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Title: The True Value Of Unity

Introduction: Unity is a build from a shared vision, a cherish hope, an altruistic aim, or a cause for the common good. Unity gives sustenance, strength, and courage, to make the impossible possible. Combining the determination and commitment, unity makes the biggest task seem easy. Humans are intensely social beings and thus have a great need for affiliation with other humans. It is easiest to trust and feel safe among likeminded people. So many people turn to siblings or other family members to achieve that need for affiliation. Most people are more like their siblings than they are like anyone else - you've got that shared history and that shared genetics. But people are not always close to their families, so friends and groups are a good substitute. The alternative to unity is a sense of isolation. Most people want to feel that they belong, that they are not so different from others. A sense of unity, all belonging to the same church for example, or all belonging to the same fraternity or sorority, provides for that.

Discussion: Unity seems to be an elusive goal in our society. Marriages and families are disintegrating at an alarming rate. Infighting and division is common in many other groups, including businesses and churches. What is the cause of this breakdown in unity and harmonious relationships? The cause is simply selfishness, seeking to obtain the greatest advantage from the group and giving back as little as possible. When there is no unity, when there is division, what is the result? Mark 3:25 (NIV) If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. When there is no unity in a group or relationship, that house is doomed to collapse. On the other hand, unity is a wonderful thing to be a part of.

Psalm 133:1 (NIV) How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! There is blessing, there is peace and joy when people in a group work together in unity. Generally, groups and relationships begin with unity. However, over time, inevitable forces work to sow seeds of division into a group. Unity is something that must actively be maintained, whether in a relationship or in a group. Ephesians 4:3 (NIV) Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. This verse is speaking specifially about the unity of the Spirit in a church family. Notice that every member must make every effort in order to keep the unity. Of course, unity and peace go hand in hand. One note of disrespect can cause unity to be broken. Interrupting others, giving unconstructive and prolonged criticism, keeping watch over some or control over others are all strident chords which strike harshly at connections and relationships. Ego and inferiority produce disharmonious sounds. Such discord can be easily heard or quite subtle and can range from dwelling on weaknesses of others and hunger for recognition to jealousy, insecurity, and doubt. Sometimes, even in little matters, people quickly get upset, aggressive, angry, or violent; they then isolate themselves into subgroups, producing dissension and conflict. Retuning and fine tuning then become essential. A basic human need is to feel a sense of belonging, to be part of the unified whole. People do not want to remain in isolation, oblivious to the world outside. It is also uniquely human to be curious about other people and cultures and to feel a deep sense of compassion over sufferings of and injustices done to others. It is, therefore, human instinct to want to be together and to form natural gatherings or structured meetings which provide a common platform to talk to each other. In such ways, people get to know, understand, or help each other. This holds true for individuals as well as for nations. Consciously or unconsciously, we choose to be and act together.

Today, our curiosity is satisfied with the help of TV and the media, bringing people and cultures from around the world into our very living rooms. If that is not enough for some, travel can provide the firsthand experience! Humanity can take pride in its virtue as well as its ingenuity. Yet, with all its good, humanity is equally guilty of vice. With brothers seen as "enemies," vital energy is being misdirected, and the home of unity keeps shaking. As a result, humanity has not been able to sustain unity against the common enemies of civil war, ethnic conflict, poverty, hunger, and violation of human rights.

Reflection: Unity reflects of how important that you are united with each other. If a ship is going to sink, unity is the best thing to do, save the people who you are united with. It can give strength because people can do more together than when they are apart and it also takes less effort and time for something to get done when many people are working together. It is also connected to trust, cooperation and love. It reflects our personality of how we can trust each other because unity is the quality or state of not being multiple.

Dedication: I would like to thank my family and friends for giving me all the support I have. And also for having the unity we experienced every time we have problems.

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