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The Hire Purchase Act

One law which enables Consumers to obtain redress is the Hire Purchase Act. Some of the provisions of which Consumers should be aware are as follows: THE GOODS ARE NOT YOURS UNTIL YOU HAVE PAID FOR THEM When a Consumer buys goods under a hire purchase agreement, the goods do not belong to him until they are fully paid for under the Agreement. REMEMBER, when you enter an agreement to obtain goods on hire purchase, the seller must give you a copy of the Agreement which you have both signed.

The Sale of Goods Act

There are many provisions under Jamaican Law which protect the Consumer; another such is the Sale of Goods Act. Some of the provisions of which Consumers should be aware follow: DOES A SALE AGREEMENT HAVE TO BE IN WRITING? A sale agreement can be made in writing, by word of mouth, or through a combination of both. It can also be suggested or implied by the conduct of the seller and the Consumer. The mere fact an agreement is not in writing does not prevent the seller or the Consumer from enforcing it. WHEN NEW GOODS DONT WORK As a Consumer, you are entitled to a refund or a replacement if new appliances or other goods you have purchased do not work or are not of a reasonable quality. If this happens to you, be sure to report the matter to the seller immediately. REMEMBER to examine all new goods thoroughly in the store, if at all possible, before making your purchase. Taking this precaution will reduce your risk of purchasing goods

which do not perform adequately or are of unacceptable quality.

Food and Drugs Act

Instruments Used in Health Care Should Not Injure Specialized instruments such as condoms and catheters are used in the prevention and treatment of disease. These are illegal if they cause injury to consumers, even though they followed the directions for use. The sellers are liable to fines or imprisonment. Food and Drugs Should be Prepared Under Sanitary Conditions People use food, drugs and cosmetics daily. These come in contact with the body and can be harmful. It is illegal to sell any of these products if they were manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under insanitary conditions. In addition, packages of drugs must have an expiry date printed on them. Breach can result in fine or imprisonment. Drugs Must be Properly Labeled

Consumer Protection Laws The Hire Purchase Act The Sale of Goods Act The Food & Drugs Act The Standards Act The Weights and Measures Act The Pharmacy Act The Public Health Act The Pesticides Act The Petroleum Quality Control Act The Food Storage & Prevention of Infestation Act

The Natural Resources Conservation Authority Act The Processed Food Act

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