentals of C Programming:

History of C; Structure of a C Program; Data Types; Constant & Variable; Operators &
expressions; Control Constructs- if-else, for while, do-while; Case statement; Arrays;
Formatted & unformatted I/O; Type modifiers & storage classes; Ternary operator; Type
conversion & type casting; Priority &associatively of operators.

Modular Programming:

Functions; Arguments; Return Value; Parameter passing- call by value, call by reference;
Return statement; Scope, visibility and life-time rules for various types of variable, static
variable; Calling a function; Recursion – basics, comparison with iteration, tail recursion,
when to avoid recursion, examples.

Advanced Programming Techniques:

Special constructs-Break, continue, exit (), goto & labels; Pointers-and *operators,
pointer expression, pointer arithmetic, dynamic memory management functions like
malloc (), calloc (), free(); String; Pointer v/s array; Pointer to pointer; Array of pointer &
its limitation; Function returning pointers; Pointer to function, Function as parameter;
Structure-basic, declaration, membership operator, pointer to structure, referential
operator, self referential structures, structure within structure, array in structure, array of
structures; Union-basic, declaration; Enumerated data type; Typedef; command line

Miscellaneous Features:

File handling and related functions; prints & scanf family; C preprocessor- basics,
#include, #define, #undef, conditional compilation directive like #if, #else, #elif, #endif
#ififedf and #ifndef; Variable argument list functions.


1. Kerninghan & Ritchie: the C programming language, PHI.

2. Cooper Mullish: the spirit of C, Jaico Publishing House, Delhi

3. Kanetkar Y.:Let us C , Y .Pointers in C

MCA-104: Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

Representation of Information: Number, integer and floating-point representation,

character codes (ASCII,EBCDIC), Error detection and correction codes. Basic Building
Blocks: Boolean Algebra, combinational blocks: gates, multiplexers, decoders etc,
Sequential building blocks: flip-flops,, registers, counters, ALU, Random access memory

Register Transfer Language and Micro-operations: concept of bus, data movement

among registers, language to represent conditional data transfer, data movement from/to
memory, arithmetic and logical operations along with register transfer, timing in register

Architecture of a simple processor: A simple computer organization and instruction set,

instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction execution in terms of
microinstructions, concepts of interrupt and simple I/O organization, implementation of
processor using the building blocks.

Assembly Language programming: detailed study of 8086/8088 assembly language

instruction set, loops and comparisons, conditions and procedures, arithmetic operations
in assembly language, illustrations using typical programs like: table search, subroutines,
symbolic and numerical manipulations and I/O.

Memory organization: basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories
using chips, associative memory, cache memory organization, virtual memory


1. M. Morris mano,”Computer System Architecture”,PHI,3rd edition, 1993

2. Liu and Gibson, “8086/8088 Microprocessor Assembly Language.

3. Bartee, “Digital Computer Fundamentals”.

4. Malvino,”Digital Computer Electronics”.

MCA-105: Oral and Written Communication/Communication Skills.

Meaning and process of communication, importance of effective communication,

communication situation and communication skills, barriers to communication.
Objectives of communication, types of communication, principles of communication,
essentials of effective communication.

Media of communication: written, oral, face-to-tace, visual, audio-Visual, merits and demerits of
written and oral communication, preparing for oral presentation, conducting

Developing communication skills, interview-how to face and who to conduct. Preparing of bio-
data, seminar, paper, bibliography, group discussion, and official correspondence.

Mechanics of writing, paragraphing, precise, report writing, technical reports, length of written
reports, organizing reports, writing technical reports.


1. Essentials of Business Communication by Rajendra Pal and J.S. Korlahalli, Sultan

Chand & Sons Publishers, New Delhi.

2. Business Communications by U.S.Rai & S.M. Rai, Himalaya Publishing House.

3. Writing a technical Paper by Menzal and D.H. Jones, Mc Graw Hill, 1961.

4. Business Communication: Strategy and Skill, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1987

MCA-201 Operating Systems:

Introduction: Evolution of operating systems, Types of operating systems, Different

views of operating system, operating system concepts and structure.

Processes: The process concept, systems programmer’s view of processes, operating

system services for processes management, scheduling algorithms, Performance

Memory Management: Memory management without swapping or paging , swapping ,

virtual memory, page replacement algorithms, modeling paging algorithms, design issues
for paging system, segmentation.

Interprocess communication and synchronization: The need for interprocess

synchronization, mutual exclusion , semaphores, hardware support for mutual exclusion,
queuing implementation of semaphores, classical problems in concurrent programming,
critical region and conditional critical region, monitors messages.

Deadlocks: Deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance.

File system: File systems, directories, file system implementation security and
protection mechanism.

Input/Output: Principles of I/O Hardware: I/O devices, device controllers, direct

memory access, Principles of I/O software :Goals interrupt handlers, device drivers, and
device independent I/O software. User space I/O software.

Disks: Disk hardware, scheduling algorithms, Error handling, track-at-a time caching
RAM disk.

Clocks: clock hardware, memory mapped terminals, I/O software

Processes and processors in distributed systems.

Threads: System models, processor allocation, scheduling.

Distributed file system: Design, implementation and trends.

Performance measurement: monitoring and evaluation introduction, important trends

affecting performance issues, why performance monitoring and evaluation are needed,
performance measures, evaluation techniques, bottlenecks and saturation, feedback loops.

Case studies: MS-DOS, MS Windows and Linux (UNIX) Operating System.

1. Deitel “ An introduction to operating systems”. Addison Wesley Publishing
Company 1984.
2. Milenkovic M. “Operating Systems – concepts and design” McGraw Hill
International Edition – Computer science series 1992.
3. Peterson , Silberschatz. “ Operating System Concepts”. Addison Wesely
Publishing Company , 1989.
4. Tanenbaum A.S. “Modern Operating System” Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd 1995.
MCA-202 Database Management System

Introduction: Advantage of DBMS approach, various view of data, data independence,

schema and sub-schema, primary concepts of data models, Database languages,
transaction management, Database administrator and users, data dictionary, overall
system architecture.

ER model: basic concepts, design issues, mapping constraint, keys, ER diagram, weak
and strong entity sets, specialization and generalization, aggregation, inheritance, design
of ER schema, reduction of ER schema to tables.

Domains, Relations and Keys: domains, relations, kind of relations, relational database,
various types of keys, candidate, primary, alternate and foreign keys.

Relational Algebra & SQL: The structure, relational algebra with extended with
extended operations, modifications of Database, idea of relational calculus, basic
structure of SQL, set operations, aggregate functions, null values, nested sub queries,
derived relations, views, modification of Database, join relations, DDL in SQL.

Functional Dependencies and Normalization: basic definitions, trivial and non trivial
dependencies, closure set of dependencies and of attributes, irreducible set of
dependencies, introduction to normalization, non loss decomposition, FD diagram, first,
second, third Normal forms, dependency preservation, BCNF, multivalued dependencies
and fourth normal form, Join dependency and fifth normal form.

Database Integrity: general idea. Integrity rules, domain rules, attribute rules, relation
rules, Database rules, assertions, triggers, integrity and SQL.

Transaction, concurrency and Recovery: basic concepts, ACID properties, Transaction

states, implementation of atomicity and durability, concurrent executions, basic idea of
serializability, basic idea of concurrency control, basic idea of deadlock, failure
classification, storage structure types, stable storage implementation, data access,
recovery and atomicity- log based recovery, deferred Database modification, immediate
Database modification, checkpoints.

Distributed Database: basic idea, distributed data storage, data replication, data
fragmentation- horizontal vertical and mixed fragmentation

Emerging Fields in DBMS: object oriented Databases-basic idea and the model, object
structure, object class, inheritance, multiple inheritance, object identity, data
warehousing- terminology, definitions, characteristics, data mining and it’s overview,
Database on www, multimedia Databases-difference with conventional DBMS, issues,
similarity based retrieval, continuous media data, multimedia data formats, video servers.

Storage structure and file organizations: overview of physical storage media, magnetic
disks-performance and optimizations, basic idea of RAID, file organizations,
organization of records in files, basic concepts of indexing, ordered indices, basic idea of
B-tree and B+-tree organization
Network and hierarchical models: basic idea, data structure diagrams, DBTG model,
implementations, tree structure diagram, implementation techniques, comparison of the
three models.


1. Database System Concepts – A Silberschatz, H.F Korth, Sudersan, MGH

2. An introduction to Database Systems – C.J Date 6th ed.
3. Fundamentals of Database systems – L elmasri & Navathe III ed.
4. An introduction to Database systems – B.C. Desai.

MCA-203 Data Structures

Prerequisites: Array, Structure, pointers, pointer to structure, functions, parameter

passing, recursion.

Stack and Queue: contiguous implementations of stack, various operations on stack,

various polish notations-infix, prefix, postfix, conversion from one to another-using
stack; evaluation of post and prefix expressions. Contiguous implementation of queue:
Linear queue, its drawback; circular queue; various operations on queue; linked
implementation of stack and queue- operations

General List: list and it’s contiguous implementation, it’s drawback; singly linked list-
operations on it; doubly linked list-operations on it; circular linked list; linked list using

Trees: definitions-height, depth, order, degree, parent and children relationship etc;

Binary Trees- various theorems, complete binary tree, almost complete binary tree;

Tree traversals-preorder, inorder and post order traversals, their recursive and non
recursive implementations; expression tree- evaluation; linked representation of binary
tree-operations. Threaded binary trees; forests, conversion of forest into tree. Heap-

Searching, Hashing and Sorting: requirements of a search algorithm; sequential search,

binary search, indexed sequential search, interpolation search; hashing-basics, methods,
collision, resolution of collision, chaning; Internal sorting- Bubble sort, selection sort,
insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort on linked and contiguous list, shell sort, heap sort,
tree sort.

Graphs: related definitions: graph representations- adjacency matrix, adjacency lists,

adjacency multilist; traversal schemes- depth first search, breadth first search; Minimum
spanning tree; shortest path algorithm; kruskal & dijkstra algorithm.

Miscellaneous features Basic idea of AVL tree- definition, insertion & deletion
operations; basic idea of B-tree- definition, order, degree, insertion & deletion operations;
B-tree- definitions, comparison with B-tree; basic idea of string processing.


1. Kruse R.L. Data Structures and Program Design in C; PHI

2. TennenBaum A.M. & others: Data Structures using C & C++; PHI
3. Horowitz & Sawhaney: Fundamentals of Data Structures, Galgotia Publishers.
MCA-204 Computer oriented numerical analysis:

Numerical approximation , representation of integers and real numbers in computers ,

fixed and floating arithmetic , normalized floating point numbers , errors due to storage
limitations and safeguards , round off and truncation errors , relative and absolute errors

Iterative methods: zeroes of single transcendental equations and zeroes of polynomials of

using Bi-section , false position , Newton Raphson , Secant method , convergence of

Simultaneous linear equations: solutions of Simultaneous linear equations – gauss

Elimination method and pivoting, ill-conditioned equations and refinement of solutions,
Gauss seidal iterative method

Interpolation for equal and unequal intervals and inverse interpolation, numerical
differentiation of method based on finite difference ; numerical integration : Simpson’s
rule , Gauss Legndre integration method ; solution of differential equation : Runge-kutta
methods , Automatics errors monitoring , stability of solutions .

• Books:
• Numerical methods by E. Balaguruswamy TMH
• Computer oriented Numerical Methods By V. Rajaraman

MCA-205 Accounting and Management Control:

Meaning and objects of accounting, accounting concepts and conventions, accounting

equations, rules of Journalizing .

Cash-book, Ledger posting, prepration of trial balance, Trading and profit and loss
account and balance sheet with adjustments relating to closing stock , outstanding
expenses, prepaid expenses , accrued income depreciation, bad debts, provision for bad
debts, provision fro discount on debtors and creditors , provision for tax, inventory
pricing , FIFO and LIFO methods

Simple problems of funds flow statement, cost volume, profit analysis, standard costing,
computation of material and labour variances, budgetary control, preparation of cash
budget and flexible budget.

Management control and its characteristics, goals and strategies, structure and control.

Responsibility centers and control centers: concepts of Responsibility centers, revenue

centers, profit centers and investment centers, transfer pricing, Responsibility reporting.

• Books:
• Bhattacharya S.K. and Deardan John “Accounting for Management” PHI
• Chadwick “The essence of financial accounting” PHI
• Chadwick “The essence of Management accounting” PHI
• Grewal “Introduction to Book – keeping”
• Subhash Sharma “Management control systems” TMH

MCA-301 Computer Oriented Optimizations:

Introduction: Historical development, models and modeling, classification, general

methods for solving OR models and their computer software.

Linear Programming: LP formulations, Graphical Methods for solving LPs with 2

variables, simplex method, duality theory in linear programming and applications, dual
simplex method, transportation problem, assignment problem.

Project Management: Pert and CPM

Project management origin and use of PERT, origin and use of CPM, applications of
PERT and CPM, project network, diagram representation .Critical Path calculations by
linear program, critical path calculations by network analysis and critical path method
(CPM), determination of floats, construction of time charts and resource labeling. Project
cost curve and crashing in project management, project evaluation and review techniques

Dynamic Programming: basic concepts, bellman’s optimality principles, dynamics

programming approach in decision making problems, optimal subdivision problem.

Queuing models: Essential features of Queuing systems, operating characteristics of

queuing systems, probability distribution in queuing system, classification of queuing
models, solution of queuing /∞ FCPS, M/M/S :/FCPS, M/E/1:/∞FCPS M/M/1, N/FCPS,
M/M/S,/ ∞M/M/1, FCPS

Sequencing Models: Sequencing problems, Johnson’s algorithm for processing n-jobs

through 2 machines, algorithm for processing n-jobs through 3 or more machines,
processing 2-jobs through n machines.

Inventory Models: introduction to inventory problems, deterministic models, the

classical EOQ(Economic Order Quantity) models, inventory models with deterministic
demands (No shortage and shortage allowed), inventory models with probabilistic
demand, Multi item deterministic models.


1. Gillet B.E: Introduction to Operation Research, Computer oriented algorithmic

2. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd New Delhi.
3. J.K.Sharma Operation Research Theory and Application, McMilan
4. P.K.Gupta and D.S.Hira Operation Research , S.Chand and Company
5. S.D.Sharma Operation Research
6. Kedarnath Ramnath Meerut
7. Kanti Swaroop Operation Research
8. S.Chand and Sons
9. Tata Hamdy , A: Operation Research an Introduction Fifth Edition Prentice Hall
of India Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
MCA-302 Theory of Computation

Review of Mathematical Preliminaries, Relations, functions, set theory, predicate &

prepositional calculus, principle of mathematical induction / strong mathematical

Formal language, phrase structured grammer & their classification, Chomskey hierarchy,
closure properties of families of families of languages, regular grammer, regular
expression properties of regular sets, finites automata, DFA & 2 DFA, FSM with output,
determinism & non determinism, FA minimization & related theorems.

Context free grammer & its properties, derivation tree simplifying CFG, unambiguifying
CFG, CNF & CNF of CFG, push down automata, 2 PDA, relation of PDA with CFG,
Determinism & non determinism in PDA & related theorems.

Concept of linear Bounded Automata, context sensitive grammars & their equivalence.

Unrestricted grammars & their equivalence with TM determinism & non determinism in
TM, TM as acceptor / generator/ algorithms & related theorems, Multi tape, multi head,
multi track TM, automata with two push down store & related theorems. Introduction to
Complexity theory. Recursively enumerable sets, recursive set, partial recursive sets,
Russell’s paradox, undecidabality & some non computable problems.

Petrinet modeling, Introduction to petrinets, marked petrinets, representing sequential,

O.S. networking & concurrent problems through petrinets, properties of petrinets.


1. Hopcroft & Ullman : Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages &

Cjomputation, Narosha Publishing House
2. James Peterson : Petrinet theory & modeling of system, prentice Hall Inc, N.J.
3. Lewish papadimutrau : Theory of Computation, Prentice Hall of India, New
4. Liu C.L. : Elements of Discrete Methematics, Mc Graw Hill
5. Mishra & Chandrashekharam : Theory of Computer Science, Anlomata,
Languages & corn Putation 2nd ed PHI, New Delhi.

MCA-303 Object Oriented Methodology and C++:

C++ basics, loops and decisions, structures and functions, object and classes, object
arrayas, constructor and destructor functions, operator and function overloading, pointers,
inheritance, multiple inheritance, virtual base class, pointers to base and derived classes,
virtual functions , friend functions , early and late binding

C++ I/O systems , formatted I/O , creating insertors and extractors , file I/O basic ,
creating disk file and file manipulation using seekg(), seekp(), tellg(), tellp() functions,
exception handeling.
Object model, OOD, OOA, abstraction, encapsulation, modularity, hierarchy, state,
behaviour and relationship among objects

Object oriented design, identifying classes and objects, object diagrams.


1. Lafore R. Object oriented programming in C++ Galgotia Publications

2. Balaguruswamy Object oriented programming in C++
3. B.G.Booch Object oriented analysis and design with applications, Addsion
4. S Parate C++ programming BPB
5. M. Kumar C++ Programming Made Simple

MCA-304 Microprocessor and interfaces:

Intel 8086 Microprocessor review of 8080 architecture, addressing and instruction set,
bus transfer techniques, read write cycle

Interfacing of 8086 microprocessor with memories, A/D and D/A converter

Interfacing of 8086 microprocessor with PPI(8255), programmable interval

timer(8254),Programmable interrupt controller (8259)

Interfacing of 8086 microprocessor with DMA controller (8257) and USART (8251)

Introduction to Diskette controller (8272), CRT controller (8275), Key Board and display
controller (8279)

Introduction to Intel 80286/80386 and Microcontroller

Introduction to Intel 80286/80386 architecture and comparison with 8086 model,

microprocessors Vs Microcontrollers, role of Microcontroller In embedded systems.


1. Hall D.V. Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming and Hardware MGH

2. Hall D.V. Microprocessor and Interface Programming
3. Liu Y.C. Microcomputer systems the 8086 / 8088 family, PHI
4. Rafiquzzaman M Microprocessors and Microprocessors based design, Universal
5. Bray : Programming 80286,80386,80486 and Pentium based personal computer,

MCA-305 Managerial Economics

Nature and scope of managerial economics, objectives of firm, management and

behavioral theories of the firm
Concepts of opportunity cost, incremental, time perspective, principles of discounting
and equimargin, demand analysis purpose and concepts, elasticity of demand, methods of
demand forecasting.

Product and cost analysis: short run and long run average cost curves.

Law of supply, economies and diseconomies of scale, law of variable proportions

Production functions: single output isoquants.

Pricing: prescriptive approach, price determination under perfect competition, monopoly,

oligopoly and monopolistic competition, full cost pricing, pricing strategies

Profits: nature and measurement policy, break even analysis, case study.


1. Dean J. Managerial Economics PHI, New Delhi

2. Mote V.L. et al Management Economics Concepts and Cases TMH, New Delhi

MCA-401System Analysis and Design & Software Engineering

System concepts and Information system environment:

The system concept, characteristics of system, elements of system, The System
Development Life Cycle, The Role of System Analyst.

Software Process, Product and Project:

The Product : Software, Software Myths, The process : Software Engineering : A Layered
Technology, Software Process Models, The Linear Sequential Model, The Prototyping
Model, The RAD Model, Evolutionary Software Process Models, Component – Based
Development, Fourth Generation Techniques, Software process and Project Metrics :
Software measurement

Software Project Planning and Design:

Software Project Planning : Project planning objectives, Decomposition Techniques,

Empirical estimation models, The Make/Buy Decision., Risk analysis.

Software Design: Design Principles, Cohesion & Coupling, Design notation and
specification, structure design methodology.

Software Quality Assurance and Testing:

Software Quality Assurance : Quality Concepts, The Quality Movement, Software

Quality Assurance, Software Reviews, Formal Technical Reviews, Formal Approaches to
SQA, Statistical Software Quality Assurance, Software Reliability, Mistake Proofing for
Software, Introduction to ISO standard.

Testing Strategies: A strategic approach of software testing strategic issues, unit testing,
integration testing, validation testing, system testing, the art of debugging.

Advanced Topics:

MIS & DSS:Introduction to MIS, long range planning, development and implementation
of an MIS, applications of MIS in manufacturing sector and in service sector.

Decision Suppost System concepts, types of DSS.

Object Oriented Software Engineering: Object Oriented Concepts, Identifying the

Elements of an Object Model, Management of Object Oriented Software Projects.

CASE tools, Re-engineering


1. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, 3rd ed.,

McGraw Hill Int. Ed., 1992.
2. Ian Sommerville : Software Engineering 6/e (Addison-Wesley)
3. Richard Fairley : Software Engineering Concepts (TMH)
4. Elis Awad, "System Analysis & Design", Galgotia publications
5. W.S. Jawadekar: Management Information Systems, TMH Publication, India

MCA 402 Artificial Intelligence

An Overview of AI: Definitions, Foundations of AI: Philosophy, Mathematics,

Psychology, Computer Engineering, linguistics, History of AI, Applications of AI.

AI Production Systems, Search and Control Strategies:

AI Production systems and control strategies; Exploring alternatives: Finding a path:

Depth first search, hill climbing, breadth first search, beam search, best first search;
Finding the best Path: The British Museum search, Branch and Bound Search, A* Search,
AO* Search; Game Playing: Minmax search, Alpha-beta pruning, Progressive deepning,
Heuristic Pruning..

Knowledge Representations:

First order predicate calculus, Clause form representation of WFFs, resolution principle
& unification, inference mechanism, semantic networks, frame systems and value
inheritance, scripts, conceptual dependency.

Natural Language Processing:

Overview of linguistics, grammars and languages, Parsing techniques: Chart Parsers,

transition nets, augmented transition nets, WASP Parser.

Expert systems:

Introduction and applications of exert systems, Rule-based System Architecture, Non-

production system architecture, Expert system shells, dealing with uncertainty: Baysian
reasoning and fuzzy reasoning.

Introduction to Some of the AI Techniques like neural networks, genetic algorithms,

machine learning, pattern recognition, Robotics etc.


1. Introduction to AI and Expert Systems: D.W. Patterson PHI.

2. Artificial Intelligence: P.H. Winston, Addison Wesley.
3. Principles of AI: N.J. Nilsson, Springer-Verlag
4. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach: Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig,
Pearson Education
MCA-403 Computer Graphics

Introduction:Computer graphics, definition, classification & applications, development

of hardware & Software for computer graphics.

Graphics system: Refresh Cathode ray tubes, Random and raster scan devices, DVST,
plasma panel display, LED and LCD monitors, laser devices, printers, plotters, display
processors, raster and random scan system.

Output primitives: DDA along with, Bresenhan’s line drawing algorithm, antialiasion,
circle generation: Midpoint algorithms, ellipse, other curves, character generation, area
filling scan line algorithm, boundary fill flood fill algorithm, attributes of output
primitives line attributes, area fill attributes, character attributes.

Two-dimensional Transformations: Translation scaling rotation reflection sheer, matrix

representation and homogeneous coordinates composite transformation commands.

Windowing and Clipping: Viewing coordinates window, view port, clipping, window to
view transformation line clipping Cohan Sutherland algorithm polygon clipping:
Sutherland-hodgeman algorithm.

Three-dimensional concepts: Three dimensional viewing, three dimensional object

presentation : polygons, cured line & surfaces quadrate (sphere, ellipsoid), surfaces,
design of curves & surfaces, bezier’s methods, Bspling methods; three dimensional
transformation: Translation, scaling composite transformation, rotation, about arbitrary
axis, projection: parallel, perspective.

Visible surface detection: Classification of visible-surface, detection algorithms, back

face detection, depth buffer methods, A- buffer method, scan line method, depth sorting

Interactive Input Device: Logical classification, Keyboards, touch panels, light pens,
joysticks, mouse trackball digitizers, tablets.

Illumination and shading: Light sources, diffuse reflection, specular reflection,

reflected light, texture, shadows, light intensity intensity levels. Surface shading, constant
intensity, gouraud shading, phong shading.

• Books:
• D. Heam and M.P. Baker Computer Graphics (2nd ed), PHI.
• S. Harrington – Computer Graphics – a Programming approach (2nd ed) Mc
• New Mann & Sprout – Principles of interactive computer graphics (2nd ed)
• Roger S. David Procedural Elements for Computer, McGraw Hill.
• Roger S. David Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphic, Mc Graw Hill.
• Foley & Vandan: Computer Graphics: Principles & Practice in “C” Addision
MCA-404 Java Programming and Technologies

The Java Environment: History of Java: Comparison of Java and C++; Java as an object
oriented language: Java buzzwords; A simple program, its compilation and execution; the
concept of CLASSPATH; Basic idea of application and applet;

Basics: Data types; Operators- precedence and associativity; Type conversion; The
decision making – if, if ..else, switch; loops – for, while, do…while; special statements–
return, break, continue, labeled break, labeled continue; Modular programming methods;
arrays; memory allocation and garbage collection in java keywords.

Object Oriented Programming in Java: Class; Packages; scope and lifetime; Access
specifies; Constructors; Copy constructor; this pointer; finalize () method; arrays;
Memory allocation and garbage collection in java keywords.

Multithreading and Exception Handling: Basic idea of multithreaded programming;

The lifecycle of a thread; Creating thread with the thread class and runnable interface;
Thread synchronization; Thread scheduling; Producer-consumer relationship; Daemon
thread, Selfish threads; Basic idea of exception handling; The try, catch and throw;
throws Constructor and finalizers in exception handling; Exception Handling.

Applets: Applet security restrictions; the class hierarchy for applets; Life cycle of applet;
HTML Tags for applet.

The AWT: The class hierarchy of window fundamentals; The basic user interface
components Label, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Choice menu, Text area, Scroll list,
Scroll bar; Frame; Layout managers- flow layout, Grid layout, Border layout, Card

The Java Event Handling Model: Java’s event delegation model – lgnoring the event,
Self contained events, Delegating events; The event class hierarchy; The relationship
between interface, methods called, parameters and event source; Adapter classes; Event
classes action Event, Adjustment Event, Container Event, Focus Event, Item Event, Eey
Event, Mouse Event, Text Event, Window Event.

Swing: Comparison between Swing and AWT; Basic containers- Content pane, layered
pane, glass pane; Swing package components – Jframe, JPanel, JButton, JLabel,
JtextField, JPasswardField, JCheckBox, JRadioButtons, ComboBox, JtextArea,
JOptionPane, JSlider, JMenu. JPopUpMenu, JList; MDI support; Tables; Dialogs.

JDBC: JDBC-ODBC bridge; The connectivity model; The driver manager; Navigating
the resultset object contents; java.sql Package; The JDBC exception classes; Connecting
to Remote database.

Networking & RMI: Basic idea of TCP/IP, UDP and ports; An example demonstrating
the establishment of connection; the distributed object system; RMI for distributed
computing; RMI registry services; Steps of creating RMI Application and an example.
Other Topics: Streams & Files; Some useful Java packages; Basic idea of Java servlets;
Basic idea of Apache server; Basic idea of Java beans; EJB.

• Books:
• Java- How to Program: Deitel; [Pearson Education, Asia]
• Core Java 2(Vol. I & II ): Horstmann & Cornell[ Sun Microsystems]
• The Complete Reference Java 2: Naughton & Schildt [Tata McGraw Hill]
• Java 2.0 : lvan Bayross [bpb publications]
MCA-405 Computer Networks & Communication

Introduction: Layered Networks Architecture, Review of ISO-OSI model, Date

Communication techniques Plus code modulation (PCM) Differential Pulse Code
Modulation (DPCM), Delta Modulation (DM), Data Modems, multiplexing techniques
Frequency division, time division, statistical time division multiplexing, multiplexing
hierarchies, transmission media wires cables, radio links, satellite links, fiber-optic links,
error detection, parity check codes, cyclic redundancy codes, & Hemming code.

Data Link Protocols: Stop and wait protocols: Noise free and noisy channels,
performance and efficiency, sliding window protocols: Go back and selective repeat
ARQS; performance and Efficiency, verification of protocols using finite stat machine,
HDLC data link protocol, Integrated services digital networks; interfaces, Devices,
Channel structure, Asynchronous transfer node (ATM) cells, header and cell formats,
Layers in ATM, Class 1,2,3,4 traffic.

Random Access Data Networks: Concept of random access, pure ALOHA: Throughput
characteristics, slotted ALOHA Throughputs for finite and infinite populations S-
ALOHSS, Markov chain model for S-ASOHA and delay in S-ALOHA stability in

Local Area Networks (LANS): IEEE 802.3, 802.4 and 802.5 Protocols, performance of
Ethernet and token Ring protocols, FDDI protocol, Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB)

Network Layer Protocols: Design Issues : Virtual Circuits and Datagram, Routing
algorithms: Optimality principle, Shortest path routing – Dijkstra, bellman-ford and floyd
warshall algorithms, flooding and broadcasting, distance vector routing, link state
routing, flow based routing, multicasting, routing.

Flow and Congesting Control: General principles, window flow control, packet
discarding, Isarithmic control, traffic shaping, choke packets, PSVP, dead locks and their
avoidance, network layer in ATM, internetworking: Bridges, routers and gateways,
internet architecture and addressing.

Transport Layer Protocols: Design Issues : Quality of services, primitives, connection

Management : Addressing, Connection Establishment of releases, use of times, flow
control and buffering, multiplexing, crash recovery, elements of TCP/IP Protocol: user
datagram protocol (UDP/TCP) layering segment format check sum timeout, connection
management, finite state machine.

Presentation and Application Layer Protocols: Presentation concepts, SNMP Abstract

Syntax notation. 1 (ASN 1), structure of management, management information base,
Cryptography: Substitution and transposition, ciphers, data encryption standard (DES),
DES chaining, breaking DAS, public key cryptography, authentication protocols.
Electronic mail, word wide, web.

• Books:
• A.S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Second Ed., Prentice Hall India(tan).
• J.F.Hayes, “Modeling and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks”,
Plenum press.
• D.Bertsekas and R. Gallager, “Data Networks”, Second Ed. Prentice Hall, India.
• D.E. Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP”, vol. 1, prentice Hall India.
• G.E. Keiser, “Local Area Networks”, McGraw Hill, international Ed.
• W. Stalling, “Data & Computer Communications”, Maxwell Macmillan
international Ed.


MCA 501 Multimedia Systems

Introduction: Review of Multimedia, Multimedia Applications, Multimedia systems

architecture, evolving technologies for multimedia systems, defining objects for
multimedia systems.

Multimedia hardware: Video and Image display systems, print output technologies,
MIDI, Digital Camera, Image scanners, Video frame grabber architecture, video capture
board architecture, RAID, Optical media: CD-ROM Standards.

Image and Graphics: digital image representation, image formats, graphic formats,
image compression standards.

Video and Animation: Analog and digital video representation, video compression
standards, animation languages, methods of controlling animation, Display of Animation.

Sound and Audio: Computer representation of sound, audio formats, Music: MIDI Basic
concepts, speech: Generation and analysis.

Multimedia Application Design: Multimedia Application classes, virtual reality design,

multimedia authoring systems, hypermedia application design considerations, user
interface design.

• Books:
• Multimedia Computing, communications and applications: Ralf Steinmetz and
Klara Nahrstedt, Pearson Education.
• Multimedia Systems Design: Prabhat K. Andleigh and Kiran Thakrar, PHI.
• Multimedia Systems: John F.K. Buford, Pearson Education.
MCA-502 UNIX & Shell Programming

General Overview of the System:

System structure, user perspective/S services assumption about Hardware, The Kernel
and buffer cache architecture of UNIX O/S, System concept Kernel data structure,
System administration, Buffer headers, Structure of the buffer pool, scenarios for
retrieval of the buffer, Reading and Writing disk block, Advantage and disadvantage of
buffer cache.

Internal Representation of Files:

INODES, Structure of regular, Directories conversation of a path name to an inode, Super

Block, node assignment to a new file, Allocation of Disk blocks.

System Calls for the System:

Open read write file and record close, File creation Operation of Special files change
directory and change root, change owner and change mode, STAT and FSTAT, PIPES
mounting and unmounting files system, Link & Unlink.

Structure of Process and Process Control:

Process states and transaction layout of the system memory, the context of the process,
and manipulation of process address space, Sleep Process creation/termination. The user
Id of a process, changing the size of the process, The SHELL.

Interprocess Communication and multiprocessor system:

Process tracing system V IPO network communication sockets problem of multiprocessor

systems, solution with master and hare process, solution with semaphores.

Introduction to shell scripts:

Bourn shell, C shell, shell variables, scripts, metacharacters and environment, if and case
statements, for while and until loops.

Awk Programming:

Awk pattern scanning and processing language BEGIN and END patterns, Awk
arithmetic and variables, built in variables names and operators, arrays, strings.


History & Features of Linux,Linux structure, various flavours of linux.

1. Design of UNIX O.S. by M.J. Bach,Prentice Hall of India.
2. B.W. Kernighan & R. Pike, The UNIX Programming Enviornment,Prentice Hall
3. India,1995.
4. S. Prata Advanced LINUX A Programming Guide,BPB Publication, New Delhi.
5. Guide to UNIX using LINUX by Jack Dent Tony Gaddis,Vikas.Thomsaon Pub,
6. House Pvt. Ltd.
7. Linux complete by BPB Publications.
8. Linux Kernel by Beck Pearson Education, Asia.
MCA-503 Internet & its Applications

Introduction to Internet:

Evolution of internet, applications, TCP-IP, introduction to REC, addressing in internet

Domains, internet service providers, types of connectivity such as dial-up leased VSAT
etc., internet server as client modules on various operating systems.

E-Mail and list servers:

E-mail networks, E-mail protocols(X-400, SMTP, UUCP), format of an E-mail

message,Description of e-mail headers, E-mail contents and encoding, e-mail routing, list
server,E-mail client, POP-3, IMAP-4.

File Transfer protocol:

Introduction to FTP, Public domain software, types of FTP servers (including

anonymous), FTP, client common commands.


Telnet Protocol, server domain, telnet client, terminal emulation. Usenet and Internet
relay chat.

Web Publishing:

Technology overview, website planning ,where to host your website, multiple sites on one
server , maintaining web site, publishing tools, WWW servers, HTTP & URL’s, how to
register a web site on search engines for maintenance.


Document overview, header elements, section headings, blocks headings, lists, inline
elements, visual markup hypertext links, uniform resource locators, image, forms, tables,
special characters, DHTML.

Overview of interactivity tools

VB Script, ActiveX, VRML

Internet Security

Internet Security threads, firewalls, introduction to AAA.


An Introduction, concept and technology in E-commerce, advantages, limitations, various

electronic payment system, EDI software agent concerns of E-commerce growth.

1. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon – Internet for everyone, Tech World.
2. Douglas Corner- The Internet Book-Prentice Hall.
3. K. Kalata Internet programming Thomson learning.
4. E. Stephen Mack & Janan Platt,HTML 4.0,BPB Pub.
5. Principles of web Design by Joe Sklar, vikas pub. House.
6. The complete reference HTML(2nd ed) thounas A. Powell, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Ravi Kalakota & Andrew B. Whinston
8. Addition Wesley
9. Kamlesh K. Bajaj, Debjani Nag E-commerce the cutting Edge of Business.
10. Minoli & Minoli “Electronics commerce” McGraw Hill.

MCA-504 Elective-I

Digital Image Processing & Computer Vision

Introduction: Digital image representation, fundamental steps in image processing,

elements of digital image processing systems digitization, Display and recording devices.

Digital Image fundamentals: A simple Image model. Sampling and quantization,

Relationship between pixel, imaging geometry, image transformation, introduction to
fourier transformation, Discrete fourier transformation, fast fourier transformation.

Image Enhancement: Histogram processing, image subtraction, image averaging,

smoothing filters, sharpening filters, enhancement in frequency domain, low pass
filtering, high pass filtering.

Image Encoding & Segmentation: Segmentation, detection of discontinuation by point

detection, line detection, edge detection. Edge linking & Boundary Detection: Local
analysis, global by hough transform & Global by graph theoretic techniques.

Image Representation and Description: Chain codes, polygonal approximation,

signatures, boundary segments, boundary descriptors, regional descriptors, introduction
to image understanding.

• Books
• Digital Image Processing: Gonzalez and Woods, Addition Wesley
• SchalKoff: Digital Image Processing & Computer Vision, Addition Wesley.
• M. Sonka et.al : Image Processing and Machine Vision, Prentice Hall.
• Ballard & Brown: Computer Vision, Prentice Hall.
• Jain A. K. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, PHI
MCA- 505 Elective II

Data Warehousing & Mining

Data Warehousing:

Basic data ware house architecture, data consolidation, ware house internals, storage and
indexing, materialized view and aggregate precomputation, online analytical pr-
ocessing(OLAP) systems.

Data Mining:

Clustering, classification requession, neural networks, future selection, deviation

detection, item set associations, discoveries along time, similarity of complex objects,
system integration issues in decision support tools, existing mining and OLAP product


1. Kimball R, Reeves L , Ross M etc – Data Warehouse life cycle tool kit, John
2. Anahory: Data Warehousing in Real World, Addision Wesley
3. Adriaans: Data Mining, Addision Wesley.
4. Jayee Bischaff & Ted Alexender : Data Warehouse: Practical advice from the
Expert, Prentice Hall, New jursey.


First semester

Course No. Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Practical Total

Marks Marks Marks Marks
MCA-101 Information Technology 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-102 Mathematical Foundations 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
of Computer Science
MCA-103 Programming and Problem 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
Solving in C
MCA-104 Computer Organization and 3 1 4 100 50 50 200
Assembly Language
MCA-105 Oral and Written 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
Communication skills
MCA-106 Programming Laboratory in - - 6 - 100 100 200
Total 15 5 10 500 350 150 1000
Second Semester

Course No Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Practical Total

Marks Marks Marks Marks
MCA-201 Operating Systems 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-202 Database Management 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-203 Data Structures 3 1 4 100 50 50 200
MCA-204 Computer Oriented 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
Numerical Analysis
MCA-205 Accounting and 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
Management Control
MCA-206 Programming Laboratory - - 6 100 100 200
Total 15 5 10 500 350 150 1000

Third Semester

Course No Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Practical Total

Marks Marks Marks Marks
MCA-301 Computer Oriented 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-302 Theory of Computation 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-303 Object Oriented 3 1 4 100 50 50 200
Methodology & C++
MCA-304 Microprocessor and 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-305 Managerial Economics 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-306 Programming Laboratory - - 6 100 100 200
Total 15 5 10 500 350 150 1000

Fourth Semester
Course No. Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Practical Total Marks
Marks Marks
MCA-401 System Analysis and 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
Design & Software
MCA-402 Artificial Intelligence 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-403 Computer Graphics 3 1 4 100 50 50 200
MCA-404 Java Programming and 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-405 Computer Network and 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-406 Minor Project – 1 - - 6 - 100 100 200
Total 15 5 10 500 350 150 1000
Fifth Semester

Course No. Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Prectical Total

Marks Marks Marks Marks
MCA-501 Multimedia & Animation 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-502 UNIX & Shell 3 1 4 100 50 50 200
MCA-503 Internet & its 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-504 Elective-1 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-505 Elective-2 3 1 - 100 50 - 150
MCA-506 Minor Project-II 6 - 100 100 200
Total 15 5 10 150 1000

Sixth Semester

Course No. Course Name L T P Theory Sessional Practical Total

Marks Marks Marks Marks
MCA-601 Colloquium and Seminar - - - - 300 - 300
MCA-602 System Development - - - - - 200 200
Total - - - 300 200 500

* Six Month Project to be undertaken at Industries

Minimum Pass Marks

[A] Theory : 40 Percent

[B] Practical : 50 Percent

[C] Sessional : 60 Percent

NOTE: in Theory 8 questions are to be set, out of which 5 are to be attempted

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