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Bug 10193846 - RMAN duplicate fails with ORA-19755 when BCT file is not accessible [ID 10193846.8] Modified 01-DEC-2011 Type PATCH Status PUBLISHED

Bug 10193846 RMAN duplicate fails with ORA-19755 when BCT file is not accessible
This note gives a brief overview of bug 10193846. The content was last updated on: 17-SEP-2011 Click here for details of each of the sections below.

Product (Component) Oracle Server (Rdbms)

Range of versions believed to be affected Versions BELOW 12.1 Versions confirmed as being affected Platforms affected Generic (all / most platforms affected)

12.1 (Future Release) (Server Patch Set) Patch Set Update Bundle Patch 7 for Exadata Database Bundle Patch 12 for Exadata Database Patch 6 on Windows Platforms

This issue is fixed in

Error May Occur ORA-19755 / RMAN-6136 / RMAN-5501

Related To:

Duplicating a database (RMAN DUPLICATE) that has/had block change tracking enabled might fail with ORA-19755 . This can occur as db_file_name_convert is not applied to change tracking files (BCT files). eg: RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 10/11/2010 08:38:12 RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database RMAN-06136: Rate this document ORACLE error from auxiliary database: ORA-19755: could not open change tracking file ORA-19750: change tracking file: '/u01/temp/CHANGE/test_tracking.f' ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status Testcase Example: RMAN> connect auxiliary / duplicate database v112 to duplv112 db_file_name_convert = ('v112', 'duplv112') backup location '/u01/oradata/v112/reco_area/V112/backupset/2010_10_08' spfile parameter_value_convert ('v112', 'duplv112') Rediscovery Notes: DUPLICATE fails with ORA-19755 just after restoring the controlfile, before restoring any datafile. V$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKING on the TARGET shows the same filename as on the AUXILIARY instance, but the path does not exist. Workaround Disable change tracking before taking the controlfile backup that will be used by duplicate. Or create a dummy file in the location where the error ORA-19755 is signalled. Or Set db_file_name_convert in the set clause of duplicate, instead of using db_file_name_convert clause. Example: duplicate database v112 to duplv112 backup location '/u01/oradata/v112/reco_area/V112/backupset/2010_10_09' spfile parameter_value_convert ('v112', 'duplv112') set db_file_name_convert = 'v112', 'duplv112'

Please note: The above is a summary description only. Actual symptoms can vary. Matching to any symptoms here does not confirm that you are encountering this problem. For questio Support.

Bug:10193846 (This link will only work for PUBLISHED bugs) Note:245840.1 Information on the sections in this article

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