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URINARY SYSTEM Develops from: INTERMEDIATE MESODERM along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity Excretory ducts

enter the: CLOACA Kidney Systems: (formed in a cranial to caudal sequence) 1. PRONEPHROS (rudimentary & nonfunctional) 2. MESONEPHROS (may function for a short time during the early fetal period) 3. METANEPHROS (forms the permanent kidney) System Pronephros Mesonephr os Week develop s Beginnin g of 4th wk Early in the 4th wk Week disappe ars End of 4th wk Region of devt 7-10 solid cell groups in the Cervical region Upper thoracic to upper lumbar (L3) segments Devt of Excretoty units Nephrotom es S-shaped renal tubules Gives rise to

Middle of the 2nd mo

End of the 2nd month

Metanephr os

--5th wk --more tubules form until the 5th mo -nephrons are formed until

Metanephric mesoderm Ureteric bud

Metanepric tissue cap renal vesicles S-shaped tubules glomerulus NEPHRONS Bowmans capsule, PCT, loop of

Glomerulus Bowmans capsule Mesonephric duct (wolffian duct) Large ovoid organ on each side forming the urogenital ridge Male: few of the caudal tubules & mesonephric duct persist Female: disappeared Ureteric bud ureter, renal pelvis, calyces, & 1-3 million collecting ducts

birth 10th wk (glomerul ar capillarie s) PCT Proximal Convoluted tubule DCT-Distal Convoluted tubule RENAL TUMORS & DEFECTS

Henle, DCT

Wilms Tumor cancer of the kidneys that usually affects children by 5 yrs of age but may also occur in the fetus. -Due to mutations in the WT1 gene on 11p13 -maybe associated w/ other abnormalities & syndrome WAGR syndrome aniridia, hemihypertrophy, & Wilms tumor Denys-Drash syndrome renal failure, pseudohermaphroditism, & Wilms tumor Multicystic dysplastic undifferentiated cells kidney numerous ducts are surrounded by

Renal agenesis may also occur if the ureteric bud fails to contact and/or induce the metanephric system Bilateral renal agenesis (1/10,000 births) renal failure Potter sequence anuria, oligohydramnios, hypoplastic lungs Congenital polycystic kidney numerous cysts form. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease cysts form from collecting ducts; kidneys become very large, and renal failure occurs in infancy or childhood Autosomal dominant recessive polycystic kidney disease cysts form from all segments of the nephron & usually do not cause renal failure until adulthood Duplication of the ureter results from early splitting of the ureteric buds POSITION OF THE KIDNEY initially in the PELVIC REGION, later shifts to a more CRANIAL position in the abdomen. Ascent of the kidney caused by diminution of body curvature & by growth of the body in the lumbar & sacral regions. - The metanephros receives its arterial supply from a pelvic branch of the aorta - During its ascent, it is vascularized by arteries that originate from the aorta ABNORMAL LOCATION OF THE KIDNEYS Pelvic kidney kidney remains in the pelvic close to the common iliac artery

Horseshoe kidney kidneys are pushed so close together during their passage thru the arterial fork that the lower poles fuse. -usually at the level of the lower lumbar vertebrae, since its ascent is prevented by the root of the inferior mesenteric artery. FUNCTION OF THE KIDNEY Near the 12th week the definitive kidney formed from the metanephros becomes functional. Urineamniotic cavitymixes w/ amniotic fluid swallowed by the fetus recycled thru the kidneys

BLADDER & URETHRA 4th 7th week Cloaca divides into: Urogenital sinus anteriorly Anal canal posteriorly

Tip of Urorectal septum Perineal body 3 portions of the Urogenital sinus: 1. Urinary bladder (upper & largest) continuous w/ the allanatois allantois lumen is obliterated urachus (thick fibrous chord) connects the apex of the bladder & umbilicus median umbilical ligament 2. Pelvic part of the urogenital sinus prostatic & membranous part of the urethra (in males) 3. Phallic part flattened side to side; pulled ventrally ( differs bet. the 2 sexes) Epithelium of urethra (of both sexes) originates in the endoderm Surrounding coonective & smmoth muscle tissue derived from splanchnic mesoderm End of 3rd month In males: Epithelium of prostatic urethra proliferates penetrate the mesenchyme prostate gland In females: Cranial part of the urethra urethral & paraurethral glands Bladder Defects Urachus fistula when the lumen of the intraembryonic portion of allantois persists, this may cause urine to drain from the umbilicus

Urachal cyst cystic dilation results if only a local area of allantois persists Urachal sinus when the lumen in the upper part persists; usually continuous in the urinary bladder Exstrophy of the bladder a ventral body wall defect in which the bladder mucosa is exposed; caused by lack of mesodermal migration into the region between the umbilicus & genital tubercle Exstrophy of the cloaca migration of mesoderm to the midline is inhibited and the tail (caudal) folds fail to progress; extended thin layer of ectoderm ruptures.

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