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Stationing of the Bundeswehr

in Germany October 2011

Stationing of the Bundeswehr
in Germany October 2011
Based on the Defence Policy Guidelines issued on 27 May this year, key decisions on the capabilities, strength
and organisation of the Bundeswehr have since been taken to ensure the operational readiness of the future
Bundeswehr and its ability to meet Alliance commitments. A programme accompanying the reforms was devel-
oped, including a new reservist concept.
Following the suspension of compulsory military service in July and hence the transition to an all-volunteer force,
the decision on stationing now marks the final conceptual stage of the reorientation of the Bundeswehr.
The aim of reorientation is to adjust Bundeswehr tasks and capabilities to the changing security environment,
to adapt its structure to demographic change and to place it on a sound financial footing for the future. Our
Bundeswehr will have to meet the requirements of national and collective defence and, most notably, crisis man-
agement and conflict prevention. The wide diversity of potential conflicts and operations requires that a broad
range of different capabilities be kept available. The Bundeswehr must be capable of operating effectively across
the entire task spectrum, from stability operations to intervention in armed conflicts to high-intensity combat
operations. Only this broad capability spectrum will give Germany the necessary options for flexible and coordi-
nated political action to safeguard freedom and peace.
The decisions taken on the future stationing determine the location and size of future Bundeswehr bases in
Germanys federal states and regions. The military and civilian personnel of the Bundeswehr and their families
are directly affected by these decisions. There are many reasons why our society has a strong and understandable
interest in a continued Bundeswehr presence across Germany, just as the Bundeswehr itself with its military and
civilian personnel wishes to remain an army in the middle of our society.
The decisions on the future stationing are therefore an important element of the necessary adjustment and
restructuring of the Bundeswehr in the course of its reorientation. They are the result of thorough and extensive
analysis in which all relevant factors were carefully and comprehensively weighed. The concerns of the people
in the Bundeswehr and in the garrisons and communities were taken into consideration wherever possible and
acceptable from a functional point of view.
This brochure provides a quick overview for all citizens, both of the future of their location and of the future
stationing of the Bundeswehr as a whole. The timeframe for implementation will be determined separately as
part of the implementation planning for the respective location.
The reorientation is an important step towards making the Bundeswehr future-proof and protecting our country
in the future. This involves stationing the Bundeswehr in such a manner as to ensure effective and financially
viable mission accomplishment in a complex security environment, even within the constraints of federal budget
consolidation and reductions in strength.
The Bundeswehr will become smaller. It is a volunteer force not relying on conscription. It will continue to maintain
a presence throughout and for our country.
Berlin, 26 October 2011
Dr. Thomas de Maizire
Federal Minister of Defence
1 Conceptual and structural parameters
of reorientation 06
2 Factors determining the stationing decision 16
3 Summary of results 17
4 Annexes 19
4.1 Changes in stationing throughout Germany 20
4.2 Stationing density throughout Germany 21
4.3 Changes in stationing by Land 23
4.3.1 Baden-Wrttemberg 24
4.3.2 Bavaria 25
4.3.3 Berlin 26
4.3.4 Brandenburg 27
4.3.5 Bremen 28
4.3.6 Hamburg 29
4.3.7 Hesse 30
4.3.8 Lower Saxony 31
4.3.9 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 32
4.3.10 North Rhine-Westphalia 33
4.3.11 Rhineland-Palatinate 34
4.3.12 Saarland 35
4.3.13 Saxony 36
4.3.14 Saxony-Anhalt 37
4.3.15 Schleswig-Holstein 38
4.3.16 Thuringia 39
4.4 Laender overview of changes 41
4.5 Closures decided, but not yet implemented 131
4.6 Present stations with fewer than 15 billets 132
4.7 Land Commands and civil-military
cooperation support points 134
4.8 Recruiting organisation 135
Editorial details 136
Germany will continue to make a major military contribution towards its own security and that of the
Alliance. Together with our allies and partners, we wish to promote peace and stability in the world.
In keeping with the tasks outlined in the Defence Policy Guidelines issued in May 2011, it is necessary that
the Bundeswehr has a broad spectrum of capabilities to offer to the political decision-makers. We have set
ourselves the goal of being able to sustain up to 10,000 troops in two theatres of operations at the same
time and to participate in an additional maritime operation. The Bundeswehr will help Germany to meet its
military commitments as a member of NATO, the European Union and the United Nations in a responsible
manner. The armed forces are being equipped with a distinct set of robust capabilities both for sustained
conflict prevention and crisis management operations and high-intensity operations of limited duration,
including in the context of national and collective defence.
The Bundeswehr will be based on the principle that functional expertise and organisational responsibility
belong together. The result will be clear-cut structures and, wherever possible, a mix of military and civilian
personnel at headquarters and agencies. Staffs and headquarters will be streamlined, units will be strength-
ened. The goal is joint thinking and action.
Besides the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Joint Medical Service and the Joint Support Service, there will
be the major resource organisational elements of Personnel, Infrastructure, Environmental Protection
and Services, Materiel, Information Technology and Equipment Management as well as the major
organisational elements of Legal Affairs and Military Chaplain Service.
The military personnel in the Bundeswehr will be placed under the administrative control of the Chief of
Staff, Bundeswehr. The Service Chiefs of Staff will exercise command and control of their respective services
and/or major military organisational elements from their own Headquarters outside the Ministry.
1 Conceptual and structural
parameters of reorientation
1 Konzeptionelle und strukturelle
Rahmenbedingungen der Neuausrichtung
The Armed Forces
I The Army will maintain a broad range of capabilities and robustness across the entire
task and intensity spectrum and with graduated levels of sustainability.
I The ability to respond swiftly to emerging crises in the context of national and collective
defence, operations abroad and changing operational requirements will be balanced with
the need to allow sufficient time between deployments abroad.
I The integrated brigade system will be significantly strengthened so as to ensure opera-
tional readiness in due time.
I Modularity will ensure flexibility across a broad task spectrum.
The Army
I The guiding principles for the Air Force are its focus on operations, fitness for the future,
sustainability and efficiency.
I The emphasis of its capability profile will shift from counter air operations to supporting
air operations, surveillance and reconnaissance.
I The capability to conduct high-intensity air operations will be maintained.
I The command and control organisation will pool functional expertise and administrative
responsibility in capability coordination commands. The division level will be dispensed
I The capability range of the Air Force will enable the support of conflict prevention and
crisis management operations and concurrently ensure contributions to national and
collective defence, military evacuation operations and the discharge of standing opera-
tional tasks and interservice functions.
1 Conceptual and structural
parameters of reorientation
The Armed Forces
The Air Force
I The Navy will provide a broad capability profile with graduated levels of sustainability.
I The establishment of an integrated Headquarters of the German Navy, which will also
incorporate the Maritime Operations Centre, allows the division/service office level
to be dispensed with.
I At the same time, the flotillas will be strengthened in accordance with the focus-on-
operations principle.
1 Konzeptionelle und strukturelle
Rahmenbedingungen der Neuausrichtung
Militrische Organisationsbereiche
The Navy
I The Joint Support Service (JSS) will pool Bundeswehr and joint support capabilities for
operations, routine duty activities and national territorial tasks.
I Mobile operational forces, nationally available expertise and capabilities for operations
as well as training and development in the fields of logistics, command support and
military intelligence will be consolidated under unified responsibility in the future JSS
capability coordination commands.
I The Territorial Tasks Command will pool the territorial tasks that have so far been
distributed among the military districts. This is where the capabilities particularly suited
to support subsidiary emergency relief missions will be kept ready. The military district
commands will be disbanded.
I The tried and tested elements of the government region/district liaison groups will be
I The role of reservists will be strengthened through the establishment of regional
security and support units.
The Joint Support Service
1 Conceptual and structural
parameters of reorientation
The Armed Forces
I The high standards of health care provided for military personnel in Germany and on opera-
tions abroad will be ensured by concentrating on medical support processes and consistently
focusing on those tasks that require a medical licence.
I Regional medical care and operational medical support will be combined on a capability-
oriented basis
The Joint Medical Service
1 Conceptual and structural
parameters of reorientation
Major resource organisational elements
I In view of the suspension of compulsory military service, joint personnel recruitment
will be a matter of special significance for the future of the Bundeswehr.
I The new major resource organisational element of Personnel will in future be
responsible for all tasks, ranging from recruitment and personnel management to the
education and qualification of Bundeswehr military and civilian personnel.
I The tasks of the selection and induction offices and recruiting centres will be merged.
Advice on employment opportunities with the Bundeswehr will be provided locally
through a network of 110 permanently manned Bundeswehr careers information offices
and up to 200 mobile offices.
I A further 16 careers centres, eight of which will conduct aptitude tests, will additionally
provide a comprehensive range of information on the Bundeswehr as an employer.
I The fundamentals and responsibilities for school, vocational and academic education
will be pooled at the Bundeswehr Education Management Centre. It will ensure that
qualifications acquired by personnel during service in the Bundeswehr are certified for
the civilian job market.
I In order to pool functional expertise and organisational responsibility, the Federal Office
of Languages and the Bundeswehr universities will be assigned to the major resource
organisational element of Personnel.
I The new major resource organisational element of Infrastructure, Environmental
Protection and Services will incorporate the functional areas of infrastructure, messing/
service facilities and statutory protective tasks. The Federal Office of Bundeswehr Infra-
structure, Environmental Protection and Services will be established for this purpose.
I The military district administrative offices will be disbanded.
I In the field of infrastructure, seven regional centres of expertise will be set up as part of
the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services
to handle operational construction projects.
I The possibility of concentrating travel management and payroll accounting tasks at
Federal Government level is being examined.
I The armed forces will continue to be supported at their stations by Bundeswehr Service
Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services
1 Conceptual and structural
parameters of reorientation
Major resource organisational elements
I A new, efficient and standardised system for materiel, procurement and in-service support
management will be established in the new major resource organisational element of
Materiel, Information Technology and Equipment Management.
I For this purpose, the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, Information Technology and
Equipment Management will be established which will take over the entire range of
tasks currently discharged by the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement
and the Bundeswehr IT Office and their subordinate agencies.
I The new Office will assume full responsibility in this field, from procurement through
equipment management to disposal. Integrated project teams will be set up to liaise
with all Bundeswehr areas affected.
I Operating and supply support responsibility will remain with the armed forces.
Materiel, Information Technology and Equipment Management
1 X
The strength of the armed forces
The overall number of billets will include a total of 2,000 for the Federal Ministry
of Defence.
The Federal Ministry of Defence
The strength of the armed forces, including reservists, will amount to up to 185,000 military personnel, at
least 5,000 to 15,000 of whom will be military service volunteers.
Reservists are an indispensable element of the Bundeswehr and will become even more important in
future. They will reinforce active duty forces and increase sustainability on operations wherever possible.
Taking account of their wide range of civilian occupational qualifications and personal skills, reservists will
in future receive specific and additional military training and education to ensure that they can be
employed, even at short notice, in response to a crisis and across a broad spectrum of tasks. Reservists will
support the armed forces in building up new capabilities and in ensuring homeland security as required.
They will also play an indispensable role as a link between the Bundeswehr and society, benefiting both
recruitment and the integration of the armed forces into society.
55,000 billets are earmarked for civilian personnel.
Hence, the Bundeswehr will in future comprise a total of up to 240,000 military and civilian billets.
The decisions for this Stationing Concept are based on the fundamental principles of functionality, cost-
effectiveness, attractiveness and presence throughout Germany. This underlines the holistic nature of the
approach taken.
In order to refine the underlying principles, specific indicators were established for each station. They
facilitate the comparability of stations and enable an appropriate assessment of stationing alternatives
within the framework of a comprehensive analysis. These include:
I Suitability of a facility for mission accomplishment
I Access to suitable training and exercise facilities
I Access to transport networks
I Suitability of the location of a station for the performance of tasks and conduct
of exercises within and outside the Bundeswehr
I Facility operating costs (structural maintenance, management, guarding)
I Necessity and cost of infrastructure measures
I Previous infrastructure investments and infrastructure investments necessary
in the medium and longterm
I Availability and variety of educational institutions, public welfare, recreation
and care facilities
2 Factors determining the stationing decision
The present situation
At present, there are 394 Bundeswehr stations.
Thirteen of these stations have already been earmarked for closure in previous stationing decisions. The
scheduled closure dates are listed in the Annexes.
Many smaller organisational elements of the Bundeswehr, such as the future mobile recruiting elements,
will be subject to frequent adaptation or be based at varying locations. To make things easier to under-
stand, municipalities in which a station has fewer than 15 billets will therefore no longer be referred to as
Bundeswehr stations irrespective of whether the currently existing elements remain stationed there. This
applies to 58 municipalities of the 394 stations mentioned above. They are listed in the Annexes.
Five stations have been added. The elements stationed there have so far been organisationally assigned to
other stations (see Annexes). By including these stations in the Stationing Concept, the organisation and
stationing of the Bundeswehr have been brought in line.
The 328 stations thus constitute the starting point.
This Stationing Concept provides for the closure of 31 stations. In terms of size, these closures affect:
I 8 stations with 15 to 100 billets
I 4 stations with 101 to 500 billets
I 13 stations with 501 to 1,000 billets
I 6 stations with more than 1,000 billets
In addition, significant cuts will be made at 91 stations, entailing a reduction in the present number of
billets by more than 50% or by more than 500 billets. At 33 of these stations, the number of billets will be
reduced to fewer than 15, so that they will no longer be referred to as stations.
In future, there will be a total of 264 Bundeswehr stations in Germany.
3 Summary of results
4 Annexes
Notes on the Annexes
The Annexes contain details of the future stationing of the Bundeswehr in the individual Laender, the sta-
tioning of the Land Commands, the civil-military cooperation support points and the recruiting organisation.
Of the planned total of up to 240,000 military and civilian billets, the following are not reflected in the
stationing figures: military personnel temporarily participating in courses at schools and other training
facilities; reservists; Bundeswehr members performing duty outside the Federal Republic of Germany as well
as Bundeswehr members assigned to the Federal Ministry of Defence or working in cooperation projects
between the Bundeswehr and trade and industry or otherwise employed outside the Bundeswehr.
This means that of the total number of civilian and military billets, approximately 197,500 have been taken
into account here.
Owing to ongoing adaptation as part of the reorientation of the Bundeswehr such as the restructuring
of the major civilian organisational elements, the reallocation of tasks to other Federal Ministries, the
reshaping of the training landscape and intensified cooperation with trade and industry as well as the
implementation of structural requirements down to unit level, changes may still prove necessary at indi-
vidual stations.
15 - 100 101 - 500 501 - 1,000 over 1,000 total
Baden-Wrttemberg 0 0 3 1 4
Bavaria 0 0 1 2 3
Berlin 0 0 0 0 0
Brandenburg 0 0 0 0 0
Bremen 0 0 0 0 0
Hamburg 0 0 0 0 0
Hesse 0 0 1 0 1
Number of closures
and affected billets
North Rhine-Westphalia 1 0 1 0 2
Rhineland-Palatinate 0 2 1 2 5
Saarland 0 0 0 0 0
Saxony 1 0 0 0 1
Saxony-Anhalt 0 0 0 0 0
Schleswig-Holstein 3 0 5 0 8
Thuringia 0 1 0 0 1
8 4 13 6 31
Lower Saxony 2 0 0 1 3
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 1 1 1 0 3
4.1 Changes in stationing throughout Germany
Number of closures and affected billets
281,500 billets
197,500 billets
Land present future
9.2 5.4
8.6 6.4
7.2 5.1
6.5 5.1
4.1 2.5
4.0 2.8
3.5 2.9
2.6 1.4
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Lower Saxony
Land present future
2.4 1.9
2.4 1.5
2,0 1.5
1.7 1.1
1.5 1.5
1.5 1.4
1.4 0.9
1.1 0.9
North Rhine-Westphalia
4.2 Stationing density throughout Germany

Number of billets per 1,000 of population
Land present future Land present future
4.3 Changes in stationing by Land
4.3.1 Baden-Wrttemberg

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Freiburg im Breisgau
- Heidelberg
- Pforzheim
- Ravensburg
- Schwbisch Gmnd
(See Annexes for details)
25,500 billets
15,800 billets
4.3.2 Bavaria
Significant reduction
to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as
stations in the future.
- Bamberg
- Deggendorf
- Kempten (Allgu)
- Regensburg
- Traunstein
- Wrzburg
(See Annexes for details)
50,700 billets
31,000 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.3 Berlin
5,200 billets
5,000 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.4 Brandenburg
8,800 billets
7,400 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.5 Bremen
1,100 billets
700 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.6 Hamburg
2,700 billets
2,400 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.7 Hesse
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Darmstadt
- Gelnhausen
- Wetzlar
(See Annexes for details)
8,600 billets
5,400 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.8 Lower Saxony
51,600 billets
40,800 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Braunschweig
- Gttingen
- Neuharlingersiel
- Stade
(See Annexes for details)
4.3.9 Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
14,200 billets
10,600 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.10 North Rhine-Westphalia
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Arnsberg
- Dortmund
- Herford
- Paderborn
- Recklinghausen
- Siegen
(See Annexes for details)
36,600 billets
26,800 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.11 Rhineland-Palatinate
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Kaiserslautern
(See Annexes for details)
28,700 billets
20,600 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.12 Saarland
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Sankt Wendel
(See Annexes for details)
2,700 billets
1,400 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.13 Saxony
4,500 billets
3,600 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.14 Saxony-Anhalt
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Halle (Saale)
(See Annexes for details)
5,600 billets
4,400 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.15 Schleswig-Holstein
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Albersdorf
- Bramstedtlund
- Itzehoe
- Schleswig
(See Annexes for details)
26,000 billets
15,300 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.3.16 Thuringia
Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets,
no longer referred to as stations in the future.
- Mhlhausen (Thringen)
- Suhl
(See Annexes for details)
9,000 billets
6,300 billets

Bundeswehr station
Bundeswehr station
Significant reduction
Additional Bundeswehr
Planned closure
15 - 100 billets
101 - 500 billets
501 - 1,000 billets
over 1,000 billets
4.4 Laender overview of changes
In the Annexes, the following abbreviations are used
for the major organisational elements:
AIN Ausrstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung
(Materiel, Information Technology and Equipment Management)
H Heer (Army)
IUD Infrastruktur, Umweltschutz und Dienstleistungen
(Infrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services)
L Luftwaffe (Air Force)
M Marine (Navy)
MS Militrseelsorge (Military Chaplain Service)
P Personal (Personnel)
R Rechtspflege (Legal Affairs)
SKB Streitkrftebasis (Joint Support Service)
ZSan Zentraler Sanittsdienst der Bundeswehr
(Bundeswehr Joint Medical Service)
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
750 CBRN Defence Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
6/3 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr CBRN Defence Command SKB
Other agencies
BruchsaI 1550
750 CBRN Defence Regiment H
Army Combat Support Brigade H
3/452 Military Police Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Special Forces Command * H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
CaIw 1330
Special Forces Command * H
OtKHr DJencies
German Element, 3/French-German Logistic Support Battalion H
292 Light nfantry Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Donaueschingen 750
German Element, 3/French-German Logistic Support Battalion H
292 Light nfantry Battalion H
Selection and nduction Office WV
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Motor Vehicle Training Centre, Vehicle Driving Simulator, Category F/G Driving Licence * SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
3 Medical Regiment (Elements from Ulm) * ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Dornstadt 1,230
Motor Vehicle Training Company, Tracked Vehicle Driving Simulator * SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
471 Logistic Battalion * SKB
47 Logistic Regiment SKB
41 Field Hospital Regiment, Elements ZSan
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
30 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Federal Office of Languages, Branch * P
EIIwangen (Jagst) 1,340
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
465 Transport Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
10 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Freiburg im Breisgau 70
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Hardheim 980
12 Security Battalion H
Materiel Depot, Darmstadt, Branch SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
HeideIberg 210
German Element, Headquarters, V (US) Corps H
Senior German Officer, Component Command Land Headquarters, Heidelberg SKB
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Hohentengen 820
1 Battalion, Air Force Training Regiment L
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be relocated to Stetten a.k.M.)
(To be relocated to Stetten a.k.M.)
(To be disbanded)
Immendingen 970
295 Artillery Battalion H
550 Armoured Engineer Company H
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
OtKHr DJencies
150 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies *
KarIsruhe 360
2 Air Force Band L
Materiel Depot, Darmstadt, Branch SKB
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
20 Additional station
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Lauda-Knigshofen 40
134 Detached Technical Platoon L
(at present organisationally assigned to Mestetten station)
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Helicopter Wing L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
Laupheim 1,750
25 Medium Transport Helicopter Regiment H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences * 3
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Education Management Centre * P
Other agencies
Mannheim 270
Federal Academy of Defence Administration and Technology WV
Federal School of Defence Administration * WV
Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
20 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Mestetten 840
6/292 Light nfantry Battalion H
Tactical Air Command and Control Group 1 L
OtKHr DJencies
German Element, French-German Brigade H
German Element, French-German Logistic Support Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
MIIheim 910
German Element, French-German Brigade H
German Element, French-German Logistic Support Battalion H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Materiel Depot UD
Other agencies
Neckarzimmern 350
Materiel Depot, Erding, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
30 Transport Helicopter Regiment H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
Niederstetten 1,580
30 Transport Helicopter Regiment H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
1 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Pforzheim 60
Materiel Depot, Erding, Branch SKB
Special Operations Training Centre * H
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
PfuIIendorf 580
Special Operations Training Centre * H
200 Long-Range Reconnaissance Demonstration Company H
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Ravensburg 50
Selection and nduction Office WV
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Schwbisch Gmnd 50
Selection and nduction Office WV
Ammunition Depot SKB
Other agencies
Setzingen 60
Ammunition Depot, Altheim, Branch SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Lebach)
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Stetten a.k.M.)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Sigmaringen 1,860
10 Armoured Division H
295 Artillery Battalion, Elements H
(uUoForps Signal CoPpany H
8 Recruit Company H
2/452 Military Police Battalion SKB
291 Command Support Battalion SKB
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
5/292 Light nfantry Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Training Area SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training Centre * H
295 Artillery Battalion H
550 Armoured Engineer Company H
6 Recruit Company H
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Training Centre, CBRN Defence and Protection School * UD
2/3 Military Police Regiment (from Sigmaringen) SKB
Other agencies
Stetten am kaIten Markt 1,640
5/292 Light nfantry Battalion H
CBRN Defence and Self-Protection School, Elements * H
452 Military Police Battalion SKB
Training Area, Heuberg SKB
Bundeswehr Explosive Ordnance Disposal Centre SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
440 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, Baden-Wrttemberg SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
Service Centre, South, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management P
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Payroll Accounting
(concentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies *
Stuttgart 980
nfrastructure Staff, South SKB
Land Command, Baden-Wrttemberg SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
Military District Administrative Office, South WV
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Other agencies
Todtnau 100
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
OtKHr DJencies
2,220 Significant reduction
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
7/3 Military Police Regiment SKB
Joint and Combined Operations Command SKB
Support Battalion, Joint and Combined Operations Command SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Dornstadt, 3 Medical Regiment)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Pharmacy ZSan
Other agencies *
UIm 3,220
10 Army Band H
4/452 Military Police Battalion SKB
Response Forces Operations Command SKB
Support Battalion, Response Forces Operations Command SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
Medical Emergency Service School * ZSan
41 Field Hospital Regiment * ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch L
Other agencies
Ummendorf 200
Branch, Aircraft Engineering Systems Centre L
OtKHr DJencies
461 Logistic Battalion * SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
WaIIdrn 1,070
461 Logistic Battalion * SKB
Ammunition Depot, Altheim SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
190 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Oldenburg i.O.)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
3 Non-Commissioned Officer Candidate Battalion * H
Other agencies
AItenstadt 720
Airborne Operations and Air Transport School * H
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
90 Significant reduction
(To be relocated to Cham)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Amberg 460
12 Armoured Brigade H
4/451 Military Police Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
OtKHr DJencies
230 Pack Animal Centre H
(To be disbanded)
231 Mountain nfantry Battalion H
23 Mountain nfantry Brigade H
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
2/8 Mountain Logistic Support Battalion H
Other agencies
Bad ReichenhaII 2,040
230 Pack Animal Centre H
210 Mountain Signal Battalion H
231 Mountain nfantry Battalion H
23 Mountain nfantry Brigade H
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Bamberg 60
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
20 Significant reduction
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Bayerisch Eisenstein 50
133 Detached Technical Platoon, Elements L
Other agencies
(To be disbanded)
232 Mountain nfantry Battalion H
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
232 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Bischofswiesen 1,560
210 Mountain Signal Battalion, Elements H
232 Mountain nfantry Battalion H
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
4 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Bogen 1,090
4 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Regional Medical Command V ZSan
Other agencies
(To be disbanded)
12 Armoured Brigade (from Amberg) H
112 Training and Support Company H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Cham 730
4 Signal Battalion H
Other agencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Deggendorf 30
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Regensburg WV
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
292 Command Support Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
DiIIingen an der Donau 1,040
292 Command Support Battalion SKB
29 Command Support Regiment * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
130 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch L
Other agencies
Donauwrth 1,150
922 Electronic Warfare Battalion * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
220 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Research nstitute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants AN
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Erding 1,190
1 Air Force Maintenance Regiment L
Aircraft Engineering Systems Centre L
Bundeswehr Research nstitute for Materials, Fuels and Lubricants R
Materiel Depot SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Medical nstruction Regiment * =San
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
FeIdkirchen 1,110
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Medical nstruction Regiment * ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Centre for Operational Training and Exercises of the Bundeswehr Medical Service * ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
20 Additional station
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Freising 30
135 Detached Technical Platoon, Elements L
(at present organisationally assigned to Erding station)
8 Reconnaissance Battalion H
Other agencies
Freyung 830
8 Reconnaissance Battalion H
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be relocated to Kln)
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Roth)
(To be relocated to Schortens)
(To be relocated to Euskirchen)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
FrstenfeIdbruck 1,240
Air Force nstitute of Aviation Medicine * L
Headquarters, 1 Air Division L
Air Force Officer School * L
nformation Technology Sector 1 L
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office, Branch * SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
1,090 Significant reduction
230 Mountain Reconnaissance Battalion H
8 Mountain Logistic Support Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Fssen 1,650
230 Mountain Reconnaissance Battalion H
8 Mountain Logistic Battalion H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Central nstitute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, Mnchen ZSan
Other agencies
Garching 180
Central nstitute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, Mnchen ZSan
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Senior German Officer, German Element, George C. Marshall Centre SKB
Mountain Division Band SKB
Other agencies
Garmisch-Partenkirchen 100
Senior German Officer, German Element, George C. Marshall Centre SKB
Mountain Division Band SKB
German Military Representative to the Training Area Headquarters SKB
Other agencies
Grafenwhr 130
German Military Representative to the Training Area Headquarters SKB
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 81 AN
Other agencies
Greding 300
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 81 R
Other agencies
1,300 Significant reduction
nfantry Training Centre * H
(To be disbanded)
2 Officer Candidate Battalion * H
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr UN Training Centre * H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Training Area SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
HammeIburg 2,280
nfantry School * H
1 Light nfantry Regiment, Elements H
Officer Candidate Battalion * H
1 Recruit Company H
Bundeswehr UN Training Centre * H
Motor Vehicle Training Company, Tracked Vehicle Driving Simulator * SKB
Training Area SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Signals ntelligence Technical Analysis Centre SKB
Other agencies *
Hof 210
Bundeswehr Signals ntelligence Technical Analysis Centre SKB
Other agencies *
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
8 Mountain Engineer Battalion H
Engineers Training Centre * H
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
IngoIstadt 1,410
8 Mountain Engineer Battalion H
Engineer School and Army School of Construction Engineering * H
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Kaufbeuren 880
Air Force School of Engineering 1 * L
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Kempten (AIIgu) 870
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
42 Mountain Medical Regiment * ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr School of nformation Technology * SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Electronic Warfare Centre for Flying Weapon Systems (from Trier - as previously decided) L
Other agencies
KIeinaitingen 460
22 Surface-to-Air Missile Group, Elements L
Supply and Transport Squadron, 32 Fighter Bomber Wing L
Bundeswehr School of nformation Technology * SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
472 Logistic Battalion * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Kmmersbruck 1,190
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
472 Logistic Battalion * SKB
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Avionics Systems Centre UD
Other agencies
Landsberg am Lech 570
Weapon Systems Support Centre L
5/471 Logistic Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Other agencies
1,230 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch L
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 61 AN
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Bundeswehr Technical Centre UD
Other agencies
Manching 1,780
5 Surface-to-Air Missile Wing L
23 Surface-to-Air Missile Group * L
Combat Aircraft Systems Support Centre L
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 61 R
Other agencies
Mountain and Winter Combat Training Facility * H
233 Mountain nfantry Battalion H
4/8 Mountain Logistic Support Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
233 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
MittenwaId 1,790
Mountain and Winter Combat School * H
233 Mountain nfantry Battalion H
8 Mountain Logistic Battalion, Elements H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
1,570 Significant reduction
First Chamber, Bundeswehr Disciplinary and Complaints Court, South R
3 Military Police Regiment SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Land Command, Bavaria SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Careers Centre P
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr nstitute of Microbiology ZSan
Bundeswehr nstitute of Pharmacology and Toxicology ZSan
Bundeswehr nstitute of Radiobiology ZSan
Bundeswehr Medical Academy * ZSan
(To be disbanded)
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
Payroll Accounting
(concentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies *
Mnchen 2,520
First Chamber, Bundeswehr Disciplinary and Complaints Court, South R
451 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Land Command, Bavaria SKB
Military District Command V SKB
Recruiting Centre, South SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Branch, Military District Administrative Office, South WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Medical Emergency Service School * ZSan
Bundeswehr nstitute of Microbiology ZSan
Bundeswehr nstitute of Pharmacology and Toxicology ZSan
Bundeswehr nstitute of Radiobiology ZSan
Bundeswehr Medical Academy * ZSan
Bundeswehr Medical Office ZSan
Other agencies *
(To be disbanded)
Engineer Training Centre, Elements * H
Other agencies
Mnchsmnster 60
Mine Detection Dog Platoon H
Engineer School and Army School of Construction Engineering, Elements * H
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 rounded)
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
293 Command Support Battalion * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Murnau am StaffeIsee 980
5/451 Military Police Battalion SKB
293 Command Support Battalion * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr University, Mnchen * P
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Bundeswehr University UD
Other agencies
Neubiberg 1380
1 Air Force Band L
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr University, Mnchen * SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Eurofighter Wing * L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
Neuburg an der Donau 1240
74 Fighter Wing * L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies
Nrnberg 80
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
Senior German Officer, German Element, NATO School SHAPE SKB
Bundeswehr Education Management Centre, Branch * P
Other agencies *
Oberammergau 100
Senior German Officer, German Element, NATO School SHAPE SKB
Federal School of Defence Administration V * WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
122 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Other agencies
Oberviechtach 950
122 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Other agencies
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Planning Office, Branch SKB
Other agencies
Ottobrunn 130
NATO Helicopter 90/TGER Systems Support Centre L
Bundeswehr Transformation Centre, Elements SKB
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded as previously decided)
(To be disbanded)
Penzing 2350
22 Surface-to-Air Missile Group L
61 Air Transport Wing L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
2/4 Logistic Support Battalion H
104 Tank Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Pfreimd 880
4 Logistic Battalion, Elements H
104 Tank Battalion H
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Command Support School * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Pcking 320
Bundeswehr Command Support School * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
112 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Regen 960
112 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
10 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies *
Regensburg 100
Selection and nduction Office WV
Other agencies *
4 Logistic Support Battalion H
8/3 Military Police Regiment SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Roding 900
4 Logistic Battalion H
3/451 Military Police Battalion SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
540 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Air Force Officer School (from Frstenfeldbruck) * L
9/3 Military Police Regiment SKB
Other agencies
Roth 2820
26 Attack Helicopter Regiment H
23 Surface-to-Air Missile Group, Elements L
2 Battalion, Air Force Training Regiment L
Air Force Training Regiment L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 52 AN
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Bundeswehr Technical Centre UD
Other agencies
SchneizIreuth 140
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 52 R
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Schwarzenbach am WaId 40
132 Detached Technical Platoon L
590 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
CBRN Defence and Self-Protection School * SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Fire-Fighting and Fire Protection Centre UD
Other agencies *
Sonthofen 1120
3/750 CBRN Defence Regiment H
CBRN Defence and Self-Protection School * H
110 Light CBRN Defence Company H
120 Light CBRN Defence Company H
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Traunstein 50
Selection and nduction Office WV
570 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Command Support School, Elements * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Air Force Engineering Training Centre, Branch * L
Flight Operations Component L
Other agencies
Untermeitingen 1620
32 Fighter Bomber Wing L
14 Student Company, Bundeswehr Command Support School * SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
5/3 Military Police Regiment SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
10 Armoured Division H
Other agencies *
Veitshchheim 1190
Airmobile Division H
Signal Battalion, Airmobile Division H
12 Army Band H
5/452 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education, Wrzburg * WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
1150 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
467 Logistic Battalion SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
VoIkach 1830
466 Maintenance Battalion SKB
467 Logistic Battalion SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded as previously decided)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
131 Artillery Battalion H
122 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Weiden in der OberpfaIz 470
5/104 Tank Battalion H
Training Wing D, Non-Commissioned Officer School * H
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
390 Significant reduction
German Army Warfighting Simulation Centre H
(To be disbanded)
Training Area Headquarters SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
WiIdfIecken 800
German Army WarIighWing SimulaWion Centre H
Bundeswehr UN Training Centre, Elements * H
Training Area Headquarters SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Wrzburg 80
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be relocated to Schnefeld - as previously decided)
(To be disbanded)
Office of the Protestant Church for the Bundeswehr MS
Catholic Military Episcopal Office MS
Federal College for Security Studies SKB
1 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Band SKB
(To be disbanded)
Federal Ministry of Defence Guard Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
Bundeswehr Education Management Centre, Branch * P
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
1 Medical Regiment, Elements * =San
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Pharmacy ZSan
Bundeswehr Territorial Tasks Command SKB
Bundeswehr Academy for nformation and Communication (Central Editorial Department) SKB
Bundeswehr Planning Office SKB
Headquarters of the German Air Force L
Other agencies *
BerIin 5190
3 Air Transport Squadron, Special Air Mission Wing, Federal Ministry of Defence * L
4 Air Force Band L
Office of the Protestant Church for the Bundeswehr MS
Catholic Military Episcopal Office MS
Federal College for Security Studies SKB
350 Military Police Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Band SKB
Garrison Command SKB
Federal Ministry of Defence Guard Battalion SKB
Recruiting Centre, East SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Federal School of Defence Administration * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
Medical Emergency Service School * ZSan
Bundeswehr nstitute of Occupational and Environmental Health ZSan
31 Field Hospital Regiment * ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
172 Logistic Battalion SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
BeeIitz 980
172 Logistic Battalion * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Ammunition Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
Other agencies
Beeskow 90
Ammunition Depot, Schneeberg SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Training Area, Lehnin SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
Brck 170
Training Area, Lehnin SKB
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Calibration Centre, Branch SKB
Other agencies
Cottbus 100
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Other agencies
DoberIug-Kirchhain 110
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
OtKHr DJencies
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Other agencies
Dbern 40
354 Detached Technical Platoon L
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Other agencies
Frankfurt (Oder)
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Other agencies
Mrkische Heide 70
Materiel Depot, Mritz, Branch SKB
Other agencies
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Land Command, Brandenburg SKB
Military History Research nstitute SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Careers Centre P
Other agencies
Potsdam 420
4/351 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Land Command, Brandenburg SKB
Military History Research nstitute SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Other agencies
610 Signal Battalion H
4 Recruit Company H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
PrenzIau 630
610 Signal Battalion H
Other agencies
Special Air Mission Wing, Federal Ministry of Defence, Elements L
Other agencies
SchnefeId 15
New station for elements, Special Air Mission Wing, Federal Ministry of Defence Lw
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
Tactical Air Command and Control Group L
Helicopter Wing, Elements L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Weapon Systems Support Centre L
Rotary-Wing Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Centre L
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
SchnewaIde 1810
1 Army Aviation Support Squadron H
Tactical Air Command and Control Group 3 L
64 Helicopter Wing L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Joint Operations Command SKB
Joint Command Special Operations SKB
Headquarters and Signal Battalion, Bundeswehr Joint Operations Command SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
SchwieIowsee 990
Bundeswehr Joint Operations Command SKB
Joint Command Special Operations SKB
Headquarters and Signal Battalion, Bundeswehr Joint Operations Command SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
7/1 Military Police Regiment SKB
381 Command Support Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Storkow (Mark) 940
4/350 Military Police Battalion SKB
381 Command Support Battalion SKB
38 Command Support Regiment * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
1060 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Academy for nformation and Communication * SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be merged with the Military History Research nstitute, Potsdam)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Headquarters of the German Army H
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
Service Centre, East, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management P
Payroll Accounting
(Foncentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies *
Strausberg 2270
4 Battalion, Air Force Training Regiment L
Bundeswehr Academy for nformation and Communication * SKB
nfrastructure Staff, East SKB
Bundeswehr nstitute of Social Sciences SKB
Bundeswehr Transformation Centre SKB
Military District Administrative Office, East WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Berlin, Branch - Materiel Transshipment Centre - UD
TeItow 20
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Berlin, Branch - Materiel Transshipment Centre - WV
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
70 Significant reduction
Air Transport Wing, Elements * L
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, Bremen SKB
Other agencies
Bremen 260
4/62 Air Transport Wing * L
5/152 Military Police Battalion SKB
Land Command, Bremen SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Naval Operations School * 0
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Survival at Sea Student Company * M
Other agencies *
Bremerhaven 850
Naval Operations School * 0
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
6/1 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Command and Staff College * SKB
Land Command, Hamburg SKB
Bundeswehr University * 3
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility, Generalleutnant Graf von Baudissin Barracks ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility, Hanseaten Barracks ZSan
Bundeswehr Pharmacy ZSan
Other agencies *
Hamburg 2730
4/151 Military Police Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Command and Staff College * SKB
Land Command, Hamburg SKB
Bundeswehr University * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
Medical Emergency Service School * ZSan
Medical Squadron, Bundeswehr University, Hamburg ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
9 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies *
Darmstadt 100
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
932 Electronic Warfare Battalion * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Frankenberg (Eder) 1060
932 Electronic Warfare Battalion * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Air Traffic Services Office L
Other agencies
Frankfurt am Main
Bundeswehr Air Traffic Services Office L
OtKHr DJencies
Ammunition Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
Other agencies
Friedrichsdorf 110
Ammunition Depot, Eft-Hellendorf, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
1420 Significant reduction
36 Attack Helicopter Regiment H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
9/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Other agencies
FritzIar 2040
36 Attack Helicopter Regiment H
1 Air Manoeuvre Brigade H
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
GeInhausen 40
Selection and nduction Office WV
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Other agencies
Homberg (Efze) 70
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies *
KasseI 180
2 Army Band H
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Air Traffic Services Office, Branch L
Other agencies
Langen (Hessen) 60
Bundeswehr Air Traffic Services Office, Branch L
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Centre, Branch SKB
Offenbach am Main 20
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office, Branch SKB
Materiel Depot SKB
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Materiel Depot UD
Other agencies
Pfungstadt 420
Materiel Depot, Darmstadt SKB
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Rotenburg an der FuIda 820
251 Military Police Battalion, Elements SKB
286 Command Support Battalion SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
1 Light nfantry Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
1 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Schwarzenborn 1340
1 Light nfantry Regiment H
Training Area SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
Rapid Response Forces Division H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
4/7 Logistic Support Battalion H
Other agencies
StadtaIIendorf 1400
Special Operations Division H
Airborne Signal Battalion, Special Operations Division H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
WetzIar 50
Selection and nduction Office WV
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
200 Significant reduction
Land Command, Hesse SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
Payroll Accounting
(Foncentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies
Wiesbaden 440
Land Command, Hesse SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
Branch, Military District Administrative Office, West WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
110 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Ammunition Depot SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
Other agencies
Aurich 550
Headquarters, 4 Air Division L
nformation Technology Sector 4 L
Ammunition Depot, Zetel, Branch SKB
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Oldenburg WV
Other agencies *
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Braunschweig 60
Selection and nduction Office WV
Other agencies
Materiel Management Centre for Bundeswehr Operations SKB
Other agencies
Bremervrde 250
Materiel Management Centre for Bundeswehr Operations SKB
Other agencies
nternational Helicopter Training Centre * H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
Bckeburg 1510
Army Aviation School * H
4 Recruit Company H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
400 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
2 Non-Commissioned Officer Candidate Battalion * H
Air Manoeuvre Training Centre H
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
CeIIe 1080
100 Army Aviation Maintenance Squadron H
109 Army Aviation Squadron H
100 Army Aviation Liaison and Reconnaissance Squadron H
Training Centre C, Army Aviation School * H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
1380 Significant reduction
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
161 Logistic Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
DeImenhorst 2550
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
161 Logistic Battalion SKB
1 Logistic %Uigade SKB
165 Transport Battalion SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
110 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Schnewalde, reorganisation)
Materiel Storage Site SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
DiephoIz 1020
Air Base Squadron * L
3 Force Protection Battalion, Air Force Force Protection Regiment * L
2 Air Force Maintenance Regiment L
Materiel Depot, Ochtrup, Branch SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Ehra-Lessien 70
Training Area SKB
OtKHr DJencies
10 Transport Helicopter Regiment H
Air Force Engineering Training Centre * L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
Faberg 1920
10 Transport Helicopter Regiment H
Air Force School of Engineering 3 * L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Gttingen 40
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Hannover WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
1290 Significant reduction
(To be relocated to Oldenburg i.O.)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, Lower Saxony SKB
Bundeswehr Military Police and Headquarters Service School * SKB
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
Bundeswehr Military Police Command SKB
3/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Service Centre, North, Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management P
Payroll Accounting/Travel Management P
(Foncentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies *
Hannover 2320
1 Armoured Division H
1 Army Band H
152 Military Police Battalion SKB
nfrastructure Staff, North SKB
Land Command, Lower Saxony SKB
Bundeswehr Military Police and Headquarters Service School * SKB
Recruiting Centre, North SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Military District Administrative Office, North WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
1 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
Other agencies *
HoIzminden 980
1 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Rapid Medical Response Forces Command * ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Leer (OstfriesIand) 940
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Rapid Medical Response Forces Command ZSan
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
Training Area Headquarters, Bergen SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
Lohheide 650
Training Area Headquarters, Bergen SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Bergen WV
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Lorup 40
Ammunition Depot, Zetel, Branch SKB
710 Significant reduction
3 Reconnaissance Demonstration Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Lneburg 1820
3 Reconnaissance Demonstration Battalion H
3 Logistic Battalion, Elements H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 91 AN
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Bundeswehr Technical Centre UD
Other agencies
Meppen 980
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 91 R
Selection and nduction Office WV
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
5270 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Training Centre * H
2/141 Logistic Support Battalion H
1 Officer Candidate Battalion * H
325 Artillery Demonstration Battalion H
92 Armoured nfantry Demonstration Battalion H
93 Tank Demonstration Battalion H
9 Armour Demonstration Brigade H
(To be disbanded)
92 Training and Support Company H
Bundeswehr Research nstitute for Protective Technologies and CBRN Protection AN
2/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Training Area SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Training Centre, Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility, Schulz Lutz Barracks ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
Munster 6260
90 Reconnaissance Demonstration Company H
Training Centre * H
141 Logistic Battalion, Elements H
Officer Candidate Battalion * H
325 Armoured Artillery Demonstration Battalion H
92 Armoured nfantry Demonstration Battalion H
93 Tank Demonstration Battalion H
9 Armour Demonstration Brigade H
90 Armoured Engineer Demonstration Company H
2 Recruit Company H
Bundeswehr Research nstitute for Protective Technologies and CBRN Protection R
3/152 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Company, Tracked Vehicle Driving Simulator * SKB
Training Area SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
4 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
Naval Radio Transmitting Station M
NeuharIingersieI 20
Naval Command Support Centre B, Fleet Command, Branch M
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
141 Logistic Support Battalion H
33 Armoured nfantry Battalion
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
Neustadt am Rbenberge 1520
141 Logistic Battalion H
33 Tank Battalion H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
912 Electronic Warfare Battalion SKB
Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of the Bundeswehr * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Nienburg (Weser) 1520
912 Electronic Warfare Battalion * SKB
CMC Centre * SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
3 Naval Air Wing * 0
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Naval Aviation Command 0
5 Naval Air Wing * 0
Other agencies
NordhoIz 1900
3 Naval Air Wing Graf Zeppelin * 0
Naval School of Technology, Elements * 0
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Range Headquarters, Nordhorn SKB
Nordhorn 20
Range Headquarters, Nordhorn SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Subsistence Office UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
1 Armoured Division (from Hannover) H
Airborne Operations and Air Transport Training Facility * H
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section (from Altenstadt) SKB
Other agencies *
OIdenburg (OIdenburg) 1280
31 Airborne Brigade H
272 Airborne Support Battalion H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Bundeswehr Subsistence Office WV
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies *
60 Additional station
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Bergen, Branch UD
Osterheide 60
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Bergen, Branch WV
(Dt present organisationally assigned to Lohheide station)
Bundeswehr Logistics School * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
OsterhoIz-Scharmbeck 870
Bundeswehr Logistics School * SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
Other agencies
Quakenbrck 150
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
1540 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
373 Light nfantry Battalion H
3/141 Logistic Support Battalion H
373 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Rotenburg (Wmme) 2090
1 Signal Regiment H
3 Logistic Battalion H
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Naval Radio Transmitting Station M
Other agencies
SaterIand 100
Naval Command Support Centre C, Fleet Command 0
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Air Force Force Protection Regiment L
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Air Force Command Support Group (from Kln) L
nformation Technology Sector 5 (from Kln) L
nformation Technology Sector 1 (from Frstenfeldbruck) L
Other agencies
Schortens 1630
21 Air Force Maintenance Group L
Air Force Force Protection Regiment L
Naval Command Support Centre B, Fleet Command, Branch 0
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
0 Closure
(To be relocated to Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Bundeswehr Logistics School)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Schwanewede 1130
4 Student Company, Bundeswehr Logistics School * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Follow-on-Forces Component, Rapid Medical Response Forces Command * ZSan
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies *
2710 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
31 Paratroop Regiment H
310 Airborne Reconnaissance Company H
(To be disbanded)
270 Airborne Engineer Company H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
1 Recruit Company H
Other agencies
Seedorf 3490
313 Paratroop Battalion H
373 Paratroop Battalion H
310 Airborne Reconnaissance Company H
100 Airborne Surface-to-Air Missile Battery H
270 Airborne Engineer Company H
272 Airborne Support Battalion, Elements H
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Stade 60
Selection and nduction Office WV
Other agencies
20 Significant reduction
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
(To be disbanded)
VisseIhvede 680
243 Detached Technical Platoon L
285 Command Support Battalion SKB
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Ammunition Depot SKB
Other agencies
WaIsrode 50
Ammunition Depot, Zetel, Branch SKB
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Other agencies
Weener 90
Materiel Depot, Wilhelmshaven, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
Other agencies
Westerstede 360
Bundeswehr Hospital ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
2 Frigate Squadron 0
4 Frigate Squadron 0
Flotilla 2 0
(To be disbanded)
Naval Command and Control Systems Unit * M
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Auxiliaries Squadron 0
Naval Arsenal AN
4/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Logistics Centre * SKB
Materiel Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr Pharmacy ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Naval Support Command 0
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Naval Base UD
Other agencies
WiIheImshaven 7780
2 Frigate Squadron 0
4 Frigate Squadron 0
Flotilla 2 0
Naval Command Support Centre B, Fleet Command 0
Naval Command and Control Systems Command * 0
Naval Armament / T Security / Cryptology Division, Naval Office 0
Naval Band, North Sea 0
Naval Base Command 0
Auxiliaries Squadron 0
Naval Arsenal R
4/152 Military Police Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Logistics Centre * SKB
Materiel Depot SKB
Naval Recruiting Centre SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr Pharmacy ZSan
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
730 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Eurofighter Wing, Elements L
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
Wittmund 1660
4/ Air Force Force Protection Regiment L
71 Fighter Wing Richthofen L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
Lower Saxony
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Air Transport Wing L
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch L
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies *
Wunstorf 1840
62 Air Transport Wing L
Surface-to-Air Missile Systems Centre * L
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Ammunition Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
Other agencies
ZeteI 180
Ammunition Depot SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
MeckIenburg-Western Pomerania
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing, Elements L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Bad SIze 590
2 Surface-to-Air Missile Wing L
24 Surface-to-Air Missile Group L
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing, Elements L
Other agencies
Cammin 240
21 Surface-to-Air Missile Group, Elements L
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
CIpin 40
352 Detached Technical Platoon L
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Branch - Central Maintenance - UD
(To be disbanded as previously decided)
Eggesin 100
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Torgelow, Branch - Central Maintenance - WV
Major Medical Clinic Torgelow Elements ZSan
260 Additional station
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing, Elements L
Other agencies
Gnoien 320
24 Surface-to-Air Missile Group, Elements L
(Dt present organisationally assigned to Bad Slze station)
Ammunition Depot SKB
GoIchen 50
Ammunition Depot, Schneeberg, Branch SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
MeckIenburg-Western Pomerania
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
401 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
401 Training and Support Company H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
142 Logistic Support Battalion H
Other agencies
Hagenow 1460
401 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
7 Recruit Company H
3/151 Military Police Battalion SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
KaIkhorst 40
356 Detached Technical Platoon L
830 Significant reduction
Naval School of Technology * M
(To be relocated to Pln)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Kramerhof 1470
Naval School of Technology * M
Petty Officer School, Elements * M
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Stralsund, Branch WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Eurofighter Wing * L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch L
Other agencies
Laage 1230
73 Fighter Wing Steinhoff * L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Lbtheen 60
Training Area SKB
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
MeckIenburg-Western Pomerania
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Naval Radio Transmitting Station M
Naval Command Support Centre A, Fleet Command, Branch 0
570 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
(To be disbanded)
41 Armoured nfantry Brigade H
5/1 Military Police Regiment SKB
Other agencies
Neubrandenburg 1160
801 Signal Battalion H
151 Military Police Battalion SKB
Military District Band SKB
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Schwerin WV
OtKHr DJencies
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Putgarten 40
351 Detached Technical Platoon L
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
RechIin 150
Materiel Depot, Mritz SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
MeckIenburg-Western Pomerania
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
1 Corvette Squadron 0
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Naval Base Command, Warnemnde M
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Naval Base UD
Headquarters of the German Navy M
Naval Command Support Centre M
Tender Elbe 0
Tender Donau 0
Other agencies *
Rostock 2320
1 Corvette Squadron 0
7 Fast Patrol Boat Squadron 0
Naval Office 0
Naval Base Command, Warnemnde 0
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing, Elements L
Other agencies
Sanitz 500
21 Surface-to-Air Missile Group L
OtKHr DJencies
Land Command, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies *
Schwerin 130
Land Command, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
MeckIenburg-Western Pomerania
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
2/142 Logistic Support Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Neubrandenburg) H
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
413 Light nfantry Battalion H
Other agencies
TorgeIow 1640
142 Logistic Battalion, Elements H
413 Tank Battalion H
41 Armoured nfantry Brigade H
Training Area, Jgerbrck SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
0 Closure
(To be relocated to Schortens, Force Protection Centre of the Air Force)
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Laage)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
TroIIenhagen 700
Air Force Logistic Support Group L
Air Base Squadron L
22 Air Force Maintenance Group * L
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, POL Depot UD
Other agencies
UtzedeI 80
Other agencies
(To be disbanded)
411 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
411 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Viereck 1170
6/142 Logistic Battalion H
411 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Medical Squadron, Viereck-Stallberg ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
MeckIenburg-Western Pomerania
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Other agencies
Waren (Mritz) 100
Materiel Depot, Mritz, Branch SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Land Systems Engineering Training Centre * H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
Aachen 950
School of Land Systems Engineering and Army School of Engineering * H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
3 Recruit Company H
7 Reconnaissance Battalion H
Other agencies *
AhIen 760
22 Medical Regiment * ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Arnsberg 80
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
2480 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
2/7 Logistic Support Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
203 Tank Battalion H
21 Armoured Brigade H
212 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
5/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
212 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Augustdorf 4050
210 Reconnaissance Company H
7 Logistic Battalion, Elements H
215 Armoured Artillery Battalion H
203 Tank Battalion H
21 Armoured Brigade H
212 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
200 Armoured Engineer Company H
4/252 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies
(To be relocated to Koblenz, FedHUDO Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, T & Equipment Mgmt)
6/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
(To be disbanded)
Headquarters and Support Platoon, Federal Ministry of Defence SKB
Armed Forces Office SKB
Federal Office of Bundeswehr nfrastructure, Environmental Protection and Services UD
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Command Support Command SKB
Headquarters of the German Joint Support Service SKB
Centre of Expertise for Education, Qualification and Certification P
Other agencies
Bonn 3470
Federal Office of Bundeswehr nformation Technology, Branch R
3/252 Military Police Battalion SKB
Senior Officer, Military Element, Bundeswehr T Office, Elements SKB
Headquarters, Federal Ministry of Defence SKB
Armed Forces Office SKB
Federal Office of Defence Administration WV
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Other agencies
BrakeI 40
242 Detached Technical Platoon L
Ammunition Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
Other agencies
Dorsten 160
Ammunition Depot, Wulfen SKB
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Dortmund 70
Selection and nduction Office WV
620 Significant reduction
(To be relocated to Hilden)
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, North Rhine-Westphalia SKB
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management, Branch P
Payroll Accounting
(Foncentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies
DsseIdorf 1470
Bundeswehr School of Military Music * SKB
nfrastructure Staff, West SKB
Land Command, North Rhine-Westphalia SKB
Recruiting Centre West SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Military District Administrative Office, West WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Tactical Air Command and Control Group * L
Weapon Systems Support Centre, Branch * L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
Erndtebrck 580
Tactical Air Command and Control Group 2 * L
Systems Support Centre for Air Force Command and Control Services * L
OtKHr DJencies
160 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Land Systems Engineering Training Centre, Elements * H
Other agencies
EschweiIer 490
6 Recruit Company H
School of Land Systems Engineering and Army School of Engineering, Elements * H
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr nformation Technology Centre AN
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Centre * SKB
Big Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
(To be disbanded)
German Element, NATO Detachment Satellite Ground Station, German Delegation Brunssum SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Euskirchen 930
Bundeswehr nformation Technology Centre R
Bundeswehr Geoinformation Office SKB
Big Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
Senior Officer, Military Element, Bundeswehr T Office, Elements SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Senior German Officer, German Element, NATO Airborne Early Warning L
Bundeswehr Verification Centre SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
GeiIenkirchen 880
Senior German Officer, German Element, NATO Airborne Early Warning L
Bundeswehr Verification Centre SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Gronau (WestfaIen) 70
Materiel Depot, Ochtrup, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Herford 50
Selection and nduction Office WV
2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr School of Military Music (from Dsseldorf) * SKB
Other agencies *
HiIden 270
252 Military Police Battalion SKB
OtKHr DJencies
7 CBRN Defence Battalion SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Hxter 1190
7 CBRN Defence Battalion H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Federal Office of Languages * 3
Other agencies
Hrth 460
Federal Office of Languages * WV
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Mechatronics Centre SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
JIich 330
Bundeswehr Mechatronics Centre SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Senior German Officer, German Element, Joint Air Power L
Air Operations Command L
Air Force Command Support Group, Elements L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Air Operations Command UD
Other agencies
KaIkar 420
Senior German Officer, German Element, Joint Air Power L
German Air Force Air Operations Command L
nformation Technology Sector 3 L
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Nrvenich)
(To be disbanded)
Kerpen 720
2 Force Protection Battalion, Air Force Force Protection Regiment L
31 Fighter Bomber Wing Boelcke, Elements L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
5720 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Special Air Mission Wing, Federal Ministry of Defence L
(To be relocated to Schortens)
(To be merged into the Air Force Support Forces Command)
(To be disbanded)
Air Force Operational Forces Command L
Air Force Support Group, Wahn L
(To be merged into the Air Force Support Forces Command)
(To be relocated to Schortens)
Bundeswehr Counterintelligence Office SKB
(To be merged into the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management)
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
(To be merged into the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility, Air Force Barracks ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility, Konrad Adenauer Barracks ZSan
Army Development Office H
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Surgeon General of the Air Force (from Siegburg) L
Air Force nstitute of Aviation Medicine (from Frstenfeldbruck) * L
Air Force Support Forces Command L
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management P
Other agencies *
KIn 7910
Army Office H
Special Air Mission Wing, Federal Ministry of Defence L
Air Force Command Support Group L
Air Force Office L
Air Force Training Command L
Air Force Command L
Air Force Support Group, Wahn L
Air Force Weapon Systems Command L
nformation Technology Sector 5 L
Bundeswehr Counterintelligence Office SKB
Bundeswehr Personnel Office SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Enlisted Personnel Office SKB
Joint Support Command SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Knigswinter 70
Materiel Depot, Mechernich, Branch SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Calibration Centre SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Materiel Depot SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Materiel Depot UD
Other agencies
Mechernich 830
28 Command Support Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Calibration Centre SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Materiel Depot SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
130 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Minden 1070
100 Engineer Regiment H
130 Heavy Engineer Battalion H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Central Military Motor Vehicle Office, Bundeswehr Logistics Command SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
MnchengIadbach 170
Central Military Motor Vehicle Office SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
790 Significant reduction
German Element, 1 (German-Netherlands) Corps H
German Element, Headquarters and Support Battalion, 1 (German-Netherlands) Corps H
(To be disbanded)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
Bundeswehr Disciplinary and Complaints Court, North R
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
German Element, Hqs Coy Signal Battalion, 1 (German-Netherlands) Corps, Elements H
Senior German Officer, German Element, Air Operations Coordination Centre L
Other agencies *
Mnster 1300
German Element, 1 (German-Netherlands) Corps H
German Element, Headquarters and Support Battalion, 1 (German-Netherlands) Corps H
Training Wing B, Army Non-Commissioned Officer School * H
3 Air Force Band L
Bundeswehr Disciplinary and Complaints Court, North R
5/252 Military Police Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Eurofighter Wing * L
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Nrvenich 980
31 Fighter Bomber Wing Boelcke * L
OtKHr DJencies
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Other agencies
Ochtrup 170
Materiel Depot SKB
OtKHr DJencies
10 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
German Military Representative to the Training Area Headquarters, Senne SKB
Other agencies
Paderborn 40
German Military Representative to the Training Area Headquarters, Senne SKB
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
ReckIinghausen 50
Selection and nduction Office WV
Strategic Reconnaissance Command, Elements SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr T System Centre SKB
Other agencies
Rheinbach 610
Strategic Reconnaissance Command, Branch SKB
Joint Support Command, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
120 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Materiel Storage Site SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Rheine 1940
15 Medium Transport Helicopter Regiment H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Materiel Depot, Ochtrup, Branch SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management, Branch P
Other agencies
Sankt Augustin 640
Bundeswehr Logistics Office SKB
Armed Forces Office, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
370 Significant reduction
(To be relocated to Kln)
(To be disbanded)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
(To be relocated to Berlin)
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Personnel Management, Branch P
Other agencies
Siegburg 780
Surgeon General of the Air Force L
Senior Officer, Military Element, Bundeswehr T Office, Elements SKB
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
Federal Ministry of Defence Guard Battalion, Elements SKB
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Siegen 60
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Other agencies
StraeIen 90
Materiel Depot, Mechernich, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Senior German Officer, German Element, Combined Air Operations Centre L
Air Operations Command, Branch L
National Military Representative (DEU) SHAPE - German Element NATO CSA SKB
Other agencies
Uedem 290
Senior German Officer, German Element, Combined Air Operations Centre L
National Air Policing Centre L
Senior German Officer, German Element, NATO CSA, Elements SKB
OtKHr DJencies
7 Logistic Support Battalion H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Other agencies *
Unna 1100
7 Logistic Battalion H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
North Rhine-WestphaIia
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Sports School * SKB
Bundeswehr Centre of Sports Medicine ZSan
Other agencies
Warendorf 250
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Bundeswehr Sports School * SKB
Bundeswehr nstitute of Sports Medicine ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
300 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Senior German Officer, German Element, 1st NATO Signal Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
WeseI 680
Training Company SKB
Senior German Officer, German Element, 1st NATO Signal Battalion SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Bundeswehr Preventive Medicine nstitute ZSan
Other agencies
Andernach 190
Bundeswehr ,nsWituWe oI Military Medical SWatistics and DaWa ManagemenW ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Electronics Centre SKB
German Element, NATO Detachment Satellite Ground Station, German Delegation Brunssum SKB
Other agencies
Bad Bergzabern 220
Bundeswehr Electronics Centre SKB
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bad Neuenahr-AhrweiIer 570
Army Office, Division V H
Bundeswehr Logistics Centre, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Training Area SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
BaumhoIder 530
5/261 Paratroop Battalion H
Motor Vehicle Training Company, Tracked Vehicle Driving Simulator * SKB
Training Area SKB
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be relocated to Hilscheid)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
BirkenfeId 390
131 Detached Technical Platoon L
Headquarters, 2 Air Division L
nformation Technology Sector 2 L
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Flying Group, Fighter Bomber Wing L
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
BcheI 1880
Fighter Bomber Wing L
Other agencies
Fighter Bomber Wing L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Cochem 350
33 Fighter Bomber Wing L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
931 Electronic Warfare Battalion SKB
93 Signals ntelligence Regiment SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Daun 1320
931 Communications ntelligence Battalion SKB
93 Signal ntelligence Regiment SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
150 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Support Command ZSan
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Diez 1520
46 Logistic Regiment SKB
462 Supply Battalion * SKB
Regional Medical Command ZSan
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Emmerzhausen 120
Training Area, Daaden SKB
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Air Force Training Battalion * L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Germersheim 880
3 Battalion, Air Force Training Regiment, Training Centre * L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
281 Command Support Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
281 Command Support Battalion * SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
German Military Liaison Group SKB
Strategic Reconnaissance Command SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Strategic Reconnaissance Command UD
Counter mprovised Explosive Devices nformation Centre SKB
Other agencies
Grafschaft 910
German Military Liaison Group SKB
Strategic Reconnaissance Command SKB
Joint Support Command, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
20 Significant reduction
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
HiIscheid 50
131 Detached Technical Platoon, Elements L
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Mayen, Branch - Materiel Transshipment Centre - UD
Hchstberg 20
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Mayen, Branch - Materiel Transshipment Centre - WV
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
345 Artillery Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
ndirect Fire Training Unit, Training Centre Munster * H
Other agencies *
3/345 Artillery Demonstration Regiment H
Artillery School * H
Officer Candidate Battalion * H
3 Recruit Company H
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies *
10 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
KaisersIautern 70
Selection and nduction Office WV
Other agencies
282 Command Support Battalion SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
KasteIIaun 1000
282 Command Support Battalion SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies *
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be merged into the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, T and Equipment Mgmt)
(To be merged into the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, T and Equipment Mgmt)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Leadership Development and Civic Education Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Central Hospital ZSan
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Central nstitute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, Mnchen, Branch ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
2 Medical Regiment, Elements * ZSan
Bundeswehr Pharmacy ZSan
Headquarters of the Bundeswehr Medical Service ZSan
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, nformation Technology and Equipment Management AN
Other agencies *
KobIenz 7550
Army Forces Command H
300 Army Band H
Naval Armament / Naval Logistics Division, Naval Office, Branch M
Federal Office of Bundeswehr nformation Technology R
Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement R
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 51 R
3/251 Military Police Battalion SKB
950 Psychological Operations Battalion SKB
Senior Officer, Military Element, Bundeswehr T Office, Elements SKB
Leadership Development and Civic Education Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Bundeswehr Central Hospital ZSan
Medical Emergency Service School * ZSan
Joint Medical Forces Command ZSan
Central nstitute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service ZSan
Other agencies *
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
KuseI 1200
345 Artillery Demonstration Regiment H
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
510 Significant reduction
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, T and Equipment Management, Branch AN
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Lahnstein 1190
Federal Office of Bundeswehr nformation Technology, Branch R
Senior Officer, Military Element, Bundeswehr T Office, Elements SKB
283 Command Support Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
400 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, Rhineland-Palatinate SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
8/2 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies *
Mainz 810
251 Military Police Battalion SKB
Land Command, Rhineland-Palatinate SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Military District Command SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr nformation Support Operations Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Mayen 570
Psychological Operations Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
OtKHr DJencies
Electronic Warfare Centre IRU Flying Weapon Systems, Branch L
Other agencies
Oberarnbach 30
German Element, Polygone Bann L
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Senior German Officer, German Element, Combined Air Defence Task Force L
Senior German Officer, German Element, Component Command Air Headquarters L
German Element, NATO Communication and Services Agency, Squadron SKB
Other agencies
Ramstein-Miesenbach 130
Senior German Officer, German Element, CADTF L
Senior German Officer, German Element, Headquarters AC L
OtKHr DJencies
2 Medical Regiment ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
Rennerod 720
21 Field Hospital Regiment * ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Speyer 1370
464 Special Engineer Battalion SKB
OtKHr DJencies
(To be relocated to Kleinaitingen - as previously decided )
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 41 AN
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Trier 590
Electronic Warfare Centre for Flying Weapon Systems L
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 41 R
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Koblenz WV
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr School of Dog Handling * SKB
Other agencies
UImen 170
Bundeswehr School of Dog Handling * SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
1230 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
263 Paratroop Regiment H
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Zweibrcken 1840
5/262 Airborne Support Battalion H
263 Paratroop Battalion H
260 Airborne Reconnaissance Company H
5/251 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
500 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
26 Airborne Brigade (from Saarlouis) H
Eurocorps Signal Company (from Sigmaringen) H
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies
Lebach 1010
261 Paratroop Battalion H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
2 Recruit Company H
263 Paratroop Regiment, Elements H
Other agencies
262 Airborne Support Battalion H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Ammunition Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
PerI 140
Ammunition Depot, Eft-Hellendorf SKB
OtKHr DJencies
40 Significant reduction
(To be relocated to Lebach)
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, Saarland SKB
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
SaarIouis 740
26 Airborne Brigade H
260 Airborne Engineer Company H
Land Command, Saarland SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
OtKHr DJencies
10 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
Apprenticeship Workshop SKB
Other agencies
Sankt WendeI 60
Apprenticeship Workshop SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Non-Ccommissioned Officer School * H
Other agencies
DeIitzsch 310
Non-Commissioned Officer School * H
OtKHr DJencies
Army Officer School * H
Federal Office of Bundeswehr Materiel, T and Equipment Management, Branch AN
Land Command, Saxony SKB
Bundeswehr Museum of Military History SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies
Dresden 840
Army Officer School * H
Federal Office of Bundeswehr nformation Management and nformation Technology R
Land Command, Saxony SKB
Bundeswehr Museum of Military History SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
(To be disbanded)
37 Armoured nfantry Brigade H
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
371 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Frankenberg 1170
701 Signal Battalion H
37 Armoured nfantry Brigade H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Air Force nstitute of Aviation Medicine, Branch L
Other agencies
Knigsbrck 50
Flight Physiology Department, Air Force nstitute of Aviation Medicine L
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
Disciplinary Judge Advocate General for the Bundeswehr, Federal Administrative Court R
(To be disbanded)
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Army Training Command H
9/1 Military Police Regiment SKB
Other agencies *
Leipzig 730
13 Armoured nfantry Division H
Disciplinary Judge Advocate General for the Bundeswehr, Federal Administrative Court R
351 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies *
371 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Marienberg 970
371 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Mockrehna 60
Ammunition Depot, Schneeberg, Branch SKB
Other agencies
Training Area, Oberlausitz SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
WeikeieI 250
Training Area, Oberlausitz SKB
Other agencies
Materiel Storage Site SKB
Other agencies
Zeithain 140
Materiel Depot, Mritz, Branch SKB
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Medical Logistics Centre UD
Other agencies
BIankenburg (Harz) 200
Medical Logistics Centre ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
8/1 Military Police Regiment SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
171 Logistic Battalion SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Burg 1430
5/351 Military Police Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
171 Logistic Battalion SKB
17 Logistic Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
German Army Combat Training Centre H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
GardeIegen 860
German Army Combat Training Centre H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
HaIIe (SaaIe) 60
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Magdeburg WV
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
803 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
4/142 Logistic Support Battalion H
Other agencies
HaveIberg 1220
803 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
382 Command Support Battalion SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
210 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
Training Area Headquarters SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
KIietz 440
5/803 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
Training Area Headquarters SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Land Command, Saxony-Anhalt SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Careers Centre 3
Other agencies
Magdeburg 100
Land Command, Saxony-Anhalt SKB
Selection and nduction Office WV
Training Area, Altengrabow SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies
Mckern 100
Training Area, Altengrabow SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Federal Office of Languages, Branch * P
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * P
Other agencies *
Naumburg (SaaIe) 80
Branch, Federal Office of Languages * WV
Bundeswehr School of General Vocational Education * WV
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Operational Medical Support Command ZSan
1 Medical Regiment ZSan
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
WeienfeIs 1130
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Regional Medical Command ZSan
32 Medical Regiment * ZSan
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
10 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
Bundeswehr Service Centre, Pln, Branch - Terrain Management - UD
AIbersdorf 20
Bundeswehr Service Centre, tzehoe, Branch - Terrain Management - WV
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be relocated to Eckernfrde)
(To be disbanded)
AIt Duvenstedt 940
5/6 Reconnaissance Battalion H
63 Air Transport Wing L
3 Naval Protection Forces M
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School * L
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Appen 500
Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School * L
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Bargum 40
Materiel Depot, Wilhelmshaven, Branch SKB
40 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Ammunition Depot SKB
Other agencies
Boostedt 1980
166 Maintenance Battalion SKB
162 Logistic Battalion SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
8 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
BramstedtIund 80
Materiel Depot, Wilhelmshaven, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Brekendorf 40
245 Detached Technical Platoon, Elements L
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 71, Branch AN
Bnsdorf 50
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 71, Branch R
1 Submarine Squadron 0
Submarine Training Centre * 0
Naval Service THsts CentrH 0
Naval Force Protection Battalion * M
Naval Base 0
Naval Special Forces Command M
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 71 AN
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Tender Main 0
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Naval Base UD
Other agencies *
Eckernfrde 2340
1 Submarine Squadron 0
Submarine Training Centre * 0
Naval Service Test Command 0
Naval Protection Forces * 0
Naval Base Command 0
Naval Specialised Deployment Forces * 0
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 71 R
5/151 Military Police Battalion SKB
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Reconnaissance Battalion H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Eutin 670
6 Reconnaissance Battalion H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Submarine Training Centre, Elements * M
Naval Command Support Centre, Branch M
Other agencies
Fehmarn 60
Branch, Marienleuchte, Submarine Training Centre * M
Naval Command Support Centre A, Fleet Command, Branch M
Other agencies
Naval Academy, Mrwik * M
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Strategic Reconnaissance School * SKB
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
FIensburg 840
Naval Academy, Mrwik * M
91 Signal ntelligence Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Strategic Reconnaissance School * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
GIcksburg (Ostsee) 920
Fleet Command M
Command Support Group, Fleet Command M
Naval Command Support Centre A, Fleet Command M
Other agencies
Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School, Elements * L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Heide 300
3 Training Wing, Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer School * L
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Hohn 850
63 Air Transport Wing, Elements L
Technical Group, 63 Air Transport Wing L
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
Hrup 20
Naval Command Support Centre A, Fleet Command, Branch 0
OtKHr DJencies
(To be relocated to Panker)
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing * L
164 Special Engineer Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
6/7 CBRN Defence Battalion SKB
Other agencies
Husum 2630
Air Defence Group L
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing L
164 Special Engineer Battalion SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
nformation Technology Sector 4, Elements L
Idstedt 20
Air Force Systems Team, nformation Technology Sector 4 L
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
Itzehoe 70
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
1530 Additional station
Reconnaissance Wing, Elements L
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Airfield UD
Other agencies
JageI 1440
Reconnaissance Wing, Elements L
(Dt present organisationally assigned to Kropp station)
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
3590 Significant reduction
3 Minesweeper Squadron M
(To be disbanded)
German Element, Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters M
Flotilla 1 M
(To be relocated to Wilhelmshaven)
(To be relocated to Nordholz - as previously decided)
Joint Band of the Bundeswehr SKB
Naval Base Command M
Sail Training Ship Gorch Fock M
(To be disbanded)
Land Command, Schleswig-Holstein SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
(To be disbanded)
1 Support Squadron M
Naval nstitute of Maritime Medicine * M
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Naval Base UD
Centre of Expertise for Construction Management UD
4/1 Military Police Regiment SKB
Bundeswehr Careers Centre P
Payroll Accounting/Travel Management
(Foncentration of tasks at Federal Government level is being examined)
Other agencies *
KieI 5290
3 Minesweeper Squadron M
5 Minesweeper Squadron M
German Element, Centre of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters M
Flotilla 1 M
Combat Support Ship Frankfurt M
5 Naval Air Wing M
Naval Band, Baltic Sea M
Naval Base Command M
Sail Training Ship Gorch Fock M
Naval Arsenal nstallation R
Land Command, Schleswig-Holstein SKB
Military District Command SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Branch, Military District Administrative Office WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Regional Medical Command ZSan
Other agencies *
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be relocated to Kiel)
Central nstitute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service ZSan
Other agencies
Kronshagen 290
Naval nstitute of Maritime Medicine * M
Central nstitute of the Bundeswehr Medical Service, Kiel ZSan
Other agencies
Reconnaissance Wing L
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
Kropp 270
51 Reconnaissance Wing mmelmann L
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
Ammunition Depot SKB
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Ammunition Depot UD
Other agencies
Laboe 140
Ammunition Depot SKB
Other agencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
LadeIund 50
Materiel Depot, Wilhelmshaven, Branch SKB
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Ltjenburg 830
6 Air Defence Demonstration Regiment H
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies
Naval Damage Control Training Centre * M
Other agencies *
Neustadt in HoIstein 400
Naval Damage Control Training Centre * M
Other agencies *
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
250 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Special Engineer Training/Exercise Centre * SKB
Training Area Headquarters, Putlos SKB
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Fire Brigade, Training Area UD
Other agencies *
OIdenburg in HoIstein 730
Training Centre MXQVWHU, Elements H
6 Air Defence Demonstration Regiment, Elements +
Special Engineer Training/Exercise Centre, Putlos * SKB
Training Area Headquarters, Putlos SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
Other agencies *
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Training Area, Todendorf SKB
Surface-to-Air Missile Wing, Elements (from Husum) L
Other agencies
Panker 490
Army Air Defence Artillery Training Centre, Training Centre Munster, Elements * H
610 Surface-to-Air Missile Demonstration Battery H
Training Area, Todendorf SKB
Other agencies
Petty Officer School * M
Bundeswehr Logistics School, Elements * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
PIn 940
Petty Officer School * M
7 Student Company, Bundeswehr Logistics School * SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
SchIeswig 80
Selection and nduction Office WV
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 71, Branch AN
Other agencies
Schwedeneck 50
Bundeswehr Technical Centre 71, Branch R
0 Closure
(To be disbanded as previously decided)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Seeth 720
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
11 Field Hospital Regiment * ZSan
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
1070 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
911 Electronic Warfare Battalion SKB
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Stadum 1590
25 Surface-to-Air Missile Group L
911 Communications ntelligence Battalion SKB
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Materiel Management Centre for Bundeswehr Operations, Branch SKB
Wester-Ohrstedt 160
Materiel Management Centre for Bundeswehr Operations, Branch SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
(To be disbanded)
131 Logistic Support Battalion H
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
393 Tank Battalion (from Bad Salzungen) H
Other agencies *
Bad Frankenhausen (Kyffhuser) 1410
6/131 Target Acquisition and Armoured Artillery Battalion H
131 Logistic Battalion H
5 Recruit Company H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
1190 Significant reduction
(To be relocated to Bad Frankenhausen)
391 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
2/131 Logistic Support Battalion H
391 Training and Support Company H
Other agencies
Bad SaIzungen 1700
393 Tank Battalion H
391 Armoured nfantry Battalion H
Major Medical Clinic ZSan
Other agencies *
4/3 Military Police Regiment SKB
383 Command Support Battalion SKB
(To be relocated to Sondershausen)
Land Command, Thuringia SKB
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Bundeswehr Service Centre UD
(To be disbanded)
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Bundeswehr Careers Centre P
Bundeswehr Logistics Command SKB
Other agencies
Erfurt 1600
3/351 Military Police Battalion SKB
383 Command Support Battalion SKB
Motor Vehicle Training Centre * SKB
Land Command, Thuringia SKB
Military District Command SKB
Military District Band SKB
Bundeswehr Service Centre WV
Selection and nduction Office WV
Major Medical Clinic with Specialty Services ZSan
Other agencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
701 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
5 Recruit Company H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies
Gera 910
701 Armoured Engineer Battalion H
OtKHr DJencies
13 Reconnaissance Battalion H
3/131 Logistic Support Battalion H
Regional Medical Treatment Facility ZSan
Other agencies *
Gotha 1260
13 Reconnaissance Battalion H
131 Logistic Battalion, Elements H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
MhIhausen (Thringen) 820
100 Artillery Regiment H
131 Target Acquisition and Armoured Artillery Battalion H
Medical Squadron ZSan
OtKHr DJencies
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section SKB
Oberschnau 100
Bundeswehr Sports Promotion Section, Oberhof SKB
OtKHr DJencies
0 Closure
(To be disbanded)
(To be disbanded)
Ohrdruf 340
7/383 Command Support Battalion SKB
Training Area SKB
OtKHr DJencies
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
PIanned units / agencies (organisationaI measures) Present units / agencies
Number of
Number of
Tactical Air Command and Control Group, Elements L
Saara 40
355 Detached Technical Platoon L
220 Significant reduction
(To be disbanded)
1 Non-Commissioned Officer Candidate Battalion * H
Motor Vehicle Training Centre (from Erfurt) * SKB
Other agencies
Sondershausen 850
132 Rocket Artillery Battalion H
OtKHr DJencies
6 Significant reduction to fewer than 15 billets **
(To be disbanded)
Other agencies
SuhI 20
Pre-induction Examination Centre, Selection and nduction Office, Erfurt WV
No longer referred to as station in the future
(all figures greater than 10 roundeG
Plus students
4.5 Closures decided, but not yet implemented
n o i t a t S d n a L
Expected year of
1 1 0 2 r a k c e N m a b r o H g r e b m e t t r W - n e d a B
1 1 0 2 n e g n i l d e i R g r e b m e t t r W - n e d a B
3 1 0 2 g n i f a d l e F a i r a v a B
d e d i c e d t e y t o n ) e s s o D ( k c o t s t t i W g r u b n e d n a r B
2 1 0 2 ) n e s s e H ( t d a t s u e N e s s e H
5 1 0 2 n e v a h x u C y n o x a S r e w o L
d e d i c e d t e y t o n e k s n a r D a i n a r e m o P n r e t s e W - g r u b n e l k c e M
3 1 0 2 n e g a h n e v a t S a i n a r e m o P n r e t s e W - g r u b n e l k c e M
3 1 0 2 d l o m t e D a i l a h p t s e W - e n i h R h t r o N
1 1 0 2 d i e h c s l e f f L - d l a w s r e t e P e t a n i t a l a P - d n a l e n i h R
3 1 0 2 h c a b r a r T - n e b a r T e t a n i t a l a P - d n a l e n i h R
1 1 0 2 e d n a S - e g n E n i e t s l o H - g i w s e l h c S
3 1 0 2 n l l M n i e t s l o H - g i w s e l h c S
4.6 Present stations with fewer than 15 billets
no longer referred to as Bundeswehr stations in the future
y t i l a p i c i n u M d n a L .
Baden-Wrttemberg Baden-Baden
Baden-Wrttemberg Dunningen
Baden-Wrttemberg Friedrichshafen
Baden-Wrttemberg Immenstaad am Bodensee
Baden-Wrttemberg Konstanz
Baden-Wrttemberg Oberkochen
Baden-Wrttemberg Oberndorf am Neckar
Baden-Wrttemberg Stockach
Baden-Wrttemberg berlingen
Baden-Wrttemberg Weinheim
h c a b s n A a i r a v a B
n n I m a u a h c s A a i r a v a B
g n i l b i A d a B a i r a v a B
h t r F a i r a v a B
u g l l A m i g r e b n e d n i L a i r a v a B
z t i n g e P r e d n a h c a b n e h t R a i r a v a B
n e s u a h n e b o r h c S a i r a v a B
m i e h i e l h c s r e t n U a i r a v a B
n i e t s l e d n e W a i r a v a B
g n i l e W a i r a v a B
e d l e f s g i w d u L g r u b n e d n a r B
w o n n i P g r u b n e d n a r B
n e d l a C e s s e H
h c a b s l e g E e s s e H
l a t n i a M e s s e H
) s u n u a T ( l e s r u r e b O e s s e H
m u k r o B y n o x a S r e w o L
n e d m E y n o x a S r e w o L
n e s e i G y n o x a S r e w o L
n e g n a L y n o x a S r e w o L
l r e t n U y n o x a S r e w o L
l e r a V y n o x a S r e w o L
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Stralsund
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Wolgast
North Rhine-Westphalia Bielefeld
North Rhine-Westphalia Bochum
North Rhine-Westphalia Hagen
North Rhine-Westphalia Neuss
North Rhine-Westphalia Porta Westfalica
North Rhine-Westphalia Remscheid
North Rhine-Westphalia Sendenhorst
North Rhine-Westphalia Stolberg (Rheinland)
North Rhine-Westphalia Swisttal
o n . r e S
Note: These stations are not included in the Laender overview.
y t i l a p i c i n u M d n a L . o n . r e S
44 Rhineland-Palatinate Bad Kreuznach
45 Rhineland-Palatinate Gillenfeld
46 Rhineland-Palatinate Pirmasens
47 n e s i e r F d n a l r a a S y p
48 r e l i e w n n o N d n a l r a a S
49 n e k c r b r a a S d n a l r a a S
50 ) z i e w h c S e h c s i s h c S ( n i e t s g i n K y n o x a S
51 t d a t s r e b l a H t l a h n A - y n o x a S
52 Schleswig-Holstein Altenhof
53 Schleswig-Holstein Elpersbttel
54 Schleswig-Holstein Flintbek
55 Schleswig-Holstein Helgoland
56 Schleswig-Holstein Neumnster
57 Schleswig-Holstein Wedel
58 a n e J a i g n i r u h T
Note: These stations are not included in the Laender overview.
4.7 Land Commands and civil-military cooperation
support points
Civil-military cooperation
support points:
CBRN defence/self-protection
Medical services
Land Command
4.8 Recruiting organisation
Careers centre
Careers information office
Published by
Federal Ministry of Defence
Press and Information Office
Division 2 Public Relations
Stauffenbergstrae 18
10785 Berlin
Armed Forces Staff
Armed Forces Staff Branch VII 3
Translated by
Federal Office of Languages, Hrth
Photos courtesy of
Andrea Bienert/SKA/IMZBw
Sandra Elbern/SKA/IMZBw
Michael Mandt/IMZ-Bildarchiv
Sean Miller/PIZ Feyzabad
Detmar Modes/IMZ-Bildarchiv
Marcus Rott/SKA/IMZBw
Bjrn Wilke/PIZ Marine
Graphic design and layout
Gratzfeld, Wesseling
Printed by
Kllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn
As of
October 2011

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