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Letter from the Editor

Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Hart Monitor. I am Joanna Iovino, one of the editors of The Hart Monitor. I have been living in Hartford for nine months now, and love my new home. I quickly realized that in Hartford, as in the rest of the world, the issue of racism is the dominating force. Most of the problems people think of when they discuss the state of the city (poverty, homelessness, violence, blight, etc.) will be ameliorated when racism is eradicated. Hopefully, the Hart Monitor can produce dialogue that will inspire readers to get involved in the struggle to end this injustice permanently. My fellow editor, Larry Risby, and I welcome you When we decided to start The Hart Monitor, we hoped to be able to showcase voices of various racial justice advocates/activists in the Hartford area. We understand that racial justice work can be done in many different ways, and that as many people as there are working in this arena, there are tactics and methods that can be used to produce change. It is important that I make it clear that the articles in The Hart Monitor reflect only the views of the writer, not necessarily The Hart Monitor as a whole (articles without an author listed are from the editors).

was embroiled in a federal investigation, the residents of East Haven supported the mayors decision to reinstate Leonard Gallo, the police chief. The people of East Haven had a knee jerk response to the accusations of a racist climate in their town. They tried to pin the blame on a few bad apples. We all know that racism and white supremacy are the defining forces in most of America, and East Haven is no exception. Every time you hear about an egregious, racist situation in Anytown, USA, the people are quick to jump on the defensive. They claim that they are shocked by evidence of white supremacy, they try to pin the blame on everyone else, and they are sure to deflect attention away from their own complicity in allowing the racist environment to flourish. Then they want to trot out the good deeds they have done for people of color in their communities, you know, the old standby -- my best friend is Black defense. The people of East Haven who are running around claiming to the press that they do not live in a racist town seem to have missed the newspaper stories that detailed the reaction of many of the town residents to the scandal. I guess they missed the story about the man in the white BMW who rode past news vans covering the story raising his middle finger as a welcome to members of the press. They must have also missed the one about the reporter from Indonesia who was greeted warmly by a local screaming Go home spic! Peter Cianelli certainly must have had his blinders on when he said he was surprised at the reaction to the mayors infamous taco comment, then went on to explain what a lovely town he lived in, full of generous souls willing to feed poor unfortunate people at a local soup kitchen. Considering I have never heard a single (white) soul admit that Yes, my town is a cesspool of racism, I have to wonder how it is we live in a racist nation filled with millions of people who claim

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012 Page 1 The Bad Apple Excuse Exposed Page 2 Do anti-profiling laws really work? Page 3 Its that time of year again! Page 4 Do white liberals really want to work with Blacks? North End Loses out in redistricting Process Page 5 Making Money from Mass Incarceration Page 6 Breaking down the NDAA Pt. 1 Page 8 Community Events/Resources Recommended Reading

The Bad Apple Excuse Exposed

Everyone in Connecticut has heard about the police profiling scandal in East Haven. The residents of East Haven have been very quick to claim that the actions of the police force and the comments of racist mayor Joe Maturo do not reflect the mindset of the entire town, so the people of East Haven do not deserve our condemnation. This is a load of crap. The people of East Haven repeatedly elected Joe Maturo. Even after the police department

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

that they are shocked and appalled when they see evidence of real live racists in their own backyard. Well maybe they are not shocked and appalled. Maybe they know exactly what is going on, but they realize it is to their advantage to claim ignorance of the very same racism they have allowed to go unchecked for so many years. After all, if they feign ignorance, they can continue to reap the benefits of a system that so clearly favors them. And I find it really ironic that people now want to call for the resignation of Joe Maturo because of his offensive taco comment. This is a racist mayor, who supported a racist police force, yet no one thought to call for his resignation until he uttered the dread taco statement? Joe Maturo was obviously elected by a racist populace who gave him their full support until he misspoke and the people realized that he exposed them for who they truly were. Joe Maturo is not an anomaly in East Haven. Joe Maturo was a mayor elected numerous times by a population that apparently thought he was the best representative of the agenda the residents of East Haven hold near and dear to their hearts. Says quite a bit about the average member of the East Haven community, dont you think? But let me take that thought one step further. Joe Maturo is not an anomaly in this country he is just one of many elected officials chosen to represent the real power behind the American electorate white supremacy.

what every Black person over the age of 2 years old understands.... police profile racially. Why do the politicians play this game? To pretend they are actually attempting to address the scourge of law enforcement bigotry without actually doing a thing about the problem. If all these folks are going to do is sit around in a little room and say "profiling is bad.... we should do something about it..." and then move onto the next topic, they need to get out of office, because they do not care what happens to real people in the real world. Who are the people compiling the statistics and where are they coming from? Most of the time, they work FOR the people in power, who are invested in maintaining the status quo. So, not only can they manipulate the facts to make them fit the narrative of the white dominators, but they rely on information given to them by the oppressive law enforcement community. Somehow, the word of a cop is seen as more reliable than that of his victim, so he can lie about absolutely anything and be seen as the "good guy" in the story. What is to stop a white police officer from incorrectly listing the race of his victims in order to "prove" that he is not engaging in racially biased behavior on the job? (In fact, it was proven that in East Haven, police officers did exactly this for many years) If a victim of police oppression reports the crimes that officers commit against him, it is usually written off as unfounded, or uncorroborated. Yet the word of a single pig is enough to land a man behind bars. Why are police given more credibility than an ordinary community member (especially if that community member is Black)? There is also nothing stopping police officers from harassing and endangering anyone who reports profiling or brutish behavior. Everyone knows about the "blue wall of silence" If a Black person walks into a police station to report to an officer that one of his fellow "boys in blue" has committed criminal acts against him, he is putting his safety in the hands of people who are invested only in defending and protecting the man carrying the badge. Combating racial profiling is not about crunching numbers, compiling reports and making recommendations that the police look at as optional. In order to fight racist police practices, there needs to be serious consequences for officers who are caught profiling. They should be kicked off the police force and charged with a felony. They need to be held accountable. As it stands

Do anti-profiling laws REALLY work?

There is not a person in this country who does not know that the police engage in racial profiling. If a Black person says they are not aware of this practice, they are either not yet beyond the toddler stage of life, or being intentionally deceptive in hopes of receiving special considerations from the white dominators. We all know that every day in every city, every town and every rural community in this country, the very life of a Black person is in danger when they come across a member of the law enforcement community. But, these politicians want to sit around and debate the issue. They want to request a whole bunch of statistical analysis to prove

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

today, police officers can commit even the most egregious offenses, like the murder of unarmed people, with little to no chance of repercussions. ANYTIME a police officer shoots an unarmed person, they should be charged and convicted for murder (or attempted murder if the person is lucky enough to survive.) Police officers complain that they do not want to have to stop to think before they act, that it could put their lives in danger... well... tough. Shouldn't you HAVE TO take a second to think before you take the life of another human being? Police officers also should not be foreign invaders. If there is a need for law enforcement presence in a given community, the officers should be recruited from among local residents only. No more white "good ole boys" rolling into a Black community and running roughshod over the rights of the people who actually live there. Let the white boys stay in their little suburban communities and arrest the folks with the meth labs in their garage. I understand the desire for activist groups to enforce racial profiling laws. There is this belief that compiling statistics to prove that racial profiling exists will somehow force police departments to change their ways. That the threat of removing funding sources to police departments who are non-compliant will help alleviate the insidiousness of racial profiling. However, I think that until a police officer has to worry about facing VERY REAL CONSEQUENCES, like PRISON TIME for engaging in such practices, there is really no incentive for an individual officer to change his behavior. For the groups who are proposing changes to the Penn Act (the anti-profiling legislation that was passed in CT in 1999), I urge you to reconsider some of your tactics. Compiling statistics is not the solution. SERIOUS consequences for INDIVIDUAL officers as well as departments who violate the rights of community members MUST BE INCLUDED in order for an anti-profiling law to offer any serious protection to the public. It is one thing to work within the system, it is quite another to ignore what REALLY needs to be done to address police profiling and brutality simply to get a piece of legislation passed.

Its that time of year again!

By Trevor Foster The 11th annual Teen Talent Competition will be held April 21, 2012 at Weaver High School. The theme for this year will be DREAM CHASERS! Someone who pursues (goes after) images that pass through their minds. For individuals to make it in a society that doesnt welcome creativity and spontaneity, you most hold dear to the thoughts that come through your mind. You must go after your dreams and just engaging in trying to achieve something that is in your heart builds character. Some people Ive heard say live outside the box. There is no box unless you place one there. The mind is a powerful tool when used. How often we see those who do not utilize what they have been given. In a time when most people are losing their job or going back to school, how about creating a job that was sparked from an idea out of the very essence of your own mind? We are all Dream Chasers! As words of caution, if someone attempts to put your idea down or to the side, recognize they are not good for you. Pursue your Dreams no matter how old you are. Ive mentioned this before and I will reiterate it again. For a society to excel, you have to hold your children in high esteem (raise them up on a plateau) because they truly are the future and if you think they are not, you are in serious trouble. Let me give everyone reading this article and overview of why I started this event and what it accomplishes. I started this event in February of 2002 in remembrance of growing up in the Bellevue Square Housing Project, always being fortified by the opportunity to have something to do. It left no time to be on street corners hanging out. I yearned for children to have the same opportunity I had. In a time when our children are dying in idle time, dying in the jails, I questioned the structures that have been established. Whos to blame for the mess our children are engaging in? The first thing out of a persons mouth would be not me! The real answer should be Yes, it is my fault and I am taking full responsibility. Ownership for abandoning the values and morals that were handed down to me that should have been rightfully given to the true heirs, which are our children. I spared the rod and now the prison is whipping my child. I let government in to scold my child, and now they dont respect me. I wish I had called DCF or any other agency when my mother hit

It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love and protect each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains. -Assata Shakur

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

me with that extension cord because I had gotten too big at 12 for her hand! That was not an option. I had done wrong and out of the love she had for me, a punishment had to be handed down! I bet you I didnt go into her pocketbook again and steal her fifteen cent bus money (smile). I envisioned having youth together laughing and enjoying themselves in a clean environment that fosters their growth. Regardless of the negative stereotypes that have been placed on our youth, they still are our babies and we hold them dear. We know they have talents and gifts yet to be seen. I started this event because I want our children to have something to do. Born out of the vision I had, the birth of the No More Violence Teen Talent Competition came into inception. What is does is give our teens a place to showcase/demonstrate their creativity in a productive environment not fortified to them on a daily basis. This is not only a Teen Talent Competition, it is also an informational session, which reinforces positive personal and social development. This will be the 11th Annual Teen Talent Competition and there has not been one fight or incident at any of the previous shows, and that needs to be highlighted. REMEMBER: Dream Chasers! In order to make this event successful, sponsorship is desperately needed! Volunteers needed also! All sponsors will be recognized at the podium on the nights of the events. Each sponsor will receive a donation form for tax deduction. Please make checks payable to Uptown Troops Color Guard, and send to the attention of Trevor Foster at TruBooks, 3155 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06120 For info call Trevor Foster/Tru at 860-547-0739 or 860-5083223 (cell). Note : to defray costs, I will be selling tickets for the event, which will be $7 at TruBooks/Caf, 3155 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06120, Email trubookshfd@aol.com

Do white liberals really want to work with Blacks?

by Cornell Lewis I have worked with a number of ethnic groups in the pursuit of social justice. However, it is interesting to note how some white liberals cause me to wonder if working with them is worth it. I address this story to some members of the group Hartford Organizing Group [ H.O.G.] Recently Cassandra Donnelly and

Joanna Iovino, members of H.O.G., helped organize a campaign to highlight racism within DCF and Connecticut Juvenile Training School in Middletown.

These are two ladies worthy of the name activist but they are the exception; when members of H.O.G. were asked to join a protest on Feb. 4th in Middletown, a strange silence fell over the room,

no one committed to come. One white female liberal said I have worked with Cornell in the past, he does good work but I do not want to be told what to do." These are code words for if whites are not in control of the agenda they do not want to part of any support of an issue concerning Latinos. These liberals were

initiative. These same white liberals turned out 35-40 strong in marching in West Hartford for Latinos: could it be the liberals by the Latinos and this gave white liberals control over the agenda?

chose this issue due to the fact that very little English was spoken

Whether Blacks want to believe it or not, some white liberals are guilty of sub conscious racism; claiming to be ABOVE racism while their actions prove otherwise.

Maybe the writer James Baldwin was correct in saying "a [white] liberal is someone who thinks they know more about your problem than you do."

North End Loses Out in Redistricting Process

Every ten years, a census is conducted across the country. The

The greater ones knowledge grows, the greater becomes ones sphere of activity until it encompasses and reflects mastery of self and mastery of the universe.- Minister Farrakhan

census data is used for many purposes, such as the allocation of resources, public planning, education strategies, and the reapportionment of political districts. The latest census data, taken in 2010, has drastically changed some of the political districts in

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

Hartford, particularly the 5th assembly district, which previously was composed of predominantly residents of the North End of Hartford. Now, the district has been redrawn to include a significant chunk of Windsor. Essentially, Hartford has lost one of its assembly districts, since an almost overwhelming majority of voters in the new district are from the neighboring suburb. The previous representative for the 5 district, Marie Lopez KirkleyBey, a Hartford resident, now lives in the newly reapportioned 1st assembly district, and has announced that she will be retiring this year. While some claim that this newly drawn districts creates opportunities for cooperation between Hartford and Windsor, others fear that the needs of the Windsor community are so vastly different from those of Hartford that Hartford residents will suffer immensely. Leo Canty, the chairman of the Democratic town committee in Windsor, is one of those who is hyping up the opportunity for cooperation between Hartford and Windsor. But, Canty has previously stated that he KNOWS that whoever represents the new district will be from Windsor, rather than Hartford. In fact, Canty is considering a run for office himself. Troubling news, considering that the fifth district is a majority minority district, and Canty has admitted that, as a white man from a suburb, he is not intimately familiar with many of the issues facing the Black population in the North End of Hartford. He is quick to talk about his public policy experience regarding issues such as poverty, homelessness and the achievement gap, but that cannot make up for real life experience. When asked why he did not use his influence as chairman of the town committee to choose an individual who DID have first-hand experience with many of the challenges facing district residents in Hartford, Canty skirted the question by claiming he did not have the power to choose who would be elected to office, and reiterated his policy experience. Some Hartford residents who are part of the 5 district have expressed the fear that the needs of Hartford people will be given short shrift if an assemblyman from Windsor is elected to represent them. They feel that Windsor is populated by many people who previously lived in Hartford, yet abandoned the city for the suburbs. Those former Hartford residents, some say, have deliberately turned their back on the city and will certainly not take the needs of Hartford into consideration when deciding who to elect or what public policy positions to support.
th th

The redistricting process in Connecticut is flawed by design. Leading legislators from the Democratic and Republican parties are allowed to appoint members to the redistricting committee. Two Democrats and two Republicans make the appointments, and each chose themselves for the committee, along with one of their colleagues. The committee members solicit testimony from the public, but most of the work is done in secret. All of the committee members this time around were white. Redistricting does not have to be the exclusive domain of politicians. In fact, California decided in 2008 and in 2010 to turn to a citizens commission composed of Republicans, Democrats and Independents to make redistricting decisions. People always want to talk about the power of the vote. But, when decisions are made that negatively impact voters before Election Day ever rolls around, why should anyone actually trust the system to work in the best interest of the electorate?

Making Money from Mass Incarceration

Almost every state in this country is having fiscal problems.. And the largest operator of for-profit prisons has decided it wants to make a killing off of these budgetary shortfalls. Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) has extended an offer to 48 states: to buy out state run prisons. CCA claims that they will help to remedy the challenging corrections budgets. In return, they want the states to give them a 20 year management contract, and, a guarantee that the prisons will remain at least 90% full. Yes, this Wall Street giant wants to be assured that the current trend of mass incarceration will continue so that they can increase their profits. It is amazing that people still really believe that the so called War on Drugs is really about protecting communities. How much more proof do people need before they will believe that mass incarceration of Black people for non-violent, drug related crimes is about MAKING MONEY? The prison system truly IS a more refined system of slavery. See, people believe that slavery was abolished in this country. Not entirely true, Slavery is STILL

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

perfectly legal IF an individual has been convicted of a crime. In this day and age, there are a plethora of crimes a Black man can be convicted of that are really nothing more than a means of extending and enforcing oppression. After all, a white man who commits the same acts deemed criminal when done by a Black man is highly unlikely to face any sort of consequences. Which is why, although whites use and sell drugs at a higher rate than any other race, they are underrepresented in the ranks of the incarcerated. Drugs should be considered a health issue, not a criminal offense. The only reason that this country continues to wage a war on drugs is to keep Black people behind bars. And to profit off of their labor- prisons are the new plantations. Men and women in prison are forced to work for mere pennies. There is no minimum wage protection for prisoners. State governments, the federal government and, nowadays, for profit corporations use prison labor as a means of increasing their bottom line. With the added bonus of enforcing white domination over Black people. Since CCA wants to be assured that their prisons will stay full, there is an incentive to continue to wage war on Black communities all over the country. In fact, in its filings to the Securities and Exchange Commission, CCA made the following statement:

programs and rehabilitative programs will most assuredly all be drastically reduced when CCA decides it wants to increase its profit margin. And, these programs are underfunded and understaffed to begin with. If the objective of imprisoning an individual is to rehabilitate him, then why is it that so many prisoners are denied even basic services that would enhance their options once outside of the prison? I think the answer is quite obvious, particularly in light of the recent offer by CCA. The prison system relies on recidivism. It relies on people having no other options but to return to committing crimes to survive. Why educate prisoners when they might go out and use that education to pursue avenues that do not include them returning to prison, when you are relying on them to line your pockets? Real criminal justice reform absolutely cannot happen while corporate entities are fighting against it tooth and nail in order to not only reinforce white supremacy but also to make a whole lot of money in the process.

Breaking down the NDAA Part 1

By Shahid Buttar

"The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws, For instance, any changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them."
In other words, this company is actively campaigning AGAINST criminal justice and drug policy reform in order to keep its pockets fat. And, we all know who is harmed most by current policies. You could bet that if white boys were being incarcerated at the rate that Black men are, there would be cries of outrage against a profit making entity like CCA being able to impact policy. And, there is also an incentive to spend as little money as possible to provide even minimal services to people who are imprisoned under the system of mass incarceration. Health care, educational

Ten years ago, Congress enacted a draconian law with no

transparency, regard for process, or even awareness of the

profound erosion of constitutional rights the PATRIOT Act would entail. Congress did it again this holiday season, repeating its abdication of its constitutional role by authorizing, in the National Defense Authorization Act, indefinite military detention of even US citizens.

The NDAA, however, has older precursors then PATRIOT: the bill recalls shades of central Europe in the 1930s, long predating the pervasive surveillance enabled over the past decade. It also stands at the crux of several fundamental questions: it owes its genesis to the Obama Administrations political cowardice and lawlessness in resigning executive accountability for torture. Finally, the legitimacy that it confers on a system designed to coerce confessions. NDAA presages the recurrence of torture, as well as the false

Q: Does the NDAA Authorize Political Repression? A: It Certainly Could.

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

Ignore the self-assured claims by the bills apologists

downplaying what it means. Concerns about the NDAAs four corners of the NDAA itself.

down a series of ports in coordinated acts of non-violent direct action. Were a foreign country to blockade our ports, it would certainly constitute a belligerent act under the laws of war.

potential (dare I say predictable?) abuse stem from beyond the

The key is the PATRIOT Acts extension of material support for the defendants had no intention of supporting violence.

But what if its US citizens who conduct the blockade? Whats the future officials will not apply these dangerously overbroad terms to US citizens is grounded in conjecture. Wishful thinking is a poor substitute for the thoughtful deliberation Congress should scope.

terrorism to include associational and speech crimes, even where In Humanitarian Law Project v. Holder (2010), the Supreme of a charity whose offence entailed funding workshops Supreme Court held that corporations do enjoy a First

answer then? Thats the point: no one knows. Any assurances that

Court denied a First Amendment defense to the terror prosecution encouraging non-violence in Turkey (in the same Term that the Amendment right to buy elections). Under the Humanitarian Law

undertake when toying with powers of such potentially sweeping

Apologists for the NDAA forget that laws remain fixed until

Project ruling:

changed, beyond the terms of particular officials who write them. And the ambiguity created by the law could be construed by powers to detain US citizens without a right to trial or Due future Presidents (or their advisors) to confer dramatic, sweeping Process. In the wrong hands, it could be used as a powerful tool to suppress dissent, with predictably catastrophic consequences. Finally, provisions seeming to limit the NDAAs potential

The PATRIOT Acts material support provisions allow our

government to criminalize speech and repress political dissent, a frontal assault on the First Amendment. And with material support cases grounded in associational guilt, the First Amendment is also eroding from its figurative sides.

The NDAA would expand those assaults by eliminating the need to prosecute. In the hands of a president, attorney general, US attorney, or even, potentially, state or local prosecutors willing to for severe repression.

abusiveness towards US citizens should offer little comfort. For example, Section 1031(d) includes a proviso that [n]othing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the detain US civilians in military custody. Just ask Jose

use their powers for political purposes, it offers the legal authority

President. But presidents have already asserted the authority to Padilla. Another red herring emerges in section 1032(b)(1):

The requirement to detain a person in military custody under a welcome change from earlier versions of the NDAA, but it created separately (by section 1031).

Ironically, groups most likely at risk for military detention

this section does not extend to citizens of the United States. Thats
doesnt constrain the discretionary authority to detain US citizens

represent diverse interests: the Occupy movement has been

addressed as a terror threat by London police and various critics in the United States, and Tea Party groups have raised concerns Paul supporters]. about counterterrorism scrutiny of militia movements [and Ron

So believe the hype: the NDAAs detention provisions represent a frontal assault on the Bill of Rights. They are noxious now. They will be worse in the future. We will live to regret ever even considering this law, and our leaders will be judged harshly for allowing it to become law without even a single congressional the country. hearing and over the objections of concerned Americans all over

If Occupy and Tea Party groups are treated as terrorists, does that render them among the associated forces of groups engaged in hostilities against the United States for whom the NDAA authorizes military detention without trial? Just to be clear: no one has a good answer here, which is precisely the problem. Even within the four corners of the NDAA itself , section

(This article is from December. The offending provisions are now slightly amended and included in sections 1021 and 1022.)

1031(b)(2) includes among covered persons subject to potential military detention any person who has committed a belligerent act. What, exactly, is a belligerent act? Hostile and

aggressive are synonyms, and while the term has an established (though not entirely defined) meaning in the context of remains unspecified. international war, its precise meaning in the context of the NDAA

He who would be free must strike the first blow-.Frederick


A few weeks ago, several Occupy sites on the west coast shut

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

Community Events/Resources
Inclusion in our community events/resources section does not necessarily imply endorsement Dream Chasers Hartfords No More Violence Presents its 11th Annual Teen Talent Competition Sing/Rap/Dance Etc. Saturday April 21, 2012 6pm-10pm (doors open at 4pm) at Weaver High School 415 Granby Street Auditions at Tru Books, 3155 Main Street 6pm to 8pm on Monday, April 2, Wednesday April 4, Monday, April 9, Wednesday, April 11, Monday, April 16 No walk ins. Registration required. Adults/Parents Strongly encouraged to attend this event! Prizes: Cash prizes, video game equipment and more Tickets Available at Tru Books Special Guest Appearances Hosted by Big Regg Event will be filmed and broadcast Sounds provided by Super Joe/Team High Power Make no excuses, no matter what talent you have, heres your chance to come out and sing, dance, rap or do a little poetry. Make this night enjoyable. If you curse, or use the N-word, you are automatically disqualified. For more info call Trevor 860-547-0739 or 860-508-3223 Conscious Conversations with Alphonso McGriff III Conscious Conversations take place at 5:30 pm on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the SAND/Ropkins Library, 1750 Main Street. The next two events will be March 14 and April 11. African American Alliance The African American Alliance meets every Saturday from 10am12pm at the Wllie Ware Community Center, 697 Windsor Street.

Breaking the Cycle [Empowering Families] Support Group For youth, parents, caregivers and friends who have been impacted by a loved ones incarceration. The support group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm at 2550 Main Street. Please contact Giselle at gisellejacobs@hotmail.com or call 860-726-6504 for more information. Mothers United Against Violence MUAV meets the 1st Monday of every month at 6:30 at the Franciscan Urban Ministry Center, 285 Church Street.. The next meeting will be held on April 2.

Recommended reading

NEA ONNIM NO SUA A, He who does not know can know from learning 1.

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander The Isis Papers by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation by Anon The Hood Health Handbook Vols. 1 & 2 Edited by Supreme Understanding and CBS Alife Allah The Destruction of Black Civilization by Chancellor Williams

2. 3. 4. 5.

Join Us!!!
We are looking for dedicated volunteers with skills in a variety of areas, including writing, illustrating, web design, graphic design, and photography. If you are interested in helping out in any way, please email info@thehartmonitor.com or call 860-461-2611 You can also send your comments, ideas and articles to us at: The Hart Monitor PO Box 260532 Hartford, CT 06126

The Hart Monitor Issue 1 March 2012

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