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Penitential: As you call us from the least of your peoples As you redeem us by the one rejected by all As you send us out to minister to the lost sheep of Israel When we are caught up in life's business and forget the our loving God When we are cut off from our own communities When we are lost in our world of dreams and desires When we are bogged down by our baggage When we tend to resist your invasion When we get attached to world's trivia Opening Prayer: a) God of the Word and prophets, you call us to adventure; your call is like a burning fire, the demand of your Law keen as any sword. Deliver us from our self-sufficiency, yet calm our fears. Allow us to follow humbly in the path of your Son, our master and Saviour who is Lord forever and ever. b) You founded your Church on twelve men, poor in everything, who were sent out into the world as defenceless shepherds. Lord our God, deign to preserve your church in this faith: let your word never be adulterated by the power of the world, for you alone are our strength and our surety through the centuries. c) Let your word, Lord, be the light of our lives, and even if its cutting edge must cause the loss of

what enchained us, be gracious and grant us to save our life by following you unwaveringly for you bring justice to the poor and defend the rights of the oppressed. Intercessions: For the church that it may be fearless and courageous in preaching the gospel For civil leaders: that they may always fight for social justice even at the risk of losing popularity For those eager to hear the word of God: that zealous missionaries may find their way to them with the good news. For those especially called: the pope, bishops that they may be reaffirmed in their ministries.. For those who have been apostles to us, living or dead our parents, teachers, friends, and even strangers: that they be richly rewarded.. For the Christian community through out the world: that true to the heritage received from the apostles, it may remain faithful to the mission.. For leaders of the nation: that they may be enabled to judge wisely and govern justly the people in their charge.. For those who suffer for their faith: may the example of the apostles be their strength.. That our possessions do not become a hindrance to good relations to God and our neighbour.. That we have the courage to make radical changes in our lives.. For those in our congregation who suffer from physical or mental infirmity: that through confreres/sisters and colleagues they may be comforted For Christians in the media of communication: may their voices echo truth and the images they

project promote understanding and not prejudice.. a) Lord God, may the lives of your holy ones inspire us to greater endeavour in the service of your people and may our lives be abundant in good works. We make this.. b) Father, may your will be done in us as in your Son Jesus. May we be his disciples, transfigured by our poverty, receive a patent of nobility as the new heir of your Kingdom. we make... b) God, Lord of your people, send your spirit upon us. May she descend upon those whom you call to undertake the building of your church. May she be the breath that animates them, the thrust that sweeps them forward, the power that bears them up, and the bond that gathers them in the road of the kingdom. Through your spirit set our hearts free and keep our eyes fixed on the goal with no baggage save your promise and no certainty save your word. e) Clothe us, father, in the call of Jesus Christ that we may set out with no baggage save his fiery word and peaceful gaze. Burn us with his fire when we are tempted to turn back. Strengthen our hope when the pressure of mockery discourages us. The harvest is abundant; do you yourself gather what you have sown when we have laboured until evening. The peace you give is limitless. May it be our joy when we have carried it to the ends of the earth. f) Following you, Lord: there are always days when it is attractive, but there are also days when we are weary and bored. As you reveal again your

son Jesus through your word and bread, may our hearts be humble and free that we may follow him in silence and faith. May we keep our eyes fixed on the goal and let us reach the point where your compassion has become ours. g) Lord, you know how long it takes to make a person a disciple. So do not grow weary of our hesitations and do not despair of us when we choose the wrong road. Take us back, be our way and lead us to your light. Offertory: a) We return to you, O Lord, for you have first come to us. Change our hearts and we shall be saved. We return to you amidst our cowardice there is still a long way to go. Teach us to persevere to the end, and we shall be saved. We return to you, blessing your name, accept the sacrifice of our hands and we shall be saved. b) God, ever faithful to your promises you have placed your treasure in our hands. You have entrusted us with your word, you call us to raise the hopes of humanity. Therefore we beseech you: may your Bread be our only security as we set off down the risky roads of history. Communion: a) God our Father, full of love and tenderness, we come to you like children to thank you. You have given us all things freely: life and faith, hope and bread. Teach us, as we teach children, to share everything joyfully and wholeheartedly. In this world may we be your church that is ever young, a church filled with wonder, as children are who

discover each day their father's love for them. b) God of the living, the communion of the body of your son draws us into his footsteps. Preserve those who have put their hand to the plough from ever looking back, and make of us, among men and women, the labourers of your reign.

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