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Verbs with an Irregular First Person Form Note that all of these verbs will also have special

forms for the present subjunctive, since present subjunctive forms are based on the first person singular. c > zc in the yo form: (know, be aquainted with [people or places])

conozco conoces conoce

conocemos conocis conocen

This is the usual pattern for verbs whose infinitive ends in -cer or -cir: acontecer agradecer amanecer aparecer conducir crecer - happen - thank - dawn - appear - drive - grow establecer merecer nacer obedecer ofrecer padecer parecer permanecer producir traducir - establish - deserve - be born - obey - offer - suffer - seem - remain - produce - translate

enflaquecerse - get thin enriquecerse - get rich envejecerse - get older reducir - reduce

appearance of g in the yo form: (fall)

caigo caes cae

caemos cais caen (bring)

traigo traes trae

traemos trais traen

decir (say, tell)

digo dices dice

decimos decs dicen (do, make)

hago haces hace

hacemos hacis hacen (put, set)

pongo pones pone

ponemos ponis ponen

(leave, go out) salgo sales sale salimos sals salen


tengo tienes tiene

tenemos tenis tienen (be worth)

valgo vales vale

valemos valis valen

(come) vengo vienes viene venimos vens vienen

other types of yo form changes: (fit [in something])

quepo cabes cabe

cabemos cabis caben

(give) doy das da damos dais dan

(know [facts])

s sabes sabe

sabemos sabis saben


veo ves ve

vemos veis ven

Verbs Like huir Verbs whose infinitive ends in -uir (but not -guir) insert a y in present tense endings whenever the ending does not contain the sound i, that is, in all forms except for nosotros and vosotros. (flee)



huyes hus huye huyen

Verbs conjugated like huir: construir - construct contribuir - contribute disminuir - diminish Irregular Verbs The following verbs are completely irregular (usually because of the way they evolved from Latin) or display characteristics so rare as to be considered irregular for our purposes. (to be) incluir - include influir - influence

estoy ests est

estamos estis estn

(to be) soy eres es somos sois son


voy vas va

vamos vais van

(smell) huelo hueles huele olemos olis huelen

Note: Oler is a stem changing verb; however, no word can begin with ue in Spanish, so an initial h is added. Orthographic Changes Some verbs exhibit orthographic or spelling changes to maintain the same pronunciation of the final stem consonant: g>j : Verbs whose infinitive form ends in -gir change the g to j before an a or an o. (direct)

dirijo diriges dirige

dirigimos dirigs dirigen (elect)

elijo eliges elige

elegimos elegs eligen

Note: Elegir is also a stem changing verb, where the e changes to i. More verbs in this category: corregir - correct exigir - require fingir - pretend surgir - arise

Verbs Ending in -guir gu > g : Verbs whose infinitive form ends in -guir drop the u before an a or an o. (distinguish)

distingo distingues distingue

distinguimos distingus distinguen

Other verbs like this include:

seguir - follow, continue conseguir - get, obtain perseguir - pursue

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