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Syntel CQA Forum Effective Testing for E-Commerce CQA Doc No 22

Effective Testing for E-commerce At the same time, the technical environment
of front-end systems is changing very rapidly,
Introduction so change is imposed on e-commerce sites
What is e-commerce? E-Commerce is defined even when the site itself is not changing. This
as the software and business processes requires more regression testing than would
required to allow businesses to operate solely be expected in a conventional application to
or primarily using digital data flows. ensure that the site continues to function
acceptably after changes to browsers, search
Why is testing important in the e-commerce engines and portals. New issues have also
environment? come to the fore for testers, notably security
 The first and primary reason is because e- of transactions and the performance of web
commerce is, by its very nature, business sites under heavy load conditions.
critical. Front End Systems
 The second reason is that e-commerce is
Static Testing. The front end of an e-
a massive and growing market place but
commerce site is usually a web site that
one which requires large up-front
needs testing in its own right, it must also
investment to enter successfully. There
offer an acceptable level of service on one or
are already 5.8 million web sites
more platforms, and have portability between
chosen platforms. It should be tested against
 The third reason is because the history of a variety of browsers, to ensure that images
e-commerce development has been seen across browsers are of the same quality.
littered with expensive failures, at least Usability is a key issue and testing must
some of which could have been avoided adopt a user perspective. It is also important
by better testing before the site was to gain confidence in the security of the site.
opened to the general public. Many of these tests can be automated by
creating and running a file of typical user
The Testing Challenges
interactions – useful for regression testing
A successful e-commerce application is: and to save time in checking basic
•Usable. Problems with user interfaces lose
clients. Dynamic Testing. The services offered to
customers must be systematically explored,
•Secure. Privacy, access control,
including the turnaround time for each
authentication, integrity and non- service and the overall server response. This,
repudiation are big issues. too, must be exercised across alternative
•Scaleable. Success will bring increasing platforms, browsers and network
demand. connections. E-commerce applications are
essentially transaction-oriented, based on
•Reliable. Failure is unthinkable for a
key business processes, and will require
business critical system.
effective interfacing between intranet-based
•Maintainable. High rates of change are and extranet-based applications.
fundamental to e-commerce.
•Highly available. Downtime is too Back End Systems
expensive to tolerate. The back end of e-commerce systems will
Technical Issues typically include ERP and database
applications. Back end testing, therefore, is
The development process for e-commerce about business application testing and does
has unique characteristics and some not pose any new or poorly understood
associated risks. It is generally recognized problems from a business perspective, but
that a ‘web year’ is about 2 months long. For there are potential new technical problems,
this reason, Rapid Application Development such as server load balancing. What is
(RAD) techniques predominate in the e- essential, however, is to apply the key front
commerce environment, and in some cases end testing scenarios to the back end
development is even done directly in a systems. In other words, the back end
production environment rather than in a systems should be driven by the same real
separate development environment. These transactions and data that will be used in
changes increase risk and create new front end testing. The back end may well
challenges for testers, because time prove to be a bottleneck for user services, so
pressures militate against spending a longer performance under load and scalability are
time testing sites before they are released. key issues to be addressed. Security is an
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Syntel CQA Forum Effective Testing for E-Commerce CQA Doc No 22
issue in its own right, but also has potential Technical support should also be borne in
to impact on performance. mind.
Correctly functioning back-end and front-end
Middleware and Integration systems offer no guarantees of reliable
overall functionality or performance. End-to-
Integration is the key to e-commerce. In
end testing of complete integrated
order to build an e-commerce application,
architectures, using realistic transactions, is
one or more of the following components are
an essential component.
usually integrated:
•Database Server
Ten Key Principles of Effective E-
•Server-side application scripts/programs Commerce Testing
•Application server Principle 1. Testing is a risk
•HTML forms for user interface management process
•Application scripts on the client Effective testing adopts a strategy that is
•Payment server tailored to the type of application or service
being tested, the business value of the
•Scripts/programs to integrate with application or service, and the risks that
legacy back-end systems would accompany its failure Plans should
The process of developing an e-commerce include measures of risk and value and
site is significantly different from developing incorporate testing and other quality-related
a web site – commerce adds extra levels of activities that ensure development is
complexity. One highly complex feature is properly focused on achieving maximum
that of integration. value with minimum risk.
If an application is being built that uses a Principle 2. Know the value of the
database server, web server and payment applications being tested.
server from different vendors, there is
considerable effort involved in networking To manage risk effectively, we must know the
these components, understanding business value of success as well as the cost
connectivity-related issues and integrating of failure. The business community must be
them into a single development (executable) involved in setting values on which the risk
environment. If legacy code is involved, this assessment can be based and committed to
adds a new dimension to the problem, since delivering an agreed level of quality.
time will need to be invested in Principle 3. Set clear testing objectives
understanding the interfaces to the legacy and criteria for successful completion
code, and the likely impact of any changes. (including test coverage measures).
It is also crucial to keep in mind the steep The test programme must be properly
learning curve associated with cutting-edge planned, with test scripts giving precise
technologies. Keeping pace with the latest instructions and expected results. There will
versions of the development tools and also need to be some cross-referencing back
products to be integrated, their compatibility to the requirements and objectives, so that
with the previous versions, and investigating some assessment can be made of how many
all the new features for building optimal of the requirements have been tested at any
solutions for performance can be a daunting given time
task. Also, since e-commerce applications on
the web are a relatively new phenomenon, Principle 4. Create an effective test
there are unlikely to be any metrics on environment.
similar projects to help with project planning
Cross-platform testing is, naturally, an
and development.
important part of testing any multi-platform
The maintenance tasks of installing and software application. In the case of e-
upgrading applications can also become very commerce, the term ‘cross-platform’ must
involved, since they demand expertise in: also extend to include ‘cross-browser’.
•Database administration. In order to ensure that a site loads and
•Web server administration. functions properly from all supported
platforms, as much stress and load testing as
•Payment server administration. possible should be performed.
•Administration of any other special tools Principle 5. Test as early as possible in
that have been integrated into the site. the development cycle.

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In the case of an e-commerce site, a fault be immediately expensive in terms of lost
found after shipping will have been detected revenue and even more expensive in the
as a failure of the site by the marketplace, longer term if disaffected users seek
which is potentially as large as the number of alternative sites. Yet the time pressures in the
Internet users, hence that the earlier faults e-commerce world militate against the
are detected, the cheaper the cost of thorough testing usually associated with
rectification. business criticality, so a new approach is
needed to enable testing to be integrated
Principle 6. User Acceptance Testing
into the development process and to ensure
that testing does not present a significant
E-commerce users are becoming time burden.
increasingly intolerant of poor sites, and
technical issues related to functionality,
performance or reliability have been cited as
primary reasons why customers have
abandoned sites. Early exposure of users to
sites with problems increases the probability
that they will find the site unacceptable, even
if developers continue to improve the site
during beta testing.
Principle 7. Regression testing. Web-
based applications that reference external
links need regular regression testing, even if
their functionality does not change, because
the environment is changing continuously
Principle 8. Automate as much as
The key is to take testing processes
sufficiently seriously that you document them
and control them so that automation
becomes a feasible option – then you select,
purchase and install the tools.
Principle 9. Capture test incidents and
use them to manage risk at release
All incidents found must be recorded via an
incident management system (IMS), which
can then be used to ascertain what faults are
outstanding in the system and what the risks
of release might be. Outstanding incidents
can be one of the completion criteria that we
apply, so the ability to track and evaluate the
importance of incidents is crucial to the
management of testing.
Principle 10. Manage change properly to
avoid undoing all the testing effort.
Things change quickly and often in an e-
commerce development and management of
change can be a bottleneck, but there is little
point in testing one version of a software
application and then shipping a different
version; not only is the testing effort wasted,
but the risk is not reduced either.
Testing is crucial to e-commerce because e-
commerce sites are both business critical and
highly visible to their users; any failure can
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