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September (Eyll) 2011 Volume 1, Number 1

CONTENTS P. 2 P. 2 37 Years Later S. Kurter

The Yeni Asya USA Tour of Turkey K. Barrett Conversion to Islam New Trend Yeni Asya USA Activities S. Kurter New discovery in Neurology New trend Biography of Said Nursi S. Kurter Advice from Bediuzzaman Said Nursi S. Kurter Herods Turkish Trip Yaqub Herod Risale-i Nur We Trust R. Miranda

P. 5 P. 6 P. 6 P. 6 P. 7

He who Created the Eye of the Mosquito, also Created the Sun.


P. 8 P. 10

P. 11

Amerika Hizmetleri Y. ayabatmaz Cemaatler K. Gleyz

P. 12.

First issue published August 30, 1974. See page 2 for details

P . 13

Gizli Mason Komitesi Latif

P. 14. Nur - The Light Dergimiz Hasreti Sona Erdiriyor N. Eren

A person is the enemy of what he doesn't know. Bediuzzaman



August 1974, the first issue of The Nur (The Light) Magazine was published. We, the organizers and writers, were very honored and delighted to view the first issue of such a magazine that would impact numerous Muslims in the United States and the world. We soon realized that we needed our own printing press and trained personnel to continue our goals. Mehmet Buker abi provided funds (nearly $80,000) consequently; we were able to purchase the required printing equipment. During that time, nearly all the Nursi groups were united in Turkey. Ali Ucar (May Allah, SWT, reward him the Janna) traveled to the United States and trained us on how to conduct Nursi activities. Later, Nursi jamaats also sent Hasan Kondu to America to assist us. Hasan Kondu registered to train in a printing class at the Milwaukee Area Technical College. My nephew Ali Kurter, Hasan Kondu and I made up the nucleus of the American Nursi group. As a result, the Nursi activities began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the American Nursi group became fragmented and divided. The printing press moved to California. The money that was brought for Nursi work was diverted for personal use in California. Even with that set back the flame of continuing Nursi activities never died. Insha-Allah, in future issues, we will deal with the further development of Nursi efforts in the United States.
Sleyman Kuerter


Yaqup Herod, Ibraheem Abdullah, Prof. Kevin Barrett, Imran Kurter, Suleyman Kurter and Nursi Brothers at Cemal Serims home. Cemal abi passed away in August 2011. nna lillahi ve inna ileyhi raciun. May Allah reward him the Jannah.

The Yeni Asya Tour of Turkey: Pilgrimage, Not Tourism

by Dr. Kevin Barrett, http://www.TruthJihad.com "We suspect that even though travel in the modern world seems to have been taken over by the Commodity - even though tourism seems to have triumphed - even so - we continue to suspect that other pathways persist, other tracks, unofficial, not noted on the map, perhaps even 'secret'. . . smugglers' routes for free spirits, known only to the geomantic guerrillas of the art of travel." -Peter Lamborn Wilson, "Caravan of Summer" from Common Era: Best New Writings on Religion (White Cloud Press, 1995). Peter Lamborn Wilson explains the difference between tourism and pilgrimage thusly: Tourists consume cultural difference until it's all gone, whereas pilgrims partake of baraka (blessing) and in so doing add to the supply. My recent trip to Turkey in the company of brothers Suleyman and Imran Kurter, Ibraheem Abdullah, and Yaqub Herod could be described in English as a sort of pilgrimage (travel with a spiritual purpose) - though in Islamic tradition, where THE pilgrimage is the hajj, it might more aptly be labeled "travel in search of (spiritual) knowledge," or rihla taliban al`ilm.
Continued on next page


America, as well as with the demographic collapse and economic stagnation of Europe.) A bit dazed from jet lag, we were taken to the Istanbul dersane of Yeni Asya, the most intellectually and politically engaged of the brother- and sisterhoods inspired by Bediuzzaman. There we met the Turkish brothers who would accompany us on our drive from the Bosphorus to the Mediterranean and back: Nejat Abi, Hamza Abi, Ibrahim Abi... Contrary to what their apparent surnames might suggest, they were not literally brothers from the Abi family, but rather brothers in Islam who had achieved a degree of eminence and thus merited the appellation "abi," denoting a certain age, wisdom, and authority. (When they started calling me "Kevin Abi," it showed that a gray beard and a Ph.D. can substitute nicely for wisdom and authority...) After a sumptuous seafood meal at a restaurant overlooking the Golden Horn, around 10 p.m., still dazed with jet lag, we were taken on a walking tour to the Suleyman Mosque to pray 'isha. I will never forget the impression of the towering minarets, the intricately arrangeddomes-upon-domes...and then, as we entered this gigantic space, the breathtakingly beautiful interior, which balances perfect harmony with a sublime sense of the infinite. I felt: This building IS Islam translated into architecture. While it is possible, in Islam, to pray salaat just about anywhere - provided one has a prayer rug to cover any impure surfaces - and while I have experienced an ordinary storefront in a rough neighborhood of Madison, Wisconsin taking on a sacred character due to the presence of Muslims focusing together on ritual prayer - this first experience of the Suleyman mosque raised my salaat himma to the next level: I felt spiritually transformed just walking into the building. The next morning, we piled into a van and began our tour of the Turkish heartland: First stop Izmit, the eastern corner of the Marmara Sea, where Bediuzzaman was arrested in 1909: The "Old Said"'s first really serious brush with the authorities. We visited the house where he once lived, and prayed 'Asr there. The next day, on to Yalova and then Bursa, the capital of the Ottomans during the century before they took Istanbul, and the city where the call to prayer in its authentic Arabic was first broadcast in defiance of Kemalist decree. Then onward to Eskesehir, where we visited Bediuzzaman's site of house imprisonment, as well as the jail in which he was later immured - and then prayed in the mosque where he is said to have miraculously appeared to pray on Fridays, in the front row, right-hand corner, even while securely locked in jail. We continued to Barla, the tiny mountain village where Bediuzzaman spent many years of forced exile, visiting his house and the mosque where he prayed; and hiked the last several hundred meters up am Dagi, the Pine Mountain overlooking Lake Egridir where Bediuzzaman would hike four hours from Barla to spend whole days meditating in a platform built into a tree growing from the edge of a precipice. (That tree was cut down several years ago by Kemalist goons vainly hoping to stem the ever-growing Islamic resurgence sparked by Bediuzzaman.) Our next destination was Isparta, a larger city which became a kind
Continued on page 4

The Yeni Asya Tour of Turkey

We five American Muslims set off in search of knowledge about Islam in Turkey: Its magnificent history; its art and architecture; and its continuing relevance to a modern nation whose freest and most prosperous years have followed the triumph of an Islamic party in national elections. More specifically, we set out to learn about Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the "Marvel of the Age." Bediuzzaman (1878-1960) is widely credited with saving Islam in Turkey, which was under mortal threat from the secularist fascism of the Kemalists throughout most of the 20th century. Bediuzzaman, who spent almost two decades imprisoned for insisting on professing and living his beliefs, also deserves credit for firmly yoking the Turkish Islamic renaissance to the people's aspirations for freedom and democracy. The man's influence and relevance has grown steadily in the years since his death; and today, as the Arab Spring promises to bring a stronger commitment to Islam, along with freedom and democracy, to the Middle East, Bediuzzaman's stature is likely to keep on rising. We began our journey in Istanbul, one of the world's great cities - the former capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, and today the capital of what may be the world's most rapidly-rising nation. (If Turkey was the Sick Man of Europe during the 19th century, it is the Well Man of Europe in the 21st; its double-digit economic growth combined with rapid democratization and re-Islamization gives the place a kind of heady, optimistic atmosphere that contrasts sharply with the erosion of both freedom and buying power in post-9/11


The Yeni Asya Tour of Turkey

of underground distribution center for the banned works of Bediuzzaman during his periods of forced exile in Barla, and where he later moved after he was freed. There we visited the house he lived in, which has been converted into a museum, and something of a monument to his work. The rest of our journey - to Antalya, Alanya, Konya, Ankara, and back to Istanbul - continued our quest for the spirit of the Islamic resurgence in Turkey, and the continuing inspiration of Bediuzzaman. We met many wonderful Turkish brothers, and gave nightly talks about Islam in America, and American Muslims' need for the kind of fearless leadership epitomized by Bediuzzaman, in every city we visited talks that were attended by audiences that totaled in the thousands. Most of our talks were given in Yeni Asya dersanes, which function as free and independent mosques, way-stations for seekers of knowledge, and educational institutions for teenagers and young adults. I was impressed by the organization of these dersanes, and by the Yeni Asya communications network, which includes a national newspaper as well as radio and TV stations. Most of all, I was impressed by the spirit of the Yeni Asya brothers, who radiate authentic Islamic piety while supporting freedom and democracy - and insist on speaking truth to power even when power bites back. This is the kind of spirit that helped Turkish Islamic activists in the national police force arrest the fifteen generals and other conspirators who were plotting Ergenekon, a false-flag inside job that would have created a gigantic, phony "terrorist attack on Turkey" followed by the demolition of democracy and civil liberties, and which would have been "the Turkish 9/11" had it been carried out.
Contined on page 5

Memorable Times in Turkey






The Yeni Asya Tour of Turkey

Will American Islamic activists help expose the 9/11 inside job and rehabilitate the image of Islam, as well as freedom and democracy, in the West? Only if they can muster the kind of courage, and effective organization, shown by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and his Turkish followers. To me, that kind of courage is "deep sunna." The Prophet Muhammad (saas) and his Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, spoke truth to power, and organized the defense of their community, despite the most atrocious persecution. Bediuzzaman and his followers, too, have suffered serious, sometimes horrendous, persecution by the Islamophobic kemalists. We American Muslims, who can generally can speak truth to power without being physically molested, imprisoned, tortured, or killed, have no excuse not to follow in their footsteps. It is, after all, a sunna that "The best jihad is a word of truth flung in the face of a tyrant." If we Western Muslims take courage from the example of Bediuzzaman, we may insha-Allah yet live to see his prediction come true: "The Ottoman State is pregnant with Europe, and it will give birth to a European state one day. And Europe is pregnant with Islam; one day it will give birth to an Islamic state." I wish all American Muslims could experience what we experienced on our pilgrimage through Turkey in search of knowledge about Islam in Turkey and its modern avatar, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.

FISH RESTAURANT - ISTANBUL (Hosted by Dr. Aytekin)


20,000 Converted to Islam Last Year in America

Angelina is from California and Nicole from Dallas, Texas. Not listed here is a sister whose video you can see in this group. She wears face veil. She was drinking and smoking and was impregnated and abandoned by her corrupt "Muslim" boyfriend. She kept struggling and finally reached authentic Islam. She will make you cry with joy and sorrow. Two million 156 thousand viewings of Sis. Nicole till now. More than 376,000 viewings of Sis. Angelina and 41,000 of the sister with the face veil.] Angelina Morris is a Muslimah now .... click and watch this beautiful lady. http:www.youtube.comwatch?v=1IZtCdXk2f8&feature=related Nicole Queen too chooses Islam .... http://www.youtube.comwatch?v=khjtrIkYU5I&feature=related Why Islam from Christianity ....????? Not Buddhism ... Not Hinduism .... why ultra modern women taking to Hijab leaving their fun filled club life .... free sex life .... their clothes are going to cost them a mint to cover themselves up fully (head to toe)... from the two piece, revealing, tiny pieces of clothing ...There must be something in Islam ....find out .. Watch the thousands of such YouTube clips .... Understand why such sacrifices are priceless ... for these western elites .


Yeni Asya USA Activities

PUBLICATIONS 1. Basic Islamic Books: Prayer Book, Islam in Brief (Topics: Overview of Islam, Who is Jesus? Muhammed (PBUH) in the Bible and The Concept of God in Islam) 2. Los Basicos en Islam: Una Mirada De Islam, Jesus, un Profeta del Islam, Muhammed (PBUH) en la Biblia Concepto de Dios en Islam RISALE-I NUR BOOKS 1. Biography of Bediuzzaman, Nationalism in the View of Islam, Fourth Lema, Islamic Unity 2. El Cuatro Lema DISTRIBUTION OF BOOKS Basic Islamic Books, Risale-I Nur Books, Qur'an in English and Spanish JALSAS ( SOHBETS ) Turkish, English and Qur'anic Studies (Men and women follow the same program but in separate places) BOOK PROJECT FOR PRISONS Distribution of Qur'an (English, Spanish), Basic Islamic Books and Risale-I Nur Collection INFORMATION CENTER Provides information and assistance to newly arrived Nur Students in housing, cultural awareness and Halal and non-Halal foods. DEVELOP NETWORK Develop relations with other Risale Nur students in neighboring cities. IFTAR AND TARAWIH During Ramadan our Dersane provided Iftar every night and Tarawih Salat, attendance varied from 40 to 150 individuals each evening.

Major Breakthrough in Neurology by Pakistani American Muslim: Dr. Teepu Siddique

From New Trend "Dr. Teepu Siddique has been searching for the causes and underlying mechanism of ALS for more than a quarter century. He said he was initially drawn to it because, "It was one of the most difficult problems in neurology and the most devastating, a disease without any treatment or known cause." Siddique's efforts first showed in 1989 that molecular genetics techniques were applicable to ALS, then described the first ALS gene locus in 1991, which led to the discovery of SOD1 and engineering of the first genetic animal model for ALS." "The discovery provides an opening to finding treatments for ALS and could also pay dividends by showing the way to treatments for other, more common neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia and Parkinson's, Siddique said."


Al-Ustad Bediuuzzaman Said Nursi of Turkey lived during the period 1873-1960. Throughout his eighty-seven years he struggled continuously for the cause of Islam. His aim was to strengthen the faith of his fellow countrymen. During his time the faith of the Turkish people was deteriorating due to pressures from the opponents of Islam. At this critical time the Muslims needed someone like Said Nursi who had a strong Islamic personality, possessed unshakable faith, and was highy learned in Islamic principles. He was the ideal scholar for this task. Allah had gifted him with knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He began cultivating the then idle minds of Muslims through his one-hundred-and-thirty books, known as the Risale-i Nur collection , which is a reflection on the Holy Quran written in Turkish, Arabic and Persian. This collection contains healing for todays social ills and problems. Many earlier Muslim scholars did not attempt to formulate logical proof of certain Islamic principles. However, due to necessity Bediuzzaman proved these principles for today's modern but sick man. For example, Ibn Sina said: "To believe in the resurrection in the
Continued on page 7


Let me tell you one thing: You should know that we have three, yes, we have three precious attributes that ask us for their protection. First: Islam to which we gave millions of martyrs for its cause. Second: Human traits that will exhibit good characteristics to society. Third: Nationhood which provides a gift forever to the souls of our past leaders and makes their souls content in their graves. Opposing these three precious attributes, we have three enemies that brings to us calamity. First: Poverty: forty-thousand Kurdish porters in Istanbul is an example of such calamity. Second: Ignorance, which promotes poverty. Among the fortythousand poor porters, one out of a thousand cannot even read a newspaper that can help one find the path to salvation. Third: Conflict: to be rivals without reason. As we continue to fight against each other, we deserve this condition because we brought it upon ourselves. Even the government, instead of unity, promotes disunity; as a result, it exploited these oppressive conditions and committed injustice against us. Now, we should know and understand that we must deplore these three enemies and in order to liberate our three precious attributes from them, we need brave men's three shining swords.
Continued on page 8

hereafter is an article of faith, yet the mind cannot comprehend it." Nonetheless, Said Nursi proved that the mind can comprehend the resurrection. Because of Said Nursi's dedication to the cause of Allah, his opponents fabricated charges against him which led to imprisonment, torment and exile, yet these obstacles could not stop him from his Islamic work. His students have grown into millions and their ultimate aim is to strengthen the belief of Muslims in Allah and the Holy Qur'an. This book gives a short biography of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi and shows his struggles through certain periods of his life. We pray to Almighty Allah that this small contribution will be followed by other significant publications concerning his valuable work. We believe that these publications will be extremely beneficial to mankind. Yeni Asya USA


"I have found in Turkey what I have been looking for in the world for more than forty years. Bediuzaaman Said Nursi belongs not only to the great Turkish nation, but to the entire Musli m World. I had many questions to ask him, and within the one hour of my interview with this eminent scholar all my difficulties regarding the Muslim world were solved. Now I will return to my own country with tidings of great joy. Many great and virtuous scholars have lived in the Muslim world, and for their great efforts on behalf of Islam some of them received honor, fame, possessions or wealth. However, today, even an oil lamp cannot be found in the house of Bediuzzaman."
Ali Akbar Shah Under-Minister of Education of Pakistan
To be continued in the next issue.



3. Advice from Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

. December 5, 1908, Kurdish Teavun ve Terakki Newspaper, No. 1, published this article in Kurdish. The following week, December 12, 1908, No. 2, the same newspaper published it in Turkish.

Oh, Kurdish People! In unity there is existence, in alliance there is power, in brotherhood there is prosperity and in government there is security. Hold tight to the rope of unity and sincerity, so that you will be saved from calamity. Listen well and pay attention.


Advice from Bediuzzaman

Our first sword is education. The second is unity and patriotism, and the third is individual responsibility. Everyone must rely on himself. Self-reliance will provide protection against outsiders, eliminating their aid that usually comes with strings attached, requiring obedience and imposing dependency. In addition, it pushes individuals to be inferior and subservient. Self-reliance provides freedom from injustice and protection from devastation. My last advice is this: Education, education and again education. Then hold your hands tightly together, and develop unity and collaboration to enhance your existence.

Yaqub Herods Trip to Turkey

Prior to coming to Turkey I had never traveled outside of the United States, so I was excited to see another part of the world. Many of my family on the other hand were somewhat concerned. I believe they were concerned mainly due to the perception from the media and how they portray events that are happening in surrounding countries in the middle east. My fear and faith are due to Allah alone, I trust and rely upon Him. Faith in Allah diminishes distractions for the believer and helps the believer focus on accomplishing his or her goal. Prior to leaving I wanted to keep my intentions pure so I made istikhara and also kept in mind this hadith: It is narrated on the authority of Amirul Mu'minin, Abu Hafs 'Umar bin al-Khattab, radiyallahu 'anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, say: "Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated." [Al-Bukhari & Muslim] It is interesting because many people said to me, "Maybe you will find a wife!" So it was nice to know the hadith so that I could keep the intentions for my journey for the sake of Allah. Upon arriving to the airport I kept a positive focus, as there have been many challenges with flying for Muslims since 2001 I stayed calm and relaxed with my focus on Allah and truth. The check in went smoothly. At the airport I met with my other four travel companions:Suleyman Kurter; Kevin Barrett; Ibrahim Abdullah, and Imran Kurter.I was glad to meet Dr. Barrett because I had seen some of his work about 9/11 truth but never met him or knew anything about him. When we were waiting to board our plane he was reading a book in Arabic and I asked him " Can you read that? How long did it take you"? I am learning Arabic now and was wondering how long it was going to take me to learn. He told me 4 years. He also mentioned the book in Arabic that he was reading was Risale-i Nur, which was even more impressive. Before boarding we all combined our Maghrib with shortened Isha Prayers. My seat was the isle seat in the last row on the right side. A man sat next to me on the right, his name is Jordan and it turns out he was from Jordan and on the way back to Jordan to visit. He was currently living and working in Colorado U.S. as a teacher. Dr. Barret was on my left. The plane ride was expected to be around 10 hours. We received a taste of what to expect in Turkey from the hospitality we received on the plane. we left at 11 pm Chicago time. I was attempting to calculate what time I would have to pray Fajr prayer which I never did figure out the exact time and ended up praying half way through the trip. We arrived in Istanbul around 5pm in the afternoon. Talk about time travel! This really opened my eyes to how time is a creation of Allah which is limited and can be measured and manipulated. And verily, a day with your Lord is like a

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi Translated from Turkish to English by Sleyman and Havva Kurter Proofread and Edited by Kevin Barrett

And if you are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (the Quran) to Our slave (Muhammad PBUH), then produce a Surah (chapter) of the of the like threof and call your witnesses (supporter and helpers) besides Allah, if you are truthful. Quran 2:23

The prescription for a sick age, an ailing nation, an ill member, is to follow the Qur'an.


After dinner we returned to the dershane to pray Maghrib. Shortly after we headed to Sleyman Mosque for Isha prayer which was about 5 blocks from the Darsane which made a nice walk! After prayer the Imam gave us a short tour. Suleyman Mosque began construction in 1550AC and was completed 8 years later. It can fit about 10,000 people. It is the 2nd largest mosque in Istanbul. The most interesting thing besides the architecture was the almost half a millennium old wax candles the size of an average tree trunk that were still standing! I thought that this was the mosque that Denzel Washington playing "Malcolm X" in the movie X prayed in. I was later to find out it was Sultan Mehmet Mosque which is an even more amazing place. This was a great beginning to a great journey! In the morning after a great breakfast of eggs, "HALAL" sausage (something I dont see much in the US), bread, strawberry jam, feta cheese, olives and tea we started our drive toward Izmit. We crossed one of the bridges over the Bosphorous wich is a straight of water dividing Istanbul into the European and Asian sides. We were coming from Europe and headed to ASYA or Asia. There were many mosques all around as opposed to my home town Milwaukee, Wisconsin where there are many churches. The masjids are all similar featuring a dome top style.It was like a whole different world; It was! Istanbul is very hilly with buildings spread out all over the hills giving an interesting optical view, contrary to The Mid-West where I am from which is relatively flat. Kevin Barrett said it reminded him of San Francisco! We passed the Marmara Sea upon entering Izmit which is a large Industrial park on the waterfront. We met some brothers at the local dershane. It was a nice small rural area. There were chickens and roosters on the property! The brothers spoke of building a mosque and community center on the land. We rested under a gazebo and Dr. Hakki read Nature: Cause and Effect from the Risale- i Nur Collection. It never made as much sense to me as it did while we were there! The rooster crowed to let us know its time to pray! After Zuhr we had lunch, salad, bread, fish; " Spicy Beat Juice" to drink and some Helva and pastries for dessert. After lunch we rested and headed to another darshani where we gave a Jalsa. All the brothers introduced themselves and gave a short talk about what we are doing in the USA. Br. Kemal opened his beautiful home for us to stay the night, Alhamdulillah! The next day after breakfast we stopped in Yalova to have some tea and talk with some brothers at the dersane. The brothers were very excited to see us; it was very nice to meet them. A few of them were going to school to be firefighters of ITFAIYE. Since Ibrahim is a professional firefighter back in Milwaukee we talked about firefighting most of the time. There we saw a promotional poster for a film about Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. It looks interesting. The brothers were sad to see us leave and so our journey continued toward Bursa the First Islamic city of the Ottoman! To be continued in the next issue

thousand years of your counting. Qur'an(22:43). The first thing I did was remove my winter jacket, as when we left Chicago it was still cool. The weather in Istanbul was beautiful and sunny. After grabbing our luggage we met with our Turkish travel companions Abi Nejat, Hamza, Ibrahim our driver and an editor from the Yeni Asya Publication Center. We were welcomed with Islamic greetings ("As-salam alaikum") smiles and hugs. On the way to the dershane I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Istanbul as well as the high paced traffic. I noticed that some western influence had managed to creep its way into the city, from the business store fronts to the high rise buildings. In someways the architectural and economic development can be beneficial, in America however in many ways it has corrupted the society and environment. It made me a little concerned for the future of the world. When we arrived at the darshane we dropped off our things prayed and then went out for dinner. One of the first interesting pieces of architecture I saw was The Aqueduct of Valene's. A former water channel now a "Traffic channel" flowing with cars instead of water. We ate at a very nice fish restaurant right on the Bosphorous with some of the brothers. This is where I first heard the word "waqif" and as described by Zubeyir (the gentleman I met there, who like many of the engineering students had very good English) As a person devoted to holy things. Waqif means foundation so it can be described as a person or place. A place designated for religious studies and activities and a leader devoted to service as well as religious studies and activities. This is the very position in which has been offered to me for my future stay! After further thought and understanding I realized what an honor it would be for me serve Islam as a waqif.

Kevin Barrett, Yaqub Herod, mran Kurter and braheem Abdullah - In Bursa


not be cured from its cancer by simply invading and conquering lands. What is needed is Risale-i NurThere is nothing obscure in Said Nursi's words, he puts before us: belief or unbelief, eternal felicity or eternal wretchedness, salvation or perdition, heaven or hell - in this world and the next. We Muslims in America will tell all that Risale-i Nur should be required reading in every university. To make this happen, we are excited at the prospects of establishing Yeni Asya News in America. In doing so, if Bediuzzaman Said Nursi becomes a household name in America, it is so because of Allah's will.

In Risale-i Nur We Trust

by Robert Miranda
In reading Risale-i Nur, I find myself fascinated by the powerful wisdom and insightful thoughts of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. The Risale-i Nur for me provides me with a blueprint for becoming a Muslim in the true sense of the word: contemplation to knowledge, knowledge to affirmation, affirmation to belief or conviction, and from conviction to submission. As I proceed with my education and my faith, I find that each day the revelation of Divine truth shines upon me with the rise of the morning sun. This Divine truth is a continuous one, like the light that shines upon us during the day from the sun and the light that shines at night provided by the moon. Risale-I Nur is the light that illuminates my belief giving me the knowledge to be a Muslim, not simply impersonating one. As a Muslim, what is it that I can do to offer America Islam? After starting our Risale-i Nur work in Wisconsin, I have thought this over and have come to the conclusion that Wisconsin, indeed, America, can gain everything and still have nothing from our efforts. Indeed, for we have belief in Islam which is everything for the Muslim. In fact, our belief is grounded in our understanding and interpretation of Islam, which for many nonbelievers amounts to nothing at all. Books written in the West introducing nonbelievers to Islam have been writ ten for Western minds. The notions that stimulate belief are glossed over or ignored, thus providing nothing for the nonbeliever to grasp. Because of this, I find that the West has become nothing more than a metaphor for the dimming of the sun's light and eclipsing of the moon in order to darken humanity's attempt at religious belief. Darkness grows in the West because many westerners are moving away from the truths of belief, discarding belief for what Bediuzzaman Said Nursi points out, the disease of selfworship. American culture emphasizes that man is his own point of reference, the centre of his own universe, the sole criterion by which he lives out his wretched life. Western culture gives the right to man to steal the clothes of the Divine Names so that man can dress himself in them and parade himself as God. Because of wealth, because of ego and self-worshipping, Western man believes his ideas fit in the way of life we Muslims understand life should be lived. The problem is Western ideas do not fit, and cannot fit within Islam. As we move forward, we know that for centuries Western man has evolved and accepted the notion that all on Earth he claims as his own property and spends a lifetime trying to add to his invented wealth. With his arrogance, Western man smothers his innate ability to know and love the Creator, and to recognize that man is nothing and can have nothing of this world as his own. This secular, self-absorbed society we seek to bring Risale-I Nur into is designed on all levels to blind and stupefy Humanity. For this we know that the disease of ENE must be dealt with. It is no use telling one who is afflicted with this disease that the Islamic economic or judicial system is the most egalitarian or most just. The West can-




ftar yemeinin ardndan sohbet yapld ve soru cevaplarla canl bir hava olutu. Teravih namazlar her akam Dershanemizde vakf kardeimiz tarafndan kldrld, tesbihatlar yapld. 6. Dier Hizmetler Amerikada hapishaneler mahkumlarla dolu , onlarn slah edilmesi iin birok yol deneniyor. Bu sebeple Mslmanlardan da yardm isteniyor. Biz de matbaamzda basm olduumuz eserleri mahkumlara datyoruz. Mslman kardelere, zellikle Trkiyeden gelenlere i, okul, staj, barnma konusunda yardmc oluyoruz. Bu amala birok kardeimizle iletiim halindeyiz. Amerikann dier ehirlerinde bulunan Mslman kardelerle iletiime geip ihtiya halinde datlmas iin eser gnderiyoruz. Kevin Barrett ve Sleyman Kurterin Bedizzaman Biyografisi almas da devam ediyor.
Yusuf ayabatmaz

1. Basn Yayn Amerikada slamiyetin daha iyi idrak edilmesi niyetiyle mslman olanlara veya mslman olmaya meyilli grlen kimselere ngilizce, spanyolca, Arabca ve Trke eserler datmaktayz. Bu eserlerin byk bir ksm Risalei Nurdan evrilen eserler, bununla birlikte Kuran Kerim en ok datlan kitap. Yeni evrilmi eserlerimiz, Drdnc Lema ve Ayetl-Kbra risaleleri. Yakn zamanda evirisi bitecek olan eserlerimiz ise Kk Szler ve (Fikri Milliyet bahsi) Milliyetcilik. Bunlarn yannda slami temel bilgiler zerine evrilmi eserlerimiz de mevcut. 2. Dersler Cumartesi akamlar erkekler ve bayanlar ayr yerlerde (ortalama 40 kiiyle) derslerimiz oluyor. Her geen gn say artyor. Derse gelenlerin says 100 yakn ancak dnml olarak geliyorlar. Dersler ngilizce yaplyor. Bir hafta Risalei Nur okunuyor dier hafta slami konular zerinde seminer tarznda sohbetler oluyor Farkl rklardan, farkl renklerden kark bir topluluu grmek birok mslman zellikle mutlu ediyor. Bayanlar da ayn anda hoparlr vastasyla dier tarafta dersi dinliyor ve itirak ediyorlar. Dersler, yaklak bir saat sryor, bir saatin sonunda soru cevap ksm oluyor. Amerikal Mslmanlarn ou sonradan mslman olduklar iin soru cevap ksm ok aktif oluyor. Bu ksm vesilesiyle geri dnm salanm oluyor. Perembe dersleri ise Trke olarak yaplyor Risalei Nurlar okunuyor, Sadece Trk vatandalarn katld dersler Cumartesi akamlar olduu gibi yaklak bir saat sohbetin ardndan soru cevap eklinde devam ediyor. 3. Talebe Hizmetleri Yaz tatili dolaysyla renciler okula gitmedikleri iin hafta ii saat 13:00 ile 15:00 arasnda Mslman ailelerin ocuklarna Kuran dersleri verildi. Kuran okumasn bilenlere tecvid retildi ve sureleri ezberleme almalar yapld. Bununla birlikte fkh dersleri veriliyor, tesbihat ezberletiliyor. 4. evre ehirlerle likiler Milwaukee evresindeki ehirlerde bulunan zellikle Mslman Trk kardelerle ilikiler kurup derslerin organize edilmesi ve eitli faaliyetler iin biraraya geliyoruz. zellikle Ramazan aynn da bereketinden istifade ederek kardelerimizi iftara davet ettik, bizler de iftara gittik. Hizmetler zerine sohbetler ettik. 5. ftar Program Ramazan ay boyunca her akam dersh anemizde iftar verildi. Yemekleri aileler evlerinde yapp getirdiler dershaneye ve birlikte yenildi. Cuma ve Cumartesi akamlar ise baz aileler btn yemei kendileri stlenip Allah rzas iin iftar verdiler. ftarlarda kadn erkek ortalama 50 kii geldi, baz akamlar zellikle Cumartesi akamlar bu say 150 ye kadar kt oldu.

erife evval ayabatmazn dnyaya terifleriYeni Asya USA dersanesini nurlandrd. Yce Allahtan hayrl evlat olmasn temenni ederiz.


ekliyle barts, bir moda ve klk aksesuar olmaya indirgenerek ii boaltld. Ve bu durum sadece bartsnde deil, sosyolog Mfit Ykselin syledii gibi (Yeni Asya, 23 ubat 2009), dindarlk tezahrlerinin tamamnda ortaya kt. AKPyi iktidara tayan kitleler iinde nemli bir yere sahip olan dindar kesimlerin zellikle ynetim kadrolarna yakn olanlarnda gzlenen iktidar nimetlerini paylama eiliminin getirdii manevi erozyon had safhaya ulat. AKP iktidarnda yaananlar, cemaatlerin bu sarsc gerekten, evvelce grlmemi boyutlarda etkilendiklerini gsteriyor...

Kazm Gleyzn kitabndan iktibas edilmitir.
ANAP iktidaryla birlikte, cemaatlerin nemli bir ksm devlet imkanlaryla desteklenerek ticariletirildi ve buna bal olarak politize edildi. Birok farkl alanda faaliyet gsteren irketler kuruldu. Finans kurumlar oluuruldu. Byk holdingler meydana getirildi. Evvelce cemaatin z kaynaklarna dayal mtevazi imkarlarla karlmaya allan yayn organlar kitleselleen gazetelere dnrken bunlara radyo ve TV kanallar eklendi. Ve hizmet mlahazasyla girilen sre, kaygan bir sath- mail haline geldi. lk balarda haber bltenlerini bile bartl spikerlerle sunan baz TV kanallar, daha sonra hem bu uygulamaya son verdiler, hemde mptezellikte dier kanallarla adeta yarr hale geldiler. Sonuta, orijinal kimliklerin dejenere olduu, kapitalizmin kurallarnn ne kt, irket karlarnn hizmetin gereklerine baskn geldii, siyasi iktidarla ilikilerin de buna gre ekillendii ok ibret verici kimlik erozyonlar yaand. Zht ve takvay esas alan hayat tarzlar terk edilirken, atafat, lks, gsteri, lsz tketim ve israfa dayal bir yaay slubu ortaya kt. Nian, dn ve tatillerini be yldzl otellerde yapmay alkanlk haline getiren, marka giyinen, lks ve pahal lokantalarda yemek yiyen ve elence yerlerinde boy gsterip doum gn kutlamalar yapan bir slam sosyetesi olutu. 1990larn banda ANAPn iktidardan uzaklap ekim merkezi olmaktan kmasyla, cemaatleri dnyeviletirme sreci, MNP-MSPnin devam olarak kitleye alma abas iindeki RP dneminde devam etti. RPnin 1994teki yerel, 1995teki genel seimde elde ettii baar, nce kendi kadrolarnda, sonra destek veren cemaatlerde, iktidar nimetlerinden daha fazla pay alma itahn kabartt. teden beri yanda zenginler oluturma mekanizmas olarak ileyen ihale sistemi, bu dnemde RPliler ve destek verenler lehine alt. Buna ilaveten, yetimi kadrolar yine yerel ve merkezi ynetimin brokratlar olarak istihdam edildi. yle ki, ok sayda akademisyen siyasete ve brokrasiye kanalize edilerek niversite krsleri boaltld, stelik bu durum En ok profesr bizim kadrolarmzda sylemleriyle vnme vesilesi yapld ve bu kaydrma 28 ubatta niversitelerin YK eliyle resmi ideolojinin kaleleri haline getirilmesini son derece kolaylatrd. AKPnin tek bana iktidar, arkasna ald cemaatlerin byk ounluuyla birlikte, bu dejenerasyonu ok daha ileri boyutlara tad. Tesettrn ifadesi olmas gerekirken, maalesef yer yer AKPnin simgesi haline getirilen

Dershanemizde Kuran dersi

Dershanemizde Teravih


( de zndk ve ehl-i cehennemdir. Onlara yardm edenlerin vay haline!... Hz. mam- Ali)

Gizli Mason Komitesi

29. Mektubtaki mahrem Sekizinci Ksmn Drdnc Remzi olan Srr nna Ateynada Sfyaniyetin nc rkn hakknda mhim tesbitler vardr ki, bilhassa gnmzde bunun ehemmiyyetle dikkate alnmas icap ediyor. Zira, gizli mason komitesi olan Sfyaniyet, zahiren dindar grnen ahslar kullanarak vaktiyle tahribatnn yapt gibi- bugn de manevi tahribatn srdrmeye alyor. Zahiren, iktidar dindar grnml ahslarn ellerinde grnmekle beraber, kuvvet ve insiyatif, zndk mnafklarn elindedir. Hakiki dindarlar da, bu suretle aldanyorlar ve aldatlyorlar. Tpk aada ifade edildii gibi... stadmz diyor... Gariptir ki: Bu istibdad- askeriyyei keyfiyye-i kfriyyenin bana geen mason komutasnn reisinin (MK, M, MF) derece-i hatalar ve eriat hakknda olan cinayette hisseleri, kendi isimlerindeki adedi zahir gsteriyor. yle ki: ........ ncs (Sfyann nc rkn M. Fevzi): Zahiren slamiyyete taraftar ve bir derece iman sahibi olarak kendini gsteriyor. Fakat ehl-i iman onun suri (grnteki) diyanetine aldanp dizginleri teki gaddarlarn ellerine verdiinden, o (F) dahi umumi cinayette... kendi isminin miktarnca 103 hisse alr.

Muterizane ve tenkidkarane mhim bir sual bana varid oluyor. Diyorlar ki: Nasl bu cumhuriyet-i slamiyyenin bir takm reislerine kk Deccal nam veriyorsun. Halbuki diyanet-i riyasetteki mhim ulemalar misali, ok ulemalar onlara tabidir. Onlara duac saylr. El-cevap: 1350 sene evvel Hazret-i Peygamberin bir akirdi ve esrar- Kur-aniyenin dersini bizzat Peygamber Aleyhisselamdan alan Hazret-i Ali Kerremallah veche, mehur ve metbu kasidesinde (Celcelutiye) demi ki: Huruf-u Arabiyye, Acemi,yani Frengi (Latin) hurufuna tebdil edildii zaman, Deccali intizar ediniz (bekleyiniz). ......................... Evet ,o ii ( Frengi, Ladini almas) yapan ise, kk deccallerdir ki, byk deccalin karakoludur. Hem de o zamann en fenas, ulemann fenasdr. (Ulema-i su) Yani dalaletin en fenas ulema-i su nam altndaki bir ksm bedbaht ki, ulema da dini dnyaya satm adamlardan gelir. Ben de bu noktaya binaen derim ki: Hangi ulema vardr ki, Ezan- Muhammediyye yi beenmeyip, yerine bir arky kabul etsin!. yleleri alim deil belki, Onlar yk tayan eekler misalidir(Cuma:5) ayetine dahil oluyor. Latif



Yepyeni ehresi, muhtevas ve genleen hedefleriyle sadece Amerikaya deil Trkiye bata olmak zere btn dnyaya Risalei Nurlarn o kuds hakikatlerini hitap ederek bu konuda manevi bir boluu dolduracak inallah. imdiden abone olmak, abone bulmak ve sevdalnzla bulumak iin yllarn hasretini giderecek hazrlk almalarna balayabilirsiniz. Artk brolarmzda, dershanelerimizde, evlerimizde, antalarmzda ve gnl derghlarmzda yeni bir misafiri daha ak ve evkle arlayacaz. Bu gzel hizmete vesile olan bata YARPCA nn kurucu Genel Bakan Prof Dr. Sleyman Kurter olmak zere emei geen herkese Allah Raz olsun diyor alma ve gayretlerinin devamn niyaz ediyoruz. Bu mjdeden sonra ABDde ki bir seneye san hizmet faaliyetlerinden de ksaca bahsedelim. BASIN YAYIN ALANINDAK FAALYETLER: Amerikada slmiyetin daha iyi idrak edilmesi niyetiyle Mslman olanlara veya slmiyete ilgi duyanlara; ngilizce, spanyolca, Arabca ve Trke eserler datlmakta. Bu eserlerin banda; Kuran kerim olmak zere, Risalei Nurdan evrilen eserler gelmektedir. Bu konuda en son yeni evrilmi eserler; Drdnc Lema ve AyetlKbra risaleleridir. zerinde allan ve tercmesi bitecek olan eserlerimiz ise Kk Szler ve Milliyetilik Fikri adl eserlerdir. Kevin Baret ve Sleyman Kurterin Bedizzaman Biyografisi almas da devam ediyor. Bunlarn yannda temel slami bilgiler zerine

SAYF YFASINA LAHKA SAYFASINA nejatereren@saidnursi.de THE LIGHT NUR DERGMZ HASRET SONA ERDRP SEVENLERYLE KUCAKLAIYOR ok deerli dostlarmz bu haftaki yazmzda sizleri hayalen de olsa biraz d dnyaya gtrmeye alacaz. Yetmili yllara doru hayalen yle bir gidenler: Trkiyeli birka gen Nur Talebesinin gayret ve himmetleriyle Amerikada ilk Risalei Nur Medresesinin alm ve The Light / Nur adl drt dilde (Trke, ngilizce, Arapa, Almanca) yaynlanan aylk bir derginin Nur Cemaati iersinde byk bir heyecan uyandrdn hatrlarlar. Risalei Nurdan pasajlarn, man Kuran hizmetinin dnya apndaki haberlerini yaynlayan bu gzel dergi birka yl yayn hayatna devam ettikten sonra maalesef eitli sebeblerle inktaa uramt. Cenab Hakka sonsuz krler olsun ki krk senelik bir aradan sonra inallah tekrar yayn hayatna balayacak. Ksaca bu noktaya gelmenin servenini hatrlatmaya alalm. Elli yla yakndr ABD de bulunan deerli ilim ve dava adam Prof. Dr. Sleyman Kurter aabeyimizin son senedir Yeni Asya Camiasyla sk irtibat ve gayretleriyle geen yl Haziran aynda: Yeni Asya Research Publication Center of America ( YARPCA) Yeni Asya Aratra ve Yayn Merkezi adnda bir vakf kuruldu. Kurucu genel bakanln kendisi deruhte etmekte ve Trkiyeden Gazete Ynetim Kurulundan benim de bulunduum iki arkadala vakfn Ynetim Kurulu faaliyetleri aralksz devam etmektedir. Geen yl Haziran aynda eyaletten resmi olur alan vakfmz; getiimiz Temmuz aynda da Federal Devletten resm olurunu alarak faaliyetlerini hzlandrarak devam ettirmektedir. Geen ylki Amerika ziyaretimizde YARPCA ynetim Kurulu yeleri ve oradaki dostlarmzla bir araya gelip buradaki hizmetlerimizin organizesi, Trkiye ile irtibat ve hizmet mbadelesi, insanla manen yapabileceimiz yardmlar, muhtalar gnllere iman hakikatlerini ulatrma babnda neler yapacamz konuup belli bir plnlamaya yapmtk. Bu manadaki gayret ve irtibatlarmz kesintisiz devam ediyor elhamdlillh. Cenab hakka sonsuz krler olsun ki: bir sene iersinde, sistemli ve organizeli ekilde hizmetlerimizi yrtmede gerek Amerikada gerekse Avrupa, Asya ve Avustralya apnda azmsanmayacak bir mesafe kat ettiimizi rahatlkla syleyebiliriz. Bylece resmi, sistemli ve kurumsal bazda hizmetlerimiz ABD de ve btn dnyada her geen gn daha da gelierek ve byyerek devam edip yryecek inallah. u anda sizlere verebileceimiz en sevindirici haber: The Light / Nur dergisinin yeni versiyonu ve hizmet haberleriyle bu Eyll ay sonlarna doru tekrar yayn hayatna balayacak olmasdr. Nurun sevdallaryla olan krk yllk bir hasret sona eriyor ve sevda gnllleri kavumak iin artk gn saymaya balyor elhamdlillah.


15 okula gitmedikleri iin hafta ii saat 13:00 ile 15:00 arasnda Mslman ailelerin ocuklarna Kuran dersleri veriliyor. Kuran okumasn bilenlere tecvid dersi alyor, sure ezberliyor fkh dersleri veriliyor, tesbihat ezberletiliyor . EVRE LKLER Amerika ve Kanadada bulunan kardelerimizin yannda; Milwaukee evresindeki ehirlerde Mslman Trk kardelerle ilikiler kurup ders organizesi ve eitli faaliyetler iin bir araya geliniyor. FTAR FTAR PROGRAMI Ramazan aynn bereketli ortamndan istifade ederek kardeler arasnda karlkl iftara davetleri icra ediliyor.Bylece karlkl hizmetler zerine sohbetler ediliyor. Bu ylki Ramazan ay boyunca her akam dershanemizde iftar verildi. Yemekleri aileler evlerinde hazrladlar, dershaneye getirilip birlikte yendi. Cuma ve Cumartesi akamlar ise baz aileler btn yemei kendileri stlenip Allah rzas iin iftar verdiler. ftarlarda normal artlarda; kadn, erkek ortalama 50 kii geldi, baz akamlar zellikle Cumartesi akamlar bu say 150 e kadar kt. ftar yemeinin ardndan yine soru cevaplarl dersler yapld. Teravih namazlar her akam Dershanemizde vakf kardeimiz tarafndan kldrld, tesbihatlar yapld. DER HZMETLER Amerika hapishanelerini dolduran binlerce mahkmun slah edilmesi ve topluma kazandrlmas iin Mslmanlardan istenen yardma; matbaamzda basm olduumuz Risalei Nur eserlerini bedava datarak yardm ediyoruz. Trkiyeden gelenlere Mslman kardelere, i, okul, staj, barnma konusunda yardmc olunuyor. Bu amala birok kardeimizle iletiim halindeyiz. Amerikann dier ehirlerinde bulunan Mslman kardelerle iletiime geip ihtiya halinde datlmas iin eser gnderiyoruz. leriki yazlarmzda dnyann eitli yerlerinden yepyeni, ihlsl ve samimi hizmetler haberlerinde bulumak dilek ve temennisiyle. 08.09.11 ANTALYA NEJAT EREN

evrilmi eserler de vardr ve bedava olarak datlmaktadr.. DERSLER Vakf Merkezimizin olduu Milwaukee ehrinde; Cumartesi akamlar erkekler ve bayanlar ayr yerlerde ortalama 40 kiiyle dersler yaplmaktadr.

Dersegelenlerin toplam says son bir senede yze yaklat. Bu saynn ok byk bir ksm yerli Mslmanlardan olumaktadr. Her geen gn derse itirak edenlerin says artarak devam etmektedir. Dersler ngilizce yaplmakta, bir hafta Risalei Nur, dier hafta slami konular zerinde seminer tarznda dersler yaplmaktadr. Farkl rklardan, farkl renklerden kark bir topluluu birlikte ayn davada ve ayn amala grmek birok Mslman ok mutlu ediyor. Yediden yetmie farkl ya guruplarndan ok renkli bir cemaat yaps var. Bayanlar da ayn anda hoparlr vastasyla bu derslere ayr bir meknda itirak ediyorlar. Dersler yaklak bir saat sryor, bir saatin sonunda soru cevap blm balyor. Yerli Mslmanlarn ou sonradan Mslman olduklar iin soru-cevap ksm ok aktif ve faydal oluyor. Ayrca sadece Trke bilenler iin ise: Perembe gnleri zel dersler yaplyor. Bu derste de Risalei Nurlarn okunmasndan sonra sorucevap fasl icra edilyor TALEBE HZMETLER Yaz tatili dolaysyla renciler

NUR -THE LIGHT YAYIN HEYET ngilizce Sleyman Kurter Havva Kurter Ron Handree Kevin Barrett mran Kurter Yaqub Herod Sadik Cetin Nafi Yalin braheem Abdullah Trke Yusuf ayabatmaz Sleyman Kurter Nejat Eren Umut Yavuz Nafi Yaln Kamil Ger Sadk etin Hseyin Macar



NUR-The Light Published by Yeni Asya USA. 803 W. Oklahoma Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53215 USA Email: yeniasyausa@gmail.com www.YeniAsyaUSA.com

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