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Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno - CNN.



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Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno

Por Olivia Sterns para la CNN
29 de enero 2010 - Actualizado 1253 GMT (2053 HKT)

Londres, Inglaterra (CNN) - Piense en los orgenes de ese alimento bsico de la vida moderna, la taza de caf y Italia a menudo viene a la mente. Pero, en realidad, el Yemen, donde la cerveza es en todas partes tiene sus orgenes verdaderos.
En la Espaa del siglo noveno, el inventor musulmn Abbas Ibn Firnas dise una mquina voladora - cientos de aos antes de da Vinci dibuj sus propios planes.


Una exposicin celebra los 1.000 aos de "olvidar" la herencia musulmana Del caf a los cigeales, artculos que no poda vivir sin la actualidad son inventos musulmanes Modernos hospitales y universidades, tanto comenz en el siglo 9 el norte de frica

Junto con la primera universidad, e incluso el cepillo de dientes, que es uno de los sorprendentes inventos musulmanes que han dado forma al mundo en que vivimos hoy en

da. Los orgenes de estas ideas fundamentales y los objetos, la base de todo, desde la bicicleta a las escalas musicales, son el foco de "Invenciones 1001", un libro de la celebracin de "los olvidados", la historia de 1.000 aos de herencia musulmana. "Hay un agujero en nuestro conocimiento, de dar el salto de rana desde el Renacimiento hasta los griegos", dijo el profesor Salim al-Hassani, Presidente de la Fundacin para la Ciencia, la Tecnologa y la civilizacin, y editor del libro de la CNN. "1001 Invenciones" es ahora una exposicin en el Museo de Ciencia de Londres. Hassani espera que la exposicin pondr de relieve las contribuciones de las culturas no occidentales - al igual que el imperio musulmn que, una vez cubiertos Espaa y Portugal, sur de Italia y se extendan hasta algunas partes de China - para presentar la civilizacin da.

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Hospitales como los conocemos hoy en da, con las salas y centros de enseanza, provienen de Egipto del siglo noveno
- Profesor Salim al-Hassani

Aqu Hassani comparte sus 10 mejores inventos musulmanes destacados: 1. Ciruga Alrededor del ao 1000, el clebre mdico Al Zahrawi public una pgina de 1500 enciclopedia ilustrada de la ciruga que se utiliza en Europa como una referencia mdica para los prximos 500 aos. Entre sus muchos inventos, Zahrawi descubierto el uso de la disolucin de tripa de gato para coser heridas - de antemano una segunda ciruga tuvo que llevar a cabo para quitar las suturas. Tambin informa a cabo la operacin cesrea primero y cre el primer par de pinzas. 2. Caf

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Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno - CNN.com


Medio Oriente Historia del Mundo Ciencia y Tecnologa

Ahora, el mundo occidental la bebida du jour, el caf fue elaborada por primera vez en Yemen alrededor del siglo noveno. En sus primeros das, el caf ayud a los sufes mantenerse durante las noches de fines de devocin. Ms tarde trajo a El Cairo por un grupo de estudiantes, el zumbido de caf pronto se pusieron en todo el imperio. En el siglo 13 lleg a Turqua, pero no fue hasta el siglo 16 tena los granos comienzan de ebullicin en Europa, llevado a Italia por un comerciante veneciano. 3. Flying Machine "Abbas Ibn Firnas fue la primera persona en hacer un verdadero intento de construir una mquina voladora y volar", dijo Hassani. En el siglo noveno, dise un aparato con alas, ms o menos parecido a un traje de pjaro. En su ensayo ms famoso cerca de Crdoba en Espaa, Firnas vol hacia arriba por unos momentos, antes de caer al suelo y en parte romper la espalda. Sus diseos, sin duda, habra sido una inspiracin para el famoso artista e inventor italiano Leonardo da Vinci cientos de aos ms tarde, dijo Hassani. 4. Universidad En el ao 859 a una joven princesa llamada Ftima al-Firhi fund la primera que otorga ttulos universitarios en Fez, Marruecos. Su hermana Miriam fund una mezquita adyacente y as se convirti en el complejo de la mezquita de al-Qarawiyyin y la Universidad. Sigue funcionando casi 1.200 aos ms tarde, Hassani, dice que espera que el centro recordarle a la gente de que el aprendizaje est en el centro de la tradicin islmica y que la historia de las hermanas al-Firhi inspire a los jvenes musulmanes de todo el mundo de hoy. 5. lgebra La palabra lgebra viene del ttulo del famoso tratado del siglo noveno un matemtico persa del "Kitab al-Jabr wa-l Mugabala", que se traduce aproximadamente como "El Libro de la Razn y el equilibrio." Construida sobre las races de los griegos y los sistemas hind, el orden algebraico nueva era un sistema unificado para los nmeros racionales, nmeros irracionales y magnitudes geomtricas. El mismo matemtico, Al-Khwarizmi, Fue tambin el primero en introducir el concepto de elevar un nmero a una potencia. 6. ptica "Muchos de los avances ms importantes en el estudio de la ptica provienen del mundo musulmn", dijo Hassani. Alrededor del ao 1000 Ibn al-Haitham demostr que los seres humanos ver los objetos por la luz que se refleja de ellos y entra en el ojo, el despido de Euclides y las teoras de Ptolomeo de que la luz se emite desde el propio ojo. Este fsico musulmn grande tambin descubri el fenmeno de la cmara oscura, que explica cmo el ojo ve las imgenes en posicin vertical debido a la conexin entre el nervio ptico y el cerebro. 7. Msica Msicos musulmanes han tenido un profundo impacto en Europa, que se remonta a Carlomagno intent competir con la msica de Bagdad y Crdoba, de acuerdo a Hassani. Entre los muchos instrumentos que llegaron a Europa a travs del Medio Oriente son el lad y Rahab, la, un antepasado del violn. Moderno escalas musicales Tambin se dice que se derivan del alfabeto rabe. 8. Cepillo de dientes Segn Hassani, el profeta Mahoma populariz el uso del cepillo de dientes por primera vez en alrededor de 600. El uso de un rama del rbol Meswak, limpiaba los dientes y refresca el aliento. Las sustancias similares a Meswak se utilizan en la pasta dental moderna. 9. La manivela Muchos de los conceptos bsicos de automatismos modernos se

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Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno - CNN.com


pusieron primero en usar en el mundo musulmn, incluyendo el sistema de barras revolucionaria manivela de conexin. Mediante la conversin de movimiento rotatorio en movimiento lineal, la manivela permite el levantamiento de objetos pesados con relativa facilidad. Esta tecnologa, descubierta por Al-Jazari en el siglo 12, explot en todo el mundo, dando lugar a todo, desde la bicicleta con el motor de combustin interna. 10. Hospitales "Los hospitales como los conocemos hoy en da, con las salas y centros de enseanza, provienen de Egipto del siglo noveno", explic Hassani. El primer centro mdico, fue el Hospital de Ahmad ibn Tulun, fundada en el ao 872 en El Cairo. Tulun el hospital proporciona atencin gratuita para cualquier persona que lo necesitaba - una poltica basada en la tradicin musulmana de cuidar a todos los que estn enfermos. Desde El Cairo, dichos hospitales repartidos por el mundo musulmn. Para obtener ms informacin sobre los inventos musulmanes ir a: muslimheritage.com. Para obtener ms informacin acerca de la exposicin en el Museo de Ciencia de Londres, vaya a: la ciencia museum.org.uk


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I am really surprised with the comments that people did, Iknow that we as Americans are educated and not prejidice at all, but the comments show ignorance or denial because of prejidice, people are confusing themselves between politics and real facts, I shouldn't hate Jewdism ,I should hate zionizm, I shouldn't hate Islam and Muslims , I should hate extremists, and if the civilization and inventions startd with Isalm and Muslims (which is true) I shouldn't deny it , we are confusing ourselves and letting our hatred blind us, Muslim world was once a great empire just like the Roman empire and the Persian empire , so please don't be stupid and start opening your eyes and mind, and Know your History ....

Yes, this is all true. I went to an awesome exhibit a few months ago which depicted the inventions from hundreds of Muslim's. They were all very educated. I just have one thing to say to the negative comments on here: You're only making me stronger in my faith - Muslim & Proud!

There are Assyrians in iran, iraq, syria, lebenan, russia, swewden, france, .... they are few but strong, they are the first and last .

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12/03/12 04:13

Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno - CNN.com


The only cilvilized and invetive nation in middle east were ASSYRIAN and Babylonians( they created languge,law, math, algabra, physics, chemistry,12 book of creation and laws, first chapter of bible or tora was copied from book of creation by assyrians) not Arabs not iranians nor.....) , all of islamic and persian scientists with exeption of few were Assyrians and Caldenians .

not sure where you are getting your facts from. No doubt the civiliazations had contribution to the middle east (and the greater world), but to say it started and end there is simply not true

From an initial check of Abbas Ibn Firnas's flying machine, I immediately learn that: "The story is described 750 years later by the Moroccan historian Ahmed Mohammed al-Maqqari (d. 1632) who also cited a verse in a 9th century poem which APPEARS to refer to Firnas' attempt at flight. NO OTHER KNOWN SOURCES REFER TO THE EVENT." In other words, the first reference to this "first historic flight" dates back to well over a century after Leonardo's death. I did not bother to check any further. The length to which multicultural politically correct cronies will go to misrepresent historical facts to justify and underscore their vision is pathetic, pahtological, pathogenetic and pathognomotic.

It's pretty sad how what should be an educated discussion board always ends up being a spot for arguments by the Far-Left (Overly-defensive) and Far-Right (Overly Aggressive). I lean right, however, I would like to think I'm not racist. Most of you far-lefties might yell at me for this, but I don't think that surgery was a Muslim idea. They might want to check that. As far as i know, the rest is correct.

Here's a thought . . . What effect did 700 years of unremitting war from the east and south have on the peoples and and civilization of Europe? And . . . What effect did the 300 century long blockade of the mediterranean by muslim states have on the peoples and civilization of Europe? Since we're on the subject of "islamic contributions" and all . . .

correction: make that "3 century long blockade."

Well the research conducted by FSTC is more reliable than your hate filled comments. Findings of FSTC has more value than what is in wikipedia or google. Islam is the oxygen for the society.

Alright people, Nalanda university didnt grant degree to its students. the first DEGREE GRANTING university was discovered by a Muslim woman and there is no doubt about it. The concept of degree was started by a muslim woman, even today study hard to get one. :)

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12/03/12 04:13

Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno - CNN.com


Truth is bound to prevail so better accept it.

To set the record straight - Zero may have been extrapolated in equations by Indians but it was not invented by the INDIANS - so stop saying that - it was first recorded by the Babylonians 2000 BCE with a symbol identified by two slanted wedges - (Babylonians BTW were Arab descendants)....Also - prior to Indians use of zero as a number, the Natives of Chiapas Mexico in 36 BCE recorded the number for the purposes of counting...

I love Muslims!

In general historian's all acknowledge that Islam has contirbuted allot in science and math, astronomy etc. European obviously recognize and know that more than americans (since most america think only the romans, French and British have contributed to humanity). There is no doubt that some of these inventiones came from asia, but Islam was attributed to spreading them etc. Why are we arguing with a bunch a people that ancient history to them is christopher columbus.

Just google "wikiislam islamic inventions"

An interesting article. I didn't know so many great things were invented by muslims.

I am an Ethiopian Christian (Abyssinian/Habashi) - for the person who said it is predominantly Christian - today we are over 50 percent Muslim not including Eritrea by the way. It is true though that the Ahbash were mostly Christian then before Islam...we did use coffee as an ancient medicine, but the Muslims would buy it from Ethiopia and sell it all the way to the Europeans on the backs of their camels. So to the Europeans - it was introduced to them by the Muslims - so it was an invention by the Muslims for them. You people need to stop being so negative. We live today in peace with Muslims in Ethiopia as we have for over a thousand years. America is supposed to be the land of coexistence not of hatred. Without the Muslims, or Hindus, or Jews or Christians or others this country would be a lot worse - unless of course if we gave it back to the Native Americans. So unless you are prepared to pack your bags yourself stop hating the Muslims and stop being so prejudice against anything good about them.

zero was used by meso-Americans (Olmecs of Chiapas) as a number for counting, far before Pingala in India (even though the sources of Pingala are dubious at most)...At least we have historical proof of the Olmec's use of the number zero (stone tablets)...Indian records of zero was not used in calculations until the 9th Century (under Muslim rule BTW...)..

Guest, you are really denying a fact of this life. Muslims contributions to science is really not a subject of debate. Why don't you grab a book about Islamic Renaissance or Islamic Golden Age. If you had been debating their contributions in modern history, I might have agreed to some degree, but in the past, their contributions are just too known to be debated.

Guest, there is no need to provide any counter comments. Islamic contributions to science, math, medicine and astronomy (think, algebra, alchemy, zero, alcohol, ibn sina, and the list is really long) is very well documented that there is absolutely no need to engage in any kind of debate

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12/03/12 04:13

Inventos musulmanes que dieron forma al mundo moderno - CNN.com


with haters and racists that try to discredit Isalmic contributions to world current civilization. It is like asking me to prove that 1 + 1 = 2....And you need to relax, you look like you are burning up from inside to read this fascinating article.

AN0, you are unable to provide any valid counter arguments so you label others who prove you wrong as "bigots".

Guest, you little bigot. You suffer from a disease called hate..

Too many Fox middle schoolers commenting here today.

Wow, that is really poor, inaccurate and ill-informed journalism. Many of the comments have led down a spiral of hate-fuelled pro- vs anti-Muslim debate. That misses debate the point completely. The point is that the article is complete nonsense to the point of being comical, and I expect better from CNN Journalists.

AN0, I don't know why my comments come up as "Guest", but I only posted this one and the one above where I said let's stop the anti-Muslim debate and in reply you said I am a biggot suffering from hate. The others are from other guests. I don't hate anyone; it is just that the news article is not factually correct, to the point of being comical.

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