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105 BIOL


Name: Khalida jabeen Subject: BioL 105 Submitted to DR. Khalid Rasib Submitted on: 9-3-2012

Contents Introduction of Protozoa General characteristics of protozoa Classification of protozoa Economics importance of protozoa Interesting features of protozoa Learning outcome References

Phylum Protozoa
The term proto means first and zoa means animals So the definition of protozoa is Those group of animals which appear first on earth called protozoa .There are about 15,000 species of protozoa known to exist in the world. They are microscopic animals or organisms in which single cell perform all the vital function of body therefore protozoa called a cellular animals. A group of eukaryotic microorganism traditionally termed as plant kingdom. The name protozoa signifies as primitive animals. They range in size from 1 to 10 micrometers. Protozoa have not developed tissues and organs. And there body is either covered and naked.

classification Scientific name: Trypanosoma gambiense proteus Kingdom:-Animalia Phylum: Protozoa Class: Zoomstigophorea Order: Kinetoplastida Genus: Trypanosoma Species: gambiense

Scientific name: Amoeba Kingdom:- Animalia Phylum: Protozoa Class:Rhizopodea Order:Amoebida Genus: Amoeba Species: proteus

is by cilia, contains two or more nuclei. E.g. Paramecium

Phylum protozoa is divided into 4 classes: Class I: Rhizopoda or Sarcodina: Locomotory organelles are pseudopodia, body shape changeable. E.g. Amoeba Class II: Mastigophora or Flagellata: Locomotion is through one or more thread -like flagella. E.g. Euglena Class III: Sporozoa: All are parasitic forms, locomotory organelles and contractile vacoule are absent, complex life history. E.g. Plasmodium Class IV: Cilliata: Locomotion is by cilia, contains two or more nuclei. E.g. Paramecium General characteristics of protozoa 1. Habitat They are aquatic , fresh water , marine, terrestrial ,parasites , pathogenic as well as in free living forms. 2.Body Form They are variable in form, the protozoan cell body is either naked or covered,delicate membrane pellicle cellulose is absent in pellicle and some protozoa secrete inorganic material which act as outer covering of animal body.And some have calcareous and siliceous shells. 3.Size

They are microscopic in size . micro means very small in size which can not seen with eye. 4.Symmetry Their symmetry is Radial , Bilateral or irregular 5. Locomotion The process of locomotion is by ceilia , pseudopodia and flagella and no locomotory organs in few. 6.Nuclei: Two nucleus are present therefore known as dinucleus or nuclear dimorphism 7. Nutrition Some are holozoic which engulfed entire food , some saprozoic which ate dead matters and in them digestion is intracellular( vacuole). 8.Osmoragulation Osmoregulation is a process in which salt and water level of animals body is maintain.And in protozoa osmoregulation is by contractile vacuoles

9. Reproduction In protozoa reproduction is by asexual and sexual method.Most sarcodines , flagellates and cilliates show asexual reproduction by multiple fission , binary fission and even by budding.Some ciliates reproduction is by sexual method for example in Paramecium in which both individual come close together and interchange genetic information by a process known as conjugation there is no gamete formation .In Saprozoa some stages show gamete formation which is morphologically different. 10. Life cycle This is a process in which alternation of generation take place.The process in which gametophyte changes into sporophyte and vice versa. Examples .Free living: Euglena , Amoeba , Parmecium , Noctiluca and Elphidium Parasitic: Monocystic , Entamoeba , Plasmodium , Trypanosoma and Giardia.

Economic importance of Protozoa

Benefits of protozoa 1.They are helpful in sanitation and keeping water safe and inhibit water pollution ,feed upon waste organic matters. 2.Planktonic protozoa used as a food resources for man , other fishes and animals like calms and immature fish.

3. Protozoa show commensalism association, this is a an association in which one specie got benefit without effecting that specie. It may be ecto ( e.g ciliates) and endocommensalism (Trichomonas , Oplina , Giardia , Ecoli) 4. Some are symbiotic , (sym biosis is a process in which both species get benefit e.g algae get protection and fungi get food this is a symbiotic association ) E.g; Intestinal flagellates Trichonympha and Colonympha of termites and woodroaches. 5. They are zoological important (for cytological , Cytochemical , Physiological , biochemical and biochemical studies) 6. Commercial uses of protozoan skeleton. E.g shells of Foraminifera and Radiolarians , Nummulite shell uses as abrasive and decorative agents. 7. By protozoa we determined the age of rocks. Harmful effect of protozoa 1. Protozoa of drinking water .E .g Uroglonopsis , Dinobryon , fishy odor bitter and spicy taste. 2. Dnoflagellates and red tide formation , fish toxicity and cause disease of muscle called ciguret in man. 3. Sleeping sickness and Trypanosome which are caused by the biting of Tsetse fly. 4. Leishmania donavani , Endothelial and macrophages. 5. Trichomonas and infections like mouth and vaginal infections of female. 6. Entamoeba histolytica cause intestinal disorders 7. Amoeba cause amoebic dysentery/Ulcer. 8. Plasmodium cause malaria.

Key Features of Protozoa

nated by means of a contractile vacuole. Features of flagellates -capturing organelles. Features of amoeba -capturing organelles. this group.

Features of sporozoans distinguishing feature of these parasitic protozoa. Protozoan diversity Protists exhibit an enormous range of body form, even though they are largely microscopic, mainly ranging in size from 10-200 m. Over 60,000 species have been described although you can be sure this is only a fraction of the total number of protist life forms. In multicellular animals and plants complexity of body form has evolved through division of labour among cells. Complexity in protists has evolved through specialisation of different parts of the cell - organelles and the cytoskeleton* in particular. The most striking differences among protozoa at the light microscope level are in the locomotory structures and the traditional classification of protozoa, found in most zoology textbooks and used within this unit, is based on these differences. Protozoa may occur singly or in colonies (e.g. Volvox ); may swim freely or be in contact with a substratum or be sedentary; may be housed in a shell (lorica) (e.g. foraminferans , clothed in scales or other adhering matter, or be naked; )

they may or may not be pigmented. They may be parasitic (e.g. Trypanosoma or symbiotic living attached to or inside other organisms (e.g.Joenia inside their cells. ), even

LEARNING OUTCOME By doing that assignment I understand the structure , function , and its classes .This assignment help me a lot to understand that phyla. And by that assignment my concepts become more clear.I understand a lot of things from this. By doing that assignment I came to know that how protozoa adapt themselves according to environment. REFERENCES http://biologyonhot.blogspot.com/p/phylum-protozoa.html

http://www.fairfun.net/my2/fauna_my/fauna_mypisces/Pisces/0Paisley%20Fish%20T axonomy/units/prot2.htm Google search Te`xt Book

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