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Common name Puncture vine fruit (E), Caltrops (H), Gokhru (H)
Sanskrit Gokshura
Latin Tribulus terrestris – Semen, Herba (Zygophyllaceae)

This spikey fruit looks like the cloven hoof of a cow and hence the name Go-kshura (cow-hoof).
‘Kshura’ also means ‘scratcher’ and as this thorny shrub is found growing in sandy wasteland all
over the sub-continent it is responsible for scarring the hide of many a sacred cow. It is a superb
diuretic that clears excess fluids from the system. Its hormonal prescursor compounds actively
nourish the reproductive system. It is also very useful for itchy skin, especially on the hands and

Rasa (taste) Sweet, bitter
Virya (action) Cooling
Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Sweet
Guna (quality) Heavy, unctuous
Dosha effect VPK=, with primarily V-
Dhatu (tissue) Plasma, blood, muscle, fat, nerve, reproductive
Srota (channel) Urinary, nerve, reproductive, respiratory

Saponins – protodioscin, stigmasterol, terrestonins
Alkaloids – harmala
Potassium nitrate
Flavonoids – kaempferol, quercetin
Aspartic and glutamic acids1

Diuretic, lithotriptic, aphrodisiac, reproductive tonic, nervine, anti-spasmodic, anabolic, alterative

Urinary (Fruit) Bladder or kidney infections, renal colic, kidney stones, urinary retention, cloudy
urination, haematuria. It has a direct affinity for the mutravahasrotas, ambhuvahasrotas as well as
mamsa and medas-dhatu. It soothes the urinary tract membranes and promotes urination.
Gokshura is specific for prostate problems, urinary retention or obstructed urinary flow.2
Reproductive (Aerial parts and fruit) As a tonic herb with a sweet post-digestive effect it nourishes
the shukradhatu increasing virility, fertility, sperm production as well as lactation. It rejuvenates the
reproductive system, especially the uterus and the gonads. Used in infertility and impotence where
there is an obstruction due to vata or kapha in the reproductive tissue. Its saponin and flavonoid
content act as hormonal precursors. Protodioscin is actually converted to DHEA and thus enhances
sexual function.3
Nerve (Fruit) Useful in all vata aggravations of the nervous system. It draws all 3 doshas
downwards and can treat headaches, hives, itchy skin and eye inflammations. Its harmala alkaloid
content has MAOI activity that can be utilised for psychological and nervous imbalances to enhance
the balance of serotonin in the brain.

Paranjpe, Williamson

© Sebastian Pole 2006

Skin (Fruit) Gokshura is very useful for stopping itching in the skin caused by vata or kapha
obstructing the muscle, blood or plasma. A specific herb for lesions on the palms of the hands or
soles of the feet.

Mutra virechana Diuretic
Mutrakricchraghna Dispels dysuria
Ashmarihara Lithothogogue
Bhedana Scratches accumulations from the system
Vedana sthapana Reduces pain
Shotahara Reduces swellings
Vrishya Increases sexual appetite
Vajikarana Enhances sexual potency
Shukra shodhana Sperm purifier
Rakta shodhana Blood purifier
Brimhana Increases body mass
Balya Enhances strength
Tridoshahara Reduces all three dosha

+ Punarnava, Guggul, Coriander, Manjishta in urinary problems, retention, stones and dysuria. Also
a good combination to tonify the kidneys and strengthen the lower back.
+ Ashwagandha, Kapikacchu, Tila/black Sesame seeds, Frankincense for male reproductive
deficiency with impotence and for encouraging spermatogenesis.
+ Shatavari, Rose, Saffron, Mustaka for female reproductive and gynaecological problems. Also
useful post partum for strengthening the uterus.
+ Brahmi, Gotu kola and Jatamansi for nervous system imbalances.
+ Kapikacchu for Parkinson’s disease.
+ Neem, Manjishta and Gotu kola for inflammatory skin conditions.
+ Equal parts of Guduchi and Amalaki in Rasayana churna; a general tonic formula for enhancing
immunity and reproductive strength.

Dryness. Caution during pregnancy as it moves downwards.

Caution with anti-psychotic drugs (especially MAOI medication) as its harmala alkaloid content may
speed up the breaking down of the medication in the digestive system.

1–9g/day as decoction, 3–15ml/day of a 1:3 @ 25% tincture.

* Its diuretic effect is balanced by its valuable moistening and nourishing effect on the mucus
* It is a rejuvenative for pitta and a balancer for vata. It specifically moves apanavayu downwards.
• A main ingredient in Gokshuradi guggul. A superb formula for clearing stagnation and vata in
the urinary system.
• The fruit, aerial parts and root are used in Ayurveda. The aerial parts appear to have the
widest spectrum of rejuvenative activity for the reproductive system. The fruits are best
known for their lithotropic activity and for their action on the skin.

© Sebastian Pole 2006

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