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Patrick Carter

Intro Module

1. Crime to me is anything we deem not necessary for us to do. Crime is any act that would have a harmful result and not improve any aspect of life. 2. Criminological theory pertains to any idea that attempt to explain why a crime happened or why a person commits crime. 3. I dont think you can have too much or too little crime. It all depends on the laws you have. If you have a large amount of laws than naturally more crime will exist. If you have few laws and most things are legal than crime will tend to be much lower. 4. As long as laws exist crimes will always be committed. When you have haves and havenots this only goes to increase the probability. If you are dying of hunger on the street sometimes you must steal to survive. Stealing breaks a law we have in place and voila.crime. 5. There a various reasons crimes are committed. Crimes of passion are most commonly seen in violent crimes such a rape, murder and assault. Necessity crimes exists as in the stealing to feed yourself example. Some people are so emotionally disturbed they cannot live within society and not commit crimes. Some criminals commit crimes simply because they like the rush they get while committing it. 6. I think some people could be more genetically predisposed to commit crime. Some people are naturally thrill seekers and have trouble with authority and rules and must live outside of them. 7. Some people are driven by society to commit crime. When all means of legally making enough money to support their family and own a family vehicle run out. All of people turn to dealing drugs because it is quick way to may enough money to live out the American dream. 8. I strongly believe that the way a person was raised has a strong push on whether or not someone commits a crime. If your parents worked hard and earned a good living and are respected in the community you look up to that example. If all you know is lying stealing and cheating to make end meet than you have the learned traits of lying stealing and cheating. 9. The separate of classes in my opinion had a lot to do with the cycle of crime. If you live in a lower income area you are going to go to worse school and be exposed to crime at a much younger age. On the other hand if you live in an affluent neighborhood you are

less likely to be exposed to crime, go to better schools and be more likely to live a crime free life. 10. They are each as bad as the other. The white collar crimes are not a gruesome or dirty but they required a lot of thought and planning to hurt many people. Murder and rape are physically dirtier but often time are crimes of passion requiring a lot less thought sand planning. 11. We as a society have put deterrence in place to help commit crime.like fines, imprisonment, etc. But the only one thing that can stop a crime from happening is if the criminal doesnt believe reward for committing the crime is worth the risk of being caught. 12. In most cases people do commit crime of their own free will. Some exception to me would be a committing a crime you were aware was a crime. Or being forced to commit a crime out of necessity 13. Victims do play a significant role in their victimization sometimes. If you always leave your car door unlocked you should expect to be more likely to be broken into. If you are a barfly that constantly dresses in a slutty manner you are not going to attract the best guys and are more likely to be the victim of a rape. 14. To a small extent I think music movies and games play a role in crime. Criminals are sometimes glorified as the hero and make crime seem the normal rather than being a law abiding citizen. 15. Our society does at times glorify crime. The key thing that makes me say that is TV media. It shouldnt be called the 6 oclock news it should be called the 6 oclock crime report as it seems they spend the entire time talking about crime. When a violent crime happens it will be plastered all over the news.when a good Samaritan does something great for someone its seems there is little to no coverage of that event. 16. I believe they do paint an accurate picture but tend to focus far too much on violent crime as it has been proven that violence sells. When in reality it only makes up a small part of the puzzle we call crime. They also tend to focus on celebrity crime way too much. The OJ Simpson case is a prime example of that. 17. We hear about criminal acts in all sorts of ways. We watch movies we watch and read the news. Crime mystery novels are extremely popular. It seems if we are committing crime we want to know more about it and society as a whole had an infatuation with it. 18. I do watch lock up raw on occasion. It is as factual a prison show as you will find with one exception. If you put a camera in front of an inmate you arent going to see what we see every day. He will not act like himself. Working in CJ I dont watch any fictional CJ type shows as the just make me say.you cant do that.thats not right.

19. If you look at the amount of TV shows and books and news devoted to crime it would be fair to say we have a mild obsession as a society with crime. Its seems you either commit crime or read and watch shows about it.

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