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Study of user interests Outputs and results:

Login Form:

This is the basic login screen for the desktop application we have developed. Here the user has to give his respective user ID and password which is acceptable only for the authorized users. In case of illegal or wrong entries of user ID and password an error box pops out. This error box warns the user about the fault in the entry of user ID or password.

The valid user IDs and password combinations are stored in a SQLite manager database. On clicking the OK button the applications checks for the validity of the user ID, password and

their combinations form the database. On successful entry of inputs the application opens else the error message immediately strikes the screen.

This is the screen that appears on the encounter of wrong user ID. After the scrutiny of the database is the user ID does not match Invalid Username message box appears, by this the user can easily identify where the mistake took palace and he/she can easily rectify it with minimum efforts.

This screen appears on the invalid entry of password. The Invalid password message box informs us that the password is misspelled or incorrect, by this message box the user is immediately informed about his/her mistake, so that he/she can easily rectify it.

Welcome Screens: 1. Firefox Home:

On the successful entry of the User ID and password combination the user gets access to the main window of the application. In this window there are three tabs available each for a different browser. The user chooses the browser which he uses the most. In this screen the tab Mozilla Firefox browser is shown. A view domain button is available, on clicking this entire history of Mozilla Firefox is show in the the box available below the view domain button .

2. Chrome Home:

In this window there are three tabs available each for a different browser. The user chooses the browser which he uses the most. In this screen the tab Google chrome browser is shown. A view domain button is available, on clicking this entire history of Google chrome is show in the box available below the view domain button.

3. Netscape Home:

In this window there are three tabs available each for a different browser. The user chooses the browser which he uses the most. In this screen the tab Netscape navigator browser is shown. A view domain button is available, on clicking this entire history of Netscape navigator is show in the box available below the view domain button.

Mail Entry Screens:

In this window there is another interesting feature of mailing all the history to any friend. There is a mail button available in the window,on clicking that button a mail entry alert box will open.In this box the user has to enter a valid e-mail Id of the person to whom he/she is interesting in sending the history details. By clicking the OK button the mail can be sent to the destination in a fraction of second.

On the successful sending of the email the a dialogue box will appear stating thats the e-mail has been successfully sent. By clicking on the OK of X(cross) button the user can close the window.

While sending the e-mail sometimes sending may fail. There are two main possibilities for this they are: 1.the user may have entered an invalid e-mail ID. 2.There might be some problem with the internet connection. These error messages are displayed in a dialogue box on failure of sending the e-mail.

Format of mail sent:

This is the the mail that is sent to the user given destination. The mail is sent with the subject as the name of the browser being used. This feature will be very useful for the future referral of the history.

Browsing Pattern result for firefox:

In the main window there is another important option of analyzing the history. The is a button Analyze, on clicking this button a pie chart representation of the users interest are shown on the screen. This chart shows the number of times each site is visited, the percentage of its interest and we can have the study of relative interests of the users on different websites. This chart represents the interests on different websites of a user using Mozilla firefox browser.

Browsing Pattern result for netscape:

In the main window there is another important option of analyzing the history. The is a button Analyze, on clicking this button a pie chart representation of the users interest are shown on the screen. This chart shows the number of times each site is visited, the percentage of its interest and we can have the study of relative interests of the users on different websites. This chart represents the interests on different websites of a user using Netscape navigator browser.

Test Cases:
1. Login Module:
SNo Test Case Description Username Validation Username Validation Password Validation Input Expected Behavior Observed behavior Alert msg "Invalid username" Alert msg "Invalid username" Alert msg "Invalid password " Test Result Success

Invalid username

Login not allowed


Login not allowes


Invalid password

Login not allowed


Password Validation


Login not allowed

Alert msg "Invalid password "


2. Firefox Module
Test Case Description View Domain Test Result Success


Input Click on the button View Domain Click on the button with mail icon Enter invalid mail Id

Expected Behavior Show domains browsed Ask to enter mail address Connectivity Error

Observed behavior Display of domains browsed Display input box prompting mail ID Alert msg Invalid mail/no internet connection Alert msg Invalid mail/no internet connection

Send Mail


Mail Entry


Internet Connectivity


Connectivity Error


3. Chrome Module:


Test Case Description View Domain

Input Click on the button View Domain Click on the button with mail icon Enter invalid mail Id

Expected Behavior Show domains browsed Ask to enter mail address Connectivity Error

Observed behavior Display of domains browsed Display input box prompting mail ID Alert msg Invalid mail/no internet connection Alert msg Invalid mail/no internet connection

Test Result Success

Send Mail


Mail Entry


Internet Connectivity


Connectivity Error


4. Netscape Navigator:


Test Case Description View Domain

Input Click on the button View Domain Click on the button with mail icon Enter invalid mail Id

Expected Behavior Show domains browsed Ask to enter mail address Connectivity Error

Observed behavior Display of domains browsed Display input box prompting mail ID Alert msg Invalid mail/no internet connection Alert msg Invalid mail/no internet connection

Test Result Success

Send Mail


Mail Entry


Internet Connectivity


Connectivity Error


5. Analyze Module:


Test Case Description Analyze User patterns


Expected Behavior

Observed behavior Display Pie chart of the user interests of various domains

Test Result

Click on the button Analyze

Show user domain interaction report


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