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Revisions for Misti Chunky Cosmo Jacket

Liane Schwarz

We had problems with the fit of this jacket and have written up the emendments we applied. The following is only our adjustments and is not our design. You can find the original Misti Chunky Cosmo Jacket here: http://www.mistialpaca.com/ index.php?menu=14&page=0, you will still need the first page of the original pattern. FRONT AND BACK With 2 strands of col 2 and 6mm (US 10) ndl cast on 120 (126, 132, 138, 142, 148) sts. K 2 rows back and forth (=1 garter st ridge). Change to one strand of col 1, K one row, placing a marker after the first 23 (25, 26, 27, 28, 30) sts and before the last 23 (25, 26, 27, 28, 30) sts . This should leave 74 (76, 80, 84 , 86, 88) sts in the middle for the back Cont in Seed Stitch (as described above). Increasing for front edges: on the next row and the following 21 rows inc 1 st at the end of the row by knitting into the front and the back of the last stitch. At the same time, when jacket measures 3cm, dec 1 st at each side of both markers as follows: work until 2 sts before marker, k2tog, sl 1, k1, psso (= 4sts dec per row). Dec in this manner every 3.5 (4, 4, 4, 4, 4.5) cm a total of 7 times. When jacket measures 27 (28, 29, 30, 31, 32) cm from the cast on, make a button hole at the very edge of the right front by binding off 3 sts at the beg of row, and casting on 3 sts at the end of the row (NB. This open split will be drawn together when the contrasting edge is added at the end). Next row: Dec 1 st on both front edges every 2nd row until jacket measures 32 (33, 34, 35, 36, 38) cm from cast on. Divide work at each side by markers and finish each part separately. BACK Shape armholes: cont in seed st and BO 2sts at the beg of the next 4 rows. When jacket measures 50 (52, 54, 56, 58, 58) cm, shape neckline: BO the 20 (22, 23, 24, 24, 26) centre stitches and work each side separately. At neck edge BO 1st every other row twice, leaving 14 (15, 15, 16, 17, 18) shoulder sts. When jacket measures full given length for chosen size, BO shoulder sts. Work the other side in the same manner. RIGHT FRONT Shape arm hole in the same manner as on back. At the same time, cont dec at front edges as before until 14 (15, 15, 16, 17, 18) shoulder sts remain. When front measures same height as back, BO all sts. LEFT FRONT Work left front in the same manner as the right front, except in mirror image. SLEEVES Work both sleeves in the same manner. With 2 strands of col 2, and 6mm (US 10) 16 circulars or DPNs cast on 51 (55, 57, 61, 63, 67) sts. Join round and work 1 garter st

ridge (ie, k 1 rnd, p 1 rnd). Change to 1 strand of col 1 and k 1 rnd and at the same time dec 6 sts evenly spaced (= 45, 49, 51, 55, 57, 61)sts. Cont in seed stitch. When sleeve meas 3 (3.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5) cm decrease as follows: [k2tog, p2tog], rep [] a total of 3 times evenly spaced in the rnd (=6sts dec), leaving 39 (43, 45, 49, 51, 55) sts (Note: dec works best if you start over a k st; the same holds for increasing). Cont in established pattern for another 3 (3.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 4.5) cm and repeat decrease 6 sts as before, leaving 33 (37, 39, 43, 45, 49) sts. When sleeve measures 16 (18, 20, 21, 22, 23) cm place a marker on the 1st st of the rnd to indicate underarm centre. Beg increasing as follows: inc 1st on both sides of marker approx every 2cm for a total of 11 times (=22sts), 55 (59, 61, 65, 67, 71) sts. When sleeve measures 38 (40, 42, 44, 46, 48) cm, shape sleeve cap as follows: BO 7 sts in the centre of the underarm , and beg working back and forth. BO 2( 2, 3, 3, 3, 3) sts at the beg of the next 4 rows. BO 1 st at the beg of the next 12 (12, 14, 14, 14, 14) rows. BO 3 sts at the beg of the next 4 rows. BO remaining sts. FINISHING Sew front and back shoulder seams together. Sew in sleeves. Attch button on left front opposite button hole. COLLAR Beg on the left front panel where the dec beg at front edge. With col 1 and 5.5 mm (US 9) needles pick up approx. 7 sts every 5 cm all along the neck edge. Work back and forth in seed stitch. At the same time, BO 2sts at the beg of every row for a total of 7 times on each side (14 dec on each side). Then cont working in seed st until collar measures 17cm. BO all stitches. EDGING On the right side of the RS of collar, using 5.5mm needle and one strand of col 2 pick up approx 7 sts per 5 cm along collar edge. Work 2 garter st ridges (= 4rows) and BO sts. Sew collar edge down to avoid any twisting. Rep edging on both front sides, being sure to pick up sts on the RS moving from right to left. Note: you will want to draw the buttonhole slit together on the right front, and you may want to dec at the top of both side edges to form a smoother line. (Another option is to crochet the entire edge1 single crocheted row, followed by one crab stitched row would works nicely!)

Revisions for Misti Chunky Cosmo Jacket by Liane Schwarz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at www.knitomatic.com.

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