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Warden / Sentinel Heals

There are a few variations of the Senticar build, however this is the one I like the most, as it allows me to spam raid heals, assist the tank healer, and pull out some minor dps while rarely ever running out of mana, thanks to the 2 mana regenerating abilities the build has. It also brings some nice utility to the raid, which includes: a Purge, a Battle Rez, an interrupt, a silence and a few cooldowns for tank healing. Do be warned, this builds goal is raid healing and backup tank healing, I would not recommend using this if you are the main tank healer, as there are other builds with far better single target heals per second and cooldowns. It might be overwhelming at first, since you have to manage convictions, making sure the raid is topped and the tank is healthy, while dodging raid mechanics. However, when played right, this is among the strongest builds available to Clerics.

A sample ability bar. This is personal preference of mine, but I make sure I keybind everything that might be useful when raiding. Having mouseover macros for some of the abilities helps.

Warden / Sentinel Heals

The Macros: Conviction Builder #show Sanction Heretic suppressmacrofailures cast Sanction Heretic cast Bolt of Judgment cast Sovereignty cast Bolt of Radiance cast Life's Vengeance cast Banish As the name implies, you use this to get some convictions used for casting Doctrines, having Sanction Heretic at the top to grant you 2 convictions ASAP, then casting Bolt of Judgment when stationary, and the rest of the abilities are used whenever you are on the move.

Emergency AoE Heals #show Divine Call suppressmacrofailures cast Divine Call cast Healing Communion Use this in case you dont have convictions available and you really need to heal everyone up, it can make the difference between a healthy and a dead raid.

OhS#!T #show Healing Invocation suppressmacrofailures cast Touch the Light cast Healing Invocation For Single Target emergency healing, useful whenever someone is really low on HP, most likely you will use this to get the tank back up.

Warden / Sentinel Heals

Purpose #show Purpose suppressmacrofailures cast Purpose cast Strike of Judgment This macro is to recover mana through Purpose, if you want to, you can use Even Justice instead, since you dont need a target the enemy to use the skill. You have to be in melee range in order for this to work.

Rotation You wont really have a rotation with this build, as it requires you to react and then act accordingly. Righteous Mandate should go on the tank, unless its a cleric tank, in that case put it on another healer or someone with low hp (like Archons). If everyone is healthy, mash conviction macro to do some dps. Use Doctrine of Light to raid heal, use it as many times as you have to, and then try to build up those convictions back. If you have to take over main tank heals for a bit, for example when the MT healer dies, use one of your cooldowns (Healers Covenant first) on the tank, and start using Healing Invocation as needed. Try to always have Serendipity available, Healing Breath and Doctrine of Light are good skills to fish for procs. Start using Aggressive Renewal and Purpose when you get below 60% MP. Know when to use them, you dont want a boss mechanic wasting your cooldown. Always carry some mana potions. If the healing gets too intense you wont have time to recover mana through skills.

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