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Sri K.Suresh Babu Assistant professor of JNTU KARE_SURESH@JNTUH.AC.IN AbdolMajid Shahgholi M.Tech , JNTU Shahgholi_a@hotmail.com HamidReza Barzegar M.Tech, JNTU hr.barzegar@yahoo.com

School of Information Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

ABSTRACT- Cybercrime is a criminal activity which has been done by using computers and the Internet. This includes anything from downloading illegal music files to stealing millions of dollars from online bank accounts. Cybercrime also includes nonmonetary offenses, such as creating and distributing viruses on other computers or posting confidential business information on the Internet. Some argue that there is no agreed-upon definition for cybercrime because cyberspace is just a new specific instrument used to help commit crimes that are not new at all. Prior to the turn of the millennium large scale cybercrime centered on or around oneman operated criminals exploiting the weaknesses in the computer operating system or computer network. In most cases these crimes were committed by computer nerds who felt challenged to prove that they could beat the system once we had all got over the fact that there was no millennium bug after all (probably the biggest cybercrime hoax of all time), cyber criminal had organized and focused their attention elsewhere. Yet, the geek element of hacking still existed - as still does today - but now hardened criminal gangs had worked out that the Internet was a safe domain, with much less risk, with which to operate and generate large profits. Social media experienced explosive growth in 2009. Facebook alone tripled its active user base to 350 million over the course of the year. Social media

adoption is expected to continue growing into 2010, especially as more organizations realize the value of social networks as an absolute business requirement. Cybercrime is rapidly spreading on Facebook as fraudsters prey on users who think the world's top social networking site is a safe haven on the Internet. Cybercrime is becoming more organized and established as a transnational business. High technology online skills are now available for rent to a variety of customers, possibly including nation states, or individuals and groups that could secretly represent terrorist group. This paper presents the concept of cybercrime and its impacts on different vulnerable domains as well as social groups, social Medias and financial systems in different regions and at the end, there are some countermeasures on these criminal activities as a general result.

1. Introduction
What is cybercrime? When did it all start? Who is involved? Why do they do it? Too many people are still in the dark about the nature and even existence of cybercrime. As this is a relatively new and rapidly progressing trend, society and the law have yet to catch up. It is essential, therefore, to have an idea about the who, what and why of cybercrime before getting into the depths and details of the how.

While many of the most widely publicized stories involve large well known institutions and governments, the fact is that the people most likely to fall victim to cybercrime are normal everyday working people like you and me. Cyber ethics and cyber laws are also being formulated to stop cyber crimes. It is a responsibility of every individual to follow cyber ethics and cyber laws so that the increasing cyber crimes shall reduce. Security softwares like anti viruses and anti spy wares should be installed on all computers, in order to remain secure from cyber crimes. Internet Service Providers should also provide high level of security at their servers in order to keep their clients secure from all types of viruses and malicious programs.

When did this new and insidious variety of crime actually come into being? One may say that the concept of the computer came with the invention of the first abacus, hence it can be said that cybercrime per se has been around ever since people used calculating machines for wrong purposes. However, cybercrime has shown itself as a serious threat to society for less than a decade. Before we plunge into the world of cybercrime, it is necessary to have some basic understanding of how the cyber world evolved. The Internet was born in the year 1990 when the ARPANet officially split into two separate networks to further facilitate usage and prevent military secrets from being tapped into easily. They were the Milnet (for military use) and the NSFNet (for commercial use). The NSFNet was named after the National Science Foundation which was in charge of the Internet backbone. The backbone speed was upgraded again to 44.736Mbps (T-3 speed) and by 1992, there were as many as 1 million Internet users. Today, there are about 605.60 million Internet users in the world. There are two main categories of cyber crime. The first type targets computer devices or computer networks directly. The second type targets independent computer devices or computer networks, but are facilitated by computer devices or computer networks. Some examples of the first type include denial-of-service attacks, malware, and computer viruses. Examples of the second type include cyber stalking, phishing scams, identity theft and fraud, and information warfare. Spam is a crime in which bulk email is sent out unsolicited for commercial purposes. Laws prohibiting spam have been in place in some form for quite some time, but specific laws making spam illegal (anti-spam laws) are quite new.

Research Methodology
As cyber crime continues to change and new types of threats emerge, research focuses on developing a critical understanding of different types of attacks and how they can best be managed and eliminated. The research methodology we will use is the applied research as this is a practical problem that is directly affecting the individuals and organizations, from the above information we have good idea of the cyber crime, and its effects so practical approach will help us in establishing the exact and the required data about the research, it is so important that we bear in mind that the research methodology should be very easy to approach practically and it should give us the exact feedback about what we need making the research to complicated will end up as a disaster. The objectives of the research have to be concluded before the research begins to ensure that they are descriptive which illustrates the problem in a very clear and bisected way, and explanatory which will make us understand the problem, causes of the problem and the relationship between the problem and causes. The approach we are going to take is a structured and qualitative approaches we are determined about the objectives, design, sample and questions. we take into consideration of opinions from the internet users on an online survey, we gather and scrutinize information from the articles and we approach officials and the business clients of eretailing who are frequent victims of the cyber space criminality.

The purpose of the research is to find the ways of how cyber crime is advancing, its effect on people may be as individual, group or organization and on the society, the research would include all the different approaches that use to hackers to commit crimes, the research will identify the adverse effects of the cyber crimes, the approach of the people towards these crimes, the affect of the cyber crimes on e-retailing, publishing obscure material on internet like pornography, the effect on the business of organizations, risks of national security in concern with the breach of information security laws. This research will establish a statistic approach report of different areas of cyber crime, and will analyze the problems in the approach towards cyber crime, the ways to effectively eradicate cyber crimes, after reading the report one will the most common safety precautions to get rid of cyber crimes and the most common crimes that are prevailing in the world, the percentage of people who had to face different consequences when they were victims of cyber crime.

2.1Pre-2000cybercrime prior to the turn of the millennium large scale cybercrime centered on or around one-man operated criminals exploiting the weaknesses in the computer operating system or computer network. In most cases these crimes were committed by computer nerds who felt challenged to prove that they could beat the system. We coined the term hacker for just such a nerd, but rarely was there a financial gain element to the criminal behavior. While a great deal of financial damage could actually result, not to mention the potential for the security risks that resulted, this oneman band criminal lacked the motive and intent of traditional criminal gangs. In short, cybercrime was infantile and largely seen as a practical joke or game by those who committed it. Criminal defense tactics at this time was also largely based on the fact that no real intentional damage was done and, in a large number of cases, the penalty for the crime was showing how the computer system had been hacked by the hacker. 2.2 Post-2000 cybercrime

2. Cybercrime in General
Although you may get general consensus among criminal defense lawyers that cybercrime has been the most recent radical change in criminal behavior, it is unlikely you'll receive the same consensus when it came to defining what cybercrime actually was. Nevertheless, broad consensus would most probably agree that cybercrime is a term of language used to describe "criminal activity that utilizes an element of a computer or computer network". Thus, essentially there are two separate and distinct elements to cybercrime. On the one hand you have an element of exploiting weaknesses in the computer operating system or computer network. On the other hand you have an element of exploiting social fabric of a computer network, whereby a criminal makes use of the computer network to infiltrate the trust of other users of that computer network for profit or gain. Although these different elements of what constitute cybercrime may not seem overly important, they do have an impact when you look at the evolution and development of cybercrime.

once we had all got over the fact that there was no millennium bug after all (probably the biggest cybercrime hoax of all time), cyber criminal had organized and focused their attention elsewhere. Yes, the geek element of hacking still existed - as still does today - but now hardened criminal gangs had worked out that the Internet was a safe domain, with much less risk, with which to operate and generate largeprofits. In short, criminal gangs had introduced a professional element into the world of cybercrime. No longer were we looking at geeky exploitation of weaknesses in computer operating/networking systems, things had now developed to criminal gangs making use of computer networks to infiltrate and take advantage of the trust of other users of that computer network for huge financial gain.[1][2][3]

3. Cyber security and Cybercrime

Cyber security plays an important role in the ongoing development of information technology, as well as Internet services. Enhancing cyber security and protecting critical information infrastructures are

essential to each nation's security and economic wellbeing. Making the Internet safer (and protecting Internet users) has become integral to the development of new services as well as governmental policy. Deterring cybercrime is an integral component of a national cyber security and critical information infrastructure protection strategy. In particular, this includes the adoption of appropriate legislation against the misuse of ICTs for criminal or other purposes and activities intended to affect the integrity of national critical infrastructures. At the national level, this is a shared responsibility requiring coordinated action related to the prevention, preparation, response, and recovery from incidents on the part of government authorities, the private sector and citizens. At the regional and international level, this entails cooperation and coordination with relevant partners. The formulation and implementation of a national framework and strategy for cyber security thus requires a comprehensive approach.[7][6]

4. How are criminals committing the crimes?

Wireless networking technology poses the biggest problem, as an unsecured network can be hacked from someone outside using a simple radio antenna, PDA or cell phone. Password Crackers (Software designed to decrypt passwords, so they can gain access). Network Scanning software that looks for open ports to gain access to a network (software or hardware based). Illegitimate Websites (fake URLs), to lure you into giving information over the web or even hack an un-patched (updated) system. SPAM (used to get email lists to possibly cause more damage 4.1 What are general reasons, for hacking, by cybercriminals? Gathering Trophies (quest to become famous), General Mischief, Financial Gain, Revenge, Protest, Criminal activity, Identity Theft, Forging Documents and Message. 4.2Top 10 Cyber Security Threats of 2011 and Beyond

1. Attacks via USB: As USB drives become cheaper and information is distributed on them at trade shows and other venues, the possibility of Trojans and other malware increases. 2. Large-scale targeted botnet attacks: Expect to see more sophisticated targeted peer-to-peer-based botnets (along the lines of "Storm") that will be completely distributed with no standard command-and-control traffic. 3. Ddos attacks: Whether disrupting services or crashing services by flooding servers, DDoS attacks spurred by political activism or for disruption and destruction of critical infrastructures will continue to rise. 4. Increased attacks on and via social networks: Social network users can expect more threats to travel virally, .infecting everyone on a user's friends list. Future viruses will likely be designed to steal or delete users' personal information, which can be sold in numerous black markets and used to acquire credit card and bank information. [4] 5.Click jacking and cross-site scripting: Related to No. 4 on the list, click jacking and cross-site scripting are used to trick users into revealing confidential information, or taking control of a user's computer while they click on seemingly innocuous Web pages. Expect to see an increase of this malicious behavior over the next few years. 6. Phishing attacks from `trusted` third party: These phishing attacks originated over the past several years and will continue, especially with the increased use of smart phones for mobile e-mail. The most common attacks come in the form of e-mails from recognizable companies, banks or organizations that tempt the reader to open a link. 7. Online fraud and money mules: The dramatic rise in phishing and identity theft attacks includes a well-organized offline component the not-so-innocent "money mules" recruited by fraudsters to launder stolen money across the globe. These are active attempts to enlist people to transfer illegal funds from credit card thieves. The number of money mule sites is increasing exponentially each year. 8. Cloud computing concerns: The incredible cost savings and flexibility cloud computing affords also opens up a superhighway for cybercrime. As cloud use increases, so, too, will the number of opportunities for data infection or theft. 9. Data exfiltration and insider threats: No. 9 on the list is a bit tricky, as technology alone will not solve it. Unfortunately, untrustworthy people will always find a way to anonymously leak private (government, enterprise,

etc.) information; hence, this trend will grow. Criminal elements or nations will try to entice employees to exfiltrate data and compromise company and government assets..10. Attacks on mobile device and wireless network: Wireless communication has been a hallmark of the past decade, and there's no indication that it will slow. While computer networks remain the traditional targets for cyber attacks, increasingly powerful computers and smart phones with wireless connections are likely to result in unprecedented opportunities for cyber criminals as well. Mobile computing devices contain the same vulnerabilities as laptops and desktops, but they are also susceptible to DDoS attacks specifically designed for wireless devices. New custom financial applications like digital wallets and pocket ATMs are also particularly attractive to hackers. Moreover, wireless networks themselves put entire companies at risk, especially as the mobile workforce does not have the benefit of the secured corporate LAN.[12][6]

1.Coders/programmers, who write the exploits and malware used by the criminal enterprise. Contrary to popular belief, Chabinsky noted that coders who knowingly take part in a criminal enterprise are not protected by the First Amendment. 2. Distributors, who trade and sell stolen data and act as vouchers for the goods provided by other specialists. 3. Tech experts, who maintain the criminal enterprise's IT infrastructure, including servers, encryption technologies, databases, and the like.4. Hackers, who search for and exploit applications, systems and network vulnerabilities,. 5. Fraudsters, who create and deploy various social engineering schemes, such as phishing and spam.6. Hosted systems providers, who offer safe hosting of illicit content servers and sites. 7. Cashiers, who control drop accounts and provide names and accounts to other criminals for a fee. 8. Money mules, who complete wire transfers between bank accounts. The money mules may use student and work visas to travel to the U.S. to open bank accounts. 9. Tellers, who are charged with transferring and laundering illicitly gained proceeds through digital currency services and different world currencies.10. Organization Leaders, often "people persons" without technical skills. The leaders assemble the team and choose the targets. [5]

5. Top ten cyber crime skills in high demand.

"The cyber underground now consist of subject matter experts that can focus all their time and energy on improving their techniques, their goods and services," said Chabinsky.

6. Cybercrime effects
bullied, tells his sons story and the pain he has to live with for the rest of his life.[10]

Complainant Demographic by Age

6.2 Cyber crime against woman in India Cyber crime is a global phenomenon. With the advent of technology, cyber crime and victimization of women are on the high and it poses as a major threat to the security of a person as a whole. Even though India is one of the very few countries to enact IT Act 2000 to combat cyber crimes, issues regarding women still remain untouched in this Act. The said Act has termed certain offences as hacking, publishing of obscene materials in the net, tampering the data as punishable offences. But the grave threat to the security of women in general is not covered fully by this Act 6.2.1 Types of cyber crime that are committed against women: Amongst the various cyber crimes committed against individuals and society at large the crimes which can be mentioned as specially targeting women are as follows: Harassment via e-mail, cyber stalking, cyber pornography, defamation, morphing, e-mail spoofing I. Harassment through e-mails is not a new concept. It is very similar to harassing through letters. Harassment includes blackmailing, threatening, bullying, and even cheating via email. E-harassments are similar to the letter harassment but creates problem quite often when posted from fake ids. II. Cyber stalking is one of the most talked about net crimes in the modern world. The Oxford dictionary

6.1Effects of cyber crime Cyber Fear In Teenager These days a worst fear in teenagers eyes is Cyber Bullying. It is become common over past five years ,generally from the age below eighteen are more susceptible and feared from Cyber Bullying as pen inspection . It is becoming an alarming trend in our society. As per inspection of data, the worst fear of cyber crime is on teenagers female. Cyber Bullying is a fear when person receives threats, negative comments or negative pictures or comments from other person. This is all done through core technologies described above mainly via online. Cyber Bulling can be done through chatting , instant messaging etc. where website like Face book , Orkut , Twitter user are more affected from Cyber Bullying . In my analysis generally feared person can reach a limit of depression , humiliation and threatens. Through this analysis we come to analyze that if person Bulled online he or she may be depressed up to the level of self harming.. Cyber bullying is a fast growing trend that experts believe is more harmful than typical schoolyard bullying. Nearly all of us can be contacted 24/7 via the internet or our mobile phones. Victims can be reached anytime and anyplace. For many children, home is no longer a refuge from the bullies. Children can escape threats and abuse in the classroom, only to find text messages and emails from the same tormentors when they arrive home. Please watch as a father of a young man who committed suicide after being cyber

defines stalking as "pursuing stealthily". Cyber stalking involves following a person's movements across the Internet by posting messages (sometimes threatening) on the bulletin boards frequented by the victim, entering the chat-rooms frequented by the victim, constantly bombarding the victim with emails etc. Cyber Stalking usually occurs with women, who are stalked by men, or children who are stalked by adult predators or pedophiles. Typically, the cyber stalker's victim is new on the web, and inexperienced with the rules of netiquette & Internet safety. Their main targets are the mostly females, children, emotionally weak or unstable, etc. It is believed that Over 75% of the victims are female. The motives behind cyber stalking have been divided in to four reasons, namely, for sexual harassment, for obsession for love, for revenge and hate and for ego and power trips. Cyber stalkers target and harass their victims via websites, chat rooms, discussion forums, open publishing websites (e.g. blogs and Indy media) and email. The availability of free email and website space, as well as the anonymity provided by these chat rooms and forums, has contributed to the increase of cyber stalking as a form of harassment. III. Cyber pornography is the other threat to the female netizens. This would include pornographic websites; pornographic magazines produced using computers (to publish and print the material) and the Internet (to download and transmit pornographic pictures, photos, writings etc).Internet has provided a medium for the facilitation of crimes like pornography. Cyber porn as it is popularly called is widespread. Almost 50% of the web sites exhibit pornographic material on the Internet today. Pornographic materials can be reproduced more quickly and cheaply on new media like hard disks, floppy discs and CD-ROMs. The new technology is not merely an extension of the existing forms like text, photographs and images. Apart from still pictures and images, full motion video clips and complete movies are also available. Another great disadvantage with a media like this is its easy availability and accessibility to children who can now log on to pornographic web-sites from their own houses in relative anonymity and the social and legal deterrents associated with physically purchasing an adult magazine from the stand are no longer present. Furthermore, there are more serious offences which have universal disapproval like child pornography

and far easier for offenders to hide and propagate through the medium of the internet. IV. Cyber defamation: Cyber tort including libel and defamation is another common crime against women in the net. This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers and / or the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory information to all of that person's friends V. Morphing: Morphing is editing the original picture by unauthorized user or fake identity. It was identified that females pictures are downloaded by fake users and again re-posted/uploaded on different websites by creating fake profiles after editing it. This amounts to violation of I.T. Act, 2000 and attracts sec. 43 & 66 of the said Act. The violator can also be booked under IPC also. The Times of India reported that in October, a Delhi-based beautician told the police that her photograph was flashed on a porno portal along with her mobile number. VI. Email spoofing: A spoofed e-mail may be said to be one, which misrepresents its origin. It shows its origin to be different from which actually it originates. A review in the CyberlawTimes.com shows that India has crossed the danger mark in cyber crime targeting women and children. 6.3 Cybercrime is rapidly spreading on Facebook as fraudsters prey on users who think the world's top social networking site is a safe haven on the Internet.[4] A virus took control of her laptop and started sending pornographic photos to colleagues. Cybercrime, which costs U.S. companies and individuals billions of dollars a year, is spreading fast on Facebook because such scams target and exploit those naive to the dark side of social networking, security experts say. While News Corp's (NWSA.O) MySpace was the most-popular hangout for cyber criminals two years ago, experts say hackers are now entrenched on Facebook, whose membership has soared from 120 million in December to more than 200 million today. "Facebook is the social network du jour. Attackers go where the people go. Always," said Mary Landesman, a senior researcher at Web security company ScanSafe. Scammers break into

accounts posing as friends of users, sending spam that directs them to websites that steal personal information and spread viruses. Hackers tend to take control of infected PCs for identity theft, spamming and other mischief. When criminal activity is detected on one account, the site quickly looks for similar patterns in others and either deletes bad emails or resets passwords to compromised accounts. Facebook is hiring a fraud investigator and a fraud analyst, according to the careers section of its website. 6.4 Cyber crime versus India As someone rightly said that bytes are replacing bullets in the crime world. The growth of cyber crime in India, as all over the world, is on the rise and to curb its scope and complexity is the pertinent need today. Cyber space offers a plethora of opportunities for cyber criminals either to cause harm to innocent people, or to make a fast buck at the expense of unsuspecting citizens. Indias profile and wealth have risen enormously in the world due to the constructive use of information technology. At the same time, India ranks fifth in the world for cyber crime, according to a report last year by the U.S.-based Internet Crime Complaint Center, a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National White Collar Crime Center. Even under the IT Act, investigations in India are not easy. This is mainly due to the lack of what is called cyber forensics. We know that forensic evidence is important in normal criminal investigations. But the collection and presentation of electronic evidence to prove cyber crimes have posed a challenge to investigation and prosecution agencies and the judiciary. To sum up, India needs a good combination of laws and technology, in harmony with the laws of other countries and keeping in mind common security standards. In the era of e-governance and ecommerce, a lack of common security standards can create havoc for global trade as well as military matters. [10]

7. Countermeasures Security



With various types of malware and other harmful, unwanted programs out on the internet, it is important to have forms of different countermeasures available. Since many applications on the internet typically require the use of a password to match an account, whether it be an e-mail account, online banking account, or Face book or Twitter account, an important thing for users to do is create a strong password. According to the Microsoft Windows website, a strong password consist of: Is at least eight characters long, does not contain your user name, real name, or company name, does not contain a complete word, is significantly different from previous passwords. (Microsoft Windows) A strong password should also have at least one uppercase letter, one lower case letter, a number, and should also include symbols on the keyboard (such as ! @ # $ % ^ &). A good idea for creating a strong password is to personally relate it to a hobby you have. For example: ILoveToPlayBasketball!246. Spaces may 22also be use in creating a strong password as well. One countermeasure that can be used to increase internet security is the use of an effective firewall. A firewall is defined as a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two networks. The actual means by which this is accomplished varies widely, but in principle, the firewall can be thought of as a pair of mechanisms: one which exists to block traffic, and the other which exists to permit traffic. Some firewalls place a greater emphasis on blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. Probably the most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy.

Another important countermeasure that should be used by all internet users in order to provide more security, is an effective anti-virus program. In general, anti-virus programs employ many different types of methods in order to detect viruses. Some of them include: signature based detection, heuristic based detection, and also a file emulation technique. Signature based detection is the most common method. To identify viruses and other malware, antivirus software compares the contents of a file to a dictionary of virus signatures. Because viruses can embed themselves in existing files, the entire file is searched, not just as a whole, but also in pieces. Usually, antivirus software heavily relied upon signatures to identify malware. This can be very effective, but cannot defend against malware unless samples have already been obtained and signatures created. Because of this, signature-based approaches are not effective against new, unknown viruses. Because new viruses are being created each day, the signature-based detection approach requires frequent updates of the virus signature dictionary. VPNs can also be implemented to provide more an additional measure of security. A virtual private network (VPN) is a computer network that is layered on top of an underlying computer network. The private nature of a VPN means that the data travelling over the VPN is not generally visible to, or is encapsulated from, the underlying network traffic. Similarly, the traffic within the VPN appears to the underlying 26 network as just another traffic stream to be passed. A VPN connection can be envisioned as a "pipe within a pipe", with the outer pipe being the underlying network connection. Secure VPNs use cryptographic tunneling protocols to provide the intended confidentiality (blocking intercept and thus packet sniffing), sender authentication (blocking identity spoofing), and message integrity (blocking message alteration) to achieve privacy. In conclusion, anyone who uses the Internet, either on a daily basis, or only occasionally, must become more educated and more aware of cybercrimes, and look up the pertinent information on their countermeasures since personal information should be kept private and secure.[11]

7.1 Prevention is the best cure Whilst even the biggest and most sophisticated technology companies in the world still fall victim to cybercrime there is still a lot that we can do to prevent it happening on a personal level. Always make sure that you factor in the cost of antivirus software when buying a new PC. The few dollars spent protecting yourself now will save you a lot of time and money in the future. Norton and McAfee are the biggest providers of online security. Keep it updated Never give out your personal information to anyone online. If an email claiming to be from your bank arrives in your inbox do not reply to the email. Phone your bank directly to ask what they want. Your bank should never need you to verify your private information this way. Keep you passwords complicated and even think about changing them on a regular basis. Dont give out too much personal information on your social networking sites. Protect your children by installing antivirus software parental controls.[12]

It can be seen that the threat of computer crime is not as big as the authority claim. This means that the method s that they introducing to combat it represents an unwarranted attack on human rights and is not proportionate to the threat posed by cyber-criminals. Part of the problem is that there are no reliable statistics on the problem; this means that it is hard to justify the increased powers that the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act has given to the authorities. These powers will also be ineffective in dealing with the problem of computer. The international treaties being drawn up to deal with it are so vague that they are bound to be ineffective in dealing with the problem. It will also mean the civil liberties will be unjustly affected by the terms of the treaties since they could, conceivably, imply that everybody who owns a computer fitted with a modem could be suspected of being a hacker. The attempts to outlaw the possession of hacking software could harm people who trying to make the internet more secure as they will not be able to test their systems; therefore the legislation could do more harm than good. Capacity of human mind is unfathomable. It is not possible to eliminate cyber crime from the cyber space. It is quite possible to check them. History is the witness that no legislation has succeeded in totally eliminating crime from the globe. The only possible step is to make people aware of their rights and duties (to report crime as collective duty towards the society) and further making the application of the laws more stringent to check crime. Undoubtedly the Act is a historical step in the cyber world. Further I

all together do not deny that there is a need to bring changes in the Information Technology Act to make it more effective to combat cyber crime. I would conclude with a word of caution for the prolegislation school that it should be kept in mind that the provisions of the cyber law are not made so stringent that it may retard the growth of the industry and prove to be counter-productive.

9. References
1. K.Jaishankar; Cyber Criminology; CRC PRESS; 2011; . 2. Allison Gavanagh; Sociology in the age of internet; open university press; 2007;.. 3. Nir kshetri; The Global Cyber Crime Industry; Spinger; 2010; 4. Carl timm & Rechard perez; Seven Deadliest Social Network Attacks; syngress; 2010; . 5. Jeffrey lan Ross; Cybercrime; chealse house; 2010; . 6. Susan W.Brenner; Criminal threat from cyber space; Green wood; 2010; . 7. Christian w.probst ; Insider threats in cyber security; springer; 2010; . 8. Anthony reyes; cyber crime and digital forensics;syngress; 2007; . 9. Michael Cross; sense of the cyber crime; syngress;2008; . 10. IC3; Top 10 Countries by Count; Individual Complainants (Numbered by Rank); http://www.ic3.gov/media/annualreport/2010_ic3report.pdf ; 2010; 11. Mac marketing chart; top ten http://www.marketingcharts.com/ ; 2010; . internet crime;

12. Charles P.Pfleeger; analyzing computer security; paul boger;2011; .

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