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There are several monsters that are misplaced in their dungeons or have missing information, anyone who nows this information can email me and I will input said information with credit to the emailer. ---------------/ | \ Contents ---------------Below is the table of contents for this wal through. To use this table use your browser's Control + f function to search for the letter combinations listed in brac ets to the right. 1 - Version History.............................................[VSN] 2 - Introduction................................................[INT] 3 - Getting Started.............................................[GTS] 3.1 - Basic Controls..........................................[CTR] 3.2 - The Town of Trampoli....................................[TWN] 3.3 - Your House..............................................[HOS] 3.4 - Meeting the Townsfol ...................................[PPL] 3.5 - Trampoli Businesses.....................................[SHP] 3.6 - Letters.................................................[LTR] 3.7 - Town Calendar of Events.................................[CLD] 4 - Farming.....................................................[FRM] 4.1 - Your Tools..............................................[TOL] 4.2 - Your Field..............................................[FLD] 4.3 - Crops...................................................[CRP] 4.4 - Flowers.................................................[FLR] 5 - Dungeon Crawling and Storyline..............................[DNG] 5.1 - Green Ruins.............................................[GRN] 5.2 - Lava Ruins..............................................[LVA] 5.3 - Snow Ruins..............................................[SNW] 5.4 - Whale Island............................................[WIL] 5.5 - Combat..................................................[CMT] 5.6 - Storyline...............................................[STY] \ | /

6 - Bachelorettes and Marriage..................................[BCH] 6.1 - Anette..................................................[ANT] 6.2 - Bianca..................................................[BNC] 6.3 - Cinnamon................................................[CNM] 6.4 - Eunice..................................................[EUN] 6.5 - Iris....................................................[IRS] 6.6 - Lara....................................................[LRA] 6.7 - Melody..................................................[MDY] 6.8 - Mist....................................................[MST] 6.9 - Rosetta.................................................[RST] 6.10 - Selphy.................................................[SPH] 6.11 - Tabatha................................................[TBT] 6.12 - Uzu i..................................................[UZU] 6.13 - Getting Married........................................[MRD] 7 - Crafting....................................................[CRF] 7.1 - Forging.................................................[FRG] 7.2 - Accessories.............................................[ACC] 7.3 - Coo ing.................................................[CKG] 7.4 - Laboratory..............................................[LAB] 7.5 - Item List...............................................[ITM] 8 - Runeys......................................................[RNY] 8.1 - What are Runeys? Why should I care?.....................[WHY] 8.2 - Harvester and Candy's services..........................[HVS] 8.3 - Distribution............................................[DIS] 8.4 - Prosperity and Extinction...............................[PRT] 9 - Monsters....................................................[MST] 9.1 - Your Barn...............................................[BRN] 9.2 - Beastiary...............................................[BST] 9.3 - Monster Friendship and Wor .............................[FND] 9.4 - Wor Schedule...........................................[WRK] 9 - Fishing.....................................................[FSH] 9.1 - Dungeon Fishing.........................................[DNF] 10 - Miscellaneous..............................................[MIS] 10.1 - Income Tips............................................[ITP] 10.2 - Gameplay Tips..........................................[GTP] 10.3 - My RP Replenishing strategy............................[RPS] 11 - Credits....................................................[CRD] 12 - Copyright..................................................[CPY] 13 - Contact....................................................[CTC] ----------------/ \ | Version History | \ / -----------------

Here I will list all of the updates and progress I am ma ing with the writing and correction of this FAQ, for your added convenience. Version 1.00 Original posting to GameFaqs and select other sites. Version 1.10 Corrected a few minor points than s to Robert Tijerina for pointing out a mista e with the Coming of Age festival, it has been corrected Added a section for befriending monsters and went further in depth into the jobs they perform Added drop list for the Ice Sna e in the Snow Ruins (than s to nguyen0891) Fixed a few minor errors in the Bestiary (than s to mpen for pointing them


out) Version 1.11 Added the section about getting married after having it pointed out to me that it was glaringly missing. ---------------/ \ | Introduction | \ / ----------------


Rune Factory is a spinoff series of the cult series Harvest Moon, a series that allows players to run and care for their own farm with none of that abnnoying sweat. The Rune Factory series, thus far, features two games for the Nintendo DS and one game for the Nintendo Wii. This guide will cover the version on the Wii entitled Rune Factory Frontier. Rune Factory Frontier (RFF) is a game the features the farming simulation aspects that many people enjoy from traditional Harvest Moon games alongside a dungeon crawling, hac -and-slash environment not that dissimilar from the more recent additions in the Legend of Zelda series. The Rune Factory universe is one filled with a rich history, but one that is not readily apparent. All three games in the Rune Factory series thus far reveal the bac ground inherent to the games in very subtle ways, mostly through conversations held with other characters as you get to now them better. This game, li e the other two for the DS, starts off with you controlling a man who is wandering into an unfamiliar town with no memory of his past. This tiem around you happen to be the same character that you controlled in the first Rune Factory, only you get to head to a new town with a whole new set of problems. The first game is not mentioned or referenced at all in Rune Factory Frontier, except for some very vague inferences made by a couple of the characters at certain points. Several of the bachelorettes are returned from the first game, the most relevant of which is Mist, the main heroine of the story who is the reason you head to the town in RFF in the first place. The game starts li e any other Harvest Moon and Rune Factory game. You start off as a character in a town that you have never seen before and manage to luc you way into an uninhabited farm that they were just happening to need someone to tend to. Unli e traditional Harvest Moon games, however, Rune Factory Frontier features four dungeons for you to explore and conquer in your efforts to right the problems that plague the town fo Trampoli. With that in mind, let's get into the world of Rune Factort Frontier!

---------------------/ | \ Getting Started ---------------------The game opens with Raguna (your character) wandering into an unfamiliar town murmering to himself about needing to find Mist, who wandered off after the events of the first Rune Factory game, which also featured Raguna as the main character. Raguna is on the brin of collapse and manages to find his way into a church run by a friendly old lady named Stella. Stella allows Raguna to stay at the Church for the night so that he may continue his quest to find Mist the following morning. The tric is on Raguna, however, as Mist wal s right into the Church in the morning while Raguna is still tal ing with \ | / [GTS]

Stella. Mist, who acts as if there is absolutely nothing wrong, tells Raguna that he will be ta ing over an uninhabited farm next to her house and ta es him there to show him around. After a quic tour of Raguna's new farm Mist gives you a watering can, a hoe, and a bag of Turnips to get started. Just li e that, Raguna is now on his own in a new town once again. ________________ | | | Basic Controls | |________________|


Rune Factory Frontier contains the option of whether or not to utilize the motion controls of the Wiimote and Nunchuc controller. You also have the option of using the Classic Controller, although you lose the option of being able to noc on townspeople's doors, which is only available by using the Nunchuc . ============================== Wiimote and Nunchuc controls: ============================== + D Pad Menu: Move Cursor Gameplay: Eat/Drin item from shortcut menu, eat/drin held item _____________ Control Stic Menu: Move Cursor Gameplay: Move Raguna ________ A Button Menu: Confirm Gameplay: Tal , Search, Examine, Use tool, Drop held item, Attac while mounted on a monster ________ C Button Menu: Same as A Button Gameplay: Same as A Button ________ B Button Menu: Cancel, close Gameplay: Pic up/Harvest items, Put away held item, Attac while mounted on a monster _____________________ Hold B + hit A Button Menu: Nothing Gameplay: Uses Special Attac s of weapons and tools. ________ Z Button Menu: Same as B Button Gameplay: Hold to allow Raguna to move side to side, Ma e Raguna dismount a monster he is riding

________ + Button Menu: Switch Menu screen to the right Gameplay: Opens Menu ________ - Button Menu: Advances Menu screen to the left Gameplay: Opens Quic Ring Menu ________ 1 Button Menu: Toggles between additional information concerning items Gameplay: Ma es Raguna loo straight up (for finding Constellations and gathering Runeys) ________ 2 Button Menu: Sorts Items Gameplay: Opens up Menu to view Map or Return (either to Dungeon entrance or to the front of your house) ______________ Sha e Nunchuc Menu: Nothing Gameplay: Knoc s on a door Raguna is standing in front of _____________ Sha e Wiimote Menu: Nothing Gameplay: Uses equipped Tool ============================ Classic Controller Controls: ============================ + D Pad Menu: Move Cursor Gameplay: Eat/Drin item in assigned Shortcut menu __________ Left Stic Menu: Move Cursor Gameplay: Move Raguna ________ A Button

Menu: Cancel, Close Gameplay: Pic up items, put held items in your pac , attac monster ________ L Button

with mounted

Menu: Confirm Gameplay: Tal , Search, Examine, Drop held item, use equipped Tool, attac with mounted monster ________ B Button

Menu: Same as B Button Gameplay: Hold to ma e Raguna move side to side, Ma e Raguna dismount the monster he is riding ________ R Button Menu: Same as A Button Gameplay: Samea s A Button ________ - Button Menu: Advance Menu one screen to the left Gameplay: Opens the Ring shortcut menu ________ + Button Menu: Advances Menu one screen to the right Gameplay: Opens the Menu ________ X Button Menu: Toggles additional information on selected items Gameplay: Loo straight up at the s y ________ Y Button

______________________ | | | The Town of Trampoli | |______________________|

The Town of Trampoli is divided into 9 Districts: Homestead, Road to Beach, Trampoli Beach, South District, Church District, Business District, Public Square, Mountain Path, and La e Trampoli. Opening your map of the town will also show a set of Cliffs and the Ocean off to the east, neither of which can be accessed during the course of the game. Here is a poorly drawn text map of the town: ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | / | | | / / | | | Trampoli / Cliffs / | | | La e / (Inaccessible) ____________/ | | | / / | | | _________/ / | | | / \ / | | ________________/ Public \ / | | | | Square | / | | Mountain | |__________________________/ | | Path | / \ Ocean | | | Business / | (Inaccessible) | | | / Church | | | | District \ District / | | | \ / | | | \ / | | | | | |

Menu: Sort items Gameplay: Brings up option to loo

at the Map or Return


| |_________________________________________________________________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | South | | Road to | Trampoli | | | District | Homestead | Beach | Beach | | | | | | | | \ | | | | |____________________________________________________________________________| And now, to go through the town, one district at a time: ========== Homestead: ========== The Homestead is, you guessed it, where Raguna lives and wor s to maintain his farm. The only things in this area are Raguna's house, farm, woodshed, shipping box, well, and a river running through it. Later on Raguna's barn will be built on the hill in the northeast corner of the Homestead. Heading East will ta e you to the Road to the Beach, West leads to the South District, North to the Church District, and Northwest to the Business District. ================== Road to the Beach: ================== The Road to the Beach is where you will find Mist's house, a small pond where you can fish, and the entrance to the Green Ruins, the first of the four dungeons that surround the town of Trampoli. North of the Road to the Beach is the Church District, West is the Homestead, and East lies the Beach itself =============== Trampoli Beach: =============== Trampoli Beach is the hip place to be during the Summer season, where you can frequently find the town's bachelorettes sporting their swimsuits for your viewing pleasure. There is a changing shac on the beach where Raguna can change into his swim trun s for the Summer season as well, along with a doc for fishing. Other than the doc and the changing shac , there's not much to see at the Beach, West ta es you bac to the Road to the Beach. =============== Churh District: =============== The Church District is where you will find the town Church, where Stella is the presiding sister and town founder. The Churhc will also be where you buy medicines and certain laboratory ingredients once Lara moves into town. West of the Church itself is the Cloc Tower, which is currently not in wor ing order. The Cloc Tower will be inhabited by Kanno, an old researcher by the 7th of your first Spring in Trampoli, along with his two granddaughters Cinnamon and Candy several days later. North of the Cloc Tower and Church is the Rune Archives, the town's library. You will be able to buy recipe boo s here from Selphy after she arrives in the town. Just east of the Rune Archives is the entrance to the Snow Ruins, the last dungeon that will be accessible as you progress through the game. To the East of the Church is a big tree, which is labelled as such on the in game map. Heading directly south from the big tree will ta e you to the Road to the Beach, heading south from the Church and Cloc tower will ta e you to the Homestead, and heading west from

the Church will ta e you into Trampoli's Business District. ================== Business District: ================== Trampoli's Business District is where you will do the majority of your shopping throughout the game. Located here is the Sunshine Inn and Snowstyle Tavern, run by Turner and Rita, along with their daughter Eunice. North of the Inn is the Damascus Forge, run by Ganesha, the town's half-elf resident. Ganesha's son Marco also lives there. East of the Forge is Danny's Grocery, run by Danny himself, although the selection will be abyssmal. Just to the left of Danny's Grocery will be the Materia Store, which will be opened by Rosetta halfway through the first Spring, and will also featurea greater selection thatn Danny's Grocery. East of the two warring Groceries will be the Laga Bathhouse, which will open once you begin to explore Whale Island a bit and find Melody, the girl who runs the Bathhouse, searching he Island. East of the Business District is the Church District, North leads to the Public Square, South leads to the South District, and Southeast leads bac to the Homestead. ============== Public Square: ============== The Public Square is actually a large, round platform built in front of a waterfall, with colloseum style seats surrounding it. In the center of the Square is a singing roc , and Lute, Trampoli's resident artist, will be found in the Square on Holidays peddling his wares. The only way out of the Public Square is to go South bac to the Business District. =============== South District: =============== The South District will be the location of two other farms at the start of your game. The northernmost one is Kross's farm. Kross is a depressing man who garners extra wor as the town's carpenter, who will build additions onto your house and barn in the blin of an eye. South of Kross's farm is Eri 's farm, where you can buy crop seeds and certain other seasonal goods from Eri while he is open for business. Eri will also give you farming tutorials if you as him. The South District will also be home to the Coquille chateau beginning on the first day of Summer, where Bianca will live with her maid, Tabatha, for the Summer only, unless certain requirements are met. The South District will also be home to Brodi , who will move in during the first Summer as well, but seems to now Raguna from his past and causes all sorts of mischief on Raguna's farm. East of the South District is the Homestead, north ta es you to the Business District, and west leads to the Mountain Path. There is a gate to the southwest that never opens as well. ============== Mountain Path: ============== The Mountain Path is a beautifully forested path along the side of the mountain to the west of Trampoli. Halfway up the path there is seen a sapling growing under a fallen slab of roc . As this sapling grows it will open up the entrance to the Lava Ruins, the game's second dungeon. North along the path is the Observatory, a level clearing which can be used to view constellations depending on the time of day and season, and whether or not

Cinnamon has told Raguna about them yet. East of the Observatory is a couple of Cornucopia trees which will drop fruit if you smac them with your hammer. The Southeast exit from the Mountain Path will ta e you to the South District, and the northeast exit will ta e you to La e Trampoli. ============== La e Trampoli: ============== La e Trampoli is where you will find a doc with a small rowboat nearby. You can ta e the rowboat to visit the small shore to the northeast, as well as the two small islands in the center of the la e. The northeast shore contains six more Cornucopia trees, which will drop fruit if you hit them with your hammer. The eastern island sports a large tree which is in bloom during the Spring and is very pretty and scenic, and the western island is seemingly empty at first, but will actually become the only method of reaching Whale Island on holidays, when it apparently is not seen in the s ies above Trampoli. Heading southwest from La e Trampoli will ta e you to the Mountain Path and bac towards town. ____________ | | | Your House | |____________|

Raguna's house, located in the Homestead, is where you will start every day of your journey. Initially the house comes with only the standard bed, fireplace, table, and storage bin. The storage bin can be used to store all of the nonparishable items that you find (anything that's not food). The table is where you can review the letters that Raguna has received in the mail. There is also empty space in 3 of the 4 corners of the house, with the 4th being occupied by Raguna's bed. The other three spaces are for the Laboratory, Forge and Kitchen. Initially, the Kitchen, Forge, and Laboratory can be bought from Lute when he is selling his wares in the Square on Holidays. The first set of facilities you can buy can only be used to combine two ingredients at a time. This is good for ma ing initial tool upgrades and weapons in the Forge, basic dishes in the Kitchen, and simple medicines in the Laboratory. You will be able to upgrade to larger facilities by expanding your house by having a sufficient amount of lumber and paying Kross's fee, and you can gain larger utensils by buying them from Lute in the Square on Holidays.

_______________________ | | | Meeting the Townsfol | |_______________________|

As you begin to explore the town, you'll notice that all of the doors to the other townsfol s homes and businesses are always loc ed. Head over to the Church and tal to Stella, who will tell you to go tal to Turner for her. To find Turner head over to the Sunshine Inn. Upon entering the Inn an animestyle scene will trigger where Raguna will meet Eunice, one of the 12 bachelorettes that Raguna has to choose from to marry. After that initial scene you will formally meet Eunice and her dad Turner. Give Turner the Bamboo Shoot that Stella as ed you to deliver. This triggers a chain of events that will introduce Raguna to the rest of the villagers remaining in the Business District, including Ganesha at the Damascus Forge, Danny at Danny's Grocery, and Eri at his Farm in the South District.



Once you have gone through this train of requests, ending with Eri sending you to spea with Danny again on his behalf, you can now meet Kross, the creepy guy who runs his own farm just north of Eri 's. That is everyone that you can meet in the town for now, so you can continue on with your day and do whatever other chores or exploring you wish to do. Now for the list. Here is a quic guide to each townsperson and the best ways to curry their favor. I have excluded the 12 bachelorettes from this section, since they have their own chapter of the FAQ later on. As is the norm with my FAQs, the characters will be listed alphabetically, along with the day they appear, their birthday, which gifts they li e, which they don't, and when you can get an odd scene at the bathhouse (for female characters only). ======= Brodi : ======= Brodi is a mysterious figure who appears at the beginning of Fall in your first year. He seems to now Raguna from the portion of his life that he can't remember and apparently holds a grudge against Raguna for that same reason. Brodi is a bit of a jac ass, but is actually a very amusing character if you don't ta e him too seriously. He can get annoying when he randomly messes with your field and puts roc s in your shipping bin (Rosetta hates it when people ship roc s). If you get Kross to 4 FP you can get an event between him and Brodi where Kross moves a large roc . Brodi will leave town a few wee s after this event. Appears: Fall 1 Birthday: Spring 17 Favorite Gift: Apple Pie Other Gifts: none, Brodi will hate almost anything you give him Hated Gifts: Pump in, Pendant (hilarious responses to these) ====== Candy: ====== Candy is one of Kanno's granddaughters, and will arrive in Trampoli after you meet Kanno and get him to tell you about his two granddaughters coming to help him with his research. Even though you meet Candy in an anime style cutscene, she is not a marriageable bachelorette, although her sister, Cinnamon, is. Candy is the ey to unloc ing the secrets of the Runeys that you see constantly in the air throughout Trampoli and she will give you the Harvester that you need to collect Runeys in order to redistribute them in such a way that creates harmony between them. The Harvester will also be used to collect produce from monsters that you befriend, eliminating the need for multiple tools li e the Clippers, Mil er, and Harvest Bas et from previous Rune Factory installments. Appears: After meeting Kanno and having him tell Raguna about his granddaughters Birthday: Spring 27 Favorite Gift: Any Juice Other Gifts: Apple Pie Hated Gifts: Insect Hide Bath Event: 6pm every day ====== Danny: ======

Danny is the owner of the town's grocery store. He has never had any competition in town so his wares are extremely limited. He sells only Turnip seeds and some basic equipment for the entirety of his time running his store, and an examination of his store shows that everything is dusty and out of place. Once Rosetta opens her store and you befriend Danny a bit, he will close down his shop and go to wor for Rosetta in hers. Appears: Spring 2, during the chain of events triggered by tal ing to Stella Birthday: Summer 6 Favorite Gift: Silver Ore Other Gifts: Quality Cloth Hated Gifts: Tomato, Green Pepper, Carrot ===== Eri : ===== Eri is a friendly, established farmer who resides in the South District of Trampoli. On his farm he sells a wide assortment of seeds for all seasons as well as other goods the vary with the season. He also sells monster feed, as well as grass seed so that you can grow your own monster feed. If you tal to Eri after the initial meeting he will give you the Sic le, needed to cut down crops and weeds on your farm, as well as turning fully grown grass into feed in your barn. If you go through Eri 's first tutorial he will give you a free bag of Turnip seeds as well. Appears: Spring 2, during the chain of events triggered by tal ing to Stella Birthday: Summer 23 Favorite Gift: Garlic Other gifts: Strawberry, Pineapple, Dried Fish Hated Gifts: Turnip, any Jam, Chocolate ======== Ganesha: ======== Ganesha is the town's resident blac smith and is also th only Half-elf that resides in Trampoli. Despite her Elven heritage, Ganesha is actually quite s illed in the Forge and sells a number of basic weapons and elemental crystals to aid Raguna in his own Forging efforts. Her shop is in the Business District, where she lives with her son Marco. Appears: Spring 2, during the chain of events triggered by tal ing to Stella Birthday: Winter 8 Favorite Gift: Demon Blood Other Gifts: any Ore Hated Gifts: Wool Bath Event: Monday through Friday at 7pm ====== Kanno: ====== Kanno is an elderly scholar who comes to Trampoli to research Runeys, since they gather in the town in much greater density than other places. He lives in the Cloc Tower and is joined by his two granddaughters, Cinnamon and Candy, shortly after his arrival. Kanno will send Raguna to retrieve a number of items for him in exchange for Magic Rods as you progress through the game.

Appears: Spring 7 Birthday: Fall 8 Favorite Gift: Magic Powder Other Gifts: Cheeseca e, Chocolate Ca e, Montblanc, Ca e Hated Gifts: Scrap Iron ====== Kross: ====== Kross is a pale, depressed, slightly creepy man who runs a farm just north of Eri 's in the South District. He has a very morbid outloo on life and will share his thoughts with Raguna on a daily basis. Kross is also Trampoli's carpenter. He will build any addition onto Raguna's house that you wish, as long as you have a sufficient supply of lumber and funds to pay his fees. Any addition that you as Kross to build will be constructed immediately, a testament to his s ills at woodwor ing. Anyone who has played Rune Factory 2 for the DS must wonder is Kross becomes one of the Mayor's miracle construction crew that can build almost anything in a day. Kross also gives Raguna the Monster Glove, necessary for befriending monsters in the wild, as well as increasing their FP once they are in your barn. Appears: After the events triggered by spea ing with Stella. He will be standing out in front of his house. Birthday: Summer 27 Favorite Gift: Cat Tail Other Gifts: Warrior Medal Hated Gifts: Curry Powder, Flour ===== Lute: ===== Lute is Trampoli's resident artist. He can be found on Thursdays at the La e painting and on Holidays at the Public Square where he wor s as a peddler. On days where a Festival is ta ing place in town, Lute will be found peddling outside the Church, rather than his usual stomping grounds in the Square. Buying from Lute on Holidays is the only way to get additional furniture for Raguna's house, as well as the only way to get facilities li e the Forge, Kitchen, and Laboratory. Lute also sells Kitchen utensils and extra storage spaces for each of your house's facilities. Appears: Spring 5 (at La e if sunny) or Spring 7 (at Square) Birthday: Summer 13 Favorite Gift: Chocolate Other Gifts: Mil Hated Gifts: any Fish ====== Marco: ====== Marco is Ganesha's son and lives with her at the Damascus Forge. He has dreams of becoming a great warrior and is very smitten with Candy, although he will never admit it. If you have Marco's FP at 8 or above by his birthday (Winter 29) you can trigger a treasure hunt event with him on that day that will lead Raguna to four different spots around town: The front of the Bathhouse, the Ice Hole at the La e, Raguna's Well, and Mist's flowerbed. Unli e all of the game's other male characters, Marco actually does have a bathhouse event, since Ganesha forces him to ta e his baths with her.

Appears: Spring 2, during the chain of events triggered by tal ing to Stella Birthday: Winter 29 Favorite Gift: Any coo ing resipe containing Curry Other Gifts: Curry Powder Hated Gifts: Green Pepper Bathtiem Event: Monday through Friday 7pm ======== Minerva: ======== Minerva is a woman who appears as a part of Tabatha's courtship process. She is ey to Tabatha's past and will eave town once Tabatha's love events are completed. Appears: Once Tabatha reaches 6 LP Birthday: Winter 15 Favorite Gift: Failed Dish Hated Gifts: any Accessory Bathtime Event: 10pm every day ====== Nolan: ====== Nolan is an odd man who spends his time at the Bathhouse, lur ing near the bath with a blac cat perched on his shoulder. He can only be found in Appears: After Melody opens the Laga Bathhouse Birthday: Spring 8 Favorite Gift: Wine Other Gifts: Strawberry Hated Gifts: Squid ===== Rita: ===== Rita is the Wife of Turner, the owner of the Sunshine Inn, and the mother of Eunice. Rita runs the Snowstyle Tavern, the bar that is connected to the Inn. She is nown throughout Trampoli for her ability to coo and hold her liquor. She loves her husband dearly, but is unafraid to smac him around if he gets too rambunctious. Appears: Spring 2, during the chain of events triggered by tal ing to Stella Birthday: Winter 22 Favorite Gift: Wine, any Accessory Other Gifts: Cheap Bracelet Hated Gifts: any Fish Bathtime Event: Holidays at 3pm ======= Stella: ======= Finally we get to Stella, who I've been tal ing about for the entire guide thus far. Stella is the presiding sister at the Church in Trampoli and is also the founder of the town itself. Everyone in town treats Stella as a mother figure. She is proficient at eating, drin ing, and being generally merry. She

is also the first person Raguna meets in Trampoli and can almost always be found at the Church. Stella is also the person to tal to to get the Axe early on in the game. Appears: Spring 1 Birthday: Summer 27 Favorite Gift: 4-Leaf CLover Other GIfts: Toyherb Hated Gifts: Warrior Medal Bathtime Event: Every day 8pm ======= Turner: ======= And now for the last of Trampoli's residents: Turner. Turner is the largest resident of the town and runs the Sunshine Inn with his wife, Rita, and his daughter, Eunice. He is prone to getting drun during festivals and also to getting slapped around by his wife during those same festivals. He can be found at the Sunshine Inn during the day and drin ing in the Snowstyle Tavern at night. Appears: Spring 2, during the chain of events triggered by tal ing to Stella Birthday: Spring 22 Favorite Gift: Great Swimsuit Other Gifts: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum Ores Hated Gifts: Scrap Iron _____________________ | | | Trampoli Businesses | |_____________________| The businesses and shops around Trampoli contain farmer and adventurer need to survive and thrive is a compiled list of every shop in the town and for ic s, I'll even throw in how much they sell =========== The Clinic: =========== The Clinic is attached to Trampoli's Church. While Stella presides over the Church, the Clinic will not open until a few days into Spring, once Lara arrives in town after a small chain of events concerning Mist being ill. Once Lara appears in the town, she will stay at the Church with Stella and run the Clinic for Trampoli. The Clinic is also where Raguna will wind up if he finds himself completely out of HP at any point in time. If Raguna does find himself devoid of HP he will wa e up at 10am the following day in the Clinic with Lara scolding him for wor ing too hard. He will also be at half health and may quite possibly catch a cold from the ordeal. Antidote Herb: 140G Para-Gone: 80G Energy Drin : 260G Cold Medicine: 80G Neutralizer: 80G Formula A: 80G Greenifier: 9200G

everything that a budding in their daily lives. Here what they sell. Hell, just the stuff for!


During the Summer, Lara will expand her inventory slightly to include several colored grasses of the type that you find in your field and in dungeons around town. Medicinal Herb: 20G Yellow Grass: 20G Orange Grass: 20G =============== Damascus Forge: =============== The Damascus Forge is found in the northwest corner of the Business District and is run by the half-elf Ganesha, who is quite s illed in the Forge, for someone not of dwarven descent. She will sell basic weapons and elemental crystals for your adventuring and crafting pleasures. Broadsword: 500G Two-Handed Sword: 800G Spear: 500G Fire Crystal (lvl 1): 2500G Earth Crystal (lvl 1): 2500G Water Crystal (lvl 1): 2500G Wind Crystal (lvl 1): 2500G After defeating the Green Ruins, additional weapons and crystals will appear for sale as well: Battle Hammer: 500G Battle Axe: 500G Fire Crystal (lvl 3): 3500G Earth Crystal (lvl 3): 3500G Water Crystal (lvl 3): 3500G Wind Crystal (lvl 3): 3500G ================ Danny's Grocery: ================ Danny Grocery is a shop located directly in the center of the Business District where the owner, Danny, sells a "variety" of goods. You can buy some very basic accessories and Turnip seeds here, but don't worry too much about the selection, another better shop will be opening soon. Turnip Seeds: 10G Coo ing Oil: 260G Cheap Band: 500G Pendant: 550G ============ Eri 's Farm: ============ Eri is one of the town's other local farmers and his farm is located in Trampoli's South District. Eri sells a variety of seeds at his farm as well as providing tutorials for beginning farmers about the necessities of everyday farm living. Eri also sells several seasonal goods available only during certain seasons.

All Seasons: Feed: 300G Fodder (Grass) Seed: 30G Wool: 180G Cabbage*: 1360G Cherry*: 300G Turnip Seeds: 10G Potato Seeds: 590G Cucumber Seeds: 680G Cabbage Seeds: 1020G Strawberry Seeds: 200G Pump in#: 1500G Orange#: 300G Onion Seeds: 660G Tomato Seeds: 420G Corn Seeds: 300G Pump in Seeds: 1125G Pineapple Seeds: 800G Carrot^: 1080G Chestnut^: 300G Bell Pepper Seeds: 400G Spinach Seeds: 390G Eggplant Seeds: 560G Yam Seeds: 280G Carrot Seeds: 810G * Available only in Spring # Available only in Summer ^ Available only in Fall ============================= Kross's Miracle Construction: ============================= O , so Kross's carpentry business doesn't really have a name, but I feel that "Miracle Construction" is fitting, since he does build large extensions onto Raguna's house in the blin of an eye and with absolutely no help. In addition to Kross's fee for building expansions onto Raguna's house, he also requires that Raguna supply a certain amount of lumber for each job. Lumber can be ontained by chopping branches and stumps with your Axe. Each of the three crafting areas can be styled in three different ways, all of which will cost the same amount in both Lumber and cash. Kitchen Expansion: 10,000G and 120 Lumber Styles: Bulging, Ba-Bump, Pointy Laboratory Expasion: 15,000G and 180 Lumber Styles: Apothecary, Alchemy, Magic Forge Expansion: 20,000G and 240 Lumber Styles: Cozy, Cool, Creepy Bedroom Expansion: 75,000G and 900 Lumber Note: Adds second floor to Raguna's house and allows for a larger bed. Barn: 1,000G and 10 Lumber for initial construction Barn Expansion 1 (3 Rooms): 18,000G and 300 Lumber Barn Extension 2 (7 Rooms): 50,000G and 800 Lumber ==================== Lute's Wee ly Wares: ====================

Lute is Trampoli's Peddler and resident artist. On Holidays and Festivals he will sell a variety of facilities and furniture to be displayed and used in Raguna's house. On Holidays he will be found in the Public Square and on Festival days he will be found outside the Church/Clinic. I have divided all of Lute's wares according to the options he offers upon conversing with him. I'd Li e some Furniture: Relaxation Curtain: 10,000G Large Table: 10,000G Small Fridge: 5,000G Summer Ocean (painting): 5,000G Full-Size Bed*: 20,000G Large Toolbox*: 10,000G Giant Fridge*: 10,000G * Will appear as you ma e extensions on Raguna's house I'd Li e Facilities for My House: Handy Kitchen (2 ingredients): 800G Handy Forge (2 ingredients): 2,000G Handy Laboratory (2 ingredients): 1,000G Forge Storage: 10,000G Lab Storage: 10,000G Great Kitchen* (4 ingredients): 2,000G Great Forge* (4 ingredients): 8,000G Great Laboratory* (4 ingredients): 2,500G Chef's Kitchen* (6 ingredients): 8,000G Maestro Forge* (6 ingredients): 28,000G Research Laboratory* (6 ingredients): 14,000G * Available only after extending Raguna's house I'd Li e some Coo ing Tools: Handy Frying Pan (2 ingredients): 400G Great Frying Pan* (4 ingredients): 1,000G Legendary Frying Pan* (6 ingredients): 2,400G Handy Pot (2 ingredients): 400G Great Pot* (4 ingredients): 1,000G Super Pot* (6 ingredients): 2,400G Handy Blender (2 ingredients): 400G Great Blender* (4 ingredients): 1,000G Mystical Blender* (6 ingredients): 2,400G Handy Steamer (2 ingredients): 400G Great Steamer* (4 ingredients): 1,000G Master Steamer* (6 ingredients): 2,400G Handy Oven (2 ingredients): 400G Great Oven* (4 ingredients): 1,000G Royal Oven* (6 ingredients): 2,400G * Requires Great or Chef's Kitchen before purchase I'd Li e a Ma er: Seed Ma er: 5,000G Yogurt Ma er: 2,000G Yarn Ma er: 2,000G Cheese Ma er: 1,000G

Note: To use the Ma ers, simply place the correct item in them to get the desired product. Placing any crop in the seed ma er will produce a bag of seeds of the same level as the crop put in. The Yogurt and Cheese Ma ers require Mil to be entered and the Yarn ma er requires Wool. ============== Materia Store: ============== The Materia Store is the shop that Rosetta opens right next to Danny's Grocery in the Business District. Right away Rosetta has a better assortment of accessories than Danny and offers all of the game's flower seed options for sale. Raguna will also note how clean and ordered the Materia Store is compared to the dusty chaos that is Danny's Grocery. Eventually Danny will close his store and go to wor for Rosetta. Cheap Band: 500G Pendant: 550G Earring: 550G Wappen: 500G Nec Towel (Spring only): 850G Pump in Head (Summer Only): 4,050G Silver Ring (Fall Only): 800G Moondrop Seeds: 460G Toyherb Seeds: 1,900G Emery Flower Seeds: 26,000G Cherry Grass Seeds: 12,000G Lamp Grass Seeds: 19,000G Blue Crystal Seeds: 22,000G Pin Cat Seeds: 1,100G Green Crystal Seeds: 22,000G Fireflower Seeds: 19,000G Ironleaf Seeds: 7,000G Clover Seeds: 12,000G Charm Blue Seeds: 1,500G Red Crystal Seeds: 22,000G Pom-pom Seeds: 19,000G Noel Grass Seeds: 7,000G ======================= Rune Archives Boo shop: ======================= Initially the Rune Archives is just a stone building in the northern Church District with a bunch of boo s that Raguna won't read. Once Selphy moves into town that changes. Selphy appears in town a couple of days after Lara ma es her entry and decides to stay because Stella offers to let her live in the library. Selphy's love of boo s and reading influences her decision to stay and she proceeds to completely trash the Rune Archives by the following day. Selphy quic ly digs right into the vast supply of boo s available at the Archives and decides to sell the boo s that she deems unnecessary so that she might buy new ones. The boo s that she decides to sell all happen to be boo s filled with recipes that Raguna can use in his Forge, Kitchen, and Laboratory. "Let's Ma e Weapons": 1,000G Basic guide to beginner weapons of all types "Ma e a Magic Cane": 2,000G Boo of recipes for ma ing Magic Rods of all types "Jewelry Wor shop": 1,000G

Boo containing basic head, nec , and arm accessories "Lab Boo ": 500G Boo containing the very basics of laboratory wor and ma ing medicines "Chef's Road": 2,000G Guide to ma ing Sashimi and other coo ing dishes that require no utensils "Fly! Frying Pan! 1": 500G Recipe boo containing many basic recipes which require the use of a Frying Pan "It's Hot": 500G Recipe boo containing many basic recipes utilizing the Pot "Fine Dining": 500G Coo boo for beginners with the Oven "S illed Steaming": 500G Coo boo with recipes for early Steamer attempts "Blender Mastery": 500G Coo boo with recipes for early uses of the Mixer Once you progress through the story for a while more boo s will start to show up in Selphy's inventory. These new boo s will be much pricier than their predecessors, but will also contain recipes for much higher level crafts. "Forge 1-Handed Swords": 10,000G Guide to ma ing more powerful 1-handed swords "Ma e 2-handed Swords": 10,000G Guide to ma ing intermediate level 2-handed swords "Spear Studio": 10,000G A guide to ma ing the most miraculous of Spears available "Hammer Lab": 8,000G A guide to the most powerful war hammers around "Axe Fan Wee ly": 8,000G Despite the name, this is the only Axe manual and shows how to ma e all of the best battle axes "Farm Master": 12,000G Guide to ma ing the highest quality farming tools "Head Coordination": 5,000G Guide to ma ing the best head accessories "Nec Accentuation": 5,000G An advanced guide to nec laces and pendants "Stylish Wear": 5,000G Guide to ma ing torso equipment "At Your Fingertips": 5,000G Guide for ma ing rings and bracelets for added style and protection "Ultimate Lab Boo ": 5,000G Recipe boo containing all of the best and most advanced medicines nown "Gourmet Coo ing": 5,000G The ultimate guide to coo ing without utensils "Fly! Frying Pan! 2": 2,500G The pinnacle of frying pan recipes "Cont'd: It's Hot!": 2,500G The cream of the crop for using the pot "More Fine Dining": 2,500G Guide to ma ing mid-level Oven recipes "Expert Steaming": 5,000G Coo boo with recipes specializing in advanced recipes in the Steamer "True Blender Mastery": 5,000G More advanced recipes for use with the Mixer In addition to these mroe advanced recipe boo s arriving in Selphy's "shop" is the clearance sale Selphy goes through every Tuesday. This clearance sale is the only way to obtain the original set of instructional boo s that Selphy

sells once she gets her new set in, as well as two gift-ma ing boo s that go up for sale to Raguna.

============================== Sunshine Inn/Snowstyle Tavern: ============================== The Sunshine Inn and Snowstyle Tavern are run by Turner and Rita, the only two inhabitants of the town who are actually married when the game begins. While Turner handles the daily hassles of the Inn itself, Rita tends to the bar at night. The Inn doesn't actually sell anything, and there's no need for Raguna to stay there at night since he has his own house not far off. The Tavern features a number of coo ed dishes made by Rita as well as ingredients that are very rarely found throughout the game's dungeons, but are readily accessible here. Orange Juice: 450G Rice Ball: 400G Pic led Turnip: 580G Grilled Pi e: 150G Squid Sashimi: 150G Apple: 300G Rice: 260G Flour: 260G Wine: 2,000G Chocolate: 260G Curry Powder: 260G Coo ing Oil: 260G Garlic: 260G Mil : 120G Egg: 200G Honey: 220G

The mail system in Trampoli is the main line of communication between one another in town. Many days Raguna will find a letter or two in his mailbox, delivered by Anette, one of the town's 12 bachelorettes, around 6:50am. Anette ma es her way around the town early in the morning, beginning in the South District and wor ing her way counter-cloc wise towards the Business District.

_________________________ | | | Town Calendar of Events | |_________________________|


Oftentimes letters from Townsfol will come with requests for some item or another in return or response. In the beginning of the game both Mist and Eri will both send Raguna letters as ing for a Turnip in response. To have these requests fulfilled simply give the requested item to Anette whenever you can find her during her rounds and she will ensure the it reaches it's destination

"Happy A "Beach A

Toys": 30,000G guide to ma ing accessories that many people enjoy receiving as gifts Style!": 10,000G boo containing swimsuit styles that many people feel embarassed buying

_________ | | | Letters | |_________|


Just as in every Harvest Moon and Rune Factory game, Rune Factory Frontier features a number of festivals unique to the town of Trampoli. Some are simply fun gatherings of people with some quir y conversations while others feature some interesting minigames that could result in a nice prize for the winner. Be sure to spea with all of the bachelorettes during festivals as well, since festivities are a tried and true way to build LP with the woman of your choice in a timely manner. If you happen to emerge victorious from one of the minigame festivals, definitely ma e sure to tal to the bachelorettes, since this is an excellent boost to their affection level. ==================== New Year's Festival: ==================== Date: Spring 1 Notes: This is the festival where the town of Trampoli rings in the New Year with Rice Ca es! Give a Rice Ca e to townsfol to boost FP/LP =============== Beach Festival: =============== Date: Summer 1 Notes: This is the festival where the young fol s of the town bust out their swimsuits for the first beach-worthy day of the year. In addition to the town's bachelorettes busting out their swimsuits, this is also a chance for Raguna to show off his swim trun s, which you can change into using the changing shac on the beach. Once you have your trun s on you can begin a quic minigame where Raguna will be blindfolded and directed towards a Melon situated on a blan et on the beach. You are holding a hammer and your tas is to smash the melon with said hammer. Of the four girls on the beach for the festival, three will give you directions to the melon, while one will lead you astray. The easy part is, the liar is nown to you before the game begins, so you can simply ignore the liar's instructions and smash the melon when you are told to by a correct girl. There is no prize for this festival, but you will get a relationship boost with the four girls who ta e part in the game with you. ====================== Ganesha Cup Boat Race: ====================== Date: Summer 25 Notes: The Ganesha Cup Boat Race is not, as you might assume, a race. It is actually a collection minigame where your tas is to collect as many colored balloons from around the islands in La e Trampoli. Heart-shaped Balloons are worth the most points and are located at 5 points around the La e. You are supposed to have a partner to aid you in this event, but the partner must be one of the town's bachelorettes and by this point you will most li ely not have any of them with a high enough FP or LP to aid you. This festival is still winnable even without the aid of a partner, simply grab all fo the heart balloons you can, ma ing a circuit of half of the circled balloons in the la e since they will pop bac up after a shot time. Your competition for this game is Eri and Danny. While beating Danny will be a simple tas , Eri does obtain a large amount of points. My first attempt garnered me enough points to beat Danny by over 250 points, yet I beat Eri by only 7. =================

Pump in Festival: ================= Date: Summer 30 Notes: This is the day where everyone in town puts a Pump in Mas on in order to commemorate a person being saved by a Pump in-headed monster. The festival was actually started in Trampoli by Turner when he would run around the town wearing his Pump in Mas startling the other townsfol . Now the festival is a day where the entire town puts on their Pump in Mas s and ta es the day to relax. Be sure to get your Pump in Mas from Rosetta's Materia Store or ma e one yourself with your crafting table (part of your Forge area). The odd part about this festival is the fact that Mist will be the only person in town not wearing a Pump in on her head; she wears a Turnip instead. Be sure to tal to everyone in town with your Pump in Mas on to receive a boost in FP/LP ================= Harvest Festival: ================= Date: Fall 13 Notes: The Harvest Festival is a day to celebrate the bounty of the earth. The day is meant to allow the inhabitants of town to relish in the feeling of a job well done as they complete the (theoretical) last harvest of the year. In tradition the farmers around town would give vegetables to the townsfol they felt indebted to, but during the game this festival is nothing more than a day off where you can find everyone to tal to and find Lute by the Clinic peddling his wares. Giving people vegetables from your farm will result in normal conversations from them, nothing special. ================== Coming of Age Day: ================== Date: Fall 25 Notes: The Coming of Age celebration is a day where the people of Trampoli host a treasure hunt. If you win, be sure to spea with all of the town's inhabitants to get a boost in your FP/LP. The event begins starting at 9am in the Public Square. Stella has hidden a Golden Turnip somewhere around town. Each area of the town will contain one item that Stella has placed there. Mostly there will only be regular Turnips and a few random items li e pump ins or other vegetables. The hiding places are as follows: Business District: Path behind the Inn Church District: East of the Ruen Archives, near the Snow Ruins entrance Beach: South of the entrance Road to the Beach: Path north of Mist's house Homestead: Behind Raguna's house South District: Near Eri 's Farm Mountain Path: At the Observatory La e Poli: Near the doc Once you find the Golden Turnip rush bac to the Public Square and give it to Stella if you want to win the contest. If you don't care about the contest, ta e the Golden Turnip bac to your house and put it in the Seed Ma er to get Golden Turnip Seeds that you can plant in the Spring, in the Green Ruins, or in Whale Island. If you do this, simply give Stella a different item that you found to forfeit the hunt and end the event. =============

Quiz Contest: ============= Date: Winter 7 Notes: The Quiz Contest is a fun competition that tests your overall nowledge of the town and the game itself. Some of the other townspeople's responses will be quite amusing, and some of Raguna's responses to the questions can be funny as well. Li e all festivals, if you win ma e sure you tal to all of the townsfol to boost your FP/LP with them. ================== Hotpot Convention: ================== Date: Winter 19 Notes: The Hotpot Convention is an interesting festival where everyone in the town brings one ingredient to be used in one gigantic coo ing experiment. The results of the Hotpot Convention will be almost directly dependent on whatever you decide to throw into the pot. Garlic is one item that has been confirmed to ma e the outcome favorable to almost every townsperson, though there will always be a couple that are pic y enough to find soemthing to complain about. Just grab a Garlic clove from the Snowstyle Tavern any night to bring with you to the Convention and you'll do fine. Again, once the festivities are completed, tal with everyone to boost your relationship status. ================== Year End Festival: ================== Date: Winter 30 Notes: The Year End fastival is nothing more than a day to reflect on the past year and ta e a day off from the grind of winter wor around the farm. Have fun today and spea with everyone in town to show them you care. In addition to all of these festivals the calendar in Raguna's house will show the birthdays of all of the townsfol , but only after you give them a gift on their respective birthdays. ------------/ | \ Farming ------------Farming is the heart and soul of any Harvest Moon game, including those in the Rune Factory series. From your first bag of Turnips to your bustling, booming, monster employed plantation, farming is the bac drop which ma es the entirety of the game worth playing. We will start this section with a quic guide to all of the tools you will utilise in your time spent in Trampoli. ____________ | | | Your Tools | |____________| \ | / [FRM]


If farming is the most basic necessity to any Harvest Moon game, the tools that the main character utilises become essential to his everyday happenings. In this section I will only be covering what each tool is used for (most are

fairly obvious), and how to get each tool. Every tool in Rune Factory Frontier can be upgraded 4 times to further increase its usefulness and effectiveness, but those upgrades will require the use of Raguna's Forge and a decent amount of Forge s ill. In this section I will cover each upgrade and what it does, but to learn how to upgrade your tools, head down to the section on Forging. I will not list the RP use of each tool here, since the RP use is entirely dependant on the s ill required to use that tool. I will list the S ill required for each tool (Farming S ill for Watering Cans, Sic les, and Hoes, Lumber S ill for Axes, Hammer SKill for Hammers, Fishign S ill for Fishing Rods) and bear in mind that having your s ill at or above this s ill level will maximize your RP usage for that tool. ============== Watering Cans: ============== Cheap Water Pot At : ?, Req S ill: 1, Sp At : 0 Obtained: Given by Mist Water Capacity: 12 uses Notes: The Cheap Water Pot given to Raguna by Mist in the beginning of the game is needed, as I'm sure you've guessed by now, to water your crops until they are ready for Raguna to harvest. The Cheap Water Pot cannot water more than one square of land at a time and does not have a "Special Attac " option. _________ Tin Can At : 14, Req S l: 13, Sp At : 1 Obtained: Upgraded from Cheap Water Pot Water Capacity: 15 uses Notes: The Tin Can is the first upgrade for the Watering Cans and as such can hold, at first glance, only 3 more squares worth of water. The tric is, though, that it actually holds 3 more uses of water. That is a very big change, since the upgrade to Tin Can also allows the use of the "Special Attac " option when wating your field (used by holding the B Button and hitting the A Button). The "Special Attac " with the Tin Can allows Raguna to water the 3 Squares of land in a line in front of him, effectively ma ing the Tin Can able to water 45 squares of land, potentially, rather than the 12 of its predecessor. _________ Lion Can At : 32, Req S l: 31, Sp At : 2 Obtained: Upgraded from Tin Can Water Capacity: 18 uses Notes: The Lion Can, li e the Tin Can, allows the use of the "Special Attac " option. The Lion Can's special, however, waters a 3x3 square of land around Raguna (the same area that is used when tossing seeds). This brings the Lion Can's effective use up to a potential 162 squares of land. _________ Rainbow Can At : 72, Req S l: 59, Sp At : 3 Obtained: Upgraded from Lion Can Water Capacity: 21 uses Notes: The Rainbow Can, li e the Lion Can and the Tin Can before it, brings the capacity to use the tool more, as well as widens the area that can be watered with it. Raguna can now water a 5x5 area with the "Special Attac " option. While this seems fruitless at first, since seeds are planted in a

3x3 grid, it is actually quite useful as long as you plant your seeds in 15x15 grids, or rather, plant 25 bags of seeds at once in a perfect square. This seems li e a lot at first, but with this pattern you will be watering all 25 bags worth of crops with 6 uses of your Rainbow Can. _________ Joy Can At : ???, Req S l: ???, Sp At : 4 Obtained: Upgraded from Rainbow Can Water Capacity: 24 uses Notes: the Joy Can is the final representation from the Watering Can line of tools. This bad boy can water a 9x9 grid of crops in one launch, ma ing the effective number of seed bags per planting at 9, again planted in a perfect square. You will be able to water all 9 bags worth of crops with a single use of the Joy Can, and you will be able to fit several of these 9x9 squares in your field easily for extra farming awesomeness. ===== Hoes: ===== Cheap Hoe At : 7, Req S l: 1, Sp At : 0 Obtained: Given by Mist Notes: The Cheap Hoe is what you need to cultivate the land on your farm. Before Raguna can plant any seeds he must first till the soil with the Hoe. Land that has been tilled and is ready for seeds is easily disernable from uncultivated squares in your field. Tilled soil will appear dar er and will show wavy lines throughout it. The Cheap Hoe can only till 1 square of land per swing. _________ Sturdy Hoe At : ?, Req S l: 13, Sp. At : 1 Obtained: Upgrade from Cheap Hoe Notes: The Iron Hoe is essentially the same as the Tin Can as far as using the "Special Attac " feature to till the 3 squares of land directly in front of Raguna rather than tilling the land one square at a time. _________ Seasoned Hoe At : ??, Req S l: ??, Sp At : 2 Obtained: Upgrade from Iron Hoe Notes: The Sturdy Hoe functions li e the Lion Can with the ability to till a 3x3 area of land in frotn of Raguna rather than tilling one at a time. Use the "Special Attac " command to pull this off. _________ Shiny Hoe At : ??, Req S l: ??, Sp At : 3 Obtained: Upgrade from Sturdy Hoe Notes: The Shining Hoe wor s much li e the Rainbow Can in that it tills a 5x5 area of land, rather than the 3x3 area of the Sturdy Hoe. Use this in conjunction with the Rainbow Can to better plan out your farm. _________ Blessed Hoe At : ??, Req S l: ??, Sp At : 4 Obtained: Upgrade from Shining Hoe

Notes: The Blessed Hoe is the ultimate in land cultivation. It can till an unprecedented 9x9 area of your farm all in a single "Special Attac ." ======== Hammers: ======== Cheap Hammer At : ?, Req S l: 1, Sp At : 0 Obtained: Given by Melody when you reach Whale Island - Cave Depths for the first time Notes: The Cheap Hammer is what Raguna needs to mine in the dungeons and also to brea up the small roc clusters that appear on farmable land. To brea the larger roc s and boulders, however, you will have to upgrade the Hammer to Iron and Silver level at the least. The Hammer can also be used to undo any cultivation that Raguna may have done with his Hoe, so if you find a reason for un-tilling your land, just smac it with the Hammer to complete your objective. _________ Iron Hammer At : 16, Req S l: 10, Sp At : 1 Obtained: Upgrade from Cheap Hammer Notes: The Iron Hammer can be used to brea the small gray roc s that may dot Raguna's field and in dungeon fields as well. You will need to upgrade once again, however, to be able to brea the larger, dar er colored boulders that will also dot Raguna's field. You must use the "Special Attac " command in order to brea up the small gray roc s in the field, but not to brea the small roc clusters in the field or mining roc s in dungeons. _________ Silver Hammer At : 36, Req S l: 30, Sp At : 2, Added Effect: Stun (28%) Obtained: Upgrade from Iron Hammer Notes: With the Silver Hammer in hand Raguna can finally bust up those pes y dar gray boulders in hsi field, as well as getting past the tan roc s that bloc your path through the game's dungeons. The "Special Attac " command will now allow Raguna to brea the gray roc s in 1 swing, the dar gray boulders in 3 swings, and the tan roc s in 1 swing. _________ Golden Hammer At : 80, Req S l: 50, Sp At : 3, Added Effect: Stun (32%) Obtained: Upgrade from Silver Hammer Notes: The Golden Hammer is where you will stop seeing differences in what the hammers can do, but rather easing the effort required to brea things. The Golden Hammer can brea those annoying dar gray boulders in 2 mighty swings now, rather than the 3 "Special Attac "s that it too before. _________ The Hammer At : 176, Req S l: 80, Sp At : 4, Added Effect: Stun (36%) Obtained: Upgrade from Golden Hammer Notes: This is it: The Hammer. This is the Hammer to end all Hammers, there can be no better, there can be no equal! This bad boy can bust up those damned boulders in 1 "Special Attac ." ===== Axes:

===== Cheap Axe At : 8, Req S l: 2, Sp At : 0 Obtained: Given to Raguna by Stella a few days after the game's start Notes: The Cheap Axe is so old and in such disuse that it cannot be used for anything other than chopping up those small branches in Raguna's field. Each branch you chop will net Raguna 1 lumber towards house upgrades. _________ Chopping Axe At : 18, Req S l: 10, Sp At : 1 Obtained: Upgrade from Cheap Axe Notes: With the Choppign Axe in hand, Raguna can finally chop up the stumps that clutter his field. It will ta e 6 "Special Attac "s to brea just one stump, however, so be prepared to drain a lot of RP to be able to clear a few stumps that might be in your way. _________ Lumber Axe At : 40, Req S l: 30, Sp At : 2 Obtained: Upgrade from Chopping Axe Notes: The Lumber Axe is a bit of an upgrade from the Chopping Axe. It's only purpose is still to clear the branches and stumps, but now that same "Special Attac " command will brea up stumps in 3 swings. _________ Mountain Axe At : 88, Req S l: 50, Sp At : 3 Obtained: Upgrade from Lumber Axe Notes: The Mountain Axe is just another upgrade to the system, reducing the number of "Special Attac "s to 2 to reduce a stump to lumber. _________ Miracle Axe At : 192, Req S l: 80, Sp At : 4 Obtained: Upgrade from Mountain Axe Notes: The Miracle Axe ma es you an honorary member of Kross's Miraculous Construction Team! With this holy axe Raguna can now brea stumps with 1 spectacular "Special Attac ." ======== Sic les: ======== Cheap Sic le At : 8, Req S l: 5, Sp At : 0 Obtained: Tal to Eri every day (select "Just chat" when he is inside tending his seed shop) and he will eventually give you the sic le. Notes: The sic le is used to cut down any plant in Raguna's field and in dungeon fields. Simply ensure that the plant you want to be rid of is in the highlighted square and press "A". The sic le is useful for getting rid of regrowable plants at the end of a season, eliminating weeds from your field, and cutting grass to create food for the monsters in your barn. __________ Iron Sic le At : 18, Req S l: 16, Sp At : 1

Obtained: Upgrade from Cheap Sic le Notes: With the Iron Sic le you can now use the "Special Attac " to cut down a 3x1 row of plants directly in front of you. Be sure that you reall want to dispose of all 3 targeted plants before swinging though, as there is no way to undo your wor with the sic le. __________ Quality Sic le At : 40, Req S l: 34, Sp At : 2 Obtained: Upgrade from Iron Sic le Notes: With the Quality Sic le you can now cut down a 3x3 area of plants that surround you, much li e when you plant seeds. Again, be very careful that none of those 9 squares contain something that you need or really wanted to eep for whatever reason. __________ Super Sic le At : 55, Req S l: 63, Sp At : 3 Obtained: Upgrade from Quality Sic le Notes: With the Super Sic le in hand you can now cut down a 5x5 swath of plants surrounding Raguna. While a 5x5 area seems incredibly inconvenient for doing anything in a Harvest Moon game, there is still the ris of cutting down something you need, so retain your caution. __________ Legend Sic le At : 192, Req S l: 99, Sp At : 4 Obtained: Upgrade from Super Sic le Notes: The Legend Sic le ma es you able to cut down an incredible 6x6 area of plants or grass surrounding Raguna. That means a set of four bags worth of fodder seeds, fully matured, can be cut down in one mighty whirl of this blade from Raguna's hand. ============== Fishing Poles: ============== Cheap Pole At : 12, Req S l: 1, Sp At : 0 Obtained: Cinnamon gives Raguna the Cheap Pole soon after the two meet Notes: The Fishing Pole is what Raguna needs to, you guessed it, catch fish! Simply get Raguna right up next to a pool of water and cast away. When the animation changes and you hear the pole strain, a bar will appear with 2 colored areas: red, blue, and green. Hit the A Button once while the moving line is in the blue or green area to catch the fish. Catching a fish while the bar is in the green area will result in a "Perfect Catch" which means the fish you caught will be 2-3 levels higher than the normal range of levels that you had been catching previously. _________ Beginner's Pole At : 26, Req S l: 10, Sp At : 1 Obtained: Upgrade from Cheap Pole Notes: With the upgrade to the Beginner's Pole Raguna can now use the "Special Attac " command while fishing. Using the "Special Attac " will allow Raguna to catch a higher level range of fish at a higher RP cost. Let me assure you, however, that this increase in RP use is more than worth it. The worth of the "Special Attac " becomes even more evident the more you upgrade the Pole.

_________ Average Pole At : 56, Req S l: 30, Sp At : 2 Obtained: Upgrade from Beginner's Pole Notes: The Average Pole, when used with the "Special Attac " will now allow Raguna to catch fish between levels 4 and 6, and possible higher depending on where you fish, so just eep casting away until you gather enough materials to upgrade the Pole once again. _________ Famous Pole At : 120, Req S l: 45, Sp At : 3 Obtained: Upgrade from Average Pole Notes: The Famous Pole will allow Raguna to catch fish upwards of level 8 and 9 on a regular basis, so have some fun while you gather stuff for your next upgrade. _________ Sacred Pole At : 255, Req S l: 99, Sp At : 4 Obtained: Upgrade from Famous Pole Notes: the Sacred Pole is a rediculously good Fishing Pole that will net you level 10 fish almost every time, as well as increasing the number of rare fish you catch. Again, be sure you are utilizing the "Special Attac " command with every cast. ____________ | | | Your Field | |____________|


Your Field is simply a large area of land that has been set aside specifically for Raguna to use to grow crops. The field has not been used in a long time, however, so you will have to clear out a lot of branches, roc s, stumps, boulders, and weeds before you can even ma e room to grow any crops. The biggest problem here is your tools. The tools that you get to start the game are in very shoddy condition and can only be used for the basics of the basics. You should use the axe to brea as many branches as you can, since Raguna cannot brea stumps until you upgrade the axe to at least the second level, and to begin building your supply of lumber for house extensions. Also be sure to use Raguna's Hammer to demolish the small roc clusters that may be dotted around the Field. You could use the Sic le to cut down any weeds in the Field, but it is more economical to simply pic the weeds and place them in the shipping bin that is located on the western edge of the Field. Weeds sell for 10G each and are always in plentiful supply, so go ahead and gather them up for some quic cash. 10G might not seem li e much, but consider that a bag of Turnip Seeds sells for 10G in local shops, so each weed that you ship will allow you to purchase a bag of Turnip Seeds. Turnips sell for 210G each, and each bag will grow 9 Turnips in 4 days. That 1 weed you shipped just made you 1890G in four days time. Once you have the land cleared of debris, use the Hoe to till the land. Tilling land prepared it for the reception of seeds that Raguna will haphazardly toss around straight from the bag. Once the seeds have been spread be sure and water the plants every day until the mature enough for Raguna to harvest. All crops have an average growth time that can vary depending on the

state of Trampoli's Runey population. The Runeys will be explained at length later on in the guide, but just bear in mind that effective management of your Runeys will ma e crops grow rediculously fast, and poor Runey management will ma e your crops grow excruciatingly slow. To the east of the Field will be a lumber shed that serves no purpose other than to let you now how much lumber you have available for house extensions. Just northwest of the lumber shed if Raguna's well, where you can refill the Watering Can and even fish if your feeling froggy. To the northeast of the Field is a small hill where Raguna's monster barn will be built. The barn and all of its intricacies will be explained in a later section. For now, here is a semi-detailed text map of the Homestead area of Trampoli: __________________________________________________________ |~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| |~~~~| ^|______________________________| ^ |___ | |~~~~| Business : Church\ | |~~~~| District : District\ | |~~~~| : ___________________ : : \_________| |~~~~| : | | : : | |~~~~| : | | : ____ | |~~~~| : | House | : | |<-Barn | |~~~~| : | | : / |____| | |------------|___________________|---- / / | |<- South / | |---District________________Well____ --- -----------------| |~~~~|__| | - Road to Beach->| |~~~~|SB| | Wood-----------------| |~~~~| | | Shed | |~~~~| | Field | | |~~~~| | | | |~~~~| | | | |~~~~ | | | |~~~~ |___________________________| | |~~~~~ ____________________________ | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\______________________| _______ | | | Crops | |_______|

Crops are going to be your main source of income for at least the beginning of your Rune Factory career. Each season (except for Winter) has its own set of crops that can only be grown during that season. All of the crop seeds you buy will be bought from Eri 's store in the South district. You can buy Turnip Seeds from Danny's Grocery in the Business District, but why support that lazy bum? The following is a list of all of the crops that can be grown, organized by season and alphabetically therein. Note that the growing times listed will be only for times when Trampoli's Runeys are in balance, not nearing extinction or prosperity. Crop prices listed, as with all prices listed in this FAQ, are for level 1 items only. If you use the Greenifier and the Seed Ma er to get seeds and plants that are higher than level 1, the price of these plants will be higher than the ones I have listed.


======= Spring: ======= Cabbage Crop Price: 680G _________ Cucumber Crop Price: 340G _________ Gold Turnip Crop Price: 500G _________ Potato Crop Price: 400G _________ Strawberry Crop Price: 100G _________ Turnip Crop Price: 210G ======= Summer: ======= Corn Crop Price: 150G _________ Gold Pump in Crop Price: 980G _________ Onion Crop Price: 450G _________ Pineapple Crop Price: 400G _________ Pump in Crop Price: 750G _________ Tomato Crop Price: 210G ===== Fall: ===== | Growth Time: 14 Days | Regrowth: 3 Days | Growth Time: 11 Days | Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 10 Days | Regrowth: 6 Days

| Growth Time: 8 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 7 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 8 Days

| Regrowth: 2 Days

| Growth Time: 4 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 15 Days | Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 8 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 18 Days | Regrowth: 7 Days

| Growth Time: 12 Days | Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 10 Days | Regrowth: 4 Days

Bell Pepper Crop Price: 200G _________ Carrot Crop Price: 540G _________ Eggplant Crop Price: 280G _________ Spinach Crop Price: 270G _________ Yam Crop Price: 140G ============ All Seasons: ============ Fodder (grass) Crop Price: N/A | Growth Time: 5 Days _________ | | | Flowers | |_________| | Regrowth: 2 Days | Growth Time: 9 Days | Regrowth: 4 Days

| Growth Time: 6 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 9 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 5 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 6 Days

| Regrowth: 3 Days


Flowers sell for an exorbitant amount of money in Rune Factory Frontier, but ta e so long to grow they are not normally feasible profit crops. Their main purpose in the game is to provide ey ingredients that are used to ma e the most powerful weapons and armor available, as well as early storyline events. Keep in mind that most of the flowers will ta e more than one season to grow in Raguna's field under normal runey conditions. Therefore in order to grow the flowers that ta e mroe than 30 days to bloom you will have to utilize the fields that are scattered throughout the 3 seasonal dungeons and Whale Island. All flower seeds will be sold by Rosetta in her Materia Store once it opens roughly halfway through your first Spring in the game. The prices of seeds is a bit steep, but the flowers always sell for a ton of money at the end, if that's what you're interested in. Li e the Crops above, the Flowers listed will be in alphabetical order by season. Again, growth times listed are for balanced runey distribution, not prosperity or approaching extinction. ======= Spring: ====== Blue Crystal Crop Price: 13,000G | Growth Time: 100 Days | Regrowth: N/A

_________ Cherry Grass Crop Price: 6,500G | Growth Time: 60 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Emery Flower Crop Price: 19,200G | Growth Time: 120 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Lamp Grass Crop Price: 11,000g | Growth Time: 90 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Moondrop Crop Price: 217G _________ Toyherb Crop Price: 900G ======= Summer: ======= Fireflower Crop Price: 11,000G | Growth Time: 90 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Four-Leaf Clover Crop Price: 6,500G | Growth Time: 60 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Green Crystal Crop Price: 13,000G | Growth Time: 100 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Ironleaf Crop Price: 3,500G | Growth Time: 40 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Pin Cat Crop Price: 520G ===== Fall: ===== Autumn Grass Crop Price: 6,500G | Growth Time: 60 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Charm Blue Crop Price: 710G _________ Noel Grass | Growth Time: 12 Days | Regrowth: N/A | Growth Time: 4 Days | Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 15 Days | Regrowth: N/A

Crop Price: 3,500G | Growth Time: 40 Days | Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 9 Days

| Regrowth: N/A

_________ Pom Pom Grass Crop Price: 11,000G | Growth Time: 90 Days | Regrowth: N/A _________ Red Crystal Crop Price: 13,000G | Growth Time: 100 Days | Regrowth: N/A ============ All Seasons: ============ Blue Rose Crop Price: 1040G _________ White Rose Crop Price: 810G | Growth Time: 15 Days | Regrowth: N/A

| Growth Time: 13 Days | Regrowth: N/A --------------------------------/ \ | Dungeons and Dungeon Crawling | \ / ---------------------------------


Alright, so thus far the game has seemed just li e every other Harvest Moon game you've ever played. "What ma es Rune Factory different?" you as ? One word: Dungeons. Rune Factory adds a dungeon crwaling element to the classic farming simulation formula that the Harvest Moon games do so well. Each dungeon consists of no less than 4 levels, each with their own set of monsters to fight and paths and puzzles to solve. In addition, each dungeon also contains fields that you can use to supplement the crops growing in your own field. Placing a crop that is regrowable in a dungeon field is an excellent way to maintain a steady source of income, as well as providing a method of RP replenishment in the form of Rune Orbs that will appear for every 9 mature crops that you have in a dungeon field. Each Rune Orb will replenish 125 RP, or 1/4 of your RP bar. Along with having their own fields, each dungeon also has a corresponding season that will always be within it. The Green Ruins are perpetually Spring, the Lava Ruins are constantly Summer, and the Snow Ruins will always be Fall. Whale Island, the dungeon that will be the first you visit, is capable of maintaining any crop from any season. You could plant Turnips right next to Tomatoes and across from Eggplants if you really wanted to. Dungeons are also the only place where you can grow most flowers, bought from Rosetta's Materia store once it opens. There are a few flowers that naturally can be grown within the span of one season, but most of them come with a growth period of more than 30 days. Unless you have several of the town areas in Runey prosperity, growing anything with a time requirement of me than 30 days becomes impossible to do within one season. Luc ily, you can plant those flowers in the seasonal dungeons and let the time flow by as you water them to maturity. There are several flowers that are winter grown only, and since there is no dungeon devoted specifically to Winter those flowers must be grown in Whale Island only.

Each dungeon will also feature a number of shortcuts. The Green, Lava, and Snow Ruins will all have a staircase that is lin ed to every floor. That means right from the beginning of those three dungeons you can run right down to the bottom level where the dungeon boss lur s, but there's a catch. The only way to access the stairs is to unloc the door from the outside. That means even though you could run right down to the boss level from the beginning, you will be unable to leave the staircase area to get to that boss. in each level of the dungeon you will have to ma e your way to the staircase to unloc the door so that you can return to that level in the future without running bac through the entire dungeon. Whale Island wor s slightly different. Instead of a staircase lin ing the different levels there is a series of shortcuts that will ta e you farther into the dungeon once you unloc them from that farther point. I will go more in depth about unloc ing these shortcuts and where they lead in the Whale Island section of this chapter. Now, to get a bit more in depth on the dungeons around town. _____________ | | | Green Ruins | |_____________|


The Green Ruins are the easiest of the 4 dungeons to complete and can be opened within the first wee of starting the first Spring. In order to gain access to the Ruins, you will have to tal to Mist several times each day until she mentions Raguna offering to cut down the weeds in front of her house

Once inside the Ruins you can find all of the same colored grasses that are found in your field in Spring: Orange, Red, Yellow, and Purple, along with Bamboo Shoots and Medicinal Herbs. ================ Green Ruins B1F: ================ You will need some sort of sharp implement while navigating through the Green Ruins, but the sic le that you are required to have before even entering the dungeon will wor fine, as will any weapon you have bought or made. Many times throughout the dungeon there will be webs of vines covering doorways that need to be cut down. Once you cut down the first of these vines, just north of the entrance to the Ruins, head east and open up the door there, which will be the shortcut for your use later on. After opening up the shortcut head bac to the west and cut down another set of vines bloc ing the next doorway. Head through and go north past the two Ants that will appear and eep running north through the room with all of the mining roc s and into a large room containing several farmable patches and 4 monster Gates. In this room head east and then south near the two Gates that will spawn Ants. Cut down the vines through the southern passage and then follow the path around to the southeast, past the two Gates that spawn Chitters and cut down the vines that will bloc the doorway to the east. Head through here and descend the staircase to B2F. ================

In order to do this you will have to have obtained the Cheap Sic le from Eri and then simply use that sic le to cut down the tall grass south of Mist's home until the stairs down into the Ruins are clear.

Green Ruins B2F: ================ Upon descending into the 2nd floor of the Green Ruins head directle west and cut down the vines bloc ing your path. Head north to find a Gate that will spawn a Spring, followed by some roc s that cannot be bro en yet, turn around and head south instead. Down to the south you will find a Gate thet will set 2 Slimes on you near a door. Head through this door after dealing with the Slimes to unloc the Secret stairway on B2F. Head bac out and west to another Gate that will spawn another Slime. Head south from here and cut down the bloc ing vines to continue. In this room will be a Gate right away that will spawn a Spring and another Gate to the south that will spawn two Big Muc s. You can ignore the Muc s for now, as you need to run west to continue from the north end of the room. Ma e your way northwest and then north to another set of vines that you must cut out of your way. Past these vines will be a Gate that will send a Slime at you. Head northwest from here to where a Spring will spawn in front of some vines that bloc your path to the Gate spawning the Spring. Ta e this path west and then immediately south through the door, past the two Gates spawning Slimes, and then southeast to the stairs leading to B3F. ================ Green Ruins B3F: ================ From the a Little past the down and stairs from B2F head northwest through the room where the Gate spawns Wizard who will launch fireballs at you. Head north and then east mining roc s and crates to find vines bloc ing your path. Cut them head north once passing through.

From here you will run around a large circle past four Gates, one that will spawn two Hornets, one that will spawn two Cluc ies, one that will spawn a Little Wizard, and another that will spawn two mroe Hornets. You will now be on the east side of the circular path with a vine-covered passage in your way. You now what to do with the vines, then head east. You will now come to a room that will spawn a Buffamoo, a Hornet, and a Little Wizard from 2 separate Gates. Deal with them or run through, as is your preference. Head south from this room to continue, Head southwest through the next room, past the crates and soil patches before heading north at the far end to another vine-covered doorway. Head through to find yourself bac at that circular path, but now on the south side of it. On the path head southwest and ta e care of the Gate that spawns 3 Hornets. Nearby is also the door to the Shortcut staircase, so head in there briefly to unloc it, and then continue west. Around the path you will find two gates which will send 2 Cluc ies and a Hornet at you. Deal with them and cut the vines to the south and head down that path to find the stairway to B4F. ================ Green Ruins B4F: ================ In B4F there is really very little to see. Head east from the staircase to

find a fairly small room containing a few plots of soil, a small watering hole which is great for catching valuable fish, and a passage to the south that leads to a treasure chest. The door to the north of the room will ta e you to the Boss chamber where the Cluc ogrif awaits you. ____________________________________________________________________________ | Cluc ogrif | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | The Cluc ogrif is just what its name suggests, a griffon with the parts of | | a chic en instead of that of an eagle. If you remember to stay mobile and | | don't stay up close to this beast for very long you should do fine. The | | simplest method of defeating this monster is to bring along the Fire Rod | | that Kanno gives you for bringing him a couple items and just blast away | | at the thing. Using this strategy will deplete your RP quic ly, however, | | so be sure to bring some RP restoratives to eep you blasting. If you | | choose to go the melee route, simply avoid the beast's projectile attac , | | close in for a couple swift stri es, and then retreat before it can stri e | | bac . When the Cluc ogrif approaches defeat it will go into hyper mode. | | this means it will turn a nasty shade of orange and start attac ing faster | | and harder than it was before. If you are using the Fire Rod, eep your | | distance and just eep shooting away. If you are using physical attac s, | | be even more cautious of the beast's claw swipes and projectiles as you | | approach for your attac s. | | | | when the Cluc ogrif is defeated it will drop eight items for you to snag. | | It will always drop a Giant Coc scomb, two Bird Feathers, two Coppers, and | | 3 random coo ing ingredients, usually a Rice and two others. Grab what you | | will and head on out. You have just defeated the Green Ruins! | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________ | | | Lava Ruins | |____________|


The Lava Ruins will become available after you have defeated the giant chic en that guards the bottom of the Green Ruins. If you have gone to the Mountain Path area of the town then you have no doubt seen the sapling. It should grow into a small tree after a couple of wee s of gametime, and then after you defeat the giant chic en in the Green Ruins the tree should again grow, only it will now feature a small hole in its trun . Once that small hole appears you will need to get the Harvester from Candy and collect 10 Tree Runeys (Chec the Runey section later on in this FAQ to find out how). With those 10 Runeys in your inventory either tal to Candy again and as her for a Rune Stone of the Tree variety or you can leave the Runeys on the des in the 2nd floor of the Cloc tower and Candy will ma e the Rune Stone and leave it on that same des for you to retrieve the following day. With your Tree Rune Stone in hand head to the Mountain Path and insert the Stone into the tree. overnight it will grow into a flourishing tree that will finally succeed in pushing the roc s away from the opening of the RUins behind it. Congratulations, you now have access to the Lava Ruins! The monsters that you will fight in the first level of the Lava Ruins will be roughly on par with the monsters found on the third level of the Green Ruins, if a bit stronger. There will be a few red ants that will be only marginally

Also in the Lava Ruins will be all of the colored grasses that can be found in the summer in your field, inlcuding Blue, Purple, and orange grasses and Medicinal Herbs. =============== Lava Ruins B1F: =============== From the entrance to the Ruins head north to the room where 3 Ants and a Killer Ant will appear. From here head east down the stairs to where two more Killer Ants will spawn near a door. Head through the door to unloc the shortcut stairs. Now head bac to the room at the beginning and hit the bombon-a-pedestal near the pile of rubble to clear your way. Once you activate the bomb, put some distance between i and yourself as explosions tend to hurt. Once the rubble is clear head north into another room where 2 Ants and 2 Killer Ants will appear. Head out the northeast exit from here and go around the hole in the ground to reach a spot where a Gate will spawn a Ghost. Head north through the open doorway to find a room with some mining roc s and a Gate that will spawn 2 Killer Ants and a Ghost for your cutting pleasure. Head west from here to reach a room with 1 Gate that will spawn 4 Ghosts. Hit the bomb near the Gate to dispatch with it quic ly while you avoid the Ghosts' attac s. Once they are out of your way, head through the door to the north and down the stairs to B2F. =============== Lava Ruins B2F: =============== From the staircase head west to find a room where 2 Furpies will spawn. From this room go south to a room with some farmable soil and a Gate that will send 2 Duc s at you. Exit this area to the southwest, go up the stairs, through the door, and go immediately south to continue. Over the bridge there will be a Gate spawning 2 Mini Golems, who have a lot of HP for this area and two separate projectile attac s. Head east from here to escape them and continue on. In the open area head northeast around the rubble and then bac south. When you get bac to the path ignore the southern way and head east and then south to open up the shortcut. Head bac out of the shortcut and go east again to find yourself in a large room. Head north in this room throguh the door to find a couple of crates and the stairs leading down to B3F. =============== Lava Ruins B3F: =============== From the stairs from B2F head north a bit, then west down a long flight of stairs. A Mini Golem and an Ignis will spawn at the bottom of the stairs, so deal with them as you see fit and then head south to find a bomb. Hit the bomb and clear away as you wait for it to explode, clearing the way for you to continue. After heading east through the bomb-cleared path two Mini Golems will spawn. Head south and then east up another logn staircase where two Ignis and a Mini

stronger than their counterparts in the Green Ruins, but their blac can give you some issues for the beginning of the dungeon.


Golem will appear. In the room atop the stairs head east and then south around the rubble to find a Gate with a Little Emperor and an Ignis. South of these two is the shortcut staircase, but no door to unloc here. Head west down yet another long staircase to continue. At the bottom of the staircase will be a room with 2 Mini Golems and a Scorpion. Ignore them and ta e the immediate door to the west. Head south, west around the wall, and north to find a Gate with a Little Emperor and a Mini Golem, head through the door to the west to continue. In this room hit the bomb to the north and clear away. Once it explodes head through the newly opened doorway to the northeast. Head north past the bomb and rubble and then west up a long staircase with two Little Emperors awaiting you at the top. Head nroth from here past the Gate spawning two more Little Emperors to find a Bomb Launching Pad and a Gate atop another staircase that will send a Hammer Troll after you. Head east down the stairs past this Troll to find yet another Hammer Troll awaiting you at the bottom. Head north past this one and its Gate to find the stairs leading you down to B4F. =============== Lava Ruins B4F: =============== From the stairs from B3F hit the Bomb Launcher with your Hammer to send a bomb flying at the rubble to your south to clear it from your path. Head south down the stairs to find two Hammer Trolls awaiting your arrival. Head west past the Gate that spawned them to get to a room with several soil plots in it. Head to the southwest corner of this room to go on. Head south through this exit and down the path to find a Gate that will spawn two Summers. Head west from this Gate and then south past the mining roc s to reach a Gate with two Hammer Trolls and a Bomb Launcher. Head east from here to reach another Gate that will spawn two Summers. From there run around the rubble piles to the east to find two Buffaloos waiting for you. Past them to the east is another Bomb Launcher. Hit the lever with your hammer to send the bomb flying north to clear soem rubble that you cannot even get to yet. Head south from here to unloc the shortcut. From the shortcut head north to the Bomb Launcher and then west past the Buffaloos and rubble and then head north up the stairs. Atop the stairs is a bomb, hti it and retreat a bit to avoid the blast. Once the way is clear head up and rotate the Bomb Launcher that you will find 3 times so that it will launch its load to the east. You can either avoid the Minotaur that will appear there or defeat it, but it will most li ely just shout at you while you wor on the Launcher. Once you have the Launcher properly aligned, hit the lever with your hammer to clear the rubble at the bottom of the stairs to the east. Head down these stairs to continue. In this room will be a few farmable soil patches and 2 Hammer Trolls waiting near their Gate. Head north past them up the narrow path to find a Gate that will spawn 2 Summers. Deal with the Summers and their Gate, as it will bloc your path otherwise, and continue north up the stairs. Once you are bac to the north you will notice a large boulder with a heap of dirt in front of it. Brea out your Hoe and use it on the dirt in front of the boulder to send it rolling down the stairs south of it. Follow the boulder south, but be careful not to get in front of it or it will severely damage you. South down the path at the bottom of the stairs will be a room with two

Buffaloos and the stairs that will ta e you to B5F =============== Lava Ruins B5F: =============== From the stairs from B4F head north and use yoru Hoe on the dirt in front of another boulder and follow it down the stairs to the west as it bowls over two Weagles and their Gate. In the room at the bottom of those stairs will be a Gate that will spawn two Dar Slimes and a Bomb Launcher. Rotate the Launcher so that it will lanch its load south and hit the lever with your Hammer to clear the rubble at the bottom of the stairs. Head south down those stairs to continue. In the room at the bottom of the stairs will be 3 paths. The south path is bloc ed for now, and the east path leads to a room choc full of monsters and no real progress anyhow, so head west down the stairs to come to a room with two Gates that will spawn two monsters each: Minotaurs and Weagles. Head south past the Weagles to descend a shrot staircase and head onto a platform with a Gate and two Minotaurs. Atop the stairs to the east is a boulder with a dirt pile, so clear the dirt and then cleart the way as the boulder destroys the Gate and probably the two Minotaurs with it. Head east up the stairs to find a room with a Gate that will spawn two Dar Slimes and contains rubble bloc ing the south exit. You will notice that the north exit is also bloc ed by rubble, but there is a boulder with a dirt mound behind said rubble. We need to get up there, so head east again for now. Up the stairs to the east will be another Gate spawning two Dar Slimes. Head south from here to open up the shortcut to B5F and then head bac north past the mining roc s and go west. You will now be in the room with that boulder we saw moments ago. Get rid of the dirt pile with your Hoe and follow the boulder all the way south to the stairs leading to B6F. =============== Lava Ruins B6F: =============== B6F is the floor of the Lava Ruins containing the dungeon's boss. The stairs from B5F will leave you in a large room with 3 mining roc s, the first place in the game where you can find Gold, a good amount of farmable soil, and a pool that is excellent for fishing. The boss chamber is again to the north; if you feel prepared, have at it. ____________________________________________________________________________ | Morphing Slime | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | The Morphing Slime will actually come in the form of several groupings of | | monsters before the boss itself will appear to face you. First up is a | | a group of 20 or so Hornets. Bust out some form of AoE here and just hac | | away as they don't have much health. A 2-Handed Sword is recommended for | | its powerful spin attac . Once the Hornets have been subdued 6 Panthers | | appear. | | | | Deal with the Panthers any way you choose, but be cautioned that they will | | shift to the side when you come close and shoot energy balls straight | | ahead of them when they do so. They are also fairly wea in the HP area, | | so dispatch with them to ma e two gigantic trolls appear. | | | | The two gigantic Trolls are easier than their daunting appearance suggests.|

| You should have brought your Fire Rod with you, use it on these Trolls. | | I now it seems crazy, since these are fire-based monsters and all, but | | the Fire Rod creates an explosion that hits its target more than once. This| | actually is the most effective way of dealing with these Trolls, so do so | | and then brea out your AoE attac again and prepare for Slimes. | | | | If you thought the Hornets that began the fight were overwhelming, prepare | | to be screwed. The last of the setup fights is no less than 30 Slimes that | | will hurt if you let them hti you. Keep moving and hit them in groups with | | your AoE attac when they pop out of the ground. Once they are all done in | | all of the spirits will come together in the form of one gigantic Slime. | | | | The Morphing Slime itself is nothing too spectacular. He has a lot of HP | | but again try using the Fire Rod and eeping your distance, as the most | | damaging attac this monster possesses is only usable at close range, and | | obviously cannot be used if you are nto close range. Other than its jump | | attac at close range the Slime employs two other attac s, one a slow | | moving shoc wave in several directions, and the other a series of four | | explosions that will follow you as you run. If you eep moving, these four | | explosions will not hurt you, and if you position yourself correctly the | | shoc waves will miss you as well. Keep ta ign potshots at this thing with | | your Fire Rod until it finally gives in and you can claim victory. | | | | The Morphing Slime will always drop 2 Gold Ores, a Red Core, several items | | used in coo ing, and an Ancient Relic, which will provide entry into the | | next dungeon: The Snow Ruins. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ____________ | | | Snow Ruins | |____________|

The Snow Ruins will become available for your exploration pleasures after you defeat the Morphing slime at the bottom of the Lava Ruins. When you defeat that Slime you will get a white rectangular roc called a Relic. Ta e that Relic to the pile of roc s just east of the Rune Archives (Library) to find a large white stone with a rectangular hole in the front. Simply place the Relic in the hole and watch as that big white stone slides to the left opening the staircase that will ta e you down into the Snow Ruins. =============== Snow Ruins B1F: =============== The Snow Ruins are a bit different than the other dungeons in that the Snow Ruins contains two shortcut orbs. The first will appear as part of the story of the game and will ta e you to B3F. The second will appear to the right of the first on and will ta e you to B7F where the boss resides once you face him for the first time. From the entrance head north to a room that will spawn two Hornet Queens. Head to the passage tothe northwest and brea up the ice cluster here with either your Hammer or a Fire-based weapon. The next room will be filled with freezing cold gas that will damag you slightly if it touches you. Destroy the machine itself or destroy the wires stic ing out of the ground to stop the freezing air. In the southwest corner of this room is snother ice cluster, brea it to find the Shortcut Staircase for B1F. Head bac to the room with the machine and ta e the passage to the northwest, past another ice cluster, to continue.


Down the stairs to the west is a Gate that will spawn two mroe Hornet Queens. Deal with them and then head north to find a room with 1 Gate that will send 2 Hornet Queens and 2 Shadow Panthers at you. Ta e the exit heading north from this room and then head east to find a room with a Gate and 2 Death Stal ers. Defeat the Death Stal ers and the Gate, as well as the wires jutting out from the ground, and then head bac west and then north into the room there. Head north past the Gate that will spawn 2 Death Stal ers and 2 Glaces to find a door with some ice rimming the bottom. It will open as you approach and behind it will be the stairs leading down to B2F. =============== Snow Ruins B2F: =============== The first room you enter south of the stairs from B1F will contain a veritable gauntlet of enemies right away. You will face 4 Glaces and 2 Shadow Panthers, along with a Mammoo that is frozen in ice that will free itself once you get rid of the Frozen Air generators. There are 4 doors leading out of this room, including a passage to the south. Ta e the only door along the western wall to head towards your goal. From this door head west until you come to a T-shaped corner and go south. In the next room head to the southeast corner and ta e the passage south from there to enter a large room with some mining roc s and an ice cluster to the southwest. Brea the cluster and follow that path west to the next room. This room will contain 2 Gates that will send 4 Glaces, 2 Death Stal ers, and a Daemon at you, as well as a Mammoo waiting to the south and a Freezing Air Generator. Ta e care of all of it and then head east down the passageway. You will slide down an icy hill down this path, but it will ta e you south to the shortcut, so open that up and then head east again to the end of the room and up the inline to reach a room with a Generator (destroy the wires right away) and a Gate that will spawn 2 Glaces, 2 Shadow Pantehrs, and a Mammoo. Head north from this room to enter another large room with another Generator which you can destroy the wires to quic ly. Do so and then continue all the way to the north past the mining roc s and head west into the passage. In this passage you will go up an incline in the path and come to a Gate with 2 Death Stal ers. Defeat them and exit out into the gauntlet room where we started the floor. Ta e the door along the western wall again, and again head south when the option presents itself. Ta e the southeastern door to a southbound passage and then ta e the exit west from that room. Head to the south exit this time and find the stairs leading to B3F. =============== Snow Ruins B3F: =============== Right away in B3F you will find some mining roc s and an ice cluster bloc ing a path leading north. Bust the cluster and follow this path into a large room where you will face a Daemon and 3 Unicos, along with their Gate. Defeat them and head north again. In the next room will be a Freezing Air generator along with a Unico, a Daemon, and a Pec . Defeat them and head up the ramp to get rid of their Gate as well. Destroy the wires at the bottom of the ramp, then climb it and head south. You will come to the room where you fought the Daemon and 3 Unicos moments ago, but now you are on the top platform. Destroy the wires there and slide down the ramp. The door to the east is now unloc ed for your passage through.

Through the door is a passage leading to a room with an Ice Cannon in it. As long as you are not standing in one place for more than 5 seconds, the Cannon will not hit you, so just eep moving. If you destroy the wires to the east of the Cannon, it will blow up and harrass you no more. Head south to open up the shortcut to B3F and then head bac north to the room with the Cannon and ta e the eastern exit. Follow the passage east for a bit, then ta e the north passage to a large room with a Cannon in the center. Head up the ramp to the west to fight 3 Daemons and find the wires that control the cannon down below. Destroy the Daemons and the wires and head bac down the ramp and go north again. In the north end of the room you will notice a Minotaur King trapped in a bloc of ice who is also bloc ing your passage to what appears to be a door to the north. Head up the ramp just east of the frozen Minotaur King to fight 3 more Daemons. Destroy them, their Gate, and the wires to free the Minotaur King down below. Head bac down the ramp, defeat the Minotaur King, and head north to find the door. This door will probably be loc ed the first time you come here. It is part of a storyline event that must be cleared before the rest of the Snow Ruins can be explored and conquered. Once this event is completed, you can go through the room north of the frozen Minotaur King, ta e the passage east past the ice cluster and destroy the wires in that room. Now head bac to the room with the frozen Minotaur King and head bac south past the ice cannon and then head east. The incline that was previously frozen over in this room has now thawed, allowing you to continue through the Ruins. Let's do so. Atop the now thawed incline head south to find a treasure chest, and then go east down another incline. Head north and then east into the next room to find a Gate with a Mammoo and 2 Daemons. Head north from here to find the stairs leading to B4F. =============== Snow Ruins B4F: =============== From the stairs from B3F head south and down the ramp and south again. Here you will find a Gate with 2 Hunter Wolves. Head up the ramp to the west in this room to find an ice cannon, 2 more Hunter Wolves, and a Freezing Air Generator. Destroy the two wires next to each other to ta e care of the machines and then dispatch the Wolves and head south down the pathway past the two Buffazoos that appear. Head west down the next ramp to find a Gate with 2 more Hunter Wolves, a Minotaur King, and a Mini Dragon. Head west past them and follow the passage east to find the shortcut stairs. From the shortcut ta e the passage north, then west, then north again past the Ice Cannon to find a large room. Go immediately west and destroy the wire there. After that head bac to the east and north to find a ramp. Head up said ramp and then head west and then north past the Hunter Wolves and descend the ramp to the east before continuing north through the door. As you head north you will come across two Blood Panthers. All the way north will be a ramp leading up, then a path leading south past another Blood Panther and an ice cannon. South of the ice cannon will be the Gate these Blood Panthers are coming from and the wire to destroy the cannon itself. Do so and ta e the ramp to the east bac down, and then north past the Buffazoo. In the northeast corner of the room is a passage to the east. Ta e it and follow it east to a large room and then south to another room containing a ramp and the stairs down to B5F. Descend and let's move on, shall we? ===============

Snow Ruins B5F: =============== Right away you will find yourself pitted against 2 Hunter Wolves at a nearby Gate as well as a few mining roc s at your disposal. Head up the ramp here and follow it around to another Gate that will spawn 3 more Hunter Wolves, 2 up top with you, and 1 down below. Ta e the ramp down and head southeast and head up another ramp to go south, and then east again, and then south again, and then east again and down a ramp into the next room. In this room is a Gate that will spawn a Hunter Wolf and a Minotaur King, with an ice cluster in between them, so dispose of that as you defeat the monsters here. Ta e the passage south to the next large room here where you will find several Minotaur Kings, as well as a few Little Wizards and an ice cannon atop a small platform in the room's center with ramps to either side. Head to the northwest corner of this room and follow the path up to find a boulder. This oen is held up by ice rather than the dirt of the Lava Ruins, so use your Hammer or fire weapon to bust the ice and run south to get out of its way. Once the boulder is out of the way head past where it was to start and then head west o the next room. In this room is a Gate that will spawn two Souls. Dispatch with them and head south to open up the shortcut, then head bac into the room and go around to the west and exit the southwest part of the room to find the staircase leading down to B6F. =============== Snow Ruins B6F: =============== Right away in B6F you will be confronted with a Gate spawning two Tric y Muc s and an ice cannon to your immediate north, as well as a gate that will spawn two Arch Daemons as you approach the ice cannon. Ignore the Tric y Muc s, as they will not attac you unless you come near them and deal with the ice cannon first by destroying the wire next to it. Then deal with the two Arch Daemons while dodging the other ice cannon to the northeast. Near that northeast cannon will appear two Dragons. Ta e them out while avoiding the cannon blasts, or attac the cannon until it blows up while fighting the Dragons. Head east from the Dragons past the Tric y Muc that was hiding in between the two platforms to find a Gate that will send two more Dragons at you, as well as another couple of Tric y Muc s. South of here is another ice cannon as well as two sets of wires. the ramp leading west from here is the path to the shortcut stairs, but as of right now I am unsure how to open them on B6F. Not to worry, though, as the shortcut is very close to the path down on B5F, so it is not difficult to reach B6F from there. From the bloc ed off shortcut head north to where the Dragons and Tric y Muc s were before and then head east. Past their Gate will be an open area. To the north will be an ice cannon as well as a Gate that will send two Souls out after you. it is easy enough to ignore the Souls and just head west from the fissure inf ront of the ice cannon. Down this path you will find a Gate that will spawn two Arch Daemons and two Tric y Muc s. Deal with them and then turn the corner to head north from their Gate, then go east down the ramp. From the ramp bottom head north and then west down the passage to find another Gate that spawns two Tric y Muc s and a Dragon, although the Dragon will be out of your way down a passage to the southeast guarding a treasure chest. Head south around the crac in the floor and then north to antoher Gate that will spawn two more Dragons and two Arch Daemons who will guard the stairs

down to B7F and the boss chamber. =============== Snow Ruins B7F: =============== Once you arrive in B7F run immediately south past the farmable soil and small pond (best fishing in the game here) to open up the shortcut stairs. Now go east at the pond to find yourself at a large door that will lead you to the Boss's lair. ____________________________________________________________________________ | Ice Sna e | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | The Ice Sna e is arguably the strongest boss in the game, alongside the | | Giant squid that sits atop Whale Island. He ta es a while just to get to | | him simply because he has an Ice Breath attac with he will use repeatedly | | against you as you wal up the passageway towards him. This wor s to your | | advantage, however, since besides being excessively annoying, the Ice | | Breath attac is fairly wea . The easiest way to defeat this menacing boss | | is to stand in front of one of the barricades and simply launch fireballs | | at the Sna e with your Fire Rod (you do still have it, right?). He has | | more than a lot of HP, so be sure to being a lot of RP restoratives going | | into the battle with this guy and be prepared to spend most of your day | | simply launching fireball after fireball at him. If you do get close to | | the boss, be very careful as he has a lot of strength and will deal huge | | amounts of damage each time he hits you. | | | | The Ice Sna e will drop 2 Platinum, an Ice Sna e Tongue, a Formuade, and | | several coo ing ingredients when you defeat it. Than s to nguyen0891 for | | emailing me the drop list for the Ice Sna e. | |____________________________________________________________________________| ______________ | | | Whale Island | |______________|


Whale Island is the first dungeon you can access in Rune Factory Frontier. You can reach it from the very instant you receive the Watering Can from Mist on Spring 2. All you have to do is wal up to the off sprout growing in front of the Cloc tower, watch the scene with Stella, and water the sprout to grow the enormous stal that will ta e you up to Whale Island. Whale Island will be accessible at all times, except for Holidays in the beginning of the game. There is a second sprout that will grow into a similar stal on the small western island in La e Trampoli that will appear by the end of the first Spring. On Whale Island you can grow any crop or flower froma ny season at any time. This means you could grow Turnips in Autumn, Tomatoes in the dead of Winter, and Carrots during Spring. Also you will find all different types of colored grasses here, as well as Bamboo Shoots and Mushrooms. The first time you visit Whale Island you will have a conversation with the spirit of the Island itself. You quic ly find out that the Island is in danger and requires you to save it. Don't worry about a time limit, though, the island will not fall while you are playing the game. Ever. Examine the large blac monument-loo ing stone that is in the middle of the area and then head on into the Island itself.

============================ Whale Island: Cave Entrance: ============================ In Whale Island - Cave Entrance you will find the easiest monsters in the game in the form of basic Goblins and red Ants. Both are great for leveling up early in the game, so go nuts in here. In order to get to the next area simply eep running east until you get to a spawn point with two Ants and eep moving east to enter the next area of the Island. In addition to boasting the easiest monsters in the game, the Cave Surface is also the home to two shortcuts that you can open up later on in the Island. When you get to Whale Island - Flan you can open a passage from the Cave Surface directly there, bypassing the Cave Depths and Fin. When you reach the Floating Chamber you can descend into the Tower of Rebirth and lower a rope that will appear at the grassy spot just north of the entrance to the Cave Surface that will ta e you there, which is almost the end of thd Dungeon. =========================== Whale Island - Cave Depths: =========================== Almost as soon as you enter this area of Whale Island you will receive a scene where Raguna will meet Melody, who will give you the Cheap Hammer, and as you to bust up the gigantic roc in front of her. Do so and release the hot spring, allowing Melody to move to town and open the Laga Springs Bath House in the Business District. In the Cave Depths you will find Slime monsters, as well as Orcs and Orc Archers, the Archers being the most dangerous of the three, but by no means a daunting enemy. From the spot where you met Melody head southwest past the two poison patches and follow the path west and then south. After the path winds south and bac east and opens up a bit continue runnign east to find a large, white, loc ed door. This is a door with a special loc that can only be opened by placing a Rune Stone in the pedestal just left of the door itself, any Rune Stone will wor fine. From this door head straight south to exit out onto the Whale's Fin. ================== Whale Island: Fin: ================== Whale Island Fin is a fairly straightforward area. You can simply follow the stairs as they wind down the Fin and you will end up at the Lighthouse where Iris lives. To meet Iris, consult the storyline section of this FAQ. There are only three different types of monsters on the Fin: Woolies, Buffamoos, and Silver Wolves. Of these, the Woolies are fairly harmless and the Buffamoos are fairly slow. The most dangerous thing here is the Wolves that populate the eastern portion of the Fin, and even they lost their luster once you reach level 20 or so. A number of treasure chests can be found on the Fin as well as monsters. Most will contain coo ing ingredients (Flour, Rice, Garlic, Chocolate) and sometimes different Ores, usually Copper.

In the northeast corner of the Fin (you have to descend the stairs and then continue east along the path) will be a gate that is loc ed the first time you come to it. In order to open it you must befriend Iris, consult the Storyline section to learn how to do so. ===================== Whale Island - Flan : ===================== Whale Island's Flan is a foggy area with many poison patches on the ground. You will need to bring a hefty suply of Neutralizers if you want to get rid of them, but you can just as easily wal around them without inflicting poison upon yourself. If you ma e your way up the first incline you will find a few spots where you can grow crops, but not much else. Heading up the second incline will ta e you to an area with several poisoned patches of ground and a monster gate that will spawn a scorpion, which is easily avoidable. Wal around (or Neutralize) the poisoned areas and head up the next incline. From here head west to find a large roc that should have some spar ling around it. Use your hammer on this roc to open up the shortcut from the Cave Surface. After doing this, head bac east past the Hobgoblin that spawns and descend the next incline. Be wary of even more poison patches down here as you ma e you way around them, avoiding the scorpions and fish that will appear. Once you clear the poison, again descend the next incline to the south. Here head east and go up the next hill, again avoid the poison patches, go up yet another hill, and then head east to an open space where four fishes will appear. Head east past them to reach the next area: the Tail Tree. There are 4 different types of monsters that will appear on the Flan : Hobgoblins, Scorpions, Fish, and Mini Golem. There is only one spot for the Hobgoblin and Mini Golem each, so your main opponents will be the scorpions and fish. The Mini Golem is also guarding two treasure chests in the southwest corner of the area. ========================= Whale Island - Tail Tree: ========================= The Island's Tail Tree is exactly what it sounds li e: a gigantic tree located on the Whale's tail. The first time you enter the area Raguna will stop to marvel at the gigantic gathering of Runes that exists atop the tree. This gigantic Rune is actually what is eeping the Island afloat, and when Raguna notices it shrin ing, he nows how urgent his mission is. To get through the Tail Tree area you will have to climb the tree. In order to do this simply climb the giant root that touches the ground near the entrance. Be watchful as you ascend, however, as the tree will drop a gigantic fruit that will roll down the same root you are climbing. There are several branches and side steps where you can ta e solace from the rumbling fruit, but be cautious not to go too far out on these paths, as they are steep slopes that will drag you bac down to a lower part of the tree, a la Chutes & Ladders. As you climb the tree you will face two different types of monsters: Mantics and Beetles. The Mantics are the more troublesome of the two, as they possess both a long range, wind-based attac and a counterattac manouevre. Beetles are straightforward enemies that will hurt when they connect, but are fairly easy to avoid. If you descend down the root at the bac side of the tree you

will come to an area containing a tresure chest, two mining roc s, and a Gate that will spawn Fairy monsters. This is a good, early place to start collecting Fairy Dust, as it is used in many excellent recipes and is fairly rare to come by. After you have climber the tree there will be a stone path leading off to the west, ta e this path to reach the next area. If you continue up the branch to where the giant fruit first falls you will find another treasure chest. ===================== Whale Island - Drain: ===================== Whale Island's Drain is, as I'm sure you could have guessed, pac ed with water-based monsters. The exceptions ot this are the fairies near the entrance and the Unicos near the exit. There are only 4 types of monsters in this area, including the Fairies and Unicos, but the other two types (Tortas and Sealy) are much more numerous. To navigate the Drain run west past two Gates, one that will spawn a Fairy and one that will spawn a Tortas and a Fairy, and you will come to what seems li e a dead end. From here head north, there is a staircase there that is difficult to see until you are running down it. At the bottom will be several drainpipes that will shoot jets of water at you that will cause damage, so be wary. The Sealy and Tortas monsters that will appear around here will also shoot these water jets at you. Ma e your way east and then north again to get past them and head north up another set of stairs. Up here you will need to head west until you reach the end of the path and then head south, past more Sealy and Tortas spawns, and then west again once the path presents itself. Here you will move onto a grassy area rather than the stone pathways of the rest of the Drain, and you will find Unico monsters. Head southwest past the first Unico spawn and head north into the door past the next 2 Unicos that appear to enter the Tower of Birth. While you are in the Drain you may want to defeat many Tortas monsters, as they are the only ones in the game that drop the Tortoise Shell item used in several weapon and accessory recipes. =========================================== Whale Island - Towers and Floating Chamber: =========================================== You will enter the Tower of Birth from the Island's Drain and will have to ma e your way past several Fausts and Necros, both reaper-style monsters, in order to get to the top of the tower and ascend to the Floating Chamber. The Floating Chamber is a large, grassy area of tower tops connected by stone wal ways. Some of the tower tops will have open doorways, while the rest will have rubble bloc ing them. All of the towers are essentially equal. They will all have the same layout, but different groups of monsters. The first thing you will want to do when you reach the Floating Chamber is run directly north and descend into the Tower of Life. Avoid the High Orcs, High Orc Archers, and Gigantes, or defeat them, at your leisure. At the bottom of the tower on the west side will be a bro en staircase with a rope coiled up nearby. Lower the rope and you have now created a shortcut to the Tower of Life from the Cave Surface earlier in the dungeon. After you have created this chortcut you can get bac to the Tower of Life upon entering Whale Island rather than having to fight your way through the

entirety of the Island. Bac on the Floating Chamber head over two bridges to the south and then head west and bac north. Eventually you will find a staircase leading up to a loc ed and gated tower that cannot be entered yet. To open this tower you will have to head bac down the stairs and then run north over the bridge to the tower top where two Minotaur Kings and a High Orc Archer will appear. Avoid them or defeat them and then descend into the Tower of Glory. In the Tower of Glory you will face off against several Blood Panthers and Hardes. On the second level of the tower, all the way to the east, you will have to brea several boxes (easily done with any weapon) and toggle the switch that you will find behind them. After this, head bac up to the Floating Chamber and head bac to the previously loc ed tower. The gate will still be down, but will open for you as you run up to it. Enter to find the boss of Whale Island and the monster that the Whale has as ed you to punish for him. ____________________________________________________________________________ | Giant Squid | |____________________________________________________________________________| | | | This bad boy has a ton of HP and is very strong. Be sure to avoid his two | | front tentacles as they will annihilate your HP. Try to stay along his | | side and use hit-and-run tactics. This means run in after he stri es with | | two main tentacles and stri e at his side with a special attac , then run | | bac before he uses his electric attac on his sides. Keep this up for as | | long as it ta es to defeat this monster. Using magic is not recommended | | for this fight as this monster can reach you from any spot in this small | | chamber. Using a pet would greatly aid your efforts, especially if you can | | manage to tame a Hunter Wolf or Mini Dragon, alls the better. I would | | recommend getting yourself to at least level 85 and ma e the best weapons | | you can and the best armor and accessories possible before ta ing this guy | | on, especially alone. | | | | The Giant Squid will drop the following items upon defeating it: Platinum, | | Platinum, Bright Tentacle, Water Crystal, and several coo ing ingredients. | | Than s again to nguyen0891 for the information. |____________________________________________________________________________| Anyone with a drop list for the Squid can email me those and I will enter them in here. Chec the Contact section at the bottom of the FAQ for the address.

________ | | | Combat | |________|


Combat in Rune Factory is a simple system. There is a wide assortment of weapons to choose from (Swords, Great Swords, Spears, Hammers, Axes, Magic Rods, and even your farming tools) Attac ing with weapons is simple, just face whatever it is you want to damage and press the "A" Button. Once you gain better quality weapons and magic rods you will be able to use the Special Attac command to utilize a special attac depending on the weapon type and the special attac level. ======= Swords: ======= Swords are the most basic weapons and the easiest to use. There is no limit to the number of times you swing your sword in succession, but the damage will be

less than other weapons as well as not noc ing your opponent bac and ma ing it stagger. The special attac for Swords is a spinning attac that will slice surrounding enemies 2-3 times. ============= Great Swords: ============= Great Swords, or 2-Handed Swords, are, as I'm sure you could have guessed, bigger, longer versions of their 1-handed counterparts. Great Swords will only combo up to 2 swings before forcing you to pause to start the next combo. It is inadvisable to use the basic Great Sword attac s for the main source of your damage output. Instead Utilize the Great Swords' special attac , which is another spinning slash that will hit farther than the 1-handed swords will. The Great Sword special attac is easily the most useful method for dealing a lot of damage quic ly and it is because of this that Great Swords are my personal weapon of choice. The Katana-style weapons are particularly useful because of their tendency to create critical hits more often than other types of weapons. ======= Spears: ======= Spears are useful if your style of fighting involves stri ing from a moderate distance and a good amount of 1-on-1 battles. Spears will be able to stri e a good distance in front of you, but only in a straight line, rather than in the slashing arc that swords and great swords utilize. The special attac for spears is a series of thrusts straight ahead of you, but is usually more timeconsuming tahn it is damaging. ======== Hammers: ======== Battle Hammers wor much li e their tool counterparts. They are fairly slow to weild, but do massive amounts of damage at once. Almost all battle hammers share the ability to stun or paralyze your opponents to varying degrees. I have personally not found hammer weapons to be particularly useful for the reasonable fast-paced battles and quic timing that I use in my fighting style but if you li e that slow, heavy attac style, give Hammers a try. Try using battle hammers when mining as well, you may be surprised by the results. The special attac for battle hammers is just li e the special attac with the hammer tool. One powerful blow that will have a small area of damage, rather than forcing you to smac some unsuspecting monster on the forehead. ===== Axes: ===== Battle Axes are, li e battle hammers, very similar to their tool counterparts. Battle axes are used to deliver one mighty blow to opponents. I have never found the slow, purely damage-causing axes to be particularly useful, since they do the same thing that hammers do, only without the added stun effect. In addition, the Axe special attac wor s li e the hammer special attac , but the damage will be caused i a line rather than in a small area around where the head lands. =========== Magic Rods:

=========== Magic Rods are the most curious addition to Ruen Factory's Wii installment. For anyone who has played the 2 RF games on the Nintendo DS will now that magic in those games came in the form of boo s that had to be used to cast spells. In those games, too, were Magic Rods, but the rods in thsoe games only served to augment your character's magic abilities to ma e those spells do more damage. In Rune Factory Frontier there are no longer any spellboo s to use for spellcasting. For this version the type of rod that you use determines the type of magic you can cast. Each rod will possess a differing magic spell that can only be unleashed by using your special attac . The first rod in your arsenal will most li ely be the Fire Rod, obtained by bringing Kanno a few items when he first moves into town. The Fire Rod will send a fireball launching straight ahead of you which will cause a small explosion when it ma es contact with a monster. The explosion actually hits the monster several times, however, ma ing the Fire Rod a more powerful weapon than it first appears to be. ___________ | | | Storyline | |___________| The storyline for Rune Factory Frontier to prevent the gigantic floating island decimating the town of Trampoli. I have spoiler-free as possible, but there are mind and do not say I didn't warn you. ================ Getting Started: ================ The story starts when Raguna enters the town of Trampoli in search of a girl who wal ed away from the town where he was living previously. He is exhausted and heads to the local church to beg for a place to sleep for the night, where the nice nun named Stella graciously agrees. The following morning, the girl Raguna has been loo ing for simpy wal s right into the church. After a semicomical exchange between Raguna and Mist, she practically drags the poor man off to show him the new farm that he doesn't recall actually agreeing to ta e over. After setting Raguna up with the basic farm tools Mist heads to her house, which just happens to be right next door, and leaves Raguna to fend for himself in a town full of strangers. ================ Running Errands: ================ After you get comfortable with your new farm and get your first set of Turnips planted (Mist gives them to you) head bac to the Church and tal with Stella, who will give you an item that she as s that you deliver to Turner for her. Turner is the town's Inn eeper and you will fidn him, logically enough, just inside the Inn. The Inn is located in the Business District on the far west side. When you enter the Inn you will get a scene where you will meet Eunice, Turner's daughter and one of the 12 bachelorettes of Trampoli. After that scene you can give the item to Turner, who will then as you to go and give


consists mainly of Raguna attempting from falling from the s y and utterly attempted to eep this wal through as still spoilers ahead. Bear this in

Ganesha a message from him. Ganesha is the town's blac smith and can be found in the Damascus Forge, which is just north of the Inn, up a couple flights of stairs. Ganesha will be the woman swinging a big, white hammer behind the counter. Give her Turner's message and she will as you to go and see Danny for her at the town's General Store. The General Store is also in the business district, head south down the stairs from the Forge and head east at the bottom to find the General Store. Wal ing in here will initiate a meeting with Danny, the uncaring owner of said store. Give him Ganesha's message and he will then send you to see Eri , another local farmer. Eri 's Farm is located in the South District, which is south of the Business District, and just west of your farm. There will be two houses in the South District at this point, Kross's Farm to the north and Eri 's Farm down to the south. Head into Eri 's house and tal with him to complete your little town exploration quest. Now you can go around and meet the other townspeople that were not included in the quest, including Kross, the introverted farmer and carpenter who resides in the South District, Rita, Turner's wife who runs the local tavern, Marco, Ganesha's son, and Rosetta, who will pic up anything you ship from your farm every day at 5pm. ==================== Whale Island's Plea: ==================== Whale Island is To get to Whale the Cloc Tower climb up to the the main focus of the story throughout Rune Factory Frontier. Island you must water the small sprout that is growing near to grow it into an oversized stal that will allow you to island floating in the s y above town.

Upon landing on the island Raguna will be "tal ed" to by the island itself, who requests that you find out why it is failing and save it from doing so. Examine the blac monolith to get a message about the 12 maidens and then go ahead and eep exploring the floating island. Once you ma e your way onto the island's Fin head all the way south to find a lighthouse that will not allow you to enter. Come bac to this at night to see a girl dressed in white watering some flowers by the nearby pond before disappearing bac into the lighthouse, which you still cannot enter. Ta e note of the 3x3 patch of soil just outside the lighthouse, it will be important in the upcoming story. You are done with the story on Whale Island itself for now, head bac to town and wait for Rosetta to open up her shop in town. ============================ Materia Store Grand Opening: ============================ About halfway throgh your first Spring Rosetta, the girl that comes everyday to pic up your shipped items, will open up a new General Store in town, right next to Danny's. After a little while continued conversations with Rosetta during business hours will result in a conversation about Moondrop flowers. Rosetta will say something about places with a lot of moonlight being very good for growing Moondrop flowers and Raguna will try to thin of a place that is high up that gets a lot of moonlight. After this ta e a bag of Moondrop seeds (yes, you have to buy them) and plant them in the 3x3 plot of soil that

I told you to ma e note of outside the lighthouse on Whale Island's Fin. ============= Meeting Iris: ============= Now head bac to Whale Island Fin and plant those Moondrop seeds outside the Lighthouse. Water them each day until they bloom (only 4 days) and then return to the lighthouse after 6pm to get a scene where you will officially meet Iris Blanche. Now that you have met Iris, your tas now is to gain her friendship. You'll have to get her to 1 Friend Point (FP) in order to obtain your next objective. If you run north from the Lighthouse past the wolves you will come across a gate that is loc ed. Now that you have befriended Iris (she loves Tomato Juice and li es flowers, so you can give her the Moondrop flowers you grew nearby) you will be able to see a mysterious man leaving the lighthouse as you approach. You will see him wal through the loc ed gate to the north. Congratulations! Now you can head north through the formerly loc ed gate. =========================================== A Tree with Runey Fruit and a Frozen Fight: =========================================== Now that the gate is unloc ed you can ma e your way farther along through the floating island. Ma ing your way through the Whale Island Flan and through to the Whale Island Tree, where Raguna will stop to notice the gigantic gathering of runes atop the large tree. Come bac several days later and Raguna will again marvel at the Giant Rune, but will ntoe that it has shrun considerably since he last saw it. After this head bac down to ground level and tal to Kanno about the Rune. After that you will need to head down to the 3rd level of the Snow Ruins. To get into the Snow Ruins you will have to clear both the Green Ruins and the Lava Ruins. In order to do this, scroll up a bit to their devoted sections in this FAQ to see how to wor your way through them. Once you gain entrance to the Snow Ruins you should get a scene where Raguna finds a blac rune orb in the first room that you enter. After finding this dar rune ma e your way down to the third floor of the dungeon and wor your way to the room containing a Minotaur encased in a large bloc of ice. Behind the frozen Minotaur is a large, loc ed door. As you approach the door Mist and Candy will show up and the door will mystically open for Mist as she gets near it. Step on through and prepare for a fight. Behind the door you will find a large room. Inside will be the mysterious man who we saw leaving the Lighthouse after befriending Iris Blanche. His name is Gelwein and with him you will find Iris Noire. Gelwein has been manipulating Iris for a while, forcing her to gather runes in his underground lab for his own twisted research, and now he forces her to eliminate Raguna. To defeat her simply avoid her magic attac s while damaging the four computer modules that are along the wall of the room. When the last module blows you will be treated to some more conversation along with Raguna being noc ed out by Gelwein and wa ing up the following day in his house surrounded by Lara, Iris Noire, and Kanno, who explain what happened and what happens next. ========================= Research and Revelations:

========================= After your battle with Iris Noire you can head to Whale Island Fin at any time to visit both versions of Iris. Three days after you wa e up tal to Kanno again to learn more about Gelwein. The day after this head to the Graveyard near the church around noon to find Candy standing at the mouth of a rather large hole in the ground and is worrying greatly that Marco went down into said hole to retrieve her doll, but hasn't returned for a long time. Head down into the hole to find yourself in the 3rd floor of the Snow Ruins. Brea the ice barrier bloc ing Marco off with either a fire-aligned weapon or your hammer, pic up the doll that he drops on his way out, and continue to the west. Through the door to the west is the room where you fought Iris Noire, and you will find Gelwein in there awainting Raguna with Mist trapped in an odd limbo gathering runes faster than Iris ever could. After repelling Raguna's advance Gelwein ta es Mist and retreats to his stronghold, but leaves behind a boo called the Grimoire of Time. You can now explore the rest of the Snow Ruins freely, although they no longer bear any relevance to the storyline, so to learn more about them, scroll up a bit to its section above. For now, ta e the Grimoire to Kanno to have him analyze it for a while. ======================= Fixing the Cloc Tower: ======================= Five days after giving Kanno the Grimoire tal to him again to have him give you 12 Crystal Seeds, once for each maiden in the town of Trampoli. Now, since Mist is supposed to be one of the 12 bachelorettes, we have one potential problem on our hands. Luc ily, there happens to be 2 Iris's in town for the moment, so give them each a seed and be on your way. Three days after dispersing the seeds, go and collect them from the 12 maidens and bring them bac to the Cloc Tower and place them on the pedestal in the room that is located straight ahead when you enter the Cloc Tower. You might have noticed while you were collecting the Crystal Flowers that each person gave you a different zodiac sign, except for Iris Blanche and iris Noire, who both gave you a Gemini Flower. This will be problematic in a moment, but go ahead and place them on the pedestal all the same. After placing all 12 plants there is still one piece missing. To remedy this head to Mist's house and grab the plant that she has been growing in the pot in front of her house and bring it bac to the Cloc Tower to join its brethren and open a portal where a nasty fight awaits. ============================= One Last Fight Before You Go: ============================= Enter the portal prepared for a fight. Bring Energy Drin s appropriate for the amount of HP you have and enough RP restoratives to eep yourself going during the fight itself. After you defeat the Beast you will have a small encounter with Gelwein during which any damage done to him will be healed quic ly by Mist. Simply eep attac ing him until you get a cutscene with all 12 of the town's maidens. After this Raguna will occasionally have his RP slightly restored by the maidens, but do not be afraid to noc bac your Energy Drin s and RP restoratives. Gelwein has a lot of health, so try to avoid his attac s and his spells as much as possible while chipping away at his health. I won this fight at level 65 without too much trouble, and only had to use 10 or so Energy Drin s and RP restoratives. Once Gelwein finally succumbs to your attac s sit bac , relax, and enjoy the end of the storyline.

You will now have Mist bac in town to continue and courting process you may or may not have had in place with her before she got abducted. You can also continue your farming and monster collecting efforts for as long as you so wish, and you can even get the two Iris's to move to Trampoli by tal ing to Rita. If you are still loo ing for a challenge, the bosses of the Snow Ruins and Whale Island still await you, and both are much tougher than Gelwein was. The Giant chic en of the Green Ruins and the Slime Boss of the Lava Ruins will also now be much tougher than they were and have a ton more HP. The Ice Sna e and the Giant Squid will be the same as always until you defeat them, and any subsequent confrontations with them would result in them being much stronger than the first time around. -----------------------------/ \ | Bachelorettes and Marriage | \ / ------------------------------


Rune Factory Frontier, li e any Harvest Moon game, features a number of bachelorettes among whom the protagonist can choose from to become his bride. RFF brings a total of 12 eligible ladies to the table, more than any previous Harvest Moon installment. Most of them are new characters, although there are a few returning faces from the first Rune Factory game on the DS. Below is a list of all twelve bachelorettes in the game, in alphabetical order, along with the gifts they most li e to receive, the gifts they hate receiving, the time when you can eavsdrop on them in the bath, and when you can meet them and marry them.

http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/946789/56259 Than s again to Tagg for dedicating so much time and effort into documenting anything so detailed as the schedule of the characters in this game.

________ | | | Anette | |________|


Anette is the local mail carrier for Trampoli. She personally set up the mail boxes outside of everyone's homes, complete with names for everyone written right on them. She is a very peppy girl who always seems to be in a good mood, although she does have an issue with certain monsters chasing her around town on occasion. She can only be found early in the morning (before 9am) during her delivery route, and during the day in Summer when she spends time at the beach. On festival days she can be found loitering around the Business District near the map south of the Damascus Forge. Once you get Anette to 7LP she will temporarily quit her mail delivery service but will continue it once you get her up to 8 or 9 LP. While she is not delivering mail she will move into Mist's house temporarily. Appears: Spring 3 Birthday: Winter 4

I would include enough space to dedicated gamer in you browsers

a schedule for each maiden as well, but that alone ta es up warrant an FAQ of its own, which has already been made by a named Tagg. To find his FAQ copy and paste the following lin url line:

Favorite Gift: Pump in Tart Other Goodies: Mil , Strawberry, Chocolate Pudding, Cheese Ca e, Boiled Egg, Cherry, Curry Udon, Orange Hated Gifts: Eggplant Extra LP: Get your Mail from her directly Constellation: Buffamoo (12am Summer nights) Bath Event: 7-8pm on Holidays ________ | | | Bianca | |________|

Bianca is the local member of the Saint-Coquille family, and is a bit of a spoiled brat. No gift you give her will ma e her li e you any more; she simply wants someone to see her for who she is, not for her family's money. She is always attended by her maid, Tabatha, who is also a marriage candidate, but who is covered later in this section. Due to the extreme heat where she lives normally Bianca had moved to Trampoli only for the Summer, but read on to find out how to get her to stay in Trampoli indefinitely. Once you build the barn on your property head to Whale Island and progress through it until you get about halfway through Whale Island - Cave Depths and a small elephant-loo ing monster will run around Raguna a couple times and retreat. Heading bac to your barn will result in Raguna finding the monster standing in the entrance. Do not worry about eeping it fed, however, as the monster is part of the storyline and not part of your barn. on certain days during the Summer (the 10, 11, 14, 26, or 27) head to Bianca's home and, upon entering, the monster will run up to Bianca to day "hi." After frea ing out momentarily Bianca ta es a shine to the little elephant and decides she wants it for her own. Give her the monster and, come Autumn, she will decide that she wants to stay in Trampoli so she can better care for Francoise, as she calls the elephant. Appears: Summer 2 Birthday: Summer 8 Favorite Gift: none Other Goodies: none Hated Gifts: Onigiri Extra LP: Tal to her once each day Constellation: Elephant (Summer, around 7pm every day) Bath Event: 10pm everyday after Minerva arrives

__________ | | | Cinnamon | |__________|


Cinnamon is a researcher with the Imperial Magic Academy and the granddaughter of Kanno, the forgetful old man who moves into the Cloc Tower starting on Spring 7. While Cinnamon and her grandfather can use magic, her sister Candy possesses the ability to communicate with the spirits and can perform a number of useful functions with that ability, but more on her later on. Cinnamon is the one who gives you the fishing rod and can be found fishing at several points during the wee . Cinnamon is also your source for constellation information. She will tell you how to view constellations and when you can see them at the Observatory on the Mountain path. At some point in your courting process Cinnamon will begin tutoring Melody and Selphy in the use of magic, but this will require you to also befriend Melody


and Selphy, as well as Cinnamon. So if you want to woo Cinnamon, be prepared to court Selphy and Melody a bit as well. Appears: Spring 7 Birthday: Spring 26 Favorite Gift: Magic Crystal Other Goodies: any ind of fish Hated Gifts: Cucumber Extra LP: Report contellations that you view to her Constellation: Pisces (2am on Winter nights) Bath Event: 6pm Every day

Eunice is the daughter of Turner and Rita, the local In eeper and Bar eep. She is a chubby girl, which is rare to find in a bachelorette in a Harvest Moon game. Once you get Eunice to 4 FP/LP she will decide to go on a diet. She will be on said diet until you get through a couple of seasons and get her to 8 LP. She li es anything sweet, but does have her preferences. While Eunice is on her diet, be warned that she will not accept any sweets from you until she reaches her thin stage. You will just have to ma e do with giving her flowers to raise her FP/LP until then. Appears: Spring 2, during Stella's delivery request Birthday: Autumn 17 Favorite Gift: Mont Blanc Other Goodies: Flowers, Chocolate Ca e, Ca e, Cheese Ca e Hated Gift: Fish Extra LP: Coo at least once per day Constellation: Broom (11:30pm Autumn nights) Bath Event: 3pm on Holidays ______ | | | Iris | |______|


Iris is actually one girl in two parts. You meet the first part, Iris Blanche, after growing Moondrop Flowers in the patch of soil outside the lighthouse on Whale Island's Fin. The second part of this maiden, Iris Noire, will be met in the third floor of the Snow Ruins. If you have Iris Blanche up to 4 LP before you get to the portion of the storyline where you must fight Iris Noire you will be able to avoid the fight entirely. Iris is especially difficult to court. In order to marry Iris you must first complete the main storyline of the game and then you ust get both Iris Blanche and Noire to 10 LP each. Their LP is easier to raise than most, since their favorite gift is a low-level coo ing recipe and only involves one ingredient which can be grown in bul in the summer. After that you must follow a series of conversations that will require a bit of running around town, but then you will recombine the two halves of Iris into one and marry her. Appears: After growing Moondrop Flowers outside her lighthouse (see storyline section for me details) Birthday: Winter 23 Favorite Gift: Tomato Juice

________ | | | Eunice | |________|


Other Goodies: Flowers Hated Gift: Garlic Extra LP: none Constellation: Cetus (15-16 each season after Full Moon; after main storyline) for Blanche and Scorpio (1 & 30 of every season after a Full Moon; after main storyline) for Noire Bath Event: 5pm every day after the two halves of Iris move to Trampoli ______ | | | Lara | |______|


Lara is a nun under Stella's tutelage in the Church of Poli. She also doubles as the town's medic and runs the clinic, which is attached to the church. She appears after Raguna finds out that Mist is sic after tal ing with Stella. Go and visit Mist while she is resting in bed and then continue on with your day. When you wa e up the following morning Raguna will collapse upon leaving his house and Lara will happen across him. You will wa e up in the Clinic with Lara loo ing over you, and will then have Lara in town permanently, available for you to woo to your heart's content. Lara will eventually start having troubled dreams as you get her LP raised, and she will eventually find it difficult to sleep at all. At this point, all you need to do is tal to Melody to learn how to ma e a Sleeping potion. Ma e the Potion, give it to Lara, go to bed, and tal to her again the following day. Appears: After the "Mist is Sic " event, earliest is Spring 5 Birthday: Winter 1 Favorite Gift: Chocolate Ca e Other Goodies: Strawberry, French Toast, Donut, any Jam, Panca e Hated Gifts: Veggie Juice Bonus LP: none Negative LP: run out of HP and collapse Constellation: Crux (8pm Winter nights) Bath Event: 6pm on Holidays ________ | | | Melody | |________|


Melody is the owner of the Laga Bath House, and is obsessed with coming up with new fragrances for her customers. You will meet Melody the first time you decide to delve a little deep into Whale Island. Almost immediately upon entering Whale Island - Cave Depths you will have a forced conversation with Melody, who will give you your hammer and as you to brea the large roc that is sittign in front of her. One swing will bust up the roc and free a hot spring to flow right down to the Business District where Melody will set up her bath house by the time you return to town. As you get going with Melody's LP she will as you to investigate why the source of her hot spring has slowed down. Head to the spot where you first met Melody on Whale Island to find a giant monster sitting in the way of the previously flowing spring water. Tal with the giant and he will demand that you bring him Ice Cream before he will move. Head bac down to town and ma e the Ice Cream in your Kitchen with 1 Mil and 1 Egg with no utensils. It is a level 20 recipe, so you are able to ma e it even if you have never coo ed anything else before in the game. If you do not have a monster that gives mil

and eggs you can buy each from Rita at night while she is running the Tavern. Bring the Ice Cream bac to the Giant who will then move out of the way, opening the spring bac up for Melody, who will remodel the Bath House into an outdoor hot spring. Be sure to tal to Roland, the odd man with the red cape and the cat on his shoulder, after each time you ta e a bath, you will need to have him with at least 1 FP in order to get the event required to marry Melody, which will happen when Raguna enters the bath house ocne Melody's LP is high enough. Appears: As soon as you can get to Whale Island - Cave Depths Birthday: Spring 11 Favorite Gift: Relax Tea Other Goodies: Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Charm Blue Flower Hated Gifts: Mayonnaise Bonus LP: Ta e a bath every day Constellation: Hat (8pm Autumn evenings) Bath Event: 12-2am Every day

Mist is the main storyline maiden and is the only bachelorette that you can have a continuous rapport with from the very outset of the game. She is a bit of an airhead whose mind goes through channels that normal people can only guess at. In order to complete her marriage requirements you will have to complete the main storyline for the game, since the storyline of the game consists of mist getting idnapped at one point and must be rescued by Raguna before she can be properly married. Mist is also best friends with Rosetta, and the two have nown each other since they were children. In order to marry Mist you will have to complete the main storyline of the game, and then tal with Mist when she has 10 LP and is standing outside the Library, which only happens on Tuesday afteroons. After spea ing with her, tal to Kanno and then give Mist 2 gifts, what they are does not matter. After that she will tal about a special flower, the seed for which will be found just outside the boos door at any dungeon you choose. grab it and plant it, and 18 days later you will have Mist's special flower ready to be pluc ed. An event will result, and after that wait 3 days and go to the cloc tower to finish the event. Now Mist is ready to be married. Appears: Beginning of the game Birthday: Autumn 1 Favorite Gift: Emery Flower Other Goodies: Turnip, Steam Bun, Ca e, Sweet Potato, Seafood Gratin, Ba ed Apple, Four-Leaf Clover Hated Gift: Pic led Turnip Bonus LP: Till untilled soil on your farm Constellation: Turnip (7pm Spring evenings) Bath Event: 7pm Holidays, 9pm Monday-Friday _________ | | | Rosetta | |_________|


Rosetta is Mist's oldest friend in Trampoli and is also the person who comes every day at 5pm to collect anything you have placed in the shipping bin and

______ | | | Mist | |______|


will deposit the equivalent in gold in your account. About halfway through the first Spring in the game she will open the Materia store in the Business District, much to Danny's chagrin. As you go along courting Rosetta, eventually she will have to leave Trampoli for a while, bu she comes bac to visit for festivals and on Holidays. Tal to her a few times while you can and she will mention her situation worsening. After this tal to Lara to learn how to ma e Energy Drin X (or just go ma e one if you have the right recipe boo ). Give Rosetta an Energy Drin X and a few days later she will return to her Materia shop, where you can find her again for her normal hours. Appears: First time you are on your farm at 5pm Birthday: Autumn 21 Favorite Gift: Cherry Pie Other Goodies: Strawberry, Hot Mil , Ba ed Potato, Hot Chocolate, Omelet, Fried Veggies, Corn on the Cob Hated Gifts: Mil Bonus LP: -Ship a lot of items in the bin -Be on your farm when she arrives to get your shipment Constellation: Serpens (9pm Spring nights) Bath Event: 9pm Every day ________ | | | Selphy | |________|


In order to marry Selphy you will have to fight your way up to about level 30, which should not be difficult, you will need to be at least that high to get through the Lava Ruins. Once you get Selphy to about 8 LP she will lead you somewhere where you will need to fight a monster, again, nothing too difficult by the time you get someone, anyone to 8 or higher LP. Appears: The day after Lara appears Birthday: Autumn 3 Favorite Gift: Sandwich Other Goodies: Onigiri, Hot Rice Ball Hated Gifts: Jewels Bonus LP: Read new boo s from the shelves Constellation: Corona Borealis (12am Spring nights) Bath Event: 4pm Fridays, 11pm every other day

_________ | | | Tabatha | |_________|


Tabatha is the maid to Bianca Saint-Coquille, one of the other maidens in Trampoli. She will ma e her appearance at the same time as Bianca in the first Summer. She will also leave in the Autumn if you do not complete the event with the elephant monster who resides temporarily in your barn. Tabatha is a

Selphy is the person who runs the Rune Archives, the town's library and boo store. She will sell you recipe boo s for all of your itchen, forge, and pharmaceutical needs. Selphy absolutely loves boo s, to the point of often forgetting to eat and not going outside for days at a time. In fact, when you first meet Selphy she is collapsed outside your house and you bring her to the Clinic to find out that she had simpyl forgoten to eat for about a wee before the incident.

sweet girl with a soft spot for monsters, and will often stand outside your barn during her off time. As a part of Tabatha's courting process Minerva will move into town. When you get Tabatha to 9 LP you will wal in on a conversation between Minerva and Tabatha upon entering Bianca's mansion. The following day tal to Tabatha again and she will send you on a gem hunt across Trampoli. There are 5 gems, but only 4 of them are able to be found, they are at: Mist's house, Eri 's house, the Snowstyle Tavern, and the Cloc Tower. Bring the 4 gems bac to Tabatha to find out that the 5th gem has been stolen. This ends the marriage requirements and you will be all set to marry Tabatha, Congratulation. Appears: Summer 2 Birthday: Autumn 12 Favorite Gift: Mil Gruel Other Goodies: Apple, Mixed Ole, Mixed Juice, Four-Leaf Clover Hated Gifts: Sashimi Bonus LP: Befriend and care for many monsters Constellation: Mo omo o (9pm Summer nights) Bath Event: 10pm every day after Minerva's arrival

_______ | | | Uzu i | |_______|


Uzu i comes to the village of Trampoli in search of her brother, who left her village years ago. She will crash into you as you enter the Inn somewhere around the middle of Spring and will stay in Trampoli after that. She is constantly accompanied by her guardian, Tsubute, who appears to be some sort of large fly or roach who always floats over Uzu i's right shoulder. When you get Uzu u to 2 LP she and Tsubute will have a serious argument and Uzu i will be without her guardian for a few days, during which time she will also not accept any gifts from you. After 3 days of this she will begin to get worried abotu Tsubute, and you can then find him behind the Inn, after going west from the middle landing in frotn of the Forge. Once Uzu i gets to 7 LP Eunice and Kanno will begin noting that she has been visiting he mountain lately. Head to the Observatory on any clear night to get a scene with Uzu i. After that head to the 4th floor of the Lava Ruins to find a loc ed door in the southwest corner of the floor. The door's eyhole appears familiar to Raguna. Tal to Uzu i after that to receive the ey. Head bac to the door in the Lava Ruins and open it to find a letter from Uzu i's brother. Ta e the letter to Uzu i and then head to the Rune Archives and find a boo which will tell you how to collect Star Fragments. After that head to the Town Square on 7 sunny mornings to collect enough fragments and give them to Uzu i to finish the event. Appears: Mid-Spring upon entering the Inn Birthday: Summer 15 Favorite Gift: Golden Hairpin Other Goodies: Fish Hated Gift: Vegetables Bonus LP: none Constellation: Hairpin (6pm Winter evenings) Bath Event: 8pm Holidays _________________ | |

| Getting Married | |_________________|


Once you have chosen the bachelorette of your moist dreams and you have patiently given her gifts and tal ed to her and jumpd through her hoops, all the way until you get her to 10 LP, then you can start the marriage process. In order to begin the process, you must spea with Stella after you get your girl of choice to 10 LP to receive the recipe boo "Happiness 101." With this boo in hand you can chec the recipe with your Craft Table. You are going to need a Baleen, a Blue Rose, a Green Grass, a Pin Cat, a Toy Herb, and a Moondrop. The Pin Cat, Moondrop, Toy Herb, and Green Grass should be obvious for you to obtain at this point, so I won't even go into them here. The other two ingredients, however, are a bit tric ier. First is the Baleen. After you get the recipe boo from Stella head on up to Whale Island where you will receive a conversation with the Whale in which he requests that you ma e hi feel closer to the sea. In order to do this you must bring him a Tidal Cluster, which can be found on the Beach. It is possible to have the Whale request the Cluster before you get the recipe boo from Stella, though giving the Cluster to the Whale before then results in a whole lot of nothing. Don't worry, though, since a new Tidal Cluster will appear on the Beach every day, so you can just get a new one when you are ready to get the Baleen. Now for the Blue Rose. To start the process you have to head to the Damascus Forge and tal to Genesha to have her give you a White Rose. Ta e the White Rose and put it through the Seed Ma er (you did buy the Seed Ma er from Lute, right?) to get White Rose Seeds. Plant the seeds in any season except Winter and water them every day until they bloom. Do not pic the roses when they bloom! Leave them in the ground for a few days until they transform into Blue Roses, which is what you need to ma e your Wedding Bouquet. Now ta e all of those ingredients to the Crafting Table and combine them into your Bouquet and go ahead and give that to the bachelorette which you raised to 10 LP. This will trigger the wedding event, so sit bac and enjoy. -------------/ | \ Crafting -------------Crafting is the only way to ma e the most powerful weapons and armor in the game, as well as the only way to upgrade your own tools and meals to help fight better and recover your own HP and RP. There are 4 categories of crafts: Forging, Accessories, Coo ing, and Pharmacy. Forging is required to upgrade your tools as well as ma e weapons and magic rods. Accessories is the s ill required to ma e defensive equipment. Coo ing is used to turn your crops, fish, and other coo ing ingredients into dishes that will grant you any number of beneficial effects, including RP recovery and Attac and Defense boosts. Pharmacy is the s ill required to ma e potions and stat-enhancing items as well as status recovery items. Crafting is a fairly simply process in Rune Factory Frontier. In order to craft anything you must have the correct ingredients and be within 20 levels of the recipe you are attempting to create. When you select the correct ingredients and initiate the process a bar will appear with 2-3 colors, depending on your s ill level: a red portion, a blue portion, and a green portion. Hitting the "A" Button in the red portion will result in a failure, \ | / [CRF]

and in the case of coo ing will result in the loss of your ingredients. Pressing the "A" Button in the blue section will result in the successful creation of the intended recipe, and hitting the "A" Button in the green section will result in an expertly crafted recipe. Another note on the combination of items for crafting purposes: The level of the item you create will be equal to the lowest level ingredient you place into it. So even if you use 2 level 10 items and a level 1 item in the recipe, the end result will be a level 1 item. The exception is if you expertly ma e the item, it will be 1 level higher than the lowest ingredient. Again, say you have 2 level 10 items and 1 level 1 item and you craft the recipe with expertise the result will be a level 2 item. In the sections below I will tell you the easiest way to increase your s ill in each category, as well as a list of ingredients later on in this section. This will get fairly long, as there are quite a lot of recipes for each section that will be listed in the order of their difficulty according to the s ill required to ma e them. _________ | | | Forging | |_________|


Forging is the section of the crafting process which allows you to upgrade your tools to ma e them more useful and efficient, as well as the place to forge the greatest and most powerful weapons the game has to offer. The easiest way to s ill up your forging s ill is to collect a great amount of Scrap Iron, the one thing you will get the most of while mining, and use that to upgrade the quality of your tools. Any tool combined with 2 Scrap Irons will result in the creation of the exact same tool, but gives you the opportunity to increase the level of said tool with expert crafts as well as the ability to gain forging s ill fairly quic ly. And now, for the meat of the Forging section: the recipes. ====== Tools: ====== A quic note on tools: All tools come with recipes that can be used to increase the tool's level, ma ing that tool use less RP while increasing its attac . The recipe for these upgrades are the same for every tool. The recipe is: the tool with 2 pieces of Scrap Iron. Performing this recipe with expertise will result in the tool gaining a level, so long as the Scrap Iron you are using is not a lower level than that of the tool. The Forging S ill level for the upgrade will be listed in perentheses next to the level required to ma e the tool. __________ Cheap Hammer Upgrade

Forging S ill: 5 (15) Attac : 16 Recipe: Cheap Hammer, Iron

Hammer S ill: 10 Sp Attac : 1

Forging S ill: 10 Attac : 7 Hammer S ill: 2 Recipe: Cheap Hammer, Scrap Iron, Scrap Iron __________ Iron Hammer (Upgrade)

Sp Attac : 0

__________ Silver Hammer (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 25 (35) Attac : 36 Hammer S ill: 30 Sp Attac : 2 Recipe: Iron Hammer, Silver, Silver, Insect Hide __________ Golden Hammer (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 45 (55) Attac : 80 Hammer S ill: 50 Sp Attac : 3 Recipe: Silver Hammer, Gold, Gold, Sapphire, Wet Scale __________ The Hammer (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 65 (85) Attac : 176 Hammer S ill: 80 Sp Attac : 4 Recipe: Golden Hammer, Platinum, Platinum, Fireflower, Fair Hide, Little Crystal __________ Cheap Axe Upgrade

Forging S ill: 25 (35) Attac : 40 Lumber S ill: 30 Sp Attac : 2 Recipe: Chopping Axe, Silver, Thin Stic , Sharp Talon __________ Mountain Axe (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 45 (55) Attac : 88 Lumber S ill: 50 Sp Attac : 3 Recipe: Lumber Axe, Gold, Ruby, Glittering Edge, Thic Stic __________ Miracle Axe (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 65 (85) Attac : 192 Lumber S ill: 80 Sp Attac : 4 Recipe: Mountain Axe, Platinum, Root, Noel Grass, Magic Talon, Little Crystal __________ Cheap Sic le Upgrade

Forging S ill: 25 (35) Attac : 40 Farm S ill: 34 Sp Attac : 2 Recipe: Iron Sic le, Silver, Knife Piece, Cheap Cloth __________ Super Sic le (Upgrade)

Forging S ill: 45 (55) Attac : 88

Farm S ill: 63

Sp Attac : 3

Forging S ill: 5 (15) Attac : 18 Recipe: Cheap Sic le, Iron __________ Steel Sic le (Upgrade)

Farm S ill: 16

Sp Attac : 1

Forging S ill: 10 Attac : 8 Farm S ill: 5 Recipe: Cheap Sic le, Scrap Iron, Scrap Iron __________ Iron Sic le (Upgrade)

Sp Attac : 0

Forging S ill: 5 (15) Attac : 18 Recipe: Cheap Axe, Iron __________ Lumber Axe (Upgrade)

Lumber S ill: 10 Sp Attac : 1

Forging S ill: 10 Attac : 8 Lumber S ill: 2 Recipe: Cheap Axe, Scrap Iron, Scrap Iron __________ Chopping Axe (Upgrade)

SP Attac : 0

Recipe: Steel Sic le, Gold, Emerald, Insect Jaw, Quality Cloth __________ Legend Sic le (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 65 (85) Attac : 192 Farm S ill: 99 Sp Attac : 4 Recipe: Super Sic le, Platinum, Wind Crystal, Ironleaf, Glittering Edge, Little Crystal __________ Cheap Can Upgrade

Forging S ill: 45 (55) Attac : 72 Farm S ill: 59 Sp Attac : 3 Recipe: Lion Can, Aquamarine, Gold, Teardrop, Magic Powder __________ Joy Can (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 65 (85) Attac : 160 Farm S ill: 95 Sp Attac : 4 Recipe: Rainbow Can, Platinum, Water Crystal, Four-leaf Clover, Fair Hide, Little Crystal __________ Cheap Hoe Upgrade

Forging S ill: 45 (55) Attac : 80 Farm S ill: 55 Sp Attac : 3 Recipe: Seasoned Hoe, Gold, Amethyst, Fairy Dust, Solid Point __________ Blessed Hoe (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 65 (85) Attac : 176 Farm S ill: 91 Sp Attac : 4 Recipe: Shiny Hoe, Platinum, Earth Crystal, Cherry Grass, Magic Talon, Little Crystal __________

Forging S ill: 25 (35) Attac : 36 Farm S ill: 28 Recipe: Sturdy How, Silver, Iron, Sharp Talon __________ Shiny Hoe (Upgrade)

Sp Attac : 2

Forging S ill: 5 (15) Attac : 16 Recipe: Cheap Hoe, Iron __________ Seasoned Hoe (Upgrade)

Farm S ill: 10

Sp Attac : 1

Forging S ill: 10 Attac : 7 Farm S ill: 1 Recipe: Cheap Hoe, Scrap Iron, Scrap Iron __________ Sturdy Hoe (Upgrade)

Sp Attac : 0

Forging S ill: 25 (35) Attac : 32 Farm S ill: 31 Recipe: Tin Can, Silver, Copper, Insect Hide __________ Rainbow Can (Upgrade)

Sp Attac : 2

Forging S ill: 5 (15) Attac : 14 Recipe: Cheap Can, Iron __________ Lion Can (Upgrade)

Farm S ill: 13

Sp Attac : 1

Forging S ill: 10 Attac : 6 Farm S ill: 3 Recipe: Cheap Can, Scrap Iron, Scrap Iron __________ Tin Can (Upgrade)

Sp Attac : 0

Cheap Pole Upgrade Forging S ill: 10 Attac : 12 Fishing S ill: 1 Sp Attac : 0 Recipe: Cheap Pole, Scrap Iron, Scrap Iron __________ Starter Pole (Upgrade)

Forging S ill: 25 (35) Attac : 56 Fishing S ill: 30 Sp Attac : 2 Recipe: Starter Pole, Silver, Thin Stic , bamboo Shoot __________ Famous Pole (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 45 (55) Attac : 120 Fishing S ill: 60 Sp Attac : 3 Recipe: Average Pole, Gold, Fish Fossil, Fairy Dust, Monster Hide __________ Sacred Pole (Upgrade) Forging S ill: 65 (85) Attac : 255 Fishing S ill: 99 Sp Attac : 4 Recipe: Famous Pole, Platinum, Noel Grass, Thic Stic , Root, Little Crystal ================ 1-Handed Swords: ================ Broadsword

Crafting S ill: 10 Attac : 9 Weapons S ill: 10 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Broadsword, Copper Sale Price 180G __________ Gladius Crafting S ill: 18 Attac : 23 Weapons S ill: 18 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Broadsword, Silver, Iron Added Effect: Seal Defense Sale Price: 280G __________ Windsword Crafting S ill: 20 Attac : 13 Weapons S ill: 20 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Broadsword, Wind Crystal Added Effect: Wind Attac +5, Wind Resistance +10 Sale price: 620G __________ Aquasword Crafting S ill: 22 Attac : 17 Weapons SKill: 22 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Broadsword, Water Crystal

Crafting S ill: 1 Attac : 5 Ingredients: Iron, Knife Piece Sale Price: 100G __________ Scimitar

Weapons S ill: 3

Sp Attac : 0

Forging S ill: 5 (15) Attac : 26 Recipe: Cheap Pole, Iron __________ Average Pole (Upgrade)

Fishing S ill: 10 Sp Attac : 1

Crafting S ill: 25 Attac : 29 Weapons S ill: 25 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Scimitar, Silver, Solid Point Added Effect: Water Resistance +5 Sale Price: 360G __________ Luc Blade Crafting S ill: 35 Attac : 35 Weapons SKill: 35 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Scimitar, Silver, Ruby, Amethyst Added Effect: Poison Defense, Seal Defense Sale Price: 710 __________ Sa ura Crafting S ill: 38 Attac : 41 Weapons S ill: 38 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Aquasword, Silver, Glittering Edge, Toxin Added Effect: HP Absorption, Poison Attac 50% Sale Price: 890G __________ Defender Crafting S ill: 45 Attac : 47 Weapons S ill: 45 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Gladius, Gold, Turtle Shell, Insect Hide, Glue Added Effect: Defense +20 Sale Price: 660G __________ Durandel Crafting S ill: 48 Attac : 48 Weapons SKill: 48 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Cutlass, Gold, Glittering Edge, Knife Piece, Warrior Medal Sale Price: 730G __________ Aerial Blade Crafting S ill: 52 Attac : 63 Weapons S ill: 52 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Windsword, Gold, Wind Crystal, Bird Feather, Emerald Alternative Ingredients: Windsword, Gold, Giant Coc scomb Added Effect: Wind Attac +10, Seal Attac 100% Sale Price: 1,570G __________ Icifier Crafting S ill: 54 Attac : 71 Weapons SKill: 54 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Aquasword, Gold, Water Crystal, Teardrop, Aquamarine Added Effect: water Attac +10, Paralysis Attac 100% Sale Price: 1,570G __________ Souleater Crafting S ill: 70 Attac : 89 Weapons S ill: 70 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Sa ura, Platinum, Magic Talon, Sharp Fang, Magic Crystal, Fairy Dust Added Effect: HP Absorption Sale Price: 1,700G __________

Added Effect: Water Attac Sale Price: 620 __________ Cutlass

+5, Water Resistance +10

Dragonslayer Crafting S ill: 75 Attac : 99 Weapons S ill: 75 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Defender, Durandel, Platinum, Magic Talon, Sharp Fang, Wet Scale Added Effect: Paralysis Attac 100%, Fatigue Attac 100% Sale Price: 1,870G __________ Smash Blade Crafting S ill: 80 Attac : 109 Weapons S ill: 80 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Luc Blade, Platinum, Magic Talon, Sharp Talin, Glittering Edge, Little Crystal Added Effect: Poison Defense, Seal Defense Sale Price: 2,400G __________ Rune Blade Crafting S ill: 95 Attac : 121 Weapons S ill: 95 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Dragonslayer, Little Crystal, Water Rune Stone, Roc Rune Stone, Tree Rune Stone, Grass Rune Stone Added Effect: Rune Power Sale Price: 3,210 ================ 2-Handed Swords: ================ Two-handed Sword

Crafting S ill: 16 Attac : 15 Weapons S ill: 16 Sp Attac : 0 Ingredients: Iron, Cheap Cloth, Insect Jaw Added Effect: Paralysis Defense Sale Price: 160G __________ Earth Shade Crafting S ill: 19 Attac : 19 Weapons S ill: 19 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Two-handed Sword, Earth Crystal Added Effect: Earth Attac +5, Earth Resistance +10 Sale Price: 690 __________ Flame Sabre Crafting SKill: 20 Attac : 26 Weapons S ill: 20 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Two-handed Sword, Fire Crystal Added Effect: Fire Attac +5, Fire Resistance +10 Sale Price: 690G

Crafting S ill: 9 Attac : 11 Weapons S ill: 9 Ingredients: Two-handed Sword, Copper Added Effect: Fatigue Attac 20% Sale Price: 240G __________ Katana

Sp Attac : 1

Crafting S ill: 5 Attac : 7 Ingredients: Broadsword, Iron Sale Price: 160G __________ Great Sword

Weapons S ill: 5

Sp Attac : 0

__________ Dancing Dicer Crafting S ill: 21 Attac : 33 Weapons S ill: 21 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Katana, Copper, Knife Piece Added Effect: Paralysis Defense, Seal Attac 30% Sale Price: 290G __________ Claymore Crafting S ill: 35 Attac : 40 Weapons S ill: 35 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Great sword, Silver, Sharp Fang Added Effect: Fatigue Attac 20% Sale Price: 420G __________ Flamberge Crafting S ill: 40 Attac : 46 Weapons S ill: 40 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Great Sword, Silver, Fire Crystal, Glittering Edge Added Effect: Fire Resistance +5 Sale Price: 950G __________ Eye Blade Crafting S ill: 45 Attac : 53 Weapons S ill: 45 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Dancing Dicer, Silver, Fair Hide, Sapphire Added Effect: Paralysis Defense, Paralysis Attac 30% Sale Price: 670G __________ Grand Smasher Crafting S ill: 55 Attac : 62 Weapons S ill: 55 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Earth Shade, Gold, Earth Crystal, Diamond, Root Added Effect: Earth Attac +10, Paralysis Attac 100% Sale Price: 1,740G __________ Shine Blade Crafting S ill: 61 Attac : 70 Weapons S ill: 61 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Flame Sabre, Gold, Fire Crystal, Ruby, Magic Talon Alternate Ingredients: Flame Sabre, Gold, Red Core Added Effect: Fire Attac +10, Fatigue Attac 100% Sale price: 1,740G __________ Lunar Eclipse Crafting S ill: 62 Attac : 79 Weapons S ill: 62 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Eye Blade, Gold, Sharp Fang, Magic Talon, Moondrop Added Effect: Paralysis Defense, Stun Attac 15% Sale Price: 1,290G __________ Force Element Crafting S ill: 72 Attac : 88 Weapons S ill: 72 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Shine Blade, Grand Smasher, Icifier, Aerial Blade, Platinum, Little Crystal Added Effect: Element Attac +5, Element Defense +5 Sale Price: 7,500G __________ Steel Sushir

Crafting S ill: 80 Attac : 121 Weapons S ill: 80 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Lunar Eclipse, Platinum, Little Crystal, Thic Stic , Glittering Edge, Ironleaf Added Effect: Paralysis Defense, Stun Defense Sale Price: 5,820G __________ Heaven's Tear Crafting S ill: 90 Attac : 110 weapons S ill: 90 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Lunar Eclipse, Claymore, Platinum, Pin Cat, Charm Blue, Little Crystal Added Effect: Wind Attac +10, Water Resistance +10 Sale Price: 3,860G ======= Spears: ======= Spear

Crafting S ill: 12 Attac : 16 Weapons S ill: 12 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Spear, Sharp Talon Added Effect: Defense +6 Sale Price: 160G __________ Lance

Crafting Level: 21 Attac : 22 Weapons S ill: 21 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Spear, Copper, Toxin Added Effect: Poison Attac 100% Sale Price: 240G __________ Halberd Crafting Level: 28 Attac : 29 Weapons S ill: 28 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Pitch For , Silver, Sharp Fang Added Effect: Defense +6 Sale Price: 340G __________ Heavy Lance Crafting Level: 31 Attac : 36 Weapons S ill: 31 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Lance, Silver, Copper, Hard Horn Added Effect: Paralysis Defense Sale Price: 420G __________

Crafting Level: 16 Attac : 18 Ingredients: Spear, Copper Added Effect: Paralysis Defense Sale Price: 180G __________ Poison Spear

Weapons S ill: 16 Sp Attac : 1

Crafting S ill: 7 Attac : 13 Ingredients: Iron, Thin Stic Sale Price: 100G __________ Pitch For

Weapons S ill: 7

Sp Attac : 0

Trident Crafting Level: 33 Attac : 43 Weapons S ill: 33 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Pitch For , Silver, Water Crystal, Sharp Talon Added Effect: Water Attac +5, Water Resistance +10 Sale Price: 830G __________ Feather Lance Crafting S ill: 35 Attac : 49 Weapons S ill: 35 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Lance, Silver, Bird Feather, Wind Crystal Added Effect: Wind Attac +5, Wind Resistance +10 Sale Price: 860G __________ Corsesca Crafting S ill: 38 Attac : 56 Weapons S ill: 38 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Halberd, Gold, Insect Jaw, Glittering Edge, Glittering Edge Added Effect: defense +6 Sale Price: 750G __________ Belvarose Crafting S ill: 49 Attac : 64 Weapons S ill: 49 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Heavy Lance, Gold, Sharp Fang, Solid Point, Demon Blood Sale Price: 840G __________ Bjor Crafting S ill: 53 Attac : 73 Weapons SKill: 53 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Poison Spear, Gold, Toxin, Insect Jaw, Demon Blood Added Effect: Poison Attac 100%, Paralysis Attac 100% Sale Price: 660G __________ Mon Staff Crafting S ill: 57 Attac : 82 Weapons S ill: 57 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Pitch For , Gold, Thic Stic , Thin Stic , Magic Crystal Added Effect: Defense +6, Knoc -bac Sale Price: 720G __________ Drill Lance Crafting S ill: 63 Attac : 91 Weapons S ill: 63 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Heavy Lance, Gold, Hard Horn, Sharp Talon, Diamond, Solid Point Added Effect: Paralysis Defense Sale Price: 1,060G __________ Gae Bolg Crafting S ill: 85 Attac : 137 Weapons S ill: 85 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Trident, Platinum, Platinum, Solid Point, Fish Fossil, Little Crystal Alternate Ingredients: Trident, Platinum, Platinum, Solid Point, Bright Tentacle, Ice Sna e Tongue Added Effect: Water Resistance +10, Seal Attac 30% Sale Price: 2,050G __________ Brionac

Crafting S ill: 88 Attac : 113 Weapons S ill: 88 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Drill Lance, Platinum, Fairy Dust, Hard Horn, Solid Point, Little Crystal Added Effect: Stun Attac 15% sale Price: 2,130G __________ Gungnir Crafting S ill: 94 Attac : 124 Weapons S ill: 99 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Corsesca, Feather Lance, Platinum, Thic Stic , Root, Little Crystal Added Effect: Wind Attac +5, Guts Sale Price: 2,620G ===== Rods: ===== Fire Rod

Crafting S ill: 10 Attac : 24 Magic S ill: 13 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Wind Crystal, Iron Added Effect: Magic +40, Wind Attac +11 Sale Price: 560G __________ Water Rod Crafting S ill: 15 Attac : 45 Magic S ill: 20 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Water Crystal, Iron, Teardrop Added Effect: Magic +60, Water Attac +10 Sale Price: 620G __________ Hell Branch Crafting S ill: 21 Attac : 60 Magic S ill: 30 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Fire Crystal, Magic Powder, Ruby, Thin Stic Added Effect: Magic +30, Fire Attac +13 Sale Price: 820G __________ Gaea Rod Crafting S ill: 27 Attac : 70 Magic S ill: 40 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Earth Crystal, Magic Powder, Root, Thin Stic Added Effect: Magic +40, Earth Attac +14 Sale Price: 670G __________

Crafting S ill: 6 Attac : 30 Magic S ill: 7 Ingredients: Earth Crystal, Thin Stic Added Effect: Magic +55, Earth Attac +7 Sale Price: 560G __________ Storm Rod

Sp Attac : 1

Crafting S ill: 2 Attac : 14 Magic S ill: 1 Ingredients: Fire Crystal, Iron Added Effect: Magic +65, Fire Attac +9 Sale Price: 560G __________ Earth Wand

Sp Attac : 1

Wind Rod Crafting S ill: 33 Attac : 80 Magic S ill: 50 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Wind Crystal, Copper, Magic Powder, Emerald Sale Price: 840G __________ Bubble Staff Crafting S ill: 45 Attac : 110 Magic S ill: 60 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Water Crystal, Magic Crystal, Silver, Aquamarine, Thin Stic , Fish Fossil Added Effect: Magic +30, Water Attac +21 Sale Price: 1,220 __________ Meteor Cane Crafting S ill: 55 Attac : 120 Magic S ill: 70 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Earth Crystal, Magic Crystal, Gold, Amethyst, Thic Stic , Root Added Effect: Magic +10, Earth Attac +20 Sale price: 1,230 __________ Crimson Stic Crafting S ill: 65 Attac : 130 Magic S ill: 80 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Fire Crystal, magic Crystal, Gold, Ruby, Quality Cloth, Thin Stic Added Effect: Magic +5, Fire Attac +17 Sale Price: 1,220 __________ Cyclone Rod Crafting S ill: 75 Attac : 140 Magic S ill: 99 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Wind Crystal, Magic Crystal, Gold, Emerald, Bird Feather, Quality Cloth Added Effect: Magic +5, Wind Attac +18 Sale Price: 1,270G ======== Hammers: ======== Battle Hammer

Crafting S ill: 14 Attac : 26 Hammer S ill: 14 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Copper Added Effect: Stun Attac 24$, Fatigue Attac 30% Sale Price: 180G __________ Schnabel Crafting S ill: 20 Attac : 41 Hammer S ill: 20 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Copper, Toxin Added Effect: Stun Attac 20%, Poison Attac 100%

Crafting S ill: 8 Attac : 17 Ingredients: Iron, Iron Added Effect: Stun Attac 20% Sale Price: 100G __________ War Hammer

Hammer S ill: 8

Sp Attac : 0

Sale Price: 240G __________ Ice Hammer Crafting S ill: 26 Attac : 56 Hammer SKill: 26 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Battle Hammer, Water Crystal Added Effect: Stun Attac 20%, Water Attac +10 Sale Price: 620G __________ Great Hammer Crafting S ill: 38 Attac : 71 Hammer S ill: 38 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: War Hammer Silver, Warrior Medal Added Effect: Stun Attac 20%, Fatigue Attac 30% Sale Price: 360g __________ Spi e Hammer Crafting S ill: 47 Attac : 86 Hammer S ill: 47 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: War Hammer, Silver, Magic Talon, Hard Horn Added Effect: Stun Attac 10% Sale Price: 510G __________ S y Hammer Crafting S ill: 56 Attac : 106 Hammer S ill: 56 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Schnabel, Silver, Bird Feather, Wind Crystal Added Effect: Stun attac 20%, Wind Attac +10 Sale Price: 920G __________ Grave Hammer

Crafting S ill: 72 Attac : 146 Hammer S ill: 72 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Ice Hammer, Gold, Water Crystal, Fair Hide, Wet Scale Alternate Ingredients: Ice Hammer, Gold, Bright Tentacle Added Effect: Stun Attac 28%, Water Resistance +15 Sale Price: 1,520G __________ Giant Hammer Crafting S ill: 82 Attac : 172 Hammer S ill: 82 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Great Hammer, Platinum, Platinum, Quality Fur, Thic Stic , Little Crystal Added Effect: Stun Attac 32%, Fatigue Attac 40% Sale Price: 1,660G __________ Myurnil Crafting S ill: 99 Attac : 198 Hammer S ill: 99 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Grave Hammer, Platinum, Earth Crystal, Magic Crystal, Turtle Shell, Little Crystal Alternate Ingredients: Grave Hammer, Little Crystal, Ice Sna e Tongue Added Effect: Stun Attac 36%, Guts

Crafting S ill: 62 Attac : 126 Hammer S ill: 62 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Great Hammer, Gold, Earth Crystal, Fairy Dust, Thic Stic Added Effect: Stun Attac 32%, Paralysis Attac 100% Sale Price: 1,240G __________ Flood Hammer

Sale Price: 2,950G ===== Axes: ===== Battle Axe

Crafting S ill: 15 Attac : 29 Lumber S ill: 15 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Battle Axe, Copper Added Effect: Paralysis Attac 30% Sale Price: 180G __________ Heat Axe Crafting S ill: 21 Attac : 46 Lumber S ill: 21 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Battle Axe, Fire Crystal Added Effect: Fire Attac +5, Fire Resistance +5 Sale Price: 620G __________ Tomahaw Crafting S ill: 27 Attac : 63 Lumber S ill: 27 Sp Attac : 1 Ingredients: Battle Axe, Bird Feather, Wind Crystal Alternate Ingredients: Battle Axe, Giant Coc scomb Added Effect: Wind Attac +5, Wind Resistance +5 Sale Price: 680G __________ Alldale Crafting S ill: 37 Attac : 80 Lumber S ill: 37 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Battle Axe, Silver, Warrior Medal, Knife Piece Added Effect: Seal Attac 100% Sale Price: 320G __________ Crescent Axe Crafting S ill: 46 Attac : 97 Lumber S ill: 46 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Great Axe, Silver, Glittering Edge, Moondrop Added Effect: Paralysis Attac 30%, HP Absorption Sale Price: 630G __________ Flame Axe Crafting S ill: 55 Attac : 120 Lumber S ill: 55 Sp Attac : 2 Ingredients: Heat Axe, Silver, Fire Crystal, Ruby Alternate Ingredients: Heat Axe, Red Core Added Effect: Fire Attac +10 Sale Price: 1,450G __________ Demon's Axe Crafting S ill: 60 Attac : 166 Lumber S ill: 60 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Alldale, Gold, Demon Blood, Magic Talon, Toxin

Crafting S ill: 9 Attac : 19 Ingredients: Iron, Sharp Talon Sale Price: 100G __________ Great Axe

Lumber S ill: 9

Sp Attac : 0

Crafting S ill: 70 Attac : 143 Lumber S ill: 70 Sp Attac : 3 Ingredients: Tomahaw , Heat Axe, Gold, Magic Talon, Glittering Edge Added Effect: Fire Attac +5, Widn Resistance +5 Sale Price: 1,730G __________ Double Edge Crafting S ill: 80 Attac : 196 Lumber S ill: 80 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Crescent Axe, Crescent Axe, Platinum, Magic Talon, Fair Hide, Little Crystal Added Effect: Paralysis Attac 60% Sale Price: 2,430G __________ Executioner Crafting S ill: 91 Attac : 226 Lumber S ill: 91 Sp Attac : 4 Ingredients: Demon's Axe, Platinum, Magic Talon, Glitering Edge, Sharp Fang, Little Crystal Added Effect: Seal Attac 100% Sale Price: 1,990G _____________ | | | Accessories | |_____________|

Accessories in Rune Factory Frontier is the system the game uses to boost your defense against those pes y monsters that surround the town. Accessories also give a significant boost to your Magic stat, ma ing the spells that you unleash through magic rods that much more powerful. ===== Nec : ===== Pendant Crafting S ill: 5 ATK: 0 DEF: 8 Ingredients: Iron, Insect Jaw Sale Price: 110G __________ Nec Towel Crafting S ill: 10 ATK: 0 DEF: 10 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Wool Added Effect: Max HP +15 Sale Price: 170G __________ Knit scarf Crafting S ill: 20 ATK: 0 DEF: 30 Ingredients: Yarn Ball, Yarn Ball Sale Price: 260G __________ Heart Pendant MAG: 7

MAG: 5

MAG: 20

Added Effect: Seal Attac 100%, Poison Attac Sale Price: 840G __________ Heat Haw



Crafting S ill: 25 ATK: 0 DEF: 30 MAG: 20 Ingredients: Pendant, Copper, Fire Crystal Alternate Ingredients: Pendant, Red Core Added Effect: Fire Attac +8, Fire Resistance +8 Sale Price: 700G __________ Dew Pendant Crafting S ill: 40 ATK: 0 DEF: 40 MAG: 30 Ingredients: Pendant, Silver, Water Crystal, Teardrop Added Effect: Water Attac +8, Water Resistance +15 Sale Price: 790G __________ Storm Pendant Crafting S ill: 45 ATK: 0 DEF: 40 MAG: 30 Ingredients: Pendant, Silver, Wind Crystal, Bird Feather Added Effect: Wind Attac +8, Wind Resistance +15 Sale Price: 790G __________ Earth Pendant Crafting S ill: 45 ATK: 0 DEF: 40 MAG: 30 Ingredients: Pendant, Silver, Earth Crystal, Root Added Effect: Earth Attac +8, Earth Resistance +15 Sale Price: 790G __________ Critical 7 Crafting S ill: 70 ATK: 17 DEF: 77 MAG: 77 Ingredients: Platinum, Four-leaf Clover, Magic Talon, Hard Horn, Sharp Fang, Sharp Talon Alternate Ingredients: Platinum, Four-leaf Clover, Ice Sna e Tongue Sale Price: 7,060G __________ Rosario Crafting S ill: 80 ATK: 0 DEF: 105 MAG: 100 Ingredients: Platinum, Silver, Lamp Grass, Magic Crystal, Fairy Dust, Teadrop Added Effect: Poison Defense, Seal Defense Sale Price: 11,750G ===== Hand: ===== Cheap Band Crafting S ill: 1 ATK: 1 DEF: 6 Ingredients: Iron, Insect Hide Sale Price: 100G __________ Fe Bracelet Crafting S ill: 5 ATK: 0 DEF: 18 Ingredients: Iron, Warrior Medal Sale Price: 110G __________ Cu Bracelet MAG: 6

MAG: 0

Crafting S ill: 12 ATK: 4 DEF: 10 Ingredients: Cheap Band, Copper Sale Price: 180G __________ Silver Ring Crafting S ill: 20 ATK: 10 DEF: 20 Ingredients: Silver, Insect Hide Sale Price: 160G __________ Ag Bracelet

MAG: 10

Crafting S ill: 25 ATK: 8 DEF: 30 MAG: 25 Ingredients: Cheap Band, Silver, Silver Sale Price: 320G __________ Wing Ring Crafting S ill: 30 ATK: 10 DEF: 30 MAG: 40 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Wind Crystal, Glue Alternate Ingredients: Silver Ring, Giant Coc scomb Added Effect: Wind Attac +12, Wind Resistance +8 Sale Price: 750G __________ Water Ring Crafting S ill: 34 ATK: 10 DEF: 30 MAG: 40 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Water Crystal, Glue Added Effect: Water Attac +12, Water Resistance +8 Sale Price: 750G __________ Fire Ring Crafting S ill: 38 ATK: 10 DEF: 30 MAG: 40 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Fire Crystal, Glue Alternate Ingredients: Silver Ring, Red Core Added Effect: Fire Attac +12, Fire Resistance +8 Sale Price: 750G __________ Earth Ring Crafting S ill: 42 ATK: 10 DEF: 30 MAG: 40 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Earth Crystal, Glue Added Effect: Earth Attac +12, Earth Resistance +8 Sale Price: 750G __________ Silence Ring Crafting S ill: 46 ATK: 15 DEF: 40 MAG: 45 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Magic Crystal, Pin Cat, Insect Jaw Added Effect: Seal Attac 100%, Seal Defense Sale Price: 1,030G __________ Para Ring Crafting S ill: 50 ATK: 15 DEF: 40 MAG: 45 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Magic Crystal, Charm Blue, Root Added Effect: Paralysis Attac 100%, Paralysis Defense Sale Price: 1,230G

MAG: 30

__________ Poison Ring Crafting S ill: 54 ATK: 15 DEF: 40 MAG: 45 Ingredients: Silver Ring, Magic Crystal, Toy Herb, Toxin Added Effect: Poison Attac 100%, Poison Defense Sale Price: 1,430G __________ Gold Ring Crafting S ill: 55 ATK: 20 DEF: 50 Ingredients: Gold, Gold, Insect Hide Sale Price: 360G __________ Au Bracelet

Crafting S ill: 60 ATK: 15 DEF: 60 MAG: 50 Ingredients: Cheap Band, Gold, Gold, Gold Sale Price: 560G __________ Aqua Ring Crafting S ill: 64 ATK: 20 DEF: 75 MAG: 70 Ingredients: Gold Ring, Aquamarine, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust Added Effect: Max HP +20 Sale price: 860G __________ Amethyst Ring Crafting S ill: 68 ATK: 20 DEF: 75 MAG: 70 Ingredients: Gold Ring, Amethyst, fair Hide, Fairy Dust Added Effect: Element Attac +5 sale Price: 860G __________ Wristwatch Crafting S ill: 70 ATK: 25 DEF: 80 MAG: 60 Ingredients: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Monster Hide, Solid Point Added Effect: Stun Defense, Paralysis Defense Sale Price: 590G __________ Ruby Ring Crafting S ill: 72 ATK: 40 DEF: 75 MAG: 70 Ingredients: Gold Ring, Ruby, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust Sale Price: 860G __________ Emerald Ring Crafting S ill: 76 ATK: 20 DEF: 75 MAG: 70 Ingredients: Gold Ring, Emerald, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust Sale Price: 860G __________ Sapphire Ring Crafting S ill: 80 ATK: 20 DEF: 75 MAG: 70 Ingredients: Gold Ring, Sapphire, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust Added Effect: Element Defense +5 Sale Price: 860G __________ Platinum Ring

MAG: 55

Crafting S ill: 85 ATK: 30 DEF: 80 MAG: 75 Ingredients: Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Fair Hide Sale Price: 810G __________ Pt Bracelet Crafting S ill: 90 ATK: 25 DEF: 90 MAG: 70 Ingredients: Cheap Band, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum, Platinum Sale Price: 970G __________ Magic Ring Crafting S ill: 95 ATK: 15 DEF: 80 MAG: 100 Ingredients: Platinum Ring, magic Crystal, Fireflower, Fairy Dust, Magic Powder Added Effect: Element Attac +5, Elemennt Defense +5 Sale Price: 12,270 __________ Diamond Ring Crafting S ill: 99 ATK: 30 DEF: 100 MAG: 80 Ingredients: Platinum Ring, Diamond, Fair Hide, Fairy Dust, Emery Flower Sale Price: 17,430G ====== Torso: ====== Wappen Crafting S ill: 10 ATK: 0 DEF: 4 MAG: 4 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Monster Hide Added Effect: Max HP +10 Sale Price: 100G __________ Leather Belt Crafting S ill: 15 ATK: 1 DEF: 5 Ingredients: Monster Hide, Iron Added Effect: Max HP +15 Sale Price: 100G __________ Crest

Crafting S ill: 25 ATK: 0 DEF: 26 MAG: 24 Ingredients: Iron, Copper, Sharp Talon Added Effect: Max HP +15 Sale Price: 170G __________ Ruby Brooch Crafting S ill: 27 ATK: 15 DEF: 12 MAG: 20 Ingredients: Ruby, Silver Added Effect: Max HP +15, Fire Attac +12 Sale Price: 320G __________ Royal Brooch Crafting S ill: 29 ATK: 0 DEF: 27

MAG: 1

MAG: 20

Crafting S ill: 31 ATK: 0 DEF: 12 MAG: 20 Ingredients: Emerald, Silver Added Effect: Max HP +15, Wind Attac +12 Sale Price: 320G __________ Aqua Brooch Crafting S ill: 33 ATK: 0 DEF: 12 Ingredients: Aquamarine, Silver Added Effect: Max HP +40, Water Attac Sale Price: 320G __________ Azure Brooch

Crafting S ill: 35 ATK: 0 DEF: 12 MAG: 35 Ingredients: Sapphire, Silver Added Effect: Max HP +15, Element Attac +5 Sale Price: 320G __________ Furry Belt Crafting S ill: 40 ATK: 0 DEF: 60 MAG: 30 Ingredients: Wool, Yarn Ball, Monster Hide, Toy Herb Added Effect: Max HP +20, Fire Resistance -10 Sale Price: 1,240G __________ Wind Cape Crafting S ill: 54 ATK: 0 DEF: 75 MAG: 55 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Wind Crystal, Moondrop Added Effect: Max HP +25, Wind Resistance +30 Sale Price: 1,050G __________ Fire Cape

Crafting S ill: 64 ATK: 0 DEF: 75 MAG: 55 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, water Crystal, Charm Blue Alternate Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Bright Tentacle Added Effect: Max HP +25, Water Resistance +30 Sale Price: 1,570G __________ Earth Cape Crafting S ill: 69 ATK: 0 DEF: 75 MAG: 55 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Earth Crystal, Toy Herb

Crafting S ill: 59 ATK: 0 DEF: 75 MAG: 55 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Fire Crystal, Pin Added Effect: Max HP +25, Fire Resistance +30 Sale Price: 1,370G __________ Water Cape

Ingredients: Amethyst, Silver Added Effect: Max HP +15, Earth Attac Sale Price: 320G __________ Virid Brooch


MAG: 20 +12


Alternate Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Quality Cloth, Quality Fur, Ice Sna e Tongue Added Effect: Max HP +25, Earth Resistance +30 Sale Price: 1,770G __________ Cat's Tail Crafting SKill: 70 ATK: 0 DEF: 55 MAG: 90 Ingredients: Wool, Yarn Ball, Quality Fur, Magic Crystal, Pin Cat Added Effect: Max HP +10 Sale Price: 1,220G __________ Glory Brooch Crafting S ill: 80 ATK: 5 DEF: 50 MAG: 60 Ingredients: Diamond, Gold, Gold, Magic Talon, Platinum Added Effect: Max HP +20, Element Attac +8 sale Price: 990G __________ Blac Robe Crafting SKill: 95 ATK: 0 DEF: 105 MAG: 85 Ingredients: Wind Cape, Fire Cape, Water Cape, Earth Cape, Four-leaf Clover, Demon Blood Added Effect: Max HP +40, Element Defense +12 Sale Price: 12,440G __________ Corsage Crafting S ill: 99 ATK: 10 DEF: 95 MAG: 100 Ingredients: Emery Flower, Cherry Grass, Charm Blue, Diamond, Magic Talon Alternate Ingredients: Blue Crystal, Green Crystal, Red Crystal, Moondrop, Diamond, Magic Talon Added Effect: Max HP +30, Status Defense Sale Price: 23,400 ===== Head: ===== Earring Crafting S ill: 4 ATK: 0 DEF: 6 Ingredients: Iron, Sharp Fang Added Effect: Element Attac +5 Sale Price: 110G __________ Straw Hat Crafting S ill: 8 ATK: 0 Ingredients: Glue, Flour Added Effect: Max HP +10 Sale Price: 200G __________ Hand- nit Hat MAG: 10

DEF: 10

MAG: 10

Crafting S ill: 12 ATK: 0 DEF: 20 Ingredients: Yarn Ball, Wool Sale Price: 250G __________

MAG: 25

Pump in Head Crafting S ill: 20 ATK: 0 DEF: 25 Ingredients: Pump in, Insect Hide Sale Price: 810G __________ Mas

Crafting S ill: 25 ATK: 0 DEF: 30 MAG: 30 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Wind Crystal, Cold Medicine Added Effect: Cold Resistance Sale Price: 610G __________ Katusha Crafting S ill: 30 ATK: 0 DEF: 24 MAG: 30 Ingredients: Insect Jaw, Insect Hide, Cheap Cloth, Magic Powder Sale Price: 210G __________ Feathered hat Crafting S ill: 35 ATK: 0 DEF: 30 MAG: 35 Ingredients: Bird Feather, Wind Crystal, Cheap Cloth Alternate Ingredients: Bird Feather, Giant Coc scomb Added Effect: Wind Attac +5, Wind Resistance +5 sale Price: 670G __________ Cat Ears Crafting S ill: 40 ATK: 0 DEF: 40 MAG: 50 Ingredients: Katusha, Monster Hide, Sharp Talon, Emerald, Magic Powder Sale Price: 590G __________ Silver Hairpin Crafting S ill: 45 ATK: 0 DEF: 35 MAG: 50 Ingredients: Silver, Turtle Shell, Magic Crystal, Fish Fossil Added Effect: Element Defense +5 Sale Price: 570G __________ Turnip Head Crafting S ill: 50 ATK: 0 DEF: 30 MAG: 75 Ingredients: Turnip, Fair Hide, Magic Crystal, Fairy Dust Sale Price: 750G __________ Stylish Hat Crafting S ill: 55 ATK: 0 DEF: 55 MAG: 60 Ingredients: Feathered Hat, Toy Herb, Fair Hide, Quality Cloth Sale Price: 1,890G __________ Fluffy Hat Crafting S ill: 60 ATK: 0 DEF: 105 MAG: 75 Ingredients: Hand- nit Hat, Quality Fur, Toy Herb, Yarn Ball, Wool, Hard Horn Added Effect: Fire Resistance -10 Sale Price: 1,680G __________ Rabbit Ears

MAG: 35

Crafting S ill: 65 ATK: 0 DEF: 80 MAG: 95 Ingredients: Katusha, Quality Fue, Sharp Fang, Ruby, Magic Crystal Sale Price: 910G __________ Headdress Crafting S ill: 70 ATK: 0 DEF: 85 MAG: 80 Ingredients: Katusha, Quality Cloth, Charm Blue, Moondrop, Yarn Ball, Magic Talon Added Effect: Element Attac +10, Element Defense +10 Sale Price: 1,580G __________ Gold Hairpin Crafting S ill: 75 ATK: 0 DEF: 85 MAG: 90 Ingredients: Gold, Turtle Shell, Ironleaf, Magic Crystal, Fish Fossil Added Effect: Element Defense +10 Sale Price: 4,140G __________ Elephant Mas Crafting S ill: 80 ATK: 15 DEF: 100 MAG: 95 Ingredients: Four-leaf Clover, Quality Fur, Sharp Fang, Sapphire Sale Price: 6,950G __________ Tiara Crafting S ill: 85 ATK: 0 DEF: 95 MAG: 120 Ingredients: Platinum, Emery Flower, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire Added Effect: Status Defense Sale Price: 17,170 __________ Whale Hat Crafting S ill: 95 ATK: 15 DEF: 110 MAG: 105 Ingredients: Stylish Hat, Platinum, Wet Scale, Aquamarine, Lamp Grass, Quality Fur Alternate Ingredients: Stylish Hat, Platinum, Lamp Grass, Bright Tentacle Added Effect: Max HP +15 Sale Price: 13,560G ====== Other: ====== Cute Bathing Suit Crafting S ill: 20 Ingredients: Cheap Cloth, Cheap Cloth, Teardrop Sale Price: 140G __________ Toy Duc Crafting S ill: 20 Igredients: Giant Coc scomb, Bird Feather, Teardrop Sale Price: 480G __________ Turnip Lamp

Crafting S ill: 30 Ingredients: Turnip, Iron, Glue, Lamp Grass Sale Price: 11,360 __________ Ribbon crafting S ill: 35 Ingredients: Silver, Quality Cloth, Fairy Dust Sale Price: 310G __________ Pump in Lamp Crafting S ill: 40 Ingredients: Pump in, Iron, Glue, Lamp Grass Sale Price: 11,900G __________ Fan Crafting S ill: 45 Ingredients: Gold, Wind Crystal, Thin Stic , Wool Sale Price: 840G __________ Toy Can Craftin S ill: 50 Ingredients: Bright Tentacle, Water Crystal, Insect Hide Sale Price: 1,020G __________ Yo-yo Crafting S ill: 60 Ingredients: Ice Sna e Tongue, Turtle Shell, Cheap Cloth Sale Price: 670G __________ Toy Sword

Crafting S ill: 80 Ingredients: Fluffy Hat, Furry Belt, Quality Fur Sale Price: 3,100G __________ Amazing Bathing Suit Crafting S ill: 99 Ingredients: Quality Cloth, Aquamarine, Teardrop Sale Price: 360G

_________ | | | Coo ing | |_________|

Coo ing is the process of ta ing crops grown on your farm, fish from around town, and other ingredients gathered any number of ways, and combining them into oen item that grants you a temporary boost to your stats and fighting

Crafting S ill: 70 Ingredients: Red Core, Thic Sale Price: 560G __________ Teddy Fluff

Stic , Warrior Medal


abilities. Below are the recipes that can be made using the different utensils that you can buy to fill your itchen, as well as the benefits of eating these dishes. ======== Kitchen: ======== Rice Ball Coo ing S ill: 1 Ingredients: Rice Effect: Max HP +45 __________ Pic led Turnip HP+45 RP+75 Sale Price: 160G

Coo ing S ill: 9 HP+6 RP+48 Ingredients: Red Salmon Effect: Defense +12, Water Resistance +10 __________ Pic led Eggplant Coo ing S ill: 10 HP+10 RP+100 Ingredients: Eggplant Effect: Defense +25, Paralysis Defense __________ Trout Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 12 HP+7 RP+56 Ingredients: Trout Effect: Defense +14, Water Resistance +10 __________ Bamboo Rice Coo ing S ill: 12 HP+60 RP+150 Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Effect: Max HP +50, Paralysis Attac 100% __________ Dye Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 15 HP +9 Ingredients: Dye Trout RP +73

Coo ing S ill: 7 HP+10 Ingredients: Cucumber Effect: Defense +25, Stun Attac __________ Cherry Sashimi

Coo ing S ill: 4 HP+60 Ingredients: Rice, Chestnut Effect: Max HP +50, Earth Attac __________ Pic les

Coo ing S ill: 1 HP+10 Ingredients: Turnip Effect: Defense +20, Stun Attac __________ Chestnut Rice

RP+75 30%

Sale Price: 120G

RP+150 +10

Sale Price: 330G

RP+100 40%

Sale Price: 370G

Sale Price: 40G

Sale Price: 310G

Sale Price: 80G

Sale Price: 290G

Sale Price: 165G

Effect: Defense +18, Water Resistance +10 __________ Potato Salad Coo ing S ill: 16 HP+100 RP+250 Ingredients: Potato, Cucumber, Mayonnaise Effect: Defense +45, Paralysis Defense __________ Char Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 18 HP+7 RP+57 Ingredients: Char Effect: Defense +14, Water Resistance +10 __________ Ice Cream Sale Price: 1,090G

Coo ing S ill: 20 HP+10 RP+125 Sale Price: 260G Ingredients: Mil , Egg Effect: Water Attac +10, Water Resistance +20 __________ Needle Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 21 HP+7 Ingredients: Needlefish Effect: Defense +14, Magic +10 __________ Mushroom Rice

Coo ing S ill: 21 HP+60 RP+150 Ingredients: Rice, Mushroom Effect: Max HP +50, Poison Attac 100% __________ Squid Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 24 HP+7 Ingredients: Squid Effect: Attac +13, Magic +10 __________ S. Rice Ball Coo ing S ill: 25 HP+60 Ingredients: Rice, Salmon Effect: Max HP +50, Magic +10 __________ Sardine Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 27 HP+7 Ingredients: Sardine Effect: Defense +14, Magic +10 __________ Pi e Sashimi

Coo ing S ill: 30 HP+7 RP+51 Ingredients: Pi e Effect: Defense +13, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Salmon Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 33 Ingredients: Salmon


Sale Price: 85G


Sale Price: 70G

Sale Price: 300G


Sale Price: 60G


Sale Price: 300G


Sale Price: 80G

Sale Price: 55G


Sale Price: 160G

Effect: Defense +18, Magic +10 __________ New Mochi Coo ing S ill: 34 HP+170 RP+150 Sale Price: 1,080G Ingredients: Mochi, Mochi, Orange, Quality Cloth, Thic Stic , Green Grass Effect: Max HP +75, Wind Attac +10 __________ Bonito Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 36 HP+9 RP+78 Ingredients: Bonito Fish Effect: Defense +19, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Turbot Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 39 HP+8 RP+63 Ingredients: Turbot Effect: Defense +16, Earth Resistance +10 __________ Shrimp Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 42 HP+8 Ingredients: Shrimp Effect: Defense +17, Knoc -bac __________ Salad Sale Price: 190G

Sale Price: 115G


Sale Price: 145G

Coo ing S ill: 43 HP+205 RP+305 Sale Price: 1,870G Ingredients: Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot, Cabbage Effect: Defense +60, Status Defense __________ Toro Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 45 HP+23 Ingredients: Tuna Effect: Defense +52, Magic +10 __________ Taimen Sashimi


Sale Price: 895G

Coo ing S ill: 48 HP+9 RP+77 Ingredients: Taimen Effect: Defense +19, Water Resistance +10 __________ Blac Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 51 HP+9 RP+77 Ingredients: Blac fish Effect: Defense +19, Water Resistance +10 __________ Fruit Sub

Sale Price: 185G

Sale Price: 185G

Coo ing S ill: 52 HP+140 RP+250 Sale Price: 970G Ingredients: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Bread Effect: Max HP +60, Element Attac +8 __________ Lobster Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 54 Ingredients: Lobster HP+12


Sale Price: 350G

Coo ing S ill: 57 HP+22 Ingredients: Sunsquid Effect: Attac +48, Magic +10 __________ Yellow Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 60 HP+12 Ingredients: Yellowtail Effect: Defense +25, Magic +10 __________ Fruit Punch

Coo ing S ill: 61 HP+100 RP+275 Sale Price: 1,090G Ingredients: Strawberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Apple, Orange Effect: Element Attac +10 __________ Snap Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 64 HP+16 RP+142 Ingredients: Snapper Effect: Defense +23, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Hirame Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 69 HP+11 RP+93 Ingredients: Flounder Effect: Defense +23, Earth resistance +10 __________ Sandwich

Coo ing S ill: 70 HP+280 RP+425 Sale Price: 1,820G Ingredients: Cucumber, Tomato, Carrot, Boiled Egg, Bread, Mayonnaise Effect: Max HP +85, Paralysis Defense __________ Lamp Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 75 HP+15 Ingredients: Lamp Squid Effect: Attac +32, Magic +10 __________ Fruit Parfait

Coo ing S ill: 79 HP+140 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,380G Ingredients: Strawberry, Pineapple, Cherry, Apple, Orance, Ice Cream Effect: Elemetal Attac +10, Water Resistance +25 __________ Lover Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 81 HP+17 RP+156 Ingredients: Lover Snapper Effect: Defense +37, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Fogu Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 82 Ingredients: Blowfish


RP+201 Sale Price: 805G RP+101 Sale Price: 305G Sale Price: 510G Sale Price: 265G RP+134 Sale Price: 470G Sale Price: 580G RP+176 Sale Price: 680G

Effect: Defense +27, Knoc -bac __________ Sun Sashimi

Effect: Defense +42, Paralysis Attac 100% __________ Tea Leaves Coo ing S ill: 88 HP+5 RP+0 Sale Price: 240G Ingredients: Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass Effect: none __________ Fall Sashimi Coo ing S ill: 90 HP+18 RP+167 Ingredients: Fall Fish Effect: Defense +40, Earth Resistance +10 __________ Sushi

Coo ing S ill: 97 HP+255 RP+350 Sale Price: 1,675G Ingredients: Rice, Tuna, Yellowtail, Salmon, Shrimp, Squid Effect: Max HP +75, Magic +65 __________ Glitter Sashimi ===== Oven: ===== Hot Rice Ball Coo ing S ill: 4 HP+55 RP+100 Ingredients: Rice Ball Effect: Max HP +50, Earth Resistance +10 __________ Turnip Roast Sale Price: 190G

Coo ing S ill: 6 HP+10 RP+100 Sale Price: 240G Ingredients: Turnip Effect: Fire Resistance +20, Paralysis Defense __________ Ear of Corn Coo ing S ill: 8 HP+10 RP+175 Sale Price: 340G Ingredients: Corn, Butter Effect: Fire Resistance +15, Seal Defense __________ Roasted Yam Coo ing S ill: 10 HP+10 RP+100 Sale Price: 170G Ingredients: Yam Effect: Fire Resistance +10, Earth Resistance +10 __________ Bread Coo ing S ill: 12 HP+45 RP+75 Ingredients: Flour Effect: Max HP +40, Earth Resistance +15 __________ Coo ie Coo ing S ill: 14



Sale Price: 635G

Sale Price: 160G

Sale Price: 420G

Ingredients: Mil , Flour, Butter Effect: Attac +25 __________ En Papillote Coo ing S ill: 16 HP+10 RP+100 Sale Price: 140G Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot Effect: Paralysis Attac 100%, Seal Attac 100% __________ Toast Coo ing S ill: 18 HP+50 RP+100 Ingredients: Bread Effect: Max HP +40, Earth Resistance +20 __________ Fried Mochi Coo ing S ill: 20 HP+60 RP+150 Ingredients: Mochi Effect: Max HP +50, Earth Resistance +15 __________ Roasted Apple

Coo ing S ill: 22 HP+10 RP+150 Sale Price: 340G Ingredients: Apple, Butter Effect: Earth Attac +10, Water Attac +10 __________ Butter Roll Coo ing S ill: 25 HP+85 RP+175 Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Mil , Egg Effect: Max HP +40, Attac +30 __________ Honey Toast Coo ing S ill: 28 HP+50 RP+150 Ingredients: Bread, Honey Effect: Max HP +40, Poison Defense __________ Choco Coo ie Coo ing S ill: 31 HP+70 RP+200 Ingredients: Coo ie, Butter, Chocolate Effect: Attac +25, Fatigue Defense __________ Doria

Coo ing S ill: 34 HP+190 RP+225 Sale Price: 1,080G Ingredients: Mil , Rice, Onion, Flour, Butter Effect: Max HP +85 __________ PB&J Coo ing S ill: 36 HP+10 Ingredients: Bread, Berry Jam Effect: Magic +30, Seal Attac __________ Ca e Coo ing S ill: 37

RP+200 +100%



Sale Price: 190G

Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 570G

Sale Price: 320G

Sale Price: 730G

Sale Price: 355G

Sale Price: 700G

Ingredients: Mil , Flour, Butter, Strawberry, Egg Effect: Attac +30 __________ Cherry Tart Coo ing S ill: 40 HP+85 RP+200 Sale Price: 790G Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Cherry, Cherry Effect: Attac +25, Fire Attac +15 __________ PB&J Coo ing S ill: 43 HP+10 Ingredients: Bread, Apple Jam Effect: Magic +30, Seal Attac __________ Gratin

Coo ing S ill 46 HP+150 RP+200 Sale Price: 1,060G Ingredients: Mil , Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter Effect: Max HP +50, Earth Resistance +35 __________ Sugar Yam Coo ing S ill: 49 HP+60 RP+200 Sale Price: 720G Ingredients: Yam, Honey, Mil , Butter, Egg Effect: Attac +30, Earth Resistance +10 __________ PB&J Coo ing S ill: 50 HP+10 RP+200 Ingredients: Bread, Cherry Jam Effect: Magic +30, Seal Attac 100% __________ Cheeseca e Coo ing S ill: 52 HP+60 RP+175 Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Cheese Effect: Attac +25, Stun Defense __________ Pump in Tart

Coo ing S ill: 55 HP+240 RP+275 Sale Price: 1,940G Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Pump in, Pump in Effect: Attac +45, Earth Resistance +40 __________ Apple Pie Coo ing S ill: 58 HP+35 RP+225 Ingredients: Apple, Flour, Butter Effect: Attac +35, Water Attac +10 __________ Pizza Sale Price: 510G

Coo ing S ill: 62 HP+195 RP+400 Sale Price: 1,830G Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Bell Pepper, Potato, Mushroom Effect: Element Defenst +20, Stun Defense __________ Choco Ca e Coo ing S ill: 65



Sale Price: 750G

RP+200 100%

Sale Price: 355G

Sale Price: 355G

Sale Price: 590G

Ingredients: Mil , Flour, Butter, Chocolate, Egg Effect: Attac +30, Fatigue Defense __________ Potato Gratin Coo ing S ill: 68 HP+215 RP+325 Sale Price: 1,480G Ingredients: Potato, Mil , Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter Effect: Max HP +55, Earth Defense +50 __________ Seafood Doria Coo ing S ill: 72 HP+210 RP+225 Sale Price: 1,230G Ingredients: Shrimp, Mil , Rice, Onion, Flour, Flour, Butter Effect: Max HP +85, Knoc -bac __________ Fruit Tart Coo ing S ill: 76 HP+105 RP+175 Sale Price: 940G Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple< orange, Strawberry Effect: Attac +35, Elemental Attac +5 __________ Cherry Pie Coo ing S ill: 80 HP+35 RP+225 Ingredients: Cherry, Flour, Butter Effect: Attac +30, Fire Attac +10 __________ Gratin de Mer

Coo ing S ill: 84 HP+165 RP+200 Sale Price: 1,145G Ingredients: Squid, Mil , Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter Effect: Max HP +50, Magic +35 __________ Chestnut Pie Coo ing S ill: 88 HP+35 RP+225 Ingredients: Chestnut, Flour, Butter Effect: Attac +30, Earth Attac +10 __________ Mont Blanc

Coo ing S ill: 92 HP+95 RP+200 Sale Price: 810G Ingredients: Mil , Flour, Butter, Chestnut, Egg Effect: Attac +25, Earth Attac +15 __________ Seafood Pizza Coo ing S ill: 95 HP+115 RP+350 Sale Price: 1,245G Ingredients: Squid, Shrimp, Cheese, Flour, Ketchup Effect: Knoc -bac , Stun Defense __________ Gratin de Sol Coo ing S ill: 98 HP+175 RP+325 Sale Price: 1,240G Ingredients: Mushroom, Mil , Cheese, Onion, Flour, Butter Effect: Max HP +50, Poison Attac 100% ==== Pot: ====

Sale Price: 530G

Sale Price: 520G

Coo ing S ill: 2 Ingredients: Mil Effect: Attac +25 __________ Boiled Egg

Coo ing S ill: 5 HP+10 RP+75 Ingredients: Egg Effect: Attac +20, Water Resistance +10 __________ Berry Jam Coo ing S ill: 7 HP+10 Ingredients: Strawberry Effect: Magic +30 __________ Porridge

Coo ing S ill: 9 HP+45 RP+75 Ingredients: Rice Effect: Max HP +40, Water Resistance +10 __________ Egg Bowl Coo ing S ill: 11 HP+60 Ingredients: Rice, Egg Effect: Max HP -50, Attac +10 __________ Orange Jam Coo ing S ill: 13 HP+10 Ingredients: Orange Effect: Magic +25, Wind Attac __________ Udon

Coo ing S ill: 15 HP+45 RP+75 Ingredients: Flour Effect: Max HP +45, Water Attac +10 __________ Steam Veggies Coo ing S ill: 17 HP+10 Ingredients: Spinach Effect: Defense +25, Knoc -bac __________ Apple Jam

Coo ing S ill: 19 HP+10 RP+100 Ingredients: Apple Effect: Magic +25, Fatigue Defense __________ Hot Chocolate Coo ing S ill: 21 HP+20 RP+125 Ingredients: Mil , Chocolate Effect: Attac +25, Fatigue Defense

HP+20 RP+75 Sale Price: 140G Sale Price: 130G RP+75 Sale Price: 130G Sale Price: 160G RP+150 Sale Price: 280G RP+100 +10 Sale Price: 180G Sale Price: 160G RP+100 Sale Price: 300G Sale Price: 180G Sale Price: 290G

Hot Mil

__________ Fish Soup Coo ing S ill: 23 HP+10 RP+175 Ingredients: Snapper Effect: Attac +25, Water Resistance +30 __________ Cherry Jam Coo ing S ill: 25 HP+10 Ingredients: Cherry Effect: Magic +25, Fire Attac __________ Steam Pump in Sale Price: 480G

Coo ing S ill: 27 HP+55 RP+175 Sale Price: 780G Ingredients: Pump in Effect: Water Resistance +25, Earth Resistance +25 __________ Curry Pie Coo ing S ill: 29 HP+280 RP+375 Sale Price: 1,760G Ingredients: Rice, Curry Powder, Potato, Carrot, Onion Effect: Max HP +85, Status Attac __________ Corn Soup Coo ing S ill: 31 HP+10 RP+150 Ingredients: Corn, Mil Effect: Water Attac +10, Seal Defense __________ Curry Udon Coo ing S ill: 33 HP+10 RP+150 Ingredients: Udon, Curry Powder Effect: Water Attac +10, Status Attac __________ Candied Yam Coo ing S ill: 35 HP+10 RP+150 Ingredients: Yam, Honey Effect: Magic +30, Earth Attac +15 __________ Pepperoncino Coo ing S ill: 38 HP+50 RP+150 Ingredients: Garlic, Coo ing Oil, Flour Effect: Max HP +40, HP Absorption __________ Fried Smelt

Coo ing S ill: 39 HP+10 RP+200 Sale Price: 380G Ingredients: Pond Smelt, Flour, Coo ing Oil Effect: Magic +20, Water Attac +10 __________ Stew Coo ing S ill: 41 HP+195 RP+375 Sale Price: 1,750G Ingredients: Flour, Mil , Potato, Carrot, Onion Effect: Defense +55, Magic +50

RP+100 +10

Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 320G

Sale Price: 350G

Sale Price: 310G

Sale Price: 470G

__________ Ramen Coo ing S ill: 44 HP+100 RP+250 Sale Price: 770G Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Corn, Coo ing Oil, Boiled Egg Effect: Max HP +45, Element Attac +4 __________ Risotto Coo ing S ill: 44 HP+125 RP+275 Sale Price: 1,170G Ingredients: Rice, Coo ing Oil, Tomato, Onion, Garlic Effect: Max HP +60, Defense +35 __________ Boiled Gyoza Coo ing S ill: 50 HP+170 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,640G Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Cabbage, Coo ing Oil, Garlic Effect: Water Attac +15, HP Absorption __________ Oden Coo ing S ill: 53 HP+150 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,495G Ingredients: Boiled Egg, Potato, Sardine, Carrot, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom Effect: Magic +35, Water Resistance +40 __________ Fried Pi e Coo ing S ill: 56 HP+10 RP+150 Ingredients: Pi e, Flour, Coo ing Oil Effect: Magic +25, Wind Attac +15 __________ Mashed Yam

Coo ing S ill: 59 HP+10 RP+150 Sale Price: 310G Ingredients: Chestnut, Yam Effect: Earth Attac +15, Earth Resistance +10 __________ Cheese Fondue Coo ing S ill: 62 HP+50 RP+175 Ingredients: Cheese, Bread Effect: Max HP +40, Stun Defense __________ Calamari Coo ing S ill: 65 HP+10 RP+175 Ingredients: Squid, Coo ing Oil, Flour Effect: Attac +25, Water Attac +10 __________ Fungo Risotto

Coo ing S ill: 68 HP+160 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,100 Ingredients: Mushroom, Garlic, Onion, Coo ing Oil, Rice Effect: Max HP +60, Poison Attac 100% __________ Marron Glace Coo ing S ill: 71 HP+20 Ingredients: Chestnut RP+125

Sale Price: 370G

Sale Price: 350G

Sale Price: 385G

Sale Price: 220G

Coo ing S ill: 74 HP+10 RP+200 Ingredients: Shrimp, Flour, Coo ing Oil Effect: Knoc -bac , Water Attac +15 __________ Tempura Udon Coo ing S ill: 77 HP+60 RP+275 Ingredients: Udon, Tempura Effect: Water Attac +15, Knoc -bac __________ Oatmeal Coo ing S ill: 80 HP+70 RP+150 Ingredients: Rice, Mil Effect: Max HP +40, Water Resistance +10 __________ Tampura Bowl Coo ing S ill: 83 HP+120 Ingredients: Rice, Tempura Effect: Max HP +60, Konc -bac __________ Spinach Rice


Coo ing S ill: 86 HP+190 RP+325 Sale Price: 1,270G Ingredients: Rice, Spinach, Onion, Garlic, Coo ing Oil Effect: Max HP +65, Knoc -bac __________ Carbonara Coo ing S ill: 89 HP+105 RP+225 Sale Price: 750G Ingredients: Mushroom, Butter, Cheese, Egg, Flour Effect: Max HP +50, Attac +20 __________ Ratatouille Coo ing S ill: 92 HP+145 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,440G Ingredients: Tomato, Eggplant, Bell Pepper, Onion, Garlic Effect: Defense +40, Element Defense +15 __________ Relax Tea Coo ing S ill: 95 HP+0 Ingredients: Tea Leaves Effect: Status Defense __________ Great Curry


Sale Price: 330G

Coo ing S ill: 98 HP+245 RP+425 Sale Price: 2,160 Ingredients: Curry Powder, Onion, Wine, Honey, Apple, Demon Blood Effect: Attac +45, Status Attac __________ Royal Curry Coo ing S ill: 99 HP+360 RP+500 Sale Price: 2,910 Ingredients: Curry Powder, Onion, Wine, Wine, Yogurt, White Grass

Effect: Attac __________ Fried Shrimp

+10, Earth Attac +10

Sale Price: 470G

Sale Price: 840G

Sale Price: 330G

Sale Price: 810G

======== Steamer: ======== Steamed Bread Coo ing S ill: 5 HP+50 RP+125 Ingredients: Flour, Coo ing Oil Effect: Max HP +40, Wind Resistance +15 __________ Steamed Tater Coo ing S ill: 9 Ingredients: Yam Effect: Earth Attac __________ Pudding HP+10 Sale Price: 310G

+10, Wind Attac +10

Coo ing S ill: 13 HP+20 RP+125 Ingredients: Mil , Egg Effect: Attac +30, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Mochi Coo ing S ill: 17 HP+60 RP+125 Ingredients: Rice, Rice Effect: Max HP +50, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Chinese Bun

Coo ing S ill: 21 HP+65 RP+225 Sale Price: 850G Ingredients: Flour, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot Effect: Wind Attac +20, Paralysis Attac 100% __________ Dumpling Coo ing S ill: 25 HP+145 RP+275 Sale Price: 1,450G Ingredients: Egg, Onion, Cabbage, Flour Effect: Wind Attac +20, Wind Resistance +10 __________ Egg Custard Coo ing S ill: 29 HP+45 RP+225 Sale Price: 680G Ingredients: Egg, Shrimp, Spinach, Mushroom Effect: Knoc -bac , Seal Attac 100% __________ Cheesy Bread Coo ing S ill: 33 HP+10 RP+175 Sale Price: 450G Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Coo ing Oil Effect: Wind Resistance +15, Stun Defense __________ Mil Pudding Coo ing S ill: 43 HP+30 RP+175 Ingredients: Egg, Mil , Mil Effect: Attac +30, Wind Resistance +10 __________

RP+100 Sale Price: 170G Sale Price: 260G Sale Price: 310G Sale Price: 400G

Effect: Guts, Status Attac

Steamed Gyoza Coo ing S ill: 51 HP+170 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,650G Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Cabbage, Coo ing Oil, Garlic Effect: Wind Attac +15, HP Absorption __________ Steam Turnip Coo ing S ill: 59 HP+105 RP+275 Sale Price: 1,140G Ingredients: Turnip, Turnip, Turnip, Snapper Effect: Magic +40, Wind Resistance +15 __________ Pump in Cream Coo ing S ill: 67 HP+100 RP+275 Ingredients: Egg, Mil , Pump in Effect: Attac +35, Earth Resistance +30 __________ Steam Turnip Coo ing S ill: 69 HP+105 RP+275 Ingredients: Golden Turnip, Snapper Effect: Magic +40, Wind Resistance +15 __________ Sweet Rice Coo ing S ill: 75 HP+80 RP+175 Ingredients: Chestnut, Mushroom, Rice Effect: Max HP +55, Earth Attac +10 __________ Chestnut Bun Coo ing S ill: 83 HP+45 RP+200 Ingredients: Chestnut, Egg, Flour Effect: Attac +20, Earth Attac +15 __________ Curry Bun Coo ing S ill: 91 HP+10 RP+150 Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour Effect: Wind Attac +10, Status Attac __________ Choco Pudding Coo ing S ill: 99 HP+20 RP+175 Ingredients: Egg, Mil , Chocolate Effect: Attac +35, Fatigue Defense ====== Mixer: ====== Orange Juice Coo ing S ill: 3 HP+0 RP+75 Ingredients: Orange Effect: Attac +25, Defense +20 __________ Tomato Juice Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 1,060G

Sale Price: 1,140G

Sale Price: 510G

Sale Price: 500G

Sale Price: 370G

Sale Price: 480G

Coo ing S ill: 6 HP+0 RP+75 Ingredients: Tomato Effect: Attac +20, Defense +30 __________ Butter

Sale Price: 290G

Coo ing S ill: 12 HP+0 RP+75 Ingredients: Apple Effect: Attac +15, Defense +35 __________ Tropic Punch Coo ing S ill: 15 HP+0 RP+75 Ingredients: Pineapple Effect: Attac +35, Defense +20 __________ Mayonnaise Coo ing S ill: 18 HP+6 Ingredients: Egg, Coo ing Oil Effect: none __________ Cherry Juice Coo ing S ill: 21 HP+0 Ingredients: Cherry Effect: Attac +30, Defense +10 __________ Berry Mil Coo ing S ill: 24 HP+10 Ingredients: Strawberry Mil Effect: Attac +30, Defense +15 __________ Ketchup Coo ing S ill: 27 HP+6 Ingredients: Tomato, Onion Effect: none __________ Yogurt Drin

Coo ing S ill: 34 HP+25 RP+100 Ingredients: Yogurt, Mil , Honey Effect: Attac +30, Defense +10 __________ Fruit Juice

Coo ing S ill: 41 HP+0 RP+150 Sale Price: 1,010G Ingredients: Pineapple, Tomato, Apple, Orange Effect: Attac +55, Defense +25 __________ Cream Soda

Coo ing S ill: 9 Ingredients: Mil Effect: none __________ Apple Juice



Sale Price: 140G

Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 430G


Sale Price: 280G


Sale Price: 180G


Sale Price: 260G


Sale Price: 710G

Sale Price: 420G

Coo ing S ill: 48 HP+0 RP+100 Sale Price: 500G Ingredients: Ice Cream, Green Grass, Cherry Effect: Attac +40, Stun Attac 50% __________ Grass Juice Coo ing S ill: 55 HP+0 RP+0 Sale Price: 210G Ingredients: Green Grass, Blue Grass, Purple Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass Effect: Status Attac , Status Defense __________ Fruit Ole Coo ing S ill: 62 HP+10 RP+150 Sale Price: 1,160G Ingredients: Pineapple, Tomato, Apple, Orange, Mil Effect: Attac +55, Defense +25 __________ Vegetable Juice Coo ing S ill: 69 HP+0 RP+225 Sale Price: 2,940G Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Bell pepper, Pump in, Spinach Effect: Attac +40, Defense +90 __________ Vegetable Ole Coo ing S ill: 76 HP+10 RP+225 Ingredients: Vegetable Juice, Mil Effect: Attac +40, Defense +90 __________ Mixed Juice Coo ing S ill: 83 HP+0 RP+300 Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice Effect: Attac +55, Defense +90 __________ Mixed Ole Sale Price: 3,140G

Sale Price: 4,050G

Coo ing S ill: 90 HP+10 RP+300 Sale Price: 4,180G Ingredients: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, Mil Effect: Attac +55, Defense +90 =========== Frying Pan: =========== Smo ed Salmon Coo ing S ill: 2 HP+8 Ingredients: Salmon Effect: Defense +21, Wind Attac __________ Sunny-side-up

RP+65 +10

Sale Price: 150G

Coo ing S ill: 3 HP+10 RP+150 Ingredients: Egg, Coo ing Oil Effect: Attac +25, Fire Attac +10 __________ Red Grill Coo ing S ill: 5 HP+6

Sale Price: 280G


Sale Price: 45G

Ingredients: Red Salmon Effect: Defense +17, Magic +10 __________ Eggplant Grill Coo ing S ill: 6 HP+10 Ingredients: Eggplant Effect: Defense +30, Fire Attac __________ Grilled Chub Coo ing S ill: 8 HP+7 Ingredients: Chub Effect: Defense +17, Magic +10 __________ Popcorn RP+100 +10 Sale Price: 310G

Coo ing S ill: 9 HP+10 RP+100 Ingredients: Corn Effect: Fire Attac +10, Seal Defense __________ French Toast Coo ing S ill: 10 HP+50 RP+175 Ingredients: Egg, Coo ing Oil, Bread Effect: Max HP +40, Attac +20 __________ Grilled Trout Coo ing S ill: 11 HP+7 Ingredients: Trout Effect: Defense +18, Magic +10 __________ Corn Fla es

Coo ing S ill: 12 HP+45 RP+175 Ingredients: Corn, Mil Effect: Max HP +25, Seal Defense __________ Roasted Nuts Coo ing S ill: 13 HP+10 RP+100 Ingredients: Chestnut Effect: Fire Attac +10, Earth Attac +10 __________ Dye Grill Coo ing S ill: 14 HP+9 Ingredients: Dye Trout Effect: Defense +22, Magic +10 __________ French Fries RP+68

Coo ing S ill: 15 HP+25 RP+225 Sale Price: 580G Ingredients: Potato, Coo ing Oil Effect: Earth Attac +15, Fatigue Attac 100% __________ Roasted Carp Coo ing S ill: 17 HP+7 RP+54


Sale Price: 60G

Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 460G


Sale Price: 80G

Sale Price: 310G

Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 165G

Sale Price: 95G

Ingredients: Carp Effect: Defense +19, Fire Resistance +10 __________ Panca e

Coo ing S ill: 20 HP+7 Ingredients: Char Effect: Defense +18, Magic +10 __________ Grilled Squid Coo ing S ill: 23 HP+7 Ingredients: Squid Effect: Attac +17, Magic +10 __________ Spinach Saute



Coo ing S ill: 25 HP+20 RP+175 Ingredients: Spinach, Butter Effect: Fire Resistance +30, Knoc -bac __________ Needle Grill Coo ing s ill: 26 HP+7 Ingredients: Needlefish Effect: Defense +18, Magic +10 __________ P. Carp Roast RP+48

Coo ing S ill: 29 HP+8 RP+57 Ingredients: Pale Carp Effect: Defense +20, Fire Resistance +10 __________ Udon Stirfry Coo ing S ill: 30 HP+55 Ingredients: Udon, Coo ing Oil Effect: Max HP +45, Fire Attac __________ Grilled Pi e

RP+125 +15

Coo ing S ill: 35 HP+8 Ingredients: Mac erel Effect: Defense +20, Magic +10 __________ Croquette Coo ing S ill: 35


Coo ing S ill: 32 HP+7 Ingredients: Pi e Effect: Defense +17, Wind Attac __________ Grilled Mac

RP+47 +10



Sale Price: 85G Sale Price: 55G Sale Price: 460G Sale Price: 65G Sale Price: 110G Sale Price: 340G Sale Price: 60G Sale Price: 110G Sale Price: 1,330G

Coo ing S ill: 18 HP+85 RP+200 Ingredients: Flour, Coo ing Oil, Egg, Mil Effect: Max HP +60, Fire Attac +10 __________ Grilled Char

Sale Price: 560G

Ingredients: Coo ing Oil, Potato, Onion, Flour, Egg Effect: Fire Resistance +10, Fatigue Attac 100% __________ Salted Smelt Coo ing S ill: 38 HP+7 Ingredients: Pond Smelt Effect: Defense +18, Magic +10 __________ Potato Roast RP+51

Coo ing S ill: 40 HP+40 RP+175 Sale Price: 600G Ingredients: Potato, Butter Effect: Earth Attac +10, Fire Resistance +20 __________ Fried Turbot Coo ing S ill: 41 HP+8 RP+58 Ingredients: Turbot Effect: Defense +20, Earth Attac +10 __________ Taimen Roast Coo ing S ill: 44 HP+9 RP+71 Ingredients: Taimen Effect: Defense +23, Fire Resistance +10 __________ Gyoza

Coo ing S ill: 45 HP+175 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,640G Ingredients: Flour, Onion, Cabbage, Coo ing Oil, Garlic Effect: Fire Attac +15, HP Absorption __________ Fried Bonito Coo ing S ill: 47 HP+9 Ingredients: Bonito Fish Effect: Defense +23, Wind Attac __________ Shrimp Roast Coo ing S ill: 50 HP+8 Ingredients: Shrimp Effect: Defense +21, Knoc -bac __________ Fried Rice RP+73 +10


Coo ing S ill: 50 HP+60 RP+200 Ingredients: Rice, Egg, Coo ing Oil Effect: Max HP +50, Fire Attac +10 __________ Dried Sardine Coo ing S ill: 53 HP+10 RP+80 Ingredients: Sardine, Sardine, Sardine Effect: Defense +25, Magic +10 __________ Boxty Coo ing S ill: 55



Sale Price: 80G

Sale Price: 115G

Sale Price: 180G

Sale Price: 190G

Sale Price: 140G

Sale Price: 450G

Sale Price: 225G

Sale Price: 1,450G

Ingredients: Flour, Cabbage, Coo ing Oil, Egg, Mayonnaise Effect: Max HP +80, Poison Defense __________ Tuna Tariya i Coo ing S ill: 56 HP+23 Ingredients: Tuna Effect: Defense +56, Magic +10 __________ Blac Grill Coo ing S ill: 59 HP+8 Ingredients: Blac Fish Effect: Defense +20, Magic +10 __________ Lobster Roast Coo ing S ill: 62 HP+13 Ingredients: Lobster Effect: Defense +31, Knoc -bac __________ Flound Roast

Coo ing S ill: 65 HP+11 RP+87 Ingredients: Flounder Effect: Defense +27, Earth Attac +10 __________ Veggie Omelet

Coo ing s ill: 65 HP+110 RP+275 Sale Price: 1,170G Ingredients: Egg, Coo ing Oil, Mil , Ketchup Effect: Attac +35, Seal Attac 100% __________ Sunsquid Fry Coo ing S ill: 68 HP+22 Ingredients: Sunsquid Effect: Attac +52, Magic +10 __________ Donut RP+197

Coo ing S ill: 70 HP+110 RP+250 Sale Price: 750G Ingredients: Flour, Coo ing Oil, Egg, Mil , Butter Effect: Max HP +55, Fatigue Attac 100% __________ Yellow Teri Coo ing S ill: 71 HP+12 Ingredients: Yellowtail Effect: Defense +29, Magic +10 __________ Snapper Grill Coo ing S ill: 74 HP+16 Ingredients: Snapper Effect: Defense +39, Wind Attac __________ Tempura Coo ing S ill: 75 RP+99

RP+139 +10




Sale Price: 900G


Sale Price: 110G


Sale Price: 360G

Sale Price: 260G

Sale Price: 810G

Sale Price: 320G

Sale Price: 520G

Sale Price: 590G

Ingredients: Egg, Flour, Coo ing Oil, Shrimp Effect: Water Attac +15, Knoc -bac __________ Lamp Fry Coo ing S ill: 77 HP+15 Ingredients: Lamp Squid Effect: Attac +36, Magic +10 __________ Blowfish Fry RP+129

Coo ing S ill: 80 HP+19 RP+169 Sale Price: 670G Ingredients: Blowfish Effect: Defense +45, Paralysis Attac 100% __________ Veg. Stir-fry Coo ing S ill: 80 HP+100 RP+300 Sale Price: 1,110G Ingredients: Coo ing Oil, Cabbage, Bell Pepper Effect: Defense +50, Fire Resistance +10 __________ Fried Glitter Coo ing S ill: 83 HP+27 Ingredients: Glitter Snapper Effect: Defense +64, Wind Attac __________ Dried Squid

RP+251 +10

Coo ing S ill: 85 HP+250 RP+400 Sale Price: 1,610G Ingredients: Rice, Onion, Curry Powder, Carrot, Bell Pepper Effect: Max HP +80, Status Attac __________ Love Fry Coo ing S ill: 86 HP+17 Ingredients: Lover Snapper Effect: Defense +41, Wind Attac __________ Fried Autumn

RP+151 +10

Coo ing S ill: 89 HP+18 RP+161 Ingredients: Fall Fish Effect: Defense +44, Earth Attac +10 __________ Ham Omelet

Coo ing S ill: 90 HP+190 RP+325 Sale Price: 1,340G Ingredients: Egg, Rice, Coo ing Oil, Mil , Ketchup Effect: Max HP +60, Attac +35 __________ Curry Bread Coo ing S ill: 95 HP+65 RP+200 Sale Price: 550G Ingredients: Bread, Curry Powder, Coo ing Oil Effect: Max HP +40, Status Attac ____________ | |

Sale Price: 470G

Sale Price: 1,080G

Sale Price: 580G

Sale Price: 630G

| Laboratory | |____________|


The Laboratory is where you will ma e all of your pharmaceutical needs for life in trampoli. Here you can ma e health potions, poison antidotes, plant food, and even permanent stat boosters. Here is the list of all of the wonderful things you can mix in your laboratory __________ Neutralizer Lab S ill: 1 Sale Price: 40G Ingredients: Yellow Grass, orange Grass Effect: Removes patches of poison in dungeons __________ Para-gone Lab S ill: 5 Sale Price: 40G Ingredients: Blue Grass, Purple Grass Effect: Recovers from Paralysis and restores 10 HP __________ Antidote Herb Lab S ill: 10 Sale Price: 70G Ingredients: Neutralizer, Medicinal Herb Effect: Recovers from Poison and recovers 15 HP __________ Energy Drin Lab S ill: 15 Sale Price: 130G Ingredients: Para-gone, Antidote Herb Effect: Recovers 35 HP __________ Cold Medicine Lab S ill: 20 Sale Price: 40G Ingredients: Red Grass, Red Grass Effect: Recovers from Cold and Fatigue status and restores 10 HP __________ Formula A Lab S ill: 25 Sale Price: 480G Ingredients: Green Grass, Green Grass Effect: speeds up plant growth by 1 day __________ Energy Drin S

Lab S ill: 45

Sale Price: 1,000G

Lab S ill: 35 Sale Price: 310G Ingredients: Antidote Herb, Para-gone, Cold Medicine, Energy Drin Effect: Recovers any status ailment __________ Fire Element

Lab S ill: 30 Sale Price: 280G Ingredients: Energy Drin , Energy Drin Effect: Recovers 105 HP __________ Formuade

Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Ruby, Demon Blood Effect: Fire Affinity +1 __________ Water Element Lab s ill: 50 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Aquamarine, Fish Fossil Effect: Water Affinity +1 __________ Wind Element Lab s ill: 55 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Emerald, Fairy Dust Effect: Wind Affinity +1 __________ Earth Element Lab S ill: 60 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Magic Crystal, Little Crystal, Amethyst, Turtle Shell Effect: Earth Affinity +1 __________ Formula B Lab s ill: 65 Sale Price: 130G Ingredients: Formula A, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass Effect: Speeds up plant growth by 2 days __________ Energy Drin X

Lab S ill: 75 Sale Price: 480G Ingredients: Formula B, Blac Grass, White Grass, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom Effect: Speeds up plant growth by 3 days __________ Dex. Bottle Lab S ill: 80 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Little Crystal, Blac Grass, Fireflower, Glitter Snapper, Cherry, Tea Leaves Effect: Agility +1 permanently __________ Vit. Gummy Lab s ill: 85 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Little Crystal, Blac Grass, Green Crystal, Mil , Root, Garlic Effect: Stamina +1 permanently __________ Int. Vitamins Lab S ill: 90 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Little Crystal, Blac Grass, Blue Crystal, Tuna, Magic Crystal, Mushroom Effect: Intelligence +1 permanently __________

Lab S ill: 70 Sale Price: 590G Ingredients: Energy Drin S, Energy Drin Effect: Recovers 300 HP __________ Formula C

S, White Grass

Protein Lab S ill: 95 Sale Price: 1,000G Ingredients: Little Crystal, Blac Grass, Red Crystal, Sunsquid, Demon Blood, Spinach (gogo Popeye) Effect: Vitality +1 permanently __________ Greenifier Lab S ill: 99 Sale Price: 1,840G Ingredients: Formula C, Earth Crystal, Water Crystal, Fish Fossil, Fairy Dust, Demon Blood Effect: Ma es 1 crop grow 1 level higher than the seed it was planted from

___________ | | | Item List | |___________| -----------/ | \ Runeys -----------\ | /

The following section of the FAQ will cover everything you need to now about the Runeys that are so bountiful in and around Trampoli. Read on to find out more. _____________________________________ | | | What are Runeys? Why should I care? | |_____________________________________|


What are Runeys? Runeys are the embodiment of rune spirits that are so copious around the town. Runeys are also those little glowing orbs that can be seen floating around in each area of the town. Runeys are responsible for the speed with which your crops will grow both in the town's dungeons and in your field. Proper distribution of the Runeys from town can be either an extreme hindrance to your farming efforts or a very nice boost to yoru crop's growth. Having even one of the town's nine areas in a state of prosperity or nearing extinction can have a profound impact on the growth of your crops. Runeys come in four different varieties: Grass, Tree, Roc , and Water. Runeys follow a food chain for their reproduction. Water eats Roc , Roc eats Tree, and Tree eats Grass. Grass Runeys will remain steady on their own, except for being eaten by Tree Runeys. Water Runeys are not eaten by anything, and so require the most attention when controlling their population. ________________________________ | | | Harvester and Candy's services | |________________________________|


The Harvester is a tool that is new to Rune Factory Frontier. It's primary function is to collect Runeys that are near Raguna in order to enable you to either redistribute them to other areas or to ta e them to Candy to create Rune Wonders. Candy's ability to communicate with the spirits around her



enables her to do a number of things that no one else in town can. With a few Runeys in hand Candy can do anything from controllign the weather to ensuring that your field will have a few more bamboo shoots in it. When you tal to Candy you will get 5 options: "I came to tal ," "I brought some Runeys," "What's a Rune Wonder?," "Where can Runeys be found?," and "Never Mind." Obviously, "I came to tal " and "Never mind" are the options that do not involve her powers or ability to tal with the spirits, and the "What's a Rune Wonder?" option is an exlaination of what Candy does, leaving two options available to actually do something. The "Where can Runeys be found?" option will be discussed in the next section labeled "Distribution." The first time you select the "What's a Rune Wonder?" option Candy will also give you the Harvester for your own uses. That brings us to Candy's true services: creating Rune Wonders. Selecting the "I brought some Runeys" option will bring up a list of thnigs that Candy can do with Runeys that you have collected. Here is a list of all of the wonders that Candy can perform and how many Runeys are required to perform each: Create Rune Stones 10 of any 1 Runey type will allow Candy to create a Rune Stone, which can be used to open certain loc ed doors and for some Forging recipes. Fruit Day Ma es the fruit from the Trees of Plenty grow faster Requires: 3 Tree Runeys Wood Day Ma es more stic s and stumps appear in your field Requies: 6 Tree Runeys Mushroom Day Ma es more mushrooms appear in your field Requires: 3 Grass Runeys and 4 Roc Runeys Grass Day Ma es more colored grasses appear Requires: 6 Grass Runeys and 4 Roc Fish Day Ma es fish easier to catch Requires: 6 Water Runeys Sunny Wee Ma es the next wee highly li ely to be sunny Requires: 1 Grass Runey, 1 Tree Runey, and 1 Roc



Friendship Day Ma es monsters grow more affectionate towards you with your actions Requires: 2 Grass, 2 Tree, 2 Water, and 2 Roc Runeys ______________ | | | Distribution |

Rainy Wee Ma es the chance of rainy days go up for the next wee requires: 12 Water Runeys


|______________| Runey Distribution is the one thing that ta es a good amount of care during your time playing Rune Factory Frontier. Controlling Runey distribution is the most effective way to boost your crop growth, while neglecting Runeys will result in your crops slowing painfully slowlt and even withering entirely. Controlling Distribution is simple. All you have to do is use the Harvester to collect Runeys from areas where you need to and simply ta e them out of your inventory, where they will be placed upon collection, and release them into areas where you wish them to be. Or you can just decide to store them in the inventory until a later date. This may all seem well and good for now, but you may be wondering why we do all of this, and why we bother with these annoying little buggers. Read on to find out. ___________________________ | | | Prosperity and Extinction | |___________________________|

An area enters a state of prosperity when there are at least 35 of all four varieties of Runey in that area. Alternately, when there are less than 4 total Runeys in an area it enters a state nearing extinction and becomes extinct when there are no Runeys left alive in an area. The main issue with getting an area into a state of prosperity is eeping up with the Grass Runeys needed to maintain their numbers. The easiest way to produce enough Grass Runeys to eep up with the amount that are consumed you will need to create a Grass Factory. A Grass Factory is an area where you can manipulate the Runeys to gain a good number of Grass Runeys without worrying about them being consumed by the Tree Runeys in that same area. In order to do this, you will need to use either the Road to the Beach (Mist's Farm) or the South District. These are the best two areas to do this since these are the two areas of Trampoli that are Grassaffiliated. All of the areas in Trampoli, save for the Homestead, has an alignment for one of the four Runey types. The Church District and the Mountain Path are Tree-aligned, the Beach and La e Trampoli are both Wateraligned, the Business District and the Public Square are Roc -aligned, and the South District and Road to the Beach are Grass-aligned. When you have decided between either the South District or the Road to the Beach (I chose the Road to the Beach due to not requiring to go in and out of buildings to get to all of the parts of the area) go ahead and remove all of the Roc and Tree Runeys from that area. After that you will have to max out the Water Runeys of the area (ma e the total 60, don't worry, the game will not let you release more than the max amount of Runeys for an area) and ma e the total of Grass Runeys set at 10. That's it. Chec the next day and you should have between 44-45 Water Runeys and between 28-29 Grass Runeys. Water Runeys should be plentiful around town, since they do not get consumed by any other Runeys. So every day simply collect 18-19 Grass Runeys and add 15-16 Water Runeys in order to eep up on the Grass consumption in other areas. One quic side note on the Homestead. The Homestead has no affinity for any one type of Runey, and also the Runey food chain also does not apply here. All four types of Runey will grow in the omestead without decreasing the numbers of other types. Also, any square of 9 mature crops will produce 1 Grass Runey in the Homestead. Meaning if you have 4 3x3 squares of Tomatoes, every 4 days you will get 4 more Grass Runeys in the Homestead. Once you start getting more and more areas into prosperity those same tomatoes will be maturing every 3


days, or every 2 days, or even every day once you get enough prosperous areas. That means you are generating 4 new Grass Runeys every day from those 4 sets of Tomato plants. Bear that in mind as the Homestead can be another source of Grass Runeys other than your Grass Factory. Now, in order to get an area into a state of Prosperity all you have to do is ma e sure there are at least 35 of each Runey in that area. The best ratio to use when starting an area in Prosperity is to have 35 Water, 40 Roc , 40 Tree, and 45 Grass, since Water Runeys will never decrease, they get the lowest number of starting Runeys. Once the conditions for Prosperity have been met the number of Water, Roc , and Tree Runeys will increase drastically daily while the number of Grass Runeys will decrease by 2 in the same time frame. What you need to do is ta e those Grass Runeys that you are mass producing every day in your Grass Factory and store them until you get enough to start a prosperous area. When you get enough Grass Runeys stored up collect some Runeys from other areas so that you can reach that minimum of 35 of each type. Again, once you get an area with 35 of each type of Runey you have to maintain the Grass population in that area. The other 3 types will be up above 50 and approaching 60 within a few days, so long as you eep up on the population. Now, since you will have a population boom with your Water, Roc , and Tree Runeys you can eep pulling them out of your prosperous area to build up the population in another area while you gather Grass Runeys from your Grass Farm to get that number up as well. Using this method you will be able to create prosperous areas all around Trampoli one by one, and you should be able to get all 8 areas into prosperity (except for your Grass Farm) within one season. -------------/ | \ Monsters -------------Monsters play an important role throughout your time in Rune Factory Frontier. From hindering your path through a dungeon to wor ing on your farm for you to chasing mailmen around town, they are a constant in this game. This section will, ideally, explain all you need to now about the monsters that populate the dungeons and Whale Island and tell you what is needed to tame these monsters, befriend them, and put them to wor on your farm. We will start with the basics of the barn that Kross will build for you, along with expansions of said barn and how to populate it. ___________ | | | Your Barn | |___________| \ | / [MST]


The barn is not an initial part of the farm when you get it at the game's outset. You must go and have Kross build it for you. Kross can almost always be found on his farm in the South District, one area west of your farm. He is the sullen, introverted man with long hair who will constantly till his field during the day. He also doubles as the town's carpenter and is probable the most s illed and speediest carpenter in history. Anythign you commission Kross to do will be completed instantly, no waiting for days, not even an overnight building period. Instant gratification, just what every American wants. But I digress. To have Kross build a barn for you all you need to do is

gather 10 pieces of lumber (use your Cheap Axe to chup up 10 stic s in your field) and 1,000G, easily obtained from selling the Turnips that grow from the first bag of seeds that Mist gives you. Once you have the necessary materials go to see Kross and tell him you want to expand your house. Then choose "I want to build a barn" and POOF! there's your barn. Initially your barn will only consist of 2 rooms, the entryway and one large room beyond that is capable of holding up to 10 monsters that you have tamed during your travels. After your barn is constructed initially there will be 6 more rooms that you can add to it with 2 additions from Kross (each addition adds 2 rooms) meaning that with a fully expanded barn you can hold up to 70 tamed monsters. Good luc with that. The first expansion of the barn will require 300 Lumber and 18,000G and will add 2 new rooms onto your existing barn. The second expansion will require you to for up 800 Lumber and 50,000G for the last 4 rooms. Befriending monsters is a simple process that involves the Monster Glove, a brush that Kross will give you the first time you spea with him. The Glove does no damage and requires no RP to use, but while you are wearing the Glove you are vulnerable to monsters' attac s with no way to defend yourself or fight bac . You will have to use the Glove several times to befriend a monster and the tougher the monster is, the more time you will be required to use the Glove on it. You will now when you have successfully use the Glove on a monster when several hearts appear above the monster's head. The monsters that you choose to populate your barn can do any number of things from giving you mil , honey, and other items, to gathering wood for you, to watering your crops for you, to fighting by your side, and more. Read below for the complete bestiary, complete with what each monster will do for you once befriended. Some monsters, on the other hand, do not perform tas s for you, but will instead provide items for you, such as mil , eggs, seeds, etc. To collect these items from monsters the Harvester must be used on the correct monster. Once an item is collected there will be a few days before the Harvester can again be used on that same monster. ___________ | | | Beastiary | |__ ________|


The following list of monsters is going to be compiled by dungeon and area, rather than in alphabetical order. If you are loo ing for a monster that can do a certain tas for you, simply use the CTRL + F function of your web browser and search for the tas you see . All monsters listed here will be listed with their total HP, how many times the Glove must be used to tame them, the items they drop (including the level of the item and how often it drops), and the function that monster will perform for you. Some functions are operational (woodcutting, crop harvest, etc.), some are used as mounts, while others are item related. Any monster that performs an item related tas will be listed as having a Harvester Item rather than a performable tas .


Before getting to the list of monsters, I would li e to than all of his efforts in compiling the information used here.

Masterpingu1 for

Green Ruins Monsters: ===================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Ruins B1F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ant 41 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Insect Jaw, level 1, 20% Insect Hide, level 1, 20% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Chitter 29 HP, 4 Brish stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 1, 15% Monster Hide, level 1, 15% Sharp Talon, level 1, 10% Tas Performed: Collect Edible Plants __________ Spring 49 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Root, level 2, 20% Magic Powder, level 2, 20% Harvester Item: Seed bags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gren Ruins B2F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

106 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Mushroom, level 1, 20% Root, level 2, 10% Magic Powder, level 2, 10% Harvester Items: Colored Grasses, Jewels, Mushrooms __________ Hornet 96 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Toxin, level 2, 20% Insect Jaw, level 5, 10% Insect SKin, level 1, 10% Harvester Item: Honey __________ Slime 62 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Teardrop, level 2, 18% Toxin, level 2, 10% Scrap Iron, level 1, 6% White Grass, Blac Grass, Fire Crystal, Water Crystal, Wind Crystal, Earth Crystal, all level 1, all 1% Tas Performed: Roc Clearing __________ Spring

Big Muc

See Green Ruins B1F __________ Wooly 129 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Monster Hide, level 1, 20% Teardrop, level 2, 10% Hard Horn, level 1, 10% Harvester Item: Wool ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Green Ruins B3F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffamoo 174 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Monster Hide, level 1, 25% Hard Horn, level 2, 15% Harvester Item: Mil __________ Cluc y 116 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Sharp Talon, level 1, 20% Bird Feather, level 3, 20% Harvester Item: Egg __________ Hornet See Green Ruins B2F __________ Little Mage 101 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Cheap Cloth, level 6, 15% Hard Horn, level 2, 10% Thin Stic , level 7, 10% Fier Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Wood Cutting __________ Slime See Green Ruins B2F ==================== Lava Ruins Monsters: ==================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B1F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ant See Green Ruins B1F __________ Elefun

HP: 313, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Teardrop, level 6, 10% Sharp Fang, level 6, 10% Monster Hide, level 6, 15% Tas Performed: Water Crops, Mount __________ Ghost HP: 154, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Cheap Cloth, level 6, 10% Quality Cloth, level 1, 10% Thin Stic , level 7, 10% Knife Piece, level 8, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting __________ Killer Ant HP: 161, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Insect Jaw, level 5, 20% Insect Hide, level 8, 20% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Monster Box HP: 260, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 1, 67% Ruby, level 1, 6% Emerald, level 1, 6% Sapphire, level 1, 6% Amethyst, level 1, 6% Aquamarine, level 1, 6% Diamond, level 1, 3% Harvester Items: Ore, Jewels, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B2F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HP: 233, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Bird Feather, level 7, 20% Sharp Talon, level 4, 10% Teardrop, level 6, 10% Harvester Item: Egg __________ Furpy HP: 202, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 6, 15% Monster Hide, level 6, 15% Sharp Talon, level 4, 10% Tas Performed: Collect Edible Plants __________ Ignis HP: 249, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Magic Powder, level 6, 30% Fire Crystal, level 2, 5% Magic Crystal, level 3, 5%


Tas Performed: Wood Cutting __________ Mini Golem HP: 397, 5 Brush Stro es Drops: Iron, level 1, 15% Copper, level 1, 15% Scrap Iron, level 10, 15% Silver, level 1, 10% Earth Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Roc Clearing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B3F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hammer Troll HP: 365, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Cloth, level 1, 10% Hard Horn, level 2, 10% Warior Medal, level 5, 10% Bird Feather, level 7, 10% Tas Performed: Roc Clearing __________ Ignis See Lava Ruins B2F __________ Little Emperor HP: 231, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Cloth, level 10, 15% Hard Horn, level 2, 10% Thic Stic , level 10, 10% Earth Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Water Crops __________ Mini Golem See Lava Ruins B2F __________ Scorpion 186 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Toxin, level 2, 10% Solid Point, level 2, 10% Insect Hide, level 8, 10% Sharp Talon, level 4, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting __________ Summer 297 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Root, level 6, 20% Magic Powder, level 6, 20% Harvester Item: Seed bags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B4F:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffaloo 366 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Monster Hide, level 10, 25% Hard Horn, level 6, 15% Tas Performed: Mount __________ Fluffy 289 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Monster Hide, level 10, 20% Teardrop, level 6, 10% Hard Horn, level 6, 10% Harvester Item: Wool __________ Hammer Troll See Lava Ruins B3F __________ Minotaur 385 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Glittering Edge, level 1, 10% Thic Stic , level 1, 10% Warrior Medal, level 5, 10% Hard Horn, level 6, 10% Tas Performed: Wood Cutting __________ Monster Box See Lava Ruins, B1F __________ Summer See Lava Ruins B3F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B5F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dar Slime 344 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Teardrop, level 6, 18% Toxin, level 2, 10% Scrap Iron, level 1, 6% White Grass, Blac Grass, Fire Crystal, Water Crystal, Wind Crystal, Earth Crystal, all level 1, all 1% Tas Performed: Stone Clearing __________ Ignis See Lava Ruins B2F __________ Minotaur See Lava Ruins B4F __________

Monster Box See Lava Ruins B1F __________ Weagle 296 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Bird Feather, level 7, 25% Sharp Talon, level 4, 10% Wind Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Wood Cutting ==================== Snow Ruins Monsters: ==================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snow Ruins B1F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Autumn 393 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Root, level 10, 20% Magic Powder, level 10, 20% Harvester Item: Seed bags __________ Death Stal er 320 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Fair Hide, level 2, 10% Magic Talon, level 3, 10% Solid Point, level 6, 10% Toxin, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting __________ Glace 425 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Magic Powder, level 10, 30% Magic Crystal, level 3, 5% Water Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Water Crops __________ Hornet Queen 308 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Toxin, level 10, 20% Fair Hide, level 2, 10% Insect Haw, level 5, 10% Harvester Item: Honey __________ Shadow Panther 333 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Fair Hide, level 1, 10% Magic Talon, level 3, 10% Sharp Fang, level 6, 10% Sharp Talon, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snow Ruins B2F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daemon 481 HP, 8 Brush stro es Drops: Solid Point, level 6, 20% Demon Blood, level 5, 10% Hard Horn, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: none, is a fighting companion only __________ Death Stal er See Snow Ruins B1F __________ Glace See Snow Ruins B1F __________ Mamoo 733 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Fur, level 4, 15% Sharp Fang, level 10, 15% Teardrop, level 6, 10% Tas Performed: Water Crops, Mount __________ Shadow Panther See Snow Ruins B1F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snow Ruins B3F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daemon See Snow Ruins B2F __________ Mamoo See Snow Ruins B2F __________ Minotaur King 769 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Hard Horn, level 10, 10% Warrior Medal, level 10, 10% Thich Stic , level 10, 10% Glittering Edge, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Wood Cutting __________ Pec 497 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Un nown at this time. Any information on this would be helpful Harvester Item: Egg __________

Unico 441 HP, 9 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Fur, level 4, 10% Teardrop, level 6, 10% Bird Feather, level 7, 10% Hard Horn, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Mount ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B4F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blood Panther 461 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Magic Talon, level 3, 10% Fair Hide, level 7, 10% Sharp Fang, level 10, 10% Sharp Talon, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Buffazoo 702 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Fur, level 7, 25% Hard Horn, level 10, 15% Harvester Item: Mil __________ Hunter Wolf 555 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Monster Hide, level 3, 15% Sharp Fang, level 10, 15% Sharp Talon, level 7, 10% Tas Performed: Mount __________ Mini Dragon 761 HP, 8 Brush Stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 10, 20% Sharp Talon, level 10, 10% Magic Talon, level 10, 10% Monster Hide, level 10, 10% Wet Scale, level 10, 10% Harvester Items: Ore, Jewels, etc. __________ Minotaur King See Snow Ruins B3F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lava Ruins B5F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hunter Wolf See Snow Ruins B4F __________ Little Wizard

605 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Cloth, level 10, 15% Hard Horn, level 10, 15% Thic Stic , level 10, 10% Wind Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Water Crops __________ Soul 713 HP, 8 Brush stro es Drops: Magic Crystal, level 3, 5% Magic Powder, level 10, 30% Wind Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Wood Cutting __________ Minotaur King See Snow Ruins B3F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snow Ruind B6F: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arch Daemon 737 HP, 9 Brush stro es Drops: Solid Point, level 10, 20% Hard Horn, level 10, 10% Demon Blood, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: none, used only as a combat companion __________ Gobble Box 562 HP, 8 Brush stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 1, 45% Ruby, level 1, 10% Emerald, level 1, 10% Amethyst, level 1, 10% Sapphire, level 1, 10% Aquamarine, level 1, 10% Diamond, level 1, 5% Harvester Items: Ore, Jewels, etc. __________ Micro Dragon 437 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 10, 20% Sharp Talon, level 10, 10% Magic Talon, level 10, 10% Monster Hide, level 10, 10% Wet Scale, level 10, 10% Harvester Items: Ore, Jewels, etc. __________ Mini Dragon 761 HP, 8 Brush stro es Drops: Sharp Fang, level 10, 20% Sharp Talon, level 10, 10% Magic Talon, level 10, 10%

Monster Hide, level 10, 10% Wet Scale, level 10, 10% Harvester Items: Ore, Jewels, etc. __________ Soul See Snow Ruins B5F __________ Tric y Muc 793 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Mushroom, level 1, 20% Root, level 10, 10% Magic Powder, level 10, 10% Harvester Items: Ore, Jewels, Colored Grasses, etc. ====================== Whale Island Monsters: ====================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Cave Surface: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ant See Green Ruins B1F __________ Goblin 33 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Cheap Cloth, level 1, 15% Knife Piece, level 1, 15% Warrior Medal, level 1, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Cave Depths: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Orc 73 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Warrior Medal, level 1, 15% Thin Stic , level 1, 15% Cheap Cloth, level 1, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Orc Archer 97 HP, 4 Brush stro es Drops: Glue, level 1, 15% Solid Point, level 2, 15% Thin Stic , level 1, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Slime See Green Ruins B2F

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Fin: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffamoo See Green Ruins B3F __________ Silver Wolf 152 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Monster Hide, level 1, 10% Sharp Fang, level 1, 15% Sharp Talon, level 4, 15% Tas Performed: Mount __________ Wooly See Green Ruins B2F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Flan : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hobgoblin 241 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Cheap Cloth, level 6, 15% Knife Piece, level 8, 15% Warrior Medal, level 5, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Mini Golem See Lava Ruins B2F __________ Scorpion See Lava Ruins, B3F __________ S y Fish 249 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Wet Scale, level 4, 15% Fish Fossil, level 1, 10% Sharp Fang, level 1, 10% Water Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Water Crops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Tail Tree: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beetle 321 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Hard Horn, level 6, 20% Insect Jaw, level 5, 10% Insect Hide, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Roc Clearing

__________ Fairy 288 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Magic Powder, level 6, 15% Cheap Cloth, level 10, 15% Fairy Dust, level 1, 10% Tas Performed: Collect Colored Grasses, Mushrooms, Herbs, etc. __________ Mantict 297 HP, 5 Brush stro es Drops: Insect Jaw, level 5, 15% Insect Hide, level 10, 15% Glittering Edge, level 1, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Drain: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fairy See Whale Island - Tail Tree __________ Sealy 393 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Wet Scale, level 7, 15% Sharp Fang, level 6, 10% Fish Fossil, level 10, 10% Water Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Crop Watering __________ Tortas 442 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Teardrop, level 6, 15% Sharp Fang, level 6, 10% Turtle Shell, level 10, 10% Water Crystal, level 5, 5% __________ Unico See Snow Ruins B3F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Tower of Birth: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Faust 404 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Cloth, level 5, 10% Cheap Cloth, level 10, 10% Thic Stic , level 5, 10% Glittering Edge, level 5, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting __________ Necro

365 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Cloth, level 5, 10% Cheap Cloth, level 10, 10% Thic Stic , level 5, 10% Knife Piece, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Floating Chamber: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blac bird 555 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Bird Feather, level 10, 25% Sharp Talon, level 10, 10% Wind Crystal, level 1, 5% Tas Performed: Wood Cutting __________ Buffazoo See Snow Ruins B4F __________ Faust See Whale Island - Tower of Birth __________ Gobble Box See Snow Ruins B6F __________ High Orc Archer no data gathered on this monster yet, contact me with any relevent information __________ Minotaur King See Snow Ruins B3F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Tower of Glory/Tower of Glory Garden: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blood Panther See Snow Ruins B6F __________ Hardes 512 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Magic Powder, level 10, 15% Cheap Cloth, level 10, 15% Fairy Dust, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Collect Edible Plants, Herbs, Mushrooms, etc. __________ Hunter Wolf See Snow Ruins B4F __________

Mini Dragon See Snow Ruins B4F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Tower of Life/Tower of Life Garden: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gigantes 770 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Quality Cloth, level 10, 10% Warrior Medal, level 10, 10% Bird Feather, level 10, 10% Hard Horn, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Roc Clearing __________ Little Emperor See Lava Ruins B3F __________ Little Wizard See Snow Ruins B5F __________ Minotaur King See Snow Ruins B3F ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Tower of Rebirth/Tower of Rebirth Garden: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hardes See Whale Island - Tower of Glory __________ High Orc 553 HP, 6 Brush stro es Drops: Warrior Medal, level 10, 15% Thic Stic , level 10, 15% Cheap Cloth, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Crop Harvest __________ Little Emperor see Lava Ruins B3F __________ Little Mage See Green Ruins B3F __________ Little Wizard See Snow Ruins B5F __________ Tric y Muc See Snwo Ruins B6F

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whale Island - Tower of Plenty/Tower of Plenty Garden: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heracles 737 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Hard Horn, level 10, 20% Insect Jaw, level 10, 10% Insect Hide, level 10, 5% Fair Hide, level 10, 5% Tas Performed: Roc Clearing __________ Samurai 745 HP, 7 Brush stro es Drops: Insect Jaw, level 10, 15% Fair Hide, level 10, 15% Glittering Edge, level 10, 10% Tas Performed: Grass Cutting __________ Gobble Box See Snow Ruins B6F _____________________________ | | | Monster Friendship and Wor | |_____________________________| As previously mentioned, the monsters that you tame for your barn and farm can be made to perform certain jobs for you. Those jobs are: Water your Crops Harvest Wild Plants on your farm Harvest Crops Roc Removal Wood Cutting Water your Crops Mowing your grown Fodder Mount Collect Items Listed next to each monster above is the tas they will perform for you. If no tas is desingated, then that monster will only be a fighting companion for you when you go out into dungeons. The amount of wor that your monsters do for you depends entirely upon how much they happen to li e you. Your monsters, just li e the villagers around town, have an FP bar. Getting a monster to 1 FP is simple, as it will only ta e a couple days after its capture, but getting any higher than that gets tric y. The easiest and most reliable way to raise a monster's friendship is to use the Pet Glove on it every day (a a Brush it). This will slowly but surely raise your monsters' FP, and with that rise, the quality of their wor . Also, bringing your monsters to different parts of town will also raise their FP. Bringing any monster to the Public Square will get you a message saying that

"Monster XX is very happy" meaning that you just earned yourself an FP boost. Bringing your monsters into a dungeon is another nice way to get a smaller boost to their FP. Lastly, ensure that you have enough Feed for your monsters, because simply feeding them every day will also help to raise their FP ever so slightly. As your monsters' FP rises, so too does their wor quality. For instance, the monsters that water your farm will start out only watering a small portion of it, but that area will increase steadily as their FP increases. Once that monster reaches 10 FP it will be watering your entire field, leaving you to do your own thing and not have to worry about your crops dying. This also applies to how much grass gets cut down, how much wood gets cut, how many roc s get busted, and how many plants get harvested. For anyoen who remembers the great Harvest Moon: Bac to nature for the PlayStation, this heralds bac to the wor that you could ma e the Harvest Sprites do on your farm for you. Concerning monsters that produce items (mil , honey, eggs, seeds, random items) their FP will directly effect the quality of the product they give you. A Buffamoo that has 7 FP will give you level 7 Mil every 3 days. A level 4 Hornet will give you level 4 Honey every 3 days. As for monsters that give seeds and random items, the number of items they give you depends on their FP. A Tric y Muc with 6 FP will give you 6 items every 3 days. For anyone who fails at seeing paterns, monsters that give you items can be retrieved every 3 days by using the Harvester on them. As for monsters that can act as Mounts (Silver Wolves, Hunter Wolves, Elefun, etc.) you can ride them once you ta e them out of your barn and they will allow you to move faster throughout the town and within dungeons. These monsters are excellent for running past groups of enemies if you are just trying to get down to the next level of a dungeon without worrying about the enemies that tend to get in the way. You can also fight while riding these monsters, but test the attac s out first so that you can adjust your timing for their ability delays. Any damage that you sustain while riding a monster is tranferred to the monster itself, leaving you healthy and untouched. It is usually more effective to get off of your monster if you are planning to fight, however, as they will continue to fight by your side while you are free to fight with weapons you are more familiar with. If your monster sustains damage, simply drin an Energy Drin of some sort and the health that is restored to you is also restored to your companion monster. _______________ | | | Wor Schedule | |_______________|


All of the monsters who do wor for you on your farm follow the same schedule, and only one monster can perform a tas at a time. This means that only 1 monster can gather wood, only 1 monster can water crops, only 1 monster can brea roc s, etc. With that in mind, the course of the day will proceed as follows, with the appropriate monster rushing out of your barn at the appropriate time to perform the tas you have assigned it. 7am: Gather Edible Plants, including colored grasses, herbs, and mushrooms 11am: Harvest Crops 3pm: Water Crops

7pm: Chop Wood and Gather Lumber 10pm: Clear Roc s 1am: Cut full-grown grass for Feed

Fishing is something that has always been a part of the Harvest Moon games as a way to ma e a little extra money aside from your crops, which were meant as your main source of income. The same is probabl true for Rune Factory Frontier, but there are several areas in the game that are fairly easily found and can ma e fishing the most profitable method of earning money in the game. Below will be a list of the fish that can be caught in each area where fishing is possible, that is, anywhere where there is even the smallest bit of water. These areas include: the river on the Homestead, the La e, the Ocean, the pond next to Mist's house, the Public Square, and Business District, and several pools of water in dungeons. I will not go very in depth here about where to catch which fish, since most of the fish caught in the game will be useless, except for s illing up your coo ing s ill, which is just as easily done through other venues. The only three places I will go in depth for are listed below, and are at the bottom of the three seasonal dungeons. If you really feel the need to fish all over town, go right ahead, but I will warn you now, there is not much worth it in most fishing areas. _________________ | | | Dungeon Fishing | |_________________|

Fishing in dungeon areas is actually the most profitable thing you can do with your fishing rod. For the most part, fishing in the ponds that are conveniently placed for you to refill your watering can through the levels of each dungeon will be no better than anywhere else outside. However, if you go to the very bottom of each dungeon, to the level where the lair's boss lur s (Green Ruins B4F, Lava Ruins B6F, Snow Ruins B7F) there will be pools of water there which will contain the rarest and most expensive collection of fish in the game. This, of course, will ta e some time and effort on your part to ma e yourself a high enough in level and tough enough to get to these deep sections, especially in the Snow Ruins. To reach the bottom of the Snow Ruins you will need to be at least level 60 with a Shine Blade (S ill level 61 Forging) and some hefty armor. The reward is well worth it, however, as you can easily ma e more than 40,000G in a single day down there. Also, in order to ma e this easier, you will have to be willing to fight the boss at least once in order to earn the shortcut orb. The shortcut orb is something that will appear at the entrance to every dungeon ocne you have at least attempted to defeat the boss of said dungeon. This orb, which will be dar green and hard to miss, will ta e you directly to the door outside the boss's chamber and conveniently next to the water in which you are loo ing to fish in.

------------/ | \ Fishing ------------\ | / [FSH]


Because the fish caught in other areas of the dungeon will be the equivalent of anything caught outside, I will only list the fish that can be caught in the ponds at the bottom of each dungeon. The water near the boss on Whale Island is, however, no different from any other dungeon fishign spots, so this will only include the bottom floors of the Green, Lava, and Snow Ruins. ============ Green Ruins: ============ Dye Trout Sale Price: 135-378G __________ Taimen Sale Price: 140-392G __________ Lamp Squid Sale Price: 400-1120G __________ Lover Snapper Sale Price: 450-1000G =========== Lava Ruins: =========== Dye Trout Sale Price: 135-378G __________ Taimen Sale Price: 140-392G __________ Lobster Sale Price: 300-840G __________ Lamp Squid Sale Price: 200-1120G __________ Fall Fish Sale Price: 550G-1540G =========== Snow Ruins: =========== Dye Trout Sale Price: 135-378G __________ Taimen

Sale Price: 140-392G __________ Shrimp Sale Price: 100-280G __________ Lamp Squid Sale Price: 200-1120G __________ Sunsquid Sale Price: 750G-2100G __________ Fall Fish Sale Price: 550-1540G __________ Glitter Snapper Sale Price: 1000-2800G ------------------/ | \ Miscellaneous ------------------This section contains all of the information that I wanted to ensure wound up in this FAQ, but could not find a section to fit it into. Simply put, all the following information has in common is that it has nothing in common. _____________ | | | Income Tips | |_____________| 1) Befriend the right monsters. This can be a deal brea er in Rune Factory. If you befriend the correct set of monsters you can essentially create a farm that wor s itself, freeing you to pursue whatever endeavors you deem worthy, whether it be wooing the girl of your dreams, fishing the day away, creating new and more powerful weapons and armor, or defeating the dangerous monsters who threaten your town. Grab yourself a monster that can water crops, gather crops, cut grass, chop wood, and clear roc s and all you have to do is till the land and plant the seeds, then let the mosnters do the rest. 2) Use fishing to supplement your income. Fishing is a great way to earn money in Rune Factory. It is an even better way to add on to the income you are generating on your farm. The easiest way to do this is to complete all of your wor on your farm first and then use the rest of your RP (and HP if you so wish) fishing in a profitable spot (dungeon bottoms). 3) Renewable crops are your friend. Crops that grow bac after the initial harvest are the most profitable in \ | / [MIS]


almost all situations, especially once you start getting areas into prosperity with Runey control. The best example of this is the difference between Turnips and Cucumbers in Spring. Turnips are dirt cheap, 10G per bag, while Cucumbers are fairly costly at 680G per bag. Turnips grow in 4 days, the shortest of any crop in the game, while Cucumbers grow in 10 days with a 6 day regrowth period. With areas in prosperity the Cucumbers will grow faster and faster, yet the Turnips will remain on the same 4 day growth and replant cycle. With 8 areas in prosperity those Cucumbers will mature in 4 days, just as fast as Turnips, and will regrow every day, while you are waiting 4 days for moe Turnips. Get the picture? _______________ | | | Gameplay Tips | |_______________|


1) Evasive manouevres are better than defense, but don't s imp on the armor. As always, not getting hit at all is preferrable to getting hit for little damage, but soemtimes, even the best of us get hit by something. Always eep up on your Crafts s ill and have the best accessories available for you to ma e so that those times when you just can't avoid the damage are not as bad as they could be, particularly against hardhitting monsters li e Trolls and Minotaurs. 2) Play to the wea nesses of your enemies. When deciding which armor and weapons to use for a particular tas , eep in mind the strengths and wea nesses of the monsters you will be facing. The boss of the Green Ruins is Wind-affiliated, so any Earth-based weapons and Wind-resistant armor is going to be preferred. Almost all of the mosnters in the Lava Ruins are fire based, so brign fire-resistant accessories and water-based weapons. The monsters of the Snow Ruins are almost exclusively water aligned, so bring fire-based weaponry and water-resistant gear with you there. Whale Island contains a wide variety of enemies, so just load up on the defense there, or find equipment that will defend against all four elements simultaneously so as to prevent filling up your inventory with situational gear. 3) If you find a Little Crystal, don't you dare sell it! Little Crystals are required for all of the final tool upgrades and for all of the most powerful weapon recipes, so collect those little green stones every time you find one. Store them somewhere safe. 4) Don't upgrade your tools if you can't afford the RP consumption. Too often I have found people upgrade their Watering Can or their Sic le only to find that it is now burning through their RP too fast for them to complete their daily wor load. If you are going to upgrade your tools, ma e sure you have the s ill required or enough RP replenishing items to ma e up for the extra RP required to use the more powerful tools. _____________________________ | | | My RP Replenishing Strategy | |_____________________________|


Here I will outline the strategy I use to ensure that I have multiple RP replenishing items on me at all times. This will require a small amount of

effort as it does require you to get to the bottom of the Green Ruins, but if you now your way there, it should not ta e very long at all. This all begins when Cinnamon moves into town, which can be as early as Spring 7th. Once she is in town, tal with her while she is fishing (Mondays and Wednesdays 12-6 at the Homestead, Tuesdays 9-6 at La e Poli, and Fridays 12-6 at the beach) and she will give you the Cheap Rod. You will also need to buy the Handy Kitchen from Lute the Peddler on a Holiday. Once you have the Cheap Rod and Kitchen ma e your way the Green Ruins (B4F) and fish in the small pond that sure to open up the shortcut to the east of the pond, enable the shortcut orb for easy return to this spot. you have no RP left and until you have very little HP

While fishing here you will be catching mostly Dye Trout and Taimen, with the occasional Lamp Squid and Lover Snapper thrown in there. The Taimen, Lamp Squid and Lover Snappers are all going to be pure profit for a while, so go ahead and sell those. The Dye Trout, however, are going to be ta en to your itchen and turned into Sashimi. Dye Sashimi is a level 15 recipe and so it can be made even at level 1 Coo ing. Even level 1 Dye Sashimi will replenish over 100 RP, and most of the Dye Trout you will catch will be between levels 1 and 3, and those levels will only increase as you upgrade your Rod. I have a healthy supply of level 7 Dye Sashimi currently and that replenishes over 200 RP at a gulp, which is just under half of the RP bar. With the amount of Dye Trout you are fishing up you can ma e the Sashimi, eat the Sashimi, and have more RP to ma e more Sashimi and eep fishing for mroe Dye Trout to ma e even more Sashimi. On top of being an almost endless supply of RP, this is also an excellent way to get your Coo ing s ill up fairly quic ly and ma e a healthy chun of cash on the side. ------------/ | \ Credits ------------I would li e to than Tagg for his wor compiling the entire schedule for every character in town and to Masterpingu1 for his wor compiling all of the information presented in the Beastiary section of this FAQ. --------------/ | \ Copyright --------------This FAQ is entirely the wor of myself and cannot be used or published without my expressed consent. At the time of its creation this FAQ is only for use on the web sites GameFAQs/GameSpot and MyWii.com.au until noted otherwise. \ | / [CPY] \ | / [CRD]

------------/ | \ Contact ------------\ | / [CTC]

down to the bottom of is located there. Be or fight the boss to At this pond fish until left if you so desire.

If you have any questions of comments about this FAQ, or have any information that I missed or would li e to see included, go ahead and send me an email at holyplan ton@yahoo.com I am usually quite prompt about responding to FAQ-related business, so drop me a line anytime. Criticism is appreciated if there is something that you feel I could have done better, just please do not be an asshat about it. Than you, and good gaming!

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