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MVS JCL Reengineering


Using customized application reengineering tools, ConvTek converts the JCL streams and migrates the data files to new or improved standards and naming conventions, or to a new production environment, which may also lead to light application code modifications. Key benefits include: improved JCL readability, simplified application maintenance, reduced exposure to JCL errors, expanded DFSMS implementation, increased job throughput, and elimination of redundant software. OBJECTIVE
Modify JCL streams, data files, and code to comply with new or improved standards and naming conventions, or with a new production environment. Mass Conversion The entire production inventory is changed in mass over a single switchover weekend after several months of preparation. Progressive Conversion Modifications are applied and implemented one at a time to the entire production inventory.

Make JCL easier to read and understand in order to: Simplify JCL maintenance Reduce the associated labor, cost, implementation time, and risk Reduce the potential for, and reaction time to, system outages caused by JCL errors Optimize the JCL for better performance in order to: Reduce execution times Increase job throughput Standardize the JCL in order to: Facilitate the implementation of systemmanaged storage (DFSMS), job scheduler, report manager, etc. Eliminate obsolete or redundant utility programs and the associated license costs, and simplify technical support

Depending on project approach, scope, and deliverables, ConvTek may use: ConvTek proprietary conversion tools E-GEN/MAP and E-GEN/WS PRO/JCL, INFO/X Enterprise, DOCU/TEXT, and JOB/SCAN CORTEX Redesign, CORTEX PDB, and CORTEX OMS

Several steps precede the actual JCL and file modification: Application inventory Revision of MVS standards and naming conventions Revision of system-managed storage environment Identification of areas needing improvement in existing JCL streams Development of JCL/file cross-references and file classification

Depending on project scope and deliverables, one of the following approaches is used:

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Examples of JCL modifications implemented one job at a time or in groups of jobs, regardless of file/step cross-references include: Standardization of JCL names: job, procedure, include, parameter library, parameter library member, etc. Standardization of the storage of loadmodules and JCL procedures/includes: JOBLIB, STEPLIB, JCLLIB, etc. Removal of non-required DCB attributes from DD statements that still contain them: AVGREC, BLKSIZE, etc. Standardization of the DISP attribute Replacement of JCL COND by IF Standardization of report management attributes and associated statements or JCL coding patterns Generalization and standardization of the usage of report-ids Standardization of SORT work files and SORT step coding patterns Elimination of utility steps that can be replaced by other functionally equivalent techniques, for example, replacement of IDCAMS DEL/DEF steps by JCL file allocation/deletion Replacement of IDCAMS REPRO by SORT COPY to improve performance Replacement of IEFBR14-based file deletion and uncataloging by the use of a clean-up utility that has less system overhead and doesnt recall archived tape files (no tape mounts) Systematic step conversion to either eliminate obsolete or redundant products and techniques and/or to use a single coding pattern per function Insertion of return code setting or verification and ABEND steps for improved job execution control and restart Addition to all steps of a reference to a standardized JCL INCLUDE containing all references to compiler related technical files (SYSPRINT, SYSUDUMP etc.) and , elimination of any other references to those files

Reformatting of all JCL statements to improve look, feel, and readability

Examples of program modifications associated with the JCL reengineering include: Resetting COBOL block sizes to zero Eliminating device dependence from COBOL SELECT statements


Examples of JCL/file modifications that are coordinated based on JCL/file cross-references include: DSN standardization Increased and standardized usage of GDG

Optionally, ConvTek can load the job stream definitions into a production repository capable of generating standardized JCL. The repository becomes the: Change control system for existing job streams Job stream development tool for new applications Enforcement tool for JCL standards and naming conventions Supported production repositories include E-GEN/WS and CORTEX PDB/OMS.


For more information, please contact Patrick Fournier at (866) CONVTEK toll free or via e-mail at p.fournier@convtek.com
All products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.

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